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  • 8/13/2019 Discontinuity Frecuency and Block Volume Distribution in Rock Masses


    Discontinuity frequency and block volume distribution in rock masses

    M. Stavropoulou n

    Department of Dynamic, Tectonic and Applied Geology, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, University of Athens, GR-15771 Athens, Greece

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 26 November 2012

    Received in revised form

    16 July 2013

    Accepted 4 November 2013




    Drill core

    Joint spacing

    Joint frequency

    Block volume

    a b s t r a c t

    The discontinuity spacing density function is theoretically found by applying the rst principles of the

    Maximum Entropy Theory. It is shown that this function is the negative exponential probability density

    function. Then, the analytical relation between RQD and discontinuity frequency that may be derived,

    provided that discontinuity sets follow the negative exponential model, is validated against simulation

    data. It is also found that if the discontinuity spacings follow the negative exponential distribution, then

    the number of fractures per length measured along scanlines or drilled cores follow quite well the two-

    parameter Weibull distribution function. Subsequently, following the methodology proposed originally

    by Hudson and Priest, the closed-form expression of block volume distribution in a rock mass transected

    by three mutually orthogonal discontinuity sets is found. Also, the left-truncated block volume

    proportion above a certain block volume size is found analytically. The theoretical results referring to

    discontinuity frequency and block volume distributions are nally successfully validated against

    measurements carried out on drill cores and exposed walls, in a dolomitic marble quarry. The

    methodology presented herein can be applied to rock engineering applications that necessitate the

    characterization of rock mass discontinuities and discontinuity spacings are reasonably well represented

    by the negative exponential probability density function. The proposed method for the prediction of

    marble block volume distribution was applied to data from a quarry from drill cores and scanlines on

    exposed quarry walls.

    & 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    1. Introduction

    There are a number of important practical rock engineering

    applications in which the knowledge of the geometry of rock

    discontinuities (or fractures) is of paramount signicance for the

    correct design and construction of surface or underground works

    in the rock mass. It is noted that fractures are discontinuities

    because they form discontinuities in the mechanical continuum.

    Throughout the paper, the word discontinuityis used as a general

    term encompassing cracks, ssures, joints, shear fractures, slip

    bands, bedding planes etc. penetrating the rock and characterized

    by low cohesion, that may adversely affect the strength of the rockmass as well as the quality of an extracted block from a surface or

    underground quarry. For example, the in situ distribution of rock

    block sizes formed by the mutually intersecting discontinuities,

    may be used for evaluating the production capability of a deposit

    to be mined using the block caving or the sublevel caving mining

    methods[1]and to assess the requirements and design of material

    handling systems in the mine. Laubscher [2] has considered

    natural rock fragmentation as a major factor affecting the design

    process for block caving operations and stated that while all rock

    masses will cave, the manner of their caving and the resultant

    fragmentation size distribution need to be predicted if cave mining

    is to be implemented successfully. In caving operations, fragmen-

    tation has a bearing on drawpoint spacing, dilution entry into the

    draw column, draw control, drawpoint productivity and secondary

    blasting/breaking costs.

    In addition, rock mass characterization for the production of

    large prismatic or irregular blocks used as armourstone, i.e. blocks

    weighing many tonnes are used for building cover layers to resist

    wave action [3], constitutes the most important part of the

    exploration. Also, the success of marble quarrying operations usingdiamond wire cutting, chain sawing or pre-splitting or combina-

    tions of these techniques, depends on the yield of blocks of

    orthogonal parallelepiped shape with volumes greater than 1 m3

    or 2 m3 or more, depending on the market demands for this

    specic marble. The same remark holds true also for monumental,

    building or decorative natural stone quarries of other geological

    origin, like for example limestones, sandstones, granites etc.

    Further, surface or underground stability analyses employing

    the rock block distribution as a factor for the quantitative descrip-

    tion of the deterioration of intact rock properties [4,5]. For

    example Barton [6] proposes the ratio RQD/Jn to represent the

    relative block size, in the Q rock mass classication system, with

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    International Journal ofRock Mechanics & Mining Sciences

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    International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 74[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 8/13/2019 Discontinuity Frecuency and Block Volume Distribution in Rock Masses


    RQD denoting the Rock Quality Designation and Jn denoting the

    number of joint sets transecting the rock mass.

    Furthermore, intact rock properties and the discontinuity

    structure of a rock mass are among the most important variables

    inuencing blasting results. This inuence is considered to be a

    composite intrinsic property of a rock mass and is referred to as

    the blastability of a rock mass. It represents the ease with

    which the in situ rock mass can be fragmented and displaced by

    blasting[7].It could be also mentioned that the in situ block volume

    distribution inuences the pressure transient behavior of wells

    drilled in naturally fractured reservoirs[8].

    The present research was stimulated by the relevant series of

    milestone papers [912]. It aims at improving the approach of

    prediction of joint spacings and frequencies, RQD and block size

    distributions based on scanline measurements or borehole log-

    gings. Regarding the prediction of block size distribution it is

    concerned only with discontinuity sets occurring of parallel

    persistent planes irrespectively of the size of joints.

    Initially, in Section 2, discontinuity frequency is discussed in

    terms of borehole or scanline orientation. Consideration of the

    possible density function of spacings between discontinuities by

    virtue of the maximum entropy method [13,14] is given in

    Appendix A. By virtue of Monte-Carlo simulations it is demon-

    strated that if the joint spacings are generated via a Poisson

    process, then the measured joint number per xed length of a

    scanline or borehole core follows the Weibull density function. The

    relation between RQD and joint frequency proposed by Priest and

    Hudson [9] assuming that the joint spacings follow the negative

    exponential density function is then validated in the same section

    against Monte-Carlo simulation data.

