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Page 1: Dorchester JULY 2015 HE OOD NEWS Cookbook Prayer Shawls being with their “church friends” and I really cannot


JULY 2015 Dorchester Presbyterian Church





June Birthdays

Good Shepherd



Youth Director

DPC Cookbook

Prayer Shawls

July Birthdays

S.T.E.P.S. 2015


My cup overflows. As I look back on the last nine years, I am

overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the people of Dorchester

Presbyterian Church. I think first of the first people I met, the

search committee (Doug Richardson, Melanie Oswald, Mary Lee,

Bob Colucci, Julie Burchette, and Margaret Nelson Ponder). I am

grateful that they took a chance on a fresh out of seminary younger

version of me. I really had no idea what I was doing – I even sat in

my office the first few days staring at the walls around me wondering

what I had gotten myself into and what I was supposed to do now…

but with the faith the committee had in me and the assurance that

God had brought me here, I pushed forward and figured some things

out slowly and surely. I am grateful for the entire congregation’s

support and encouragement and forgiveness as I grew into this wild

and precious calling. I am grateful for all I have learned here

through you and from you.

I am grateful for all of the church’s leaders, elders, deacons,

committee chairs, Stephen ministers, Sunday school teachers, youth

leaders, and youth who were willing to partner with me in ministry

here; I am sure that this church is capable of far more than you can

even imagine or dream. I am sure that God is working great things

in and through this church. I am grateful that I was able to be a

small part of this great ministry here at DPC.

But more than anything I am grateful that this is the place where my

children were born and baptized, that this is the place where they

first experienced God’s love and grace through all of you. Thank you

for promising to nurture, guide, and teach them and for following

through with that promise – for volunteering in the nursery and

children’s church, for teaching Sunday school, for greeting them with

smiles each Sunday, trying to engage them in conversation, and

enjoying and encouraging their participation in worship even with

their eccentric sense of style and off the wall comments during the

children’s message. They genuinely LOVE coming to church and

being with their “church friends” and I really cannot express what a

blessing you have been to my children.

Thank you doesn’t seem adequate, but I hope you know that there is

a whole lot of love and gratitude, appreciation and admiration,

humility and pride, in those words. Thank you.

With love,

Dorothy DO











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Congratulations to all of our youth who graduated on Saturday, May 30.

Collin Burchette, son of Steve and Julie Burchette, graduated from Ashley Ridge High School and will attend Clemson University.

D’Kota Ceely, son of Jennifer Morton, graduated from Fort Dorchester High School and will be attending Charleston Southern University

Trenton Howard, son of Kelly and Kelly Howard, graduated from Summerville High School and will be attending the University of South Carolina.

Evan Huiet, son of Russell and Stephanie Huiet and grandson of Tom and Linda Jenkins, graduated from Ashley Ridge High School and will attend Clemson University.

Alexis Killough, daughter of Kathy Killough, graduated from Summerville High School and will attend Trident Tech.

Justyn Lodge, son of Scott and Diane Lodge, graduated from Summerville High School and will be attending Clemson.

Austin Richardson, son of Doug and Julie Richardson, graduated from Summerville High School and will attend Clemson University.

Brandon Turske graduated from Ashley Ridge High School and will attend Clemson University.

Taylor Veal, daughter of William and Cindi Veal and granddaughter of Roz Taylor, graduated from Fort Dorchester High School and will attend Trident Tech.

Congrats to Lauren Veline, daughter of Bob and Linda Veline, graduated from the University of South Carolina on May 8 and will attend Ole Miss in the fall, working towards a Masters in Southern studies.

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Steve Ulmer 1

Stephen Burchette 2

Dorothy Blackwelder 5

Jonathan Pryor 7

Thomas Trethewey 8

Marge Kramer 9

Ronald Vido 9

Shannon Wickersham 9

Justin Dean 10

Scott Lodge 14

Jon Osterritter 14

Scott Wickersham 14

Jeanne Foreman 16

Jacob Gamble 17

Sandra Nunn 17

Trenton Howard 18

Kevin Gossett 19

Ann Savage 19

Susan Burnette 20

Nate Pryor 20

Ansley Savage 20

Gwen Faglie 21

Tony Savage 23

Mia Veal 23

Ballard Dehaven 24

Jennifer White 24

Leigh Burnette 25

Billy Boan 26

Kirk Stewart 26

Paul Wilbur 26

Mary Yates 27

Connor Richardson 29

Laura Williams 30

Happy Birthday

~ from your church family!

We started out May’s meeting with a devotion by Martha Sue Hope. She shared scripture

and then gave a review of the many mission projects Dorchester participates in and new

ones on the horizon, such as the new garden and the food truck outreach coming soon.

