Download - Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012

Page 1: Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012


Year 2 • Friday 2 November 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600

PaarlPostIn the latest PaarlPost:)Mall crippled bybomb scare; anotheroak tree causes havoc;)Schumacherarrested;)See the 10 matricdress competitionfinalists Buckle up 3 Gazette gee om 3 Interskole-atletiek 8

Met net nog ’n kilometer oor, haal stappers alles uit in die 12de Hospice Spring Walkwat Saterdag in die Paarl aangebied is. Oud en jonk het deelgeneem aan verskeie roetes.Hier is Renqe Mxolisi en Phila Mkrola, in die Arboretum op pad na die eindstreep. Diéinstelling dien as ’n geldinsamelingsveldtog vir die Drakenstein Palliative Hospice. Organi-seerder, Harlan Cloete, het gesê dat vanjaar se inskrywings verlede jaar sin by ver oorskryhet. Hy het die stap as ’n reuse-sukses beskryf. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN

Amper daar!AmperAmper daar!daar!

Page 2: Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012

Drakenstein Gazette Entertainment - Vermaak Friday 2 November 20122

Saturday 3 November)Asalsanightwillbeheldat theBôrdienghuisTheatre in Wellington. The group class willstart at 20:00 and tickets are R50. For bookingscall 083 708 2649.)GracelandArtsMinistrieswillpresentacon-cert called Sounds of Worship at 18:30 at theCharis Worship Centre (old Planet Cinema).Performing at the showwill beTheGraduates,Seraphim, Korus, Divine Melodies and BornAgain Gospel Group Singers. The entrance feeis R20.For more information, phone Henry Oktoberon 071 257 9373.)Auditions for themovieWhen IWas aYoungBoy will take place at the Lord Charles Hotelin Somerset West from 08:00 until 14:00.If you’d like anymore information, contactGe-orge on 078 319 1324 or Bernice on 084 304 4216.

Woensdag 7 November)Paarl Sportforumvergadering byHugenote-gemeenskapsaal. Registrasie begin om 18:00.Bel Brandon du Plessis by 076 187 7260 vir na-vrae.

Donderdag 8 November)YoungGardens-rugbyklubhouhul jaarliksebekeruitdeling by Allandale-saal. Toegang isR40 (vingerete ingesluit) enkaartjies is beskik-baar by die bestuurslede. KontakMario by 082380 2680 of 021 870 1081 vir besonderhede. Diealgemene jaarvergadering word uitgestel totMaandag 19 November by Paarlzicht Primêrom 20:00.

Vrydag 9 November) André A en Anton le Roux tree op om 20:00by dieOuMeul-teater inPaarl. Kaartjies isR50per persoon en kan bespreek word by 082 3239331.

Saterdag 10 November) ’n Erfenismarkword gehou by dieAfrikaan-seTaalmonument opPaarlberg-plaas.Daar saluitstallings, vermaak, kinder-aktiwiteiteasook ’n kostuumkompetisie wees. Die markis oop vanaf 09:00 tot 15:00.Toegang is R15 per persoon (R10 vir studente,R5 vir kinders en gratis vir dié onder ses).Navrae en besprekings van stalletjies kan ge-rig word aan Amira Clayton by 021 8634809/0543 of [email protected].) WindmeulUnitedhouhulalgemenejaarver-gadering om 14:00 by Windmeul Primêr skoolwaar die nuwe bestuurslede gekies gaanword.Nominasies vir bestuursposte kan vir JannieWilliams by 073 637 3898 gegee word.) Triveno Smith and friends will put on a livemusic show at the Old Mill Theatre at 19:00.Tickets are R50 and can be booked at082 484 2416 or bought at the door on the night.

Dinsdag 13 November) Die Ligstraal Skool hou op 13 November en15 November om 19:00 hul jaarlikse konsertmet die tema Hollywood in die Thusong-sen-trum, Paarl-Oos. Kaartjies is R30. Vir navraekontak die skool by 021 862 7182.

