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Department Chemie, LSOC II, TechnischeUniversitat Munchen,Lichtenbergstr. 4, 85747Garching, [email protected]


DisinctionofenantiomersbyNMRspectroscopyusingchiral orientingmedia

Burkhard Luy

Abstract | NMR spectroscopy is a very important analytical tool in modern organic and

inorganic chemistry. Next to the identification of molecules and their structure

determination, it is also used for the distinction of enantiomers and the measurement of

enantiomeric purity. This article gives a brief review of the techniques being developed for

enantiomeric differentiation by virtue of chiral alignment media and their induction of

enantiomerically dependent anisotropic NMR parameters like residual dipolar couplings. An

overview of existing chiral alignment media, a brief introduction into the basic theory and

measurement of the various anisotropic parameters, and several example applications are


1. IntroductionNMR spectroscopy is one of the most importantanalytical tools in modern organic and inorganicchemistry as it is the only tool that allows thedetermination of molecular structures at atomicresolution in solution. It is used to identify theconstitution, conformation and configurationof countless molecules every day. However, themagnetic field used for the induction of the Zeemansplitting is per se achiral so that enantiomershave identical properties and therefore identicalNMR spectra. For the distinction of enantiomerswith NMR therefore special sample preparation isneeded.

Most commonly used are chemical modifi-cations with chiral substances of known chiralitywhich leaves a diastereomeric pair in the endthat can be distinguished with conventional NMRspectroscopy. The most popular example is theMosher-ester and the many related compounds1.But the method relies on the existence of anappropriate functional group in the molecule ofinterest and especially when working with highly

valuable compounds one doesn’t necessarily want toirreversibly modify the substance.

Another possibility for the distinction ofenantiomers is the orientation of the molecule ofinterest in a so-called chiral alignment medium.In this case, the molecule is partially alignedand anisotropic NMR parameters like residualquadrupolar couplings, residual dipolar couplingsand residual chemical shift anisotropy can bemeasured2–4. As the orientation in a chiralalignment medium is different for the twoenantiomers, resulting anisotropic parameters differas well and the determination of enantiomeric purityis possible.

This article provides a brief overview of theexisting chiral alignment media and how theycan be used to distinguish enantiomers. Afteran introduction of the various chiral alignmentmedia, individual anisotropic NMR parameters areintroduced with the corresponding pulse sequencesoptimized for the differentiation of enantiomers.In addition, examples for enantiomeric distinctionare summarized which demonstrate the width of

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potential applications. We also mention on the sidethe use of chiral lanthanide shift reagents.

Although we try to give an overview of thestate of the art in chiral discrimination using chiralorienting media, the article is by no means complete.The field is progressing rapidly these days and newdevelopments can be expected every day.

2. Chiral orienting mediaThe first partially aligned spectrum was published bySpence et al. in 1953 5 and stayed widely unnoticed.Only the famous benzene spectrum in a liquidcrystalline phase published by Saupe and Englertin 1963 6 and the full theoretical explanation of theobserved signals one year leater7 started a wholenew and very active field in NMR spectroscopy.Only a few years later, Sackmann first proposed8

and then experimentally verified9 the distinctionof enantiomers within an optically active liquidcrystalline phase.

Today three kinds of alignment media are known,liquid crystalline phases, stretched polymer gelsand alignment via paramagnetic centers, which allhave their distinct behavior as is summarized in thefollowing with the focus on chiral media with theability to distinguish enantiomers.

