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Page 1: Driving Theory Practice


1. You&have&stopped&behind&another&car&at&a&crossing&where&there&is&a&stop&sign.&Can&you&drive&out&at&the&same&time&as&the&car&in&front?&!

a. Yes!!!!b. No,&I&must&stop&immediately&before&I&drive&out&&&&c. Yes,!but!only!if!there!is!good!visibility!

!2. When&are&you&obliged&to&use&the&indicators?&&&&

a. !!When!a!vehicle!behind!wants!overtake!inadvisably!!!!!b. !!When!I!stop!at!the!roadside!!!!c. &&When&I&am&leaving&the&roadside&&&&d. !!When!I!want!a!vehicle!behind!to!overtake!me!!!!e. !!When!I!reverse!round!a!street!corner!

!3. The&traffic&lights&at&a&pedestrian&crossing&are&off.&What&is&applicable?&&&&

a. &&The&same&rules&are&applicable&as&for&an&uncontrolled&pedestrian&crossing.&&&&b. !!Pedestrians!must!give!way!to!vehicular!traffic.!!!

!4. What&should&you&expect&when&meeting&a&military&column?&&&&

a. &&The&vehicles&can&be&wider&than&normal.&&&&b. !!They!often!drive!faster!than!normal.!!!!c. !!I!do!not!need!to!expect!anything!unusual.!It!is!just!like!a!normal!meeting!with!other!


5. What&rules&apply&to&the&lane&marked&with&this&traffic&sign?&&&&a. &&It&is&only&for&public&transport&vehicles&&&&b. !!In!the!rushAhour,!I!may!use!the!lane!to!improve!traffic!flow!!!!c. !!I!may!stop!in!the!lane!to!drop!off!a!passenger!!!!

!6. You&want&to&drive&straight&ahead&at&the&junction.&What&rule&applies?&&&&

a. !!I!must!give!way!to!vehicles!coming!from!the!left!!!!b. !!Vehicles!coming!from!the!right!must!give!way!to!me!!!!c. &&I&must&give&way&to&vehicles&coming&from&the&right&

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7. You&are&approaching&this&traffic&light.&What&should&you&do?&&&&a. Keep&on&going.&The&light&will&soon&be&green&&&&b. Brake!hard.!The!light!will!soon!go!red!!!!



8. You&are&approaching&a&junction&where&this&sign&is&placed.&What&does&it&imply&for&you?&&&&a. !!It!is!prohibited!to!turn!left!and!to!do!a!UAturn!!!!b. !!It!is!only!prohibited!to!do!a!UAturn!at!the!junction!!!!c. &&It&is&only&prohibited&to&turn&left&at&the&junction&



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9. You&are&going&to&cross&an&uncontrolled&bicycle&crossing.&What&rules&apply?&&&&a. &&I!must!apply!the!rightAhand!rule!!!!b. &&I&must&adapt&my&speed&so&that&there&is&no&danger&to&cyclists&and&moped&riders&who&



10. What&are&you&obliged&to&do&before&you&leave&the&vehicle&in&the&parking&area?&&&&a. !!Remove&the&key&from&the&ignition&&&&b. &&Turn!the!front!wheels!towards!the!kerb!!!!c. !!Wind!up!all!the!windows!!!!d. !!Put!the!car!in!first!gear!or!in!reverse!

!11. You&drive&onto&the&shoulder.&What&is&applicable&when&you&are&going&to&change&your&

position&onto&the&road?&&&&a. !!The!traffic!on!the!road!is!obliged!to!let!me!in.!!!!b. !!There!is!no!special!rule!as!long!as!I!clearly!show!my!intention!to!change!position.!!!!c. &&I&am&obliged&to&give&way.&

&12. You&are&driving&the&white&car&and&want&to&travel&straight&ahead.&The&traffic&lights&are&out&of&

order.&What&rule&applies&in&this&situation?&&&&a. &&The&driver&of&the&red&car&must&give&way&to&me&in&accordance&with&the&turning&rule&&&&b. !!I!must!stop!at!the!stop!line!and!give!priority!to!the!red!car!


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13. What&can&superficial&learning&during&driving&test&instruction&lead&to?&&&&a. !!That!I!can!more!easily!remember!the!knowledge!I!learn!for!a!long!time!after!the!

training!!!!b. &&That&I&break&the&traffic&rules&since&I&have&not&understood&why&they&exist&&&&c. !!That!I!can!more!easily!retain!my!driving!skills!after!a!prolonged!interval!of!not!


14. When&can&you&use&the&hazard&lights?&&&&a. !!When!I!have!stopped!to!let!out!a!passenger!on!a!busy!road!!!!b. !!When!I!am!driving!with!a!load!which!extends!out!in!front!of!the!vehicle!!!!c. &&When&I&have&broken&down&on&a&main&road&and&present&an&obstacle&for&the&other&

traffic&&&&d. !!When!I!have!stopped!at!a!bus!stop!to!do!a!quick!errand!!!!

!15. What&rules&apply&when&you&drive&on&an&access&road?&&&&

a. !!Motor!vehicle!traffic!is!prohibited!!!!b. &&Pedestrians&must&always&be&given&priority&&&&c. !!The!recommended!maximum!speed!is!30!kph!!!!d. !!Through!traffic!is!prohibited!


!16. For&which&vehicles&is&the&lane&furthest&right&reserved?&&&&

a. &&Public&transport&vehicles&and&class&II&mopeds.&&&&b. !!Vehicles!with!a!gross!weight!above!3.5!tons.!!!!c. !!Slow!moving!vehicles.!!!!d. !!Public!transport!vehicles!and!all!twoAwheeled!vehicles.!!!!e. !!Vehicles!with!a!total!weight!above!3.5!tons.!

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!17. You&want&to&turn&to&the&right.&What&should&you&do?&&&&

a. &&Brake&and&keep&a&distance&of&at&least&one&car&length&to&the&pedestrian&&&&b. !!Pip!the!horn!at!the!pedestrian!



18. What&does&this&traffic&sign&mean?&&&&a. &&That&cyclists&can&cross&the&road&&&&b. !!That!the!right!of!way!for!rightAhand!vehicles!rule!is!applicable!when!passing!the!

cycle!path!!!!c. !!That!there!is!a!cycle!path!along!the!road!I!am!driving!on!

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!19. What&does&this&traffic&sign&mean?&&&&

a. !!It!is!preparatory!information!on!an!exit!!!!b. &&It&gives&the&name&of&the&town&I&am&coming&to&&&&c. !!It!is!a!traffic!sign!for!a!local!objective!in!a!builtAup!area!!!!d. !!It!indicates!that!the!road!is!a!European!highway!

!20. You&want&to&turn&right&at&the&junction.&What&must&you&do?&&&&

a. !!I!must!stop!and!wait!for!the!light!to!change!to!green!!!!b. &&I&am&allowed&to&turn&right&without&first&having&to&stop&&&&c. !!I!must!obey!the!police!officer's!signal!and!drive!straight!on!



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21. Why&do&children&have&serious&problems&behaving&safely&in&traffic?&&&&a. &&They&forget&the&risks&in&traffic&when&they&are&playing&&&&b. !!Adults!play!with!them!at!the!wrong!places!

!22. Which&group&of&roadZusers&do&these&traffic&signs&highlight?&&&!

a. &&Visually&impaired&&&&b. !!Disabled!!!!c. !!Hearing!impaired!!!!d. !!Children!at!play!

!23. You&are&approaching&this&crossing.&What&is&applicable&for&you&as&a&vehicle&driver?&&&&

a. &&I&must&observe&readiness&to&act&and&be&prepared&to&stop&&&&b. !!I!must!give!way!to!the!cyclist!according!to!the!right!of!way!for!rightAhand!vehicles!!!!c. !!The!cyclist!should!give!way!to!me!



24. You&are&driving&the&red&car.&What&is&applicable?&&&!a. !!The!ambulance!must!give!way!to!me!since!I!have!a!green!light!!!!b. &&I&must&leave&free&space&for&the&ambulance.&&&&

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c. !!The!ambulance!must!give!way!to!me!if!it!only!had!the!blue!light!on!and!the!siren!is!not!switched!on!!

!25. What&is&correct&if&you&intend&to&overtake&the&motorcyclist?&&&&

a. &&I&should&keep&at&a&good&distance&to&the&side.&&&&b. !!I!refrain!from!overtaking!since!it!is!prohibited.!!!!c. !!I!position!myself!close!behind!the!motorbike!so!that!I!can!quickly!get!past.!



26. How&should&the&cyclist&cycle&in&the&crossing?&a. Only!according!to!A!b. Only!according!to!B!c. Both&tracks&are&permitted&

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&27. You&are&going&to&drive&320&kilometres&and&your&average&speed&is&80&km/h.&How&long&will&

the&journey&take?&a. 3!hours!b. 4&hours&c. 5!hours!d. 6!hours

28. When&there&is&busy&traffic&as&in&the&picture,&what&should&you&pay&special&attention&to?&

a. &Not&to&block&the&crossing&if&I&have&to&stop.&b. To!drive!close!to!the!vehicle!in!front!so!that!I!will!not!take!up!extra!space.!c. To!keep!a!short!distance!to!the!vehicle!in!front!so!that!I!do!not!invite!others!to!

overtake.!d. To!change!lanes!often!to!increase!the!flow!of!traffic.!




29. In&which&case&is&a&trailer&always&considered&to&be&light?&

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a. Always!when!the!total!weight!of!the!trailer!is!less!than!the!vehicle's!service!weight.!b. When&the&trailer's&total&weight&is&750&kg&or&less.&c. When!the!trailer's!service!weight!is!750!kg!or!less.!

!30. What&is&the&maximum&number&of&passenger&seats&allowed&in&a&car?&

a. 4!b. 6!c. 8&d. 12!

!31. Can&you&stop&at&this&parking&space&without&special&authorisation&to&unload&or&load&goods?&

a. No!b. Yes!

!32. Where&do&most&collisions&between&motor&driven&vehicles&and&pedestrians&take&place?&

a. On!the!shoulder!outside!a!builtAup!area!b. On!parking!areas!c. On&or&in&the vicinity of pedestrian crossings and crossings in built-up areas&

&33. What&does&this&supplementary&sign&mean?&

a. It!shows!how!the!markings!on!the!parking!area!should!be!painted!b. It&shows&how&vehicles&should&be&parked&c. It!shows!the!minimum!distance!between!vehicles!d. It!shows!how!many!vehicles!can!park&


&34. What&is&the&task&of&the&school&crossing&patrol?&

&a. To!show!when!I!can!drive!b. To&help&children&in&traffic&c. To!stop!all!pedestrians!d. To!stop!the!traffic!


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35. Where&is&it&prohibited&to&stop&to&let&off&a&passenger?&a. At!a!bus!top!without!a!yellow!edge!line!b. At!a!bus!stop!with!a!yellow!broken!line!c. At&a&bus&stop&with&a&yellow&unbroken&line&

&36. Which&vehicles&may&drive&in&the&rightZhand&lane?&

a. All!buses,!class!II!mopeds!and!bicycles.!b. All!heavy!vehicles,!class!II!mopeds!and!bicycles.!c. Public&transport&vehicles,&class&II&mopeds&and&bicycles.&


37. What&is&correct?&a. The&right&of&way&for&rightZhand&vehicles&means&that&I&should&give&way&to&traffic&

coming&from&the&right&b. The!right!of!way!for!rightAhand!vehicles!is!not!applicable!in!parking!areas,!petrol!


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c. The!right!of!way!for!rightAhand!vehicles!means!that!traffic!from!the!right!is!obliged!to!give!way!to!me!

d. The!right!of!way!for!rightAhand!vehicles!is!not!applicable!in!threeAway!crossings!!

38. What&does&this&sign&mean?&a. It!is!a!traffic!sign!for!a!local!objective!in!a!builtAup!area!b. It&is&a&traffic&sign&for&a&public&highway&c. It!is!a!traffic!sign!for!a!European!highway!d. It!is!a!traffic!sign!for!a!private!road


39. What&is&a&reserved&lane?&a. A&lane&reserved&for&vehicles&in&regular&traffic&services.&b. A!lane!reserved!for!pedestrians!and!cyclists.!c. A!lane!reserved!for!heavy!lorries.

40. What&is&applicable&when&a&bus&driver&shows&that&he&intends&to&leave&a&bus&stop?&

a. If!the!speed!limit!is!90!km/h!or!less!I!must!give!way!to!the!bus!b. If!the!speed!limit!is!70!km/h!or!less!I!must!give!way!to!the!bus!c. If&the&speed&limit&is&50&km/h&or&less&I&must&give&way&to&the&bus&

&41. What&is&the&main&task&of&a&traffic&warden?&

a. Supervising!different!protest!marches.!b. To&contribute&towards&providing&more&vacant&parking&spaces.&c. Supervising!the!behaviour!of!roadAusers!at!traffic!signals.!d. Moving!cars!incorrectly!parked.!

!42. You&are&going&to&turn&to&the&left.&The&traffic&signal&shows&a&green&light.&Which&statement&is&

correct?&a. According!to!the!turning!rule!I!am!entitled!to!drive!first.!b. The&pedestrians&have&the&right&of&way.&c. The!stop!sign!means!that!I!am!obliged!to!stop.!d. I!am!not!obliged!to!give!way!to!anyone.!

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43. Which&of&these&actions&are&an&example&of&defensive&driving?&a. To!always!drive!10!km/h!under!the!speed!limit!b. To&drive&slowly&when&visibility&is&poor&c. To!make!a!gentle!increase!in!speed!on!motorway!slip!road!

!44. What&is&meant&by&the&carriageway?&

a. The!whole!road!including!the!hard!shoulder!and!cycle!track!b. The&road&excluding&the&hard&shoulder&and&cycle&track&c. The!whole!road!including!the!hard!shoulder!but!not!the!cycle!track!

!45. What&do&these&traffic&signs&mean?

a. Parking!permitted!for!fee,!valid!Monday!to!Friday!between!9!and!18.00.!No!parking!at!other!times!

b. Parking&permitted&for&fee,&valid&Monday&to&Friday&between&9&and&18.00.&No&restrictions&at&other&times&

c. Parking!permitted!for!fee,!valid!every!day!of!the!week!between!9!and!18.00.!No!parking!at!other!times!

d. Parking!permitted!for!fee,!valid!every!day!of!the!week!between!9!and!18.00.!No!restrictions!at!other!times!

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46. What&must&you&do&in&this&situation?!a. I&must&stop&behind&the&police&officer&b. I!must!stop!and!allow!a!vehicle!coming!from!behind!to!pass!by!c. I!only!need!to!slow!down!



47. You&are&driving&at&40&km/h.&Which&statement&is&correct&about&the&situation&in&the&picture?&a. Even&though&I&have&eye&contact&with&the&children&I&must&reduce&speed&and&be&

prepared&to&stop.&b. Since!I!have!eye!contact!with!the!children!I!do!not!need!to!reduce!speed.!

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!48. Which&of&the&following&is&true?&

a. Pedestrians!and!cyclists!must!give!way!to!me!b. The!line!after!the!pedestrian!crossing!is!a!give!way!line!!!!c. &I&must&be&prepared&to&stop&in&order&to&allow&cyclists&and&pedestrians&to&cross&&&



49. You&give&a&signal&to&change&lane.&There&is&a&lot&of&traffic.&What&is&true&about&changing&lanes?&&&&a. !!The!other!drivers!are!obliged!to!let!me!in.!!!!b. !!I!can!quite!safely!expect!to!be!let!into!the!new!lane.!!!!c. &&I&must&make&sure&that&it&can&be&done&without&risk.&

50. What&does&this&traffic&sign&mean?&&&&a. !!Parking!on!the!side!of!the!street!with!even!houseAnumbers!is!prohibited!!!!b. !!Parking!on!the!side!of!the!street!with!odd!houseAnumbers!is!prohibited!!!!c. !!Parking!is!prohibited!when!the!date!is!even!!!!d. &&Parking&is&prohibited&when&the&date&is&odd&

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51. How&should&you&act&when&you&see&this&traffic&sign?&&&&a. &&I&apply&the&zip&fastener&principle&&&&b. !!When!driving!in!the!leftAhand!lane,!I!always!drive!first!!!!c. !!When!driving!in!the!rightAhand!lane,!I!always!drive!first!


!52. Are&you&permitted&to&make&a&UZturn&on&a&national&highway?&&&&

a. &&Yes,&if&there&is&enough&space&and&visibility&is&good.&&&&b. !!No.!!!!c. !!Yes,!if!there!is!a!bus!stop!on!at!least!one!side.!


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53. What&is&a&road&transport&leader's&main&task?&&&&a. !!To!give!instructions!in!conjunction!with!roadworks!!!!b. !!To!give!instructions!in!conjunction!with!major!road!accidents!!!!c. &&To&give&instructions&in&conjunction&with&the&escorting&of&heavy,&wide&and&long&

haulages&&&&d. !!To!give!instructions!in!conjunction!with!major!events!

!54. Which&rule&applies&at&the&bus&stop?&&&&

a. !!It!is!only!permitted!to!stop!to!unload!goods!if!this!can!be!done!without!obstructing!the!bus!traffic!!!!

b. &&It&is&only&permitted&to&stop&to&drop&off&or&pick&up&passengers&if&this&can&be&done&without&obstructing&the&bus&traffic&&&&

c. !!It!is!permitted!to!park!immediately!after!the!bus!stop!sign!!!!d. !!It!is!always!permitted!to!park!if!this!can!be!done!without!obstructing!the!bus!




55. You&are&driving&car&E.&In&which&position&is&it&most&difficult&to&see&car&A?&&&&a. In!the!position!in!picture!1!!!!b. In!the!position!in!picture!2!!!!c. In&the&position&in&picture&3&

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56. You&have&stopped&for&a&red&light.&A&large&group&of&children&with&their&leader&go&over&the&pedestrian&crossing&in&front&of&you.&The&light&changes&to&green.&What&should&you&do?&&&&

a. &&I&let&the&entire&group&of&children&pass&before&I&drive&off.&&&&b. !!I!should!drive!since!I!have!a!green!light.!!!!c. !!I!start!driving!slowly!since!I!expect!the!children!to!stop!and!wait!for!me.!


57. You&are&approaching&a&crossing.&What&should&you&do?&&&&a. &&I&should&adjust&the&speed&so&that&I&can&give&way&even&if&the&rules&do&not&specify&

this.&&&&b. !!I!show!with!a!decided!gesture!that!I!am!going!to!drive!first.!!!!c. !!I!am!always!entitled!to!drive!first!if!I!come!from!the!right.!

!58. Which&vehicles&are&you&allowed&to&drive&if&you&have&a&B&driving&licence?&&&&

a. !!A!bus!with!a!total!weight!of!3.1!tons!!!!b. &&A&goods&vehicle&with&a&total&weight&of&3.1&tons&&&&c. !!A!motor!car!with!a!heavy!towed!vehicle!!!!d. !!A!motorcycle!with!a!sidecar!

!59. What&is&correct&about&children&in&traffic?&&&&

a. !!It!is!easy!for!children!to!judge!distances!!!!b. &&Vision&is&not&fully&developed&until&15&years&of&age&&&&c. !!Children!are!easy!to!see!because!of!the!bright!colours!of!their!clothes!!!!d. !!The!field!of!vision!of!children!is!not!limited!

!60. Where&can&you&find&information&on&the&local&traffic&regulations&for&the&place&where&you&

live?&&&&a. !!At!the!County!Administrative!Board!!!!

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b. !!At!the!Swedish!Motor!Vehicle!Inspection!Company!!!!c. &&At&the&Municipality&&&&d. !!At!the!National!Swedish!Road!Administration!

!61. In&both&lanes&it&is&permitted&to&turn&to&the&right.&You&intend&to&change&to&the&left&lane.&

What&should&you&do&to&guarantee&traffic&safety?&&&&a. &&I&adjust&to&the&rest&of&the&traffic,&give&a&signal,&and&then&change&to&the&left&lane&

after&the&bus&but&before&the&crossing.&&&&b. !!I!overtake!the!bus!in!order!to!quickly!change!to!the!left!lane!before!the!crossing.!


62. You&are&driving&at&20&km/h.&What&is&true?&&&&a. !!I!can!calmly!continue!at!the!same!speed!since!the!children!will!manage!to!go!over!

before!me.!!!!b. !!I!must!not!pass!the!school!bus.!!!!c. &&I&must&allow&for&the&fact&that&children&can&run&out&into&the&road&both&from&the&



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63. Which&position&should&you&assume&in&the&first&instance&when&turning&to&the&left&in&a&roundabout?&&&&

a. &&Left&lane&&&&b. !!Right!lane&

64. When&are&you&obliged&to&use&a&light&signal?&&&&a. &&Always!when!overtaking!in!a!builtAup!area!!!!b. !!Only!when!overtaking!cyclists!cycling!beside!each!other!!!!c. &&When&it&is&necessary&to&avert&danger&in&the&dark&

&65. You&are&going&to&drive&straight&ahead.&How&do&you&display&care&and&caution?&&&&

a. &&Flash!with!the!full!beam!to!attract!the!attention!of!the!taxi!driver!to!the!unsuitability!of!his!manoeuvre.!!!!

b. !!Drive!on,!since!the!taxi!driver!is!breaking!the!rules.!!!!c. !!Drive!on,!and!expect!the!taxi!driver!to!wait.!!!!d. &&Wait&and&let&the&taxi&driver&drive.&

&66. The&lorry&is&going&into&"your"&road.&Which&alternative&is&correct?&&&&

a. &&I!can!without!obstruction!drive!up!to!the!give!way!line!and!give!way!there!!!!b. &&To&give&the&lorry&space&I&stop&in&good&time&before&the&crossing&&&&c. !!To!avoid!presenting!an!obstruction!I!quickly!go!out!onto!the!crossing!road!!!!d. !!I!take!for!granted!that!the!lorry!driver!knows!his!limitations!and!stops!before!


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67. In&which&situation&should&you&avoid&signalling?&&&&a. !!I!situation!A!!!!b. !!I!situation!B!!!!c. &&I&situation&C&&&&d. !!I!situation!D!



68. What&can&make&things&most&difficult&for&older&people&in&traffic?&&&&a. &&They!have!little!understanding!of!modern!traffic!situations!!!!b. &&As&pedestrians&they&are&often&forced&to&a&slower&tempo&&&&

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c. !!They!often!do!not!have!a!driving!licence!

! !69. Which&are&roadZusers?&&&&

a. &&Everyone&on&the&road&&&&b. !!Only!pedestrians!!!!c. !!Only!those!travelling!in!vehicles!


70. How&should&you&act&in&the&situation&shown&in&the&picture?&&&&a. !!I!reduce!speed!and!carefully!overtake!the!cyclists!at!the!same!time!as!I!meet!the!

oncoming!cars!!!!b. !!I!signal!to!the!oncoming!cars!to!slow!down!while!I!overtake!the!cyclists!!!!c. &&I&drive&behind&the&cyclists&until&the&oncoming&cars&have&passed&&&&d. !!I!signal!to!the!cyclists!to!leave!enough!space!for!me!to!overtake!!!





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1. Where&can&you&find&information&on&the&local&traffic&regulations&for&the&place&where&you&live?&&&&

a. &&At!the!County!Administrative!Board!!!!b. &&At&the&Municipality&&&&c. !!At!the!National!Swedish!Road!Administration!!!!d. !!At!the!Swedish!Motor!Vehicle!Inspection!Company!&&

&&2. Which&statement&is&true?&&&!

a. !!I&must&stop&immediately&before&the&railway&level&crossing&&&&b. !!I!only!need!to!stop!if!there!is!a!train!coming!!!!c. !!I!must!stop!just!before!the!stop!sign!!!!d. !!I!must!stop!10!m!before!the!stop!sign!