Saterdag 24 November) Die klas van 1992 van Bergrivier Sekondêrhou hul reünie op 24 November. Oudonderwy-sers van 1992 word ook uitgenooi. Bel Karinby 076 100 1479 of Vanessa by 079 454 0759.) Villagers Newton hou hul jaareindfunksieom 16:00 by Newtonpark-sportgronde. Kaart-jies kan teenR50 gekoopwordbybestuurslede.Vir navrae, bel Jannie Japhta by 078 147 3082.) Liewe Heksie en die rolskaatse is te sien byCourtrai Laerskool. Kaartjies is R50 en kan be-spreek word by die skool of 083 604 4037 of [email protected],

Vrydag 30 November)Die oudstudente vanNewOrleans Sekondêrbied ’n toer na die Suid-Kaap aan tot 2 Desem-ber. Vir navrae skakel Kevin, 083 601 8611, ofRicardo 076 680 6289.

Christmas marketMontessori@home will hold a Christmasmar-ket and family day from 10:00 until 16:00 at theThe German Club, Klein Parys, Paarl.There will be a waterslide, jumping castles,

face painting, candy floss, fruit smoothies, de-mos by children’s extra-curricular activitygroups, a variety of market stalls (selling eve-rything fromhome-made arts and crafts to clo-thing, books, foodanddrinks), anda silent auc-tion. To find out more, call 084 691 5020.

Kerssangdiens opWellingtonSondag 4 November kom betower JonathanRoxmouth Wellingtonners om 19:00 tydens ’nKerssangdiens by die NG-gemeente Welling-ton-Noord.Roxmouth het plaaslik en internasionaal op-

slae gemaak as Phantom in die Lloyd-Webbermusiekblyspel, The Phantom of the Opera.HysalbekendeliedjiessingsoosWhiteChrist-

mas,SilentNight,Maria,Halleluja,ThePrayeren It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.Die gehoor kan ook van die bekende liedjies

saam sing.Ander kunstenaars wat optree is André Ter-

blanché enHenriëtte Strydom.WinandGrund-ling en Johann Enslin sal die begeleiding doenop klavier en orrel, met Schalk Wasserman opperkussie. Toegang is gratis.

Entertainment with 3rd World SpectatorOn Saturday, 3rd World Spectator will performat21:00at theWinnersActionBaratGoldenVal-ley Casino, Worcester.

The foursome holds centre stage with their blendof soaring, operatic vocals haunting melodies, hugeguitars and rolling drums.In their firstyearofexistence theyshared thestage

with international heavyweights Maroon5 andOneRepublic.Part theatre and part rock star chic, they are a

highly entertaining band and their latest CD TheTheory of Everything will help propel them to evengreater heights.Afterworkingon this albumfor thepast twoyears,

thebandhasemergedwithaworld classproductpro-duced by Jürgen von Wechmar (Jax Panik, Spring-bok Nude Girls, Karen Zoid) and mastered by JohnDavis (U2, The Prodigy, Snow Patrol).The band has their sights set on conquering both

the local and international markets with their everevolving sound and stage act.Entrancetotheshowisfree.Formoreinformation,

please call 023 348 7200. 3rd World Spectator

KINDERPRET: Die karakters van die gewilde kinderreeks, Tjiffen Tjaff, wat weeksdae op KykNET se Koowee-kinderkanaaluitgesaai word, kom kuier Saterdag 3 November by die OuMeul-teater in Paarl. Die liewe groen outjies was al op baieuitstappies en nooi almal om deel te word van hul avonture.Hulle is ook mal oor speletjies en verrassings, waarvan daar’n paar is tydens die vertoning. Kom kuier saam met Tjiffen Tjaff en hulle maatjie Mimi. Bring ook die kamera saamom ’n foto saam met hulle te neem. Die vertoning beginom 10:00 en kaartjies kan teen R45 bespreek word by 083564 0056.