2.1. Chiral liquid crystalline phasesLiquid crystalline phases were the first alignmentmedia used for chiral distinction and are stillthe most widely used for organic solvents. Firstchiral liquid crystalline alignment media for thedistinction of enantiomers were a mixture ofcholesteryl chloride and cholesteryl myristate9,a membranuous phase with optically activedecyl-2-sulfate10,11 and poly-γ-benzyl-L-glutamate(PBLG)12,13. Lateron further chiral phases werefound with several cholesteric solvents14,15,

cesium N-dodecanoyl-L-alaninate16, poly-γ-ethyl-L-glutamate (PELG) and poly-ε-carbobenzyloxy-L-lysin (PCBLL)17, a lyotropic liquid crystal based onglucopon/buffered water/n-hexanol18, amino acid-based anionic surfactants19, and currently developedchiral polyguanidines20. While the cholestericphases generally work with relatively narrow rangeswith respect to temperature and solvent applicability,the poly(amino acids) PBLG, PELG, PCBLL andthe polyguanidines can be used with most apolarorganic NMR solvents like CDCl3, CD2Cl2, or THF.In addition, PBLG can also be used with the polarorganic solvent DMF21 and in mixtures with up to50% DMSO22.

The most exceptional role for the chiraldistinction of enantiomers is certainly held bythe lyotropic liquid crystalline phases of PBLG.The first distinction of enantiotopic deuteronswith PBLG was reported by Samulski13 before theCourtieu-group used the same polymer to developthe large variety of tools for the distinction ofenantiomers21,23 (see section 3) which they appliedto an even wider range of molecules (for someexamples see section 4). Usually PBLG is appliedin its L-form, but also the D-form, called PBDG,is available. With the two enantiomers in hand itwas proven that a reversal of symmetry of bothpolymer and solute results in identical anisotropicNMR parameters24,25. It could also be shown thata 1:1 mixture of PBLG/PBDG does not result in asplit spectrum, but in the corresponding spectrumof an achiral substance that cannot distinguishenantiomers anymore24,26. This is clear evidencethat the effect of the alignment medium is highlyaveraged over time. The structure of PBLG isalso quite well characterized to have an α-helicalsecondary fold (see Figure 1A), which matchesthe current opinion that a chiral secondary fold is

Figure 1: Helical secondary structures of PBLG and gelatin. (A) Ordered α-helices of the liquidcrystalline phase of PBLG21; (B) the triple helix of gelatin.

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Disinction of enantiomers by NMR spectroscopy using chiral orienting media REVIEW

needed to induce sufficiently different alignmentproperties to a solute molecule to be able todistinguish them.

Liquid crystalline alignment media, however,also have profound disadvantages, the mostimportant of them being the existence of a lowerlimit of alignment. As could be shown recently27,this limit correlates with the persistence lengthof the polymer chain used and the general ruleapplies that the longer the individual chains of thepolymer are, the lower is the achievable lower limitof alignment. Only with special techniques likevariable angle sample spinning (VASS)28–30, whichimply the use of specialized hardware, the alignmentof solutes can be further reduced. Because of thislimitation, most studies in liquid crystalline phasesare limited to relatively small molecules and byusing insensitive detection methods like naturalabundance deuterium (NAD) detection (section3.2).

Besides PBLG only PELG and PCBLL arefrequently used as chiral liquid crystalline alignmentmedia today. With the current development of chiralpolyguanidines, however, there seems to be another,very cheap liquid crystal with similar propertieswhen it comes to enantiomeric distinction.

It should be noted that the distinction ofenantiomers can also be achieved with achiral liquidcrystalline phases if a chiral additive is given tothe sample. Pechine et al. showed, for example,that cyclodextrines can serve as chiral cages todifferentiate the enantiomers of a racemic mixtureof 1-deutero-1-phenylethanol31.

2.2. Stretched chiral polymer gelsThe measurement of anisotropic NMR parametersin stretched polymer gels has been introduced1981 by Deloche and Samulski32, but its primaryuse has been in the field of polymer science. Thischanged with the work of Tycko et al.33 and Sass etal.34 who introduced stretched polyacrylamide asalignment medium for biomacromolecules. Gels forthe alignment with organic solvents have first beenintroduced in 2004 for apolar solvents like CDCl3and CD2Cl2 35,36 and in 2005 for DMSO and

Figure 2: The two most widely used lanthanide shift reagents.

other polar organic solvents37–39. The same yearconventional gelatin was found to be the first chiralmedium capable to distinguish enantiomers in purewater40,41. Several studies on enantiomers followedwith the underlying polymer collagen42 and gelatinin combination with a specially designed stretchingapparatus 43–45 that allows to rapidly and freelyscale the alignment to a desired strength4,44,46.

