Download - DOCS TO GO! - PISF. Polski Instytut Sztuki · DOCS TO GO! 29.05. 2014 PRESENTATION OF UPCOMING ... proDucer: endORfina STudiO.



29.05. 2014









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Małopolski Ogród Sztuki (MOS) ul. Rajska 12

10.00 – 13.00 Public Presentation (MOS-1)

14.00 – 16.00 One-To-One Meetings (MOS-3)


29.05. 2014


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Welcome to the third edition of Docs to Go!, a joint initiative of Krakow Film Foundation

and Polish Film Institute.

Supporting documentary filmmaking has always been one of PFI’s top priorities. In 2014 the annual budget for supporting nonfiction

film production, including development, reached approximately € 3,000,000. A few years ago PFI decided to launch the international

promotion initiative Polish Docs, successfully operated by Krakow Film Foundation. We’re proud to see Polish docs being successfully presented

at international festivals. Docs to Go! is to be the next step. Together we want to present to the international industry the best roughcuts

selected from documentaries supported by PFI in order to help them enter the distribution and sales agent market as well as festivals.

54th Krakow Film Festival will mark the third edition of our joint initiative. This year we have the pleasure of co‑operating with our

Czech friends. Six out of total 12 projects presented at Docs to Go! have been invited to take part in special workshops – DOK.Restart

– on promotion and distribution hosted by a group of fantastic tutors. The best of the 12 projects will be presented at Dok Lepizig this fall.

We hope you will enjoy Krakow and will find the projects interesting so as to help them start their beautiful journey through the world.

Kinga Gałuszka, Polish Film Institute Katarzyna Wilk, Krakow Film Foundation & Polish Docs


Ethiopiques. The Revolt of the Soul

Directing: Maciej BOchniakproDucer: POkROMSki STudiO

Battle of ThroneDirecting: kuBa MaciejkOproDucer: TeleMaRk

Queen of SpadesDirecting: agnieSzka zwiefka

proDucers: chilli PROducTiOnS,

Football BrothersDirecting: MaRcin filiPOwiczproDucer: wajda STudiO

Nusrat. The Last Prophet of Music

Directing: TOMaSz wySOkińSki, aRMand uRBaniak  proDucers: ayahuaSca, TaBla filMS

Czech SwanDirecting: alekSandRa TeRPińSkaproDucer: cOlaB PicTuReS

K2 PassageDirecting: eliza kuBaRSka

proDucer: wajda STudiO

Internal EarDirecting: SzyMOn uliaSz & Magdalena guBałaproDucer: Magic PROducTiOn

The Sound of Nature – the Nature of Sound

Directing: jacek P. BławuT proDucer: RaBaRBaR filM STudiO

Agfa 1939Directing: Michał wnukproDucer: BalaBuSTa

Before DawnDirecting: MOnika Pawluczuk

proDucer: wajda STudiO

A Life of ButterflyDirecting: PiOTR BeRnaśproDucer: endORfina STudiO

4 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 5

Ethiopiques — Revolt of the Soul


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Maciej Bochniak was born in 1984 in krakow. he graduated from the national film School in lodz, Poland in scriptwriting and directing. Maciej has made in the last few years, short and feature documentaries. he also works with large commercial agencies in Poland as a writer and director of the TV commercials. in 2009 he has made his first fiction short film I Love You So Much as a writer, director and a producer. he also made aworded shorts as: In Light, Reception and The Room. in 2012 he made his first full length documentary film – One Billion Happy People as a co-production in collaboration with hBO central europe.

pokromski stuDio is a film Production company based in warsaw. it was established by aldona Pokromska and waldemar Pokromski in 1992 as art department services provider. long-term experience and international know-how allowed for explicit determination of its business profile as a company specializing in services and international co-productions for feature and documentary films, with partners from european countries. To guarantee the most effective and project implementation, it is crucial for Pokromski Studio that the cooperation starts at a very early stage of script development to ensure the their films are attractive to an international audience.

Maciej BochniakdiRecTOR

Mikołaj PokromskiPROduceR

original title: eThiOPiqueS – BunT duSzyenglish title: eThiOPiqueS – ReVOlT Of The SOulDirecting: Maciej BOchniakscript: Maciej BOchniakDop: gRzegORz haRTfieleDiting: TOMaSz BOchniak (TBc)proDuction company: POkROkROMSki STudiO SP. z O.O. SP. k.proDucer: MikOłaj POkROMSkiproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: eaRly ShOOTingshooting format: hdestimateD running time: 53’ / 85’language: engliSh, fRench, eThiOshooting perioD: May 2013 – OcTOBeR 2015postproDuction: nOVeMBeR 2015 –  januaRy 2016film Delivery: feBRuaRy 2016

total buDget: 275 000 euROsecureD buDget: 45 000 euRO (aPPlicaTiOn PiSf: 100 000 euRO)still neeDeD: 130 000 euRO

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: POliSh filM inTiTuTe (deVelOPMenT), TVP kulTuRa (PRe Sale)looking for: BROadcaSTeRS, diSTRiBuTiOn, cO-PROducTiOn

contact: MikOłaj POkROMSki, POkROMSki STudiOPROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne: +48 502 587 387diRecTOR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne: +48 600 211 907ediTOR’S eMail: TBaediTOR’S PhOne: +48 533 172 305

Ethiopiques is the history of Ethiopian music told from the perspective of the maincharacter and narrator of the film, Francis Falceto. An avid follower of world music, he

is given a copy of at a party in his hometown of Piotiers. The resultant excitementamongst listeners and journalists who had never heard of it before is the beginning of

a long journey that is a landmark in the history of world music. It is also the story of the phenomenon of this unique music style which had a considerable influence on late 20th

Century free jazz and pop musik. This lost generation of musicians, many ofwhom live in poverty in exile today is shown against the backdrop of political and

social upheaval in the transitional time between the end of the Emperor HaileSelassie’s reign and rise of the communist Derg junta that resulted in a non‑existentcultural life. This is an account of the courage and audacity of gifted musicians who

were the creators of stunning sounds and music against all odds.

6 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 7

The Queen of Spades

She has cooperated with TVP for over 12 years as an author of various awarded TV programs and short documentary forms. in 2007 she obtained her Phd in new media and ever since worked as a lecturer of television journalism and interactive films at the university of wroclaw specializing in multimedia storytelling. in 2010 she has established a production company chilli Productions that currently produces TV series, programs for TVP and documentary films. her film Albert Cinema was developed during lisbon docs, dragon forum and presented at the docu Talents from the east at 2012 karlovy Vary film festival as well as in many festivals (premiered at kraków film festival, later on screened at Message2Man, Miradasdoc and world film festival among others).

chilli proDuctions was established in 2010 and specializes in production of creative documentary formats. in cooperation with TVP chilli Productions has produced documentary film Albert Cinema (2013, screened at festivals wordlwide including Message2Man, Miradasdoc, world film festival) as well as TV series and short reportage forms.

ma.ja.De. is one of the few german production companies to make documentaries and feature films that, for years, now have won international film festival awards and proved themselves worthy of cinema acclaim and worldwide sales. Since 1991 the company has been involved in a number of successful collaborations with many renowned directors from both germany and abroad. They include Sergei loznitsa, Pirjo honkassalo, Vitalij Manskij, hartmut Bitomsky, Viktor kossakovsky and Thomas heise, who are among their respective countries most famous filmmakers. has produced more than 90 documentary films so far. They have been premiered at renowned international festivals such as Berlinale, Venice, Rotterdam, Visions du Réel in nyon, cinema du Réel in Paris, idfa amsterdam and dOk leipzig.

Agnieszka ZwiefkadiRecTOR, PROduceR

original title: kRólOwa Pikenglish title: The queen Of SPadeSDirecting: agnieSzka zwiefkascript: agnieSzka zwiefkaDop: alekSandeR duRaj, aRMand uRBaniakeDiting: hanSjöRg weiSSBRich proDuction company: chilli PROducTiOnS, Ma.ja.deproDucer: heinO deckeRT proDuction country: POland, geRMany

proDuction stage: ediTingshooting format: hdestimateD running time: 75’language: POliShshooting perioD: May 2013 – May 2014postproDuction: May 2014 – nOVeMBeR 2014film Delivery: winTeR 2014/2015

total buDget: 326 000 euROsecureD buDget: 276 000 euROstill neeDeD: 50 000 euRO

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: OdRa-filM, PiSf, hBO euROPe, aRTe, yle, MdMlooking for: SaleS, diSTRiBuTiOn, feSTiValS

contact: [email protected]’S e-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 606 136 399

A deaf girl from an illegal Roma settling escapes the brutal reality of everyday life into the world of rhythm, dance and imagination. 10 years old Denisa is an outcast in many

ways. She is an illegal citizen of a gypsy settling in Poland, a woman in a patriarchal gypsy community, a child that has nothing to say and most of all – she doesn’t speak as no one has ever diagnosed her with severe hearing disabilities. Even the children from

the settling call her ‘the stupid one,’ but Denisa is far from being stupid. She simply has a world of her own. A world full of rhythm and dance. Fascinated by Bollywood

films she watches on a small TV (when her parents can afford fuel, as there is no electricity at the settling) Denisa creates her own dance sequences.

One day, going through the garbage in search of used clothes, wood and scrap Denisa finds a plastic crown... and starts to dance. Dancing she can be anyone she wants

– even a queen. Through dance she expresses what she can’t say – joy, sadness and fear – leading the other children from the settling, illeterate 12, 13, 14 year olds.

The only language they are fluent at is dance. That’s why our film consists of 2 layers – documentary observation and musical scenes in the ‘Bollywood style.’


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8 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 9

Nusrat. The Last Prophet of Music

The experiences gained during his dozen or so years journey to over 50 ‘third world’ countries serve as a material source for his films. he looks for inspiration in other cultures, art and bonds between people. in his daily job he directs, writes and sometimes mans the camera. Previously an art director, he mounted a few dozen promotional campaigns and happenings in Poland, germany, hungary and Malaysia. author of Incantatio (documentary, 2009, 14’) and Ikizama (documentary, 2008, 55’).

a graduate in film and Television Studies at the university of Silesia in katowice (1994) where he learned cinematography from krzysztof Ptak and photography from Bogdan dziworski. his work involves both with documentary and feature films, photography, and lighting design and direction in TV productions. his major works as a cinematographer and director: The Teacup (documentary, 2010); Ikizama (documentary, 2008); The Song of Rebellion (documentary, 2012).

ayahuasca project, based in warsaw, treats every project individually, trying to carry out the production with focus on the best possible artistic effect. ayahuasca produced Ikizama (2008) and Incantatio (2009), the awarded and screened on international film festivals documentaries.

tabla film started operating in 2010. we are a production company based in warsaw, focused on documentaries, with a special emphasis on music. we are a creative team of people devoted to good stories, artistic qualities and professional handling of our projects. we take part in workshops, pitchings and markets.Tabla produced the creative documentary Teacup (2010) and music documentary Song of Revolt (2013).

Tomek WysokińskidiRecTOR

Armand UrbaniakdiRecTOR

Magdalena BorowiecPROduceR

original title: nuSRaT. OSTaTni PROROk Muzykienglish title: nuSRaT. The laST PROPheT Of MuSicDirecting: TOMaSz wySOkińSki, aRMand uRBaniakscript: TOMaSz wySOkińSki, aRMand uRBaniakDop: aRMand uRBaniakeDiting: BaRTOSz kliMczakproDuction company: TaBla filM, ayahuaScaproDucer: Magdalena BOROwiecproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: ediTing The ROugh cuTshooting format: hdV, 16:9estimateD running time: 90’-120’language: engliShshooting perioD: 2005-2013postproDuction: 2014-2015film Delivery: 2015

total buDget: 186 000 euRsecureD buDget: n/astill neeDeD: n/a

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: undeR negOTiaTiOnSlooking for: cO-PROduceR

contact: Magdalena BOROwiecPROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne: +48 601 810 509diRecTOR’S e-Mail: [email protected], [email protected] diRecTOR’S PhOne: +48 604 905 606ediTOR’S eMail: [email protected] ediTOR’S PhOne: n/a

The movie is a journey tracking footsteps of the great artist Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan through contemporary Pakistan. In the movie we present the Pakistani reality from the perspective

of music. Music in fact is a very important key to get to know and understand the nature of the Pakistani people. Thanks to the music there is possibility to touch the spiritual and

mystical face of Pakistan and also its cultural wealth. The main protagonist, who passed away in 1997, does not appear in the film but the spirit of his music and the message of the primary brotherhood are constantly present in the film. ‘Without hatred, without regard

to race, religion and skin color. I wish, thanks to the spirituality, that people become more honest, less worried about the temporal world in which they cannot yet find themselves,’

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan proclaimed.On our way we meet the artists rooted in the same music tradition, of which Nusrat was the

most prominent manifestation. We participate in events that give color to the dusty Pakistani everyday life. We move to the world where excorcisms of women take places, whose souls

are possessed by evil forces, steeped in the Nusrat’s music. We observe also and participants of the Ashura – the mystical ritual with the white horse appearing in the crowd, who in turn

is the symbol of Muhammad’s family death. During this ceremony hysterical and sobbing men drop their shirts and begin the ritual mutilation of bodies. Music of Nusrat also leads us

to the music festivals in Pakpatan, Lahore and Ajmer where Muslims in ecstasy indulge in the qawwali music and a moment later we move to the crowded streets full of reverberating

sound of horns. This colorful mosaic of artists performing in the film and music events interspersed with the observation of Pakistani everyday life creates the film’s structure.

Poignant, yet full of lyricism Nusrat’s voice guides us through this spiritual world.The musical image of Nusrat is formed by the contemporary artists of Pakistan and the Indian

subcontinent – musicians with whom Nusrat has performed on a stage as well as practiced and composed. These are often followers of the developed and enriched by Nusrat quawwali

music, but also representatives of other music trends/mainstreams such as raga and Sufi kalam. Intellectuals, poets, mystics and other admirers of Nusrat talent narrate. The emotional

line of Nusrat music completes the highest quality Sufi poetry coming from ancient Persia and India. The film about the Master consists also of stories told by his family, friends and

accidentally met ordinary people. All of them share their love and admiration for Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan – the artist who gave the world the most hypnotic music of the twentieth century.


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10 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 11

K2 Passage

a documentary film director born in 1978 in łódź. She graduated from the academy of fine arts in warsaw and from wajda School. also a well-known alpinist and traveller. One of the few women in the world who open new climbing routes. lately, she has focused on adventure and expedition films. in 2007 she set up her own film company Vertical Vision film Studio where she produced a documentary What Happened on Pam Island and recently Walking Under Water that won the Special jury Prize at hot docs 2014.

WajDa stuDio is focused on development and production of art house films, both fiction and documentary with a strong artistic vision. The Studio makes a difference through artistic supervision from the best Polish and european artists, and by playing an emphasis on project development. among the achievements of the wajda Studio there are more than 50 documentary and fiction films, and over 200 shorts. in addition, our films have been screened and awarded at major festivals including Berlinale, San Sebastian, karlovy Vary, hot docs, idfa, dOk leipzig and european film awards nominee. The Studio has twice been awarded the Best documentary and Short films Producer prize at the krakow film festival, in 2008 and 2010.

Eliza KubarskadiRecTOR

Monika BraidPROduceR

original title: dROga na k2english title: k2 PaSSageDirecting: eliza kuBaRSkascript: eliza kuBaRSkaDop: Radek ładczukeDiting: BaRTOSz PieTRaSproDuction company: wajda STudiOproDucer: kaTaRzyna śleSicka, MOnika BRaidproDuction country: POland, uk, geRMany

proDuction stage: wORk-in-PROgReSSshooting format: hdestimateD running time: 52’/72’language: POliSh, engliShshooting perioD: auguST – SPeTeMBeR 2013postproDuction: SePTeMBeR 2013 – TOdayfilm Delivery: auguST 2014

total buDget: 271 426 euROsecureD buDget: 271 426 euROstill neeDeD: —

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: hBO POland, BRaidMade filMS uk, inSelfilM geRMany, VeRTical ViSiOn POland, SeRVuS TVlooking for: diSTRiBuTiOn

contact: jOanna SOlecka, [email protected], Tel. +48 501 102 878PROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +44 7881755548diRecTOR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 601 297 799ediTOR’S eMail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 601 456 204

Four people climb to K2 base camp. They walk the same road that took their parents‑alpinists away during the fatal 1986 expedition. They challenge themselves

to understand the force that once seduced their parents. How to live your life when you know that your mum or dad can stay in the mountains forever and never come back home from the expedition? Where are the limits of love? Love for a mother, love for

a child, love for a passion? One day, the caravan sets off on a journey through bumpy roads of Pakistani Karakorum Highway: Chris and Lindsay Tullis, Hania Piotrowska,

and Lukasz Wolf will travel deep inside the mountains to reach the base camp of the second highest peak in the world – K2. Once their parents – the famous alpinists

Julie Tullis (the first British woman on K2), Dobroslawa Miodowicz (Mrowka), and Tadeusz Piotrowski walked this path. They all died in one fatal year – 1986. Their

graves can be found at the bottom of K2. The one month journey takes place in the one of most beautiful scenery in the heart of Karakorum. It is accompanied by a few

dozens of porters. To reach their goal the protagonist must overcome many technical difficulties. Some of them have never climbed in Himalayas before. However, reaching

the K2 base camp is not the most important thing. They must struggle not only with physical and technical difficulties (long distances, high altitudes and dangerous

glacier cracks), but mostly with their own expectations and apprehensions towards this fatal road; the one which the parents went through before they died. They all

have a common reason to participate in this expedition: the confrontation with their parent’s tragic past and death. How their death has changed their lives? Will this trip

allow them to forgive? What will happen during this journey? The film K2 Passage is a story about love, passion and forgiveness. About love to one’s parent, child and

mountains. Is it worth to love like this…?


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12 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 13

The Sound of Nature — the Nature of Sound

film director and screenwriter. graduate of the wajda School and the academy of fine arts in wrocław. in 2010, at the cannes film festival, his The Day of Chocolate won the krzysztof kieslowski ScripTeast award for the best eastern and central european Script. he has worked as a director of photography on many documentary films. in 2011 he debuted with a short feature film entitled The Lake and in 2012 debuted with a documentary film The Loneliness of Sound, which won The Silver hobby-horse (award for the director of the Best documentary film) on 52nd krakow film festival.

rabarbar is the film studio that specializes in production of feature films and documentaries. it was set up in 2006 by anna Bławut-Mazurkiewicz. as a law graduate, she worked at first in the field of copyright laws in media. having gained experience at different stages of film production, she later became an independent production manager and producer of many documentary films that have been screened and awarded at various Polish and international film festivals. in 2008 she was awarded The Silver lions of 33rd Polish film festival in gdynia for the producer of the feature film Before Twilight (original Polish title: Jeszcze nie wieczór).

Jacek P. BławutdiRecTOR

Anna Bławut‑ ‑MazurkiewiczPROduceR

original title: The SOund Of naTuRe –  The naTuRe Of SOund (wORking TiTle)english title: The SOund Of naTuRe –  The naTuRe Of SOund Directing: jacek PiOTR BławuTscript: jacek PiOTR BławuTDop: adaM PalenTaeDiting: alekSandRa gOwinproDuction company: RaBaRBaR filM STudiOproDucer: anna BławuT MazuRkiewiczproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: ediTingshooting format: cineMaScOPeestimateD running time: ca 60’language: engliShshooting perioD: May 2013 – june 2013postproDuction: januaRy 2014 –  SePTeMBeR 2014film Delivery: OcTOBeR 2014

total buDget: ca 83.000 euRsecureD buDget: 50.000 euRstill neeDeD: 33.000 euR

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: POliSh filM inSTiTuTe, fixa filMlooking for: cO-PROduceR, diSTRiBuTORS, BROadcaSTeRS

contact: filM STudiO RaBaRBaR , anna BławuT-MazuRkiewiczPROduceR’S eMail: [email protected], Tel. +48 660 746 996diRecTOR’S eMail: [email protected]

The film focuses on the figure of Jeph Jerman, a musician living in Arizona, an experimentalist who has a passion for sounds. Jeph discovers the world through sounds.

He has completely immersed himself in listening to sounds which are ignored by most of us. He engages in a dialogue with sounds of nature by ‘playing’ object as if they were musical instruments. He gets sounds out of various things and in this way ‘animates’ them, to use

his words. Jeph composes symphonies using only sounds which surround us. However, he is not a composer in the traditional sense of this word. He is more of a micro‑sound hunter,

who tries to track down the murmur of a stream or the rustle of cactus thorns. Creating music from the sounds of nature and, more importantly, listening to them is his way

of life. Some people climb world’s highest mountains, others listen intently to the murmur of a stream. This is what the film is about. It’s about the passion which may help to discover

something extraordinary in the ordinariness. The journey with Jerman is just one of the levels of this film. He is our guide in the world

of sounds but these are not only sounds of American wilderness. Jerman takes us to the world of microscopic structures, and in this way uncovers for us the remote, almost

inaudible yet fascinating world of ‘little’ sounds. We would like to move deeper into the world which is hard to see and often forgotten. The tool which will help us in this journey

is the microscope. We would like to enter the structure of the wings of a moth fluttering in a lamp, a bird’s feather or dried seeds, which are all Jerman’s tools and instruments.

Thanks to advanced microphones, we will be able to listen to the rustle made by separate parts of a moth wings. In most of the sequences in the movie there will be used a binaural

technique of recording sound. Using binaural recordings will allow us to reflect spatial hearing of a man in 100%. We can say it is a kind of 3D sound. To be able to delight this

3D sound completely, it is a must to watch the movie with headphones. Than each sound broadcasted by headphones will make an usual realistic feeling. The receiver will think that he is in the center of happenings, he will have irresistible feeling that everything he hears in

the film is happening here and now around his head. I believe that if we accompany Jerman in his journey, we will learn something about human

nature. This film is not only about an eccentric musician but also about ourselves. Haven’t we lost something important in the rush of everyday life? Can we still enjoy simple things?

How much of the childlike desire for discovery is left in us? Jerman does have not only such childlike curiosity but also has the wisdom of a man who contemplates the world around him.


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14 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 15

Before Dawn

author of documentaries: When I Am A Bird, Models, So You Should Change, radio and television journalist. now she is in the course of filming her next documentary film with the working title Before the Dawn. She is the co-author (with katarzyna Miller) of a book, translated into several languages, titled Being A Woman and Not Going Crazy. She is a cultural studies graduate at the american Studies center at warsaw university, a journalism department graduate at the journalism centre in warsaw, and a dOc PRO documentary Programme graduate at the wajda School.

WajDa stuDio is focused on development and production of art house films, both fiction and documentary with a strong artistic vision. The Studio makes a difference through artistic supervision from the best Polish and european artists, and by playing an emphasis on project development. among the achievements of the wajda Studio there are more than 50 documentary and fiction films, and over 200 shorts. in addition, our films have been screened and awarded at major festivals including Berlinale, San Sebastian, karlovy Vary, hot docs, idfa, dOk leipzig and european film awards nominee. The Studio has twice been awarded the Best documentary and Short films Producer prize at the krakow film festival, in 2008 and 2010.

Monika PawluczukdiRecTOR

Katarzyna ŚlesickaPROduceR

original title: PRzed świTeMenglish title: BefORe dawnDirecting: MOnika Pawluczukscript: MOnika PawluczukDop: Michał dyMek, jakuB giza, SzyMOn lenkOwSkieDiting: agnieSzka glińSkaproDuction company: wajda STudiOproDucer: kaTaRzyna śleSickaproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: ediTingshooting format: hdestimateD running time: 39’language: POliShshooting perioD: nOVeMBeR 2012 – May 2014postproDuction: feBRuaRy 2014 – auguST 2014film Delivery: SePTeMBeR 2014

total buDget: 93 800 €secureD buDget: 93 800 €still neeDeD: —

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: POliSh filM inSTiTuTe, TVP S.a., zachOdniOPOMORSki funduSz filMOwy, MiaSTO łódźlooking for: SaleS agenT, feSTiValS

contact: [email protected]’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S e-Mail: [email protected]

Before Dawn is an intimate, creative and very visual documentary where couple of stories meet in one night. During that one night, similar to many others, people

in a big city, troubled by loneliness, want to talk to someone. Some of them call 112, even if it’s not really necessary, some attend the night psychoterapy session,

and others call the radio, where the speaker asks the question about the end of the world – what it means to each one of us. They talk about things that are tragic and painful, and sometimes small and funny. Their need to be heard, to communicate,

to share their experience with someone else is evident and moving. The radio is a motif linking this nights’s events – we hear it in the ambulance, in the taxi

driving a klient to a shrink, in a city’s monitoring centre, where we observe the night life of the city on dozens of screens.

The radio binds the elements of the film together in terms of stucture and meaning: this is the source of the most important questions. In the night, light works in a different way, exposing shadows. Our characters deal with matters

that are not only difficult for them, but also hidden very deeply. The visuals and sound are equally important in this film as events and conversations, they build

the atmosphere but also bear important meaning. Each night like this, someone’s world is over, and someone else’s – is being reborn.


. M


ka P



16 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 17

Battle of Throne

Born in 1979. Scriptwriter and director, a graduate of wajda School. he was involved in development lab at wajda School and dok Pro programme. as a result he directed number of award winning documentaries: Bon Appetit (2010) – young cinema award at Polish film festival in america, Best Student documentary at Optimistic film festival, Maciej Szumowski’s award at krakow film festival; EURO 2012 (2010); Ekran (2010); Lord of the Rims (2008) – Maciej Szumowski’s award at krakow film festival; Ekipa (2007).

telemark is a Polish based film and TV production company. Managed by two young producers, anna kępińska and Maciej kubicki, is well known for it’s TV formats, both original and based-on, and documentary films. Telemark has experience in working with biggest Polish TV stations like TVP1, TVP2, hBO Poland and MTV Poland, and it’s Producers have even greater experience in working with european TV Stations including german zdf, aRd, aRTe. company’s portfolio consists number of higher quality programming and important issue documentaries.

Kuba MaciejkodiRecTOR

Maciej KubickiPROduceR

original title: BiTwa O TROnenglish title: BaTTle Of ThROneDirecting: jakuB MaciejkOscript: jakuB MaciejkODop: TOMaSz wOźniaczkaeDiting: daniel gąSiOROwSkiproDuction company: TeleMaRk SP. z O.O.proDucer: anna kęPińSka, Maciej kuBickiproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: deVelOPeMenTshooting format: hdestimateD running time: 52’language: POliSh, engliShshooting perioD: june 2013 – june 2015postproDuction: july 2015 – januaRy 2016film Delivery: june 2016

total buDget: 75 000 euROsecureD buDget: 47 000 euROstill neeDeD: 28 000 euRO

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: PańSTwOwy inSTyTuT SzTuki filMOwejlooking for: — 

contact: anna kęPińSka, Tel. 501 302 456, Maciej kuBicki, Tel. 508 154 480PROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected], [email protected], diRecTOR’S e-Mail: [email protected]

The idea of the movie Battle of Throne is to show the world of young freestyle rappers. Freestyle is a genre of hip hop in which rap lyrics are improvised on the spot. Rappers are holding a freestyle battles in which each competitor’s goal is to ‘diss’ the opponent through clever rhymes about others weaknesses and appearances by all means. There

are no taboo topic and battles are extremely offensive. The plot of the movie is a parallel story of number of young freestyle rappers who are

practicing to the great battle – Battle of Throne. It’s a chance for them to compete with the best rappers, to gain respect, to make money and to sign a contract for their first

album. One of the movie’s characters will be Te‑tris, a hip‑hop star, who also started his career in freestyle battles. Right now he his concerting, recording albums and has his own music videos. He his living all beginners’ dream. The introduction to Te‑Tris

character will we be made during his concert on Hip Hop Kemp in Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) – the biggest hip hop festival in Europe. Every August thousands

of young people from Poland, Czech, Germany and other European Countries are participating in this event. During three days they have a chance to take part in

a three‑day non‑stop party while listening to the biggest international hip hop stars. The festival will be interesting to the plot because of two happenings: Battle

of Kemp, a popular among contestants and audience freestyle battle for Polish rappers and Freestyle Corner, Czech organized friendly battle for anyone who can ‘spit’

spur‑of‑the‑moment lyrics in any language they want. Hip Hop Kemp gives a chance to see and experience the pure idea of Hip Hop.

The movie will not only show characters during freestyle battles, but also in their normal day life. They are in their twenties and they divide their time between school,

work and freestyle. They are on the threshold of adulthood, making decisions about choosing their life paths. Should they mature and grow up by loosing their dreams and

getting a paid job and forgetting about rap? That is the edge in their life that we want to capture and present in the movie, by following them during preparation and

participation in Battle of Throne.


. K





18 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 19

Football Brothers

director, traveller and photographer. Born in krakow. graduated from krzysztof kieślowski Radio and Television faculty in katowice (film directing) and wajda School (dok Pro). author of two documentaries, 7109 km (2009) and My father Lazaro (2011), and two short fiction films: Echo (2012) and Summer of Love (2014). currently working on his full-length debut. among his awards there is the Prize for the Best Polish Short feature film for Echo at T-Mobile new horizons in wrocław, Poland (2012). he likes to travel across the europe in his small car or across the asia with a backpack and a tent in his leisure time. Owner of a production company Skrawki doc film.

‘from script to screen’ – this was the main idea when andrzej wajda and wojciech Marczewski founded the film school in 2001 in warsaw, Poland. Since 2011 they have also started the production company – wajda Studio, which aims to support projects with strong artistic vision. we offer a unique combination of production and education for film professionals, artistic supervision, focus on development and contact with the internationally acclaimed masters of cinema. in our filmography we have more than 50 documentaries and short fictions, more than 200 students shorts. Screenings and awards at the festivals such as Berlinale, San Sebastian, karlovy Vary, hot docs, idfa and dok leipzig. The Studio’s mission is to search for new talents among debutants. we focus on development period and support our directors with artistic assistance of the best Polish and european filmmakers.

Marcin FilipowiczdiRecTOR

Adam ŚlesickiPROduceR

original title: TRaMPkaRzeenglish title: fOOTBall BROTheRSDirecting: MaRcin filiPOwiczscript: MaRcin filiPOwiczDop: weROnika BilSka, MaRcin filiPOwicz, MaRcin łaSkawieceDiting: wOjciech SłOTaproDuction company: wajda SchOOlproDucer: adaM śleSickiproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: ediTingshooting format: hdestimateD running time: 28’language: POliShshooting perioD: SePTeMBeR 2011 – june 2013postproDuction: july 2013 – deceMBeR 2014film Delivery: deceMBeR 2014

total buDget: 183 302 PlnsecureD buDget: 183 302 Plnstill neeDeD: —

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: kRakOwSkie BiuRO feSTiwalOwelooking for: PReSale, diSTRiBuTOR, SaleS agenT

contact: wajda STudiOPROduceR’S eMail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 22 851 10 56SaleS: agnieSzka ROSTROPOwicz sales contact: [email protected], Tel. +48 22 851 10 56diRecTOR’S eMail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 607 042 227ediTOR’S eMail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 502 312 252

Football Brothers shows a story of two teenage brothers’ struggle to get to renowned football teams. They live in a small village in the South of Poland and

reached the top of possibilities in a local team. Now the next big step awaits them. But if they would be chosen, they should move from their home and start living in

another cities. They cannot apply to the same team, so they would be completely on their own. Apart from rivalry between the brothers we observe attempts to fulfill their father’s dream – he tried to play football professionally years ago but failed.

Now his sons are his only hope.The main protagonists of the documentary are two brothers: 14‑year‑old Mateusz

and 13‑year‑old Łukasz. Their dream is to become professional footballers. The documentary shows the initial and most difficult stage in the life of these

young boys, leading to their dreams coming true and their fears about growing up and living on their own. On the other hand, it is a story about parents who need to prepare their children to leave the family home for an independent life in the

difficult world of adults.


. M


n Fi



20 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 21

Czech Swan

a director and a scriptwriter of many student films and commercials. She graduated in Psychology from the university of Breslau; she is a 5th year student at the faculty of Radio and TV directing at the katowice film School. her latest short film All Souls’ Day received numerous awards, i.e. the Main Prize at cottbus ff (2012), the Bridging the Borders award at the 13th Polish ff in los angeles (2012), Pfi & Mastershoot Special Prize at camerimage iff (2012), grand Prix at iff in drama, greece (2013), Best See Talents film at naoussa iff, greece. a winner of kodak Student commercial competition. now working on her documentary film debut titled Czech Swan.

colab pictures is a film production company based in warsaw, established in 2012 by two creative producers, danuta gęgotek and katarzyna Siniarska, inspired by common values and sensitivity. we perceive film as a result of a conscious creative work of the entire team under joint leadership of director and producer. in our work we put special emphasis on close relationship with directors based on trust, respect and mutual obligation. we focus on creative documentaries and arthouse films for cinema and TV ( filmography: 2015 – Love Express. The Strange Case of Walerian Borowczyk, dir. kuba Mikurda, a documentary film (52’, 80’); 2015 – Winston, dir. ana Brzezińska and jakub Tarkowski, a short animation (10’); 2014 – Czech Swan, dir. aleksandra Terpińska, a documentary film (45’, 52’).

Aleksandra TerpińskadiRecTOR

Danuta GęgotekPROduceR

original title: czeSki łaBędźenglish title: czech SwanDirecting: alekSanda TeRPińSkascript: alekSandRa TeRPińSkaDop: MaRcin łaSkawieceDiting: PRzeMySław chRuścielewSkiproDuction company: cOlaB PicTuReSproDucer: kaTaRzyna SiniaRSka, danuTa gęgOTek, alekSandRa TeRPińSka, MaRcin łaSkawiecproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: in PROducTiOn (ROugh-cuT)shooting format: 16:9 full hdestimateD running time: 45’/52’language: czechshooting perioD: May 2011 – SePTeMBeR 2013postproDuction: OcTOBeR 2013 –  SePTeMBeR 2014 film Delivery: OcTOBeR 2014

total buDget: 76 098 euRsecureD buDget: 13 256 euR still neeDeD: 62 842 euR

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: cOlaB PicTuReS, ShORTS The ShORT MOVie channellooking for: PRe-Sale and SaleS agenT

contact: danuTa gęgOTekPROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 503 176 222diRecTOR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S PhOne nuMBeR: +48 607 16 33 58ediTOR’S eMail: [email protected]

The documentary Czech Swan is a compelling story about women, aging, dance and beer. The narration of the film is kept in the warm tone of Hrabal’s stories about

ordinary people and their extraordinary world. A group of pensioners from Horni Lhota, a small village near Ostrava, Czech Republic, lend beauty to the occasional

village events with their dance performances, calling themselves ‘Majorettes’. Always ready to perfect their repertoire the ladies decide to incorporate the famous Russian

classic – Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake – into their famous routine. They ask Igor Vejsada, the director of the Ostrava Ballet, for help. Igor, who is bewitched by their energy and

enthusiasm, decides to help the beginner ballerinas. He asks a Swan Lake debutant soloist Marketa Pospisilova to give the ladies a proper ballet training. Marketa is in the

middle of preparations for her professional debut as White Swan. She spends hours in the ballet classroom committed to gruelling rehearsal regime; trying to surpass not only

other dancers but also her own physical limitations. She wants to be a perfect prima ballerina – her slightest movement of a hand or foot, each breath she takes are supposed

to be meaningful and under control – but not everything goes as she planned.The ballet’s lure of perfection is juxtaposed with an almost antagonistic world of tacky

entertainment and village festivities. We can see children playing around, people laughing. A fat fakir is clumsily performing a classic bed of nails routine, while his

corpulent assistant, well past her prime, dances with torches in the background. Elderly women dressed in funny clothes draw our attention. They dance without giving any air of awkwardness; kicking their legs and sticking their ample bottoms in the air, proudly

displaying their heart patterned pants. We can see how people react with genuine, wholehearted laughter. The Majorettes can obviously see that which makes them even

more happy and encourages to keep the fun going...We witness the collision of two seemingly incompatible worlds. Marketa is really shy

when she begins the training – she is not able to find a common language with a group of Majorettes. The Majorettes find it equally difficult to fulfil her expectations during

the dance training. We ask ourselves what is real passion? A full of sacrifice pursuit of perfection or the enthusiastic fulfilment of one’s dream? Will Majorettes and the

ballerina find a way to overcome incompatibility? Is it possible for them to meet in a common transcendence?


. A



ra T




22 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 23

The Internal Ear

Born in 1982, a graduate of the film Studies at the jagiellonian university. Scriptwriter, director, stage designer, co-author of poetic clips. Best debut 2012 andrzej Munk award with Szymon uliasz for their first feature film Papercuts. filmography: Something Strange Is Happened Here (2011), documentary; sound Papercuts (2012) feature film debut; screenplay and direction, stage design.

Born in 1982 in Bytom, a graduate of the anthropology and literature Studies at Silesian university. he has been studying at jagiellonian university. he has published essays about the last performance of Tadeusz kantor and laszlo krasznahorkai’s novel. Best debut 2012 andrzej Munk award with Magdalena gubała for their first feature film Papercuts. filmography: Something Strange Is Happened Here (2011), documentary, screenplay and direction; Papercuts (2012), feature film debut, screenplay and direction.

magic proDuction – independent company focused on artistic projects in film industry, TV programmes, theatre and music projects. The owner – Magdalena nowacka is working with adam Sikora (director of photography), ingmar Villqist (scriptwriter, director, dramatist), henryk Baranowski (theatrical and opera director) etc. She has a great experience in cultural resort. Magic Production addresses its offer also to foreign filmmakers wishing to shoot their projects in Poland. company provides a wide spectrum of services ranging from location scouting, to handling paperwork, assistance with subsidy applications, organizing shooting and postproduction. for each and every project carefully selected professionals are hired. company cooperates on a regular basis with highly qualified technical professionals and companies.

Magdalena GubaładiRecTOR

Szymon UliaszdiRecTOR

Magdalena NowackaPROduceR

original title: uchO wewnęTRzneenglish title: The inTeRnal eaRDirecting: SzyMOn uliaSz, Magdalena guBałascript: Magdalena guBała, SzyMOn uliaSzDop: PiOTR MichalSki, kRzySzTOf BaRTuzineDiting: nORBeRT RudzikproDuction company: Magic PROducTiOnproDucer: Magdalena nOwackaproDuction country: POland

proDuction stage: ediTing, ShOOTingshooting format: hdestimateD running time: 90’language: POliSh/engliSh (wiTh SuBTiTleS)Development: deceMBeR 2011 – januaRyV2013shooting perioD: aPRil 2013 – nOVeMBeR 2014 postproDuction: nOVeMBeR 2014 –  feBRuaRy 2015film Delivery: SPRing 2015

total buDget: 520.000 PlnsecureD buDget: aBOuT 370.000 Plnstill neeDeD: 150.000 Pln

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaDcasters, funDs: STudiO filMOwe ladachwila, cOR leOniS PROducTiOnlooking for: SaleS agenT, diSTRiBuTOR

contact: Magdalena nOwacka, Tel. +48 505 119 896PROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S e-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]

The Internal Ear poses questions related to the nature of improvisation. The protagonist of the film is Mikołaj Trzaska – saxophonist, bass clarinet player, harmonica player

and composer. His artistic biography, an independent path he has been pursuing in an uncompromising way, is both the starting point of the film and the storyline bonding together multilevel narrative of the documentary. Trzaska is undoubtedly one of the

greatest personas of the Polish jazz music scene. His artistic work is a universal theme since it is characterised by a specific to artistic disposition anxiety and ambivalence:

relentless search for a self‑aware language and losing yourself as the necessary means of immersing yourself in the music element.

Mikołaj Trzaska is undoubtedly the most renowned improvising jazz musician in Poland today with 50 albums under his belt and remarkable experience of artistic life. He is easily

recognized and respected across the world. Through selecting him as a main character of the film, we are given access to the environment of these musicians and thus we reveal

that world of music, not just a separate and abstract career of a single artist; which also becomes a universal film promoting Polish culture abroad. The film seeks to show a vibrant

image of the creating artist working with his art, though it is not a contribution to his legend and fame. The core aspect of the improvisation which is the leading storyline of the

movie and the anchor for the narrative of the film is here and now, and we are also with the protagonist in other situations. The film is an account about the condition of a contemporary

artist characterized by his uncompromising attitude, which makes him exceptional in present times and fuels the drama of the film. Trzaska appears to be perfect as a film

character because his uniqueness shows continuous self‑reflection related to his music. The film is a journey to the depths of self‑understanding, and the situations included

in the script will be shown from the character’s perspective which will help the viewer to follow the subsequent motives of the film. His world abounds with ambivalence

and contradictions as revealed while examining specific projects. We are in the throes of witnessing his transition from a musician enmeshed in the world of his own

imagination to his beginning to attach increasing importance to daily life and ordinary problems such as payment of bills, care of children, etc. The Internal Ear will thus enable

the viewer to discern the magic in the world around us. Mystery does not need to be created, watching this film with an open mind will expose the Mysteries surrounding

us all. That’s why Trzaska.


. Sz


n U


, Mag





24 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 25

Agfa 1939

he has got his degree in film directing from the university of Silesia. after his studies, he worked as an assistant director in feature film productions and as a TV writer. he is a holder of scholarships from Berlin-based nipkow Programm and goethe institut Stiftung (2006), and the french Ministry of foreign affairs (2005). he attended archidoc program run by la fémis, Paris (2011). What the Doctors Say was his film debut, for which he was awarded golden amber award for the best short film during the 28th koszalin film festival in 2009.

balabusta is a company formed by a young yet experienced producer Magdalena kamińska. The goal is to produce documentaries, feature films, working with energy, professionalism. her company recently produced a documentary commissioned for Turner classic Movies about the famed Polish Poster School, and wants to continue making original and moving films that can start a conversation about history, art, and current social issues. focused on coproductions, currently in production with documentary film Agfa 1939 by Michał wnuk, and feature film Walser by zbigniew libera.

Michał WnukdiRecTOR

Magdalena Kamińska PROduceR

original title: agfa 1939english title: agfa 1939Directing: Michał wnukscript: Michał wnukDop: Michal POPiel-MachnickieDiting: jaROSław BaRzanproDuction: BalaBuSTa proDucers: Magdalena kaMińSka (BalaBuSTa), cO PROduceR anTje BOehMeRT (dOcdayS)proDuction country: POland, geRManyplanneD co‑proDuction countries: POland, geRMany

proDuction stage: PROducTiOnformat: hdestimateD running time: 45’/52’language: POliSh, geRMan, engliShshooting perioD: feBRuaRy 2014 – june 2014postproDuction: july 2014 – nOVeMBeR 2014film Delivery: nOVeMBeR 2014

total buDget: 200.000euRsecureD buDget: 142.000 euRstill neeDeD: 58.000euR

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaD casters: aRd, POliSh-geRMan fOundaTiOn, POliSh filM inSTiTuTelooking for: financing, diSTRiBuTORS, agenTS, BROadcaSTeRS

contact: Magdalena kaMińSka Tel. +48 601 980 737PROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S e-Mail: [email protected]

Imagine stumbling upon a box full of pictures. There is a large AGFA logo. It’s bright orange and brimming with the photographs inside. You open it, and it’s like meeting your

grandfather as a young man. Although granddad Alois Kunsdorf is gone, I can see the world through his eyes. Inside there are over 200 photographs. There are two rolls of 16 mm

films. Suddenly it clicks. I try to recompose his route as a soldier. There is a ‘good war’ in France. There are horrors of the East. And at the end there is the Warsaw Uprising of the

summer 1944. It is a revelation to me. I never knew he was there, and I should, because our family lost so much during those two months. It doesn’t make sense. In the summer

of 1944, Alois was wounded in the lungs. He was in the hospital – as a patient, not as a doctor – for months, in the Czech region of Dukla. It’s 500 kilometers south of Warsaw.

It’s almost certain someone else took those pictures. Only my father, reluctantly, gives me the answer. There was an uncle in the family, Eligiusz. He was the opposite of Alois. By day,

he worked at the photo‑shop, developing pictures. By night he was an officer of the Polish Resistance, feared hit‑man, taking daring actions against German gendarmes, Gestapo informers, and Polish women having anything to do with the occupants. One day, most

likely in the winter months of the early 1945, Eligiusz shot a German soldier. He took his bag. He took his camera. I am eager to see the 16 mm film. After the painstaking process of renovation the rest of the story comes alive. There are no shots from the war. There is only a touching, beautifully shot family film. The first frame is a jumping Agfa 1939 logo.

The Table Mountains, where the Polish, German and Czech border come together. Yet there is nothing in the film pointing to the author, apart from one small thing – a license

plate. How many cars might have been owned in 1939? There must be a register somewhere. There is one, but it’s a dead‑end. Finally, I find the plate number and a there is a name on

the same line. The owners were brothers from Hirschberg. Ironically, It’s now Jelenia Góra, Poland. Over there I find a phone register from 1939 in the National Archives. There were 4 brothers living at the address: Max, Kurt, Fritz and Willy. There are four Schröters from Hirschberg in the registry of the fallen soldiers published online by the Kassel‑based

German War Graves Commission. What happened to them, and to the family Schröter, so alive in the 16 mm film? There are children in the film. If they survived the war, where

do they settle after the expulsion of the Germans from Poland? I finally find them, a brother (b. 1936) and his older sister (b. 1924). And it’s only the beginning.


. M


ł W


26 upcoming polish documentaries DOcs tO gO! 27

The Life of  the Butterfly

director, cinematographer, photographer, documentalist, member of european film academy. he used to work a war photographer for gazeta wyborcza. he won numerous awards at Polish and international Press Photography competitions for his photo-reportages from Poland, iraq, iran, Sri lanka, georgia, great Britain. graduated from documentary course at andrzej wajda Masterschool of film directing in 2010. nominated for european film award in 2011 for his short film Paparazzi. Participant of dOk.incubator 2013 (with The Life of a Butterfly film project).

graduated from film and TV Production at the Silesian university in katowice and coaching studies at warsaw School of Social Science & humanities. from 2006 to 2009 worked for wajda Studio in warsaw, between 2010-2012 for Otter films anna wydra. Production manager of many documentary and fiction films that have been screened and awarded at various polish and international film festivals. in 2011 established her own company enDorfina studio dedicated to art of documentaries. Participant of ex Oriente 2011 & 2013, new horizons Studio 2012, emerging Producers at jihlava idff 2012, dOk.incubator 2013 (with The Life of a Butterfly film project).

Piotr BernaśdiRecTOR

Marta GolbaPROduceR

original title: Życie MOTylaenglish title: life Of a BuTTeRflyDirecting: PiOTR BeRnaśscript: PiOTR BeRnaśDop: MaRcin ławSkawiec, PiOTR BeRnaś, łukaSz ŻaleDiting: MaRcin laTanikproDuction: endORfina STudiOproDucers: MaRTa gOlBaproDuction country: POlandplanneD co‑proDuction countries: uniTed kingdOM, geRMany, denMaRk, nORway, Sweden

proDuction stage: PROducTiOn (ediTing)format: hdestimateD running time: 52’language: POliShshooting perioD: feBRuaRy 2012 –  SePTeMBeR 2013postproDuction: OcTOBeR 2013 – auguST 2014film Delivery: OcTOBeR 2014

total buDget: 116 000 euROsecureD buDget: 71 500 euROstill neeDeD: 44 500 euRO

confirmeD co‑proDucers, Distributors, broaD casters: POliSh filM inSTiTuTe, PiOTR BeRnaś, TVP kulTuRalooking for: PaRTneRS (cOPROducTiOnS and SaleS)

contact:PROduceR’S e-Mail: [email protected]’S e-Mail: [email protected]

What are the reasons of Man’s drive to self‑destruction? What motivates a person who deliberately chooses a life filled up with constant fighting and injuring themselves?

Life of a Butterfly is a study of a man whose life is ruled by ambition, aggression and obsession. Marcin (35) is a veteran of combat sports and a version of a modern

gladiator. A former World Champion of ISKA and WKA of K1. He takes part in bloody tournaments known as MMA galas. He lives in a constant battle not only on the ring,

but also within himself. Being a natural born rebel, he is very radical and critical in his views. He proclaimed himself as a satanist. He hates himself for belonging to human race and this hatred takes a form of a conscious self‑destruction. Beyond the ring he

also trainer and an idol to many teenagers. When his body starts to collapse due to being overtrained and former contusions he realizes that he has to quit soon. However, he

finds out he is trapped. He has known nothing but fighting and is addicted to his style of living. There is nothing else in life that excites him as much as the ring. He dreams

of getting an opponent who would ‘beat the shit out of him’ and finally make him break with fighting. He would like to give the bloodiest fight ever in MMA history. This is

a promise of everlasting glory and fame.Różalski has a girlfriend Marta. Apart from running a beauty saloon, being a mother

to a 6 year old boy she is building a house for her and Marcin. She truly loves him with a very mature and unconditional feeling. She is a woman that will stand by him no

matter what the results are like. We will follow Marcin from when he is in his toppest form. He feels strong, he is invincible on the ring. Somehow though, when observed at

the backstage, he does not seem either happy nor satisfied with the winnig. Marcin gets an offer to fight an internationally acclaimed wrestler. The stakes are high. He

imposes himself a draconian discipline. His ambition does not let him give up even when his health condition suddenly deteriorates due to former contusions popping up. Marcin starts taking on handfuls of boosters, hormones, painkillers just to keep on training. He starts suffering from rapid changes of mood, depression and hallucinations. Meanwhile

Marta starts paying regular visits to horse trading fairs. She wants to fulfill a dream of Marcin, which is having a horse. She wants to give it to him before his next fight. It’s

probably going to be his last fight. At least this is what he had promised her... Is there a real alternative for him? And if there is, is he able to overcome the fear of taking advantage of it?


. P




Docs to go! coorDinators: Kinga gałuszKa POliSh filM inSTiTuTe [email protected] Katarzyna WilK kRakOw filM fOundaTiOn & POliSh dOcS [email protected] pl

promotion: Marta siKorsKa POliSh filM inSTiTuTe [email protected] Marta ŚWiąteK kRakOw filM fOundaTiOn & POliSh dOcS [email protected]