    InSection 3 these ideas are considered along three orthogo-

    nal axes, and analytical formulae for the block volume distribu-

    tion are presented. Such distributions are examined only for

    discontinuities that occur in sets of parallel planes. On the

    experimental side and in Section 4, the previous methods are

    applied for an active open pit dolomitic marble quarry in order

    to compare the theoretical discontinuity spacing and block

    size distributions with those that occur in practice. Finally, the

    main remarks that may be drawn from this work are outlined in

    Section 5.

    2. Discontinuity frequency along scanlines or boreholes and

    its relation with RQD

    As is mentioned in[9], Piteau[15]has used a scanline (measur-

    ing tape) survey technique on rock faces and expressed disconti-

    nuity intensity as the number of discontinuities per unit distance

    normal to the strike of a set of sub-parallel discontinuities. It is

    remarked here that the quantity of discontinuities present in arock mass is usually expressed by the discontinuity frequency

    (or otherwise fracture frequency) denoted here by the symbol which is dened as the mean number of discontinuities per unit

    length intersected along a borehole or scanline (measuring tape) set

    up on a rock exposure. Furthermore, in the succeeding analysis the

    symbolfwill denote the number of discontinuities per meter that

    is measured at small regular intervals (i.e. sample support) along a

    scanline or borehole core and it is assumed that all discontinuities

    belonging to the same set or family are mutually parallel to

    each other.

    Discontinuities in rock are never uniformly distributed at all

    orientations, but usually occur in sets. The mean true value of the

    spacings of a given discontinuity set along a scanline or bore-

    hole perpendicular to the discontinuities may be found by the

    following formula

    x 1N


    i1xi 1

    where N denotes the number of measured spacings along a

    scanline and xi is the ith measurement of spacing including the

    measurement resulting by adding the beginning and end values in

    a core or interval [11]. For a sufciently large sample of spacing

    measurements along a scanline of length L the following approx-imation holds true:

    N=L 2The linear frequency value depends on the direction of the line

    through the rock mass, and there is a maximum value in one

    direction and a minimum value in another direction. Values of

    linear frequency in different directions could be crucial in estimat-

    ing both the true frequency perpendicular to the discontinuities, as

    well as for the sizes of the formed rock blocks. Let be dened asthe solid acute angle subtended between the orientation of the

    borehole or scanline, and the normal to the plane of the fractures.

    Then, the apparent frequency along the scanline or boreholewill be less than that along the normal because the distance, x,

    between two successive discontinuities intersected by the normalis increased toxx/cosalong the scanline where xdenotes theapparent or measured spacing. It may be easily inferred that the

    apparent measured discontinuity frequency is given by

    cos 3If the spacing between neighboring discontinuities of the same

    set is considered to be a continuous Random Variable ( RV) and is

    denoted by X, then its distribution function (known also as

    cumulative function or cumulative distribution function, cdf) is

    denoted as F(x)P{Xrx} and designates the probability that agiven spacing value X is less than x. For example the density

    function (or probability density function, pdf)f(x) of spacing values

    for a negative exponential distribution is given by

    fx e x

    4Then the corresponding cumulative function for a negative

    exponential distribution is[11]

    Fx Z x


    Z x0

    ed ex0 1e x 5

    The negative exponential pdf of joint spacing values is a

    frequently encountered function in fractured rock masses. The

    reason for this, by recourse to the Maximum Entropyassumption

    in heterogeneous rock masses, is demonstrated inAppendix A. The

    analysis presented there shows that if the density function of

    spacing values of a given joint set cannot be estimated from joint

    spacing measurements for any reason, then it could be inferred

    that the latter obey the negative exponential pdf based on the

    hypothesis of maximum entropy (lack of information or uncer-tainty) of a joint system. Hence, the simple measurement of

    number of joints per length along a scanline or borehole core of

    sufcient total length gives the mean discontinuity frequency and the complete form of the distribution function. This hypoth-

    esis is justied from many measurements of joint spacings in the

    eld like in[11]and recently in [25]among others.

    In the sequel we investigate which type of distribution function

    is followed by the measured number of fractures per length f, that

    is viewed also as a RV, provided that the joint spacings follow the

    negative exponential distribution function. For this purpose we use

    the Monte Carlo simulation method for producing a synthetic

    sample of large size in the manner proposed by Hudson and Priest

    [11]. That is to say, spacing values for any number of fracture sets

    are progressively selected from each of the component distributions

    M. Stavropoulou / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 74 63

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    and as the simulation proceeds, the spacing values of the resultant

    distribution are generated from the mutual interference of the

    component distributions. All the component spacing distributions

    are assumed to follow the negative exponential distribution func-

    tion. In this simulation procedure the joint frequency values f, i.e.

    the number of fractures per xed length along the synthetic

    scanline or drilled core are also counted and stored as well. A

    typical result of such a simulation in the form of a histogram of

    number of joints per meter f (i.e. in this case we have chosen axed interval of length 1 m to count the number of fractures)

    produced by the simulation of three joint sets with mean frequen-

    cies 2, 2, and 0.4 m1 along a scanline of length 500 m is shown in

    Fig. 1a. After quite many runs with different combinations of joint

    sets from one to three and various associated mean joint frequen-

    cies with this simulation procedure, it was found that the variance(var) of the f is approximately equal to the mean frequency value

    which for the case of negative exponential distribution of spacings

    is equal to the sum of the mean frequencies of the component

    spacing distributions. Also, it was found that the Cumulative

    Distribution Function (CDF) of the f values follows quite well the

    Weibull distribution function that is given by the equation

    Fwf 1ef=ab 6

    where ina is the scale parameter and b the shape parameter of the

    distribution. The mean and variance of the Weibull distribution

    function are, respectively, given by

    Ef 1b 1; varf 2f12b 121b1g 7

    where E( ) denotes expectation, and ( ) is the Gamma function.Since there is no closed-form solution for the scale and shape

    parameters of the two Eqs. (6) and (7) with the left-hand-sides of

    these equations to be E(f) and var(f) (of course fordimensional homogeneity of both sides of the equation the value

    of has to be multiplied by a constant of 1 m-1), the values of the

    Weibull parameters are found by nonlinear regression analysis. At

    a subsequent stage the mean and the variance predicted by the

    Weibull distribution could be compared with the predicted values,

    namely E(f) and var(f), respectively.Herein along with the Weibull distribution function we have

    also tested the gamma distribution two-parameter function. The

    gamma distribution models sum of exponentially distributed RVs

    and is based on two parameters, namely the scale and shape

    parameters, denoted here by the symbols ag, bg, respectively. Thechi-square and exponential distributions, which are children of

    the gamma distribution, are one-parameter distributions that x

    one of the two gamma parameters. The gamma pdfand cdf are


    fgf 1





    Fgf bg;f=ag

    bg 8

    where ( ) denotes the incomplete Gamma function. The meanand variance of the gamma distribution function are, respectively,