Gelatin and collagen form triple helices asa chiral secondary structure (Figure 1B) whichapparently results in a stereospecific alignment ofchiral molecules comparable to the α-helix of PBLGand other poly(amino acids). As with all stretchedpolymer gels no lower limit for the alignmentstrength applies which results in a higher flexibilityof applicable pulse sequences and the more generaluse of dipolar couplings for the distinction ofenantiomers. An extension to conventional gelatinwas recently published with gelatin cross-linked byaccelerated electrons, so-called e−-gelatin, whichallows enantiomeric distinction also at temperaturesabove the melting temperature of conventionalgelatin and with pure DMSO as the solvent 47.A second water-compatible gel-based alignmentmedium was also introduced in 2009 with varioustypes of carrageenan48 as polysaccharide-basedpolymers with similar properties to gelatin.

The development of further polymer gelalignment media is in full swing right nowand additional media can be expected soon forDMSO and aqueous solutions (M. Schmidt andC. Griesinger, unpublished results) and also apolarorganic solvents (A. Krupp and M. Reggelin,unpublished results).

2.3. Paramagnetic alignmentThe same year when anisotropic NMR parameterswere first measured in stretched polymer gelsit was also discovered by A. Bothner-By thatparamagnetic compounds self-align in the magneticfield due to the strong magnetic moment of theparamagnetic centers49. In biomolecular NMRspectroscopy this effect is now used to induceresidual dipolar couplings in proteins with so-called paramagnetic tags50. For the distinctionof enantiomers, however, this approach is of nouse since the alignment is too weak and wouldimply a chemical modification as with the Mosher-ester method. But there is a second effect thatcan be exploited for small organic compounds,the so-called contact and pseudocontact shiftswith lanthanide shift reagents. Based on theseminal paper of Hinckley in 1969 51, manydifferent compounds have been designed to analysestereochemical centers with the two most prominentbeing Eu(dpm)3 (dpm = tris-dipivaloylmethanato)

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Figure 3: Coordinate systems. (A) In the laboratory frame spanned byx,y,z the static B0-field always points along z and the solute is tumblingin space; (B) in an arbitrary reference frame of a rigid molecule a,b,c themagnetic field varies its direction due to molecular tumbling while thesolute is fixed.

Figure 4: The Q-COSY (A) and Q-resolved (B) 2D pulse sequences formost efficient enantiomeric discrimination using deuterium quadrupolarcouplings. For phase cycling and further experimental details the readeris referred to55.

and Eu(fod)3 (fod = tris-6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyloctanetonato) (Figure 2). The shiftreagents need a functional group within the soluteof interest to from a diastereomeric complex infast exchange. The induced chemical shift changesare then different for enantiomers of the solute.Lanthanide shift reagents are not the topic of thisarticle and we refer the more interested reader to52

for comprehensive reading.

3. Distinction of enantiomersThe distinction of enantiomers in chiral orientingmedia is achieved by using the small differencesin anisotropic NMR-parameters for enantiomericresolution. After a very brief introduction of theconcept of the alignment tensor, all three anisotropicparameters of diamagnetic molecules are discussedwith the corresponding pulse sequences for aneffective resolution of signals in the following.

3.1. Averaging effects on partially aligned samplesWhile solid state spectra contain the full anisotropicinteractions, they are completely averaged out in

isotropic samples. Partially aligned samples, onthe other hand, have a more complex averagingbehavior, which can most easily be described by theconcept of a probability tensor or the more widelyused alignment tensor, respectively.