3. In&which&zone&is&there&the&greatest&danger?&&&&a. !!In!zone!A.!!!!b. !!In!zone!B.!!!!c. &&In&zone&C.&&&&d. !!In!zone!D.!


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4. Are&you&permitted&to&make&a&UZturn&on&a&national&highway?&&&&a. !!Yes,!if!there!is!a!bus!stop!on!at!least!one!side.!!!!b. !!No.!!!!c. &&Yes,&if&there&is&enough&space&and&visibility&is&good.&&&&



5. Which&of&the&traffic&signs&cease&to&be&valid&at&the&next&crossing?&&&&a. !!A!!!!b. !!B&&&&c. !!C!

!6. What&does&this&warning&sign&mean?&&&&

a. !!The!railway!level!crossing!has!only!one!track!!!!b. &&The&railway&level&crossing&has&several&tracks&


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7. What&is&the&difference&between&a&motorway&and&a&clearway?&&&&c. &&The!maximum!speed!on!a!clearway!is!always!90!kph!!!!a. &&A&motorway&is&always&divided&into&two&carriageways,&one&in&each&direction&&&&b. !!The!maximum!speed!on!a!motorway!is!always!110!kph!

!8. You&are&going&to&turn&to&the&left.&The&bus&driver&intends&to&turn&into&your&street.&What&

should&you&do?&&&&a. !!Calmly!drive!forward!and!wait!at!the!give!way!line!!!!b. &&Stop&by&the&right&edge&where&I&am&until&the&bus&has&turned&&&&c. !!Hurry!up!before!the!bus!


9. Which&vehicles&does&this&traffic&sign&apply&to?&!!!a. !!All!goods!vehicles!!!!b. &&All&heavy&goods&vehicles&&&&c. !!All!heavy!vehicles!!!!d. !!All!vehicles!!!!



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10. What&does&this&traffic&sign&mean?&&&&a. &&No&parking&both&outside&and&in&builtZup&areas&&&&b. !!Parking!permitted,!Monday!to!Friday!for!no!more!than!24!consecutive!hours.!Other!

days,!no!restrictions!!!!c. !!No!parking,!but!only!in!a!builtAup!area!!!!d. !!No!parking,!but!only!outside!a!builtAup!area!

!11. What&is&the&maximum&speed&a&moped&is&designed&for?&&&&

a. !!Moped!category!I!and!II!are!designed!for!45!km/h.!!!!b. !!Moped!category!I!and!II!are!designed!for!30!km/h.!!!!c. !!Moped!category!I!and!II!are!designed!for!25!km/h.!!!!d. !!Moped!category!II!is!designed!for!45!km/h!and!category!I!for!25!km/h.!!!!e. &&Moped&category&II&is&designed&for&25&km/h&and&category&I&for&45&km/h.&


12. The&car&in&front&is&turning&right&and&there&is&no&traffic&sign&at&the&junction.&What&rule&applies&concerning&overtaking&in&this&situation?&&&&

a. !!Overtaking!is!allowed!if!I!do!not!cross!the!centre!line!!!!b. !!Overtaking!is!always!allowed!at!a!junction!!!!c. !!Overtaking!is!allowed!if!the!speed!limit!at!that!point!is!50!kph!or!less!!!!d. !!Overtaking&is&forbidden&&&&


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&13. You&are&driving&at&50&km/h.&What&should&you&do&here?&&&&

a. &&Brake!to!allow!the!bus!to!drive!first!!!!b. &&Release&the&accelerator&and&be&prepared&to&act&&&&c. !!Give!a!signal!to!warn!the!bus!driver!and!any!concealed!school!children!!!!d. !!Continue!to!drive&



14. What&is&true&about&level&crossings&with&soZcalled&half&barriers?&&&&a. &&Half!barriers!are!mainly!used!to!improve!access!for!emergency!vehicles!!!!b. &&Half&barriers&are&used&so&that&roadZusers&will&not&be&"trapped"&between&the&

barriers&&&&c. !!It!is!permitted!to!drive!in!a!"zigzag"!if!the!barriers!have!been!down!for!a!prolonged!


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!15. You&want&to&turn&left&at&the&junction.&Do&you&have&to&indicate?&&&&

a. !!No!!!!b. !!Yes&


16. You&are&driving&on&a&road&and&pass&this&traffic&sign.&What&does&it&mean?&&&&a. !!The!sign!means!there!is!a!risk!of!falling!stones!only!from!the!left!!!!b. !!In!the!dark!I!should!drive!over!to!the!left!side!of!the!road!to!avoid!any!stones!on!my!

side!of!the!road!!!!c. !!The!sign!means!that!there!is!a!risk!of!flying!stones!from!oncoming!vehicles!!!!d. &&There&can&be&stones&all&over&the&road&


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17. In&which&direction/directions&may&you&drive&here?&a. Only!to!the!right!b. Only!to!the!left!c. Both&left&and&right&

!18. In which traffic environments can you find this traffic sign?

a. It!is!often!found!on!busy!roads!to!reduce!the!risk!of!pileups!b. It!is!used!at!road!works!to!reduce!the!risk!to!road!workers!c. It&can&be&found&on&winter&roads&over&frozen&lakes&and&water&courses&

&19. You are looking for a place to park and find a space by a bus stop. How close to

the bus stop sign can you park? a. 20&m&before&and&5&m&after&the&sign&b. 12!m!before!and!7!m!after!the!sign!c. 20!m!before!and!20!m!after!the!sign!d. 12!m!before!and!12!m!after!the!sign!

!20. You have parked on a slope. What is correct?

a. If!the!car!is!standing!on!an!upward!slope!the!wheels!should!be!turned!to!the!right!in!towards!the!edge!of!the!pavement.!

b. If!the!car!has!an!automatic!gearbox!the!gear!selector!should!be!in!neutral.!c. If&the&car&is&standing&on&a&downward&slope&the&wheels&should&be&turned&to&the&right&

in&towards&the&edge&of&the&pavement.&d. If!the!car!is!standing!on!a!downward!slope!the!wheels!should!be!turned!to!the!left!

out!towards!the!street.!21. What is the highest permitted speed for a heavy goods vehicle on this road?

a. 70!kph!

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b. 80&kph&c. 90!kph!d. 100!kph!

!22. In which of the following situations is it most suitable to use your horn?

a. When!the!vehicle!in!front!of!me!is!driving!at!a!low!speed!b. When!I!intend!to!overtake!someone!riding!a!horse!c. When!the!vehicle!in!front!of!me!does!not!move!off!when!the!traffic!lights!go!green!d. When&two&people&are&cycling&abreast&

&23. What should you do when you come to this traffic sign?

a. I!am!obliged!to!stop!since!meeting!oncoming!vehicles!is!prohibited!b. I!am!always!obliged!to!give!way!to!oncoming!cyclists!even!if!there!is!space!to!pass!c. I&adjust&speed&and&wait&until&oncoming&cars&have&passed&the&obstruction&


24. Which of the following is true? a. I must be prepared to stop in order to allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross

b. The line after the pedestrian crossing is a give way line!c. Pedestrians and cyclists must give way to me!


25. You are going to overtake a heavy truck. In which case would you probably run the risk of the longest overtaking distance?

a. On a downhill slope

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b. On a flat road c. On an uphill slope

26. Where can you not stop?

a. In front of the entrance to a building b. On the road beside another vehicle which has stopped along the edge of the road c. Where I obstruct a traffic sign or traffic signal d. On a primary road outside a built-up area

27. You intend to drive to Sundbyberg. Which lane or lanes should you use?

a. Right and left b. Left c. Right

28. What does the police signal mean? a. Stop for traffic coming from both in front and behind b. I must turn to the right c. Stop only for traffic coming from in front d. Stop only for traffic coming from behind

29. There are slippery road conditions. On a steep downhill slope you meet a lorry

which has an obstruction on its side of the road. Should you give way to the lorry? a. No, since I could skid if I brake on the downhill slope. b. Yes, since after the lorry has stopped it can be difficult for it to start again on

the steep slope. c. No, the lorry driver should give way since the obstruction is on his side of the road.

30. Are you obliged to obey instructions given by a road transport leader?

a. No

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b. Yes

31. What does this traffic sign mean? a. Parking on the side of the street with even house-numbers is prohibited b. Parking is prohibited when the date is even c. Parking is prohibited when the date is odd d. Parking on the side of the street with odd house-numbers is prohibited

32. You want to drive straight ahead at the junction. What rules apply?

a. I only have to give way to the car coming from the right b. I have to give way to both cars c. I only have to give way to the car coming from the left

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33. You are approaching these crossings. When must you give way to the crossing traffic?

a. Only in situation A b. Only in situation B c. Only in situation C d. Only in situations A and C e. In all the situations

34. What is applicable for the cyclist in this situation?

a. Crossing traffic should give way to him/her b. He/she must lead the cycle over the road c. He/she is obliged to stop before crossing the road d. He/she is obliged to give way to all crossing traffic

35. What is the maximum number of passenger seats allowed in a car? a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 12

36. Which vehicles must have a "Slow-moving vehicle" sign? a. Motorised equipment class II, goods vehicles and mopeds class II. b. Motorised equipment class I, tractors and two-wheeled mopeds class I. c. Motorised equipment class II, tractors and four-wheeled mopeds class 1.

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37. It's nice weather and you have been forced to stop at an unsuitable place. On

what sort of road must you use a warning triangle? a. If the speed limit is 30 kph or more b. If the speed limit is 40 kph or more c. If the speed limit is 50 kph or more d. If the speed limit is 60 kph or more

38. Which safety post is most often to be found on the right side of the road at a crossing?

a. A b. B c. C

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39. What proportion of all traffic accidents that result in personal injuries take place in the dark?

a. About a fifth. b. About a third. c. About half. d. About two-thirds.

40. On what type of roads do you run the greatest risk of being killed or severely injured?

a. Private roads. b. Public roads outside built-up areas. c. Streets in built-up areas. d. Clearways. e. Motorways.

41. What should you mainly pay attention to here?

a. The crossing b. The risk of wild animals c. The road conditions d. The brow of the hill

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42. What type of road surface gives the best grip? a. Hard-packed gravel b. Loose gravel c. Wet asphalt d. Dry asphalt

43. Which statement is correct?

a. One out of ten pedestrians is killed if hit at 50 kph b. One out of ten pedestrians is killed if hit at 30 kph

44. How does a driver with self-control behave in traffic?

a. He signals incorrect behaviour from a fellow road-user by raising a finger in warning b. He keeps to his rights c. He shows consideration to those who think they know better d. He obstructs a person who wants to change lane e. He goes smoothly ahead by often changing lanes

45. Which statement is true?

a. With the help of direct vision we can detect things out to the sides b. We often detect with the peripheral vision and check with direct vision c. Peripheral vision is limited to a very small part of the field of vision

46. What effect can probability conditioning have in traffic?

a. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are seldom other vehicles.

b. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are often other vehicles.

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c. That I drive slowly at crossings where there is a clear view and there are seldom other vehicles.

47. Which of these drivers has the shortest reaction time when it comes to braking? a. The one who has his line of vision close to the car b. The one who is prepared to brake c. The one who is mentally prepared

48. What is the limit for driving under the influence of drugs?

a. 1.0 per mille b. As soon as narcotics can be traced in the blood c. 0.2 per mille

49. What is true about stress? a. A lot of stress often increases performance. b. A little stress often increases performance. c. All stress decreases performance. d. All stress increases performance.

50. Which type of accident is most often caused because of the driver being tired?

a. An accident when overtaking b. A queueing accident c. A one-car accident d. An accident at a junction

51. At how many rpm does a catalytic converter work best in a petrol-driven car?

a. Under 3000 rpm b. Doesn't matter c. Over 3000 rpm

52. What must a new petrol-driven car be equipped with? a. Cruise control. b. An engine heater. c. A particle filter. d. A catalytic converter.

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53. Your car does not have full vehicle type approval. When must you present your car for registration inspection?

a. After I have installed long-distance lights b. After I have installed an electric engine preheater c. After I have installed automatic cruise control in the car d. After I have increased the engine capacity

54. Your car is consuming an unusually large amount of fuel. What is probably wrong?

a. Blocked oil filter b. Blocked cab filter c. Blocked fuel filter d. Blocked air filter

55. Which of the following is a fossil fuel? a. Biogas b. RME (rapemethylester) c. Diesel d. Ethanol

56. It is May and the roads are still wintry. Are you allowed to drive with studded tyres?

a. No b. Yes

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57. Your car is equipped with an airbag. What is the minimum recommended distance

between the steering wheel and your body? a. About 15 cm b. About 25 cm c. About 50 cm d. About 70 cm

58. When should you use the full beam? a. When I am driving in daylight b. When I am driving behind another car. c. When I am driving in dense fog d. When I am driving in the dark in a built-up area with poor street lighting

59. Which one of the pictures shows a car with the fog lights switched on? a. Picture A b. Picture B c. Picture C d. Picture D

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60. When should you dip your lights when meeting a lorry or bus on the brow of a hill? a. I dip the lights when I see the parking lights on the roof b. I wait until the oncoming driver dips their lights. c. I dip the lights when I see the headlights of the oncoming vehicle

61. In which situation must you expect sudden deterioration of the grip on the road?

a. When I am driving on a road with hard-packed snow. b. When I am driving on cobbled streets. c. When I see that water has collected on the road.

62. When is it prohibited to use the full beam when driving the dark? a. When driving where there is adequate street lighting. b. When meeting pedestrians. c. When driving in a built-up area.

63. You are driving at 70 km/h. How far does your vehicle travel in one second?

a. Approx. 10 metres. b. Approx. 20 metres. c. Approx. 25 metres. d. Approx. 35 metres.

64. You are driving in a queue with the vehicle behind uncomfortably close to you. It is

dark. What should you do? a. Drive out onto the shoulder to simplify overtaking b. Reduce the distance to the car in front so that the distance to the car behind increases c. Increase the distance to the car in front

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65. How should you transport a child under three years old if you do not have a child seat?

a. In your car for a short distance, if the child travels in the back seat. b. It's not permitted. c. In a taxi for a short distance, if the child travels in the back seat.

66. When are you obliged to call the police in connection with a traffic accident?

a. When traffic facilities have been damaged, even if they can be reset b. In the case of serious personal injury c. When the accident has happened at night d. In the case of damage to property

67. How can you best avoid the risk of aquaplaning? a. By driving on the shoulder b. By driving with tyres with a depth of tyre of at least 3 mm c. By driving with wide tyres d. By driving at a slow speed

68. How is the handling affected if you are driving a car with a coupled trailer, where the

centre of gravity of the trailer's load is too far to the rear? a. The combination of vehicles will be unstable, especially when driving in

downward slopes. b. The combination of vehicles will be stable when driving on a straight road and

understeered in curves.

69. You have a *B**** driving licence. Which trailer may you pull with this car? a. Trailer with a total weight of 1800 kg

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b. Trailer with a gross weight of 1280 kg c. Trailer with a gross weight of 1200 kg and a total weight of 1500 kg d. Trailer with a gross weight of 1200 kg and a total weight of 1280 kg

70. You are going to couple a trailer to your car. Why must the wire to the emergency brake be properly attached?

a. It prevents the trailer from starting to wobble. b. It brakes the trailer if it becomes detached from the car. c. It increases pedal pressure when braking. d. It reduces the braking distance in an emergency.

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Code: 6ZGQDGUW 1. In which of the pictures is there the most serious risk of wild animals on or beside the

road? a. Picture A. b. Picture B. c. Picture C.

2. What is applicable when you are going to pass this level crossing? a. I should stop immediately before driving into the track area. b. I should stop 30 metres before the level crossing only if a train is coming. c. I should only stop at the stop sign if a train is coming. d. I should stop at the stop sign.

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3. How should you position your car when meeting an oncoming vehicle in the dark where there is no street lighting?

a. Somewhat further to the left than when meeting oncoming traffic in daylight b. In the same way as when meeting oncoming traffic in daylight c. Somewhat further to the right than when meeting oncoming traffic in daylight

4. You are driving the blue car. The car in front of you has suddenly stopped. Which of

the following alternatives is correct? a. Brake hard and quickly steer to the side b. Accelerate quickly and steer to the side c. Brake gently and carefully steer to the side

5. You have been driving for a long time at high speed and are approaching a stretch with a speed limit of 50 km/h. How will you probably reduce speed if you do not look at the speedometer?

a. I will reduce speed too much b. I will reduce speed to the new speed limit c. I will not reduce speed enough

6. Which warning lamp lights up when the full beam is on? a. Lamp no. 3

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b. Lamp no. 4 c. Lamp no. 9 d. Lamp no. 10

7. Even though you are driving at the maximum speed for the road you see in the rear-

view mirror that a car wants to overtake you. What are you obliged to do? a. Reduce speed b. Keep to the right c. Obstruct overtaking if I consider it inadvisable d. Indicate with the right indicator that it is clear to overtake

8. When reversing with a car and trailer you have asked someone to help keep watch backwards. Who is responsible if something happens?

a. Me as the driver b. We share the responsibility equally c. The person keeping watch for me

9. What should you do to pass the road scraper?

a. Pip the horn at the driver so that he can drive over to the right, and then pass to the left of the road scraper

b. Cautiously and paying attention to pass to the right c. Wait until the driver has noticed me and then pass to the left

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10. What marking should the vehicle in front of you have at the rear?

a. A rectangular yellow sign with two red diagonal lines b. Triangular reflectors c. A rectangular yellow sign with red edging d. A slow moving vehicle sign

11. What is correct when you are driving on a motorway and see this traffic sign? a. It is permitted to stop at the exit to orient myself on my continued journey b. I should reduce speed before I leave the motorway and drive out onto the exit lane at

the last moment c. The exit to Mora starts in 500 metres and I do not need to reduce speed until then d. If I am going to Mora I should reduce speed at the exit so that I can negotiate

the sharp curve often found on exit roads

12. Which alternative best describes what you should do first in this situation?

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a. I pip the horn so that the pedestrians understand that they must move to the side. b. I do not do anything in particular. Oncoming cars should wait. c. I stop and wait until the pedestrians have passed. d. I reduce speed and place myself close to the right edge without exposing the

pedestrians to danger

13. You have a higher speed than the lorry. Which alternative describes the most correct

decision? a. I should refrain from overtaking since the lorry driver will be forced out into my lane

when his lane ends b. I overtake since the lorry driver is obliged to give me space by driving out onto the

shoulder c. There is a considerable risk that the lorry driver increases speed on the

downward slope and I should therefore refrain from overtaking

14. It is winter and there is snow on the roads when you go out driving. Where is the risk of skidding the greatest?

a. In slight curves. b. On a straight main road. c. On the brow of a hill. d. At crossings.

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15. What is a single-vehicle accident? a. An accident between a motor vehicle and an unprotected road-user b. An accident where only one vehicle is involved c. An accident where two vehicles collide in a crossing d. An accident where the driver is alone in the car

16. What should you do here?

a. I signal with the full beam so that the pedestrian moves to the side. b. I complete the overtaking manoeuvre because there is plenty of space. c. I stop overtaking.

17. What does the supplementary sign in the combination of traffic signs mean? a. It gives the distance to the place where the danger ends b. It gives the minimum distance to the vehicle in front when driving over the bridge c. It gives the distance to the place where the danger begins

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18. What does this traffic sign mean?

a. There may be cross-roads b. Driving slower than 40 kph is forbidden c. Reversing is only allowed on the hard shoulder d. Tractors are prohibited

19. You are driving the blue car and intend to drive straight ahead into the smaller road. Do you have to give way to the yellow car?

a. No b. Yes

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20. Who may use the verge (hard shoulder), if it is marked with a solid line? a. Motorbikes. b. Mopeds, both class I and class II c. Cars that want to make overtaking easier. d. Cars that are driving very slowly.

21. There are special rules for parking. What is correct?

a. I can park on a primary road in a built-up area b. I must not park on a downward slope c. I must not park so that I present a danger for other road-users

22. When should the parking lights be used?

a. When I am driving in fog. b. When I drive behind another car in the dark. c. When parking on a main road in the dark. d. When I drive in a built-up area in the dark.

23. What does this sign mean?

a. Information on road number b. Information on the width of the lane c. The distance in tens of kilometres to the respective town d. The distance in kilometres to the respective town

24. What happens to the road conditions on a winter evening when the temperature drops

from -4 to -10 degrees? a. The road conditions become more slippery the colder it gets b. The road conditions are the same as long as the temperature is below 0 degrees c. There is a risk of a gritted road re-freezing and becoming slippery again

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25. A two-way street has four lanes. In which of them are you allowed to drive? a. Only in the two right lanes b. In all of them, except for the one to the far left c. Only in the lane to the far right

26. How should you act in this situation?

a. It is sufficient to check the cyclist in case he should wobble. b. I only look along the line so see if a train is coming. c. I should check the cyclist, pedestrian and the railway line.

27. What should you think about when driving onto the road to Loftbacken? a. On this type of road the speed limit is always 50 km/h b. It is not permitted to stop along the road c. The road may lack important traffic signs d. I must have authorization to drive on the road

28. You are driving at 90 kph. What is the minimum distance you must keep to the vehicle

in front of you? a. About 30 m b. About 50 m c. About 90 m

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29. Which alternative is correct in this situation?

a. Since there is an acceleration lane the right of way for right-hand vehicles rule is applicable

b. The drivers on the other road are obliged to give way to me c. The drivers on the other road are obliged to simplify my entrance d. I am obliged to give way to all vehicles on the other road.

30. You are driving on a motorway and approach the traffic signs. Which is the biggest risk?

a. Crossings. b. Pedestrians on the road c. Cyclists on the road. d. Oncoming vehicles. e. Sharp curves.

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31. What is most important for your choice of speed when passing a level crossing?

a. My experience and proficiency. b. The speed limit for the road. c. The type of vehicle. d. Visibility and the road conditions.

32. When driving in daylight on a main road you meet an oncoming vehicle. What is true

concerning the distance and meeting point?

a. If the oncoming vehicle is driving with dipped lights it will be more difficult for me to determine where the meeting will be.

b. If the oncoming vehicle is a large vehicle it will be much easier to judge the distance and the speed.

c. It is much easier for an experienced driver to judge the distance to the oncoming vehicle.

d. If the oncoming vehicle is driving faster than the speed limit it will be difficult to determine when the meeting will take place.

33. When is it permitted to use rear fog lights?

a. When vehicles behind me drive too close. b. When I have had a puncture. c. When visibility is decreased by fog.

34. What does the unbroken line in the picture mean?

a. I can temporarily stop to the right of the line to unload or load b. When turning right I should drive over the line to achieve a correct position c. The area to the right of the line is only intended for cycle and moped traffic

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35. What is true about wild animals?

a. During the night there is no risk of wild animals on the road b. Wild animals are only found in the vicinity of roads with signposted game trails c. It is common for elks to cross the road in small flocks

36. What is applicable when you want to apply the cogwheel principle?

a. The give way traffic sign is not applicable when I want to apply the cogwheel principle b. The cogwheel principle can only be applied in crossings where there is no give way sign. c. I must be in agreement with my fellow road-users about letting the obligation

to give way be subordinate to the flow of traffic.