There are a lot of exciting things happening at DPC – something for everyone.

Under Pastors’ Reports, Dorothy has been very busy preparing us for her transition the

end of June. She has also enjoyed year-end events with the PYC, celebrations with the

graduating seniors and preparation for the upcoming Montreat trip with 30 youth the

second week in June. Jeff shared that he and his family will be using some of his vacation

time the last week in July and the first two weeks in August. While the Kackley family

enjoys a much-deserved break, visiting pastors will be available for worship.

As commissioner to the last Presbytery meeting, Peter Jones gave a thorough report. Of

great significance was the fact that Russ Blackwelder was one of four candidates to be

examined and approved for ordination. A number of DPC members were present to hear

his sermon and applaud his successful examination. His ordination ceremony will be held on

June 21 at the Village at Summerville.

The Deacons presented an updated Responsibilities document for Session approval. They

also offered a proposal that DPC be listed as an Emergency Preparedness site. The church

would coordinate with the County EMS officials to provide a command/relief center for

out-of-town emergency workers, such as utility crews, engineers, etc. They gave a

complete report listing all of the responsibilities and requirements. After discussion, both

items received approval.

The Finance Committee reported both good news and bad. The good is the fact that

members who pledge are right on target. The bad is the church has spent $23,000 more

than it’s taken in – mostly because of the GSS repairs. Maintenance expenses alone are

$10,000 more this year than at the same period last year. So with summer fast

approaching, please remember your commitment, whether you pledge or not, to support

DPC before leaving for vacation. It is paramount that staff payroll and basic expenses

such as utilities and taxes are covered. Moving forward with exciting budgeted programs

must take a backseat unless we, as the body of the church, step up to the challenge we

currently face.

The Christian Education Committee reported VBS is fast approaching and most of the

volunteers are in place.

Members of the Personnel Committee have been working diligently on the task of filling

the soon-to-be vacated positions of organist and interim youth director. They have also

been revising the DPC and GSS employment procedures and reviewing pay ranges for all


The Property Committee reported at the last work day, among other things, they cleaned

out the storage area beneath the church office. They also had a crew come in to remove

the two dead trees, one near the church office and the other near the drive way.

The Good Shepherd School has had an exciting month. As one school year comes to a

close with the celebration of the Pre-K graduation, plans for next year are coming

together. The director will be staying for another year and some staff received raises.

The school will be purchasing some much-needed appliances and a computer for one of the

assistant directors. They will be looking for volunteers to help with chapel next year so

please step forward if you are willing to work for hugs!

The Presbyterian Women reported May 28 was the last meeting for the year as they will

take a break until September. They do not stop crafting, however, and all women of the

church are invited and urged to join the fun! They will be working on items for the Bazaar

in October, working on the new cookbook and will continue making surgical caps and

therapy dolls for MUSC. Moderator Candy King will be attending the tri-annual

Presbyterian Women Gathering in Minneapolis from June 18-21. Oh, and the next time

you’re in the fellowship hall, check out the 140 new clear glass luncheon plates donated by

the women for special occasions!

All for now ~ Kathy Worthington, Clerk of Session

Session Highlights from May’s Meeting

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Greetings! Last month, we hosted Muffins with Moms. Also, I would like to say congratulations to our

Pre-K Graduate Class of 2015. Among those to have graduated are Dorchester Presbyterian Church’s very

own Caleb Blackwelder and Abby Shoup. School is out for summer, but technically not for us. Good

Shepherd School Summer Camp started on Monday, June 1st. In honor of Father’s Day, we will host

Donuts for Dads on June 19th at 9:30 a.m. at the Pavilion.

Let the summer fun begin!!

Blessings to you and your family,

Toia Thompson

Good Shepherd School Director


My daughter, Kamryn, summed up our experience today with two simple words: “Friendliness abounds.” Today I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of welcome from my Dorchester Presbyterian, and yet I am anxious about the shoes I have to fill. Dorothy has done an outstanding job of growing your youth ministry. I plan to create a seamless transition that augments her talents, yet adds my own! Summerville is equidistant between Eric’s hometown of Wilson, NC and my hometown of Charlotte, hence the reason we settled here. Well, actually, the lack of snow helped immensely.

Since moving to Summerville I have taught kickboxing classes, sung in an a capella women’s ensemble, trained three therapy dogs, started my own business, and served as an interim youth director for Summerville Presbyterian, where we are members!! I am very excited about the opportunity to work with your youth and advisors and serve Dorchester Presbyterian Church. As your interim youth director, I will do my best to continue in growing this ministry and strengthening the bonds made with these youth, the congregation and the community. Know that I look forward to meeting each of you, yet struggle with names! I know that God had a large role in securing this position for me.

