Download - ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

Page 1: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.



t tttrtuutc of Appttttutf onis presented to

Lindawati Doloksaribu

for active contribution as

Oral Presenterin The Third lnternational Seminar on Animal lndustry

Bogor, September 17-18, 2015

,/\/ \ ,.' 1 ''-!i)rt'*)*-


Prof. Dr. lr. Luki Abdullah, M.Sc.Agr.Dean of Faculty of Animal Science

ds###lnternational Serninar on Animal lndurtry 2{115

Page 2: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.
Page 3: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.


Conference ProgramThursday, September 17, Z0l5

08.00-09.00 Registration Committee09.00-09.05 Opening Ceremony l\{aster of Cereniony09.05-09. i5 Report from Organizing Committee Dr. Ir. Asnath M.Fuah, MS

09.15-09.25Welcome Address from Dean Faculty ofAnimal Science Prof. Dr. Ir. Luki Abdullah, M.Sc.Agr.

09.25-09.3 5WelcomeAddress from Rector of BogorAgricultural University Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, N,[.Sc

09.35-10.00Opening and Keynote Speech by Ministry ofAgriculture / Directorate General of Livestockand Health Services

Frof. Dr. Ir. Muladno, MSA

i0.00-10.05Appreciation for Keynote Speakers from DeanFaculfy of Animal Science

Prof. Dr. Ir. Luki Abdullah, M.Sc.Agr.

i0.05- 10.20Sponsorship Appreciation from Chairman ofOrganizing Committee Dr. ir. Asnaih M.Fuah, MS.

10.20- 10.2 5 Photo session Photographer10.25- 10.40 Coffee break

Plennary Session 1

Moderator: Prof Dr h Komang G. Wiryawan

10.4C- 11.00 Invited speaker IFrof. Dr. Ir. Bas. KempPre s erv ing Health, \&'elfare and Prodr,rctivityin a Challenging Environment

1t .00- 1 1.20 Invited speaker 2flr. Jean Fierre RidanelCenomic Selection for More SustainableLivestock Production

11.20- 1 1 .,10 Invited speaker 3

Ir. Yunus Triyonggo, MMBuilding Human Resources CompetencyModel in Poultry lndustry

11.40- 12.00 Discussion

12,00-12.05Invited Speaker Appreciation from ScientificCommittee Prof. Dr. lr. Dewi Apri Astuti, MS.

12.05-12.15Sponsorship Appreciation from Vice DeanFaculty of Animal Science

Dr. Ir. Moh. Yamin, M.Agr.Sc.

12.15-12.25 Student Plenarlr

12.25-1-?.2A Lunch

13.20- 13.50

Proceeding af the 3"tlnternational Seminar onAnimal Industry, Bogor, t7-t8 September 2015 | vii

Poster session

Page 4: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

Session L tr{oderalor: Dr. Rajesh Jha Moder,.tlor : ilmni Nooylas.kiwalt

r4.00-14. i0Thongsuk JetanaRaiu Tree Fod in l,ivestock Feeds:

Opportrurity, Challenges and Possibility

Yeni \ilidiawatiFerrnentation Kinetics Of Palm Oil PlantationBy-Product Based Diet


Supriyati KompiangEffect of Different Protein and Energy Levetrs

in Concentrate Diets on Performances ofAnglo-Nubian Goat During Pregnancy and

Lactalion Periods

Ainissya FitriUtiiization Of Hayiage Of LocaiAgro-Industry By product Pretreated With AfexMethod

t 4.20- 14.30

RusdiEvaluation of Elsutherine (ilieuther in e

americana) as Feed Additive for Poultry

H. A. SukriaPhysical Quality And Storage Time PelletIndigofera Spleaves

u3a-ru.40 Discnssion Iliscr.rssion

Session 2 Moderator :Thongsak Jetana Moderator : Inasrcq kfartaguri

1,i.45- i 4.5.!Lltsav Prakash TiwariNuirient Profile And [n Vitro Digestihiiir]- OtFresh And Ensiled Cassat a In Srt ine

Moh Ali I{amdanPotential Of Dwarf Elephant Grass(Pennisetum Purpureum Schum. Cv. Mott) InDry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability


Alif PutriEflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl

and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs. VisceraiOrgans anel Carcass Broiler

Rido Pande PardedeDevelopment Of Indigofera ZoolingerianaAnd Pueraria Javanica On Dry LandIntegrated With Teak Forest In Bojonegoro

I 5.05".15.I 5

llurhanudin SurcluThe ef fuct of NaOFI Concentrations atcliroiy'saccharides Ertract olPalur Kemel Mealon Perfc-rmance ol4 Weeks Old-BroilerChickens

Malcky TellengGrowth and Productivity of DifferentSorghum Varieties Cultivated with Indigoferain lntercropping System

15 .15- t,5 .25 Discussion Discussion

i.5.25- L-5.40 Coil'ee'bieak

Session 3 Moderator :,4nis Maktiani Moderstor : Lisa 7l Pralturani

15.40- 15.50

Muhamad Nasir RofiqCombination Effect of Nutritech FeedAdditive Coritainirg Saponin, Janin and