KONSERT: Paarlzicht Primêrvier vanjaar hul 40ste be-staansjaar. As deel van dievieringe het die skool ’nkonsert gehou waaraan aldie leerlinge deelgeneemhet. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Page 3: Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012

Drakenstein GazetteNews - NuusFriday 2 November 2012 3

Skenkings vir Rusthof-tehuisDie Rusthof-tehuis vir bejaardes in Paarl-Oos be-staan nou reeds 33 jaar.Dié tehuishuisves 107 inwoners,waarvanvandie

inwoners fisies en verstandelik gestremd is.DieDrakenstein Gazettewil graag ’n beroep doen

op alle inwoners van Drakenstein om hul harte ooptemaakendie tehuis tehelpmethuldaagliksebeno-digdhede soos:Toiletware,pantoffelsvirmansenvroue (verkies-

lik moet die voorkant van die pantoffels toe wees),beddegoed,stoeleofrusbanke,asooknie-bederfbareprodukte.Die publiek kan hul donasies bring tot Vrydag 30

November na die Drakenstein Gazette (Paarl Post)se kantoor byNewstraat 1A, Paarl (langsVirginAc-tive). Vir navrae, bel 021 870 4600.

Plaaslike spellers WOWSuid-Afrikasebestespellersheton-langs met hul vernuf in Stellen-boschkomspog.Hoër-enlaerskool-leerlinge van reg oor die land hetSaterdag 20 Oktober aan die eersteNasionale WOW-spelfees by dieUniversiteit Stellenbosch (US) komdeelneem.

“Jy is alreeds ’n wenner net omdatjyvandaghier is.” Só is gr. 1 tot 10-leer-linge by dié geleentheid verwelkom.Enteregso,aangesiendeelnemersver-skillende distrik-, streek- en provinsi-ale kompetisies moes wen om aan diefinaal te kon deelneem.DieWOW-spelfeesvormdeelvandie

oorhoofse taalbemagtiging-gemeen-

skapsprojek, Woorde Open Wêrelde(WOW),wat deurdieUSWoordfees be-hartig word. Die verbetering van leer-ders se swak lees- en spelvermoënswasdiedryfveeragterdié spelfees.Dieklem val egter daarop om spel en leesvir leerders prettig te maak, soos dieleuse van dié kompetisie verklap: Spelspeel-speel en speel spel-spel.Leerlinge het deur die loop van die

oggend aan verskillende ouderdoms-kategorieë deelgeneem en is gevra ommoeilikewoorde soos “jubileum”, “in-trovert” en “krammasjientjie” hardopte spel. Die wenners is daarna by ’nprysuitdeling vereer met medaljes enhet boonopmet kontant- en boekpryseweggestap.

Corli Rheeder, ’n gr. 10-leerder vandie Hoër Meisieskool Paarl, is as diewenner indie gr. 10-spelkategorie aan-gewys. Sy glo daarenteen dat selfonehaar juis geleerhet omte spel. “Ekhounie daarvan om afkortings in SMSe tegebruik nie, so ek tik liewers al diewoorde uit. Partykeerweet ek nie eerswat die afkortings beteken wat myvriende vir my stuur nie.” Sy vertelvan ‘n nuwe afkorting SOT wat klaar-blyklik “Sit op die trappe” beteken.Volgens Fiona van Kerwel, organi-

seerder van die WOW-spelfees, is ditlekker om te sien hoe woorde werklikwêrelde vir leerders oopmaak. Sy sienuitdaarnaomtesienhoediénasionalespelfees gaan groei.

Corli Rheeder van HoërMeisieskool Paarl.

Matthew Carelse vanWellington Primêr.

Cohan Andrews vanPaarlzicht Primêr.

KaylaKellermanvanGim-nasium Laerskool.

Buckle your children up and save their livesSafety in a car is alwaysone of the biggest aspectswhen you buy a car. Thequestion always asked arehow many airbags or howgoodthebrakingsystemis.But themainsafety featurein the carare the seat belts.How often do we drive

homeoreven toworkwith-out our seatbelts fastenedbecauseit’s justaroundthecorner and nothing couldhappen to me? Or, I won’tbe in an accident because I’m a good driver. Ex-cuses that paramedics hear include: I’m afraidthe seatbelt will keep me trapped in the car incaseof anaccident; it isuncomfortableor Idon’tneedaseatbeltbecauseIhaveairbags.Then,un-expectedly you or your children are involved inanaccidentandsustainseriousor fatal injuries.Wetakeit forgrantedthatnothingcanhappen

to us. Most fatalities in accidents are becausethe occupants of the motor vehicle were eitherejected or where thrown around inside the carasthecarrolledorcollidedwithanothervehicle.