For this concept it is necessary to leave thelaboratory frame of reference in which the staticmagnetic field of the NMR spectrometer is fixedalong the z-axis and the molecule is tumblingin space (Figure 3A). Instead, it is useful togo into an arbitrary frame of reference of the(rigid) molecule itself. In this reference frame withthe cartesian axes named a,b,c the molecule isfixed in space while the magnetic field vector ischanging its position (Figure 3B). The distributionof the magnetic field vector can then be describedby the so-called probability tensor P53, whichmathematically is represented by a (3×3) matrixwith the time and ensemble averaged probabilitiesPαβ = ⟨

cosϑα cosϑβ

⟩with α, β = (a,b, c) to find

the magnetic field at angles ϑa, ϑb, ϑc relativeto the reference frame of the molecule. Becauseof the symmetry of the probability tensor alongthe diagonal and the condition for the probabilitydistribution the condition Paa + Pbb + Pcc = 1 isalways fulfilled. If the molecule tumbles freely inan isotropic solution, the probability tensor isfurthermore represented by a diagonal matrix withthe diagonal elements Pαα = 1/3.

As one is usually only interested in theanisotropic contribution to a corresponding NMRparameter, it is more convenient to define thealignment tensor according to

A = P−1/3 1.

The alignment tensor has a vanishing traceAaa +Abb +Acc =0. As will be seen in the followingsections, the alignment tensor can directly be usedto calculate the size of anisotropic NMR parametersin partially aligned samples. It should be noted thatalso the Saupe order matrix S is frequently used forthe description of averaging effects which is relatedto the alignment tensor by S = 3/2 A.

If the alignment medium is chiral, twoenantiomers, for simplicity referred to as the R- andS-form of a molecule in the following, will orientdifferently with the resulting individual alignmenttensors AR and AS.

3.2. Residual quadrupolar couplings (RQCs)For the distinction of enantiomers with residualquadrupolar couplings a nuclear spin ≥ 1 withsufficiently small quadrupolar moment is needed,which narrows the applicable nuclei down todeuterium. Deuterium, on the other hand, is

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Figure 5: Application of the Q-COSY (A) and Q-resolved (B) experimentsfrom Figure 4 to 1-pentanol-d12 in PBLG/CDCl3 55.

available in practically all organic compounds,although at the very low natural abundance of≈ 0.016 %. The measurement of RQC is thereforelimited to at least partially deuterated molecules orto molecules for which a relatively large amount ofsample is available.

A clear advantage of deuterium detectionis the simple multiplet structure of resultingspectra, which makes them easy to analyze. Ifcoupled protons are decoupled, natural abundancedeuterium (NAD) spectra are doublets only splitby the desired quadrupolar coupling.

Quadrupolar couplings occur because of theelectric field gradient (EFG) induced by neighboringatoms which causes the quadrupolar moment toorient. In deuterium with only a single boundneighboring atom this EFG can be consideredto be axially symmetric and equations simplify

significantly. A detailed description of the theory ofthe quadrupolar coupling can be found e.g. in54. Inthe end, a resulting splitting �νQ in the deuteriumspectrum due to the quadrupolar coupling can bedescribed by

�νQ = CD


Aαβrαrβ with CD = eQDVD


with the deuterium quadrupolar coupling constantCD, the alignment tensor A = Aαβ, the unity vectorr = (ra,rb,rc) in the direction from the deuteriumto the directly bound atom in the frame of referenceof the molecule, the deuterium electric quadrupolarmoment eQD, the principal component of theEFG tensor VD, and Planck’s constant h. Typicalvalues for the quadrupolar coupling CD for carbon-bound deuteriums are 170 ± 5 kHz, 185 ± 5 kHz,and 210 ± 5 kHz for sp3, sp2, and sp hybridizedcarbons, respectively. The quadrupolar couplingtherefore is quite strong, making it a very sensitivesensor to enantiomeric differences in alignment. Itshould be noted that the averaging according to thealignment tensor always implies for any anisotropicinteraction that the measurable quantity, i.e. thesplitting �νQ, can have both positive and negativesign and might even vanish completely. Since thealignment tensor AR and AS are generally differentfor two enantiomers in a chiral alignment medium,

