Download - Dr. Immaculée Harushimana - Lehman · Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning

Page 1: Dr. Immaculée Harushimana - Lehman · Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning



cessing Race, Language, and

Ability: African-Born Educa-

tors and Students in Transna-

tional America, is a collection

of fourteen stories of pain,

resistance, and survival as

told by educators and stu-

dents. This book is one of the

ways in which Dr. Ha-

rushimana seeks to fulfill her

mission of countering detri-

mental depictions of Africa

by giving the other side of

her story, a story told by the

African people themselves.

on the issues of language and

literacy among African

youth. As one of the School

of Education’s Rising Schol-

ars, Dr. Harushimana’s work

centers on illuminating the

adaption processes of African

-born immigrants in U.S.

schools. In doing so she also

places attention on the unique

challenges that students face

and how they fare against

these challenges en route to

academic and professional

fulfillment. A book she co-

authored, entitled Repro-

Recent Publications:

Harushimana, I., Ikpeze, C. & Mthethwa-Sommers, S. (2013). Reprocessing race, language, and

ability: African-born educators in transnational America. Black studies and critical thinking

series, 42. New York: Peter Lang.

Dr. Immaculée

Harushimana Assistant Professor of

Language and Literacy

From her first scholarly pub-

lication in the Journal of Bor-

der Education Research to

her contributions as co-

authorship of a newly pub-

lished book, Dr. Harushimana

is one of the leading advo-

cates for facilitating the edu-

cational experience of Afri-

can-born youth in schools in

the United States. Earlier in

the year, Dr. Harushimana, an

Assistant Professor of Lan-

guage and Literacy gave

several guest talks in Botswa-

na and presented in Belgium

To contact Dr. Harushimana:

[email protected]

Lehman College,

School of Education

B29F Carman Hall

250 Bedford Park Blvd. W.

Bronx, NY 10468-1589

Page 2: Dr. Immaculée Harushimana - Lehman · Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning

of underrepresented scientists

of color. As such, she has

been working with middle

and high school science edu-

cation graduate students, as

well as a science education

doctoral student, a former

graduate from Lehman‟s Sci-

ence Education Program, on a

project that affords a „close-

up and personal‟ look at, the

involvement in, and under-

standing of, the complexities

inherent to being an un-

derrepresented scientist of

color (USC) in the New York

City area.

and critical understandings of

the substantive benefits of

utilizing cogenerative dia-

logue (cogens) in science

education. Cogens are con-

versations with stakeholders

that are geared toward creat-

ing agreed upon measures by

which improvements can be

made in the science learning

environment. Dr. Bayne uses

cogens as a means to improve

the teaching and learning of

science in urban secondary

classrooms, particularly in

New York City. Her recent

presentations highlight a new

addition to her research agen-

da centered on the experience

Recent Publications:

Bayne, G. U. (2013). Letter of hope: The Wangari way. In Lake, R. & Kress, T.M. (Eds.), We saved the best for you: Letters of

hope, imagination and wisdom to 21st century educators (pp. 41-44). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Bayne, G., & Scantlebury, K. (2013). Cogenerative dialogues as an instructional theory in science education. In B. J. Irby, G.

Brown , R. Lara-Alecio & S. Jackson (Eds.) and J. Koch (Sect. Ed.), The handbook of educational theories (pp. 237-

247). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning environment. Learning Environments

Research. 15, 231-250.

Bayne, G. U. (in press). Co-teaching, peer tutoring and curriculum writing: Lasting effects of involving students in talking about

science. Pedagogies: International Journal of Education.

Bayne, G. U. (in press). Utilizing insider perspectives to reflect upon and change urban science education. In K. Tobin and A.

Shady (Eds.), Producing successful science and math education: Teachers and students working collaboratively. Sense


Bayne, G. U. , & Amin, R.D. (in press). Science and English language learners: Creating opportunities to align teaching and

learning with students‟ needs. In C. Milne & K. Tobin (Eds.), Sociocultural studies and implications for science educa-

tion. Sense Publishers.

Dr. Gillian Bayne Assistant Professor

of Science Education

“Creating opportunities to

align teaching and learning

with students‟ needs” cap-

tures Dr. Bayne‟s overarch-

ing agenda in research. Dr.

Bayne, an Assistant Professor

of Middle and High School

Education, has two publica-

tions and three “in-press”

manuscripts in scholarly jour-

nals and books, this year

alone. She continuous to push

for the use of novel approach-

es in addressing challenges in

science education. As one of

the School of Education‟s

Rising Scholars, Dr. Bayne

has contributed extensively to

the theoretical development

Lehman College,

School of Education

232 Carman Hall

250 Bedford Park Blvd. W.

Bronx, NY 10468-1589

To contact Dr. Bayne:

[email protected]

Page 3: Dr. Immaculée Harushimana - Lehman · Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning

learning. Most recently Dr.