ER24’s paramedics arecalled to accidents dailywhere children and adultssustainedinjuries.Whenitcomes to children, parentsoftenask:Howdidthishap-pen, why did my child die?The concern is,wheredo

weasparentsdrawthe linein safety for our children.Especially when our chil-dren are travelling withotherroadusersandtheve-hicle they are travelling in

maybe overloaded. Children are extremely vul-nerable in collisions.

) Children should be seated and fastened ina car seat where possible.

) Never travel with your child on your lap.) Never share a seatbelt with your child.) Children have no say or choice whether to

wear a seatbelt or not, it is the responsibilityand legal obligation of the driver to make surethey wear it.

) It takes just a few seconds to buckle up tohelp save a life.

BEWUSMAKING:Raadslid Ruth Arnoldshet ’n dwelm bewust-heid veldtog by Trim-park, VanWyksvlei, ge-hou. Die hoof fokus virdie veldtog was gemikop families en vriendewat misbruik worddeur familielede watdwelms gebruik.

Page 4: Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012

Drakenstein Gazette Leefstyl - Lifestyle Friday 2 November 20124

Gholfdag by tehuisRusoord tehuis vir bejaardes hou op Sater-dag 17 November ’n geborgde gholfdag byPaarl Gholfklub en nooi die gemeenskap uitom deel te wees van die dag.Maatskappyeworduitgenooiom18setper-

ke, 18 bowwe en ’n oefensetperk te borg teenR500 en R1 000 elk. Donasies vir geskenke ofpryse sal welkomwees en kan direk by Rus-oord gedoen word.Belangstellendes kan by die gholfklub in-

skryf.Vir verdere navrae, bel vir Almarie du

Toit by 021 872 1982.

Rooibos tea can be juiced up for kidsAs the weather gets warmer, mothersshould give some thought to hydra-tion when packing their children’slunchboxes.Ensuringchildrenget enoughof the

right kinds of liquids, particularlyduring the hot summer months, canbe as important as making surethey’reproperlyfed.Mildormoderatedehydration can lead to sleepiness ortirednessandevenheadachesanddiz-ziness,making it difficult for childrento pay attention in class. In more se-vere cases delirium or even uncon-sciousness can occur.Packing a water bottle isn’t always

a guarantee that children will drinkenough to compensate for fluids theylose during break times or playingsports. Water can be bland and taste-less, particularly after a couple ofhours in a plasticwater bottle, so chil-dren simply don’t drink it. The alter-native is to add some sort of cordialand while this may make it more ap-pealing, not all of these areparticular-ly healthy options.

Many people tend to think of rooi-bos only as a hot drink, but it is anexceptional flavourenhancerandnat-urally sweet,whichmakes it a favour-ite ingredient for iced teas, fruitshakes, smoothies and iced lollies.Furthermore it contains no caffeine,fats or carbohydrates and its provenhealth benefits include boosting im-munesystems, relievingallergiesandpreventing heart disease and cancer.According toProf JeanineMarnew-

ick of Cape Peninsula University ofTechnology,rooibosisanatural thirst

quencheranddrinkingtheequivalentof six cups a day – hot or cold – willprovide sustained health benefits.Making a simple rooibos iced tea is

easy. Simply make a litre of rooibostea using four to six teabags. Sweetenthe tea with honey to taste and leaveit in the fridge to cool overnight. Youcan then experiment with this basiciced tea, adding mint, lemon, orange,granadilla,mangoorappleoracombi-nation of flavours until you find onethat your children really love.Juicedorsqueezedfreshfruitusual-

ly deliver the best results, but you canalso use preservative-free fruit juice.Mixing it with cold rooibos will makeit go further and keeping a jug of thechildren’s favourite iced tea in thefridge should mean you don’t have tokeepbuying juice.Coldrooiboscanbekept in the fridge for up to two weeks.Bypouringsome iced tea intopopsi-

cle containers or ice-cube trays andfreezing it, you can also make fun, re-freshing, healthy after school orsports treats.