Eugenol Essentiai oils on In Vivo RumenMetirans Froduction in Dairy Caitle UsingOpen Circuit Respiration Chamber T'echnique

Imana MartaguriCarbon Storage Capacity of Forage NativeGrasses Growing in Palm Plantation atTransforfiIation Forest Ecosvstem in Jarnbi

i 5.50- I 6.00

fhi,i YuiistianiNitrogen Utilizatian and RuminalIreritentation of I-ive Breed of Sheep FedC oncentrate C ontainin g D ifl'erent l" evels o1'

Rtrmen I rndegradable Protein

I Gusti Ngurah JelantikHerbage Production and Nutritive Valueof Some Forage Legumes as Calf FeedSupplement

16.00- 16.10

Sutresn ilvatiA Willingness to Pay Evaluation for SilageImplernenht.ion fc;r Small Dairy Farmers

Riesi SriagtulaEyaluation of Growth and Production ofSorghum Lines (Sorghum Brown Midrib) at

Different of Harvest Tirne as Feed

15. i0-16.20 Discussion Discussion

Session 4 Maderator : Rusdi Moderutor: Veyoruica


Anita S. TjakradidjajaFermentabiliff and Digestibilitl' of RiceStraw - Concentrate Base R.ation Added withProbiotic

Nur Rochmah KumalasariModelling of Forage Avaiiability Response toLanduse Exchange in Bogor

viii Proceeding of tlw 3'd lnternational Seminar onAnimal Industry, Bogot", l7-lI Septenhe:r 2015

Page 5: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

GustiA. GultomEffects of Solid or Liquid ProbioticSupplementation on Rumen MicrobialPopulation and Enzyme Activify

16.3 5- 16.45

Khalitrl'he Diversity and Quaiiry of F'orages Usedfor Feeding of Goat in Payakumbuh of WestSumatra

Eissa M. MEffect OfAmmoniated Straw On MethaneProduction In An In Vitro System And OnGrowth Performance

16.45-16.55The Addition of Arbuscular mycorrhizal Fiingiin Enhancing Productivity and DroughtIoierance N4echanisms of lndigofera

16.55- 17.05

Moderutor : Iis Arifiuntini

14.00- 14.10FuahA.MBeef Cattle Production, Constraints and Opporhmities for Small Farmers in South Central TimorRegency West Timor

14.10-14.20Sharin tem at Cattle Farms in Indonesia

14.20-14.30Niken UlupiProduction Performance of L,aying Hen in Cage System with Different Housing Tr

t4.30-14.40Evaluation of Good Dairy Farming Practice Implementation in Dairy Goat Farm


fuIoderator : Prof. Cece Sumarutri

14.5 5- 15.05

Lindawati DoloksaribuConstraints to, Chailenges of, and Opportunities for Rearing Goats in Bali Province. A casestudy: Rearing Kids in Karangasem Regency

15.05- i 5. 15Hearty Salatnaya

igona Spppropolis, Pollen, And Production In Two Different A

15.15-15.25Dishibution of Thermal Body Surface Ettawah Grade in Different Tropic Microclimates

15 .25- 1 5.3 5Bram Brahmantivo

and Hytra Rabbits Perf'ormance were Raised in Indonesia

1 5.3 5- I -s.45 Discussion

15..15-16.00 Coffee break

Welcoming dinner. Venue llCC Batrlroorn

18 20- 19.00 Registration and Dinner (Instrument from Gentra

19.00- 19.05 Master of Ceremony

19.05-19.15 from Chairman of Committee

19.15-19.25 from Dean ofAnimal Science Facu

19.25-20.40 Gentra Kaheman

Prol Si

20.20-21.20 ity frorn


Proceeding ofthe j'd International Seminar onAnimal Industry, Bogor, t7-18 September 2015 | ix



Session i


Session 2



Page 6: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

F riday, September 18, 2015

8.00-8.-r0 R.,;gistration Committee

8.30-8.3 5 Opening Ceremr:rny Master of Ceremony

Flerurary Session 2

Moderslor: Dr. Jean Pierre Bidanel

8.35-8.5.5 Inviled speaker I

Prof. Wayne PitchfordOutcomes of Seiection for Residual Feed Intakein Aushalian Beef Cattle

8.55-9. 1 5 invited speaker 2Prof. Myunggi BaikMolecular Mechanisms Regulating BeefQuality in Korean Cattle

f . i5-9"35 Invited speaker 3Prof. I Wayan Teguh W.Vaccination and Subclinical Manifestasion ofAvian Influenza in Indonesia

9.35"9.50 Iliscirssion

i).50- 10.00 Appreciatiou to Invite{"1 Speaker Prof. LuhiAbduliah

10.00-i0.10 L-olTe* llreakPlennary Session 3

tr[oderator: Prafi YVayne Pitchfard

10.10-10.30 Invited speaker 1

Dn Kai J. KuehlmannThe Role of Feed Additive in Animal Industryunder Tropical Condition

10.30-10.50 Invited speaker 2Dr. Anjas Asmara SamsudinRecentAdvances in Gut Microbiology Researchin Relation to Animal Nutrition

10"50-11.10 invited speaker 3Prof. Bustanul ArifinSocial Economic and Policy inAnimal Industry

11.10-11.25 )iscussion

11.25-i1.30 Appreciation for Invited lipeaker Frof. Dr. k Sumiati, M.Sc.