    Egf gbg; vargf a2gbg 9

    The hypotheses that the observed frequencies of joint frequen-cies f in the various classes with those which would be given by

    the Weibull and gamma density functions were tested by the

    chi-square testthat is based on the frequencies in the various bins,

    the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test and the regression coefcient.

    A typical result of such a t for the case at hand is shown inFig. 1a

    and b, referring to the frequency histogram and the cumulative

    distribution, respectively.

    FromTable 1that displays the results of the chi-square test at

    the signicance level of0.01, it may be observed that whileWeibull distribution is passing this criterion, the gamma distribu-

    tion is not passing it. The p value is the probability, under

    assumption of the null hypothesis, of observing the given statistic

    or one more extreme.

    The K

    S test like the chi-square test is one of the agreementbetween an observed distribution and an assumed theoretical one,

    but it is based on the cumulative distribution function rather than

    on the frequencies in the separate classes (bins). As it may be

    observed from Table 2, t h e KS goodness-of-t value of the

    Weibull distribution is lower than that of the gamma function

    but both of them are greater than the critical value for 0.01.

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 160






    120joint frequencies histogram

    Joint frequency (1/m)


    Data histogram

    Weibull PDF

    gamma PDF

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 140











    Joint frequency (1/m)


    joint frequencies CDF

    Weibull CDF

    gamma CDF

    Data CDF

    Median Value

    Fig. 1. Simulation results referring to (a) discontinuity frequency histogram and

    best-tted Weibull and gamma density functions, and (b) cumulative distribu-

    tion of observed discontinuity frequencies with Weibull and gamma best-tted


    Table 1

    Chi-squared goodness of t for simulated joint frequencies (critical value at

    signicance level 0.01 is 2L23.2093).

    Distribution Observed value p-Value Performance

    Weibull 11.9492 0.71153 Accept

    Gamma 246.1232 1 Reject

    M. Stavropoulou / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 7464

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    In conclusion, after many simulation runs it may be inferred

    that in all cases the Weibull distribution function displays a better

    performance compared to the gamma distribution function.

    Thecumulative length proportion,L(l), is the proportion of scanline

    or borehole that consists of all spacing values up to a given value, l.

    This function can be determined once the density function has been

    identied for a particular set of spacing values. The emphasis in the

    ensuing presentation is on the negative exponential distribution based

    on the maximum entropy hypothesis, but the concept can be applied

    to any distribution of spacing values. Along a scanline containing, on

    average, discontinuity intersection points per unit length, theproportion of spacing values lying in the range x to xdx is f(x)dx[17,11]where, as before, f(x) is the density function of spacing values.

    Spacing values within this range make a proportional length contribu-

    tion of xf(x)dx to the scanline and hence the cumulative lengthproportion up to a spacing value is given by

    Ll Z l


    xfxdx 10

    If we substitute the expression forf(x) as is given by Eq.(4)into

    Eq.(10)and integrate we nd the result

    L 1e1 11

    If we are interested in nding the percentage cumulative

    proportional length that refers to intact core lengths greater than

    (commonly this is taken equal to 0.1 m) which essentially refers

    to the theoretical denition of RQD as has been proposed by Deere[18]with l 0.1 m, then from Eq.(11)it is obtained

    RQDn 1001L 100e1 12

    where the asterisk as a superscript denotes that this is a theore-

    tical estimation of RQD.

    Priest and Hudson [9] have derived the same formula and

    based on a thorough comparison of its predictions with eld

    measurements with scanlines in several sites they have found that

    the maximum error does not exceed 5%. Herein the validity of this

    nding was checked against several synthetic joint spacing

    distributions along a scanline produced by recourse to a Monte-

    Carlo simulation program for a combination of three joint sets

    intersecting a scanline and obeying the negative exponentialdensity distribution. In these simulations the RQD is measured

    along segments of equal length along the scanline. This length was

    always at least fty times the mean discontinuity spacing accord-

    ing to the results presented in [9]. The simulation method is

    similar to the method proposed in[11].A typical result of the RQD

    with threshold value of 0.1 m calculated every 10 m of

    such a simulation, for a scanline length of 250 m that intersects

    three discontinuity sets which exhibit apparent frequencies

    12 2 m 1; 3 1 m 1 is shown in Fig. 2a. The length ofthe sampling interval for RQD estimation was selected to be

    always equal or larger than fty times the mean spacing of

    discontinuities that is equal to 1=123. The relative errorof actual and theoretically estimated RQDn by formula (12),

    denoted here by the symbol Re, is estimated with the following




    RQDs 100


    Table 2

    KolmogorovSmirnov goodness of t for simulated joint frequen-

    cies (critical value at signicance level 0.01 isDL 0.07243).

    Distribution Observed value

    Gamma 0.1556

    Weibull 0.11138

    0 50 100 150 200 25086







    Comparison of RQD values

    Distance along scanline [m]




    0 50 100 150 200 250-4









    Distance along scanline [m]


    0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 40











    Absolute error [%]


    maximum absolute error for 95% of measurements

    Fig. 2. (a) Comparison between measured from synthetic experiments and

    theoretical RQD; (b) distribution of relative error along the scanline and

    (c) maximum absolute error including the 95% of the measurements.