A glass of rooibos tea the perfect drink.

HERITAGE CELEBRATIONS: Allandale Cor-rectional Services (including the centres Al-landale, Hawequa, Paardeberg and Obi-qua) together with the Paarl CommunityCorrections Office celebrated Heritage Dayin Wellington. Once again members in thismanagement area have outdone them-selves displaying their culture with vibrantcolours of the “Kaapse Klopse” attire, mu-sic, food and entertainment. Joining in thefun from the left are Mandisa Mayekiso,Theresa Abrahams and Ismail Hendricks.

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Drakenstein GazettePeople - MenseFriday 2 November 2012 5

OMGEE: Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Paarl-tak het onlangsmoeite gedoen omdie onderwysersby die Noord-Eind Laerskool te bederf vir die belangrike taak wat hulle verrig. InternasionaleDag vir die Onderwyser word jaarliks op 5 Oktober gevier. Aangesien dit so goed aansluitby Helpende Hand se beleid van opheffing deur opleiding, het die organisasie besluit omdie hele maand aan onderwysers te wy. Van links is skoolhoof André Verhoog, Elmarie Louw(graad R), Janika van Zyl (Helpende Hand), Leana Mouton (graad 1), Hannelie Orsmond (graad1), Izak van Noordwyk (Helpende Hand) en Alette Viljoen (graad R).

’N EIE TUINVIR THEMBINKOSI-DAGSORGSENTRUM:Die lente is onlangs behoorlik gevier by die Thembin-kosi-dagsorgsentrum in Mbekweni. Danksy sken-kings van verskeie besighede kon ’n groepie vrywilli-gers die oggend saam met die kleintjies tuinmaakin diewelkome sonskyn-weer. Hierdie geregistreerdeplek van veiligheid se fasiliteite is reedsbaie verbeteren uitgebrei oor die jare danksy die hulp en bystandvan veral Incanda. Die gebrek aan ietsie groen opdie speelgrondwasegter opsigtelik endaar is besluitom ’n klein blom- en kruietuin aan te lê tydensBoomplantweek. Reliance het vyf groot sakke kom-pos geskenk, Kilotread het ou motorbande gegeeenMundaWanga-kwekery het al die plante geskenk.Daar is onder meer kersietamaties, slaaiblare, spi-nasie, verskillende soorte ment, pietersielie, gesig-gies en nog verskeie ander blomme en struike ge-plant met die ywerige kleinspan se hulp. Hulle isdie geleentheid gegee om die plante te voel en teruik en hul handjies self in die grond te steek –iets wat nie aldag moontlik is in hul omstandighedenie. Werknemers van Incanda het gehelp met dievoorbereiding van die grond en die grawe van ’nsplinternuwe sandput. Ná die gewoeker het almalsaam ’n koeldrank gedrink en koekies geëet.

GOUE SPELE:Paarl Dienssentrum vir bejaardes was deel van die Goue Spele wat in Rustenburg plaasgevind het.Hier (agter van links) pronk Maria Keyster, Catherine Williams, Ria Koopman en Doreen Kilowan. Voor is CathleenAdriaanse, Dorothea Stephens, Dora Meyer en Maria Morris. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

SERTIFIKATE: Hierdie vroue het sertifikate ontvangvir die suksesvolle voltooiing van die skoonheid- endagsorgkursusse wat aangebied was deur Die Stig-ting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA).

Page 6: Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012

Drakenstein Gazette Geklassifiseerd Friday 2 November 20126





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LEESPROJEK: Courtrai Laerskool het ’n leespiekniek vir hul leerlinge gehou. Gr.4- tot 7-leerlinge het vir groepies jonger leerlinge stories voorgelees. Met diegeleentheid het hulle die 30-jarige bestaan van hul skoolbiblioteek gevier, asookinternasionale Biblioteekdag.