11.30- 13.20 l.,rmcli anC Frayer

13.20-13.50 Foster session

Moderutor : Dr. Irmu isnafia Arif


SumiatiEffect of drinking gambir extrast (Uncariagambir Roxb) as Antioxidant on Ferforrnanceof 4A-43 Weeks Oldof LayingHens

RudiAfnanWeight Loss And Mortality Of Broiler DuringTransportation From Different Distances ToSlaughterhouse

Muktiani, dI-ive Weiglit Gain of Reef Cattle Fed onComplete Fecd Silage of Water Hyac.inthSuplemented rvith Mineral Zinc-Protrrinate

14.00- 14. i0HajrawatiMeat Quality Of Marica Goat (Capra Hircus)Meat Fed Different Protein Level


Futri O. N'i'he Efi'ect of Adding Fermented Waste

Cabbage in Calf Starter Pellets on Tbtal l-acticAcirl Bacteria And Escherichia coii

SuharyantoSkim Milk Powder Substitution'J/ith SoymilkPowder Could Improve Physical Properties OfBeef SurimiBased Sausage


Atfodara.tar : Salina,4 fr


Ninasari FLa

Subtitution of Fish Meal b1, {-rickert orIndigofera Shoot t,eaf Mcal on Japanese Quail(Crrturnix j apcinica) Perfbnna,n ce

Lilis SuryaningsihEffects Of Local Flour Types On PhysicalProperties And Acceptability Of Beef Sausage

x Proceedin.g of th.e 3'd [n.rernational Seminar onAni.ntal Industty. Bogoa ]7-l8,Septembcr.2l)i)'

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Tresia G.EBenefrt of Kemuning l-eaves Meal (Murrayapaniculata ft J Juck) Addition in RationContaining Date Fruit Waste to SuppressGastrointestinal Parasites Infestation of PEGoat

Soenarno MsCharacteristic Of Lactic Acid Bacteria IsolatedFrom Dangke From Sinjai, South Sulawesi

I 4.55- 1 5.1 0

Sri SuhartiRumen N{icrobe, Protein Microbial Synthesis,Celullase Activity and Nutrient Digestibilityof tsali Caftle Rumen with the Addition ofCalcium Soap-Soybean Oii In vitro

M. Aman lamanIncrease on Commercial Weight, Carcass

Quality and Ecomrrnic tsenefit of SelectedLocal N1eat Chicken Fed on Fernrented DietContained Digesti ve [:)nzryrnes an d Prob jotics

15.10-i5.1_s Discussion Discussion

15.15- 15.30 Coffee breakSession 7 X'Ioderolor : Dr. Linduwati Doloksaribu Moderslor : Dr",Astrttth Mryia l;ual,

15.30- i,5.40

G. E BiraIncremental Level Of Chromolaena Odorata InComplete Diet Dnes Not Impair Intake, RumenFermentation And Microbial Protein SynthesisEfficiency In Cattle

Salina A.BAn Anaiysis Of Cattle Traders Practices OnAnimal Traceability In Malaysia

i5"40- 15.50

Arini NMJSubtitution Of Fish Meal By Cricket OrIndigoferasp Shoot Leaf Meal To EvaluateProtein Balance Of Japanese Quail (CotumixJaponica)

Hotnida C H SiregarEffect Of Moisture Reduction Method, StoragePeriodAnd Temperature On Honey Quality

15.50- 16.00

Mokhamael Facsal R. F{akimFeeding Ecology of Surnatran Orangutan(Pongo atrelii, Lesson 1827) in West BatangToru Forest Block. North Sumatra

Iman IlahayuBiodiversity Based On Fattv Arid And Amin<rAcid Profile Of lndonesian Local Clhickens

16.00- 16.10 Discussicn Disctission

Session 8k{*derator :

Mc klr{tntod I'aes{tl Rakhman Khakimn,Ioderalor : Dr. Eurhunuditt Surtdu

16.15- 16.25

D. LatipudinLevel Of lV{alor:dialclehyde (Mda), Uric AcidAnd Lymphocyte: Neutrphyi Ratio Of LayingHen In The Different 'I'emperature HumidityIndex (Thi)

I M. A. SudarmaWeight I-oss Of Inter-Island Transported Ca11le

From Kupang Is Reduced By Feeding HighProteilr-l\lineral Mix Block During euarantineAnd Sea Transportation


Windi AlZahraThe Using Of lhermograph As Non-InvasiveMethod To Observe Subclinical Mastitis InTropicai Dairy Cattle

Ummi Noorhakimah AbdullahCattle Impcrtation And The Tiend Of FrndOccurrence In Peninsular Malavsia Ijrom2000-2010