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    wherein RQDsdenotes the simulated RQD that represents here the

    measured RQD.

    For this simulation run, the distribution of the relative error

    along the scanline is displayed in Fig. 2b. Also, the maximum

    absolute value of the relative error corresponding to 95% of

    measurements that is 3.5%, is also shown in Fig. 2c. Based on

    several such simulations it was found that the formula (12)

    predicts in a sufciently accurate manner the RQD of joints

    following the negative exponential distribution, thus giving addi-tional validity to the observations and conclusions made in [9].

    Hence, since RQD measurement on rock cores is a time consuming

    process prone to measurement errors, the application of relation-

    ship (12) can give good results by simply measuring the mean

    number of discontinuitiesfencountered in segments along thescanline or borehole of equal length, provided that this length is

    sufciently larger than the mean discontinuity spacing.

    3. Block volume distribution

    It is natural to extend the above ideas regarding spacing

    distribution along lines to block volume frequency and thedistribution of block volume values in a 3D domain. Herein we

    follow the methodology proposed originally by Hudson and Priest

    [11]. These authors did not eventually nd the block volume

    distribution in a closed form but rather they have presented

    results based on the Monte Carlo simulation method.

    In order to achieve the above aim we start here with the

    simplest model proposed in [11] namely that of the block areas

    distribution produced by two discontinuity sets having the same

    strike in a plane perpendicular to their strike which intersect at an

    acute angle in this plane as is shown in Fig. 3. The sketch at theright-hand side in the same gure illustrates how parallelograms

    with equal areas are generated when the edge lengths, x and y,

    satisfy xya for a given value of area, a. In the case of two non-orthogonally intersected discontinuity sets as shown in Fig. 3,

    yy/sin, where y is the perpendicular distance between con-secutive joints of system 2 corresponding to the true frequency 2.The probability distribution of areas can be found by integrating

    the product of the edge length densities for x and y along the

    appropriate equal area hyperbolae. Alternatively, the probability, P

    {Ara}, that an area, A, isolated between mutually intersecting

    cracks will be less than a given area, a, is found by integration of

    the product of the density function ofx and the probability that y

    is less than a/x for allx values, where x and a/x are spacing values

    from each distribution along the orthogonal axes [16]

    PfArag Z

    fxPfYrygdx 14

    where yra/x. Substituting the result that may be found from


    PfYryg Fy 1e2 sin y 1e2 sin a=x 15into the integral(14)

    PfArag Z 1


    1e1x1e 2 sin a=xdx 16

    we may nd

    Fa PfArag 1 ffiffiffi


    K1 ffiffiffi

    ap 17

    whereK1denotes the modied Bessel function of the 2nd kind and

    of 1st order, and we have dened the following variable

    2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi12 sin

    q 18

    The term 12sin appearing in the denition of above,indicates the mean number of block areas formed between

    mutually intersection fractures per unit area of the plane. By

    differentiation Eq. (16) w.r.t. a we nd the following density

    function for the areas

    fa dFada




    p 19

    where K0 denotes the modied Bessel function of 0th order. Thesame results represented by Eq's.(17)(19) have been also reached

    by Hudson and Priest[11]for 901.Along the same line of reasoning, we may extend the above

    results, to the case of distribution of volumes produced by three

    mutually intersecting discontinuity sets in the three-dimensional

    space. In this case we assume that the strike of the third joint set

    makes an anglewith the common strike of the former two sets.This means that the block volumes are parallelepipeds formed by

    six parallelograms. Hence, the probability P(Vrv) that a volume,

    V, will be less than a given volume, v, is found by integration of the

    product of the density function of areas given by Eq. (19) and

    the probability thatzis less than v/a for allzvalues, where v/a are

    the apparent spacing values along the Oz-axis that is orthogonal to

    Ox and Oy-axes.

    PfVrvg Z

    faPfZrv=agda 20

    in which zrv/a and

    PfZrzg Fz 1e3 sin z 1e3 sin v=a 21Combining Eqs.(19)(21), the following integral representation

    for the block volume distribution function is derived:

    Fv P Vrvf g 12

    Z 10

    2K0 ffiffiffi

    ap1e3 sin v=ada 22

    The analytical evaluation of the above integral in terms of

    known functions may be done by recourse to known properties of

    Fig. 3. Block area distribution in a plane produced by two persistent discontinuity sets.

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    Bessel functions[19]as follows:

    Fv 1


    13k23 sin vk 1AklnvBk22k 3k2k12


    where in we have dened the following parameters:

    Ak 22k22 ln3 sin 4k14 ln 4 ln 2;Bk 4k2k12 ln3 sin 2

    4 ln3 sin k24 ln k2k12 1k221k14k124 ln3 sin k14 ln 2k28 ln 8k1ln 2 8k1ln ln3 sin ln4 ln 2 ln3 sin 8 ln 2 ln8 ln 2 24

    and(x) denoted the digamma function that is dened as

    x dlnxdx




    Also,(n)(x) stands for the nth polygamma function, which isthe nth derivative of the digamma function [20]:

    nx dn

    dxnx d

    n 1

    dxn 1ln x 26

    By differentiation Eq. (23) w.r.t. the volume, v, we nd the

    following density function for the volumes

    fv 1


    13k23 sin vk 1v 1k1fAklnvBkgAk22k 3k2k12

    27The above innite series converges rapidly and a nite number

    of terms n may be retained for accurate results, i.e. it may be

    approximated with the expression

    fv n


    13k4v123 sin sin k 1v 1k1fAklnvBkgAk22k 3k2k12

    28It is recommended though that several values of the number of

    terms n in the series expression above should be used to

    determine the convergent value of frequency for a given

    123sin sin. The term 123sinsin appearing in theexpression for the cumulative volume distribution in Eq. (28)

    above, indicates the mean number of volumes per unit volume

    of the 3D space occupied by the rock mass and gives the scale of

    the block volume distribution. To illustrate this, in Fig. 4 the

    frequencies of block volumes f(v) as they given by Eq. (28) have

    been plotted for three different values of the product 123at hand, assuming mutually orthogonal discontinuity sets (i.e.

    /2).In direct analogy to the cumulative length proportion, L, the

    cumulative volume proportion V(v) is found from the following


    Vv 1Vtot


    i1fvi iv




    where v is the class interval of the volume frequency distribution

    histogram,f(vi) is the numerical frequency of volume values in the ith

    class interval of the frequency distribution, andVtotis the total volume

    of rock mass. Following the above method, the cumulative volume

    proportion curves illustrated inFig. 5were produced. The vertical axis

    on the graph gives the percentage volume of rock mass that consists of

    block volumes less than a volume specied by the value on the

    horizontal axis. For example, taking values 1231/m, thepercentage of a rock mass that consists of blocks with a volume less

    than 1 m3 is approximately 23% for negative exponential distributions

    of discontinuity spacings. In marble quarries (a) the volume proportion

    of blocks larger than a given volume as well as (b) the maximum block

    volume that could be extracted is also of special interest. From

    the same graph it may be seen that the maximum block size

    for 12310 m3 is around 7 m3; whereas for the case of12316 m3 it is approximately equal to 5 m3.

    It is a usual practice of a decorative stone quarry that only the

    block volume distribution of extracted marble blocks above a

    certain volume is assessed (for example vLZ1 m3), since the

    blocks with lower volume from this threshold are dumped

    as waste material without further measuring their volumes. Inorder to compare this experimental block volume distribution

    with the theoretical one derived previously, we should be able to

    derive the left-truncated block volume proportion above a certain

    block volume size. Hence, based on basic statistical principles,

    given a point of truncation, vL, the left-truncated cumulative

    volume distribution V(v) denoted as VLTN(v) can be stated as


    VLTNv 0 vr0Vv vLVvL

    1 VvL

    ( ; vZ0 30

    Fig. 6 displays the truncated distributions of block volumes

    above v1 m3

    for the three mean block volumes at hand.

    Fig. 4. Probability density functions of block volumes for three mean block

    volumes 123at hand.

    Fig. 5. Cumulative distributions with blocks smaller than given volume for three

    mean block volumes 123at hand.

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    4. Case study of a white dolomitic marble quarry

    4.1. Basic structural features of the quarry and the method of

    excavation of blocks

    Understanding a quarry in terms of its potential for production

    of decorative or building stones in the form of orthogonal blocks,

    presents a special challenge for the mining engineer and the

    engineering geologist. Unlike blasting in aggregates and miningoperations, optimization of the extraction process in a marble

    quarry, for example, has a focus on the potential for production of

    large orthogonal parallelepiped blocks with volume greater than

    1 or 2 m3 that are free of crack-like defects.

    An actual quarry is considered here that is located in a

    dolomitic marble formation. The quarry has the form of an open

    surface excavation with vertical benches of 6 m height. There were

    identied three joint sets transecting the marble, namely the

    grain, the head-grain that has the same strike and it is almost

    orthogonal to the former set, and a secondary set with a strike

    orthogonal to the common strike of the other two families of

    joints. All the three sets were created during the uplift of the

    Fig. 6. Left-truncated cumulative distributions above vL1 m3 with blocks smallerthan given volume for the three cases at hand.

    Fig. 7. Lower hemisphere equal area stereographic projection of joint sets; (a) poles concentration, and (b) great circles of the three principal joint systems.

    Fig. 8. Isometric view of the model of a jointed marble bench with excavated panel

    with dimensions 10 10 6 m3. Diamond wire cutting planes oriented N201W(direction of head-grain planes) and orthogonal to it. Oy-axis points to the North.

    The trace of the grain and head-grain are indicated in the ZOX plane, whereas the

    trace of the secondary plane is indicated in the XOY plane.

    M. Stavropoulou / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 7468

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    dolomitic marble layer of a thickness of 200300 m up to the

    surface. The marble has been initially failed in shear along the

    weakest bedding planes; at the same time the head-grain planes

    as well as the secondary joints have been formed in order to

    accommodate the large shear displacements along the master

    sliding grain planes. The orientations of the poles of these three

    sets processed with specialized software[21]are illustrated in the

    lower-hemisphere stereographic projection diagram of Fig. 7. In

    the same gure the great circles of these sets are also displayed.

    The marble is excavated by using diamond wire cuts at three

    mutually perpendicular planes as usual, i.e. one horizontal in a

    rst place 10 10 m2, and then two vertical cuts with dimensions10 (horizontal) 6 (vertical) m2 oriented along the head-grainsand secondary joints, respectively. As was mentioned before the

    bench height is 6 m according to the usual quarrying practice. The

    initial dimensions of the panel are 10 10 6 m3. Subsequentlyfour vertical cuts are made along the grain planes at 22.5 m apart

    in order to produce orthogonal parallelepiped sub-panels that areeasy to be tilted by the excavator. Such a typical panel of marble

    with volume 10 10 6 m3 inside the quarry constructed byvirtue of a distinct element code [22] is shown in Fig. 8; since

    this gure is for illustrating the directions of cuts with respect to

    the joint orientations we have assumed a uniform distribution of

    spacings of all three joint sets.

    In order to facilitate the measurements of the spacings between

    adjacent joints as well as the frequencies of the same set on each

    photo of a box with cores, the joint traces appearing on the marble

    cores have been properly identied and then marked carefully

    with different colors as is shown in Fig. 9, namely: (a) grain planes

    were marked with green color; (b) head-grain planes were marked

    with red color, and (c) secondary planes were marked with

    blue color.