the resulting relative sizes of �νR/SQ can be used to

differentiate them.Regarding the actual acquisition of spectra,

the most simple experiment for the detectionof RQCs is a proton-decoupled deuterium 1D-spectrum. But the multitude of signals observedin some compounds makes it necessary to alsoconsider 2D experiment. In Figure 4 the most usefulexperiments developed by the group of scientistsaround J. Courtieu are shown, the Q-COSY and Q-resolved experiments55. In the Q-COSY experimentresulting spectra have the quadrupolar doubletspanned along the antidiagonal and the chemicalshift resolution along the diagonal. The Q-resolvedexperiment is equivalent to classical J-spectra inisotropic samples with the quadrupolar splittingin the indirect dimension and the chemical shiftin the direct dimension. Corresponding examplesare given in Figure 5.

3.3. Residual chemical shift anisotropy (RCSA)Signals of isotropic liquid samples can becharacterized by the isotropic chemical shift. Ingeneral, however, the chemical shift is a tensorσ = σαβ, which can be divided into an isotropicscalar σiso and the chemical shift anisotropy σaniso

αβ .With the effective averaging the chemical shift value

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Figure 6: Distinction of the enantiomeric forms of 1,1‘-bi-2-naphthol (see scheme to the left) inPBLG/DMF-d7 using a 1H-decoupled 13C-1D-spectrum and differences in chemical shifts (�ν indicated ateach pair of signals). The weight in ee was 31% and integration determined 29.5% ee57.

δ observed in a partially aligned sample can then bededuced to be

δ =∑


σαβAαβ = σiso +∑


σanisoαβ Aαβ.

Again the different alignment tensors AR andAS for the two enantiomers in a chiral alignmentmedium will lead to a different averaging anddifferent observed averaged chemical shifts δR andδS. Nevertheless, the chemical shift anisotropyvaries strongly among different nuclei and chemicalsurroundings and the discrimination of enantiomersis only possible in favorable cases.

The measurement of chemical shifts is trivialand can be done in any kind of spectrum with oneor more chemical shift evolution periods. One ofthe most effective ways to measure enantiomericexcess is a proton-decoupled 13C-1D spectrum(Figure 6)56−58. Due to the observed singlets withtypically very narrow linewidth the discriminationpower in this case is quite good for carbons withlarger chemical shift anisotropy as e.g. aromatic,carbonyl, or olefinic carbons. Other nuclei witha generally high chemical shift anisotropy are15N, 31P, and 19F59. Whenever these nuclei arepresent in enantiomers, there is a good chanceto be able to measure enantiomeric excess bysimple integration of chemical shift separatedsignals. Protons with relative small chemical shiftanisotropies and typically broad multiplets areusually not suited for enantiomeric discriminationvia chemical shift differences.

3.4. Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs)Dipolar couplings are always active between twoNMR-active nuclei close in space. As a spin canbe seen as a classical magnet itself, its magneticfield adds up to the static B0-field and leads to achange of the resonance frequencies of surroundingspins. Depending on whether the spin is orientedup or down, the corresponding contribution tothe magnetic field is either additive or subtractive.Since up and down nuclear spins are almost equallypopulated, this leads to a split signal like in thecase of scalar coupled spins. The size of the residualdipolar coupling is determined by



Aαβrαrβ with dIS =−μ0γI γS h


with the dipole-dipole coupling constant dIS,the alignment tensor Aαβ, the unity vectorr = (ra, rb, rc) along the vector between thedipolar coupled spins in the frame of referenceof the molecule, the vacuum permeability μ0, thegyromagntic ratios of the coupled nuclei γ I andγS, the distance between the two coupled spinsr, and the Planck’s constant divided by 2π. Thedefinition for the dipole-dipole coupling also variesin the literature by a factor 2 (e.g.60–62) or 1/2π (e.g.63). With the definition chosen here, the effectivesplitting observed in spectra corresponds to 2DIS inthe heteronuclear case and between 2DIS to 3DIS

for homonuclear dipolar coupled spins, dependingon their chemical shift differences. The residualdipolar coupling of a proton to its directly bound