A. SudarmanPhysiologrcal Responses And Blood ProfilesOf Sheep Fed Cassava Leaves Sllage (MonihotEsculenta Sp.) Rearecl liaditionally In petirViilage

Moh YaminHarmony Between Livestock Behaviors: BirthTime and Sites Selection Behaviors in Sheepand Goats

16.45-n.A0 Discussion

Erika B LaconiStrategy of Beef Cattle Development Basedon Agricuitural Product in Kuningan District,West Java

1 7.00- 17. I 0 Discussion

Proceedittg ofthe 3"t International Seminar onAnimal Industry, Bogoa 17-lg September 2015 xi

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Session 5 Mo derator : Anneke Anggraeni

13.50-14.00Surya Nur RahmatullahPhenorypic Variation In lv1ale Local Clhicken At'Iapin Re._eency Ljsir:g Si*nificant Anall,sis

14.00- 14. 1 0

Parsaoran SilalahiEflects Ol Selection On '[he Efficiency And Variahiiity Of Sow Reproriuction Ancl MaternalAhrilities

14..I0-14.20Okfora Dwi PutrantiEflect Of Caffeine On Morfblogy Of Epididl,mis Sperrnatozoa Of Bali Brrli

14.20- 14.30 I)iscussron

Season 5 Morleratw : Ir Anita S.T. MRwr.Sr


Lisa FraharaniComparisson of Anglo Nubian X Etawah Grade Goats And Saanen X Etawah Grade Goats ForSome Reproductive Traits

14.45-i5.00Maria Haryulin AstutiService Per Conception In Beef Cattle With Artifieial trnsemination In Kapuas Basarang Districtof Central Kalimantan

i5"00-15"10Anneke AnggraeniAssociation Of Hormone (GhlMspi) And Gnowth l{ormone Releasing Flormone (Ghrh

ll{aeiii) Genes With Milk Components Of Hf Cows Under Small Farmers {n Lembaxg, West Java

15.10-i5.20 fliscussion

1 5.20- 1 .5.3 0 Coflfe* irrcak

Seasr;n 7 fr,foderrNsr : l")r" Epi Tawrfrk

15"30-15.40R.Iis ArifiantiniHypoosrnotic Test In Rabbit Spermatozoa

15.40- 15.50Nalley WmrnEffect Of Freezing On Bovine Sperrn Morphology

15.50-16.00T\rty LY.usufDetermination of Soy Exhact Concentration In liis Bufler of Frisian Holstein Chilled Sernen

16.00-16.10 Lliscussion

Season 8 lVloderator : Surya Nur Rahmaluilah

t6.15-16.25S. RusdianaEstimated Value of Live Buffalo Prices In The Economic Analysis Of The Income of Farners trn

The Village

15.25-16.3sAslina AsnawiFinancing Preferences For Cattle Farmers In Bone Regency South Sulawesi

t 6.35- i 6.45Sumarti TWomen, Gender Equaiity ln Livestock Development: Case Study From Papua and Central Java

i6.45- 16.55 Discussion

Ciosing , Venue IICC Ballroom

7.10- 1 .15 Openidg

1 .15- 7.25 f}e Best Presenter (Ora1 and Poster) Announcement

1.25- 1.35 Presence ofPresents

/.-)-)- 1A< Speech from Representative invited Speaker: Profl. [hyne Pitchf'ord

7 .55 Speech lrorn Representativc Invited Speakcr: 1'hongsuk Jetana

8.05 Closing Speech fiom Dean of Anirnal Science lraculqv

rii Proceeding o-f rhe 3'r Ini.ernational Seminor on Anintal Induslry., Bogor l7-lB Septentber 2Al5

Page 9: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.


List of Bditors

Foreword from Chairperson of Organizing Committee

Remarks I'rom Dean of Animal Science Facultv

Seminar Program

List of Contents

Invited Speaker

Preserving Health, Welfare and Productivity in a Challenging Environment. ,8. Kemp

Genomic Selection for More Sustainable Livestock Production: The French Sitttation. Jesn-Pierre Bidanel, D. Boichard, D. Milan

Outcomes of Selection fbr Residual Feed Intake in Auskalian Beef Cattle. W S. Pitchford I 1

Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Beef Quality in Korean Cattle. t{. Baik 16

Vaccination arrd Subclinical Ma:rifestation ofAvian Influenza in Indonesia . L W. T. Wihawan 18

The Role of FeedAdditives in TropicalAnimal Farming Industry with Emphasis on Organic 22Acids. Kai-J. Kilhlmann

Recent Advances in Gut Microbiology Research in Relation to Animal Nutrition. l.Sam,sudin

Theme A. Animal Production, Technology, and Industry

Beef Cattle Production System, Constraints and Opporlunities for Small Farmers in Southcentral Timor Regency, west Timor. A. M. Fuah, M. Baihaqi, R. Priyanto, L. Abdullah &M. Ismail

The Performance of Peranakan Ongole (PO) cattle and Their Crossbreeds in Growing andFattening Periods. R. Priyanto, Jakaria, S. Natasasmita, M. Ismail, L N. Apriliyani & W.