37. How do you most safety show a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing that you intend to

let him go?

a. By braking decidedly b. By waving him to cross c. Through eye contact and my speed

38. For what reason is the traffic sign "No overtaking" erected here?

a. Because the road enters a sharp curve or dip, which is difficult to see

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b. Because there is an exit from the farm I can see ahead of me c. Because the countryside encourages drivers to look at other things than the road d. So that drivers will avoid overtaking motorbikes and mopeds

39. Your car has broken down on a very busy main road without shoulders. What are you obliged to do?

a. Call for a breakdown truck b. Set out a triangular warning sign c. Inform the police

40. What is the most important safety factor when driving in a bend?

a. To hold as straight a line as possible b. To know whether the car is oversteered or understeered c. To adapt your speed

41. Which general prohibition is applicable on a motorway?

a. Prohibition against reversing. b. Prohibition against overtaking before a curve. c. Prohibition against driving with a coupled and unbraked trailer. d. Prohibition against overtaking before the brow of a hill.

42. You have several road-users behind you when you intend to stop at the roadside. How can you inform them that you are intending to stop?

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a. I brake with the engine in good time b. I change to a lower gear in good time c. I switch on my hazard lights d. I brake gently in good time e. I release the clutch in good time

43. When must you use the parking and rear lights according to the law?

a. When I have had a puncture in the dark and have stopped by the roadside b. When I am driving in the dark c. When I have parked on a parking space with adequate lighting d. When I am driving through a tunnel

44. What is the biggest risk when turning left on a main road?

a. Of being driven into by a vehicle coming from behind b. Of being driven into by an oncoming vehicle c. Of being driven into by a vehicle coming from the right d. Of being driven into by a vehicle coming from the left

45. Which way of driving creates the greatest risk situation in connection with being

overtaken in the dark? a. When I drive out onto the shoulder to let the overtaking vehicle past b. When I position myself close to the right edge line c. When I have the same lateral position as before being overtaken

46. How can you best avoid the risk of aquaplaning?

a. By driving on the shoulder b. By driving with tyres with a depth of tyre of at least 3 mm c. By driving with wide tyres d. By driving at a slow speed

47. There are special rules for reversing. What is correct?

a. It is not permitted to reverse on a main road b. It is not permitted to reverse in a housing area c. It is not permitted to reverse in a three-way crossing d. It is not permitted to obstruct or interfere with other traffic

48. Where can you most often see this traffic sign?

a. On the brow of a hill b. At open areas along the coast c. At airports d. At places where I can be surprised by hard gusts of wind, e.g. on a bridge

49. You are driving with a coupled trailer. When is there a serious risk of "jack knifing"?

a. If the car wheels brake before the trailer wheels b. If only one brake circuit functions on the car

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c. If the car is equipped with ABS brakes d. If the trailer wheels brake before the car wheels

50. What does this warning sign mean?

a. The railway level crossing has only one track b. The railway level crossing has several tracks

51. In which situation is it prohibited to drive over the centre line?

a. In A b. In B c. In C d. In D

52. You are in the situation shown in the picture. What should you do? a. I must adjust my speed so that I can enter a gap without interfering with the

other traffic b. I must give way to all the other traffic c. I am obliged to stop before I drive onto the motorway d. If I cannot drive onto the motorway before the acceleration lane ends, I continue on the


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53. Which is the most important reason for no overtaking just before or on an

uncontrolled pedestrian crossing? a. I obstruct the view for the driver I am overtaking b. The vehicle I am driving will conceal any pedestrians c. My vehicle can go into a skid

54. You are driving on a road where the visibility is reduced by the brows of hills and

curves. Your intention is to turn round and drive in the opposite direction. What is correct?

a. I set out a triangular warning sign while I am reversing b. I make a so-called three-point turn c. I turn round on the shoulder d. I turn off the road and turn round on a smaller connecting road

55. When is it prohibited to use the full beam when driving the dark?

a. When driving where there is adequate street lighting. b. When meeting pedestrians. c. When driving in a built-up area.

56. You have run out of petrol on a level crossing. What should you do?

a. I leave the car and place myself in a safe place b. Put the vehicle in fifth gear and drive the car off by using the starter c. Leave the car and try to stop the train d. Put the vehicle in a low gear and drive the car off by using the starter

57. What should you do if this lamp lights up?

a. Top up the engine oil b. Top up the windscreen washer fluid c. Top up with antifreeze and water in the radiator d. Top up the battery acid

58. What does the marked symbol in the picture mean?

a. After it the road becomes wider

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b. After it two lanes merge together c. After it there is a crossing with a stop or give way sign

59. How should you use the full beam when overtaking in the dark? a. I do not dip my lights at all since I am going to overtake b. I dip the lights as soon as I see the vehicle in front c. I dip the lights when my full beam reaches the vehicle in front

60. How many minutes do you save every ten kilometres if you increase your speed from

70 km/h to 90 km/h? a. Approx. 2 minutes b. Approx. 4 minutes c. Approx. 6 minutes

61. When should you switch to full beam when meeting oncoming traffic in the dark?

a. I switch to full beam after I have met the other vehicle. b. I switch to full beam before I meet the other vehicle. c. I switch to full beam at the same time as I meet the other vehicle.

62. What is true?

a. I will come to a level crossing with barriers in approx. 100 metres. b. The cross sign indicates several tracks. c. I can park 20 metres after the level crossing. d. I will come to a level crossing without barriers in approx. 100 metres.

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63. Who is exempt from the regulations concerning the position of a vehicle on the road? a. Drivers of vehicles doing road maintenance work b. Drivers of vehicles wider than 2.60 metres c. Cyclists d. Taxi drivers

64. What should you do when you pass this sign?

a. I stop as soon as I hear the ship's signals. b. I stop only if a bridge-watchman stops the traffic c. I prepare to stop at a red light

65. You approach a level crossing with barriers. There is a road-worker who shows a red

flag. What should you do? a. I continue over the level crossing. b. I stop and wait until he takes down the flag.

66. What does the so-called "three-second rule" mean?

a. A way of deciding how long before turning at a crossing I should give a signal. b. A way of deciding the distance to the vehicle behind. c. A way of deciding how long my braking distance will be. d. A way of deciding what the minimum distance is I should keep to the vehicle

in front.¨

67. You are driving behind a road scraper and want to overtake. What is correct? a. It is only permitted to overtake on the left. b. It is always prohibited to overtake. c. It is only permitted to overtake on the right. d. It is permitted to overtake on the side which is best.

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68. You are driving in a line of cars maintaining a speed of approximately 90 km/h. What

is correct concerning your attention? a. It is sufficient for me to focus my attention on the car just in front b. It is sufficient for me to focus my attention on the car just behind me c. I should look through the windows of the cars in front of me. I will then have

a chance to see if anyone brakes further ahead in the line

69. You are driving the car on its way onto the motorway. What is correct? a. The blue van must change lane b. A powerful increase in speed simplifies my entrance c. I am obliged to give way to the traffic in the right lane

70. What do the lines in the middle of the road mean?

a. I may cross the lines to drive as straight as possible through the bends. b. I may not cross the lines - visibility is poor for traffic in both directions. c. I may cross the lines to overtake a slow-moving vehicle.

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CODE: 7A932Q54

1. You couple a trailer to your car. What is the most dangerous according to these alternatives?

a. That the trailer affects the car in strong wind so that it is not possible to brake b. That the trailer's brakes lock when reversing c. That the trailer's brakes do not work d. That the trailer comes loose and travels out into the traffic because the trailer

and the safety wire are not connected properly

2. Normally you are obliged to report to the police if you have collided with and injured or killed a wild animal. When does this obligation not apply?

a. When I have collided with a lynx b. When I have collided with a wild boar c. When I have collided with a fox d. When I have collided with a wolf

3. You are going to drive straight ahead and the taxi wants to turn to the left. How do

you best solve this situation? a. I just drive on, since according to the rules the taxi should not turn to the left from the

right-hand lane b. I drive according to the basic rule, wait and let the taxi driver make his desired

left turn c. I flash with the full beam to explain that I am ready for the taxi's left turn d. I pip the horn at the taxi to attract the attention of the driver to the risk of a collision

4. Which statement is correct? a. A driver with good self-knowledge often overestimates their own capacity as a driver. b. A driver with a high degree of self-control often ignores danger in traffic. c. A driver with a good concept of reality can more easily recognise dangers in


5. How does an experienced driver select information in traffic, in comparison with an inexperienced driver?

a. An experienced driver perceives important information to a greater extent b. An experienced driver perceives objects through the rear-view mirror to a lesser extent

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c. An experienced driver keeps their line of vision directed more towards the right of the road

6. For which reason should you refrain from overtaking the pedestrian? a. An oncoming vehicle could suddenly appear b. I should give way to the white car c. He could be splashed with dirt

7. On this road, what is the highest permitted speed for a heavy goods vehicle with a coupled trailer?

a. 70 kph b. 80 kph c. 90 kph d. 100 kph

8. What percentage of people killed in traffic accidents are men? a. About 30 per cent. b. About 50 per cent. c. About 75 per cent. d. About 95 per cent.

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9. You have mounted a tow bar on your car. Does the car have to be registration tested? a. Yes, always. b. No, not if the tow bar is mounted by a workshop. c. Yes, if the car is to pull a trailer weighing more than 400 kg.

10. What should you pay special attention to here?

a. Children with impaired eyesight b. Children with impaired hearing

11. You have had a puncture and have put on your car's "emergency wheel"? Which road

should you choose for preference if the closest garage is about 30 km away? a. Country road with a hard shoulder b. 2+1 road c. Clearway with a hard shoulder d. Motorway

12. You are driving vehicle D and want to turn to the left. Which of the other vehicles

present the greatest risk for you? a. The cyclist A. b. The van driver B. c. The motorcyclist C.

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13. How are drivers influenced by stress? a. High stress can have an adverse effect on scanning and the ability to drive b. Stress does not influence the ability to drive c. All forms of stress have an adverse effect on the ability to drive

14. What is true about older drivers (over 75)?

a. They drink alcohol and drive to a greater extent than other groups b. They are more involved in accidents at crossings than other groups c. They are more often involved in single-vehicle accidents than others

15. What are the long-term goals of the "Zero Vision"?

a. The number of road accident fatalities should not be more than 400-500 per year b. The number of accidents must be reduced by 10 per cent per year c. Nobody should be killed or seriously injured on the roads d. There should be no road accidents at all

16. What is true about the fuel consumption? a. It can be affected by the car's load b. It means nothing as far as the environment is concerned c. It is not affected at all by the way of driving

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17. What is true concerning narcotic preparations and motoring? a. Narcotics have no affect on me as a driver. b. Only vision and hearing are affected by narcotics. c. If I am under the influence of narcotics I will be punished in the same as a

driver under the influence.

18. What effect does group pressure have on human behaviour? a. Positive group pressure does not affect a person who has poor self-confidence b. A positive effect is achieved when the group clearly shows that it does not

accept anyone breaking the traffic rules c. A positive effect of group pressure is most often achieved by people who put the blame

on others

19. What proportion of all traffic accidents that result in personal injuries take place in the dark?

a. About a fifth. b. About a third. c. About half. d. About two-thirds.

20. What is the maximum permitted width of a car, including the load, when driving on a

public highway? a. 220 cm b. 240 cm c. 250 cm d. 260 cm

21. Which document should be carried when driving a light lorry?

a. Insurance certificate b. Driving licence c. Registration certificate d. The last report from the Vehicle Inspection Company

22. How can you reduce the harmful effects of exhaust fumes?

e. By warming up the engine while the car stands still a. By driving with tyres with the correct air pressure and low rolling friction b. By driving in a low gear

23. You intend to overtake the lorry. Which of the following risks is most serious?

a. That the lorry I am overtaking suddenly drives out on the road. b. That someone comes from the petrol station to the left.

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24. You are driving as shown in the picture. What is the biggest problem in this situation? a. To use the full beam of the vehicle in front. b. To estimate the distance to the vehicle in front. c. To see oncoming vehicles without lights.

25. Which group of drivers have the shortest reaction time in traffic? a. Drivers with little driving experience regardless of age. b. Drivers between 30 and 60 years old with many years of driving experience. c. Drivers in the 75-80 age group with many years of driving experience.

26. How can you reduce the degree of difficulty in driving through your own actions?

a. By driving at night b. By always having a passenger c. By avoiding driving in busy traffic.

27. What is true?

d. I detect movements from the side with my direct vision a. I see clearly in my full field of vision b. I detect movements from the side with my peripheral vision

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28. A person has been drinking quite a lot of alcohol until late in the night. What should he/she think about the next day?

a. If he drinks a lot of water and then takes a sauna this will increase the combustion of alcohol so that he can drive without risk in the afternoon

b. Since he cannot influence the combustion of alcohol he should not drive the vehicle all day to be on the safe side

c. If he goes for a run this will increase the combustion of alcohol so that he can drive without risk in the afternoon

29. Why do some people drive even if they are under the influence? a. They have a better ability to react. b. Their judgement has increased. c. They take the risks in traffic too easily.

30. You are the first person to arrive at the scene of a serious road accident. What must

you do first? a. Raise the alarm; call 112 b. Take stock of the situation c. Give first aid d. Warn other people

31. You draw level with a vehicle with these reflectors. How can you see which type of

vehicle it is?

a. I can see that it is a lorry without a trailer from the reflectors b. I can see that it is a vehicle with a dangerous load from the reflectors c. I can see that it is slow moving vehicle from the reflectors d. I can see that it is trailer to a lorry from the reflectors

32. After swerving to avoid hitting an animal, you drive off the road. What kind of insurance will cover the damage to your car?

a. Partial cover car insurance b. The wildlife fund c. Own vehicle insurance d. Third party insurance

33. What is true about petrol?

a. It contains benzene, which is carcinogenic b. It is a renewable fuel c. It contains a lot of sulphur compounds and contributes to acidification of the


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34. What does the concept of probability conditioning mean? a. It means that through often coming into contact with a situation I learn

whether the risk of a certain event occurring is large or small. b. It means that I learn more than I need to know to handle a certain situation. c. It means that I learn through understanding and insight. d. It means that I learn by watching what other people do.

35. You are going to overtake and have to accelerate quickly to get past. Does this

increase the emission of exhaust fumes? a. No, the harmful emissions remain at the same level. b. Yes, the harmful emissions increase considerably.

36. Which of the following statements about protruding loads is correct?

a. Any load that protrudes behind the car must be marked out b. Any load that protrudes in front of the car must be marked out c. Any load that protrudes more than 1 meter in front of the car must be marked


37. In which situation is there the greatest risk of experiencing an optical illusion? a. When I am driving on a gravel road on a hot summer day b. When I am driving on a motorway in the winter c. When I am driving on a main road in drizzle d. When I meet a car with a faulty headlight in the dark

38. At what time of day do people generally feel most tired?

a. Between 21.00 and 02.00 b. Between 02.00 and 05.00 c. Between 07.00 and 10.00 d. Between 14.00 and 17.00

39. How can you check whether a medicine is unsuitable for taking when you are going to

drive a car? a. I read the list of contents on the package b. I read the information sheet enclosed with the medicine c. I check whether there is a red triangle on the package

40. How are people normally affected by a high level of noise in traffic?

a. It does not affect us at all b. Most people become more alert and attentive c. You can get a headache and have difficulty concentrating

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41. What should you do at an accident when a person is bleeding heavily from the lower leg?

a. Apply a pressure bandage and make sure that the person lies with the leg low and the head high

b. Apply a pressure bandage and make sure that the person lies in a semiprone position c. Apply a pressure bandage and make sure that the person lies with the leg up

and the head low

42. You lend your vehicle to a person who you know does not have a driving licence. Who can be punished for this?

a. Only the person who borrowed the vehicle b. Only me c. Both me and the person who borrowed the vehicle

43. What does so-called flying inspection mean?

a. That the county administrative board calls my vehicle for registration testing b. Speed check with helicopter c. That I receive a date to report to the Motor Vehicle Inspection Company. d. That the police can stop me on the road to inspect my vehicle

44. You have loaded your car and trailer with the maximum load. What is correct?

a. The car's braking distance becomes shorter b. The car's fuel consumption is reduced c. The car becomes difficult to steer d. The acceleration of the car is reduced

45. In which situation is the risk of group pressure greatest?

a. When a girl is driving four other girls in a car b. When a boy is driving four girls in a car c. When a boy is driving four other boys in a car d. When a girl is driving four boys in a car

46. What often characterises persons who give way to group pressure in traffic?

a. High self-control. b. Poor humour c. A strong desire to be liked

47. You use an engine heater for your car. What is true?

a. Using an engine heater has no significant effect on the environment b. The only advantage is that the car starts more easily at low temperatures c. It reduces the emission of toxic exhaust fumes by up to approximately 50%

during the first few kilometers

48. Which persons often use this pedestrian crossing? a. Persons in wheelchairs b. Children in a day nursery c. Visually impaired d. Hearing impaired

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49. Which document or documents are you obliged to have with you when driving a private car with coupled trailer?

a. Vehicle inspection records b. Driving licence c. Insurance certificate d. Driving licence and registration certificate

50. You have a B driving licence. Which trailer are you allowed to tow?

a. One with a maximum gross weight of 1600 kg b. One with a maximum load of 1410 kg c. One with a maximum kerb weight of 1410 kg d. One with a maximum total weight of 1410 kg

51. You are going to a shop that is located 2 kilometres away. Which means of transport is the best for the environment?

a. An electric moped b. Travelling together in a neighbour's car c. A bicycle d. A car that has an engine pre-heater

52. What is the cause of most accidents?

a. The driver's way of driving b. The condition of the road c. The vehicle's equipment

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53. To who are you obliged to show your driving licence when requested?

a. Police and motor vehicle inspector. b. Military police and traffic wardens.

54. What is true concerning self-knowledge and behaviour in traffic of young drivers?

a. Young inexperienced male drivers often underestimate their skill and use excessive caution

b. Young inexperienced female drivers often overestimate their skill and drive offensively c. Male drivers between the ages of 18-20 often overestimate their skill, drive too

fast and end up in more accidents than others d. Male and female drivers between the ages of 18-20 have the same opinion about their

driving skills

55. What is true about a trailer's brake system? a. All trailers should have some form of brake b. The brake system for trailers is always hydraulic c. There should be a parking brake on a trailer with a higher service weight than

400 kg

56. Which is true? a. Morals cannot be affected. b. Morals are developed through experience. c. Everyone is born with good morals.

57. What is true about the fuel consumption?

a. It is affected by the choice of gear b. It is not affected at all by the way of driving c. It is hardly affected by how fast I drive

58. Why are impulsive drivers often dangerous in traffic?

a. Because they often make manoeuvres in traffic without thinking of the consequences

b. Because they often drive faster than other road-users c. Because they often show an aggressive behaviour in traffic

59. What is true concerning motorbikes and mopeds?

a. It is unusual to confuse a motorbike with a moped since they are so different in terms of size and appearance.

b. It is of no importance if a motorbike is confused with a moped since motorbike drivers have driving licences and follow the traffic rules.

c. An oncoming motorbike can easily be mistaken for a moped at a distance.

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60. What is the difference between the way experienced and inexperienced drivers direct their vision in traffic?

a. It is easier for experienced drivers to direct their vision to information that is important for traffic safety.

b. The search pattern of inexperienced drivers is more systematic. c. Experienced drivers often lock their line of vision in traffic and therefore miss

important information.

61. Is the shortest route always the most ecofriendly alternative? a. No. If a longer route means fewer starts and stops, this may be better b. Yes

62. You pass a road maintenance area. What is correct?

a. If no workers can be seen, I drive as usual. b. I must not exceed the maximum speed, 30 km/h. c. I choose my speed depending on the traffic situation.

63. What is meant by a vehicle's total weight?

a. Service weight + maximum load b. Gross weight + service weight c. Gross weight + maximum load

64. What is true about vision?

a. At higher speeds I have difficulty interpreting information in my peripheral vision

b. After having been blinded by an oncoming vehicle when driving in the dark it takes approx. 15 minutes for the eyesight to restore itself

c. Direct vision accounts for approx. 25% of the total field of vision

65. What obligations do you have if you have lost a load on the road? a. If the load can involve danger I must warn the other traffic. b. I must inform the police.

66. What is the maximum speed tractors can be designed for?

a. 20 km/h b. 30 km/h c. 40 km/h d. 50 km/h

67. You are out driving and you start to feel tired and sleepy. Which is the best way to

prevent an accident? a. Open the side window b. Have a cup of coffee

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c. Stop and have a nap for about 20 minutes d. Stop and take a break

68. What can group pressure in traffic lead to?

a. I refrain from driving when I am tired even though some of my friends want a lift b. I stop driving too fast if my friends do not like it c. I drive as I have learned during my training and ignore what others think

69. Your car must be vehicle tested (have its MOT) latest 31 March. What happens if you

do not have your car inspected by that date? a. I may drive it for one more month b. If I have booked a time within ten days after the period of inspection, I may drive it as

normal c. I may drive it until I am notified that a driving ban has been imposed d. A driving ban will be imposed from 1 April

70. Which is true concerning the ability of people to judge distance? a. Visibility conditions are of no importance for our ability to judge distance b. Experienced drivers have no difficulties judging the distance to oncoming cars c. We use references in the form of poles, lines and size when we judge


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Code: 66M84G2P (Phase C)

1. How do I best save fuel? a. By using a cruise control b. By taking my foot off the accelerator in good time instead of braking c. By changing to a lower gear on downhill slopes d. By changing to a lower gear on uphill slopes

2. You have been involved in a traffic accident. What obligations do you have?

a. To always call the police b. To always place injured persons on their back with their head raised c. To check the other party's driving licence d. To stay at the scene of the accident, and to warn other road-users

3. What obligations do you have if you have lost a load on the road?

a. If the load can involve danger I must warn the other traffic. b. I must inform the police.

4. Which of these drivers has the shortest reaction time when it comes to braking?

a. The one who has his line of vision close to the car b. The one who is prepared to brake c. The one who is mentally prepared

5. Within a certain stipulated period your car must be taken in for motor vehicle

inspection. You are not able to do this. What does this mean? a. I can request an extended period. b. I can drive for two months after the stipulated period. c. The car receives an automatic driving ban. d. I will receive a reminder.

6. You have taken the towing hook off your car. What must you do?

a. Nothing. I do not need to do anything until it's time for the car's normal vehicle test b. I must have the car vehicle tested within one week c. I must present the car for registration inspection within one month d. Nothing seeing as I have restored the car to its original condition

7. As a driver you should have achieved a certain degree of personal maturity. Why is

this important? a. Because it will then be easier to correctly assess your own capacity as a

driver. b. Because it will be easier to spontaneously react during a crisis situation in traffic. c. Because it will then be easier "to start up again" after a period of not driving.

8. What is the basic speed limit outside a built-up area?

a. 50 km/h b. 70 km/h c. 90 km/h d. 110 km/h

9. Who are you obliged to show your driving licence to when requested?

a. Motor vehicle inspector from the police. b. Personnel from the Motor Vehicle Inspection Company. c. Personnel from the Country Administrative Board. d. Personnel from the Rescue Services.