    4.2. Experimental results on discontinuity spacing

    distributions and frequencies

    Twenty vertical boreholes from the drilling campaign have

    been logged for Fracture Frequency (FF) in units of (1/m) by

    counting the number of joints per meter f, i.e. the support inthe original data is equal to 1 m. Support is a geostatistical term

    indicating the size of a sample. The twenty vertical bore-

    holes penetrating the marble were drilled mainly along EW and

    NS directions. This approximates a direction perpendicular and

    parallel to the strike of the bedding or grain planes that is almost

    coincident with the strike of the head-grains (e.g.Fig. 7). Since the

    secondary joints are steeply dipping, the joint frequency observed

    along the drilled cores is mainly due to the grain and head-grain

    Fig. 9. Method of marking the joints along the drilled core and apparent spacingmeasurements s1, s2, etc.

    Table 3

    Estimated apparent and true frequencies from spacing measurements on the drill

    cores and on an exposed wall of the quarry.

    Method of


    Joint set Dip



    Number of






    Mean true



    Drill-core Grain 40 733 1.5 2

    Drill-core Head-grain 70 618 1.3 3.7

    Drill-core Secondary 85 41 0.14 1.66


    quarry wall

    Secondary 85 354 1.71

    Fig. 10. Distribution of the four marble qualities expressed as Fracture Frequency (1/m) along the vertical boreholes inside the planned quarry limits (see color bar for the four marble


    M. Stavropoulou / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 74 69

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    joints (i.e. Table 3). For this reason in order to validate the joint

    frequency distribution inferred from the drill cores, it was neces-

    sary at a later stage to map the secondary planes along a

    horizontal scanline oriented perpendicularly with the mean strike

    of these planes. The location of the boreholes and the measured

    FF's along them at every 1 m apart are shown in Fig. 10.

    Joint apparent spacing data for the three principal joint sets

    obtained from the drill core inspection are presented below in the

    form of frequency histograms and cumulative distribution plots.

    Three distribution functions have been best-tted on each set of

    data namely, the one-parameter negative exponential distribution

    function, the Weibull, as well as, the gamma two-parameter

    distribution functions.Fig. 11a shows the grain spacings histogram

    deduced from the spacing measurements along the vertical drill

    cores and the best-tted density functions at hand. Fig. 11b

    illustrates the cumulative distributions of measurements and of

    0 1 2 3 4 5 60









    joint spacings histogram

    Spacing [m]


    Data histogram

    Negative exponential PDF

    gamma PDF

    Weibull PDF

    0 1 2 3 4 5 60











    joint spacing [m]


    joint spacings CDF

    neg exponential CDF

    gamma CDF

    Weibull CDF

    Data CDF

    Median Value

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80







    joint spacings histogram

    Spacing [m]


    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80











    joint spacing [m]


    joint spacings CDF

    neg exponential CDF

    gamma CDF

    Weibull CDF

    Data CDFMedian Value

    0 5 10 15 20 250






    joint spacings histogram

    Spacing [m]


    Data histogram

    Negative exponential PDF

    gamma PDF

    Weibull PDF

    0 5 10 15 20 250











    joint spacing [m]


    joint spacings CDF

    neg exponential CDF

    gamma CDF

    Weibull CDF

    Data CDF

    Median Value

    Data histogram

    Negative exponential PDF

    gamma PDF

    Weibull PDF

    Fig. 11. Histograms of measured apparent joint spacings measured along vertical drill cores and best-tted distribution functions for each joint set, i.e. (a) histogram of

    grains, (b) cumulative curve of grains, (c) histogram of head-grains, (d) cumulative curve of head-grains, (e) histogram of secondary joints, and (f) cumulative curve of

    secondary joints.

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    the three theoretical cdf's for the same joint set. In a similar

    fashion, Fig. 11c and d illustrates the results for the head-grains

    andFig. 11e and f for the secondary joints occurring in the quarry.

    Table 3 presents the main results of the mean apparent (mea-

    sured) and true (corrected) frequencies of the three main joint sets

    in marble.

    Table 4 presents the results of the chi-square goodness-of-t

    test of the three distribution functions on each set of joint spacing

    data at the signicance level of0.01. The following observa-tions could be done from these results, namely: (a) The Weibulland gamma two-parameter distribution functions always exhibit

    better performance compared to the one-parameter negative

    exponential distribution function, with the only exception for the

    case of secondary joint system in which the negative exponential

    has better performance. This was expected since the negative

    exponential function has only one parameter while the other two

    have two parameters. (b) In only one case of the grain system the

    negative exponential distribution displays a higher observed value

    than the critical value of the test. (c) The Weibull distribution

    function always displays a lower observed value and larger

    correlation coefcient than the other two distribution functions.

    In order to have a better picture of the performance of the

    considered three distribution functions against the drill core data,

    Table 5illustrates the results pertaining to the KS test at the same

    signicance level. The main results of these KS tests may be

    summarized as follows: (i) The observed values of all theoretical

    functions are larger than the critical value for the grain and head-

    grain joint sets, while the Weibull displays the lower observed

    value. (ii) Regarding the secondary joint set all the distribution

    functions display a lower observed value compared to the critical

    one, with the negative exponential exhibiting the better perfor-

    mance compared to the other two.

    In order to check the validity of the estimated mean frequency

    of the secondary joints from drill cores, additional measurements

    of spacings of joints from this set have been carried out along a

    horizontal scanline of 200 m length on an exposed vertical wall of

    the quarry oriented in an orthogonal direction with the strike of

    the almost vertical secondary joints. The results of this additional

    survey are presented in the form of a frequency histogram and a

    cumulative distribution inFig.12a and b, respectively; whereas the

    mean joint frequency (in this case the apparent joint frequency isidentical with the true) is shown inTable 3. From this table it may

    be observed that the secondary joints frequency is almost the

    same for the two sampling methods. Again for this set of data the

    three theoretical distribution functions have been best-tted and

    displayed in the two graphs ofFig. 12a and b. The goodness-of-t

    test results referring to the chi-squared and KS tests are also

    displayed in Tables 4and5, respectively. FromTable 4it may be

    seen that the negative exponential function exhibits the worst

    performance, while the Weibull distribution has lower observed

    value than the gamma distribution function. Also fromTable 5 it

    could be observed that all the three distribution functions display

    larger observed value compared to the KS critical value, and the

    Weibull function exhibits the lowest observed value hence better

    matches the data.