P. Santi

Production Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens on Cage System with DifferentHousing Temperature. N. Utrpi, R. Afnan & T. Setiaytati

Evaluation of Good Dairy Farming Practice Implementation In Dairy Goat Farm. L. Cyrilla,A. Atabany, D. A. Astuti, B. P. Puruanto & A. Sulcrnm.uati

Performance of Chiken Broiler Using Water Hyacinthasa Substitute for Some Rations.I ft.A{. Keintjem, M. iVajoan& E 1\r. Sompie

Chemical and Physical Properties of Rex and Satin Rabbits Meat. B. Brahntantiyo & H.h-uraini

Propolis, Pollen, and F{oney Production on Two Different Agroecosystem . H. Salatnaya, A.M. Fuah, W D. W'idado

Distribution of Thermal Body Surface Ettawah Grade in Different Tropic Microclimates. S.Prabowo, A. Atabany, A. Yani & T. Supriatna

Development Strategies of Community Dairy Farms in Karo Regency, North Sumatera. 11

Simamora, A. M. Fuah, A. Atabarry & Burhanuddin

The Effect of Cage Floor \*pes on Growth Performance and Behaviour of Local Rabbit. MBaihaqi, M. Yamin, ll M. S. L. Gaol & M" Priwahyuningsih

Hycole and Hyla Rabbits Performance were Raised in Indonesia. B. Brahmantiyo, y. CRaharjo & L. H. Prasetyo




















Proceeding of the 3'd International Seminar onAnimal Industry, Bogor, 17-18 September 2015 ) xiii

Page 10: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

Constraints to, Challenges of, and Opportunities for Rearing Goats in Bali Province. A 80

Case Study: Rearing Kids in Karangasem Regency. L. Dololcsaribu, B" P. Mclacklan, R S.

Copland & P. J. MwrraY

Daily Activities and Propolis Produetion af Trigona Bee l(eeping in Three Nest Types. M 84

Mulxinin, Erwan& D. Kisworo

Harrnony between Livestock Behaviors: Birth Time and Sites Selection Behaviors in Sheep 88

and Goats. Mohamad Yamin, Graevne Payne & Jwdith Blackshow

Theme B. Feed TechnologY

Ferurentatiol Kinetics of Pakn Oil Plantation by-Product Based Diet. I Widiawati, lv[. 95

Winwgroho, Jufar S. & Sri &{.

potential of Papaya {Carica Papaya I.} Leaf Flour in Animal Feed to Increase the &hight 99

and Decrease the Ammonia on Broiler Excreta. A. Rahmawati, M. -Hidaningrwm, A"


Utilization of Haylage of l-ocal Agrc-Industrial Eyproduct Fre'lreated with Afex Method. l. 103

Fitri, W Kurniswon, N. Ilirtayah, A. Safrtri& A. -faltarlsgarg

PhysicalQualityandStorageTimePetrlet.Iridigoferaspleaves. H.A. Sulrria,U. L Sholi?tah' 106


Identifisation of Substrates of The Yeast Ubiquitin Ligase Rsp5 Under High-Temperature 109

Stress Conditions. L Wiiayanti&. H. Takagl'1

Feeding Wafer For Sheep. Y Retnani, K. B. Santosa, N. A. Pramesti, N. N. Khasanah 113

Theme C" Forage Fnoduction and Technology

potential of Dwarf Elephant Grass (Perun iseh*n puryiureum Schum. cv' Mott) in Dry Land I lqAreas of Elojonegoro as Forage-Based F'eed $ustainabitrity. M. .A. Hamdan, P. D. M' H. Karti

& I. Prihantoro

Developme nt of Indigofera zoolingeriarua and Pueraria javanica on Dry Land Integrated 124

with Teak Forest iu Bojonegoro. ,R. fl Pardede, P. M. H. Karti, I. Prihantoro

The Diversity eild Qualify of Forages Used for Feeding of Goat in Payakumbuh of West 128

Sumatra. Khalil

The Addition af Arbuscular mycorrhizal Fungi in Enhancing Productivrty and Drought 132

Tolerance Mechanisms of lndigofera zollingeriana. P. D. M. H. Karti, S' Sowmen, L.

Abdullah & D. Sopandie

Growth and Productivity of Different Sorghum Varieties Cultivated with Indigofera it 136

Intercropping System. M. Telleng, L. Abdullah, L G. Permnfta, P. D. M. H. Karti & K- G.