10. You draw level with a vehicle with these reflectors. How can you see which type of

vehicle it is? a. I can see that it is a lorry without a trailer from the reflectors b. I can see that it is a vehicle with a dangerous load from the reflectors

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c. I can see that it is slow moving vehicle from the reflectors d. I can see that it is trailer to a lorry from the reflectors

11. Which are the most common types of accidents outside built-up areas? a. Overtaking accidents b. Oncoming traffic accidents c. Single-vehicle accidents

12. How are people normally affected by a high level of noise in traffic?

a. It does not affect us at all b. Most people become more alert and attentive c. You can get a headache and have difficulty concentrating

13. What can result in disqualification from driving?

a. The car is not taxed or insured b. The car is not handed in for vehicle inspection in time c. Repeated traffic offences

14. You are driving on a primary road and approaching the crossing. What should you do?

a. Continue driving but with the readiness to act b. Brake and give way to the car coming from the right c. Count on the driver in the car who is going to turn to the left to stop d. Count on the driver in the car coming from the right to stop

15. Which is the most environmentally-friendly way to drive when you are approaching a junction where you are going to turn off?

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a. Disengage the clutch and brake b. Slow down by changing to a lower gear c. Just disengage the clutch

16. Which of the following describes substances that are released via vehicles' exhaust

fumes and which are harmful for human beings and/or the environment? a. Hydrocarbon, oxygen and nitrogen b. Sulphur oxide, helium and carbon dioxide c. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitric oxide

17. You have driven into and disturbed a traffic device, e.g. a traffic sign. What is the first

thing you should do? a. Contact the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) b. Contact the police c. Put the traffic sign back

18. What is true about your way of directing your vision in traffic?

a. If I lock my gaze on an object there is a considerable risk that I will miss adjacent information.

b. As a rule inexperienced drivers look further ahead than experienced drivers. c. If I look close in front of the car I will keep a steady course.

19. Why are the traffic signals placed so far from the crossing?

a. The street only has one lane b. It is always prohibited to stop closer to a crossing than 10 metres c. To simply turning into the street for lorries and buses d. The view is obstructed

20. At what time of day do people generally feel most tired?

a. Between 21.00 and 02.00 b. Between 02.00 and 05.00 c. Between 07.00 and 10.00 d. Between 14.00 and 17.00

21. By which means can you as a driver best improve traffic safety?

a. Avoid driving in the dark b. Regularly give way to crossing traffic c. Regular vehicle service d. By having plenty of time to drive

22. Which statement is correct?

a. Young women are involved in more accidents than young men b. Young men are involved in more accidents than young women c. Accident statistics are the same for young men and women if consideration is taken to

the number of kilometres driven

23. You have mounted a tow bar on your car. Does the car have to be registration tested? a. Yes, always. b. No, not if the tow bar is mounted by a workshop. c. Yes, if the car is to pull a trailer weighing more than 400 kg.

24. You are driving a diesel driven vehicle equipped with a catalytic converter. Which of

the following substances are emitted in an undiminished amount in spite of the catalytic converter?

a. Sulphur oxides b. Hydrocarbons c. Nitric oxides d. Carbon monoxide e. Carbon dioxide

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25. Which statement is correct? a. One out of ten pedestrians is killed if hit at 50 kph b. One out of ten pedestrians is killed if hit at 30 kph

26. What percentage of drivers killed in single-vehicle accidents were under the influence at the time?

a. 5-10% b. 20-30% c. 40-50% d. 60-70%

27. Which means of transport is best for the environment?

a. Train. b. By air. c. Car. d. Bus.

28. Which of the following is a fossil fuel?

a. Biogas b. RME (rapemethylester) c. Diesel d. Ethanol

29. How fast may a heavy goods vehicle drive on a country road?

a. 70 kph b. 80 kph c. 90 kph d. 110 kph

30. There are medicines that can affect the ability to drive. What is true?

a. Pharmacists are always obliged to say if a medicine is unsuitable when driving. b. I am always obliged to find out whether a medicine is unsuitable when

driving. c. Doctors are always obliged to say if a medicine is unsuitable when driving.

31. Which document should you have with you when driving a car?

a. Driving licence. b. Form for damage claim. c. Certificate that the car has third party insurance. d. The latest report from the motor vehicle inspection.

32. What effect does group pressure have on human behaviour?

a. Positive group pressure does not affect a person who has poor self-confidence

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b. A positive effect is achieved when the group clearly shows that it does not accept anyone breaking the traffic rules

c. A positive effect of group pressure is most often achieved by people who put the blame on others

33. Which statement is true regarding fuel consumption and the environment? a. Exhaust fumes are not harmful for the environment, only for humans b. A car with a catalytic converter and low fuel consumption releases no harmful

emissions. c. Cold starting an engine increases fuel consumption and harmful exhaust


34. Why do some people drive even if they are under the influence? a. They have a better ability to react. b. Their judgement has increased. c. They take the risks in traffic too easily.

35. Which documents are you obliged to carry when driving a car with coupled trailer?

a. The car's and trailer's last vehicle test report b. Driving licence only c. The car's and trailer's insurance certificate d. The car's and trailer's registration certificate

36. Which damage is compensated by third party insurance?

a. The excess on my own car b. Damage in connection with theft c. Damage to my own car d. Damage to the other party's vehicle

37. As a driver you face different judgements in traffic. Which of these alternatives describes the judgement most difficult to make?

a. Distance to a vehicle coming from a side road. b. Distance to an oncoming vehicle. c. Distance to the vehicle in front

38. Is the trailer correctly coupled to the car?

a. No b. Yes

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39. You are the first person to arrive at the scene of an accident and one of the injured persons is in shock. What must you do first?

a. I must keep the person occupied b. I must give the person something to drink c. I must turn the person away from the site of the accident d. I must lay the person on the ground, keep him/her warm and talk in a

calming voice

40. In which situation is the risk of group pressure greatest? a. When a girl is driving four boys in a car b. When a boy is driving four girls in a car c. When a girl is driving four other girls in a car d. When a boy is driving four other boys in a car

41. How can you as driver best contribute to the improvement of traffic safety?

a. By driving defensively. b. By avoiding driving in the dark. c. By driving new and safe cars. d. By training up the ability to react.

42. Which statement best describes the implication of learning by imitation?

a. I learn from my own mistakes b. I learn by imitating others c. I learn from how things normally are

43. Which of the following statements about protruding loads is correct?

a. Any load that protrudes in front of the car must be marked out b. Any load that protrudes behind the car must be marked out c. Any load that protrudes in front of the car and which is not clearly visible

must be marked out

44. Sometimes high fencing is built between housing areas and the roads. What is its main purpose?

a. To reduce the noise from traffic on the road. b. To prevent children from crossing the road. c. To prevent wild animals coming onto the road. d. To prevent traffic leaving the road.

45. Which statement is true?

a. If I drive with main beam headlights, I can see a pedestrian wearing dark clothes at a distance of about 300 metres

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b. If you are directly dazzled by headlights, the visibility distance can be 0 metres

c. The visibility distance when meeting another vehicle with dipped headlights is about 100 metres

46. On what type of roads do you run the greatest risk of being killed or severely injured? a. Motorways. b. Public roads outside built-up areas. c. Private roads. d. Streets in built-up areas. e. Clearways.

47. What is true concerning narcotic preparations and motoring?

a. Only vision and hearing are affected by narcotics. b. Narcotics have no affect on me as a driver. c. If I am under the influence of narcotics I will be punished in the same as a

driver under the influence.

48. With which sense do we collect most information in traffic? a. Hearing b. Eyesight c. Taste d. Smell e. Feeling

49. When is it most difficult to judge the distance and speed of oncoming vehicles?

a. When driving in the rain in daylight b. When driving in dry conditions in the dark c. When driving in the rain in the dark d. When driving in dry conditions in daylight

50. What is the maximum speed tractors can be designed for?

a. 20 km/h b. 30 km/h c. 40 km/h d. 50 km/h

51. Which of these characteristics increase the risk of a driver being involved in traffic

accidents? a. Good self-knowledge. b. Realistic concept of reality. c. High self-control. d. Low sense of responsibility

52. What does so-called flying inspection mean?

a. That the police can stop me on the road to inspect my vehicle b. Speed check with helicopter c. That the county administrative board calls my vehicle for registration testing d. That I receive a date to report to the Motor Vehicle Inspection Company.

53. What is the most important reason for keeping to a particularly low speed in built-up

areas? a. To reduce the risks for pedestrians and cyclists. b. To reduce the amount of noise c. In order to concentrate on what is close to the car. d. So that the traffic will flow more smoothly. e. To keep the emission of exhaust fumes low.

54. How is the environment affected by repeated accelerations - braking?

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a. There is no relationship between ways of driving and the impact on the environment b. Repeated accelerations and braking reduce the fuel consumption and the emission of

exhaust fumes c. A spasmodic way of driving increase the fuel consumption and thereby the

amount of hazardous exhaust fumes

55. What does overlearning during driving test instruction lead to? a. I do not forget my theoretical knowledge as easily b. I drive faster c. My way of paying attention in traffic becomes less developed

56. Which of these examples describes a mature behaviour in traffic?

a. If it is practical, to let someone go who should actually give way to me. b. To find gaps in the traffic to save time. c. To allow the engine to idle when scraping ice off the windows on a winter's day.

57. What is most often true about older drivers (over 75)?

a. They behave more aggressively in traffic than other groups b. The ability to manoeuvre the vehicle is considerably diminished c. The ability to do several things at the same time in traffic is diminished

58. In which way is the emission of exhaust fumes affected when you overtake?

a. The emission of exhaust fumes is affected if I accelerate quickly. b. The emission of exhaust fumes is not affected if I accelerate quickly.

59. In which situation is there the greatest risk of experiencing an optical illusion?

a. When I meet a car with a faulty headlight in the dark b. When I am driving on a motorway in the winter c. When I am driving on a gravel road on a hot summer day d. When I am driving on a main road in drizzle

60. The car and the van are both going to turn left. The motorcyclist is going to continue

straight ahead. Is there any risk of an accident? a. No, the motor cyclist sees both vehicles. b. No, the car driver sees both the van and the motorcyclist. c. Yes, the driver in the car does not see the motorcyclist.

61. What effect can probability conditioning have in traffic? a. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are often other

vehicles. b. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are seldom

other vehicles.

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c. That I drive slowly at crossings where there is a clear view and there are seldom other vehicles.

62. Which brake system is most common on a trailer for a car? a. Hydraulic system b. Electric brake c. Pusher brake

63. You have a *B**** driving licence. Which trailer may you pull with this car?

a. Trailer with a gross weight of 1200 kg and a total weight of 1280 kg b. Trailer with a gross weight of 1280 kg c. Trailer with a total weight of 1800 kg d. Trailer with a gross weight of 1200 kg and a total weight of 1500 kg

64. Which type of accident is most often caused because of the driver being tired?

a. An accident at a junction b. A queueing accident c. An accident when overtaking d. A one-car accident

65. How many passengers can a car take at any one time?

a. Any number, as long as the total weight of the car is not exceeded b. As many as are stated in the certificate of registration

66. You intend to overtake the lorry. Which of the following risks is most serious?

a. That the lorry I am overtaking suddenly drives out on the road. b. That someone comes from the petrol station to the left.

67. What is true about driving with an empty roof box on a main road? a. The braking distance becomes much longer b. The fuel consumption increases. c. The car become unstable when driving in curves. d. The dipped lights become dazzling.

68. You are approaching this crossing and want to go straight ahead. Where should you

direct your greatest attention? a. In zone A. The pedestrians crossing the road. b. In zone B. At the parked cars. c. In zone C. At the car in front. d. In zone D. Where there is shrubbery. e. In the rear-view mirror. There may be traffic behind.

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69. How many centilitres of strong spirits (40%) is 50 cl of strong beer (7.0%) the equivalent of?

a. About 3.5 cl b. About 5 cl c. About 9 cl d. About 25 cl

70. A person has been drinking quite a lot of alcohol until late in the night. What should

he/she think about the next day? a. Since he cannot influence the combustion of alcohol he should not drive the

vehicle all day to be on the safe side b. If he drinks a lot of water and then takes a sauna this will increase the combustion of

alcohol so that he can drive without risk in the afternoon c. If he goes for a run this will increase the combustion of alcohol so that he can drive

without risk in the afternoon

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Code: J9QAZTHB (Phase F)

1. Which statement about baby seats in cars is true? a. It must be fitted so it rests against the vehicle's dashboard b. It must always be fitted in the rear seat c. It is the seat belt that restrains the baby seat in a collision

2. You are driving a car equipped with airbags for both front seats. Which alternative is

correct? a. A child safety seat must not be mounted in the front seat b. An airbag is triggered in all collisions c. It is dangerous to wear glasses if sitting in a seat with an airbag d. An airbag provides best protection if I do not use the seatbelt

3. Which combination is correct?

a. Glycol - the radiator. b. Carburettor spirit - the battery. c. Distilled water - the radiator.

4. Which lights must your car have?

a. Main-beam, dipped rear and number plate lights. b. Main-beam, dipped and parking lights. c. Main-beam, dipped and fog lights

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5. What is meant by stopping distance? a. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when the

vehicle stands still b. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I start braking until the vehicle stands

still c. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when I start braking

6. Where is there information on which type of oil should be used for the engine?

a. The motor vehicle inspection report. b. The instruction manual. c. The registration certificate.

7. What is irregular wear on the front tyres most often a result of?

a. Incorrect alignment of front wheels b. Incorrectly adjusted brakes c. Uneven distribution of load and passengers

8. What is true concerning seat belts in a car?

a. The driver is obliged to ensure that passengers less than 15 years old use seat belts or special safety devices for children

b. The seat belt must be used when driving in a parking area c. The seat belt must be used when reversing d. Taxi drivers do not need to wear seat belts

9. You are driving a vehicle whose height exceeds 2.5 m. What does this traffic sign

combination mean? a. Driving straight ahead is permitted but after 900 m there will be limited

available height b. I must turn right c. Driving straight ahead is prohibited

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10. What is the first thing to reach working temperature? a. The engine. b. The catalytic convertor.

11. You are driving at 70 km/h. How far does your vehicle travel in one second? a. Approx. 10 metres. b. Approx. 20 metres. c. Approx. 25 metres. d. Approx. 35 metres.

12. Which lamp lights up when the engine temperature is too high?

a. Lamp no. 3 b. Lamp no. 6 c. Lamp no. 7 d. Lamp no. 8

13. What provides the best protection from rear impacts? a. Seat belt b. ABS brakes c. Head restraint d. Airbag

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14. What does the concept of thinking distance mean? a. The distance the car travels during my reaction time. b. The distance the car travels during my reaction time and braking. c. The distance the car travels during braking.

15. What is true concerning the engine heater?

a. It should only be used when the temperature outside is below minus b. It makes the work of the catalytic converter more difficult c. It increases the fuel consumption since a hot engine uses more fuel than a cold engine d. It reduces the fuel consumption and therefore the emission of exhaust fumes

16. Which vehicle or combination of vehicles may pass this sign?

a. A car with a trailer b. A heavy goods vehicle without a trailer c. A heavy goods vehicle with a coupled trailer(semitrailer)

17. When driving, you notice that the temperature gauge has suddenly gone up to the red

area. What is the first thing you should do? a. Drive to the nearest garage b. Stop and check that there is enough coolant in the cooling system c. Stop and check the oil level in the engine

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18. You rent a trailer in winter conditions. What is true? a. If the car has winter tyres without studs, the trailer must also have them b. If I load the trailer so that it is back-heavy, there is a risk that the car's dipped lights

will be dazzling c. A category BE driving licence is required to tow a rented trailer d. If the car has studded tyres, the trailer must also have them

19. Which statement is correct? a. The use of seat belts reduces the risk of injury or death in traffic by 40-60 % b. The use of seat belts reduces the risks if I have the three-point belt lightly stretched

high up on my neck c. The use of seat belts implies risks in the case of a side collision d. The use of seat belts increases the risk of injury or death if I turn my car over

20. Which traffic sign means that you must be well aware of the height of the vehicle you

are driving? a. Traffic sign A. b. Traffic sign B. c. Traffic sign C. d. Traffic sign D.

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21. You are going to jump-start your car by using electricity from another car's battery. Which of the following is correct?

a. The car that I am taking electricity from must not have its engine on b. The minus terminals must be linked to the plus terminals c. The batteries that are linked up must have the same voltage

22. Can a car be steered if the power steering fluid has leaked?

a. No. b. Yes, but it is difficult.

23. After pumping up the pressure in your brake pedal, you start the engine. The brake pedal then goes down a little. What does that mean?

a. It means the brakes work b. It means the brake fluid level is too low c. It means the parking brake works d. It means the brake servo works

24. A fault has occurred on the car's servo-unit. What does this mean?

a. The car cannot be steered b. The car can become difficult to brake c. The car can be oversteered d. The car can be heavy to steer

25. Which traffic sign indicates a limited axle load?

a. Traffic sign A b. Traffic sign B

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26. What does this combination of traffic signs mean?

a. Limited width of lane b. Vehicles with a width of less than 2.6 meter must have an exemption to drive on the

road. c. Minimum permitted distance to the vehicle in front d. Limited width of vehicle

27. Which traffic signs are you allowed to pass when driving a light goods vehicle with a coupled trailer? The trailer has an unarticulated towbar.

a. Traffic signs C and D b. Traffic signs A and C c. Traffic signs B and D d. Traffic signs B and C e. Traffic signs A and B

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28. What is true about using a seat belt?

a. The driver is responsible for children under the age of 15 using a seat belt or special protective device.

b. Drivers of light good vehicles do not need to use a seat belt. c. The driver must always use a seat belt, even in a car park. d. The driver is responsible for all passengers in the car using seat belts.

29. You are driving to the mountains in September. Are you allowed to drive with studded tyres?

a. Yes, if the road conditions are wintry b. No c. Yes, if I contact the Swedish Road Administration d. Yes, if I contact the police

30. You increase speed from 50 km/h to 100 km/h. How does this affect the thinking

distance? a. It remains unchanged b. It becomes twice as long c. It becomes three times as long d. It becomes four times as long

31. How should you transport a child under three years old if you do not have a child seat?

a. It's not permitted. b. In your car for a short distance, if the child travels in the back seat. c. In a taxi for a short distance, if the child travels in the back seat.

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32. What does this traffic sign mean? a. Goods vehicles whose total weight exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited b. Goods vehicles whose gross weight exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited c. Goods vehicles whose maximum load exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited d. Goods vehicles whose kerb weight exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited

33. What is the lowest available height under this bridge?

a. 3.5 m b. 4.5 m c. 5.5 m

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34. Which vehicles must be equipped with these reflector signs? a. Heavy goods vehicles with a total weight exceeding 3.5 tons b. All trailers c. Trailers with a total weight exceeding 3.5 tons d. All heavy goods vehicles

35. In which picture is the seat belt worn correctly?

a. A b. B c. C

36. Your car's foot brake (service brake) is not working. Are you allowed to drive if the handbrake is working?

a. No, I must call for a breakdown truck b. Yes, both only at walking speed c. No, I must tow the car d. Yes, but only to the nearest garage

37. Why should the tyres with the best grip be fitted at the rear?

a. The car's road-holding characteristics will be better b. It shortens the braking distance c. They are under most strain if I brake hard d. They are under most strain because of the weight of load in the baggage compartment

38. In certain batteries you should check the liquid level. Which liquid should you top up

the battery with when necessary? a. Methylated spirit. b. Salt-solution.

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c. Distilled water. d. Sulphuric acid.

39. After washing the car the brakes often brake unevenly. What is the easiest solution to

this fault? a. By braking a few times at low speed b. By blowing hot air on the brakes

40. How far does the car travel in one second? a. At 30 km/h the car travels approx. 8 metres. b. At 50 km/h the car travels approx. 22 metres. c. At 70 km/h the car travels approx. 32 metres. d. At 80 km/h the car travels approx. 34 metres.

41. You reduce speed from 90 km/h to 30 km/h. How does this affect the kinetic energy?

a. It remains unchanged b. It becomes three times less c. It becomes six times less d. It becomes nine times less

42. If you increase speed from 40 km/h to 80 km/h this affects your thinking distance,

your braking distance and the kinetic energy. What is true in this case? a. The kinetic energy is twice as much b. The braking distance becomes four times as long and the kinetic energy four

times as much c. The thinking distance becomes four times as long d. The thinking distance remains unchanged

43. Which statement is true regarding car batteries?

a. They contain a corrosive acid b. They must contain glycol in the winter so as not to freeze. c. They work at full capacity even at very low temperatures

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44. Which statement is correct? a. The force of a collision at 50 km/h is comparable with falling from the third

floor b. A hard stretched belt often causes injuries during a collision c. The hip strap on the seat belt should be placed over the soft part of the stomach d. As the driver I am responsible for passengers over 15 years of age using seat belts

45. There is not enough fluid in the car battery. What should you top up with?

a. Distilled water b. Carburettor spirit c. Antifreeze

46. Which warning lamp goes on if the oil pressure is too low? a. Lamp no. 3 b. Lamp no. 6 c. Lamp no. 8 d. Lamp no. 9

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47. What is meant by stopping distance?

a. The distance the car travels from when I perceive the danger until I stop the car.

b. The distance the car travels from when I start braking until I stop the car. c. The distance the car travels from when I perceive a danger to when I start braking.

48. When must the height of a viaduct be marked out? a. Always b. When the height available is higher than 4.5 metres c. When the height available is lower than 4.5 metres

49. When you are driving in curves it is important to keep to a sufficiently low speed.

Which statement is true?

a. Twice the speed gives twice the lateral force b. Twice the speed gives four times the lateral force c. Twice the speed gives eight times the lateral force

50. Which sign means that you must be well aware of how wide the vehicle you are driving is?

a. Traffic sign A. b. Traffic sign B. c. Traffic sign C. d. Traffic sign D.

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51. Which lamp lights up when it is time to refuel? a. Lamp no. 4 b. Lamp no. 5 c. Lamp no. 6 d. Lamp no. 8

52. Which vehicles must be equipped with these reflector signs?

a. Trailers with a total weight exceeding 3.5 tons b. All heavy goods vehicles c. Heavy goods vehicles with a total weight exceeding 3.5 tons d. All trailers

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53. Which traffic sign shows the maximum permitted bogie load?

a. A b. B c. C d. D

54. During what period is it normally forbidden to drive with studded tyres? a. 1 April - 30 September b. 16 April - 30 September c. 1 May - 31 October

55. What is the most common reason that the brakes come on farther down than normal?

a. There is air in the braking system. b. There is dirt in the brake fluid. c. The brake servo has stopped working. d. There is a leak in the braking system.

56. Which statement is correct?

a. Adult passengers are responsible themselves for using the seat belt b. Adult passengers only need to use the seat belt in built-up areas c. I must use the seat belt when I am driving in a parking area d. I must always use the seat belt when I am reversing

57. What is true about the car battery?

a. It should always contain carburettor spirit b. During the winter it should contain antifreeze

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c. It contains corrosive acid

58. Lamp no. 6 lights up when you are driving. What should you do? a. Press down the clutch and rev up the engine a few times b. Continue driving a few kilometres to see if the warning lamp goes off c. Stop the engine immediately

59. Which statement is correct? a. An airbag is always turned on and off with a switch on the dashboard b. If the vehicle has an airbag, you do not need to use a seatbelt c. A child car seat must not be used in the front passenger seat if there is an

airbag in operation

60. Which lamp lights up when the battery is not charging? a. Lamp no. 6 b. Lamp no. 7 c. Lamp no. 9 d. Lamp no. 10

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61. You notice that your car is pulling to one side. What could be the reason?

a. The power steering is not working b. High air pressure in both front tyres c. Low air pressure in a front tyre

62. Which of the following statements about seat belts is true?

a. A seat belt combined with a thick jacket reduces the strain on the body in the event of a collision

b. A seat belt should lie close to the body and be as tight as possible

63. Are you allowed to drive a car whose foot brake is not working? a. No, I must call in a breakdown truck b. Yes, the shortest possible route to a garage c. Yes, if you use the hazard warning lights

64. What is the purpose of engine oil?

a. It reduces carbon dioxide emissions during combustion. b. It lubricates moving parts, provides cooling and protects against rust. c. It prevents moving parts from freezing.