KAMP: Die gr. 5-klas van Laerskool Slot van die Paarl het die SOS kampby Villiersdorp bygewoon. Hier (agter van links) is Shaun Smith, LanaSwanepoel, Dewaldt Lambrechts en Laboux Laubscher. Voor is AustinToetas, Chrisnay Swanepoel, Elmeeke Barron, Gabriel Lewis, Jacques Ja-mes Wiggins, William Dreyer en Jasper Hoon.

GOUD PLUS: Gr. 3-leerlinge van Paulus Joubert Primêr het goud plus ontvangvir hul nasionale danse tydens die Paarl Eisteddfod.

DROOM: As deel van die gr.7-leerlinge van Dalweide Primêr se kurrikulum,word ’n beroepsdag gehou waar hulle aangemoedig word om hulself aante trek vir die beroep waarna hul streef.

Page 7: Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012

Drakenstein GazetteSchools - SkoleFriday 2 November 2012 7

WHAT A LOT I GOTBeds 3 Baths 1½ Garages 2Very spacious property offers 3 beds, 1½ baths, fully fittedkitchen, laundry,dining,big lounge with jet master, large pool.

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Keep stress under controlduring examsWITH the end of the year examsaround thecorner,youmayalreadybe feeling thepres-sure.There are ways to make your life less

frantic during this period so that you canperform at your best. Remember cram-ming, an exam trademark, is not going todo your brain or nerves any favours.“That’s why it makes sense to start plan-

ning for your exams as soon as you receiveyour exam timetable,” says Dr Judy Jaye,training development manager at TheStress Clinic in Johannesburg, an affiliateof The Voice Clinic situated in Johannes-burg, Pretoria, Cape Town and Durban.Here are someuseful tips to keep inmind

when you clean your desk and start study-ing in earnest:

) Determine the amount of work youhave to cover, the time that itmay take youto do so and set up a study schedule. “Yourbest bet is to set four weeks aside for study-ing and two weeks for revision. This willgive you ample time to internalise yourstudy material and ask for help with diffi-cult subjects or topics.

) Divide your study material for eachsubject into bite-sized chunks and allocatethem to specific hours or days on yourschedule. Although tempting, don’t makeyour least favourite subjects, your last pri-ority”, says Judy.

) Plan your time, draw up a realisticscheduleandstick to it. Include somerelax-ation as it is not healthy to have your nosein your books all the time. Break up yourtime with short breaks.

) Don’t be unrealistic. You have a goodideaofwhatyouarecapableof.Beingrealis-

tic about your resultswill help prevent youfrom being disappointed when the resultscome.

) Avoid alcohol or recreational drugs;that is not the way to deal with your stressright now. Also try not to drink too muchcoffee, the caffeine won’t help you to con-centrate.

) Revise methodically; simply readinglong swathes of text is not going to help youremember facts and figures.

)Write out important dates, facts or pas-sages, use lots of coloured pens and under-line key phrases. Go back over these notesaday laterandaweekafter that.Yourmem-ory will be better and you will feel moreconfident about your exams.

)Testyourself or get someone to test youon your notes. Regular testing means thatyou remember facts better and any gaps inyour knowledge can be picked up in goodtime and that makes the actual exam a lotless stressful

) Stick post-its with key facts and phras-es on themaroundyourroom.Afterawhilethese facts will sink in.

) Ignore your friends, not entirely ofcourse. Don’t use them as a benchmark,know yourself and know what you have todo. You are in this for yourself.

) Thereisagreatsourceofsupportavail-able, all youhave to do is ask.Ask a teacherif you don’t understand a particular topic,or there is alwaysyourmomanddador sib-lings.

) Remember, exercise is a great way togiveyourself abreakand tomaximise yourconcentration span. A 15-minute jog or abrisk walk is all you have to do.


UITSTAPPIE: Ebenezer Primêr se gr. 3-leerlinge het onlangs die Ezeko Museum in Kaapstad besoek.

TOER: Twee ouma’s, Anna Cillie (afwesig) en Elsabé du Plessis (agter regs), het hul kleinkinders onlangsna Kimberley geneem met die trein om hierdie geskiedkundige dorp beter te leer ken.

HIKING: Nineteen members of the Paarl Scoutsspent a weekend on Table Mountain, having walkedup the Jeep track fromConstantia Nek via the dams.The Scout hut provided much needed comfort fromthe weather, since it rained most of the weekend.Indoor activities were the order of the day due tothe treacherous weather. The group hiked up tothe Waterworks museum and under the wall of theHely-Huchinson Dam, then over the top of the wallof the Woodhead reservoir, on their way to the siteof the old cable station. After lunch a tired, wearyandwet contingent of scoutsplus their troop leadersmade their way back down the mountain by thesame route they came up.

KAMP: Gr. 6-klasse van Nederburg Primêr het ’n opbouende en suksesvolle prefektekamp by Riebeeck ValleiSpesiale Skool bygewoon.

UITSTAPPIE: Laer Meisieskool La Rochelle se gr.1-klas het Tafelberg besoek. Van links is Lara Whatney, KaylaNichols, Mia Valentine, Lee-Ney Andrews, Heike Solomons, Leshay Paulse en Zoë Noendoe.

Page 8: Drakenstein Gazette 2 Nov 2012


Year 2 • Vrydag 2 November 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Summer series beginWith the Boland Athletics TalentIdentification Programme havingreached its peak on Saturday 27Octoberat theTop10Inter-Schoolsmeeting at the Gene Louw sportgrounds in Mooreesburg, all eyeswill be focused on the 2012 Sum-mer Series events in November.

The first event in this series is theMaties Summer series this Saturday(3 November) at Coetzenburg. [email protected] 808 4684 for more information.

At the 2012 Summer Series in No-

vember,whichwill cater forboth sen-ior and junior athletics, the seniorathletes, in particular, will be evalu-ating the progress of their trainingduring thewintermonths in prepara-tion for the 2013 athletics season.Itwill alsogive juniorathletes iden-

tified during the talent meetings, theopportunity to compete against thesenior athletes.These track and field meetings will

takeplaceaccordingtoIAAFandASArules. Athletes participating in the2012 Summer Series meeting mustwear their licence numbers. Tempo-

rary licence numbers for athleteswithout these will be available at theregistration point.A series of athletics eventswill also

take place in December. More infor-mation regarding these events willfollow soon.The rest of the November Summer

Series events are: 6 and 20 November– Paarl, Dal Josaphat Stadium - con-tact Brandon du Plessis on [email protected] or 076 187 7260,9,16 and 23 November - Maties, Co-etzenburg - contact Mario Smith [email protected] or 021 808 4684.

EINDSTREEP WINK: In die 200 m vir seuns o.15 tydens die Driehoekige Interskole-atletiekbyeenkoms wat verlede week op Daljosafat plaasgevind het, is dit Keenan Abrahams (middel) van Paarl Gimnasiumwat eerste eindig, met Jason Davids (Boishaai) in die tweede en Max Thalwitzer van Paarl Gimnasium derde. Boshaai het die seuns- en Gimnasium die meisiesbeker gewen. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN

Klub stel rolbal bekendDie Wellington Rolbalklub gaan opSaterdag 3 November om 14:00 rol-bal aan belangstellendes bekend-stel.

Almal wat meer daaroor wil leerkan gaan inloer. Vir meer beson-derhede kontak Johan Nortier by083 381 0817 of 021 873 4307.

TENNIS: Die nuwe professioneletennisafrigter by Hugenote Hoër-skool, Dirk Stegmann, word hierverwelkom deur twee van diéskool se eerstespan-spelers, CarliWüst (links) en Esmari Henn.

TAFELTENNIS PRESTEER: By die onlangseSuid-Afrikaanse Tafeltennis Provinsiale- enOpe-Kampioenskappe in Benoni het Bo-land tafeltennis weer eens puik vertoon. Vieren twintig spelers (o.14 tot seniors) het aandie kampioenskap deelgeneem. Die seniorvroue, o.17meisies eno.14seunshet almalaan die kwarteindronde semi-finale deelge-neem.