Herbage Froduction and Nutritive Value of Some F'orage Legumes as Calf Feed Supplement . 141

I G. N. Jelantik, T. T. Nikolaus, C. L. Penu & J- Jeremias

Evaluation of Crrowth and Biomass Production of Sorghum Mutant Lines (Sorghum Brown 145

midrib) at Different of Harvest Time. Sriagtula R, PDMH Karti, L Abdullak, Supriyanto,

DA.Astuti, S Sowmen & MardhiYetti

Dynarnic Resporrs of Forage Availability to Landuse Exchange in Bogor Regency. ,M R. 150

Kurnalasari & A. Sopiani

Theme D. Animal Nutrition

Rain Tree Pod (Slarnarflea satfisn) In Livestock Feeds: Opportunity, Challenges and i55

Possibility. T! Jetana, S. (lswang, S. Sophan & fuL Techakamphu

Effect of Different Protein and Energy Levels in Concentrate Diets on Ferf,ormances of 159

Anglo-Nubian Goat During Late Fregnancy and Lactation. Supriyati & L. Praharani

xiv I Proceeding of the 3'd International Seminar onAnimal Industry, Bogor, 17-18 September 2015

Page 11: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

Evaluation of Eleutherine (Eleutherine americana) as Feed Additive for Foultr.r,. Rttsdi, A.Hasanuddin & R. Arie.f

The Effect of NaOfI Concentrations and Folysaccharides Extract rif Pahn Kernel l,4eal onPerfbrmance of 4 t'eeks Old-Btriler Chickens. B. Sundn, S. Bchry & R. Dien

Combination Effect of Nutriteclt Feed Additive Containing Saponin, -flrenin and Er,rgenolEssential Oils on in Wvo Rumen Methane Production in Dairv f,laltle lJsing (Jpen CircuitRespiration chamber TechniqLre. &[. ]tr. Rofiq, D. S. wahyuni, lt. Negara, s. Mctoruo & R.A. Gopar

Groulh and Feed Eficiency of Maie Larnbs }ied on Grass or Enriched {lorn Coit SilagcBasal Diet. D. Yulistiani & W. Fuastuti

\i1lggen Lltilization and trtuminal Fermentatiom of Pive llreed o{',lireep lieJ (loncentrat*containirg Different I-evels o1'Ruruen 1Jnrlegradahle Protein. il. "!,t,1istiutti

A \\illingness to Fay Evaluation of Silag,e lmillementatictr fr;r Smiill D*ir;i l;arriers;r;Central & East Java. Sutresniwati, S. -\iruanjmtr{k, N f{*riati ti il. il. {'!!rcrutrt

Fermentability and Digestibility of Straw-Concentrate [J;:-sr [i;rtio* Arl:ierJ o,

Probiotrc. ,4. S. Tjakradidjaja, Suryahudi & G. A. Guitont

Effects of Solid or t,iquid Probiotic Suppleinentatiori on Rumeii llii:rohial l)oprilati*n ;iiidEnn,me Activit-v. G. A" Gultont, A. S^ ljakradidjaja & Suryal.radi

Effect of Ammoniated Strarv on Methane Production in an in 1,jys47 !i1,,rig11 and on ClrowllrPerfonnance" M. lv{. Eissa, H. R. Metawi, tt/. M. A. sadek, A, R. Khuttttb <* af. }.{. , ,ct"

EfTect of Gambir extract (Uncaria garnbir" Roxb) Supplenientation as A;rrioxidant lrnPerformance of ISA-Brc',wn Laying Hens of 40-43 weeks akl.,sumiail, 1,1 l?. Tera". J. d. N.Made & t'{ Rita

Root Tubers as Alternative Energy Sources in Rabbit llation: Effect on Gro."r,.th Perlbrgranceand Economic Value. L. Khotijah, D. M. Fassuh & N. Apriliawaty

Live \\reight Gain of Beef Cattle Fed on Complete Feed Silage of Water HvacinthSuplenrented rvith Mineral Zinc-Proteirnte. A. lthtktiani, K.(i.ll'tryau'oyt, B. Ltomo & li.Partqe.'iu

The Effect of Adding Iiermented \lhste Cabbage in Calf Starter Peilets on Totai l,actic AcidBacteria and Eschericltia coli. O. N. Ptnri, S. Mukodiningsih& (1. S. {Jtama

Subtitution of Fish Meal by Cricket or Indigofera Shoot Leaf Me al on Layirrg Japanese euail{C'otitrnir jctponica) Performance. RA llinasari, A Anggraeny, GE Tresia, AwA Bungsu, ,lAclah. S .Simanjuntak, BD Dianingtyas, YC Sari, Sumiati & DA Astuti

Benefit of Kemuning tr,eaves Meal in Ration Containing I)ate Fruit Waste to SuppressGastrointestinal Parasites Infestation of Goats. G. E. Tre.sia, D. l)l,vlternie, E. I{arltncr& Ii.A. Sukrict

Golden Snaii Eggs tPornaceae canaliculata) and Bay Leaf Meal as Natural Feed Suppleraentto Inrprove Quail Egg Qualitv and Reduced Yoik Cholesterol. A. Di.nrmav,an, A. Dwiputra,B. )'orundri. Y A. Sya'ban, A. Zulkarnaen & l4r. Hermana