65. Which of the following statements about a car's warning lights is true? a. If the charging system lamp comes on while I am driving, I must stop immediately and

check the fluid level of the battery b. If the temperature gauge suddenly rises to boiling point, I must stop immediately and

check the engine's oil level c. If the red oil pressure lamp comes on while I am driving, I must stop

immediately and turn off the engine

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66. You are going to help to start another car by using jump leads. Which statement is

correct? a. The engine of the car providing starting help should be turned off b. The car which is having problems starting should have a gear engaged c. The batteries should be of different voltages d. If the jump leads are connected incorrectly, there may be a short circuit.

67. What must a new petrol-driven car be equipped with?

a. A catalytic converter. b. An engine heater. c. Cruise control. d. A particle filter.

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68. The thinking distance increases in relation to the speed. What is correct? a. Twice the speed gives a thinking distance twice as long. b. Twice the speed gives a thinking distance three times as long. c. Twice the speed gives a thinking distance four times as long.

69. Your car has no child safety-seat. Is there ever an occasion when you may transport a

child who is 4 years old and about 100 cm long? a. Yes, no matter the distance, as a one-off I may transport a child in the backseat b. Yes, but only a short distance and only if child sits in the back seat c. No, children must always travel in a special child safety-seat

70. Which fluid do you mix with water in order to prevent ice from forming in the cooling

system? a. A b. B c. C d. D

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Code: KGWARAHB (Phase Sluttest)

1. What does the yellow road marking mean? a. I'm allowed to park if I stay in my car b. I'm not allowed to stop there c. I'm not allowed to park there

2. You want to turn left at the junction. Do you have to indicate? a. No b. Yes

3. In which of the following situations is it most suitable to use your horn? a. When two people are cycling abreast b. When I intend to overtake someone riding a horse c. When the vehicle in front of me is driving at a low speed d. When the vehicle in front of me does not move off when the traffic lights go green

4. What should you do when you come to this traffic sign?

a. I am always obliged to give way to oncoming cyclists even if there is space to pass b. I am obliged to stop since meeting oncoming vehicles is prohibited c. I adjust speed and wait until oncoming cars have passed the obstruction

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5. You are driving straight ahead. In which zone can there be the greatest risk? a. In zone A b. In zone B c. In zone C d. In zone D

6. You are approaching this traffic light and want to turn right. What should you think

about? a. Because the lane signal arrow is turned off, I must reckon on pedestrians and

cyclists having a green light b. I am not allowed to turn until both lights turn green c. Because the lane signal arrow is turned off, the right-hand rule applies d. All other traffic must give way to me

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7. You should adjust the speed to the prevailing conditions. What does this mean?

a. That I can always stop before every predictable obstruction. b. That I always reduce speed when meeting oncoming traffic on a main road. c. That I always follow the flow of the traffic. d. That I always maintain a low speed.

8. You are approaching a junction where this sign is placed. What does it imply for you? a. It is only prohibited to do a U-turn at the junction b. It is only prohibited to turn left at the junction c. It is prohibited to turn left and to do a U-turn

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9. What is applicable for the cyclist in this situation? a. He/she is obliged to give way to all crossing traffic b. He/she must lead the cycle over the road c. Crossing traffic should give way to him/her d. He/she is obliged to stop before crossing the road

10. What is not included in a car's kerb weight? a. Tools b. Load c. Spare wheel d. Fuel

11. Are you ever allowed to pass this traffic sign with your car?

a. Yes, if I need to access a building b. No c. Yes, if I give way to pedestrians d. Yes, if I drive at walking pace

12. What must you do in this situation?

a. I must stop and allow a vehicle coming from behind to pass by b. I only need to slow down c. I must stop behind the police officer

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13. Which of the following is true? a. The line after the pedestrian crossing is a give way line b. I must be prepared to stop in order to allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross c. Pedestrians and cyclists must give way to me

14. You pass this traffic sign. What is applicable? a. I am always obliged to stop before I drive into a roundabout b. I should always place my vehicle close to the middle of the street if I am going to

continue straight ahead c. I should adjust my speed in good time to avoid being driven into from behind

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15. You are going to drive straight ahead. The bus driver gives a left signal. What should you do?

a. Search for eye contact with the bus driver and drive b. Stop on this side of the pedestrian crossing c. Increase speed to avoid obstructing the bus d. Increase speed to avoid obstructing the bus

16. What do these traffic signs mean? a. It is prohibited for everyone to drive in here b. Only those people who live along the road can drive in here c. Everyone who has an errand along the road can drive in here

17. The bus is going to pull out from the stop and has started indicating. What applies?

a. Both drivers must give way. b. Because there are two lanes in the same direction, the bus rule does not apply. c. Only the driver in the blue car has to give way.

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18. You are going to turn to the left. The bus driver intends to turn into your street. What should you do?

a. Stop by the right edge where I am until the bus has turned b. Calmly drive forward and wait at the give way line c. Hurry up before the bus

19. You are driving at 50 km/h. What should you do here? a. Continue to drive b. Release the accelerator and be prepared to act c. Brake to allow the bus to drive first d. Give a signal to warn the bus driver and any concealed school children

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20. Which statement is correct concerning this situation? a. The car driver must give way to pedestrians even if a school crossing patrol is

standing there b. The pedestrian crossing is viewed as being controlled if a school crossing patrol is

standing there c. The school crossing patrol has the right to stop the car so that the pupil can cross the


21. You are approaching this traffic light. What should you do? a. Keep on going. The light will soon be green b. Brake hard. The light will soon go red

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22. The time is 13.20 and it is Thursday. Can you use the bus lane? a. No b. Yes

23. You are driving at the highest permitted speed for your vehicle. May you drive on to the hard shoulder to help someone overtake you?

a. No, the hard shoulder is only for slow vehicles. b. No, because I'm already driving at the highest permitted speed. c. Yes, because there is good visibility.

24. What is meant by stopping distance? a. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when the

vehicle stands still b. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I start braking until the vehicle stands

still c. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when I start braking

25. You are driving a car with a coupled and braked trailer. What is the maximum

permitted speed on a motorway? a. 70 km/h b. 80 km/h c. 90 km/h

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26. You are driving car E and are going to pass a raised footpath. What is applicable? a. I must give way to A according to the exit rule b. The driver of car A must give way to me according to the right of way for right-hand


27. What does this combination of traffic signs mean? a. I am only obliged to stop and give way if there is crossing traffic b. I will soon come to a crossing where I am always obliged to stop c. I will soon come to a crossing with an obstructed view where the exit rule applies

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28. Which is the greatest hazard? a. There may be workers on the road b. The road is uneven c. The road becomes narrower

29. What do these traffic signs mean? a. Parking permitted, no more than 24 consecutive hours Monday to Friday.

Remaining times no restriction b. Parking permitted, no more than 24 consecutive hours Monday to Friday. No parking at

other times c. Parking permitted for no more than 24 hours all days of the week d. No parking

30. What is the rule at this junction?

a. The cyclist must give way to me according to the right-hand rule, but I should be prepared to stop.

b. According to the exit rule, I must give way to the cyclist.

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31. You are going to stop in the vicinity of a pedestrian crossing. What is correct? a. You should be at least 12 metres after the crossing. b. You should be at least 12 metres before the crossing. c. You should be at least 10 metres after the crossing. d. You should be at least 10 metres before the crossing.

32. You are driving on a road with a speed limit of 70 km/h with two lanes in each

direction separated by road markings. You overtake a car driving in the right-hand lane. Can you continue to drive in the left-hand lane after overtaking?

a. No b. Yes

33. You are driving on a road and pass this traffic sign. What does it mean?

a. There can be stones all over the road b. In the dark I should drive over to the left side of the road to avoid any stones on my

side of the road c. The sign means there is a risk of falling stones only from the left d. The sign means that there is a risk of flying stones from oncoming vehicles

34. You intend to drive to Sundbyberg. Which lane or lanes should you use? a. Left b. Right and left c. Right

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35. Are you obliged to obey instructions given by a road transport leader? a. No b. Yes

36. There are slippery road conditions. On a steep downhill slope you meet a lorry which has an obstruction on its side of the road. Should you give way to the lorry?

a. Yes, since after the lorry has stopped it can be difficult for it to start again on the steep slope.

b. No, since I could skid if I brake on the downhill slope. c. No, the lorry driver should give way since the obstruction is on his side of the road.

37. What is true about petrol?

a. It is a renewable fuel b. It contains benzene, which is carcinogenic c. It contains a lot of sulphur compounds and contributes to acidification of the


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38. What percentage of drivers killed in single-vehicle accidents were under the influence at the time?

a. 5-10% b. 20-30% c. 40-50% d. 60-70%

39. What type of road surface gives the best grip?

a. Dry asphalt b. Loose gravel c. Hard-packed gravel d. Wet asphalt

40. Which of the drivers has the most responsibility for the accidents shown in the series

of pictures above? a. The car driver, since he has poor visibility to the rear and also gives a signal

with the indicators too late b. The car driver and mc driver are equally responsible for an accident occurring c. The mc driver, since he should not overtake at the type of crossing shown in the

pictures d. The mc driver, since he should have noticed that the car driver is giving a signal with

the indicators

41. What should you mainly pay attention to here? a. The brow of the hill b. The risk of wild animals

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c. The crossing d. The road conditions

42. Which safety post is most often to be found on the right side of the road at a crossing? a. A b. B c. C

43. You are driving at 40 km/h. What should you do?

a. Stop behind the bus and wait until it drives b. Continue at the same speed but increase my attention c. Increase the distance sideways to the bus and get ready to brake

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44. Which type of accident is most often caused because of the driver being tired? a. An accident at a junction b. A queueing accident c. An accident when overtaking d. A one-car accident

45. What is the limit for driving under the influence of drugs?

a. As soon as narcotics can be traced in the blood b. 0.1 per mille c. 0.2 per mille

46. What effect can probability conditioning have in traffic?

a. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are often other vehicles.

b. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are seldom other vehicles.

c. That I drive slowly at crossings where there is a clear view and there are seldom other vehicles.

47. How does vision function in traffic in terms of direct vision/peripheral vision? a. With direct vision I can see clearly only in a small part of the field of vision b. With peripheral vision I can see clearly in the full field of vision c. With peripheral vision I can detect colours in the full field of vision d. With direct vision I can see clearly in the full field of vision

48. Which risk is the greatest if you have been speed-blinded?

a. That I miss the traffic signs and road markings b. That I fail to detect oncoming traffic c. That I fail to detect what is by the side of the road d. That I misjudge the length of the braking distance

49. How do you show good behaviour in traffic?

a. I easily accept a challenge in traffic b. I go ahead smoothly by continuously switching between different lanes c. I help to clear up the wrong behaviour of others d. I maintain my right

50. There are medicines that can affect the ability to drive. What is true?

a. I am always obliged to find out whether a medicine is unsuitable when driving. b. Pharmacists are always obliged to say if a medicine is unsuitable when driving. c. Doctors are always obliged to say if a medicine is unsuitable when driving.

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51. You skid as a result of too powerful an acceleration in a curve. What is true about the handling?

a. Front-wheel driven cars are experienced as understeered b. Front-wheel driven cars become oversteered c. Front-wheel driven cars skid with the rear of the car d. Rear-wheel driven cars are experienced as understeered

52. What is worst for the environment?

a. Driving with high air pressure in the tyres. b. Driving in a high gear. c. Driving with the air conditioning on.

53. What is the purpose of engine oil?

a. It reduces carbon dioxide emissions during combustion. b. It lubricates moving parts, provides cooling and protects against rust. c. It prevents moving parts from freezing.

54. Which lamp lights up when the brake fluid level is too low? a. Lamp no. 1 b. Lamp no. 6 c. Lamp no. 8 d. Lamp no. 9

55. At how many rpm does a catalytic converter work best in a petrol-driven car? a. Doesn't matter b. Under 3000 rpm

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c. Over 3000 rpm

56. You rent a trailer in winter conditions. What is true? a. If the car has winter tyres without studs, the trailer must also have them b. If I load the trailer so that it is back-heavy, there is a risk that the car's dipped lights

will be dazzling c. A category BE driving licence is required to tow a rented trailer d. If the car has studded tyres, the trailer must also have them

57. You meet a line of vehicles in a heavy snow storm. Which have the correct lights on?

a. Those with only the parking lights on b. Those with dipped lights and fog lights on c. Those with the dipped lights on d. Those with the daytime driving lights on

58. You intend to turn round on a road with a 90 km/h speed limit. What is correct?

a. I must have a clear view and no traffic for 200-300 metres in both direction in order to be able to make the turn

b. I make a three-point turn on the shoulder c. When turning round I must set out a triangular warning sign d. I must never turn round on a road with a speed limit of 90 km/h

59. In which picture is the seat belt worn correctly?

a. A b. B c. C

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60. By how much is motive energy reduced and therefore the braking distance if you reduce your speed from 100 kph to 50 kph?

a. By half b. To a third c. To a quarter

61. Which way of driving creates the greatest risk situation in connection with being

overtaken in the dark? a. When I position myself close to the right edge line b. When I drive out onto the shoulder to let the overtaking vehicle past c. When I have the same lateral position as before being overtaken

62. You drive onto the shoulder. What is applicable when are going to drive onto the road

again? a. The traffic on the road must give way to me b. The same rules are applicable as when I drive onto a road from an acceleration lane c. I must give way to all traffic on the road

63. How can you best avoid the risk of aquaplaning? a. By driving at a slow speed b. By driving with tyres with a depth of tyre of at least 3 mm c. By driving on the shoulder d. By driving with wide tyres

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64. Which of the following statements about protruding loads is correct? a. Any load that protrudes in front of the car must be marked out b. Any load that protrudes behind the car must be marked out c. Any load that protrudes more than 1 meter in front of the car must be marked


65. What is applicable when towing? a. If the engine is not running on the car I am towing, the power brakes will still work b. It is always permitted to tow in the right lane of a motorway c. It is prohibited to tow a two-wheeled motorbike

66. Your car must be vehicle tested (have its MOT) latest 31 March. What happens if you

do not have your car inspected by that date? a. A driving ban will be imposed from 1 April b. If I have booked a time within ten days after the period of inspection, I may drive it as

normal c. I may drive it for one more month d. I may drive it until I am notified that a driving ban has been imposed

67. What should you do in this situation?

a. I reduce speed considerably when the whole car is on the exit so that I can handle the turn after the exit.

b. I brake hard before the exit since I could be speed-blinded. c. I do not reduce speed before I come to a crossing, the exits are made for high speed. d. I reduce speed in good time before the exit so that I have a low speed when I come into

the exit.

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68. What is true about wild animals?

a. It is common to find roe deer in or close to built-up areas b. If you pip the horn wild animals usually move away from the road c. There is only a risk of reindeer on the roads during the summer


69. Imagine that you meet an oncoming vehicle in the dark at these places. In which situation can you wait the longest to switch from full beam to dipped lights?

a. On a straight road b. In a right curve c. In a left curve

70. What does this sign mean?

a. Transport of dangerous goods b. Foreign-registered vehicle c. Eco-labelled transport d. Transport of animals

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Code: 3VS4KHQY (Phase A)

1. When is it permitted to use hazard warning lights? a. If your car has broken down in a place where you are a hazard to other road

users b. When parking in front of an exit from a building c. When getting in or out just after the brow of a hill d. When loading on or off within 10 metres of a junction

2. What does the basic rule in traffic mean?

a. I am always obliged to overtake in the right lane. b. I am always obliged to park in a specially designated parking space. c. I should always give an overtaking signal when I overtake other vehicles. d. I must not obstruct or interfere with other traffic unnecessarily.

3. You approach this traffic signal and intend to turn to the right. What is applicable?

a. I cannot turn before both signals show a green light b. I cannot turn before the extra signal shows a green light c. I can turn even though the extra signal is off

4. What vehicles may pass these signs? a. Lorries and buses. b. Cars with trailers. c. Two-wheeled vehicles.

5. What should you expect when meeting a military column?

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a. They often drive faster than normal. b. I do not need to expect anything unusual. It is just like a normal meeting with other

vehicles. c. The vehicles can be wider than normal.

6. You intend to stop or park in this place. Which alternative is correct?

a. It is permitted to stop, but not park on the brow of the hill. b. It is permitted to stop or park just before the brow of the hill. c. It is permitted to stop or park directly after the brow of the hill. d. It is not permitted to stop or park on the brow of the hill.

7. You are going to turn to the right. In which situation must you stop first? a. In A b. In B c. In C d. In D

8. Has the driver of the red car parked correctly? a. Yes, if he has parked to pick up or drop off passengers b. No, it is prohibited to park like this c. Yes, if he has only parked for 5 minutes in order to do an errand d. Yes, if he has parked to load or unload goods

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9. What is applicable for the cyclist in this situation? a. He/she is obliged to give way to all crossing traffic b. He/she must lead the cycle over the road c. Crossing traffic should give way to him/her d. He/she is obliged to stop before crossing the road

10. What is the maximum number of passenger seats allowed in a car? a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 12

11. You are going to drive through a gate to a building and have to cross both a cycle and

a pedestrian path. What is applicable? a. I must give way to pedestrians, cyclists and mopeds b. I should give way to mopeds but not to cyclists and pedestrians c. All road-users on the cycle path and pedestrian path must give way to me

12. How should you act when you see this traffic sign combination?

a. I must adapt my speed, possibly stop, and give way to traffic coming from the right b. I must adapt my speed, possibly stop, and give way to traffic coming from the


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13. Which of the following statements about trailers is correct? a. If the total weight is more than 750 kg, it is always a heavy trailer b. If the gross weight does not exceed 750 kg, it is always sufficient to have a B driving

licence. c. If the total weight does not exceed 750 kg, it is always a light trailer

14. What does this sign mean?

a. I must apply the rule known as the zip-fastener principle b. The sign will help me to choose the right lane when there are traffic diversions c. Traffic in the right-hand lane must give way when I change lane d. The sign will help me to find local destinations

15. What rules apply in this junction?

a. The exit rule applies here b. The motorcyclist must give way to me because I am driving on a bigger road c. I must give way to the motorcyclist in accordance with the right-hand rule

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16. Which of the following is true? a. The line after the pedestrian crossing is a give way line b. Pedestrians and cyclists must give way to me c. I must be prepared to stop in order to allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross

17. You are driving in the same lane as the cyclist. What is correct? a. It is appropriate to overtake the cyclist since the crossing is controlled by lights b. It is prohibited to overtake if the cyclist is just before or in the crossing c. To give the cyclist wobbling space I refrain from overtaking until there is

sufficient space d. It is appropriate to overtake the cyclist before the crossing since the cyclist will be

keeping to a low speed

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18. You have stopped for a red light. A large group of children with their leader go over the pedestrian crossing in front of you. The light changes to green. What should you do?

a. I should drive since I have a green light. b. I let the entire group of children pass before I drive off. c. I start driving slowly since I expect the children to stop and wait for me.

19. You are reversing your vehicle. What is the most difficult to see?

a. Children approaching directly from behind b. Cars approaching diagonally from behind c. Cars approaching directly from behind d. Children approaching diagonally from behind

20. Which vehicle or vehicles are normally allowed to pass this traffic sign?

e. All heavy goods vehicles f. Moped class I g. All mopeds h. A bus in special service i. Moped class II

21. When are you obliged to use a light signal?

a. Only when overtaking cyclists cycling beside each other b. Always when overtaking in a built-up area c. When it is necessary to avert danger in the dark

22. The traffic lights at a pedestrian crossing are off. What is applicable?

a. Pedestrians must give way to vehicular traffic.

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b. The same rules are applicable as for an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing.

23. The lorry driver has indicated to the right. How should you interpret this? a. The lorry driver intends to turn to the right b. The lorry driver is intending to stop c. The lorry driver is signalling me that it is all clear to overtake

24. You are approaching a crossing. What should you do? a. I show with a decided gesture that I am going to drive first. b. I should adjust the speed so that I can give way even if the rules do not

specify this. c. I am always entitled to drive first if I come from the right.

25. What is the task of the school crossing patrol?

a. To stop all pedestrians b. To stop the traffic c. To help children in traffic d. To show when I can drive

26. Where can you read about the regulations for parking in your district? a. In the Road Administration's road information maps b. In the local traffic regulations c. In the Highway Code

27. What is correct concerning a parking space with these traffic signs?

a. All disabled persons can park here

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b. Only persons with special authorisation may park here c. Only persons who can present a doctor's certificate for a back injury can park here

28. In which of the following situations is it most suitable to use your horn? a. When I intend to overtake someone riding a horse b. When the vehicle in front of me does not move off when the traffic lights go green c. When two people are cycling abreast d. When the vehicle in front of me is driving at a low speed

29. For which vehicles is the lane furthest right reserved?

a. Vehicles with a gross weight above 3.5 tons. b. Public transport vehicles and class II mopeds. c. Public transport vehicles and all two-wheeled vehicles. d. Slow moving vehicles. e. Vehicles with a total weight above 3.5 tons.

30. You are driving on road where the speed limit is 70 kph. What does the road sign mean?

a. In 200-400 metres I will get to a junction with a major road. b. In 200-400 metres I will get to a junction where the right-hand rule applies. c. In 50-200 metres I will get to a junction where the right-hand rule applies. d. In 50-200 metres I will get to a junction with a major road.

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31. You are driving in the right lane and intend to change to the left. What should you do?

a. I drive close to the vehicle in front so that I can "follow" when they change lanes. In this

situation I do not need to check the vehicles behind. b. I check the left lane and give a signal that I intend to change lane. c. I block both lanes by driving over the lane line with the left wheels for a good distance,

after which it is easier to change lanes.

32. Why is a driver, when turning in a crossing, obliged to pay attention to other road-users even if he/she has given a signal?

a. Because other road-users can have missed the signal. b. Because you are always obliged to give way to all other traffic when turning in a


33. What does the police officer's signal mean? a. I must turn right on to a crossing road and then follow that road instead b. I must pull in to the side and stay there c. I must drive past the site carefully

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34. What can learning in depth during driving test instruction lead to? a. That I become less aware of the risks in traffic b. That I become better motivated to follow the traffic rules c. That after a short period I forget most of the traffic rules

35. You have just got your driving licence. What is the best way for you to avoid an

accident? a. I should use my brakes often b. I should always drive slowly c. I should drive in heavy traffic in order to practise difficult situations d. I should drive with large safety margins

36. The buses in the pictures are going to leave the bus stops. Which are you obliged to

give way to? a. The bus in picture 1 b. The bus in picture 2 c. Both buses

37. The lorry is going into "your" road. Which alternative is correct? a. To avoid presenting an obstruction I quickly go out onto the crossing road b. I take for granted that the lorry driver knows his limitations and stops before turning c. To give the lorry space I stop in good time before the crossing d. I can without obstruction drive up to the give way line and give way there

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38. What does this traffic sign mean? a. It is information on a lane b. It is a route sign with distance specifications c. It is a route sign with road number specifications d. It is a direction sign

39. What is correct about the way children behave in traffic? a. They have a good ability to see vehicles b. They are impulsive and do what occurs to them to do without thinking of the

consequences c. They have a good ability to hear from where a vehicle is coming

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40. Which group of road-users do these traffic signs highlight?

a. Hearing impaired b. Children at play c. Disabled d. Visually impaired

41. You are going to drive straight ahead in the crossing and the bus is going to turn to the left into your street. How should you act in this situation?

a. At a safe distance before the crossing I wait until the bus has turned b. I continue towards the crossing and wait at the give way line

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42. Where do most collisions between motor driven vehicles and pedestrians take place? a. On parking areas b. On the shoulder outside a built-up area c. On or in the vicinity of pedestrian crossings and crossings in built-up areas

43. You are driving straight ahead. In which zone can there be the greatest risk?

a. In zone A b. In zone B c. In zone C d. In zone D

44. You are driving straight ahead. Which statement is correct? a. The cyclist may have difficulty holding the handlebars with one hand and

looking backwards at the same time. b. I should drive before the cyclist. c. I should drive close behind the cyclist.