I am blessed with this opportunity and look forward to the future! Originally from Charlotte, I grew up in Covenant Presbyterian Church, attended Montreat and youth Triennium and was actively involved in youth group and youth choir. I then attended Peace College, a Presbyterian College, and UNC-Chapel Hill, where I earned a major in English and met a starving medical student, Eric Stem. Upon Eric’s graduation from medical school, the Air Force sent us to Mississippi and Oklahoma, and his medical training required additional moves to Indiana and Florida. In 2003, we put roots down in Summerville. In the interim, I have completed my MBA, worked in human resources and sales, taught evening college and had three children: Kara (20), Kamryn (16), and Alex (13). We also have three dogs, a turtle, a cat, 8 ducks and a horse (who will have her first baby in February!).!


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Joey Kuhlmann 2

Lauren Feltner 4

Kathelyn Kampwerth 9

Paul Campbell 10

Elease Holmes 13

Katie Osterritter 14

Karene Feltner 16

George Barber 18

Collin Burchette 18

Alexa Brice 21

Craig Dupree 21

Jeffrey Shoup 21

Caleb Blackwelder 22

Dianne Barber 23

Nina Watson 23

Melanie Dehaven 24

Mattie Monnet 24

Linda Carson 25

Jim Brice 26

Dee Lesko 28

Abby Shoup 28

Mandy Gregory 31

Happy Birthday

~ from your church family!


Guess what's coming to Dorchester? The Presbyterian Women are getting ready to ask for your best and latest recipes for our new church cookbook. It has been seven years and many wonderful changes have occurred at our church.....the Kackley's arrived and we have many new members. This cookbook will be published by Morris Press in a three ring binder. WE NEED YOUR HELP by providing new recipes. Your recipe should fall under one of the following categories: Appetizers & Beverages, Soups & Salads, Vegetables and Side Dishes, Main Dishes, Breads and Rolls, Desserts, Cookies and Candy, This & That THINGS TO KNOW: •Print NEATLY in INK, NOT PENCIL. •Only one recipe per standard 8 1/2 x 11 page. If more room is needed, please staple pages together. •Recipe cards you may have at home, can be copied. Make sure your name is on the recipe. You may use notebook paper and print from your computer. •Please WRITE LEGIBLY to reduce errors and to make editing easier. •No Brand names in the title of your recipe. e.g. Hershey's Mud Pie. •List ingredients in order of their use. •Include container size. e.g, 16-oz pkg, 24 oz. can •Keep directions in paragraph form. •Use names of ingredients in the directions. e.g. "Combine flour and sugar." Do not say "combine first three ingredients." •Include baking temperature, chilling and/ or freezing times. •Be consistent with the spelling of your name with each recipe. •Labels to use: Gluten free, heart healthy, diabetic, freezes well, vegetarian, quick and easy, slow cooker. FORMAT FOR RECIPES 1. RECIPE TITLE Please specify if your recipe falls into any of the categories directly above. REMEMBER: NO BRAND NAMES in the title but they can be listed in the ingredients. 2. SUBMITTED BY: Be consistent with the way you always spell your name. 3. ABBREVIATIONS: pt.,qt.,gal., pkg., env., C, tap., tbsp., doz., am., med., lg. 4. DIRECTIONS: Please consider submitting several recipes. To avoid duplication, unfortunately all recipes will not be published. We certainly want you and your family to be represented with our newest project. Monies will be used to support charities. RECIPE DEADLINE: September 1, 2015 Every person who submits a recipe "within the deadline" will have their name submitted for a chance to win something for your kitchen. NO, it will not be a chef. For additional information, contact: Linda Marks (843) 771-2824 email: [email protected] Susan Johnson (843) 207-1049 email: [email protected]

Just a reminder that we have several prayer shawls available in the church office. If you have a loved one in need of a shawl, please pick one up. Remember, the shawls are there for encouragement, comfort, and also celebration.

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Dorchester Presbyterian Church 10290 Dorchester Road

Summerville, SC 29485

Office Hours

9:00-2:00 p.m.

Monday –Thursday

Phone: 843-871-3572






Rev. Jeff Kackley, Pastor

Rev. Dorothy Blackwelder, Associate Pastor

Simplicia Smith, Church Administrator

Dianne Dube, Financial Administrator

Kevin Gossett, Music Director

Angie Krouse and Connie Judson, Organists

Amy Plexico & Angela Laflin, Nursery Staff

Toia Thompson, Good Shepherd School Director

S.T.E.P.S. 2015

Have you checked out the list of workshops being offered at

this year’s STEPS event? Too many great choices to decide?

So...invite a friend (or 2) to join you at STEPS. Sign up for

different workshops. Meet for coffee or lunch after worship

the next day and share your experience. Problem solved!