In litro Studl of Calcium Soap-Soybean Oil Addition in The Rumen of Bali Catrlc onRumen \licrobial Population, Microbial Protein Synthesis, Cellulase Activitr,, and NuirientDigestibilin . S. suharti. s. Nttrltancth, D. Aryan, st 1,. simanfurtak, D. ,4. , ,ttttti & K. G.Wirl'6"'r,

lncremental lerel of Chrontolaena aCorata in complete diet tXoes not irnpair intake, rufienfennentation and microhial protein synthesis ellciency in cattle. G. F. liira, A,l. I-. ]ltiitik,l.G. l'. Jelantik, G. Maranatha, 1: M. Mulik, t. l,{",4. Sudaruna <& Dahlanr.dtlitt




t /o














Proceeding of the 3''i Intern.ational Seminar onAnintttl IntlrLsr:, Bogor; 17- 8 Septentber )0lj xv


Page 12: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

Subtitution of Fish Meal by Cricket or Indigofera sp. Shoot Leaf Meal to Evaluate Protein 233

Balance of Japanese qrail (Coturnix japonica). N. M. J. Arini, D. S. Wahyuni, A. S. Putri,A. L. Rahmawati, D. Permatahati, lrrurhayu, Y Purnamawati, M. I. Almai, A. Saepudin,

Sumiati & D. A. Astuti

The Study of Jack bean (Canm,alia ensifonars) Addition on the Performance of Rats as 23'7

Animal Model. L. lu[aulana, D. Ewyernie & D. Diapari

The Effect of Herbs Supplementation on Egg Quality and Lipid Blood of Laving Quail 241(Coturnix-Coturnix Japonica). D. M. Suci, I. Purwanto & W. Hermana

Feed lntake, Weekly Gain and Feed Conversion of Grow'ing Goats Fed Protected F'atfy 245

Acrd. A. l,[. Tasse, Ld. Nafiu, D. Agustina, F. Y Irawan

Nutrient Profile and in vitro Digestibility of Fresh and Ensiled Cassava in Swine. U P 248Tiv,ari & R. Jha

Effect of Combination Silkworm Pupae Meal and Garlic Meal on Blood Profiles, Visceral 250Organs and Carcass Yield of Rroiler Chicken . A. S. Putri, Sumiati, & D. A. Astuti

Therne E. Animal Genetic, Breeding, and Reproduction

Analysis of Captive Breeding Management of Silvery Gibbon (Hylobates molochAudeberl 257

1798). A. P" Dharma, A. M. Fuah, S. S. Mansjoer, E. Iskandar & M. Yamin

Phenotypic Variation in Male I-ocal Chicken at Tapin Regency Using Significant Analysis. 261S. ii. Rahmatullah. L. LVardah & A. Sulaiman

Etfects of Selection on the Eiiciency and Variability of Sow Reproduction and Matemal 265

z\bilities. P" Silalahi, M. A. Setiadi, D. Durytadi, J. Gogu6, Y Billon, T. Tribout & J. P.


Effect of Caffeine on Morphology of Epididymis Spennatozoa of Bali Bull. O. D,Putranti, 269

Soeparna, T.D. Lestari, and L. Adriani

Cornparisson of Anglo Nubian X Etawah Grade and Saanen X Etaxah Grade Goats for 272

Some Reproductive Traits. L. Praharani, Supryati & R. Krisnan

Service Per Conception In tseef Cattle With Artificial Insernination in Kapuas Basarang 277

District of Centrai Kalimantan. M. H. Astuti & L. S. Asi

Association of GHlIv(spI and GI{RHIHaeIII Genes with Milk Components of Holstein- 280

Friesian (Hl') Cows under Small Farmers in Lembang, West Java. A. Anggraeni, D.Widyaningrum, A. O. Rini & C. Sumantri

N{orphological Genetic Distances of Local Buffalo Subpopulations in Pasaman District, 284West Sumatera Province. A. Anggraeni, A. Haryadi & C. Sumantri

N{orphometric Comparative Study of Head Linear Surface Measurement of Thin-Tailed, 288

Batur, Wonosobo and Garut Sheep. R. H. Mulyono, M. Baihaqi & R. Pratiwi

Hypoosmotic Test in Rabbit Spermatozoa. Arifiantini R. I, Maulidya L & I'lalley W. M. M 292

Effect of Freezing on Bovine Sperm Morphology. W. M. M. l{alley, L R. Arifiantini, W. W. 295Rahmah & E. Sukmawati

Determination of Soy Extract Concentration in Tris Buffer of Frisian Holstein Chilled 298Semen. T. L. Yusuf, L R. Arifiantini, W. M. M. Nalley & E. Sukrumvati

identification of Uterin Milk Protein (UTMP) Gene in Bali Caule by Using Direct 301

Sequencing. .Iakaria, F. Saputra, K. A. Paramitasari, P. P. Agung & Maskur

Theme F. Animal Product Technology and Logistic

Weight Loss and Mortality of Broilers during Transportation from Different Distances to 309Slaughterhouse. R. Afuan, N. Ulupi & F. Sutrisno

xti j Proceeding of the 3'.'t International Sentinar onAnimal lndusuy, Bogoa 17-18 September 2015