    According to the results presented inSection 2, an indirect way

    to check the validity of the exponential density hypothesis for the

    joint spacings is by the virtue of the experimental distribution of

    number of joints measured alongxed length intervals on the drill

    cores, instead of the time consuming measurement of individual

    joint spacings. For the case of simply measuring the number of

    joints of all sets occurring every one meter of drill core extracted

    from vertical boreholes, labeled as FF and corresponding to the

    experimental f values, Fig. 13a to b presents the all 868 data

    Table 4

    Chi-squared goodness-of-t for measured apparent joint spacings at signicance level 0.01 and correlation coefcient.

    Joint set Distribution function Critical value at 0.01 Observed value Correlation coef cient

    Grain Negative exponential 27.6882 43.2453 0.98585

    Weibull 26.217 4.2194 0.99409

    Gamma 26.217 10.5802 0.99066

    Head-grain Negative exponential 30.5779 15.5321 0.98905

    Weibull 29.1412 2.0986 0.99403

    Gamma 29.1412 6.018 0.99138

    Secondary (drill core) Negative exponential 44.3141 3.0168 0.99548

    Weibull 42.9798 3.3869 0.99552

    Gamma 42.9798 3.086 0.99548

    Secondary (exposed vertical wall) Negative exponential 30.5779 135.0054 0.95131

    Weibull 29.1412 3.7125 0.98871

    Gamma 29.1412 12.5709 0.97697

    Table 5KolmogorovSmirnov goodness-of-t for measured apparent joint spacings at signicance level 0.01.

    Joint set Distribution function Critical value at 0.01 Observed value

    Grain Negative exponential 0.059876 0.13642

    Weibull 0.059876 0.070794

    Gamma 0.059876 0.094703

    Head-grain Negative exponential 0.065184 0.10992

    Weibull 0.065184 0.065866

    Gamma 0.065184 0.086522

    Secondary (drill core) Negative exponential 0.24904 0.079552

    Weibull 0.24904 0.082099

    Gamma 0.24904 0.08007

    Secondary (exposed vertical wall) Negative exponential 0.085993 0.27336

    Weibull 0.085993 0.092263

    Gamma 0.085993 0.13967

    M. Stavropoulou / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 74 71

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    measured on borehole cores lying inside the planned nal excava-

    tion boundaries along with the best-tted Weibull cdf. In order to

    compare the performance of the Weibull distribution function

    with another candidate function, we have plotted in Fig. 13a and b

    the pdf and cdf curves of the gamma distribution function.

    The goodness-of-t results performed by virtue of the chi-

    squared and KS tests are illustrated in Tables 6 and 7, respec-

    tively. As it may be observed from Table 6 both distribution

    functions are passing the criterion with the Weibull functionbetter matching the data since it exhibits a lower observed value.

    From Table 7 it may be observed that both functions display a

    higher observed value than the critical one prescribed by the KS

    goodness-of-t test. However, also in this case the observed value

    of the Weibull distribution is lower than that of the gamma


    4.3. Block volume distribution

    Having estimated the mean true joint frequencies of the three

    main joint sets in the quarry and having measured the volumes of

    the extracted marble blocks above a certain volume size at the

    quarry, a comparison could be made between the theoretical

    model expressed by Eq. (30) and the actual block volume

    measurements performed after tilting of a large number of sub-

    panels. It is noted that according to the practice followed in this

    particular quarry, there are measured volumes of blocks of volume

    larger than 1 m3, which means a left-truncated distribution of

    0 2 4 6 8 100










    joint spacings histogram

    Spacing [m]



    Data histogram

    Negative exponential PDF

    gamma PDF

    Weibull PDF

    0 2 4 6 8 100











    joint spacing [m]


    joint spacings CDF

    neg exponential CDF

    gamma CDF

    Weibull CDF

    Data CDF

    Median Value

    Fig.12. Histogram (a) and cumulative distribution (b) of measured secondary joint

    spacings on an exposed quarry wall aligned perpendicular to the strike of

    secondary joints and best-tted distribution functions.

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 350










    joint frequencies histogram

    Joint frequency [1/m]


    Data histogram

    Weibull Distribution PDF

    gamma PDF

    0 5 10 15 20 25 300











    Joint frequency [1/m]


    joint frequencies CDF

    Weibull CDF

    gamma CDF

    Data CDF

    Median Value

    Fig. 13. Nonlinear regression of measured total number of joints per meter along

    drill cores with the Weibull and gamma distribution functions; (a) experimental

    and theoretical histograms and (b) experimental and theoretical cumulative


    Table 6

    Chi-squared goodness of t for measured joint frequencies along the boreholes

    inside the nal excavation boundaries (critical value at signicance level 0.01 is2L


    Distribution Observed value

    Weibull 2.5565

    Gamma 2.9936

    Table 7

    KolmogorovSmirnov goodness of t for counted joint frequencies on the drill

    cores inside nal excavation boundaries (critical value at signicance level 0.01is DL0.058577).

    Distribution Observed Value

    Gamma 0.17712

    Weibull 0.18906

    M. Stavropoulou / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 7472

  • 8/13/2019 Discontinuity Frecuency and Block Volume Distribution in Rock Masses


    measured volumes. Fig. 14 shows the comparison of the actual

    left-truncated marble block distribution with the predicted dis-

    tribution given by the analytical Eqs. (28)(30) with a mean joint

    frequency of the three main joint sets (i.e. the sum of the mean

    frequencies 123 of the joint sets) of 7.4 1/m displayed inTable 3and based on exploratory borehole data.

