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Drag Me Down The visual script

by Stephanie Ryan

They are wearing something like that . ZAYYNNN!!! (


I’ve got fire for a heart

Panel 1:

Harry is coming from the right side of the screen singing his part

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Side note: The lady’ position in the right side of the screen is ok, but Harry is not blurred and his position is closer to

the camera

I’m not scared of the dark

Panel 2:

He approaches a table that’s in front of a window.

Side notes: you can choose whatever picture you want (in the second picture you can ignore the opened door),

drawing Harry on his feet, approaching the table.

You’ve never seen it look so easy

Panel 3:

He looks down on the table where he arranges some guns.

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Side note: Choose whatever picture you want

I got a river for a soul

Panel 4:

He looks up outside the window, the next scene is of the lake that’s in front of the entrance of the house

Side notes: These are just example of his positin to the camera, feel free to draw how you imagined the scene and

adding the surroundings (the lake too)

And baby you’re a boat

Panel 5:

He smiles when he says „boat” and looks over his shoulders.

Side notes: The position of the body is great, he just needs to smile (serious Dean is serious ) )

Baby you’re my only reason

Panel 6:

We see a door opening and there’s Louis holding a bag in his hands; he puts it on the bed

Side notes: Louis is in front of the door, he just exist it and he’s holding a bag in his hand.


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If I didn’t have you there would be nothing left

Panel 7:

Louis opens the bag and turns on his right to take some papers from the nightstand

Side notes: The same frame from Panel 6 but Louis is reaching a document that’s placed on the nightstand.The bag is

on the bed.

Panel 8:

Side notes: Louis is with his back at us, we see him holding the documents in his hands. The bag is on the bed

The shell of a man who could never be his best

Panel 9:

He dops them in the bag, we see that on them is written „do not open untill you get there”

Side notes: The angle the picture was taken is great, the only thing that needs to be added is a document with that text


If I didn’t have you, I’d never see the sun

Panel 10:

Harry signs Louis who looks up .

Side notes: We have the whole hotel room in front of us, including the window, the table where Harry stands and the

bed and Louis next to it. Louis is looking down at the document and Harry looks at him, he has a towel in his hand.

Panel 11:

Side notes: The same scene from Panel 10 but now, Louis is looking up at Harry

You taught me how to be someone, yeah

Panel 12:

Harry throws a towel at Louis, who catches it and puts it in the bag

Side notes: Same scene from Panle 9, a towel in the air.


All my life

Panel 13:

Liam is crouched down, he rises and…

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Panel 14:

Side notes: Instead of the TV we have a mirror. Liam on his feet looking down,Niall aproaching him; Niall is with his

back at the camera.

You stood by me

Panel 15:

Niall is behind him, they knock into each other

Side Notes: Close up with Liam and Niall, Liam in the left side of the frame and Niall in the right side. They are

knocking into each other.

When no one else was ever behind me

Panel 16:

Liam turns around and they smile at each other

Side notes: Again, the position is great, Liam is smiling

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Panel 17:

All these lights

Panel 18:

Liam looks after Niall who is carrying a wallet in his hand

Side notes: make it look like a wallet

They can’t blind me

Panel 19:

Liam looks down at his feet and we see a bag full of black clothes and snickers

Side notes: Well, something like that...

Panel 20:

Side notes: The angle the pictures were taken is great, but the bag and the rest of the items are on the floor, the clothes

in the bag are black, and there are snickers thrown there too. You choose which picture to use.

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With your love, nobody can drag me down

Panel 21:

He puts his glasses on and turns around where we find Niall with his back at us…

Side notes : Something like that...he puts his galsses on

Panel 22:

This is Niall

Panel 23:

Also Niall


All my life

Panel 24:

Niall is looking at a picture in his hands

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Side notes: instead of the money there is a picture with a building .

You stood by me

Panel 25:

He takes it and puts it in his jacket

Side notes: Something like that ..