45. Which rule applies at the bus stop? a. It is permitted to park immediately after the bus stop sign b. It is always permitted to park if this can be done without obstructing the bus c. It is only permitted to stop to drop off or pick up passengers if this can be done

without obstructing the bus traffic d. It is only permitted to stop to unload goods if this can be done without obstructing the

bus traffic

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46. Which are road-users? e. Only pedestrians f. Everyone on the road g. Only those travelling in vehicles

47. You are going to cross an uncontrolled bicycle crossing. What rules apply?

a. I must adapt my speed so that there is no danger to cyclists and moped riders who are on the bicycle crossing.

b. I must apply the right-hand rule

48. What is correct about children in traffic? a. Children in the company of their parents are never exposed to danger b. It is easy for children to judge speed and distance to cars c. Only at 9-12 years of age can children manage as pedestrians in simple traffic

environments d. The traffic environment is always built for the safety of children

49. What is correct if you intend to overtake the motorcyclist?

a. I refrain from overtaking since it is prohibited. b. I should keep at a good distance to the side. c. I position myself close behind the motorbike so that I can quickly get past.

50. You have a category B driving licence. Which vehicle can you drive?

a. Light motorbike b. Car with coupled light trailer c. Heavy lorry without trailer

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51. What does this traffic sign mean?

a. Parking is prohibited when the date is even b. Parking is prohibited when the date is odd c. Parking on the side of the street with odd house-numbers is prohibited d. Parking on the side of the street with even house-numbers is prohibited

52. What action is most important when you have parked?

a. Make sure that the gear stick is in neutral. b. Make sure that the wheels are straight. c. Make sure that the windows are closed. d. Make sure that the car cannot start to roll.

53. You are driving the blue car. You have ended up in the middle lane, but actually

want to turn to the left. What should you do? a. I drive straight ahead, turn round at a suitable place and then drive as I had

intended b. I turn to the left with great caution c. I quickly change to the left lane and then turn to the left

54. What is correct about school crossing patrols?

a. You can see no difference between a school crossing patrol and the normal police. b. With a school crossing patrol at a pedestrian crossing it is considered to be controlled. c. A school crossing patrol is a warning for other road-users that there may be

children nearby. d. The maximum permitted speed when passing a school crossing patrol is 30 km/h.

55. What information does the traffic sign give?

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a. The right of way for right-hand vehicles is applicable, even if the traffic sign says otherwise

b. The standard of the road deteriorates c. The basic speed is applicable d. Overtaking is prohibited

56. How should the basic rule be applied in built-up areas? a. The horn is used to speed up other road-users. b. The horn must only be used to warn of danger. c. The horn is used to get ahead more quickly in queues.

57. Can the cyclist make a left turn from the right lane? a. Yes, since there are no rules for how cyclists should turn left b. Yes, since there are special rules for how cyclists can use lanes c. No, a cyclist should always use the left lane when turning left

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58. You are driving car E. In which position is it most difficult to see car A? a. In the position in picture 1 b. In the position in picture 2 c. In the position in picture 3

59. In busy traffic you may be forced to stop in queues. What is correct? a. I should stop close up to the vehicle in front at a crossing or at a pedestrian crossing. b. I should stop so that I do not obstruct crossing traffic.

60. You are driving the red car. What is applicable? a. I must leave free space for the ambulance.

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b. The ambulance must give way to me since I have a green light c. The ambulance must give way to me if it only had the blue light on and the siren is not

switched on

61. Why are there traffic wardens?

a. For labour market policy reasons b. To counteract dangerous parking and to simplify access c. So that the municipality can obtain money to build more parking spaces d. To watch over the cars and prevent break-ins

62. What does this traffic sign mean? a. Only mopeds class II are prohibited b. All mopeds prohibited, no matter what class c. Only mopeds class I are prohibited

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63. Which of these actions are an example of defensive driving? a. To drive slowly when visibility is poor b. To always drive 10 km/h under the speed limit c. To make a gentle increase in speed on motorway slip road

64. You are going to turn left at the junction. What is particularly important to think

about? a. Turning when I can do so without causing a hazard or unnecessary obstruction

to those in front of or behind me. b. Turning in front of the lorry. c. Giving way to vehicles from the left.

65. What is the difference between a motorway and a clearway? a. A motorway is always divided into two carriageways, one in each direction b. The maximum speed on a motorway is always 110 kph c. The maximum speed on a clearway is always 90 kph

66. How should you interpret the combination of traffic signs in the picture?

a. It is prohibited to stop before the signs, but permitted to stop after them. b. It is prohibited to stop both before and after the signs. c. It is permitted to stop before the signs, but prohibited to stop after them.

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67. What is true concerning road-users with a concealed disability? a. Their well-practised behaviour in traffic means that they do not present a problem b. It can be seen from a good distance that they are disabled through their behaviour and

therefore it is easy to predict their problem c. It is often difficult for us other road-users to detect their problem d. They are easy to see because they always carry a symbol which points out their


68. You are driving on a road where there is this sign. What does the sign mean? a. The road I am driving on is a primary road that turns to the right at the next crossing b. That there is a sharp curve to the right ahead c. I must turn to the right at the next crossing d. I should use the right lane

69. This vehicle is being driven by a road transport leader. How must he/she be

dressed? e. Yellow reflective waistcoat with the text VAKT a. Clothing similar to a police officer's b. Yellow jacket and navy blue trousers c. Orange overall with reflectors

70. What rules apply when you drive on an access road? a. The recommended maximum speed is 30 kph b. Through traffic is prohibited c. Pedestrians must always be given priority d. Motor vehicle traffic is prohibited

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Code: 363A6XA8 (Phase B)

1. Who is exempt from the regulations concerning the position of a vehicle on the road?

a. Drivers of vehicles wider than 2.60 metres b. Cyclists c. Taxi drivers d. Drivers of vehicles doing road maintenance work

2. When reversing with a car and trailer you have asked someone to help keep

watch backwards. Who is responsible if something happens? a. We share the responsibility equally b. The person keeping watch for me c. Me as the driver

3. What is true about level crossings with so-called half barriers?

a. Half barriers are used so that road-users will not be "trapped" between the barriers

b. It is permitted to drive in a "zigzag" if the barriers have been down for a prolonged period

c. Half barriers are mainly used to improve access for emergency vehicles

4. What can you determine from the line in the middle of the road?

a. The view can be obstructed, even for oncoming traffic b. The speed limit is probably 50 km/h c. I must not overtake cycles or mopeds

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5. You approach a level crossing with barriers. There is a road-worker who shows a red flag. What should you do?

a. I stop and wait until he takes down the flag. b. I continue over the level crossing.

6. You are driving in a line of vehicles in a built-up area. What is the particularly

important? a. To watch out for traffic in the next lane. b. To allow vehicles behind to drive past. c. To let out vehicles coming from the sides. d. To keep a sufficient distance to the vehicle in front.

7. Can you overtake a cyclist just before an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing on a

straight road? a. Yes b. No

8. You are driving at the maximum permitted speed. What is the easiest way of

judging the distance to the car in front of you? a. I keep the same distance as there is between two verge markers. b. I keep a distance of five car lengths. c. I drive according to the three-second rule.

9. You are driving behind a road scraper and want to overtake. What is correct? a. It is always prohibited to overtake. b. It is only permitted to overtake on the right. c. It is permitted to overtake on the side which is best. d. It is only permitted to overtake on the left.

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10. You are in the situation shown in the picture. What should you do? a. I should stop and give way to the other traffic b. I should drive in the acceleration lane as long as possible c. I should adjust my speed to the other traffic and leave the acceleration lane

as soon as possible

11. Which risk is the greatest during speed-blindness? a. More difficulty in seeing oncoming traffic b. Failure to judge the distance needed to brake the car c. Failure to see traffic signs and road markings d. Failure to see what is by the side of the road

12. What does this traffic sign mean?

a. Directions to a numbered road b. Directions for alternative route in connection with an accident c. Information on suitable road for vehicles loaded with dangerous goods d. Temporary directions in connection with road works

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13. When should the parking lights be used? a. When I drive behind another car in the dark. b. When parking on a main road in the dark. c. When I drive in a built-up area in the dark. d. When I am driving in fog.

14. What is correct when you pass a level crossing without barriers?

a. I must not overtake another vehicle. b. I should drive at a high speed before the crossing to avoid stalling the engine on the

line. c. I should drive in a high gear. d. I must make sure that a train is not coming.

15. What does this traffic sign mean? a. Oncoming traffic should give way to me b. The road becomes narrower c. The road becomes wider d. I am obliged to give way to oncoming traffic

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16. You drive onto the shoulder. What is applicable when you are going to change your position onto the road?

a. There is no special rule as long as I clearly show my intention to change position. b. The traffic on the road is obliged to let me in. c. I am obliged to give way.

17. What is applicable when you have passed the traffic sign "Motorway"? a. I can turn round by using special transverse connections if I have driven wrong b. I can stop of the slip road to pick up a passenger c. I can drive at a speed of less than 40 km/h if circumstances require this d. I can reverse on the exit road if I have chosen the wrong exit

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18. You are driving in the dark and want to overtake a car. What is true? a. Dipped lights should be used all the time while overtaking b. Oncoming cars are difficult to see c. The range of vision is shorter than during the day d. The car I am going to overtake must go out onto the shoulder

19. On which occasion can you use your rear fog lights?

a. When I am driving in a built-up area which has good lighting. b. When I am driving and visibility is decreased by powdered snow. c. When I am driving in the dark in clear weather. d. When I am driving in a queue of vehicles.

20. What does this supplementary sign mean?

a. The stretch the sign warns of is 200 m long b. The stretch the sign warns of is 600 m long c. The stretch the sign warns of is 800 m long d. The stretch the sign warns of begins in 800 m

21. You pass this traffic sign. Which statement is true? a. The railway crossing has one track b. The railway crossing has several tracks

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22. Which statement is true? a. I only need to stop if there is a train coming b. I must stop just before the stop sign c. I must stop 10 m before the stop sign d. I must stop immediately before the railway level crossing

23. What risk do you take if you always drive with your rear fog light on? a. The bulb can be overheated b. The driver in the car behind can be dazzled c. The car battery can run flat

24. In which situation is there a risk of poor grip on the road during the summer?

a. Cobbled streets during warm days. b. Newly laid asphalt on a warm day. c. A road with hard-packed gravel.

25. How many minutes do you save every ten kilometres if you increase your speed

from 70 km/h to 90 km/h? a. Approx. 2 minutes b. Approx. 4 minutes c. Approx. 6 minutes

26. You intend to overtake this car. What is correct?

a. Any oncoming vehicles should give way to me. b. The fact that the car driver has noticed me overtaking is most important.

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c. I divide my attention between the railway line, the car, and the road ahead. d. I do not need to check the railway line since there are lights and barriers.

27. What does the so-called zip or cogwheel principle mean? a. When two lanes merge the vehicles in the right lane should give way b. When two lanes merge the vehicles in the different lanes should take turns

driving into the common lane c. When two lanes merge the vehicles in the left lane should give way

28. At which time of the day is the risk of wild animals on the road most serious?

a. At night. b. In the middle of the day. c. During dawn and twilight.

29. In which situation must you expect sudden deterioration of the grip on the road? a. When I am driving on cobbled streets. b. When I see that water has collected on the road. c. When I am driving on a road with hard-packed snow.

30. There are special rules for reversing. What is correct?

a. It is not permitted to reverse in a housing area b. It is not permitted to reverse in a three-way crossing c. It is not permitted to obstruct or interfere with other traffic d. It is not permitted to reverse on a main road

31. You are approaching a railway level crossing with these warning signs. Which of

them requires you to drive the slowest?

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a. Sign A b. Sign B c. Sign C

32. Which one of the pictures shows a car with the fog lights switched on? a. Picture A b. Picture B c. Picture C d. Picture D

33. You are driving the blue car. The car in front of you has suddenly stopped. Which of the following alternatives is correct?

a. Accelerate quickly and steer to the side b. Brake gently and carefully steer to the side c. Brake hard and quickly steer to the side

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34. A two-way street has four lanes. In which of them are you allowed to drive? a. In all of them, except for the one to the far left b. Only in the lane to the far right c. Only in the two right lanes

35. When you pass a level crossing you should adjust your speed. What is correct?

a. I should adjust the speed so that I can stop before the crossing if necessary. b. I adjust the speed according to how frequently the trains run. c. I should drive no faster than 30 km/h. d. I keep to the speed indicated by the traffic sign.

36. You are going to continue straight ahead. What is applicable?

a. The drivers in oncoming cars should give way to me b. I should give way to oncoming traffic

37. You want to drive off in slippery road conditions and cannot get started. What is the right thing to do?

a. Release the clutch quickly b. Set off using second gear c. Accelerate sharply

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38. You intend to turn round on a road with a 90 km/h speed limit. What is correct? a. I make a three-point turn on the shoulder b. I must never turn round on a road with a speed limit of 90 km/h c. I must have a clear view and no traffic for 200-300 metres in both direction in

order to be able to make the turn d. When turning round I must set out a triangular warning sign

39. What is true concerning the situation in the picture?

a. I drive behind so that the driver understands that I want to overtake and moves out of the way.

b. I must wait until the driver drives over to the right before I pass. c. I can drive past the vehicle to the right. d. I must wait until the driver has turned off the road.

40. Which statement is correct concerning driving in the dark when there is no street lighting?

a. When meeting pedestrians I am obliged to dip my lights b. When meeting a vehicle in a left curve I can more often than not dip my lights

later than for a meeting on a straight road c. When meeting a vehicle on the brow of a hill I do not need to dip my lights at all

41. Which alternative best describes what you should do first in this situation?

a. I do not do anything in particular. Oncoming cars should wait. b. I stop and wait until the pedestrians have passed. c. I reduce speed and place myself close to the right edge without exposing the

pedestrians to danger

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d. I pip the horn so that the pedestrians understand that they must move to the side.

42. How should you act in the situation the traffic sign warns of? a. I should "cut" the curve so that I have the straightest possible course b. I should adjust my speed and pay attention to my position c. I should position my vehicle close to the middle of the road to increase the distance to

any pedestrians on the right side of the road

43. You are driving a car equipped with friction tyres. What does this imply in comparison with summer tyres?

a. The car is more easily steered b. I wear down the road more c. I have a better grip in winter road conditions

44. What is the most important safety factor when driving in a bend?

a. To know whether the car is oversteered or understeered b. To adapt your speed c. To hold as straight a line as possible

45. You want to drive onto a motorway where there is no acceleration lane. What

should you do? a. Let other traffic on the motorway drive before me, and stop if necessary b. Always stop before I drive onto the motorway c. Use the shoulder as an "extra acceleration lane"

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46. You are driving in the dark with a trailer which is 180 cm wide and are forced to leave it on a road where there is no satisfactory lighting. How should the trailer be marked?

a. With red lamps and red reflectors both at the front and back b. With white lamps and white reflectors at the front and red lamps and red

reflectors at the back c. With white reflectors and red lamps at the back

47. You are driving with a coupled trailer. When is there a serious risk of "jack

knifing"? a. If only one brake circuit functions on the car b. If the car is equipped with ABS brakes c. If the trailer wheels brake before the car wheels d. If the car wheels brake before the trailer wheels

48. There are special rules for parking. What is correct? a. I can park within 30 metres of a level crossing b. I can park on a primary road c. I should normally park on the right side of the road in the direction of travel d. I can never park on the left side

49. What is the first thing you should do when you pass this sign?

a. I pip the horn in warning in good time b. I reduce speed so that I can quickly stop c. I always drive out onto the shoulder to obstruct the workers as little as possible

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50. You are driving in the dark with dipped headlights. You meet oncoming traffic at the same time as you approach a pedestrian. When are you likely to see the pedestrian if he/she is wearing dark clothes and has no reflectors?

a. At a distance of about 25 metres b. At a distance of about 50 metres c. At a distance of about 100 metres d. At a distance of about 125 metres

51. In which situation is it prohibited to drive over the centre line?

a. In A b. In B c. In C d. In D

52. What does the marked symbol in the picture mean? a. After it two lanes merge together b. After it there is a crossing with a stop or give way sign c. After it the road becomes wider

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53. You intend to turn to the right on a main road. A car is close behind you. How do you avoid in the best possible way being driven into from behind?

a. By pressing firmly on the brake pedal, giving a signal to the right and then positioning the car well to the right.

b. By giving a right signal in good time, positioning the car well to the right and then pressing lightly on the brake pedal so that the stop lights go on.

c. By pressing firmly on the brake pedal, positioning the car well the right and then giving a signal to the right.

54. What do the yellow road markings mean? a. I'm allowed to stop in order to wait for someone doing a quick errand b. I'm not allowed to stop there c. I'm allowed to park if I stay in my car

55. Your car has broken down on a very busy main road without shoulders. What are you obliged to do?

a. Set out a triangular warning sign b. Inform the police c. Call for a breakdown truck

56. You are going to turn to the left into a main road. A cyclist comes from the left on

the main road. What is applicable? a. Cyclists are always obliged to give way to motor vehicles. b. I have the right of way. The obligation to give way is only applicable for motor

vehicles. c. I am obliged to give way to the cyclist

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d. The right of way for right-hand vehicles is applicable in this situation?

57. What is true about wild animals? a. Wild animals are only found in the vicinity of roads with signposted game trails b. It is common for elks to cross the road in small flocks c. During the night there is no risk of wild animals on the road

58. What is the most common type of accident when turning to the left from a main

road? a. Collision with vehicle coming from the left b. Collision with vehicle coming from behind c. Collision with vehicle coming from ahead d. Collision with vehicle coming from the right

59. How can you best avoid the risk of aquaplaning?

a. By driving with tyres with a depth of tyre of at least 3 mm b. By driving with wide tyres c. By driving at a slow speed d. By driving on the shoulder

60. You are driving at 90 kph. What is the minimum distance you must keep to the vehicle in front of you?

a. About 30 m b. About 50 m c. About 90 m

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61. What constitutes a great moment of danger when driving in the dark where there is no street lighting?

a. Crossing vehicles b. Oncoming vehicles c. Pedestrians without reflectors

62. What should you do if this lamp lights up?

a. Top up the windscreen washer fluid b. Top up with antifreeze and water in the radiator c. Top up the battery acid d. Top up the engine oil

63. You are driving with full beam in the dark. When do you have to dip the headlights?

a. When I pass a car parked on the opposite side of the road b. When I meet a cyclist c. When I meet a pedestrian d. When I pass a car parked on my side of the road

64. You are approaching a vehicle that has a slow-moving vehicle sign. What speed

should you assume at which it is driving for safety reasons? a. Max 70 kph. b. Max 50 kph. c. Max 45 kph. d. Max 40 kph. e. Max 30 kph.

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65. What is a single-vehicle accident?

a. An accident where only one vehicle is involved b. An accident where two vehicles collide in a crossing c. An accident where the driver is alone in the car d. An accident between a motor vehicle and an unprotected road-user

66. Which is correct concerning our ability to judge the meeting point?

a. The meeting point between two vehicles travelling at different speed is at the mid point between the vehicles.

b. We have difficulty judging the meeting point between two vehicles travelling at different speeds.

c. We can always judge the meeting point between two vehicles travelling at different speeds.

67. You have a higher speed than the lorry. Which alternative describes the most correct decision?

a. I overtake since the lorry driver is obliged to give me space by driving out onto the shoulder

b. There is a considerable risk that the lorry driver increases speed on the downward slope and I should therefore refrain from overtaking

c. I should refrain from overtaking since the lorry driver will be forced out into my lane when his lane ends

68. You are driving at the front of a queue of vehicles and are going to turn left at the small white building. What should you do?

a. I reduce my speed, stay to the right, let those behind me go past and then turn. b. I stop on the right-hand side, let those behind me go past and then turn. c. I drive past the junction and turn around in a suitable place. d. I indicate well in advance, place myself in the middle of the road and then turn.

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69. Even though you are driving at the maximum speed for the road you see in the

rear-view mirror that a car wants to overtake you. What are you obliged to do? a. Keep to the right b. Obstruct overtaking if I consider it inadvisable c. Indicate with the right indicator that it is clear to overtake d. Reduce speed

70. What is true about the place where this traffic sign is erected? a. This sign is only used on private roads b. The road is widened for oncoming traffic c. The driver with the sign to the right should stop and wait

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Code: CNBPNZKU (Phase C)

1. Why do some people drive even if they are under the influence? a. Their judgement has increased. b. They take the risks in traffic too easily. c. They have a better ability to react.

2. What is engine braking?

a. When I release the accelerator b. When I change to a higher gear and disengage the clutch c. When I change to a lower gear and disengage the clutch d. When I brake at the same time as I disengage the clutch

3. What does overlearning during driving test instruction lead to?

a. I do not forget my theoretical knowledge as easily b. My way of paying attention in traffic becomes less developed c. I drive faster

4. How are drivers influenced by stress?

a. Stress does not influence the ability to drive b. All forms of stress have an adverse effect on the ability to drive c. High stress can have an adverse effect on scanning and the ability to drive

5. Which statement is true?

a. Vehicle drivers who need glasses are obliged to check their eyesight at least every ten years

b. When our eyesight deteriorates it most often takes place slowly, which means that we do not notice it immediately

c. People with poor eyesight often see better in the dark than in daylight d. All vehicle drivers are obliged to check their eyesight at regular intervals

6. As a driver you face different judgements in traffic. Which of these alternatives

describes the judgement most difficult to make? a. Distance to an oncoming vehicle. b. Distance to the vehicle in front. c. Distance to a vehicle coming from a side road.

7. What is the biggest advantage to using biofuel instead of fossil fuel?

a. It doesn't have an impact on the greenhouse effect. b. Reduced fuel consumption. c. Reduced wear on the engine.

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8. How can you as driver best contribute to the improvement of traffic safety? a. By avoiding driving in the dark. b. By training up the ability to react. c. By driving defensively. d. By driving new and safe cars.

9. How many reported wildlife accidents are there every year?

a. About 15,000 b. About 45,000 c. About 90,000

10. What is true about driving with an empty roof box on a main road? a. The fuel consumption increases. b. The dipped lights become dazzling. c. The braking distance becomes much longer d. The car become unstable when driving in curves.

11. What does so-called flying inspection mean?

a. Speed check with helicopter b. That I receive a date to report to the Motor Vehicle Inspection Company. c. That the police can stop me on the road to inspect my vehicle d. That the county administrative board calls my vehicle for registration testing

12. You lend your vehicle to a person who you know does not have a driving licence.

Who can be punished for this? a. Only me b. Both me and the person who borrowed the vehicle c. Only the person who borrowed the vehicle

13. Your computer is damaged when you brake sharply. Will the damage be covered

by your traffic insurance? a. Yes. b. No.

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14. There are medicines that can affect the ability to drive. What is true? a. I am always obliged to find out whether a medicine is unsuitable when

driving. b. Doctors are always obliged to say if a medicine is unsuitable when driving. c. Pharmacists are always obliged to say if a medicine is unsuitable when driving.

15. What is true concerning motorbikes and mopeds?

a. It is of no importance if a motorbike is confused with a moped since motorbike drivers have driving licences and follow the traffic rules.

b. An oncoming motorbike can easily be mistaken for a moped at a distance. c. It is unusual to confuse a motorbike with a moped since they are so different in terms

of size and appearance.

16. Which statement is correct? a. Young men are involved in more accidents than young women b. Accident statistics are the same for young men and women if consideration is taken to

the number of kilometres driven c. Young women are involved in more accidents than young men

17. Why are impulsive drivers often dangerous in traffic?

a. Because they often drive faster than other road-users b. Because they often show an aggressive behaviour in traffic c. Because they often make manoeuvres in traffic without thinking of the


18. What effect does group pressure have on human behaviour? a. A positive effect is achieved when the group clearly shows that it does not

accept anyone breaking the traffic rules b. A positive effect of group pressure is most often achieved by people who put the blame

on others c. Positive group pressure does not affect a person who has poor self-confidence

19. What is true about the fuel consumption?

a. It is not affected by how the car is loaded b. It is not affected by the air pressure in the tyres c. It can be reduced if I use the engine heater

20. Which of these examples describes an immature behaviour in traffic?

a. To go out onto the shoulder to make it easier for a vehicle to overtake. b. To refuse to let in a driver into my lane. c. To accelerate powerfully on a slip road to a motorway.

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21. The car and the van are both going to turn left. The motorcyclist is going to continue straight ahead. Is there any risk of an accident?

a. No, the motor cyclist sees both vehicles. b. Yes, the driver in the car does not see the motorcyclist. c. No, the car driver sees both the van and the motorcyclist.

22. You collide with an elk. What is the probable reason?

a. The lack of warning signs b. High speed in combination with lack of attention c. Dense vegetation close to the road

23. Which documents are you obliged to carry when driving a car with coupled trailer?

a. Driving licence only b. The car's and trailer's insurance certificate c. The car's and trailer's registration certificate d. The car's and trailer's last vehicle test report

24. Which safety post is most often to be found on the right side of the road at a

crossing? a. A b. B c. C

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25. You have a car which is 170 cm wide and you intend to transport a bulky object on the roof rack. What is the maximum the load can project out on the sides?

a. 10 cm on both sides. b. 40 cm on one side. Nothing on the other side. c. 10 cm on one side and 30 cm on the other. d. 20 cm on both sides. e. 30 cm on both sides.

26. Which statement best describes the implication of probability conditioning?

a. I learn from my own mistakes b. I learn from how things normally are c. I learn by imitating others

27. How can you reduce the harmful effects of exhaust fumes?

a. By driving in a low gear b. By using an engine pre-heater when temperatures are lower than +10

degrees c. By choosing tyres with high rolling friction d. By warming up the engine while the car stands still

28. Where does this speed limit cease to apply?

a. After a "Stop" sign. b. At the next speed limit sign that states another speed. c. At the next junction. d. At the sign for "Built-up area ends".

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29. Which statement is true? a. Inexperienced drivers have a more flexible way of looking than experienced drivers b. Inexperienced drivers have a greater scanning area than experienced drivers c. Inexperienced drivers lock their eyes more often close to the vehicle

30. What is the maximum speed motor vehicles in category II can be designed for?

a. 20 km/h b. 30 km/h c. 40 km/h d. 50 km/h

31. What can result in disqualification from driving? a. The car is not handed in for vehicle inspection in time b. Repeated traffic offences c. The car is not taxed or insured

32. Can you reduce fuel consumption if you service your vehicle regularly?

a. Yes. b. No.

33. You pass a road maintenance area. What is correct? a. I must not exceed the maximum speed, 30 km/h. b. I choose my speed depending on the traffic situation. c. If no workers can be seen, I drive as usual.

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34. Why are the traffic signals placed so far from the crossing? a. It is always prohibited to stop closer to a crossing than 10 metres b. To simply turning into the street for lorries and buses c. The view is obstructed d. The street only has one lane

35. What percentage of drivers killed in single-vehicle accidents were under the influence at the time?

a. 5-10% b. 20-30% c. 40-50% d. 60-70%

36. On what type of roads do you run the greatest risk of being killed or severely

injured? a. Clearways. b. Streets in built-up areas. c. Private roads. d. Motorways. e. Public roads outside built-up areas.

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37. You have driven into and disturbed a traffic device, e.g. a traffic sign. What is the

first thing you should do? a. Contact the police b. Put the traffic sign back c. Contact the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket)

38. As a driver you should have achieved a certain degree of personal maturity. Why is this important?

a. Because it will be easier to spontaneously react during a crisis situation in traffic. b. Because it will then be easier "to start up again" after a period of not driving. c. Because it will then be easier to correctly assess your own capacity as a


39. You have hit and damaged a car in a car park. What is the right thing to do? a. I must always report the damage to the insurance company b. I must always put out a warning triangle c. I must report the damage to the police if I cannot contact the owner d. I must report the damage to the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen)

40. Which statement is true regarding fuel consumption and the environment?

a. A car with a catalytic converter and low fuel consumption releases no harmful emissions.

b. Cold starting an engine increases fuel consumption and harmful exhaust emissions

c. Exhaust fumes are not harmful for the environment, only for humans

41. How can you reduce the degree of difficulty in driving through your own actions?

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a. By always having a passenger b. By avoiding driving in busy traffic. c. By driving at night

42. At what time of day do people generally feel most tired?

a. Between 21.00 and 02.00 b. Between 02.00 and 05.00 c. Between 07.00 and 10.00 d. Between 14.00 and 17.00

43. What influences your reaction time?

a. Tiredness and a lack of concentration. b. Speed. c. An uphill or downhill slope. d. Road conditions.

44. What is the basic speed limit outside a built-up area? a. 50 km/h b. 70 km/h c. 90 km/h d. 110 km/h

45. What is true about petrol?

a. It is a renewable fuel b. It contains a lot of sulphur compounds and contributes to acidification of the

environment c. It contains benzene, which is carcinogenic

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46. You have coupled a trailer to your car. What is correct? a. Trailers are only braked by a fitted electric brake b. If the car has ABS brakes the trailer should also be equipped with similar brakes c. There should be a main brake on trailers with a total weight of more than 750

kg d. A parking brake is obligatory on all trailers

47. You have a B driving licence. What is permitted according to the certificate of registration?

a. I can drive with a trailer whose maximum load is 940 kg b. I can drive with a trailer whose gross weight is 1000 kg c. I can drive with a trailer whose total weight is maximum 940 kg

48. Your car must be vehicle tested (have its MOT) latest 31 March. What happens if you do not have your car inspected by that date?

a. If I have booked a time within ten days after the period of inspection, I may drive it as normal

b. I may drive it until I am notified that a driving ban has been imposed c. A driving ban will be imposed from 1 April d. I may drive it for one more month

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49. What is true about the catalytic converter? a. It only functions on diesel driven vehicles b. It cleans exhaust fumes from a large part of nitric oxides and hydrocarbons c. It is most effective just when the engine has been started

50. Which of the following statements about protruding loads is correct?

a. Any load that protrudes in front of the car must be marked out b. Any load that protrudes in front of the car and which is not clearly visible

must be marked out c. Any load that protrudes behind the car must be marked out

51. When must you registration test your car?

a. Every year. b. After application to the Swedish Motor-Car Registry that temporary deregistration is to

cease. c. When you have changed the engine in order to run on a different fuel.

52. What is not included in a car's kerb weight?

a. Load b. Fuel c. Tools d. Spare wheel

53. What obligations do you have if you have lost a load on the road?

a. I must inform the police. b. If the load can involve danger I must warn the other traffic.

54. Which is true concerning the ability of people to judge distance?

a. Experienced drivers have no difficulties judging the distance to oncoming cars b. We use references in the form of poles, lines and size when we judge

distances c. Visibility conditions are of no importance for our ability to judge distance

55. What percentage of Sweden's total carbon dioxide emissions is caused by road

traffic? a. About 10 % b. About 30 % c. About 50 % d. About 70 %

56. You have mounted a tow bar on your car. Does the car have to be registration


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a. No, not if the tow bar is mounted by a workshop. b. Yes, if the car is to pull a trailer weighing more than 400 kg. c. Yes, always.

57. When is it most difficult to judge the distance and speed of oncoming vehicles?

a. When driving in dry conditions in the dark b. When driving in dry conditions in daylight c. When driving in the rain in daylight d. When driving in the rain in the dark

58. What effect can learning by imitation have in traffic?

a. That I imitate the bad behaviour of others. b. That I teach myself to react quickly. c. That I develop as a car driver through following the debate on traffic in the media. d. That I learn from my mistakes.

59. How are people normally affected by a high level of noise in traffic?

a. Most people become more alert and attentive b. You can get a headache and have difficulty concentrating c. It does not affect us at al

60. What is the limit for driving under the influence of drugs?

a. As soon as narcotics can be traced in the blood b. 0.2 per mille c. 1.0 per mille

61. Which vehicles must have the triangular reflectors shown in the picture at the

rear? a. Tractors b. Lorries c. Buses d. Trailers

62. Where should you look to ensure maximum safety in your driving? a. As close to the car as possible b. As far ahead as possible

63. You have loaded your car and trailer with the maximum load. What is correct?

a. The car's fuel consumption is reduced b. The car becomes difficult to steer c. The acceleration of the car is reduced d. The car's braking distance becomes shorter

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64. Which persons often use this pedestrian crossing?

e. Children in a day nursery f. Visually impaired g. Hearing impaired h. Persons in wheelchairs

65. You intend to overtake the lorry. Which of the following risks is most serious? a. That someone comes from the petrol station to the left. b. That the lorry I am overtaking suddenly drives out on the road.

66. Which means of transport is best for the environment? a. By air. b. Car. c. Bus. d. Train.

67. How does a driver with self-control behave in traffic?

a. He obstructs a person who wants to change lane b. He shows consideration to those who think they know better c. He signals incorrect behaviour from a fellow road-user by raising a finger in warning d. He goes smoothly ahead by often changing lanes e. He keeps to his rights

68. In which situation is the risk of group pressure greatest?

a. When a boy is driving four girls in a car

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b. When a boy is driving four other boys in a car c. When a girl is driving four boys in a car d. When a girl is driving four other girls in a car

69. You have a B driving licence. Which trailer are you allowed to tow?

a. One with a maximum load of 1410 kg b. One with a maximum kerb weight of 1410 kg c. One with a maximum total weight of 1410 kg d. One with a maximum gross weight of 1600 kg

70. What is true about hearing? a. Persons with hearing impairments are not allowed to drive b. It is possible to hear that I have 0.5 bar too little air pressure in one tyre c. When I am sitting in a car it is difficult to hear from which direction an

emergency vehicle is approaching

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Code: D47QQACE (Phase F)

1. Which of the following statements about a temporary spare wheel is true? a. It may only be used on dry roads b. It wears down faster c. A temporary spare wheel may not be used at a higher speed than that printed

on the tyre d. It must not be used if the other tyres are studded

2. What does the concept of thinking distance mean? a. The distance the car travels during my reaction time. b. The distance the car travels during braking. c. The distance the car travels during my reaction time and braking.

3. Which statement is correct?

a. An airbag is always turned on and off with a switch on the dashboard b. A child car seat must not be used in the front passenger seat if there is an

airbag in operation c. If the vehicle has an airbag, you do not need to use a seatbelt

4. When must the height of a viaduct be marked out?

a. Always b. When the height available is lower than 4.5 metres c. When the height available is higher than 4.5 metres

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5. It's 30 January and the road conditions are wintry. What is the minimum tread depth your tyres must have?

a. 1.0 mm b. 1.6 mm c. 3.0 mm d. 5.0 mm

6. Do you have to wear a seat belt when travelling in a taxi? a. Yes b. No

7. Which statement is correct? a. The use of seat belts reduces the risks if I have the three-point belt lightly stretched

high up on my neck b. The use of seat belts increases the risk of injury or death if I turn my car over c. The use of seat belts reduces the risk of injury or death in traffic by 40-60 % d. The use of seat belts implies risks in the case of a side collision

8. Which of the following statements about seat belts is true?

a. A seat belt should lie close to the body and be as tight as possible b. A seat belt combined with a thick jacket reduces the strain on the body in the event of

a collision

9. You are driving at 70 km/h. How far does your vehicle travel in one second? a. Approx. 10 metres. b. Approx. 20 metres.

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c. Approx. 25 metres. d. Approx. 35 metres.

10. When driving, you notice that your car pulls to the right. What could the reason

be? a. There is too little air in the left front tyre b. The tyres are worn to different degrees c. There is too little air in the right front tyre

11. Which statement about baby seats in cars is true?

a. It must be fitted so it rests against the vehicle's dashboard b. It is the seat belt that restrains the baby seat in a collision c. It must always be fitted in the rear seat

12. You are driving at 30 kph and have a stopping distance of 15 metres. How long will your stopping distance be if you increase your speed to 50 kph?

a. Around 20 metres. b. Around 30 metres. c. Around 50 metres. d. Around 60 metres.

13. What is true concerning seat belts in a car? a. The seat belt must be used when driving in a parking area b. Taxi drivers do not need to wear seat belts c. The driver is obliged to ensure that passengers less than 15 years old use

seat belts or special safety devices for children

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d. The seat belt must be used when reversing

14. Which lights must your car have? a. Main-beam, dipped rear and number plate lights. b. Main-beam, dipped and fog lights c. Main-beam, dipped and parking lights.

15. Where is there information on which type of oil should be used for the engine? a. The motor vehicle inspection report. b. The registration certificate. c. The instruction manual.

16. What is meant by stopping distance?

a. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when the vehicle stands still

b. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when I start braking c. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I start braking until the vehicle stands


17. What limitations does a temporary spare wheel have? a. It must not be fitted on the car if the other tyres are studded b. I am allowed to drive at maximum 30 kph on dry roads c. I am always allowed to drive at the speed that applies at that particular place d. I must not drive faster than the speed printed on the tyre e. I must not drive on a motorway

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18. You skid as a result of too powerful an acceleration in a curve. What is true about the handling?

a. Front-wheel driven cars become oversteered b. Rear-wheel driven cars are experienced as understeered c. Front-wheel driven cars are experienced as understeered d. Front-wheel driven cars skid with the rear of the car

19. Why should the tyres with the best grip be fitted at the rear?

a. It shortens the braking distance b. They are under most strain because of the weight of load in the baggage compartment c. The car's road-holding characteristics will be better d. They are under most strain if I brake hard

20. How do you check that the power steering is working?

a. With the engine off, I turn the steering wheel all the way to the right and then to the left

b. The indicator light goes off when I start the engine c. I turn the steering wheel and start the engine at the same time

21. Which traffic signs are you allowed to pass when driving a light goods vehicle

with a coupled trailer? The trailer has an unarticulated towbar. a. Traffic signs A and B b. Traffic signs B and C c. Traffic signs B and D d. Traffic signs C and D e. Traffic signs A and C

22. Which fluid is used to top up the battery, if necessary? a. A b. B c. C d. D

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23. What is true about the steering system? a. If I drive against the edge of the kerb the wheel angles of the front wheels

can become changed and the tyres will wear unevenly b. All cars have power steering c. A car with power steering cannot be steered if the motor is switched off

24. You can feel vibrations in the steering wheel when you drive at a certain speed.

What is the most common reason for this problem? a. Unbalanced front wheels b. Tyre pressure in the front tyres too high c. The front end needs lubricating

25. Which warning lamp goes on if the oil pressure is too low?

a. Lamp no. 3 b. Lamp no. 6 c. Lamp no. 8 d. Lamp no. 9

26. A bus is often 12 metres long. Will you have time to stop if someone runs out in front of the bus and your speed is 50 kph?

a. Yes. b. No.

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27. Which lamp lights up if the airbag system is not working? a. Lamp no. 1 b. Lamp no. 2 c. Lamp no. 9 d. Lamp no. 10

28. You are driving a vehicle whose height exceeds 2.5 m. What does this traffic sign

combination mean? a. Driving straight ahead is permitted but after 900 m there will be limited

available height b. Driving straight ahead is prohibited c. I must turn right

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29. In a certain situation your reaction time is 1 second. How long is the thinking distance if you are driving at 100 km/h?

a. Approx. 10 m b. Approx. 20 m c. Approx. 30 m d. Approx. 40 m e. Approx. 50 m

30. Which lamp lights up when it is time to refuel? a. Lamp no. 4 b. Lamp no. 5 c. Lamp no. 6 d. Lamp no. 8

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31. What does this traffic sign mean? a. Goods vehicles whose gross weight exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited b. Goods vehicles whose kerb weight exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited c. Goods vehicles whose total weight exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited d. Goods vehicles whose maximum load exceeds 3.5 tons are prohibited

32. Which sign means that you must be well aware of how wide the vehicle you are driving is?

a. Traffic sign A. b. Traffic sign B. c. Traffic sign C. d. Traffic sign D.

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33. Which of the following statements about a car's warning lights is true?

a. If the charging system lamp comes on while I am driving, I must stop immediately and check the fluid level of the battery

b. If the red oil pressure lamp comes on while I am driving, I must stop immediately and turn off the engine

c. If the temperature gauge suddenly rises to boiling point, I must stop immediately and check the engine's oil level

34. You are going to help to start another car by using jump leads. Which statement is correct?

a. The car which is having problems starting should have a gear engaged b. If the jump leads are connected incorrectly, there may be a short circuit. c. The engine of the car providing starting help should be turned off d. The batteries should be of different voltages

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35. What influences the reaction time? a. The condition of the vehicle b. The road conditions c. The speed d. The condition of the driver

36. When driving, you notice that the temperature gauge has suddenly gone up to the

red area. What is the first thing you should do? a. Drive to the nearest garage b. Stop and check the oil level in the engine c. Stop and check that there is enough coolant in the cooling system

37. Which traffic sign shows the maximum permitted bogie load? a. A b. B c. C d. D

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38. If you increase speed from 40 km/h to 80 km/h this affects your thinking distance, your braking distance and the kinetic energy. What is true in this case?

a. The braking distance becomes four times as long and the kinetic energy four times as much

b. The thinking distance remains unchanged c. The kinetic energy is twice as much d. The thinking distance becomes four times as long

39. What is true about using a seat belt?

a. Drivers of light good vehicles do not need to use a seat belt. b. The driver is responsible for all passengers in the car using seat belts. c. The driver is responsible for children under the age of 15 using a seat belt or

special protective device. d. The driver must always use a seat belt, even in a car park.

40. Which statement is true regarding studded tyres? a. They may always be used if there is a risk of wintry road conditions b. They may be used all the year round, no matter the road conditions c. They increase the risk of aquaplaning

41. May you use a child car seat in the back seat of the car?

a. Yes, if it is fitted according to the instructions. b. No.’

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42. Which statement is true regarding car batteries? a. They contain a corrosive acid b. They work at full capacity even at very low temperatures c. They must contain glycol in the winter so as not to freeze.

43. Which statement is correct? a. A hard stretched belt often causes injuries during a collision b. As the driver I am responsible for passengers over 15 years of age using seat belts c. The force of a collision at 50 km/h is comparable with falling from the third

floor d. The hip strap on the seat belt should be placed over the soft part of the stomach

44. Which fluid do you mix with water in order to prevent ice from forming in the cooling

system? a. A b. B c. C d. D

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45. Which statement is true regarding ABS brakes? a. They enable you to steer the car even when braking as hard as you can. b. There is a risk that they freeze at low temperatures. c. They are completely maintenance-free.

46. In certain batteries you should check the liquid level. Which liquid should you top up

the battery with when necessary? a. Salt-solution. b. Sulphuric acid. c. Methylated spirit. d. Distilled water.

47. What does this combination of traffic signs mean?

a. Vehicles with a width of less than 2.6 meter must have an exemption to drive on the road.

b. Limited width of vehicle c. Limited width of lane d. Minimum permitted distance to the vehicle in front

48. You are driving a car equipped with airbags for both front seats. Which alternative is correct?

a. An airbag is triggered in all collisions b. An airbag provides best protection if I do not use the seatbelt c. A child safety seat must not be mounted in the front seat d. It is dangerous to wear glasses if sitting in a seat with an airbag

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49. Which traffic sign indicates a limited axle load? a. Traffic sign A b. Traffic sign B

50. Are you allowed to drive a car whose foot brake is not working? a. No, I must call in a breakdown truck b. Yes, if you use the hazard warning lights c. Yes, the shortest possible route to a garage

51. After washing the car the brakes often brake unevenly. What is the easiest solution to

this fault? a. By blowing hot air on the brakes b. By braking a few times at low speed

52. What is true about the car battery? a. It should always contain carburettor spirit b. It contains corrosive acid c. During the winter it should contain antifreeze

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53. What is the purpose of engine oil? a. It reduces carbon dioxide emissions during combustion. b. It prevents moving parts from freezing. c. It lubricates moving parts, provides cooling and protects against rust.

54. You are driving to the mountains in September. Are you allowed to drive with studded tyres?

a. No b. Yes, if I contact the police c. Yes, if the road conditions are wintry d. Yes, if I contact the Swedish Road Administration

55. What is the minimum height a person must be in order to sit in a front passenger seat

fitted with an airbag? a. At least 100 cm b. At least 120 cm c. At least 140 cm d. At least 160 cm

56. Lamp no. 6 lights up when you are driving. What should you do?

a. Press down the clutch and rev up the engine a few times b. Stop the engine immediately c. Continue driving a few kilometres to see if the warning lamp goes off

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57. When can children travel in a car using only the car's seatbelt? a. When they are at least 135 cm long b. When they are 7 years old c. When they weigh over 50 kg

58. The thinking distance increases in relation to the speed. What is correct?

a. Twice the speed gives a thinking distance twice as long. b. Twice the speed gives a thinking distance three times as long. c. Twice the speed gives a thinking distance four times as long.

59. What is meant by thinking distance?

a. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when the vehicle stands still

b. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I see danger to when I start braking

c. It is the distance my vehicle travels from when I start braking until the vehicle stands still

60. Which lamp lights up when the engine temperature is too high? a. Lamp no. 3 b. Lamp no. 6 c. Lamp no. 7 d. Lamp no. 8

61. How far does the car travel in one second? a. At 30 km/h the car travels approx. 8 metres.

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b. At 50 km/h the car travels approx. 22 metres. c. At 70 km/h the car travels approx. 32 metres. d. At 80 km/h the car travels approx. 34 metres.

62. What is correct about children in cars?

a. A child of 20 kg can in the moment of collision "weigh" approx. 1,000 kg if the speed of the vehicle is 50 km/h

b. Children can withstand higher collision forces than adults c. Children less than 10 years old are not included in the seat belt act d. The fitting of a child safety seat must be carried out by an authorised workshop

63. What is true about cars with ABS brakes?

a. The brakes are maintenance-free b. The brakes cannot freeze solid c. The car can be steered during hard braking

64. What is true concerning the engine heater? a. It should only be used when the temperature outside is below minus b. It increases the fuel consumption since a hot engine uses more fuel than a cold engine c. It reduces the fuel consumption and therefore the emission of exhaust fumes d. It makes the work of the catalytic converter more difficult

65. Which traffic sign means that you must be well aware of the height of the vehicle you

are driving? a. Traffic sign A. b. Traffic sign B. c. Traffic sign C. d. Traffic sign D.

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66. Which vehicle or combination of vehicles may pass this sign? a. A heavy goods vehicle with a coupled trailer(semitrailer) b. A heavy goods vehicle without a trailer c. A car with a trailer

67. What are the consequences of incorrect alignment of the front wheels?

a. The tyres become abnormally worn. b. It is not possible to steer. c. It is not possible to brake. d. The servo stops working.

68. You are going to jump-start your car by using electricity from another car's battery.

Which of the following is correct? a. The batteries that are linked up must have the same voltage b. The minus terminals must be linked to the plus terminals c. The car that I am taking electricity from must not have its engine on

69. Which combination is correct?

a. Distilled water - the radiator. b. Carburettor spirit - the battery. c. Glycol - the radiator.

70. Which lamp lights up when the battery is not charging?

a. Lamp no. 6 b. Lamp no. 7 c. Lamp no. 9

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d. Lamp no. 10

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Code: G7LWKKZM (Phase Sluttest)

1. What is the definition of a heavy lorry? a. Service weight over 3.5 tons b. Total weight over 3.5 tons c. More than 3.5 tons load on the platform d. Gross weight over 3.5 tons e. Taxation weight over 3.5 tons

2. You are going to stop in the vicinity of a pedestrian crossing. What is correct? a. You should be at least 12 metres after the crossing. b. You should be at least 10 metres after the crossing. c. You should be at least 10 metres before the crossing. d. You should be at least 12 metres before the crossing.

3. Are you permitted to make a U-turn on a national highway?

a. Yes, if there is enough space and visibility is good. b. Yes, if there is a bus stop on at least one side. c. No.

4. You have parked. What is the most important? a. I should make sure that the vehicle cannot be used by anyone who is not

entitled to do so. b. I should make sure that the radio is switched off. c. I should make sure that the wheels are straight.

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d. I should make sure that the gear stick is in neutral.

5. You are driving on a road and come to this sign. What is true? a. There may be slow moving vehicles on the road again b. It is prohibited to stop on the shoulder c. It is prohibited to use the shoulder to simplify overtaking

6. You pass these traffic signs. What is true? a. 200 metres after the sign there is right curve, followed by a 1.8 km long

stretch with several curves b. 200 metres after the sign there is left curve, followed by a 1.8 km long stretch with

several curves c. First comes a right curve and then a 2 km long stretch with several curves d. First comes a left curve and then a 2 km long stretch with several curves

7. What is applicable at the bus stop? a. I can park by the yellow edge line if I am delivering a heavy package b. I can stop to let out a passenger c. I can stop to deliver a package d. I cannot drive into the yellow-marked area

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8. Are you ever allowed to pass this traffic sign with your car? a. Yes, if I need to access a building b. Yes, if I give way to pedestrians c. Yes, if I drive at walking pace d. No

9. You intend to drive to Sundbyberg. Which lane or lanes should you use? a. Right b. Right and left c. Left

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10. What rule applies at this junction? a. The exit rule b. The right-hand rule c. Passing the traffic sign is prohibited

11. What is applicable for the cyclist in this situation? a. He/she is obliged to give way to all crossing traffic b. Crossing traffic should give way to him/her c. He/she is obliged to stop before crossing the road d. He/she must lead the cycle over the road

12. Which traffic sign or signs is/are closest to the crossing where you are going to turn towards Landskrona?

a. The traffic signs in picture A b. The traffic signs in picture B c. The traffic sign in picture C d. The traffic sign in picture D

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13. You are driving on a road with a speed limit of 70 km/h with two lanes in each direction separated by road markings. You overtake a car driving in the right-hand lane. Can you continue to drive in the left-hand lane after overtaking?

a. Yes b. No

14. What does the sign mean?

a. When I drive out from this area, I must give way to all crossing traffic b. After the sign, unprotected roadusers always have priority c. After the sign, I may only park in specially assigned parking places d. When I drive out from this street, I must give way only to traffic coming from the right

15. Are you obliged to obey instructions given by a road transport leader? a. Yes b. No

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16. In which zone is there the greatest danger? a. In zone A. b. In zone B. c. In zone C. d. In zone D.

17. You are driving on a major road and come to a junction at which the traffic signal is a flashing amber light. What applies to the crossing traffic?

a. Duty to give way. b. The exit rule. c. The right hand rule.

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18. You are driving rather slowly on a busy road and notice that a queue has built up behind you. What should you do?

a. Retain your position on the road but reduce speed even further. b. Indicate to the right with your indicator when there is no oncoming traffic. c. Drive into the nearest parking slot and let the traffic pass.

19. Which sign means that you must choose the right lane?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

20. In which traffic environments can you find this traffic sign?

a. It can be found on winter roads over frozen lakes and water courses b. It is often found on busy roads to reduce the risk of pileups c. It is used at road works to reduce the risk to road workers

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21. When is it permitted to use hazard warning lights? a. If your car has broken down in a place where you are a hazard to other road

users b. When getting in or out just after the brow of a hill c. When loading on or off within 10 metres of a junction d. When parking in front of an exit from a building

22. You are approaching these crossings. When must you give way to the crossing traffic? a. Only in situation A b. Only in situation B c. Only in situation C d. Only in situations A and C e. In all the situations

23. Which weight increases when you load your trailer? a. Kerb weight. b. Total weight. c. Gross weight.

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24. What does this traffic sign mean? a. Tractors are prohibited b. There may be cross-roads c. Reversing is only allowed on the hard shoulder d. Driving slower than 40 kph is forbidden

25. You pass this traffic sign. What is applicable? a. I should adjust my speed in good time to avoid being driven into from behind b. I should always place my vehicle close to the middle of the street if I am going to

continue straight ahead c. I am always obliged to stop before I drive into a roundabout

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26. What applies at this junction?

a. I am obliged to give the lorry right of way according to the right-hand rule. b. Vehicles from private roads must always give way. c. Vehicles from bigger roads always have right of way.

27. Which statement is correct concerning this situation? a. The school crossing patrol has the right to stop the car so that the pupil can cross the

road b. The pedestrian crossing is viewed as being controlled if a school crossing patrol is

standing there c. The car driver must give way to pedestrians even if a school crossing patrol is

standing there

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28. You are approaching a vehicle that has a slow-moving vehicle sign. What speed should you assume at which it is driving for safety reasons?

a. Max 70 kph. b. Max 50 kph. c. Max 45 kph. d. Max 40 kph. e. Max 30 kph.

29. You are going to cross the level crossing. Which of the following is true? a. I should take care, despite the signal. b. I can cross at no risk because there are barriers. c. The signal shows that it's okay to cross. d. I always have to stop.

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30. You are driving in the same lane as the cyclist. What is correct? a. To give the cyclist wobbling space I refrain from overtaking until there is

sufficient space b. It is appropriate to overtake the cyclist before the crossing since the cyclist will be

keeping to a low speed c. It is prohibited to overtake if the cyclist is just before or in the crossing d. It is appropriate to overtake the cyclist since the crossing is controlled by lights

31. What is normally correct when you park your vehicle? a. I can park in the opposite direction of travel if the vehicle stands in a parking space b. I can park even if one wheel comes outside the parking space c. I must park in the direction of travel d. I can park at a bus stop to do a quick errand

32. You are appraching this traffic light and want to turn right. What should you think

about? a. Because the lane signal arrow is turned off, I must reckon on pedestrians and

cyclists having a green light b. Because the lane signal arrow is turned off, the right-hand rule applies c. All other traffic must give way to me d. I am not allowed to turn until both lights turn green

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33. You are driving at the highest permitted speed for your vehicle. May you drive on to the hard shoulder to help someone overtake you?

a. Yes, because there is good visibility. b. No, because I'm already driving at the highest permitted speed. c. No, the hard shoulder is only for slow vehicles.

34. Where can you find local traffic regulations for the place where you live? a. At Bilprovningen. b. At the County Administrative Board. c. At the Swedish Road Administration. d. At the municipal offices or in the Swedish Transport Agency's database of

traffic regulations (RDT).

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35. What is the maximum number of passenger seats allowed in a car? a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 12

36. You are driving at 50 km/h. What should you do here?

a. Continue to drive b. Brake to allow the bus to drive first c. Give a signal to warn the bus driver and any concealed school children d. Release the accelerator and be prepared to act

37. What is true about petrol? a. It contains a lot of sulphur compounds and contributes to acidification of the

environment b. It contains benzene, which is carcinogenic c. It is a renewable fuel

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38. What type of road surface gives the best grip? a. Dry asphalt b. Hard-packed gravel c. Wet asphalt d. Loose gravel

39. It's nice weather and you have been forced to stop at an unsuitable place. On what

sort of road must you use a warning triangle? a. If the speed limit is 30 kph or more b. If the speed limit is 40 kph or more c. If the speed limit is 50 kph or more d. If the speed limit is 60 kph or more

40. What percentage of drivers killed in single-vehicle accidents were under the influence at the time?

a. 5-10% b. 20-30% c. 40-50% d. 60-70%

41. How many reported wildlife accidents are there every year?

a. About 15,000 b. About 45,000 c. About 90,000

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42. 10 per cent of the pedestrians who get run over at a speed of 30 kph are killed. How many would probably be killed if the car's speed at the time of the accident was 50 kph?

a. About 20 per cent b. About 40 per cent c. About 80 per cent d. All of them

43. What should you mainly pay attention to here? a. The brow of the hill b. The crossing c. The road conditions d. The risk of wild animals

44. Which type of accident is most often caused because of the driver being tired? a. An accident at a junction b. An accident when overtaking c. A one-car accident d. A queueing accident

45. You have just got your driving licence. What is the best way for you to avoid an

accident? a. I should drive in heavy traffic in order to practise difficult situations b. I should drive with large safety margins

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c. I should always drive slowly d. I should use my brakes often

46. What effect can probability conditioning have in traffic?

a. That I drive slowly at crossings where there is a clear view and there are seldom other vehicles.

b. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are seldom other vehicles.

c. That I drive fast at crossings where there is a poor view and there are often other vehicles.

47. How does a driver with self-control behave in traffic? a. He goes smoothly ahead by often changing lanes b. He obstructs a person who wants to change lane c. He shows consideration to those who think they know better d. He keeps to his rights e. He signals incorrect behaviour from a fellow road-user by raising a finger in warning

48. How many centilitres of strong spirits (40%) is 50 cl of strong beer (5.5%) the

equivalent of? a. About 3 cl b. About 5 cl c. About 7 cl d. About 25 cl

49. Which is true?

a. Everyone is born with good morals. b. Morals cannot be affected. c. Morals are developed through experience.

50. At what time of day do people generally feel most tired?

a. Between 21.00 and 02.00 b. Between 02.00 and 05.00 c. Between 07.00 and 10.00 d. Between 14.00 and 17.00

51. What is the most common reason that the brakes come on farther down than normal?

a. There is air in the braking system. b. The brake servo has stopped working. c. There is a leak in the braking system. d. There is dirt in the brake fluid.

52. Must all the tyres on a car be the same type?

a. Yes b. No

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53. Your car is consuming an unusually large amount of fuel. What is probably wrong? a. Blocked air filter b. Blocked oil filter c. Blocked fuel filter d. Blocked cab filter

54. You are going to jump-start your car by using electricity from another car's battery. Which of the following is correct?

a. The batteries that are linked up must have the same voltage b. The minus terminals must be linked to the plus terminals c. The car that I am taking electricity from must not have its engine on

55. Your car does not have full vehicle type approval. When must you present your car for

registration inspection? a. After I have increased the engine capacity b. After I have installed long-distance lights c. After I have installed automatic cruise control in the car d. After I have installed an electric engine preheater

56. You are approaching the traffic lights. Which way of driving has the least

environmental impact? a. Press the clutch and use the car's momentum. b. Maintain speed and brake as late as possible. c. Release the accelerator pedal well in advance (engine braking).

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57. How far does the car travel in one second? a. At 30 km/h the car travels approx. 8 metres. b. At 50 km/h the car travels approx. 22 metres. c. At 70 km/h the car travels approx. 32 metres. d. At 80 km/h the car travels approx. 34 metres.

58. You are going to couple a trailer to your car. Why must the wire to the emergency

brake be properly attached? a. It reduces the braking distance in an emergency. b. It prevents the trailer from starting to wobble. c. It increases pedal pressure when braking. d. It brakes the trailer if it becomes detached from the car.

59. You reduce speed from 90 km/h to 30 km/h. How does this affect the kinetic energy? a. It remains unchanged b. It becomes three times less c. It becomes six times less d. It becomes nine times less

60. How is the handling affected if you are driving a car with a coupled trailer, where the

centre of gravity of the trailer's load is too far to the rear? a. The combination of vehicles will be stable when driving on a straight road and

understeered in curves. b. The combination of vehicles will be unstable, especially when driving in

downward slopes.

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61. You have collided with a large wild animal. What is the first thing you must do? a. Telephone and wait for the landowner b. Telephone and wait for the police c. Warn other road-users d. Move the animal if possible

62. Which vehicles are you allowed to drive if you have a B driving licence?

a. A goods vehicle with a total weight of 3.1 tons b. A bus with a total weight of 3.1 tons c. A motorcycle with a sidecar d. A motor car with a heavy towed vehicle

63. How tall must a child be in order to use the ordinary seatbelt in a car?

a. 115 cm b. 125 cm c. 135 cm

64. When can children travel in a car using only the car's seatbelt?

a. When they are 7 years old b. When they weigh over 50 kg c. When they are at least 135 cm long

65. Which of the following statements about protruding loads is correct?

a. Any load that protrudes more than 1 meter in front of the car must be marked out

b. Any load that protrudes behind the car must be marked out c. Any load that protrudes in front of the car must be marked out

66. What is the maximum permitted width of a car, including the load, when driving on a

public highway? a. 220 cm b. 240 cm c. 250 cm d. 260 cm

67. Can the cyclist make a left turn from the right lane?

a. Yes, since there are special rules for how cyclists can use lanes b. No, a cyclist should always use the left lane when turning left c. Yes, since there are no rules for how cyclists should turn left

68. Your car is equipped with an airbag. What is the minimum recommended distance between the steering wheel and your body?

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d. About 15 cm e. About 25 cm f. About 50 cm g. About 70 cm

69. You are driving at 70 km/h. How far does your vehicle travel in one second? a. Approx. 10 metres. b. Approx. 20 metres. c. Approx. 25 metres. d. Approx. 35 metres.

70. The road conditions are wintry and you have rented a trailer with unstudded tyres.

Your car has studded tyres. Are you allowed to pull the trailer? a. Yes b. No

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Code: MW55RSVH (Phase A)

1. You are driving the white car and want to travel straight ahead. The traffic lights are out of order. What rule applies in this situation?

a. I must stop at the stop line and give priority to the red car b. The driver of the red car must give way to me in accordance with the turning


2. What is a road transport leader's main task? a. To give instructions in conjunction with major road accidents b. To give instructions in conjunction with roadworks c. To give instructions in conjunction with major events d. To give instructions in conjunction with the escorting of heavy, wide and long


3. You have a category B driving licence. Which vehicle or vehicle combinations can you drive?

a. Motor vehicle category 1 and three-wheeled motorbike b. Heavy lorry with coupled light trailer c. Light and heavy motorbike d. Car with coupled heavy trailer

4. You are driving on road where the speed limit is 70 kph. What does the road sign

mean? a. In 50-200 metres I will get to a junction where the right-hand rule applies.

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b. In 50-200 metres I will get to a junction with a major road. c. In 200-400 metres I will get to a junction where the right-hand rule applies. d. In 200-400 metres I will get to a junction with a major road.

5. You are reversing your vehicle. What is the most difficult to see? a. Cars approaching directly from behind b. Children approaching diagonally from behind c. Cars approaching diagonally from behind d. Children approaching directly from behind

6. The grey car is parked. Has the driver parked correctly?

a. Yes b. No

7. What must you be prepared for here in the first instance? a. Dazzling sun b. Wild animals c. Children on the road

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8. In the picture you can see a school crossing patrol. What is correct? a. Their task is to help children going to and from school b. The school crossing patrol has the authority of a policeman c. Their task is stop the traffic on the road d. All road-users are obliged to follow the directions of the school crossing patrol

9. You come to a crossing with both a stop sign and traffic signal. The signal shows a green light. What should you do?

a. I must stop at the stop sign before I pass the crossing. b. I can pass the crossing without stopping.

10. What is correct concerning a parking space with these traffic signs?

a. Only persons with special authorisation may park here b. Only persons who can present a doctor's certificate for a back injury can park here c. All disabled persons can park here

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11. What is the maximum total weight for a light lorry? a. 3 tons b. 3.5 tons c. 4 tons d. 7 tons

12. What speed limit applies at 18.00 on an ordinary Friday?

a. 30 kph b. 50 kph

13. There are situations when you should use the indicators. When? a. When I am going to turn round b. When I want to show the vehicle behind that it is clear to overtake c. When I am going to stop in a built-up area d. When I am towing

14. You are driving on a public highway which is not a main road. What is correct about

the right of way for right-hand vehicles? a. It is applicable when I cross a private road b. It is applicable when I cross a main road c. It is applicable when I pass an exit d. It is applicable when I drive out onto a motorway

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Code: J6YALSJM (Phase B)

1. When is the greatest risk of speed blindness? a. When exiting a motorway. b. When overtaking on a major road. c. When driving in a residential area. d. When entering a motorway.

2. What is true concerning road maintenance machines? a. They can be driven on the left side of the road b. I must always have a higher category than a category B driving licence to drive these

vehicles c. They must be driven according to the same rules applicable for all other traffic d. Drivers of road maintenance machines are entitled to demand a free passage

3. What is a single-vehicle accident? a. An accident where the driver is alone in the car b. An accident between a motor vehicle and an unprotected road-user c. An accident where two vehicles collide in a crossing d. An accident where only one vehicle is involved

4. Which one of the pictures shows a car with main beam headlights?

a. Picture A b. Picture B c. Picture C d. Picture D

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5. You are driving in a queue with the vehicle behind uncomfortably close to you. It is dark. What should you do?

a. Increase the distance to the car in front b. Drive out onto the shoulder to simplify overtaking c. Reduce the distance to the car in front so that the distance to the car behind increases

6. What does the yellow road marking mean? a. I'm not allowed to park there b. I'm not allowed to stop there c. I'm allowed to park if I stay in my car

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7. It is winter and there is snow on the roads when you go out driving. Where is the risk of skidding the greatest?

a. At crossings. b. In slight curves. c. On the brow of a hill. d. On a straight main road.

8. You are driving on a road where the speed limit is 70 kph when you pass these traffic signs. What type of level crossing is it and how far away is it?

a. Level crossing with barriers within 50-200 metres b. Level crossing with barriers within 250-350 metres c. Level crossing without barriers within 50-200 metres d. Level crossing without barriers within 250-350 metres

9. You meet a vehicle in the dark. When should you dip your lights? a. As soon as I see the oncoming vehicle. b. When the stretch of road between the vehicles is lit up. c. At the instant of meeting.

10. Here you can see three different markings for the middle of the road. Which two mean

that it is inappropriate to stop there? a. 1 and 2. b. 1 and 3. c. 2 and 3.

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11. Which tyres are best to reduce the risk of aquaplaning? a. Wide tyres with 1.6 mm tread depth b. Wide tyres with 3.0 mm tread depth c. Narrow tyres with 1.6 mm tread depth d. Narrow tyres with 3.0 mm tread depth

12. Which statement is true? a. The prohibition applies to tractors and motorised equipment class II b. The prohibition applies only to tractors and tractor trains c. The prohibition applies only to motorised equipment classes I and II

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13. The road conditions in the summer can also be treacherous, especially when it rains.

On which surface do you have the best grip in such weather? d. On a hard-packed gravel road. e. On newly laid asphalt. f. On muddy asphalt. g. On cobbled streets.

14. When should you dip your lights when meeting a lorry or bus on the brow of a hill?

a. I dip the lights when I see the headlights of the oncoming vehicle b. I dip the lights when I see the parking lights on the roof c. I wait until the oncoming driver dips their lights.

15. When is it prohibited to use main beam headlights?

a. When overtaking b. When there is a risk of dazzling a passing train c. When driving in the dark in a built-up area with no street lighting

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Code: HTJDP7LT (Phase C)

1. What are the long-term goals of the "Zero Vision"? a. There should be no road accidents at all b. The number of road accident fatalities should not be more than 400-500 per year c. Nobody should be killed or seriously injured on the roads d. The number of accidents must be reduced by 10 per cent per year

2. During which period should you normally hand this car in for vehicle testing? a. 1 March - 31 July b. 1 May - 30 September c. 1 July - 30 November d. 1 August - 31 December

3. Which vehicle is correctly loaded and marked? a. Vehicle A b. Vehicle B c. Vehicle C d. Vehicle D

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4. How does vision function in traffic in terms of direct vision/peripheral vision? a. With direct vision I can see clearly only in a small part of the field of vision b. With peripheral vision I can detect colours in the full field of vision c. With direct vision I can see clearly in the full field of vision d. With peripheral vision I can see clearly in the full field of vision

5. Which persons often use this pedestrian crossing?

a. Hearing impaired b. Persons in wheelchairs c. Visually impaired d. Children in a day nursery

6. Which statement best describes the implication of learning by imitation? a. I learn from how things normally are b. I learn by imitating others c. I learn from my own mistakes

7. You are the first person to arrive at the scene of a serious road accident. What must

you do first? a. Warn other people b. Raise the alarm; call 112 c. Give first aid d. Take stock of the situation

8. What percentage of people killed in traffic accidents are men?

a. About 30 per cent. b. About 50 per cent.

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c. About 75 per cent. d. About 95 per cent.

9. What is true about the catalytic converter? a. It must be warm to function well b. It clean exhaust fumes of all carbon dioxide c. It cleans the exhaust fumes of all toxic substances

10. Why do some people drive even if they are under the influence?

a. They have a better ability to react. b. Their judgement has increased. c. They take the risks in traffic too easily.

11. Which vehicles should have triangular reflectors at the rear?

a. Trailers b. Tractors c. Slow moving vehicles d. Lorries

12. What is true about hearing?

a. When I am sitting in a car it is difficult to hear from which direction an emergency vehicle is approaching

b. Persons with hearing impairments are not allowed to drive c. It is possible to hear that I have 0.5 bar too little air pressure in one tyre

13. What is the maximum speed a moped is designed for?

a. Moped category I and II are designed for 30 km/h.

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b. Moped category II is designed for 45 km/h and category I for 25 km/h. c. Moped category I and II are designed for 25 km/h. d. Moped category I and II are designed for 45 km/h. e. Moped category II is designed for 25 km/h and category I for 45 km/h.

14. Which statement best describes the implication of probability conditioning? a. I learn by imitating others b. I learn from my own mistakes c. I learn from how things normally are

15. What does overlearning during driving test instruction lead to?

a. I drive faster b. I do not forget my theoretical knowledge as easily c. My way of paying attention in traffic becomes less developed

16. Which is true concerning the ability of people to judge distance?

a. Visibility conditions are of no importance for our ability to judge distance b. Experienced drivers have no difficulties judging the distance to oncoming cars c. We use references in the form of poles, lines and size when we judge distances

17. What should you pay special attention to here?

a. Children with impaired eyesight b. Children with impaired hearing