Download - Drupal content automation with migrate 2.6


Wednesday, January 14, 2014Author: Hector Iribarne @hectoriribarne

Drupal Content Automation with Migrate 2.6


Main Topics

Clean D7 install w/ Migrate module

Demo content import

Walkthrough the code


Install D7

and the

Migrate Module


Get Acquia Dev Desktop 2:


Name your site:


Open the new site:


Finish intallation of Drupal 7:


Configure new site:


Open console:


Hector’s base Drupal 7 configuration:

● cd sites/all/modules

● mkdir custom

● drush dl module_filter admin_menu pathauto views token ctools entity migrate;drush en -y module_filter admin_menu pathauto views views_ui token ctools entity migrate migrate_ui;drush en -y module_filter admin_menu;drush dis -y overlay toolbar


Add custom migrate 2.6 modules:

● Place custom modules migr8csv2article and migr8csv2page in the sites/all/modules/custom directory and enable the modules

● Create a data directory under the files folder

● Place CSV files article.csv and page.csv in the sites/all/default/files/data directory


Content Import


Start out without content or migrations:


Enable Content Automation Migrate 2.6 modules:


Select Groups and Execute Import:


Post Import (Success):


Content post import (Success):




the code


CSV file:


Info file:


Module file:


Include file:



Last but not least


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