When no one else was ever behind me

Panel 26:

He turns and takes the gun that lays on the table.nightstand and puts it on his belt, behind his back

Panel 27:

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All these lights

Panel 28:

He looks at Liam while placing his gun and nods at him

Side notes: His hands are at his back, still placing the gun on his belt. You can draw the back of Liam’s head close up

and Niall in front of him, at some distance, to know that he turned around to look at Liam.

They can’t blind me

Panel 29:

Liam nods too/makes a sign to follow him out the door

Side notes: Well, there’s Liam serious expression.. :D

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Panel 30:

We see all of the boys exiting their respective rooms, they are on the hallway of the hotel

Side notes: You have them in the hallway, feel free to draw them how you want, they have theirs bags

with them


Nobody, nobody

Panel 31:

They exit the hotel

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Side notes: Just an idea...

Nobody can drag me down

Panel 32:

The parking attendant hands over the car keys to Liam

Side notes: i couldnt find anything related to this action, but you can try something :D

Nobody, nobody

Panel 33:

The rest of the boys get in the car (Niall next to Liam in the front and Harry and Louis in the back)

Side notes: Feel free making your own version

Nobody can drag me down

Panel 34:

We see the car turning and getting on the road


I got a fire for a heart

Panel 35:

They stop at a store; they get out of the car

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Side notes: They could be added in this picture, the distance from the camera is ok

I’m not scared of the dark

Panel 36:

They split to get what else they need for the road/mission

Side notes: You can choose which one to use and again, they should be added in the picture

You’ve never seen it look so easy

Panel 37:

Niall is in the ice cream section and he opens one to eats it

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Side notes: Add Niall standing in front of the icecream section, maybe opening a door/eating an icecream

Panel 38:

Side notes: I like the angle and the way the kid eats his icecream. Make him Niall )

I got a river for a soul

Panel 39:

Harry is in front of some magazines ( we see all kind of magazines,including the coloring ones for kids)

Side notes:Add him there, he’s with his bakc at the camera and make sure there is a bunch of coloring books too

And baby you’re a boat

Panel 40:

Louis looks around to make sure no one sees him and steals a flower, hiding it on his jumper.

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Side notes: you can use the picture in the middle :D

Baby you’re my only reason

Panel 41:

Liam takes a bottle of water and drinks from it


If I didn’t have you there would be nothing left (nothing left)

Panel 42:

We see how they approach the cashier who’s looking up, watching the news. They are on the news

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Side notes: the charier is with his/her back at us and he/she is looking up at the TV. Their blurred faces are there.

The shell of a man who could never be his best (be his best)

Panel 43:

The cashier turns around and sees them; he recognises them

Side notes: Deff the charier isnt smiling, but i like the position of the body

Panel 44:

If I didn’t have you, I’d never see the sun (see the sun)

Panel 45:

The boys start to run though the shop

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Side notes: they run through the sections (or whatever are called :D )

You taught me how to be someone

Panel 46:

The cashier yells at them to stop

Side notes: it could be only a close up with just the face yelling



All my life

Panel 47: They end up running into all kind of things; Liam manages to get them all wet

Side notes: here feel free to draw however you want them, they could all be in a t he whole frame, with

Liam, throwing water in the air as they bump into each other or knock a water container.

You stood by me

Panel 48:

Louis slips on the floor and in the same time tries to hold on to a pillow who gets ripped out and suddenly there are

chicken fathers all over the place

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Panel 49:

When no one else was ever behind me

Panel 50:

Harry runs into a stole full of plants and there’s mud on the floor, on his clothes and on his face from where he tried

to whipe the fathers from his face

Side notes: again, free to do how you imagined it

All these lights

Panel 51:

Niall is still running with his ice cream in his hand laughing like a mad man

Side notes: something like this i guess..

