Download - DPA Ally Summer 2013 Final

  • 7/28/2019 DPA Ally Summer 2013 Final


  • 7/28/2019 DPA Ally Summer 2013 Final


    By building this movement, we have

    more than tripled the number of states

    where DPA is directly fighting for reform,

    and we have connected fellow reformers

    with others around the country

    with whom they can strategize their

    next campaign.

    For instance, my colleague Yolande

    Cadore has worked diligently with faith

    leaders to address the racial injustices

    of the drug war. She arranged for

    Executive Director Ethan Nadelmann

    and DPA Board member Rev. Edwin

    Sanders to lead a meeting of senior

    pastors to plan an exit strategy to thewar on drugs at the highly-regarded

    Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference,

    a gathering of hundreds of influential

    African-American faith leaders. This is

    (continued on next page)

    Your Support Is RadiatingAcross The Country

    This fight is at the heart of DPAs

    Movement Building Team. Our vision

    is to unite all of our allies those work-

    ing on issues like racial justice, public

    health, criminal justice reform, drug

    education, marijuana law reform, and

    human rights behind our work to end

    the drug war. We channel your support

    to fund, mentor, train and provide re-

    sources to dozens of local and national

    organizations. And we challenge other

    prominent organizations across the

    political spectrum to take up our fight.

    We persistently connect the dots of

    drug policy issues for people andorganizations coming to drug policy

    reform from their own experience.

    I truly believe that everyone is a drug

    policy reformer. Most people just dont

    know it yet.

    By asha bandele

    DPA is fighting to

    build a powerful

    movement to end

    the drug war. With

    your help, we

    have recruited new allies, empowered

    longtime advocates, and changed

    hearts and minds to promote new drugpolicies based on the values you and

    I hold dear.

    Thank you for giving

    me the resources

    I need to do this work

    I truly

    believe thateveryone isa drug policyreformer.Most peoplejust dont

    know it yet. asha bandele

  • 7/28/2019 DPA Ally Summer 2013 Final


  • 7/28/2019 DPA Ally Summer 2013 Final