Kremenitzer contributed to an

article published in the Amer-

ican Educational Research

Journal whose quantitative

work helped to illuminate the

role of knowledge and skills

in managing emotions in ad-

aptation to schooling. This

article further highlights her

collaboration in research

with several other prominent

figures, most notably Dr.

Peter Salovey, a founding

researcher in Emotional Intel-

ligence and Yale’s President-


Principal of the school, Dr.

Kremenitzer co-presented the

work she had done with the

Jonas Bronck teachers and

emphasized emotional intelli-

gence is an “X-factor” in

passionate teaching. Her

efforts at P.S. 43 where she

integrated the Diary of Anne

Frank as part of the emotional

intelligence curriculum has

led to a partnership with the

Anne Frank Center USA.

Most recently Dr. Kre-

menitzer has written several

articles and book chapters on

emotional intelligence as a

key competency that should

be considered in teaching and

Recent Publications:

Kremenitzer, J.P. (2012). Emotionally Intelligent Teaching: The missing link in a teacher's education. ACEI Focus on

Teacher Education, 12, 8-13.

Lopes, P.N., Mestre, J.M., Guil, R., Kremenitzer, J.P., & Salovey, P. (2012). The Role of knowledge and skills for managing

emotions in adaptation to school: Social behavior and misconduct in the classroom. American Educational R

search Journal, 49, 710-742.

As one of the School of Edu-

cation’s Rising Scholars, Dr.

Kremenitzer’s pioneering

mission has been promoting

the use of Emotional Intelli-

gence (EQ) in the training of

pre-service and in-service

teachers. Her work emphasiz-

es the relevance of EQ Prac-

tioners in early childhood

education. Over the past four

years, Dr. Kremenitzer’s re-

search interest has focused on

the application of emotional

intelligence abilities and

emotional literacy develop-

ment at P.S. 043 Jonas

Bronck in the South Bronx.

In collaboration with the

Lehman College,

School of Education

B51 Carman Hall

250 Bedford Park Blvd W.

Bronx, NY 10468-1589

To contact Dr. Kremenitzer:

[email protected]

Dr. Janet P.

Kremenitzer Assistant Professor of Early

Childhood and Childhood Education

Page 4: Dr. Immaculée Harushimana - Lehman · Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning

tion and a chap-

ter in an edited

volume on small school re-

form, Dr. Rivera-McCutchen

observed the tension between

espoused visions of schooling

(i.e., teaching and leading),

and actual practice. In her oth-

er research, forthcoming in

the Journal of School Leader-

ship, Dr. Rivera-McCutchen

investigated the challenges

involved with internal leader-

ship succession even when

peers support the ascend-

ance. By examining rhetoric/

reality gaps, her research aims

to surface underlying (and

often unspoken) issues, such as

race and class, with the goal of

creating more equitable urban


interested in the reform efforts

that focused on downsizing

high schools, which have been

taking place in Bronx high

schools dating back to the ear-

ly 1990s. Dr. Rivera-

McCutchen’s research indi-

cates that small size alone is an

insufficient reform for address-

ing inequity; rather, small size

is a condition through which

educational practices rooted in

social justice and liberation can

be enacted in urban schools.

Yet, even with this mindset,

Dr. Rivera- McCutchen notes

that enacting these practices is

often fraught with challenges

and problematic outcomes that

may reinforce educational in-

equities. In a recent article

published in Urban Educa-

Recent Publications:

Rivera-McCutchen, R. L. (2012). Caring in a small urban high school: A complicated success. Urban Education, 47, 653-680.

Rivera-McCutchen, R. L. (2012). Considering context: Exploring a small school's struggle to maintain it’s educational vision. In

A. Tyner & M. Hantzopoulos (Eds.), Critical small schools in New York City: Beyond privatization in public urban

educational reform (pp. 21-39). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Rivera-McCutchen, R. L. (In press). The “Insider” principal: Perceptions of the leadership effectiveness of an internal success

-or. Journal of School Leadership.

Dr. Rosa Rivera-McCutchen Assistant Professor of Education


The success of a school is

subject to a host of forces that

lay both within and outside

its walls. As one of the

School of Education’s Rising

Scholars, Dr. Rivera-

McCutchen, a former high

school Humanities teacher,

has an interest in understand-

ing and identifying what and

how some factors influence

student success. In her re-

search she focuses on urban

high school reform which

aims to highlight the role that

socio-economic,-cultural and

-political contexts play in

shaping educational policies

and practices. Dr. Rivera-

McCutchen, an Assistant

Professor of Educational

Leadership is particularly

Lehman College,

School of Education

B53 Carman Hall

250 Bedford Park Blvd. W.

Bronx, NY 10468-1589

To contact Dr. Rivera-McCutchen:

[email protected]

Page 5: Dr. Immaculée Harushimana - Lehman · Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning

Dr. Pitts and his colleagues

explore the usefulness of co-

gens and other methodologies

(e.g., Process-Oriented Guid-

ed Inquiry Learning

(POGIL), case studies) in the

teaching and advancement of

sciences. Recently Dr. Pitts

has been awarded a PSC

CUNY 44 Enhanced Re-

search Award in the amount

of $12,000 for the 2013-2014

academic year. Annabel

D’Souza will be working

with Dr. Pitts under this

award as a doctoral research-


While teaching a master’s

level science methods course,

Dr. Pitts began building a

professional relationship with

Annabel D’Souza and Sharon

Miller, a relationship that has

transitions from a teacher-

student dyad to colleagues

and co-researchers. Today

Dr. Pitt has formed a research

team with Annabel D’Souza,

who graduated from Lehman

and is now a doctoral student

at the CUNY Graduate Cen-

ter and Sharon Miller, who is

completing her master’s de-

gree in science education.

Recent Publications:

Pitts, W., Miller, S., & D’Souza, A. (in press). Teaching in context and complexities: using Cogenerative dialogues as an inte-

grated collaborative approach. In Tobin, K., & Shady, A. A. (Eds.), Transforming urban education: Collaborating to

produce success in science, mathematics and technology education. Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishing.

Pitts, W., & Ruggirello, R. (2012). Using the e-portfolio to document and evaluate growth in reflective practice: The develop-

ment and application of a conceptual framework. International Journal of ePortfolio, 2, 49-74.

Dr. Wesley Pitts, Assistant Professor of Science


As one of the School of Edu-

cation’s Rising Scholars, Dr.

Pitts focuses on the teaching

and learning of science as

cultural enactment in urban

schools and out-of-school

programs. Dr. Pitts has nota-

bly embodied the spirit of

collaboration through his use

of cogens both in and outside

of the sciences. Cogens are

conversations with stakehold-

ers that are geared toward

creating agreed upon

measures by which improve-

ments can be made in the

science learning environment.

Lehman College,

School of Education

232 Carman Hall

250 Bedford Park Blvd W.

Bronx, NY 10468-1589

To contact Dr. Pitts:

[email protected]

Page 6: Dr. Immaculée Harushimana - Lehman · Bayne, G. U.(2012). Capturing essential understandings of the urban science learning

school stu-

dents with Autism Spectrum

Disorder (ASD) while receiv-

ing support from a high

school special education

teacher. The findings in her

exploratory study indicated

that prior to the teaching ex-

perience, faculty participants

had limited knowledge about

ASD overall and were limited

in their pedagogical expertise

in teaching students with

ASD effectively. As one of

the School of Education’s

Rising Scholars, Dr. Laura

Roberts strongly believes that

all students are capable of

being successful in adult-


has presented at various con-

ferences across the region as

well as co-authored several

articles on what is known as

the Competency Based Com-

munity Assessment (CBCA),

a comprehensive assessment

that evaluates an individual’s

skills in the areas of employ-

ment, community participa-

tion, and independent living.

Her continued work has

helped inform scholarly and

practical outlooks on stu-

dents’ capacities and effec-

tive ways of helping them

achieve success. As part of

her overall agenda, Dr. Rob-

erts has examined perceptions

of college faculty teaching

courses that included high

Recent Publications:

Roberts, L. (2012). School Counselors as key personnel in helping improve the transition outcomes of students with signifi-

cant disabilities. In G. R. Walz, J. C. Bleuer, & R. K. Yep (Eds.), Ideas and research you can use: VISTAS

2012 (pp. 1-12). Retrieved from

Roberts, L. & Karan, O. (2012). The competency-based community assessment: A five-step process. Journal of the Ameri-

can academy of special education professionals (JAASEP) (pp. 124-130). Retrieved from


Karan, O. & Roberts, L. (2013) Preparing students with disabilities for adulthood using the competency based community

assessment: A case study. Exceptional individuals, 35, 7-15.

Dr. Laura Roberts Assistant Professor of Counselor


Over the past five years, Dr.

Roberts has focused her re-

search on improving transi-

tion outcomes and increasing

opportunities for students

with disabilities in post-

secondary education and/or

employment. Her research

indicates a link between inad-

equate transition planning

and poor outcomes for indi-

viduals with disabilities in

adult life. Using this and oth-

er findings, she has recom-

mended best practices for

transition planning to profes-

sionals in the field of educa-

tion. Dr. Roberts has also

advocated for the use of ade-

quate measures in the transi-

tion planning process. She

Lehman College,

School of Education

B19 Carman Hall

250 Bedford Park Blvd W.

Bronx, NY 10468-1589

To contact Dr. Roberts:

[email protected]