Page 13: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

Meat Quality of Marioa Goat{Capra hircus)Meat Fed Different Protein Level. Hajrawati, 313E. Abustam, M. I. Dagong& M. A. Achrnar

Skim Milk Powder Substitution rvith Soymilk Powder Could Improve physical properties 317of Beef surimi-based sausage. suharyanto, o. Mega & I. Badarina

Effects of Local Flour Types on physical Froperfies and Acceptabiliq, of Beef Sausage. I. 3ZlSuryaningsih, K. Swradi, R. L" Balia &.8" Wulandari

Characteristic of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated fram Danke florn Sinjai, South Sulaw esi. M. 3zSS. Soenarno, Al FaafaJ, Arieftrtr

Bacteriological Quality of se'i rreated with Liquid smoke. G. E. M. Malelak,I. G. N.Jelotih G. Moranatha & p. Kune

Increase on Commercial Wbight, Carcass Quality and Economic Benefit of Selected LocalMeat Chicken Fed on Fermented Diet Contained Digestive Enzymes and probiot ics. M. A.Yan&t,Allaily&Y Usman

AnAnalysis of Cattle Traders Practices onAnimal Traceability in Malaysia . A. B. Salina, L.Hossan, A. A. Saharee, M. A. Stevenson& K. Ghazali

Effect of Moisture Reduction Method, Storage Period and Temperature on trIoney eualify. 34sH. C. H. Siregar




Nitrite Residue and Sensoqy Chamcteristics of(Fragaria ananassa) as CuringAgent. A. Kosim,T Suryati

Dendeng With Addition of Strawberry 350W E, Wbisono, L. Simamora, L. yulia &

J).iBiodiversity Based on Flavor and Arnino Acid Profile of Indonesia Local Chickens. .I R .I{Soesanto, S. Dar-w,ati, L I. AriefMoisture, pH Value and Physical Quality stability of Dendeng fiuring Storage at Differenr 356Temperature. T. suryati, I. tr. Aries z. wurandari & D. FebriantiniMilk Production of Saliwal x Holstein Crossbreed in Two Different Systemon Local Farm 360Kudat, Sabah-Malaysia. D, S. Hanixa4 I" G. Ferwana & Despal

Physical Meat Quality of Kacang Goat anel Garut Sheep Fed Sorghurn Based Concentrate . 363S.J. Sianturi, A. M. Fuak, H. t{uraini& D. Diaysari

\I/eight Loss of ltter-island T'ransported Cattle from Kupang Is Reduced by Feeding High 367Protein-Mineral Mix Block during Quarantine and Sea Transportati on. I M. A. Sudarma, M.L. Mullik & T. O. D. Dato

Theme G. Anirnnl Physiology, Behavior, and Welfare

Level of Malondialdehyde (MDA), UricApid and Lymphocyte: Neukphytr Ratio of Laying 373Hen in The Different Temperature Humidity Inder(Tril).'D. Latipidri, L. Adriani & RPermcna

The Using of Thern'rograph ns ]rtron-Invasive Method to observe Subclinical Mastitis inTropical Dairy Cattle. W At Zahra& H. Susanty


Physiological R'esponse and Btrood Frofrle of Sheep Reared in petirVillage and Fed Cassava 3g0Tops Silage (Manihot escwtenta sp.). 1. sudat mai, M, Hayashicla, E. .Iatmika, s. sukarti

Theme II. Animal Environmemt Management

\o $ritrous oxide) Gases Production from Lactating Daiqy Cow Feces in Differelt 3g7Management Feeding systern. A. Atabany, Muladno, Salundik, W Alzahra & R. puspitasayi

Theme r. social Econonoy am,d Fotricy irn Anirnar production

Estimated value of L,ive Buftblo Prices in the Economic Analysis of the Income of Farrn- 3g3ers in the Village. S. Rusdiana & L. praharani

Proceeding of the 3'd International Seminar onAnimal Industry, Bogor, l7-lg September 20lS I xvii

Page 14: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.

Women, Gender Equality in Livestock Development: Case Study from Papua and Central 396

Java. T. Sumarti & A. M. lruah

The Application of Tesang Sharing System at Cattle Farms in Indonesia. S. N. Sirajuddin, 400

Muh. Aminm,+,ar, A. Amrawaty, St. Nurlaelah

Theme J. Animal llealth

Cattle Importation and the Trend of FMD Occurrence in Peninsular Malaysia from 2000- 405

2010. U. N. Abdullah, L. Hassan & O. B. Lee

List of Participant cdvii

List of ISAI Committee cdxii

Index ofAuthor cdxiv

Acknowledgement cdxvii


xviii t, Proceeding of the 3'd International Seminar on .4nimal Industrv, Bogor, I 7- I 8 September 20 I 5

Page 15: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.
Page 16: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.
Page 17: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.
Page 18: ds### · Mott) In Dry Land Areas Of Bojonegoro As Forage-Based Feed Sustainability 14.55-1i.05 Alif Putri Eflect olCombinaticin Siikrvnrm Fupae Me,tl and Garli; Meal on Blood Proiiirs.