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Figure 7: Experiments for enantiomeric distinction based on residualdipolar couplings. (A) 2D-version of a JE-BIRDd,X -HSQC experiment40,41,69;(B) the selective 2D-SERF experiment using shaped excitation andrefocussing pulses71; (C) the selective DQ-SERF experiment77 which canalso be applied with higher order multiple quantum filtering78; (D) thecorresponding CH-DQ-SERF experiment for filtering of heteronucleardouble quantum81. For phase cycling and further experimental details werefer the reader to the references specified.

carbon, for example, is roughly 1DCH = 23 kHz andtherefore only about one order of magnitude smallerthan the deuterium quadrupolar coupling. As beforefor RQCs and RCSA, a difference in the alignment

tensor for the R- and S-form of an enantiomer willresult in different RDCs.

When we look at the practical applicability ofRDCs for enantiomeric distinction then RDCsseem to be the best compromise between theavailable sensitivity and the size of the anisotropicparameter. The experimental difficulty in this caseis mainly determined by the multiplet widths ofcorresponding signals as decoupling is not as easilypossible as in the case for measuring RQCs.

The most easily accessible RDCs are typically1DCH couplings, which usually are acquired inHSQC or HMQC-type experiments like the CLIP-HSQC64. However, because of the necessity for theleast possible signal widths for signal separation,more specialized methods have been developed. Oneclass of pulse sequences relies on the introduction ofa BIRDd,X -filter65–67 during an indirect evolutionperiod. 2D methods have been introduced in40,41

(see also Figure 7A) and generalized in68. A 3D-version for maximum coupling and chemical shiftresolution has been developed for the measurementof 1DN H -RDCs in proteins69. The correspondingexperiments are the standard experiments in ourlaboratory, but they have the disadvantage thatBIRD-filters only work for a narrow distribution ofheteronuclear coupling constants and are thereforemore applicable to gel-based chiral alignment mediawith no lower limit of alignment. An example for anapplication can be found in Figure 9.

A second class of pulse sequences uses selectivepulses for effective decoupling. The methodshave been recently summarized and we refer theinterested reader to this article70. In Figure 7B,a simple 1H selective refocusing experiment(SERF)71,72 is shown with the correspondingexample in Figure 8A.

Also homonuclear Lee-Goldberg-type decoup-ling schemes have been successfully exploited forits use in aligned samples73–75.

A fourth class of high potential has recentlybeen exploited by Suryaprakash in a long series ofpublications which uses multidimensional multiplequantum (MQ) filters for multiplet reduction.Homonuclear76–78 as well as combined homo-and heteronuclear79–81 MQ-filters can be usedto dramatically reduce the multiplet componentsand allow the sign-sensitive measurement of RDCswith high accuracy. The experiments can generallybe applied in a broadband76,82,83 or frequency-selective fashion77–80,84–88. Because of the tiltedspread of most multiplet components along theantidiagonal, signals corresponding to a singleenantiomer can relatively easily be assigned in anenantiomeric mixture. In Figure 7C, D two exampleexperiments are shown with the correspondingexample spectra in Figure 8B, C.

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Figure 8: Experimental examples for the 2D-SERF71 (Figure 7B), theDQ-SERF77 (Figure 7C), and the CH-DQ-SERF81 (Figure 7D) experiments.Corresponding example molecules are given as small inlets. For furtherinformation regarding the indicated coupling constants the reader isreferred to the cited references.

4. ApplicationsThe applications of chiral alignment media forthe distinction of enantiomers are plentiful.The majority of publications in this field werepublished by the group of scientists around JacquesCourtieu, who deserves special credit for the richdevelopment of this field. Next to conventionalenantiomeric distinction with RQCs21,23,89–93,RDCs25,40,41,43,45,47,56, and RCSA21,56–59, thereare a number of special symmetries andmolecular classes that have been looked at.For example molecules with axial chirality94,planar chirality95, three-fold symmetries96,rotational isomerism97, invertomers98, unlike/likestereoisomers99, enantiotopic differentiation inmolecules with Cs and C2v symmetry100, secondaryalcohols101, and even chiral alkanes102 have beensuccessfully studied.

An example for the distinction of enantiomersusing chiral polymer-based alignment media isshown in Figure 9: The distinction of a mixture ofL-alanine/D-alanine in gelatin and e−-gelatin. Thealanine mixture by now has become the standard tocharacterize the ability to distinguish enantiomers inaqueous solutions by the use of RDCs. With strongalignment a simple 1D-experiment is sufficient todifferentiate the two enantiomers and to measureenantiomeric excess by simple integration of thecorresponding subsets of signals in this case withonly few protons42,43,45,47,48. For molecules withmore coupling partners, the multiplet width of thesignals of interest would be broadened so muchthat a clean integration would not be possible.A more widely applicable way of distinguishingthe two compounds with much lower alignmentstrength is the J-BIRDd,X-HSQC introduced inFigure 7A, which reduces the multiplet width toonly proton-proton two-bond couplings withinCH2 or CH3 moieties. The resulting resolutionin the indirect J-dimension can then be usedto separate the two species independent of themultiplet width in the direct dimension. With e−-gelatin this way enantiomeric discrimination ispossible up to 55◦C. The decrease in resolution withincreasing temperature is expected since both thepolymer network and the solute molecule becomemore flexible and the weak binding events of thesolute to the polymer get less specific.

An example showing the extreme power ofenantiomeric differentiation by chiral alignmentis presented in Figure 10 with the distinction oftwo enantiomeric chiral alkanes102. Because of theabsence of a functional group the task would not bepossible with any other NMR-based method. Thechiral alkane possesses 10 proton/deuterium siteswhich, in a chiral alignment medium, will result in

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Figure 9: The distinction of a mixture of L-alanine/D-alanine using stretched gelatin (A) and e−-gelatin(B–E). (A) With the JE-BIRDd,X -HSQC experiment enantiomers can clearly be distinguished by thecorresponding 1DCH couplings within the methyl groups. While weight in ee was 9%, the measuredresult was 7% ±3%40,41. (B–E) In e−-gelatin the distinction of enantiomers is possible up toapproximately 60◦C47.

Figure 10: The distinction of a chiral alkanein PBLG/CDCl3 102. The racemic mixture ofcompound (A) altogether shows 12 doubletsin the Q-COSY spectrum for the tenhydrogens (B). Traces through deuterons e (C)and f (D) clearly indicate the distinction ofthe two enantiomeric species.

up to 20 multiplets. While no distinction would bepossible in proton spectra with the large number

of proton-proton couplings present in this case,the natural abundance deuterium (NAD) spectrumwill lead to 20 doublets only. In the correspondingNAD-1D experiment, altogether 12 distinguishabledoublets are observed. The signals, however, canonly be assigned by the acquisition of a NAD Q-COSY. Traces along the antidiagonal of the Q-COSYclearly reveal differences for the e and f positionsof approximately 6 and 8 Hz, respectively. Thesedifferences are so small that they most likely canonly be seen with the NAD-approach.

If enantiomers can be distinguished by RDCs,the determination of absolute chirality should alsobe possible in principle. A general approach for thistask has not yet been derived, but two examplesusing the conformational difference of enantiomersbound to the chiral alignment medium103 and thecomparison of experimental multiplet patternswith similar compounds of known chirality104

were successful in determining the correct absolutechirality.

The summary of the empirical method forthe determination of absolute chirality is asfollows: the trifluoromethylated compound (1) inFigure 11A was synthesized in both racemic andenantiopure series, but the absolute configurationof the enantiopure series could not clearly beestablished from the synthetic pathway. On theother hand, compounds (2)–(6) of Figure 11Aare commercially available in racemic or enantio-enriched mixtures. After the acquisition of NAD Q-COSY experiments for the whole series (Figure 11B),it turns out that all compounds have a very similarpattern for the enantiomers as indicated in onespectrum by the letters A and B. Plotting the

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Figure 11: Determination of absolute chirality of an epoxide by comparison of deuterium quadrupolar couplings with similarcompounds of known chirality104. (A) A-forms of the 6 enantiomeric pairs used in the study, from which the absolute chirality shallbe determined for compound (1). Form B corresponds to the case where the substituent is behind the epoxide cycle. (B) The sixcorresponding natural abundance deuterium Q-COSY experiments with racemic mixtures of compounds (3) and (5) andA-form-enriched mixtures for (2),(4),(6). (C) The comparison of the normalized ratios of quadrupolar splittings clearly distinguishesA- from B-form and allows the secure determination of absolute chirality.

deuterium splittings divided by the average splittingsof all compounds in a single graph clearly revealsthe absolute configuration of the compound ofquestion.

5. ConclusionsChiral alignment media are now available for almostany kind of solvent, either as liquid crystallinephases or as stretched polymer gels. As the averageorientation of two enantiomers differs if they aredissolved in such a chiral medium, the measurementof anisotropic NMR parameters like residualquadrupolar couplings, residual dipolar couplingsor residual chemical shift anisotropies leads tospectra in which enantiomers can be distinguishedand enantiomeric excess can be derived. Theapproach can be driven to such an extreme thatfluoroalkanes and even chiral alkanes can bedistinguished which is barely possible with anyother technique. It was also shown that the absoluteconfiguration can be determined by this approach

if sufficiently similar molecules of known chiralityare available.

The field currently is developing very fast anda number of new, improved or at least differentlyorienting, alignment media will be available duringthe next years and the measurement of enantiomericexcess will be widely applicable to most small tomedium-sized organic molecules. Available pulsesequences with e.g. BIRD- or multiple quantumfilters allow the distinction of enantiomers evenin cases with very complex signals. At the sametime computer methods for predicting alignmentare progressing steadily and it must be assumedthat in several years from now the determination ofabsolute chirality based on the differential alignmentin an R- or S-configured alignment medium will befeasible in many cases.

In essence the chiral distinction of enantiomersusing NMR spectroscopy in chiral orienting mediais a non-trivial but powerful method for organicand inorganic chemists with which in particular ee

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can be determined without chemical modification.With the improvements expected during the comingyears it will soon become a standardized methodapplicable in most NMR analytic centers.

AcknowledgmentThe author thanks the Deutsche Forschungsgemeins-chaft (DFG Heisenberg LU835/2,3,4,6; DFGForschergruppe FOR 934) and the Fonds derChemischen Industrie for financial support.

Received 12 January 2010; accepted 15 January 2010.

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Burkhard Luy studied physics andeconomy at the Johann Wolfgang GoetheUniversity of Frankfurt, Germany, anddid his PhD in chemistry at the sameplace with Prof. Dr. C. Griesinger inNMR spectroscopy. After a postdoc witha Feodor Lynen fellowship from theAlexander von Humboldt foundationwith Prof. Dr. J. P. Marino at the Centerfor Advanced Research in Biotechnology

in Rockville, Maryland, he went on to build up his own EmmyNoether research group at the Technische Universitat Munchen,Germany. He continued as a Heisenberg-fellow and is aboutto become a Heisenberg professor at the Karlsruhe Instituteof Technology (KIT) in early 2010. His scientific focus is thedevelopment of novel techniques and applications in NMRspectroscopy.

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