    The comparison shown in Fig. 14 is very good given the

    inherent assumptions of the theory and the complexity of the

    natural rock fragmentation conditions. The maximum measure

    block volume is 6.5 m3 whereas the theoretical model predicts

    slightly larger maximum block volume of around 7.5 m3. This can

    be explained by the fact that at the quarry the original block

    volume distribution is inevitably affected by the vertical and

    horizontal diamond wire sawing cuts. It may be also noticed that

    the theoretical curve is shifted to the left relatively to the

    experimental one. This can be explained by the inherent assump-

    tion of the model that the measured discontinuities along the drill

    cores are persistent whereas in reality a percentage of them

    correspond to intermittent joints.

    5. Concluding remarks

    The work presented above was stimulated by the relevant

    series of milestone papers [912]. It aims at improving the

    approach of prediction of joint spacings and number of joints

    per length, RQD and block size distributions based on scanline

    measurements or measurements on drill cores at the exploratory

    phase. Regarding the prediction of block size distribution it is

    concerned only with discontinuity sets occurring of parallel

    persistent planes irrespectively of the size of joints. Finally, theresults found here are validated against measurements of joints on

    drill cores taken from a dolomitic marble quarry. The following

    conclusions may be drawn from this study:

    The joint density function found in a theoretical manner by

    applying the maximum entropy theory is the one-parameter

    negative exponential function. It is noted that a more rened

    and elaborate model of joint spacings such that presented in

    Appendix A with appropriate mechanical constraints could be

    created but this is out of the scope of this paper.

    The relation between RQD and joint frequency found by Priest

    and Hudson[9] has been validated against simulation data.

    Aiming at inferring the mean joint frequency from measure-

    ments of number of joints per meter along drill cores instead from

    the more cumbersome joint spacing measurements, it has been

    found that if the joint spacings follow the negative exponential

    distribution, then the measured number of joints per length of

    drilled core follows the Weibull density function with scale and

    shape parameters related only to the mean frequency of joints.

    Following the methodology proposed originally by Hudson and

    Priest[10]the closed-form expression of block volume distribution

    has been found.

    Also, the distribution of block volumes has been found analy-

    tically. Furthermore, the left-truncated block volumes distributionhas been found in analytical form.

    The theoretical results are validated against experimental data

    collected at a dolomitic marble quarry referring to joint spacings

    and frequencies sampling, as well as marble block volumes. Joint

    spacings data have been best-tted by three pdfs namely the one-

    parameter negative exponential, and the two-parameters gamma

    and Weibull pdfs. As was expected in most of the cases it was

    found that the Weibull and gamma pdfs t better with the data,

    however the much simpler negative exponential pdf was found to

    describe adequately the experimental data.

    Appendix A. Maximum entropy theory applied inheterogeneous rock masses

    Methods from Information Theory [23] and entropy theory

    [13,14] are employed in order to derive the form of density

    function for the joint spacings in the case of a lack of previous

    information. This lack of information pertains to: (a) the inuence

    of random factors on stress distribution inside the heterogeneous

    rock mass that cause high variability of the local stresses from the

    values which are calculated using the averaged constants of the

    elastic or plastic solutions, (b) the heterogeneity of rock strength,

    and (c) the type, succession and intensity of previous tectonic

    episodes responsible for the current state of fracturing of a

    rock mass.

    The density function is derived here from a condition ofmaximum likelihood of a given state of rock mass fracturing,

    which corresponds to a maximum entropy of the blocky and

    fractured rock mass. The condition for the maximum entropy of

    this process could be written in the following manner

    Z 1

    0fxlnfxdx-max A:1

    However, the density function must satisfy two constraints.

    Since Fx Rx0 fd, and F(1)1, the rst constraint is thefollowing well known integral equation

    Z 10

    fxdx 1 A:2

    The second constraint may be derived by an energy balance

    applied to a given volume of the rock V of the internal specic

    volume energy absorbed by the rock denoted by wV (units of

    energy divided by the volume of strained rock) and the assump-

    tion that all the volume energy is converted into surface energy of

    cracks wA (units of energy divided by area). Then we assume that

    the expected value or mean of joint spacings is proportional to the

    ratio of specic energies as follows

    Z 10

    xfxdx kwAwV


    wherek is a proportionality constant.

    The Lagrangian of the system [24] as usual is the sum of the

    objective function we want to maximize (i.e. Eq. (A.1)), plus the

    Fig. 14. Comparison of the left-truncated actual block volume distribution (circles)

    with the analytical distribution function given by Eq. (30)(line).

    M. Stavropoulou / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 65 (2014) 62 74 73

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    constraints i.e (A.2) a n d (A.3) each multiplied by a Lagrange

    multiplier, i.e.

    f;x;1;2 Z 1



    1 1Z 1



    2 kwAwV

    Z 1




    where {1, 2} denote the Lagrange multipliers. From Eq. (A.4) it

    may be observed that the Lagrangian Z is a function of fourvariables. Maximizing the Lagrangian, one may obtain the follow-

    ing result


    f 0 3 fx e 1 1e2x; A:5

    Finally, inserting the above expression (A.5)for the estimated

    frequency into Eq. (A.2) one of the Lagrange multipliers may be

    eliminated as follows:Z 10

    fxdx 1 3 2 e 1 1 A:6


    f x 2e2x A:7

    and it may be noted that the mean frequency of joints isessentially a Lagrange multiplier. Finally, combining the above

    Eq.(A.7)into(A.3)the frequency parameter2 may be expressedas follows


    Z 10

    xe2xdx kwAwV

    3 21




    The above formula means that according to the supposed

    simple model the mean frequency of joints is proportional to the

    ratio of specic volume to specic fracture surface energies that

    are responsible for the rock fracturing.


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