Download - Doddington, Newnham & Wychling Newsletter · of clergy in the Church of England will reach retirement age and every Diocese is making extra efforts to find and train replacement clergy.


Doddington, Newnham & Wychling Newsletter

January 2018


Opening Hours: Monday – closed EXCEPT for Bank Holidays

Tuesday, Thursday 12-3 & 6-11Friday & Saturday 12-12 Sunday 12-8

Possibly the best Sunday lunch, served 12-4pm1 course £9.95, 2 courses £13.95, 3 courses £16.95Tuesday: 6pm-9pm 2 Delicious Burgers for just £13Thursday: Curry night 6pm-9pm & a drink for £10

Lunch menu available 12pm - 3pmEvening menu and specials available from

Tuesday - Saturday 12 pm -3pm/6pm - 9pm

Booking advisable to avoid disappointment Kids & Dogs welcome. Gluten free options available.

Breakfast now served every Sat and Sun 9.30 - 11am

Festive menu now available! Bookings now being taken

Please see back page for other eventsThe Chequers Post Office: Tues 13:00-14:30. Usual PO services, utility bills, Council Tax. Lloyds, Barclays and Co-op deposits and

withdrawals, Pre-order foreign currency – 0% commission

Newnham Village HallAvailable to hire for parties & functions

Well fitted kitchen with cookerCrockery, cutlery and glasses available

(at additional charge)Enquiries regarding availability to:

Pat Meakins: 01795 890437 or 01795 890205 or email:

Church Finances We recently hosted excellent concerts by Music Cordiale in Doddington and Newnham churches. They were enjoyed by many people some were regular church-goers, others not. The concerts showed how the church buildings are community assets, not just for use by a few on Sundays. Concerts help with income, but both of these churches are listed buildings and their upkeep is an expensive headache at times. Our church Steering Groups thought it might be useful to explain how church finances work. I do not find it easy to talk about money, but we have been discussing our church finances in Steering Group meetings and the position for some of the churches in our big parish (seven churches) is becoming difficult. This year the parish as a whole has been asked by Canterbury Diocese to find an additional 6% over the amount we submitted last year, meaning we are expected to send to Canterbury over £93,000 in 2018 (known as our ‘Parish Share’). This works out at over £1,000 per month for most of our churches, with twice as much for Teynham and much less for Wychling. This money covers our clergy costs (Rector and part time Vicar) – housing, stipend, training and pension, also the cost of training new clergy and a share of the central costs at Diocesan House. Over the next five years 40% of clergy in the Church of England will reach retirement age and every Diocese is making extra efforts to find and train replacement clergy. Additional clergy training costs are a large part of the reason for the high rise in Parish Share. The collections from church-goers and their regular giving through bank standing orders has, so far, more-or-less paid the Parish Share each year, but our costs do not end there. Each church pays around £2,000 per year for insurance (that is £40 per week). Energy costs are around £700 to a £1,000 per year, think about that if you are ever warm in church during the winter. There is always maintenance work each year, flint walls need constant attention, tiles frequently slip from the large roofs, gutters need cleaning, paths need repairing and improving. All these costs can add up to several more thousands of pounds per year. This is why we need to have successful events such as Open Gardens, coffee mornings and concerts. The money from these events is used to support the local church building, not ‘bureaucracy’ in Canterbury. We hold a number of concerts and other events in our churches through the year. These help to bring in the money to maintain the buildings, however they are much more than just ‘money raisers’. The events are generally hugely enjoyed by those attending and are an important part of building our communities. It would be great if we had sufficient income to improve the seating and facilities for these events. The Church Commissioners nationally have large assets in land but very limited funds are available for distribution to parishes. The Commissioners pay for the Bishop, Archdeacon and ‘mission projects’. We also have the help of many charities to support us in development projects, for example ‘Friends of Kent Churches’ have contributed for the bells project at Newnham and the toilet project at Doddington. This coming year is going to be financially difficult in most of our churches and church-goers have been requested to review the amount they are giving regularly, particularly if their income has risen and they have been giving the same amount for several years (pensions have generally been index linked). Some pay packets have not kept up with inflation and there is no extra for church, it may be right to reduce charitable giving. All standing Orders made out to charities should be reviewed annually. If you are not a church-goer, but recognise the significance of the church building as a community asset you might like to contribute regularly. It is easy to set up a standing order, and if you are a tax payer we can recover the tax paid through ‘Gift Aid’. The forms are available from myself, our treasurers (Jan West for Doddington, 886227, David Buckett for Newnham, 890240 and Peter Andrews for Wychling, 886347), or from the churches. God has been very generous to us in giving us this beautiful place and these wonderful communities to live in. We have amazing historical and beautiful buildings which have been prayed in for hundreds of years. They have developed an atmosphere of quiet calm and are open for everyone to enjoy through the week. Can we be generous in our giving and help to make sure that these buildings remain properly maintained as important community assets? Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Reverend Richard Birch The Vicarage, The Street, Doddington ME9 0BH Tel: 01795 886265 e-mail: [email protected] Forthcoming events31st December, Teynham Benefice service 10th January, Teynham MLT rota meeting

23rd January, Lynsted, Natural Evangelism talk 31st January, Wychling, Steering Group meeting 3

Kcs carpentry &JoineryKarl smithAll carpentry work covered

01795 43529407780608819

[email protected]


7th Janaury 9.00am Holy Communion Oare Epiphany 1 9.00am Holy Communion Lynsted 10.30am Family Service Teynham 10.30am Family Service Norton 10.30am Holy Communion Doddington 3.30pm Holy Communion Teynham 5.30pm Evensong Wychling 6.00pm Breakthrough Lynsted 14th January 9.00am Holy Communion Oare Epiphany 2 9.00am Holy Communion Norton 10.30am Holy Communion Newnham 10.30am Family Holy Communion Teynham 10.30am Family Service Lynsted 10.30am Holy Communion Newnham 3.30pm Evensong Teynham

6.00pm Breakthrough Lynsted

21st January 9.00am Holy Communion Newnham Epiphany 3 9.00am Holy Communion Oare 10.30am Family Service Teynham 10.30am Holy Communion Norton 10.30am Family Service Doddington 3.30pm Holy Communion Teynham 6.00pm Breakthrough Lynsted 28th January 9.00am Holy Communion Doddington Epiphany 4 10.30am Family Holy Communion Teynham 10.30am Family Service Newnham 10.30am Holy Communion Lynsted 10.30am Morning Worship Oare 3.30pm Evensong Teynham 6.00pm Breakthrough Lynsted Quiet time of Bible Reading and prayers ~ Newnham Church every Thursday at 2.30pm and Doddington Church every Friday at 9.15am. Once a month at each church at these times there will be a simple Holy Communion Service. Church Wardens Contact Details: Newnham: Bruce Leckie (01795) 890550 Dave Buckett (01795) 890240 Doddington: Les Roberts (01795) 886332 Matthew Jevons (01795) 886341 Wychling: Paula Jardine (01795) 886165 Linda Yates (01795) 830285


A defibrillator can be found on the north wall of Doddington Village Hall and also on the Porch wall of Newnham Village Hall. What’s On Doddington Village Hall (unless otherwise stated) Weekly MEDAU - exercise, move, dance your way to fitness! Tuesdays 9.45am - 11am. Contact: Jane on 01795 886267 Valley Players: Tuesday evenings, September to December from 7.30pm. If you are interested in helping or taking part in future productions pop in and leave your name and contact details. Backstage help particularly welcome. Buddies Parent and Toddler Group: Thursday morning (term-time) 10.00 to 11.30. All children aged 0 - 4 and their carers are most welcome. Contact Rebecca Outred on 07790515273. Doddington Ukulele Movement: Thursday evenings 8pm. Contact: Bob Allen: 01795 886848, [email protected]

Monthly Doddington Parish Council 2nd Monday 7.30 pm. Local residents welcome to observe, and there is a section for questions and comments from the public. Historical Research Group 4th Monday 7.30pm. Exploring local history and archaeology in the three parishes. Enquiries to Paula 01795 886165 or [email protected]

Newnham Village Hall (unless otherwise stated) Weekly

Youth Club: The new club now meets every Thursday evening 6-8pm (including school holiday times), assisted by CREED & Brogdale CIC. If you are interested in helping with this, please contact the Newnham Parish Clerk. When light permits, outdoor activities take place at the Wineycock play area. Newnham Brownies: 5.30pm - 7.00pm every Tuesday (term-time only). Contact: Val 890240 George Guitar Group: The George, Wednesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm, all levels welcome. Contact: 890237 Feel Fit and Fabulous: Thursday 10am - 11am. Exercise class £5 per person. All ages and abilities welcome. NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING – LOOKING FOR A NEW INSTRUCTOR! See Page 16 for more information. Newnham Folk Dance Group: Friday 8.00pm - 10.00pm. 01227 264322

Monthly Newnham Parish Council 2nd Thursday 8pm

Nearby towns and villages Medau: Tuesdays 7.15pm-8.30pm Tunstal CoE Primary School, Wednesdays 9.45am - 11am Norton V. Hall, Thursdays 9.30am-10.45am & 11.15am-12.30pm Tunstall Village Hall, 1.45pm-3.00pm, Boughton Village Hall. Plus special seated class at Forge Hall, Borden 1.45pm -3pm. Contact:Jane on 01795 886267 Zumba: Day and evening classes in Teynham, Faversham and Eastling. Contact Leigh Miles 01795 890149, 07873431952, [email protected], or www.

Useful contacts Doddington Neighbourhood Watch: To be kept informed of local incidents and general notifications issued by the Kent NHW police, please email: [email protected] Suspicious happenings should be reported by phone on 101, or 999 in an emergency. Doddington Community Warden: Dave Osborne: 07813 712803 Doddington and Newnham online: Facebook: Doddington Village and Newnham Village each have their own Facebook sites

Helen Whately: MP for Faversham and Mid Kent, Email: [email protected] House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 6472



All services undertaken including mowing, jet washing, hedge and tree

cutting, clearance jobs, weeding, pruning, etc. Also Seasoned logs for sale £60 a ton bag delivered - £55 collected.

Contact Dan on 07734 058188 [email protected]

[email protected]

Tuesdays 9.45am-11.00am Doddington Village HallTuesdays 7.15pm-8.30pm Tunstall CoE Primary School

Wednesdays 9.45am-11.00am Norton Village HallThursdays 9.30am-10.45am & 11.15am-12.30pm Tunstall Village Hall

Thursdays 1.45pm-3.00pm Boughton-under-Blean Village Hall

Special seated class Wednesdays 1.45pm-3.00pm Bapchild Village Hall


Chairman: Kevin Attwood 886395, Vice Chairman: Philip Haynes 886353 Councillors: Steve Coates 886378, Graham Cuthbert 886365, Peter Duckworth 886112, Kevin Fraser 886623 and Colin Jones 886857 Clerk: Wendy Licence 01622 739324

Report of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 December 2017

PLANNING MATTERS i. Ref: 17/505025/FULL Address: Land North Of Homestall Road Doddington ME9 0LB: Proposal: Re-contouring of land, construction of earth bund, laying of hardstanding, formation of new access, erection of amenity building and creation of 2no. parking spaces (part retrospective) has been put on hold pending serving notice on Highways England for access. Councillors agreed to support Swale Borough Councils decision to restrict the site to two caravans ii. Ref: 17/506054/FULL Address: White Lines Chequers Hill Doddington ME9 0BL Proposal: New two storey dwelling Councillors agreed there were no objections to the proposal. Ref: 16/503982/FULL Address: Graces Place Homestall Road Doddington Kent Proposal: Retrospective application for change of use to residential - for one gypsy family, comprising one mobile home, one touring caravan and one utility shed. The decision to refuse the application has been appealed and submissions to the Planning Inspector have to be submitted by 10 January 2018. Swale Borough Council has demonstrated that there is five-year land supply for Gypsy & Traveller sites. The Parish Council will make a submission to the Planning Inspector to support Swale Borough Council’s decision. Ref: 16/507020/FULL The Retreat Elverland Lane Ospringe Proposal: Permission is sought for change of use of land to a residential caravan site, for two Romani Gypsy families. The site to contain two static caravans, two touring caravans, hardstanding and associated residential parking, a water treatment plant and a new highway access. (Part retrospective) The appeal will be held on 24 January 2018 and will start at 10:00am at Assembly Room Swale House. SPEED WATCH A Speed Watch session in Wychling recorded sixty-five vehicles as travelling thirty-five miles per hour or above, which was very disappointing. All details have been reported to the Police. There will be further sessions in Wychling. HIGHWAYS Lenham Parish Council does not have a date yet for a meeting with KCC about the A20 junction and it has been agreed that representatives from Doddington Parish Council can attend. The drains by the water works are blocked causing the road to be flooded and the drains near Sunnyside are also blocked. The matter will be reported to KCC. Two lorries had become stuck on Lenham Hill. The ‘not suitable for HGV’s’ sign is the wrong way round at Lenham crossroads and KCC Highways will be informed.

Date of next Meeting: Monday 8 January 2018 at 7.30pm in Doddington Village Hall.

All are welcome to attend. There is a public time for residents to raise issues with the Council.



Summary of matters discussed at the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 14th December 2017 Present: Cllrs. C. Woods, S. Gunner, S. Elworthy, J. Crampton, C. Miller, and Clerk L. Bareham. Planning Rear of The Tapsters 17/505978/AGRIC Prior Notification for a proposed agricultural storage building. | Highfield Seed Road Newnham Kent ME9 0NA. It was agreed to send a letter to Planning to object to the planning application, as the area of the land was actually only 3.47h and not the alleged 6.8h. The planning officer had notified the owners to stop building, however it was noted that the building was now in place.

Mill Cottage Sharsted 17/505386/FULL Conversion of garage/workshop including an extension to create an annexe/home office and car port at Mill Cottage Sharsted Hill Newnham Sittingbourne Kent ME9 0JX. It was agreed to send comments with no objection to the application, but to raise concerns regarding the archaeological aspect to the area.

Update on Hill Top Farm - Everland Lane Appeal. The owner had appealed on the last day of the six month period.

Budget & Precept It was agreed to maintain the precept at the same as previous years of £5,355. As the tax base had risen, this would actually equate to a small decrease in council tax. Outdoor gym equipment A consultation event has been arranged for Saturday 13 January between 12.30 and 2.30pm in the village hall. Display boards have been made up with the different types of equipment available and Cllr Miller will provide presentation frames for them to be placed on, she will also look into funding for the equipment and report at the next meeting. In the meantime Cllr Bowles’s You Decide event is due to take place on 20th January, this will be advertised in the newsletter to invite people to attend to vote for the requested £2,000.

Youth Club A meeting was held between Ben Rose and the Jill Essex from KCC, Cllrs Elworthy & Gunner and the two volunteer leaders of the club. The KCC officers will now discuss matters with Brogdale C IC and report back.

Defibrillator The new defibrillator cabinet had been installed and the condensation problem has stopped. The cabinet has a light sensor, so it was agreed that a separate light was not required. We had been approached by Doddington PC to share spares for the defibrillator, however we have a different model to them. It was agreed to set up another training session in the New Year and the Clerk will contact the Community First Responders.

Notice of Vacancy Mrs Angela Dye’s resignation was accepted and thanks were noted for her help on the council. An advert will be placed in the newsletter for a Councillor Vacancy. Date of Next Meeting –Thursday, 11th January 2018 at 8pm in the Village Hall, Newnham.

All residents are welcome to attend.


Colin Woods (Chairman) 890621, Sue Gunner (Vice Chairman) 890627, Sue Elworthy 886821, Jane Crampton, David Cozens 890592 and Clare Miller 886181

Clerk: Louise Bareham 892149 email: [email protected]


Sorry! - New chickens not yet laying –watch this space for new start date.

Beaubray CaterersLocal friendly caterers offering traditional food for every

occasion at the venue of your choice – est: 1970

hot or cold buffets hot sit-down mealsbbq’s carveries weddings marquee events

club dinners presentation nightsChristmas - christenings - funeralsPlease ring Maidstone 01622 763269

Seed Swap Coffee Morningto be held on

Saturday 17th February at 11amin the Barn at the rear of 47 The Street by kind permission

of Liz & Charles Pichon.

This will be an opportunityto discuss all things garden

and swap seeds if you have been able to collect, or wish to obtain seeds new to you. Not having seeds to swap is not a necessity, as we can look

forward to collecting favourites throughout the coming year.




This month’s flowers are the carnation and the snowdrop.

The CarnationThe carnation comes in several different colours to convey different meanings, much like roses. A pink carnation means affection, while a red carnation means ‘I love you.’ White carnations mean pure love, striped carnations means regret that a love is not shared, and yellow means rejection or disappointment.

The SnowdropThe snowdrop used to be considered bad luck because it always seemed to appear to grow in graveyards, but nowadays this delicate flower signifies hope and beauty



The date for the 2018 Village Show is Saturday 1st September.

Here are the Craft Classes, agreed by the Committee, should anyone like to make an early start on items over the winter months. Some old favourites but a few changes too.

An early tip: The Art and photography classes 54 – 58 state the size of the piece of work. Please read carefully and take special note of these.

Class 46 A fabric beach bagClass 47 A scarf – any mediumClass 48 A canvas work or cross stitch picture frame – glazed or unglazed Class 49 A knitted articleClass 50 A hand crafted card with envelope – any mediumClass 51 An item made of woodClass 52 Any other craft item – hard materialsClass 53 Any other craft item – soft materialsClass 54 A piece of handwriting – no calligraphy – on A5 size paper. Text to be provided.Class 55 A pencil drawing. Any subject. Up to A5 size - unframedClass 56 A painting. Any subject. Up to A4 size - unframedClass 57 A photograph ‘New born’ own interpretation. Unframed print no larger than 6″ X 4″ (152mm X 102 mm)Class 58 A photograph ‘Passing Time’ Own interpretation. Unframed print no larger than 6″ X 4″ (152mm X 102 mm) 2018


This month’s Recipe Old English Matrimonials

Ingredients1 1/2 cups S.R flour 1 cup desiccated coconut

6oz butter 1 cup sugar1/2 cup rolled oats 3/4 cup raspberry jam

Sift flour into a bowl and rub in butter, add rolled oats, coconut and sugar, mix well. Divide mixture in half, place half into greased 11x7 tin pressing flat. Slightly warm jam and pour

over mixture in tin, spreading evenly. Sprinkle remaining half mixture over jam to cover it. Bake in moderate to hot oven for 30 mins.

Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly in tin. While still warm cut into squares. Turn out when cold.

They are Moorish and delicious - you can also use gluten free flour.Have you a favourite recipe you want to share?

Contact Shirley or Sue with the details.

High-impact guitar tuition

for beginners and improvers. Call Mick on 830615 / 07895 191385

or email: [email protected]

Wednesdays 17th, 24th 31st Jan7th, 21st, 28th Feb

1.45 – 3pmNewnham Village Hall

a gentle workshop ofsimple songs and chants

to lift your spirits and soothe your soul•no previous experience needed

•just come as you are

£3.50 per session (includes tea & biscuits)Lissie Bayford 01795 886392 [email protected]

Newnham Youth Club organisers are looking for indoor and outdoor games equipment and craft materials. If you have any stored away not in use anymore or you are uncluttering after Christmas, they would be very happy to give them a new home.

Please ring Hannah on 01795 890002

Would you like to grow vegetables but have no room in your garden?

There is an already established vegetable plot in Newnham looking for someone to look after it.

Please call on Rod at “The Russets”, Sharsted Hill for more information.


WaterDrinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61%.

Drinking a glass of water before you eat may help digestion and curb appetite.

If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.

A REMINDER TODOG OWNERSThere have been instancesrecently of dogs foulingthe path along The Streetat both Doddington & Newnham and in various open spaces. When ownersdo not clear up after them, this is very unpleasant for others using these areas. Please be a responsible pet owner and clear up After your dog.

Thank you.

More information from:Paula Jardine Rose: 01795 886 165

Joan Hewett: 01622 895 [email protected]


Tickets - £10

The Frustrated Pianist

I wish I could play the piano,I’m sorry that I never learnt,But our poor old piano had woodwormAnd got carted outside and burnt.

We couldn’t afford another,It wouldn’t have helped if we had,There was no one to teach through the war yearsWhich made me feel very sad.

I had a go at recorderAnd the Tipperary flute, And you can’t play a tune on a tambourineAnd I drew the line at the lute.

Could have been a concert pianistIf I’d only been able to play,Or accompany singers or dancersAnd helped them all make hay.

So I dream I can play the pianoWhile I’m sleeping at night in my bed,But I know that it never will happen,So I’ll play comb and paper instead.

Pam HawkinsJanuary 2018

For Life’s Journey


Age ConcernSue Hanson is happy to collect

items of clothing and household goods for the shop in Faversham

For more details ring: 01795 886382

(apologies for the wrong number quoted in December’s issue)

A big thank you to the collators and distributors in each village who make sure the newsletter gets posted through

the subscribers letter boxes each month.

Thanks also to the many contributors, with especial thanks to Pam Hawkins for her wry, witty and

entertaining odes, which we know many readers look forward to each month with great anticipation.

I would like to thank all those who came to say

farewell to Pete in our church and then in the pub on 19th

October. It was lovely to see the church so full and, as my

brother said, it was full of love. Also for all the support that you have offered me during Pete’s illness and during my grief. I

am lucky to be living in such a supportive village.


Newnham Village 100 Club November 2017 Draw results:

December Bonus Draw1st prize No. 1 £100 2nd prize No. 14 £60 3rd prize No. 93 £40

Next Draw 31/01/18

For details contact either Jeff Kirby 890095 or Steve Dixon 890205

1st prize No. 80 £50 2nd prize No. 77 £30 3rd prize No. 25 £20

DIARY OF EVENTS 4h January 2pm Tea & Chat (first & third Thursday every month) Newnham Village Hall 20th January 8pm Wine & Wisdom Newnham Village Hall 17th February 11am Seed Swap Coffee Morning Rear of 47 The Street, Newnham 17th February 8pm Wine & Wisdom Newnham Village Hall 25th February 3.30pm Tea Party (see page 15 for details) Doddington Village Hall 17 March 2018 8pm Wine & Wisdom Newnham Village Hall 14th April 2916 8pm Wine & Wisdom Newnham Village Hall

Further information and contact details for the above events can be found in current or future newsletters.

Any rhymes or sayings you would like to see on the “Life’s Journey” page, or anything else of interest for the newsletter, please let us know. Contact details are shown below.


is now up and running

the first & third Thursday

every month at 2pm

at Newnham Village Hall

All welcome to pop in to join us


WINE & WISDOM Will resume again on


Teams of six, £5.00 per person

To book a table please contact

Pat 01795 890437


All copy 6pm on the 20th of the preceding month (15th for new adverts or changes to regular adverts)

Copy (maximum size ¼ page please) preferred in email or as an attachment to:

[email protected] Brightside, 26 The Street, Newnham, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME9 0LQ Tel: 01795 890592

[email protected] Farthing Cottage, 50 The Street, Newnham, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME0 OLL Tel: 01795 890627

Shirley & Sue