They can’t blind me

Panel 52:

They head out and run to the back of the shop

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Side notes: add the surroundings of the store

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Panel 53:

We see them from behind how they run outside. At „down” they burst through the door

Side notes: I guess you can use this and them running

Panel 54:

Side notes: Add them running our of the store

[Chorus:] Nobody, nobody

Panel 55:

They run to the car

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Nobody can drag me down

Panel 56:

They jump in it and Niall tries to start the car

Side notes: Niall is on the steering wheel, Liam next to him, Louis behind Niall and Harry next to Louis, they look


Panel 57:

Side notes: Niall and Liam, Niall is histerical

Nobody, nobody

Panel 58:

Louis from behind punches his seat yelling „go go go”

Side notes: Louis is punching Niall’s seat, his mouth open and his eyes look scared and allerted

Nobody, nobody

Panel 59:

We see the car taking off with high speed

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All my life

Panel 60:

They are arguing in the car

Side notes: You can use the same picture from Panel 56 or 58 and draw them with different emotions

You stood by me

Panel 61:

Niall still laughs like everything was just a joke

Side notes: Same as Panel 56 or 58

When no one else was ever behind me

Panel 62:

Liam takes his ice cream from his hand (which how did he managed to get the car to move in the first place?? ) and

throws it out the window

Side notes: Use Panel 56/58 again. We see Liam taking N iall’s ice cream from his hands; the ice cream

is in the air as Liam throw is out the window. Niall’s face is frozen like „what just happened?!”

All these lights

Panel 63

Niall frowns and asks „what’d you do that for??”

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They can’t blind me

Panel 64:

Louis is talking by himself in the back, looking at his clothes how ruined they are

Side notes: Make Louis looking down on him, he’s wet and dirty, feathers all over, the back of Harry’s head is resting

on his seat and he’s in the same state as Louis.

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Panel 65:

Harry rests his head on the back of his seat,feeling exhausted

Side notes: close up with Harry resting his head


All my life

Panel 66:

Harry scrunches his nose, ending sneezing so hard

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Side notes: You choose )

Panel 67:

You stood by me

Panel 68:

The boys all turn at him frowning

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Side notes: You can make different panesl for each boys

When no one else was ever behind me

Panel 69: They all look at him for the first time since they got in the car

Side notes: you can add them all in the frame now, just like the camera is Harry, they are turned around to look at

Harry,same/close to expressions like in Panle 68.

All these lights

Then they look at each other noticing how dirty and ridiculous they look

Side notes: The same frame like in Panel 56 but they are looking down on them or at each other

They can’t blind me

Panel 70:

They burst into laugher while the car approaches a big house

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With your love, nobody can drag me down

Panel 71:

They get out of the car

Side notes: Match the car they are driving and you can draw them in different possitions


Nobody, nobody

Panel 72:

They are in front of the door finally

Side notes: Ignore the dude, they are with their back to the camera

Nobody can drag me down

Panel 73:

Louis takes out the documents with the „do not open untill you get there” on them

Side notes: i like the angle the picture was taken, but you add the documents

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Nobody, nobody

Panel 74:

There’s a code

Side notes: the same as in Panel 73 but the document is open and there a code. Add what numbers

you want

Nobody can drag me down

Panel 75:

Louis is typing it on the interphone next to the door

Nobody, nobody

Panel 76:

There are some weird dance colors around the interphone

Side notes: the same interphone but add some colors on the numebrs

Nobody can drag me down

Panel 77:

Niall gets a bit suspicious and tries to get his gun from behind

Panel 78:

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Nobody, nobody

Panel 79:

Liam stops him, shaking his had, frowning

Side notes: you can draw only Liam’s hand touching Niall’s arm.

Panel 80:

Nobody can drag me down

Panel 81:

The door opens and there is a little girl in ninja suit smiling up at them

Panel 82:

Side notes: ninja costumeeeee!!

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Harry laughs

Panel 83:

Side notes: You can draw them all in the scene, looking down at the little girl (of course they are all dirty and wet with

feathers on them) with different expression: