Download - DNC TIMES December 2015


02 December 2015December 2015

us down, it is the voice of God. When we allow our

conscience to take charge we get the grace to bear misery

and wrongs with patience and the capacity to build

bridges based on love.

'Y' represent 'YES' to God's Mercy, accepting

JESUS within and to let go our sinfulness and to be

rejuvenated with the grace of MERCY to act Mercifully.

Therefore let us focus on that aspect we wish to fix to

make space for God.

The Theme of this edition


emphasises the act of 'BEING' and

'SEEING'. When we see so much of

injustice, wretchedness, intolerance

and crimes, are not our hearts moving

with MERCY to ACT? The Message

we accentuated is, don't just SEE but

ACT in your own limits. Lancy's

article will take you into the depth of

being Merciful through the

highlights of the Papal Bull


we are aware that Pope Francis,

having seen the Miseries of

marriage, has proposed a New 'Moto

Proprio' the knowledge of it is elucidated by Fr. Jose

Charimel as a Tribunal of the Church. We have Sr. Helen

voicing her views on the Document on Mercy from

feminist perspectives and Sr. Usha focusing on the

'Healing Presence of Ours' through an interview. The

articles have a blend of the season of advent, incarnation

and Ecology, the idea of phenomenology, deeds of

Mercifulness, stories and Poems to deepen your

experience of reading. Wish you a knowledge filled

reading and Happy Christmas.

nd is a 2 year theology student at JDV, Pune.)


December 2015December 2015

r.Paul Madej in his speech to the Good News

Center in Utica preparing them for Advent said, F“We must give an Acronym to every week of

Advent focusing on concrete ways of doing something,

and the Acronym is M.E.R.C.Y.” Pope Francis in his

declaration of the year of Mercy too says, we need to

open our doors to the Christian value of being merciful as

God is merciful. We have to come out of selfishness and

welcome God's mercy to flow

through our lives to others. This act

reminds me of the carol, “Last

Christmas” as it goes, 'Last Christmas

I gave you my heart the very next day

you gave it away.” So friends this

Christmas open your heart, to be kind

and merciful.

The Theme of our edition is

on MERCY so I thought let me

highlight the Acronym as Fr. Paul

Madej has explained. 'M' of the

Acronym 'M.E.R.C.Y' stands for

'Motivate', due to the lack of mercy

there is violence around us, so how

are we to motivate ourselves and

others to show acts of mercy today?

'E' is to eliminate. One needs to eliminate the sins

within us and put on the splendor of God forgiving

ourselves and others even those who persecute us. In the

present world of Terror and fear we need to eliminate fear

and put on courage to face it with Mercy.

'R' is to rest in the Lord through prayer, laughter,

obedience and relationships. God is merciful and just,

rest in the Lord and one will find peace and harmony

even in turmoil and disasters. As the Lord says, “Come to

me and I will give you rest.”

'C' is Conscience. The conscience will never let

The EditorialThe Editorial

John Fernandes, SJ

authorizes all priests (otherwise reserved to the Holy

See) to forgive the sin of abortion for 'those who have

procured it and who with contrite heart, seek forgiveness

for it'. He ensures that the suffrages of the Church obtain

for them the indulgence.

While the reality of abortion could be an outcome

of a mutual decision between a man and a woman, the act

of abortion itself holds a female accountable

significantly since it occurs within her physique. In the

words of Pope Francis, she suffers the 'scar of the

agonizing and painful decision deeply in her heart'. In

dealing with this crucial concern, the Pope has

walked/walks the talk of the Jubilee of Mercy. The

Church/we is/are left with the mission of being a means

of mercy, i.e., addressing feminist concerns of

subordination and oppression several sections of people

especially women suffer and envisioning

For, “wherever the Church is present, the

mercy of the Father must be evident”. In other words,

her/our credibility is seen in how she/we shows/show

merciful and compassionate love through works of

mercy overcoming usual indifference and reaching out to

those who are wounded/ perpetrators of offences and in

need of help. Mercy needs to be present not just as a

word, but with the same concreteness that we see in the



A feminist perspective of the implementation of

the Jubilee of Mercy would solicit not merely advocating

for gentleness, compassion, generosity, understanding,

and non-judgemental attitude but also 'being merciful as

our Father is merciful' (Lk 6:36) that is, participating in

God's love for God's creatures. It is to feel responsible for

the other, to desire the well-being of the other and

translate the feeling into action. May one and all

experience wholeness during this Jubilee of Mercy.

(Sr Helen is a guest lecturer at JDV, teaching

Theology of Human Person and Feminist Theology)

possibilities for

both individual and collective resistance to such



his brief exposé deals with three concerns,

namely, preliminaries on the theme, elucidating Tthe grapple to implement the decrees of the

Jubilee of Mercy, and a feminist perspective regarding

the implementation of the decrees.


The idea of 'Mercy' comes from a Trinitarian

aspect of God's forgiveness and compassion endowed on

humans through the Holy Spirit. Wherein the Church as a

seat of mercy is an alternative where true justice – that is,

mercy – is proclaimed, lived, and pursued.

Grappling with the Implementation of the Jubilee of


The decrees pertaining to the implementation of

the Jubilee of Mercy have been illustrated more clearly

by Pope Francis in his exhortation to individual bishops

concerning the object of the Bull – enabling the Church

to be the Face of Mercy. The Church/we is/are invited to

manifest the Face of Mercy of the Trinity through

spiritual and corporal works. These logically framed

decrees, which are wretched realities of our world, await

the light of day. The Pope exhorts to resume these works

by 'reawakening our conscience, too often grown dull in

the face of poverty'.

A Feminist Perspective...

A true feminist – focusing on the disadvantaged,

the downtrodden –, the Pope considers the suffering

and broken society, the sick, elderly and alone, the

incarcerated, the diseased..., and declares them to be

beneficiaries of the Church's spiritual and corporal works

of mercy. In particular, he highlights a specific category

of people experiencing an existential and moral ordeal –

those suffering the torment of the sin of abortion. While

duly underlining the seriousness of the act of abortion

('murder' according to Pope John Paul II, cf. Evangelium

Vitae 58) and highlighting its underlying facets –

'agonizing and painful decision' and 'the belief of several

women that they have no other option', Pope Francis

03 December 2015December 2015

Implementation of the Jubilee of Mercy

A Feminist Perspective

Implementation of the Jubilee of Mercy

A Feminist PerspectiveAnalysis

Helen Dantis, ufs

descend from above (Cf. Sp.Ex. [235-237]). Ignatius's

mysticism is primarily a mysticism of open eyes. This

spirituality is at the root, of his pioneering vision of

religious life which is radically apostolic, of finding God

in all things and all things in God. Ignatius's spirituality

is also deeply incarnational that sees the reality as

permeated by divinity. Taking the cue from this T. de

Chardin would say, “By virtue of Creation, and still more

the Incarnation, nothing here below is profane for those

who know how to see”.

A Cherokee poem inspires us to

open our eyes, ears… our outer and

inner senses in order to evolve a new

vision of reality.

The man whispered, “God, speak to


And a meadowlark sang. But the man

did not hear.

So the man yelled, “God, speak to


Thunder rolled across the sky. But the

man did not listen.

The man looked around and said,

“God, let me see you.”

A star shone brightly. But he noticed it not.

And the man shouted, “God, show me a miracle.”

And a life was born. But the man didn't feel the pulse of


So, the man cried out in despair,

“Touch me, God, and let me know that you are here!”

Whereupon God reached down and touched the man.

But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.

Mysticism of open eyes is required not only to

reach out to our suffering brothers and sisters, but also to

care for our common home.

(Rolphy teaches Spiritual Theology at Pontifical

Gregorian University, Rome)

I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see.

I sought my God, but my God eluded me.

I sought my brother, and I found all three.

- William Blake

The root of the word 'mystique' is from the Greek

my- which means close - to close the eyes and the mouth

in order to see the unseeable and say the unsayable. A

mystic is one who has a glimpse of the incomprehensible

vision of absolute reality by closing the eyes, i.e., by

l o o k i n g i n w a r d s . B u t t h e

incomprehensible transcendence is

also immanence, Immanuel, God is

with us and in us. The transcendence of

God is such that it can manifest itself in

the here and now, to anyone and

anywhere – Incarnation. This is the

theological basis for a mysticism of

open eyes.

It is J. B. Metz who introduced

the concept of the mysticism of the

open eyes. For him it is not just a

romantic idea encountering God in the

good, true and beautiful. The scriptural experience of

God is more a mysticism of open eyes than of closed

eyes. It goes beyond one's personal relationship with

God and touches the suffering of others. Mystical

experience is not a question of having extraordinary

visions, but attaining a new vision of reality that grasps

God as the ultimate source and foundation of all that is.

The illumination by the river Cardoner infused in

St. Ignatius of Loyola a new vision of reality. “…

everything seemed new to him” (Autobiography [30]). In

the last contemplation of the Spiritual Exercises,

Contemplation to Attain Love, Ignatius invites the

exercitant to consider how God dwells in creatures, how

God labours and works for me, and how all good things

04 December 2015December 2015

Mysticism of Open EyesMysticism of Open Eyes

Rolphy Pinto, SJ


grandeur environment too.

Yahweh says “I have heard the cry of my people”.

This indicates that the cry of the humanity is heard. On

the other hand, there is no concrete pioneer, as in the case

of humanity, to show the path how to comprehend the cry

of the mother earth as she is degraded her dignity, even

spilt into fragments day by day through monstrous

attitudes of human beings, who are supposed to be the co-

creators. One feels pride at his/her mighty deeds.

However, death is not only caused to one being on the

earth but also to the environment. Because, each one has

a role to play in his /her life time that cannot be replaced

by others. Even if, he/ she is

replaced by someone, the

replaced person has double

responsibility towards

oneself, others and nature.

' P u n e T i m e s

M i r r o r ' d a t e d o n

18/11/2015 illustrates the

story of two dogs, Athena

and Zeus, in which Zeus

was barking continuously

for two days until it got

help for Athena who had got stuck in a chain link barrier.

If a dog, considered as less dignified creature, had so

much mercy for its own kind, what about us? Actually,

our eyes are encrusted due to either the mentality of

having extortionate things rather than being more in life,

or the influence of instantaneous attitude in all the sphere

of life. In spite of the lesson from Zeus, if we persist in the

way we do now, no one wards off us in the future. Hence,

It is the time to decide fast a strategy to transform our

attitude towards oneself, others and nature to sustain life

on the earth.

nd(Leo is a 2 year philosophy student at JDV, Pune.)

ercy' can be expressed or experienced in

and through the acts of compassion, Msympathy, forgiveness, pi ty, etc.

Humankind, among all creations, is endowed with

mercy. Keeping it either active or dormant depends on

the individual’s desire. This article delineates the

eminent stalwarts, whose mercy have brought life to

others and indicates further how this aspect is gradually

fading in humankind.

Emmanuel Levinas, a renowned philosopher,

often describes mercy as the face of the other that makes

one neither to be a voluntary, active receiving of the

o t h e r , n o r t o b e a n

i n v o l u n t a r y , p a s s i v e

imposition. To welcome the

face of the other is to enter

into a relationship in which

the possibility of ethical

commitment arises. To cite an

example, it is the face of the

sufferings owing to lack of

morality and injustice that

enkindled the fire of mercy

among the Trinity, resulting

in the salvation of human kind in and through Jesus

Christ. This spirit is passed on to few. For instance,

centuries later, it is the face of the destitute, the hopeless

and the helpless on the road side that stirred up Mother

Theresa's consciousness, and in turn she agglomerated

them and sheltered them with love and concern. Though

being merciful is innate to us, yet few are bound to be in

passive imposition. For examples, the rich man and the

poor Lazarus in the Bible and the barbaric and brutal

atrocities against the weaker sections today, especially

the child abuses and abuse of the rights of the tribals. As

the years go by, the aspect of mercy should not be limited

to humanity alone but to be extended towards

05 December 2015December 2015

Mercy Brings LifeMercy Brings Life

S. Leo Arockia Raj, SJ


perspective. St. Francis felt a deep kinship with all of

creation, addressing them as “brother” or “sister,”

firmly believing that everything came from the same

creative Source (God the Creator). Indeed, St. Francis'

r e s p e c t f o r

creation appeared

t o h a v e n o

boundaries. It is

said that he once

removed worms

from a busy road

and placed them to the side so that they would not be

crushedunder human traffic. According to him, a lack of

compassion for animals/creatures leads to a lack of

mercy towards humans. “If you have men who exclude

any of God's creation from the shelter of compassion

and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with

their fellow men,” he said.

According to the Islamic faith, the Prophet

Muhammad was the embodiment of mercy; he showed

compassion to all, including animals, tiny insects and

creatures. He also treated the environment with respect

and mercy. He taught his followers that animals/

creatures were part of God's creation and they should be

treated with dignity, due care and respect. According to

Jainism, “Ahimsa” or Non- Violence is one of the

ethical codes playing a vital role and it is at the 'heart' of

the religion itself. It is a virtue based on Universal love

and mercy towards all living creatures.

Finally, my humble and earnest request to

humanity is that everyone must strike a balance in their

treatment of animals and all living creatures knowing

well that they (all living creatures) are put on this earth by

the Creator for our own support in the process of

maintaining environmental relations, equilibrium,

and peace on this beautiful blue planet. As a matter of

fact, they are not at the same level like human beings;

(Cont’d on Pg.7 )

n my point of view, being merciful towards living

creatures is one of the greatest virtues of humanity Ion the face of the earth. Being merciful implies not

only towards living creatures, but also towards one's own

fellow beings and even towards one's own enemy as set

forth by our own Lord Jesus Christ. Mercy unfolds the

limitless environmental relations with all the living as

well as non- living beings in the whole of universe. Thus,

'mercy' can be considered as the doorway to

reconciliation and peace leading to cardinal virtues

such as love, hope, and charity among all the living

beings. Hence, 'mercy' is the essence of the whole

humanity and the overflowing healthy feeling of

kindness and gentleness pouring out from one's core of

the heart. Furthermore, it is a positive attitude that helps

one come out of his/her comfort zones and feel one with

all the living beings so as to strengthen the environmental


As we already know that there are basically two

distinct schools of Christian thought: The Aristotelian-

Thomistic School and the Augustinian- Franciscan

School. The Aristotelian- Thomistic school teaches that

animals/ creatures are here for our pleasure and they have

n o i n d e p e n d e n t

purpose. We can eat

them, torture them in

laboratories and do

whatever we feel like

doing with them for

our survival. Most

modern Christians

embrace this form of

t h e i r r e l i g i o n .

H o w e v e r t h e

Augustinian- Franciscan School teaches that all living

beings are brothers and sisters under God's fatherhood.

Based largely on the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi,

this platonic worldview fits neatly within the vegetarian

06 December 2015December 2015

Ajay Bara, SJ

Mercy towards Living Creatures/ Environmental Relations

Mercy towards Living Creatures/ Environmental Relations


and give help to those in need. We live in a world of

human need. There are physical needs emotional needs,

and spiritual needs. We live in a world of sin. People hurt

each other, neglect responsibilities, fight, argue, and do

as they like. These sins create many more needs, the need

for cleansing, comfort, healing, security, love, and

forgiveness. In this world there are offenses, sin, abuse,

oppression, and atrocity; because of which we find

suffering, miserable, wretched

people as long as we are in this

world. We are to look out for

those who are sick, out caste, or

lonely and to have mercy on


Let us rediscover these

corporal works of mercy, to feed

the hungry, give drink to the

thirsty, clothe the naked,

welcome the stranger, heal the

sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. And let us

not forget the spiritual works of mercy, to counsel the

doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners,

comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently

those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead. st

(Showry is a 1 year theologian at JDV, Pune.)

lessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain the

mercy” (Mt5:7). The joy of being merciful Bmeans to be moved with compassion towards

the needy. Merciful God loved the world so much and in

his richness and compassion he sent his only begotten

Son to redeem the world with love. He is the merciful

father. It is seen in the parable of the prodigal son, and the

woman who was caught in adultery.

The root of mercy is love

and this love never looks for any

reward, but the good of the one

who is in need. Mercy puts no

condition on its way. The

experience of love being

reciprocated is beautiful, but it

should not become a criterion for

us to act. Age, gender, caste and

creed are no barrier for mercy. A

child of a tender age can be as

merciful towards others as an elderly person in his/ her

eighties; a man can be as merciful as a woman; a Muslim

or a Hindu can be as charitable as a Christian. Now the

time has come for the Catholic Church to take up the

joyful call to mercy once more. It is time to return to the

basics and to bear the weakness and struggles of the

brothers and sisters. Mercy is the force that reawakens us

to new life and instills in us the courage to look forward to

the future with hope. Therefore one has to experience the

joy of giving, sharing, and sacrificing. It is a joy of

looking into those faces where hope has been renewed,

faith has been restored, and gladness and joy have

replaced gloom and misery.

We need a particular way of seeing. In a needy

world, we easily train our eyes to look for what we want

from others instead of what others may need from us. We

need the eyes of Jesus to look at the needy with mercy to

respond to the human need, move among the suffering,

07 December 2015December 2015

The Joy of Being Merciful (What Does It Mean “Being Merciful”?)

The Joy of Being Merciful(What Does It Mean “Being Merciful”?)

B. Inna Showry,SJ


(Cont’d from Pg. 6 )

neither should they be treated cruelly and mercilessly. It

is humankind's responsibility to see that they meet the

basic needs for survival- food, water, and shelter. We

must see to it that they are not overburdened, abused, or

tortured. If we do so it will surely result in God's wrath

and just punishment.

nd(Ajay is a 2 year philosopher at JDV, Pune )

Mercy towards Living Creatures...Mercy towards Living Creatures...

Jesus' merciful attitude when he advises the woman not

to sin again and to go in peace. “He defends the sinner

from her enemies; he defends her against an unjust

condemnation”, he continued, “Mercy is the way in

which God forgives our sins”.

As his followers, what is our response and

mission in today's world? Are we reflecting this same

mercy and compassion of Jesus in our life? When we

look into our world, we see that it is divided by hatred,

and torn apart by wars etc. Look at the "inhuman" attacks

on Paris venues which left at least 129 people killed and

hundreds injured, and the displacement of people in

Syria. The saddest thing is that these things are done by

human beings created in the image and likeness of God.

How can we justify and understand these things? Forget

about the world outside. Are we moved by the suffering

of our own brothers and sisters in our families,

communities, institutions and neighborhood? Can I be

that 'Incarnation', of God who dwelt among His people,

by radiating God's mercy and compassion? Can I forgive

my sister, brother or friend who has hurt me? But how can

I become one if I myself am in need of forgiveness and

mercy? We know it is not easy, but this is the challenge

placed before us, as being followers of Christ who has

shown us through His own life that it is possible.

As we are in the season of Advent, a great time of

mercy, let us be open to the invitation of our Holy Father

Pope Francis who says, “Dear brothers and sisters, let us

be enveloped by the mercy of God; let us trust in his

patience, which always gives us more time. Let us find

the courage to return to his house, allowing ourselves to

be loved by him and to encounter his mercy in the

sacraments. We will feel his wonderful tenderness, we

will feel his embrace, and we too will become more

capable of mercy, patience, forgiveness and love”. nd

(Sr Clara is a 2 year theology student at JDV, Pune)

od is Love and it was this very Love that

impelled God to become one of us. 'And the Gword became flesh and dwelt among us'

(Jh.1:14a). This is the mystery of the Incarnation.

In the beginning, God's first plan was to create us

in His own Image and Likeness because He had a desire

to share His infinite love with us. He did create us, but we

rejected Him and fell into sin. So, God has to go a step

further to redeem us with even greater act of love. He

goes even to the extent of giving Himself to become one

among us, just to redeem us. I would consider this

“Incarnation” an act of God's mercy.

God's mercy becomes especially visible in and

through Christ. He assumed our frailty, weakness and

limitation, and moved by our suffering. He reached out to

us and healed our wounds of hatred, unforgiveness, and

our anxieties by his Mercy and compassion. We see the

tangible example of God's mercy and forgiveness in the

life of the woman caught in adultery. On the one side we

have the Pharisees and the elders, sinful and self-

righteous, in a hurry to condemn her. On the other side we

have Jesus, sinless yet merciful. He condemned neither

the women, nor the others. He just made them know

themselves and their own sinful ways. We all know what

happened afterwards. They all left, starting from the

eldest. Pope Francis says that this episode shows us

08 December 2015December 2015

Incarnation an Act of God's Mercy Incarnation an Act of God's Mercy

Sr. Clara, fsp


these situations was nothing other than mercy. We also

realize that Jesus Christ is the face of the Father's mercy

in the very words of Jesus when he said, “Be merciful as

your heavenly father is merciful (Lk 6:36).

Pope begins by mentioning that the practice of

mercy is waning in the wider culture. By saying “Mercy

is the very foundation of the Church's life” (No.10), he

means that in all the pastoral activity, preaching and in

her witness to the world the church must manifest its

credibility in showing mercy and compassionate love.

The Bull concludes (No. 23 – 24)

with the mention of Mary and her

hymn of praise, sung at the

threshold of the home of Elizabeth,

which speaks of the mercy of God

that extends from 'generation to

generation' (Lk 1:50). We too are

included in those prophetic words

of the Virgin Mary. The Pope says

that it must be a source of comfort

and strength to us as we cross the

threshold of the Holy Year to

experience the fruits of divine

mercy from the heart of the Trinity.

Yes, this year is the time to allow

our hearts to be touched, says the

Pope. When confronted with evil deeds, even in the face

of serious crimes, it is the time to listen to the cry of

innocent people who are deprived of their property, their

dignity, their feelings, and even their very lives.

rd(Lancy is a 3 year theologian at JDV, Pune.)

ercy' is a theme dear to Pope Francis. Pope

Francis has convoked the Extraordinary MJubilee Year of Mercy throughout the

Church through the bull, Misericordiae vultus (Face of

mercy – merciful like the Father). This Holy Year will

open on 8 December 2015, on the Solemnity of the

Immaculate Conception and will close with the liturgical

Solemnity of Christ the King on 20 November 2016. In

my opinion, this year is a call for us to rediscover our

`Christianness' or Christian ethos by first having the

experience of God's mercy so as to be

'Missionaries of Mercy.'

The Pope says that 'mercy' is

not an abstract word, but rather a face

to recognize, contemplate and serve.

It reveals the very mystery of the

Most Holy Trinity. Mercy is the

ultimate and supreme act by which

God comes to meet us. It is the

fundamental law that dwells in the

heart of every person who looks

sincerely into the eyes of his/her

brothers and sisters on the path of life

(No. 1). According to the Pope, in

mercy, we find proof of how God

loves us. God always gives his entire

self freely and asks nothing in return. He comes to our aid

whenever we call upon him.

God the father in the history of Israel was

merciful and patient. In Ex 34: 6, God revealed himself to

Moses as merciful and gracious, slow to anger…..Mercy

was the bridge that connected God and humans. Jesus

too, in his lifetime, was an epitome of mercy (Nos. 7 - 8).

Jesus felt compassion for the crowd (cf. Mt 9:36), the sick

who were presented to him (cf. Mt 14:14), the enormous

crowd who is hungry for the word (cf. Mt 15:37), and the

pain of the widow of Nain What moved Jesus in all of

09 December 2015December 2015

Lancy Fernandes SJ

Misericordiae VultusYear of Mercy - A Call to be Missionaries of Mercy

Misericordiae VultusYear of Mercy - A Call to be Missionaries of Mercy


Let Church always be a place of Mercy and Hope, where everyone is

Welcomed, Loved and Forgiven.

Let Church always be a place of Mercy and Hope, where everyone is

Welcomed, Loved and Forgiven.

-Pope Francis

I see here, there, everywhere,

My mother earth cries for mercy.

Whispering in my ears with pain for my hand.

This mother earth soothed all creatures of hers with love.

Now, she is filled with strife.

The tunes of trees die away,

The fragrances of flower taken away,

She desires help from kind beings.

She longs for love and compassion.

Poor, poor, poor! This mother,

Helpless became in midst of helpful technology.

Searching this mother for a kind battle,

Asking us, will I be saved by your kind act?

Her food became tasteless; water's color became pure less.

Animals became homeless at home.

The beauty of mother is snatched away.

She knocks at heart of kindhearted,

This mother earth could sense her forthcoming death.

She is abused, distorted and overused,

Human being is slaughtering this mother for selfish purposes and greed.

Though, her love was boundless for humanity,

Alas! She experienced human's brutality.

Suffocated this mother cries for mercy and kind act.

Alas! Will I have future?

Who would stand by me?

Oh! Where are you gracious beings?

Save me, I am a harmless mother,

Have mercy on me………!st

(Jayanti is a 1 year philosopher at JDV, Pune)

ercy! It's beyond my life experience. What

is it? Where does it come from; where it Mgoes; how is it mentally and spiritually felt.

Expect nothing in mercy ……… but let it flow, let it

happen as it may! God's Mercy gushes like honey and

milk, so is the fusion of mercy that lies in one's life . There

I see my life flowing everyday in that direction. I let

expectation pass through without any feelings, but I will

be there, there and then, I feel....The fusion of mercy,

gushes in and through me in silent breeze; feel the mercy

fragrance. So you too would like to have the very

experience of mercy filled moment, be there as you are,

natural in style and speech, stand strong…..stand

tall….stand calm and you will find the gentle touch of

mercy reshaping your personality in style.

It can neither be seen nor can it be heard but only

experienced in the silence of one's heart. One will not

realize it, but you will find the result of it from within- a

sort of satisfaction of being merciful to someone. If you

have worries, anxieties, and fears, just tear open your

heart, throw it into the deep ocean and forget it; the very

moment in life, fusion of the limitless mercy will start

filling you up, refreshing and revealing the fullness of

life. It comes in silence by other’s deeds and touches our

being from within.

God's mercy and forgiveness go hand in hand

within one's heart. So in a way one is always protected

under his wings of mercy like a duckling being protected

by her mother's warmth from all danger of life. Mercy is

built, broken and rejected yet MERCY remains an

unruffled thing. Once in mercy, it's forever, there are no

boundaries, no gate, no barriers and no limit but it goes

beyond all things bringing JOY in all. In the silence of my

heart when I explored the inner space there landed mercy,

my dry land soften, as it flowed within filling the

greenery of life for a pilgrim.

(Cont’d on Pg 11. )

10 December 2015December 2015

Fusion of MercyFusion of Mercy

Gilbert SJ

Have Mercy, Oh! ManHave Mercy, Oh! Man

Jayanti, SJ

Poetic Prose

The villagers didn't have any other income. It

was then I had felt something. A woman who saw how

little I had collected smiled at me, unique as that of a

mother. What she had collected was for sure more than

two- folds of mine. Though she had five mouths back at

home to feed with the money earned on that day, she

voluntarily and willingly gave me one-third of what she

had collected. To be true it was not less at all. She did this

to me not because she felt pity on me and so she shared,

but because she wanted both of us to be happy at the same


Mercy is not about giving something out of pity

or forgiving someone out of magnanimity. It is an

intimate feeling of sharing that springs forth out of love

that we have for someone. When you are merciful, you

don't merely feel happy or great or proud, rather you

make the other feel one with you, replenished. You make

the other feel ensconced in you so much that s/he is not

going to merely treasure it in her or his heart rather being

inspired to do so to as many people as possible. That was

what happened to me and that was how I felt it. Yes!

MERCY is given birth through intimate sharing.

st(Jayaseelan is a 1 year philosopher at JDV, Pune.)

ERCY!” What is it? Does it inherently

mean the presence of two sides where one is Minevitably at a higher level owing to status

or possession of things, and the other is obviously at a

lower level because the latter has less when compared to

that of the former? Or is it 'Divine Forgiveness'? Or is it a

word to be used only in 'Divine Conversations'? It can't

be of any of these, can it? What is it, then? What does it

mean to me or how do I feel it?

I, along with my batch companions, was in

Kodaikkanal for my 'month-long work experience'. As

the very name indicates, we are supposed to 'work, earn

and make our both ends meet with that hard-earned

money'. We stayed in a small village and the people over

there were very simple, loving and caring. It was with

them we went to work. Having had the experience of

farming in my village, I was hopeful of doing it well. I

was supposed to collect coffee seeds. The more you

collect the more you earn. I was naughty and playful that,

at the end of the day, I had collected very little compared

to that of the villagers who were with me. As a result of

my present performance, the estate owner stopped me

from working from the next day onwards. I never thought

of it and didn't feel the pinch of it. But the villagers would

experience it because of me, for it was on their

recommendation that I had been allowed to work there.

11 December 2015December 2015

Jeyaseelan, SJ

Mercy – An Intimate Sharing Mercy – An Intimate Sharing

(Cont’d from Pg. 10)

'The Mercy'.... silent is she... searching for a mild

land, space where she can be filled with grace but

couldn't do so because of unwanted filth of life. Both

Mercy and Grace came together to me overshadowing

and filling me within the divine arms, I lost completely,

completely lost, not able to perceive things. Then I

realized the divine spark blazing upon my heart and this

is where Mercy worked smart.

(Gilbert is doing one year certificate course in

theology at JDV, Pune.)


Fusion of MercyFusion of Mercy

for the programme. The hostlers were sitting with their

parents, while Vijay was sitting alone and was reminded

of his parents. Being overpowered by his uncontrollable

loneliness, he came out of the hall and sat in a lonely

place, thinking of the fond memories of his parents.

The people in the hall were enjoying every

programme. The next programme was the address of the

chief guests. Mrs. Lakshmi came forward and addressed

saying that she and her husband had come for the

programme in spite of their hectic schedule because their

own son also was staying in the same hostel. All the faces

were filled with curiosity to know who their son would

be. She said that it was Vijay.

Immediately Vijay's friends

looked for him in the hall but

could not find him. They came

out and found him sitting alone.

They told him that his parents

had come. Vijay angrily replied

not to fool him. They took him

forcibly to the hall. On seeing

Vijay, Mrs. Lakshmi said “May I

have my son Vijay on the stage?”

He went onto the s tage

reluctantly. She asked him “Do

you remember me”? He replied

“No”. “We were the ones to whom you gave two pockets

of food in the bus stop” she said. Then he remembered the

incident, yet confused. She started saying that she had

lost her only son in a recent bus accident and was looking

for a compassionate son to take care of them in the future

and so they disguised themselves as beggars. Standing

near her husband she told Vijay weeping, “Son, will you

take us as your parents”? He immediately prostrated in

front of them and cried. The whole crowd gave standing

ovation to their merciful acts.

nd(Richard is a 2 year philosopher at JDV, Pune)

n a happy and joyful mood, Vijay and his friends

came out of the theatre. As they walked towards the Ibus stop, his friends were making fun of the

humorous scenes in the movie. Vijay, departed from

their fun, was deeply thinking of the parents' love for

their son in the movie. Having reached the bus stop, they

saw a shabbily clothed elderly couple asking for alms,

saying that they had not eaten anything for two days.

Hardly anyone including Vijay's friends paying attention

to them, Vijay's sight fell on the face of them. Meanwhile

the bus had arrived and his friends hurriedly boarded the

bus. Vijay was in a dilemma whether to board the bus or

help the couple. He decided to

stay back to help them. Having

asked the elders to sit in the bus

stop, he went to a hotel, bought

two pockets of food and gave

them. They were very happy.

Tears rolled down on their

cheeks and asked him, “When no

one bothered about us, how

could you alone pay attention to

us?” He replied that they

reminded him of his parents and

started narrating the story about

his parents who recently died in a

road accident. From then on whenever he saw any elders

in need of help, he started helping them as much as he

could. Giving his address, he asked them to approach him

whenever they needed any help. Then he bade them

goodbye and got into a bus. The elders left the place with

joyful tears.

A week later, Vijay's hostel was in full swing in

preparing for the parents' day celebrations. The

management had invited Mr. Chandra Shekar and Mrs.

Lakshmi, a well renowned couple in the district to be the

chief guests. All the hostellers had invited their parents

0 December 2015December 2015

John Richard SJ

Mercy Makes Merriment Mercy Makes Merriment Short Story

our being. If it is lacking in human being then there will

be no meaning in differentiating ourselves with other

being. Animals fight for food and breed but human being

fight for greed and domination. They have the capacity to

forgive and live together, yet they fight for power and


Mercy is the source of nurturing and nourishing.

Through domination people destroy life or manipulate

life. Mercy teaches us to promote life. In our daily

findings we will encounter mercy as a life giving source

rather than a life taking entity, because it is forgiving and

allowing others to grow in virtue

which unites all together. It

enables us to regain our original

self or genuineness. Thus it's the

seat of wisdom, like the blind

man of Jericho. It gives one the

inner sight to see everything.

An act of mercy is a home

coming experiencing. It allows

other human beings to feel at

home with ourselves. We

remove the so called borders of

separation which keeps others

away from us on the basis of richness, space, intellect,

status and life style. A dominating culture brings

disharmony among humans and spoils the peace from

within. He or she is at ease with animals and other

technological equipments but not with his own brothers

and sisters. Today we need to ask ourselves a question –

can I be a merciful human being? What are the obstacles

in my life which blocks me from being merciful? Can I

contribute something in the life of others and make this

earth beautiful by the act of mercy? The answer to these is

within us so let's begin to be merciful.

nd(Nirmal is a 2 Year philosopher at JDV, Pune)

ur life is bound by space and time. We are in

the era where everybody wants to be a dictator, Odominator or king. When we look at our

history, after the evolution of human being, we find

humans very genuine and realistic, but with the progress

of science and technology purity and originality of

humans has been lost, for it is overturned by reason.

Today the cultures of hybridization, fast food and rapid

growth, have taken over human life. As a result the

humanness of the hybrid humans is getting drained off

and the civilized are becoming non-human. The recent

terrorist attack in Paris, growing

intolerance in India and many

rape cases give us the picture of

the uncivilized hybrid human.

A s t u d y o f

phenomenology gives us three

kinds of domination. The first is-

domination in globalization- it

shows apparently a bright

picture of unity, equality and

l i b e r t y , t h e ' i n n e r ' o f

globalization shows that it offers

the ideal setting for the powerful

to dictate and control the powerless majority. The second

is – domination through 'ready-made' – it takes away the

thinking and doing capacity. People are being made

incapable to act and to think, as ready-made short-cuts

are available in the market. The third is – domination

through money- it is the source, the means and the goal of

all domination. Money is having – the foundational and

universal stronghold. Money creates tension between

being and having.

Our reflection thus is to show how mercy could

be the counter culture of phenomenological– domination

over human beings. Mercy should be the very nature of .

13 December 2015December 2015

Phenomenological –

Domination Over Human Beings

Phenomenological –

Domination Over Human Beings

Nirmal Kullu, SJ


other as Jesus did, “Father Forgive them for they know

not what they are doing.” There are many valuable quotes

and passages from the Bible which illustrate the

forgiving attitude of God towards the human race. The

bible is a our source which leads us in the path of Jesus

who is the symbol of compassion.

Personally I feel great of being merciful. All of us

have some way or the other experienced the joy of being

kind. It reminds me of our Saviour who is ever merciful at

a l l t i m e s . B e i n g

compassionate and loving is

becoming Chr is t . I t ' s

entering to the aura of bliss.

We express kindness in all

circumstances and in all

spheres of our life. It's not

that one has to forgive the so

called grievous crime, rather

in ordinary things and small

mistakes. It has the same

effect as the big one. We become Jesus when we show

mercy for all the inconvenience done to us and to our

family members. Let's be aware of this fact. The LORD is

good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

(Psalms 145; 9)

nd(Savariappan is a 2 year philosopher at JDV, Pune)

e merciful, even as your Father is merciful.

(Luke: 6; 36) The virtue which is very familiar Bto all the religions, is Mercy. Many attributes

dedicated to the word 'Mercy'. It is a religious jargon

which many people do not understand fully. It is an

attitude or a grace that has to be cultivated and

understood in real sense. All of us have experienced the

mercy from one another from our childhood. Receiving

and being compassionate are important aspects of all


The basic question is

why one should forgive the

other if the other has committed

a grievous crime against you

and your family? What is it to

be forgiving? The answer is -

J e s u s i s t h e m o d e l o f

forgiveness. We inherit his

quality of being merciful

because we are made in his

likeness. Do we have any instances of forgiveness? Yes,

absolutely there are many lived examples in our church,

i.e. Pope John Paul II, family of Rani Maria. Not only

these great people did it but also humble and the faithful

do it in their day today lives. Being merciful is a grace to

the humanity.

The joy of being compassionate and merciful is

evident in our lives. Some of us are aware of being

compassionate and some do not give much importance to

it. The fact that we are humans is being merciful. It

generates love and confidence in others to alter their

lives. It is shown by all and expressed in different forms.

In all the stages of our lives we experience forgiveness of

the other as well as we have been kind to others. It's a

divine feeling when you show mercy to the other. All of

us are gifted and given the grace to forgive. It is a natural

law if one forgives you; you need to forgive the

14 December 2015December 2015

What is it Meant to Be Merciful?What is it Meant to Be Merciful?

Savariappan M


be caught up with something to do. When we enter our

streets vehicles are fast, drivers are so impatient with the

traffic signals for the loss of time. On the railway station

people are fast, otherwise they may not reach to their

office on time. Why to say more! Even in the case of food

we have so called 'fast food' now. Thus in every realm of

our life we are witnessing this fast culture. We seek for

fast solutions, quick answers, calculations and so on but

have forgotten to respect the other as other i.e. being

merciful towards others. Amidst the fast activities of the

day s/he is having no time for others. Thus the 'fast'

culture is a hindrance to us to be merciful to others.

What shall we do?

For me the greatest challenge to be merciful is

being merciless to the self. Addressing the European

Parliament Indian former president Dr. A P J Abdul

kalam once said, “When there is righteousness in the

heart there is beauty in character. When there is beauty in

the character there is harmony in the home. When there is

harmony in the home there is an order in the nation.

When there is order in the nation there is peace in the

world”. Every change or difference comes out from the

decision of the heart. In the

case of mercy the greatest

change that we can make is

by being merciful to oneself.

Quite often we are enslaved

in the strict convictions and

wrong prejudices and as a

result we become so rigid

and strict to ourselves. The year of mercy is an invitation

to come out of this enslavement by being merciful to

ourselves. If anyone wants the world to be merciful to

him/ her, then s/he should be merciful to self and to

others. Let the year of mercy begin from our hearts.

rd(Sebastian is a 3 year theologian at JDV, Pune)

he world we live in is fast developing, making

us witnesses of a fast-smart culture. This has Tmade our lives easy and luxurious developing

human intelligence to grow towards a greater vision of

horizons. Amidst all this, humans have lost their dignity

and values, respect and concern for the other, sex

conscious so much so brutally killing the new life and

attacks on humans. The aspect of mercy is being

deteriorated in human minds. In this context, the year of

mercy announced by Pope Francis gets its importance.

Hence it is fair enough to look back into our own lives

and reflect on the challenges to be merciful.

Growing Self Centrism

In this modern world people are bothered about

themselves and least bothered about the other. This

makes them strangers in their own localities. One doesn't

know the person next door, so much so that when an

outsider seeks information they shrug their shoulders

being ignorant of their neighbours. This growing culture

of self - centrism and self-sufficiency hinders human

beings to go out to the other and to be their Good


Moving….Moving…. Fast Moving

We live in a 'fast food' culture. Everywhere

everyone is busy with so many things. Everyone seems to

15 December 2015December 2015

The Challenges of Being Merciful The Challenges of Being Merciful

Sebastian MCBS


we listening to God's constant call within us?

I think if Jesus were living, he would have to go

through the passion again. He must have been seeing the

thorns of every person's pride come piercing, fiercely

stabbing deep into his entire body. He must have been

seeing the lashing whip of mankind's ugly lip whipping

him, stripping him, of his humanity. Wounding him,

With their thoughts of hatred,

With their thoughts of jealousies,

With their words that tear the truth,

With their words that spread unkindness,

With their word that spread gossip and hopelessness,

With their desire for the worldly pleasure,

These challenge the followers of Christ today.

The world is sick and affected with many diseases. There

is AIDS, there is Cancer, there is corruption and there is

eternal violence. But who is there to heal this voiceless

world? Don't say 'WHO' but we human beings have to

take up the challenge of healing our world today. The

future lies here with us. God calls us to be the healer of

this broken world,

To be the agent of peace,

To be the agent of Joy,

To be the agent of love,

To be the agent of mercy, and

To be the Messenger of God

So are we ready for it?

Then, let us be the

agents who live Mercy and

Love to the family, friends, society and the world so that

our world will be God's dwelling and happy place to live

in. Let us be the first ones to respond to this invitation to

be merciful.

st(Amos is a 1 year philosopher at JDV, Pune)

od's call to Humans is that of Love and to share

his mission to build a better society. God Gdoesn't call us, to love our own life and forget

the others, neither does he calls us, to love the riches and

forget the poor in the world. Instead he calls us to love all


The act of living 'Mercy' is nothing but radiation of

Christ in us, “love your neighbor as yourself”

(Mk12:3). This command of Christ depends on our

intimacy with Him. The deeper the relationship the better

we are attune to God's mercy and love. Blessed Mother

Teresa, St. Peter Claver, and St. Martin of Tours are

few examples of those who have been living mercy in

their lives. At the end our life, we won't be judged by the

number of diplomas or the amount of money we

collected or the greatness we have achieved, instead we

will be judged by our acts towards the other. As Jesus

said, "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I

was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you

took me in.”

When we see a destitute lying on the street, a hungry

child seeking for a morsel to survive, a blind struggling to

cross the busy streets, a homeless shivering in cold and

running for shelter, what happens to us? Are not our

hearts moving to help.........Is there anything that strikes?

What would Christ do in a similar situation? Are we

attuned to this unconditional love and mercy of God? Are

16 December 2015December 2015

Acts of Living MercyActs of Living Mercy

Alshedai Amos, SJ


model of body includes all life forms, indeed all matter

on our planet”, and thus the “body is a model that links us

with everything in the most intimate way”. Even Indian

philosophy says that the five elements of nature are

immanent in everything. Focusing on the person of Jesus,

he became one like us who eats the

grains of the field, breathe the air,

and drinks the water. Through

incarnation he embraces entire


God saw that all He had created

was good. So when God said to till

the earth and take care of it (Gen

2:15) it not only attributed to

farming but God's expectation that

we take responsibility for the entire creation alike. We

must not be careless and wasteful as we fulfill this

charge. God was careful in making this world so we too

are called to be merciful towards creation.

In the recent encyclical “Laudato Si” Pope

Francis beckons us to be faithful stewards and protectors

of the environment. He says “Let us be protectors of

creation, protectors of God's plan inscribed in nature,

protectors of one another and of the environment”. At

this season of Advent let us pledge to nurture, care and

protect our nature. This would be the best way to

welcome Christ to be born in our hearts and in nature.

Through incarnation we receive the blessings. It is given

to us in and through Christ. In and through Christ the

universe and all of us have been brought together in love.

Let us manifest the glory of God which is put within us

for the better future and healthy present.

rd(Cyril is a 3 year theologian at JDV, Pune)

s rational beings we cannot deny the reality

that we are integral part of the ecosystem. ARight from our birth till our death we live on

the earth and go back to the earth. God did not create us in

isolation but put an intimate bond between human beings

and the earth. Adam was made out

of soil. Here Adam stands for entire

human race embracing all. God is

revealed through His creation. He

took the ultimate step towards

fellowship with humans through

incarnation in the Person of Jesus

his son, to build union of hearts.

The full meaning of creation

was revealed only in the coming of

Jesus Christ through whom and for whom the world was

made (Jn 1:1-4; Eph 1:3-14). Jesus the author of the first

and new creation became flesh to give Creation its

meaning, plan and purpose as scripted in Bible.

Whatever came to be found has life in him? It is in and

through the word all that is outside of God comes into

existence. Thus Job 33:4 and Psalm 104:30 speak of

God's Spirit being present in creation and Colossians

1:16 Jesus God's Son, at work in the creation. Hence

'Incarnation' not only proclaims Jesus is God, but also

makes humans intended to be brought into the fullness of

G o d i n C h r i s t .

Therefore we are all

integral part of the

economic plan of God's

creation and are called

'co-heirs' with Christ.

D i v i n i t y

merges absolutely with

Humanness through Incarnation. It is specifically and

creaturely Human. According to Sallie McFague “The

17 December 2015December 2015

Cyril Raj SJ

Incarnation And EcologyIncarnation And EcologyArticle

(All the butterfly images in this magazine were drawn ndby Sch.Praveen Martis SJ, 2 year philosopher at

JDV, Pune)

18 December 2015December 2015

1. How do you interpret the idea of mercy today?

I would define Mercy as loving kindness to all

human beings, and creatures with love and care for

creation. For me, mercy is my own heart's reaching out to

the other in need or in difficulty. In situations of

misunderstanding I put myself in the place of others and

reach out in love and compassion.

Not being unforgiving but being


2. How do you see your works

different from the other

organizations doing social


Conscious concern and

impartiality in my dealing with

humans; love of animals and

creatures (ferocious, poisonous or

mild) and care of the earth. This is

based on a desire to search for God

as a reflection of our persevering

commitment to our personal call

and to our mission.

3. Your life style and way of life emphasizes more on

“being the healing presence to others” can you tell

us how this idea impacts your works?

Being nonjudgmental, nondiscriminatory, and

caring in my relationships with humans and having an

attitude of caring for God's creatures are my emphasis.

God's universe is filled with wondrous amazement,

beauty, complexity, immensity. My life concerns being at

home with self, my womanhood & others and the

constant search for God, relating to God in everything

and in everyone.

4. Given the 'Motto' of your congregation, and the

work you are doing, how do you motivate the

youngsters? Is the number dwindling or

increasing? ̀

The motto of our congregation is "Being a

healing presence at the heart of a wounded world." It is

not the kind of work or the amount of work done but that

it is done with joy and willingness of heart and soul. This

I experienced as a young girl and over the years have

imbibed it from the older sisters.

It's true that the numbers are

dwindling but for us we always

had a small number of people.

Therefore our formation is an

integral-person-oriented one

where everyone is given the time

that is needed rather than

hurrying with the years of

formation. This has made people

return with a greater enthusiasm

and deep conviction of their call,

whereas some were able to make

a decision of life and choose the

worldly living. It's God who

calls us and in an encouraging

milieu will nurture us with the grace if one is prayerfully

united with him.

5. Your sisters are known for their services, “with a

healing touch” What makes you so merciful in

your services?

We pray that God helps us to be persons “with a

healing touch” for that is the 'Joy Of Healing'. What

makes us merciful is our own vulnerability and of the

other. My being at home with ourselves and our call gives

us the joy and strength to reach out to the other in love and

care. Our personal prayers, the constant search for God

and seeing His face in others has been our greatest asset.

The action –reflection- action model in our daily lives

makes us introspect our motives and goals in being a

healing presence to the other.

Interview with Sr. Usha Gaikwad, MMSInterview with Sr. Usha Gaikwad, MMS

and for the works we do, especially our work for the poor

and the underprivileged. We are to be the backbone,

educating them to face the dominators and to fight for

their rights. These are God's special concern and

therefore ours too. The urgent need today is to forget the

dividing (sects/rights/ego) factors and to be united as one

body of Christ (human beings/human family) witnessing

the Good News of Christ. “Blessed are the poor in spirit

for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

8. Your mission is that of Jesus, “Having mercy on

those neglected” What gives you the strength to

work daily being gentle and kind towards these


The people we work for are not against us. It is

those in power who are. To see the 'Face of Christ' in them

is difficult. To pray for them is necessary and for

ourselves. The Eucharist and my personal prayer life

enable me to honor value and respect each individual in

particular and life in general helps me to be the 'Face of


Personal Note: The life of ours is a challenge, yet with

the Grace of God I have enjoyed working in the Hospital

especially with the newborns and Children. It has given

me immense joy and satisfaction caring for them and

being the presence of healing in their life. The journey of

having accompanied the Postulants and Sisters in

Temporary Vows (STVs) has enriched me and made me

learn a lot from them too. Being an instrument of God's

love in accompanying the young women of our

congregation in their sacred journey has developed me


(Sr Usha is the Director of Holistic Health Program,

Holistic Health Centre Bibwewadi, Pune which is run

by Medical Mission Sisters.)

The spirit of our foundress Mother Anna Dengel

invites each of us to be 'fire and flame' and it has been a

motivating force. She says "Our vocation is so beautiful

to live for the glory and honour of God." Therefore our

day to day life in the community and the wider

community invites us to accompany and challenge each

other in a gentle and loving way. The missionary spirit of

the congregation, the pioneers and all those who have

gone before us encourage us to go beyond preferences, to

surrender in faith, and to trust in God who is always

present and thus be flexible, and open to life with


6. Can we say that the value of mercy towards others

is on a general decline today in the world?

I can say for sure that our media world

emphasizes that which is negative, disastrous, and

devastating. The positive and the good acts get covered

up due to what's

being projected

by the media.

So we who are

attuned to the

m e d i a a r e

i n f l u e n c e d

more by the

negative than the positive. This is affecting the young

minds that automatically get this message and in a subtle

way hampers their perception of things. The change is

too fast that one is pushed into it unknowingly and subtly.

And yet we come across people who continue to be

merciful to those in psychological, social, spiritual and

physical needs.

7. In the present scenario, what do you think is the

greatest need that must be given attention by

followers of Christ?

We need to be courageous to stand for who we are

19 December 2015December 2015


II. Procedural Rules

1. Preliminary Investigation: The tribunal has to

understand and gather all information prior to the case

for judicial process.


a) Declaration of Parties: If the confessions of the

parties have full proof with documents then the judge

can proceed with the judgement, whereas earlier the

judge use to wait for witnesses after witnesses to get

solid proof to nullify the case.

b) Role of Assessors: In an eparchy a single clerical

judge is to employ 2 assessors of upright life expert in

human sciences, approved by bishop for the task, and in

case of an anomaly of a psychic nature one needs to

confirm evidences and proceed.


a) One Affirmative decision is sufficient: The new

law abolishes the mandatory appeal to a second

instance tribunal, also of fees. There are institutions of a

shorter process for few cases who have proper proofs to

take decision. The sentence gets enforced after 15days

and allows parties to get married unless prohibited.

b) Appeals without any foundation: Once the

Tribunal of higher instances has passed the prosecution,

a college of judges is established that hears appeals of

others and confirms the sentence of the prior instance.

In few instances the Major Archiepiscopal Ordinary

tribunal has competence for appeal. Further dilatory

appeal can come from anyone who refuses to accept the

appeal of nullity.

4. Tribunal Fees: Earlier the Tribunal would charge

fees for nullity but now Pope is asking the church to do

it free showing mercy.

5. Particular role of Bishops:

a) The role of the synod of bishops is to bring about

reform of matrimonial procedures into reality, prepare a

handbook to help people understand the proceedings

and to prepare ministers for tribunal

ood News, Good News, the procedure for the

Annulment of marriage in the Catholic Church Ghas been shortened by Pope Francis and is

going to be in force from the 8th December, 2015. Many

of the Church tribunals feel it is a radical change and will

take time to get accustomed to. Yet, the Pope being

merciful towards those struggling with their marriages

has come up in consultation with his council these two

'Motu Properios' namely (Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and

Mitis et Misericors Iesus). This article explains the Motu

proprio concerning the Eastern Church as I am a tribunal

of it.

The entire Motu Proprio is divided into the actual

legislative changes and the Procedural Rules which spell

out the ways in which cases are to be heard. Here is a

comparison between the new and the old patterns.

1. Role of the Judge: Earlier the Judge would do

everything to bring the parties together, whereas now

he accepts and studies the case before which he is told

that the marriage is irreparably failed and conjugal

living can't be restored. Thus he hears the petitions and

passes sentence.

2. Competence: Earlier the tribunal of the place of

marriage celebrated, or either place of the parties

having domicile or the place where the majority of the

proof are, could take charge, but now the parties need

not be in the same territories, nor the judicial vicar of the

respondent's domicile grant permission nor must the

respondent be heard before the case. It's in the hands of

the clerical Judge where the petition is filed who takes

the decision.

3. Eligibility of Lay persons to serve the Judge: Two

or more lay are allowed provided the Clerical Judge

presides over the case.

4. Choice of Grounds: There has to be selection of

Specific grounds formulated by the Judge having heard

the appropriate persons.

20 December 2015December 2015

Revolution of Tenderness – The New 'Motu Proprio'

Revolution of Tenderness – The New 'Motu Proprio'

Fr. Jose Chiramel


executive nullity: There need not be twofold decisions

in favor of marital nullity, instead the moral certitude

attained by one Judge is sufficient to pass sentence.

2. Single Judge under the responsibility of

Bishop: A single clerical Judge under the Bishop is

placed in first instance who guarantee's alertness of

matter proposed.

3. The Bishop is the Judge: In-spite of Greater

responsibilities the Bishop is the Judge and has to offer

himself not appointing delegates of curia to judicial


4. Increased Brevity in Legal Process: In cases

which seem to be straight and has proper evidences and

facts the Bishop himself being the pastor and shepherd

is to judge the case and give his consent.

5. Appeal to the Metropolitan See and Apostolic

See: In cases of higher irregularities the Roman Rota

Tribunals can take the proceedings to pass a sentence

with better prospects.

6. The Proper role of Bishops Conferences: The

right of the Bishops to organize judicial powers

constitutes to the particular church the Bishop belongs.

Conclusion: Thus the motu proprio Mitis et Misericors

Iesus has made the procedure more accessible, less time-

consuming, simplified proofs, reduced the number of

witnesses and charge free. The reform has shown

revolutionary tenderness towards all, yet parties will

have to present enough solid evidences to allow the

process move smoothly and faster. Thus Pope Francis in

a radical way has simplified the proceeding of Nullity of

marriage and given a new hope to those trying to build a

better world of peace and harmony, yet it will not be

easier as truth have to be proven with conscience and

moral certitude

(Fr Jose is the president of Major Archiepiscopal Tribunal.

This abridged version is prepared by John Fernandes, SJ)

(For Further detailed reading follow the Link,


. b) The judicial role of the eparchy Bishops is to

administer justice, however he can appoint tribunal

personnel to administer justice. In shorter cases the

Bishop Eparchy himself has to nullify the case,

however there are a few conditions for same. Finally

knowing the disparity of people the Pope envisions the

shorter process of nullity to the Bishops who as pastors

have more ability and validity to do so as shepherd of

their flock to know and listen to their master.

6. Personal Option of the shorter cases:

a) I think it is to avoid the protraction done with

cases, making people to wait for years, so 45days of

proceedings to nullify.

b) The petitions pointed must have the rite, grounds,

sign and date of the domicile to proceed with the nullity.

c) Petition should have an outline of facts, proofs,

and documents of indication.

d) The Judicial Vicar determines & carries out

instructions with the help of assessor, defender of bond

and instructor to issue the sentence of nullity.

e) A person has right to appeal to the Pope through

the Roman Rota for better clarification.

7. Procedural steps in shorter procedures:

a) Request for Nullity of marriage has to come from

one of the parties

b) A Preliminary inquiry is held to get better

understanding and gather information

c) A written petition has to be given with proofs,

documents and signed with dates

d) The Judicial Vicar has to confirm that the

marriage is irretrievably broken

e) If the petition has some merits then the case is

valid and can be proceeded…

III. Certain Criterias as laid by Pope Francis based

on experts studies

1. That there be only one sentence in favour of

21 December 2015December 2015


22 December 2015December 2015

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