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Chabad at the


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Year Anniversary8

Dedication of the

Aaron & Blanche Scharf Center for Jewish Life

Aaron and Blanche Scharf


Aaron and Blanche Scharf Center for Jewish Life

! e Lubavitcher Rebbe

Gala Dinner and Celebration ScheduleCocktail Hour and Silent Auction

Welcome and Video Presentation – Dulcy Freeman

Opening Remarks – Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky

Presentation of the Pillar of Giving Award

Dedication of the Aaron and Blanche Scharf Center for Jewish Life


Presentation of the Community Service Award

Presentation of the Woman of Valor Award

Grace after Meals



Reuven Russell, an accomplished actor and comedian

with an extensive theatrical background, has been seen

on ER, and in the feature fi lms Chaplin, Inside Monkey

Zetterland and The Proprietor. He originated the role

of Hersh in the O! Broadway debut of The Quarrel.

He has toured nationally in Neil Simon’s The Sunshine

Boys starring Mickey Rooney and Donald O’Connor.

A graduate of the Yale School of Drama, Reuven teaches

Theatre and Public Speaking at Stern College for Women

and is the Artistic Director of the Stern College Dramatic

Society. He is a husband and father of fi ve, and is the

son of comedian and Jewish humorist Joey Russell

2011 Committee

Dinner CoordinatorMrs. Leah Kurinsky

Fundraising Committee Chair Dr. Michael Galer

Mrs. Eliana Galer

Dr. Menachem Czarka

Mr. Je! Meyers

Mr. Daniel Levy

Mr. Matt Taylor

Mrs. Leah Kurinsky

JournalMr. Daniel Levy

Mrs. Nechama Dina Hecht

DecorMrs. Rebbecca Fixel

Ms. Brittany LaRusso

Ms. Terri Cohen

Mrs Amy Broudy

Joe Higginbotham

Silent AuctionMs. Brittany Larusso

Rabbi Eli Wilansky

Mr. Matt Taylor

Silent Auction DonorsMitch Bloch

Brittany LaRusso

Elite Sterling Silver

Rebbeka Fixel

Rabbi Meir Gutnick

Lana Grumberg

Adam Podlesh & Miranda Walton

Rabbi Rimler

Yoga Den

Rotem Zaevi

Rabbi Moshe Klein

Rabbi David and Sarah Cohen

Culinary Committee ChairsTrish Sall

Dulcy Freeman

Committee VolunteersRobin Olson

Eliana Galer

Tova Moyer

Pam Czarka

Hermilo Valdovinos

Devorah Fairfi eld

Lani Heilig

Adult Education

CTeTeT en





Pillar ! Giving AwardFrom Chabad at the Beaches’ inception

Michael and Fiona Scharf

have been incredibly kind and philanthropic.

During tonight’s event Michael and Fiona are dedicating the Chabad Center

in honor of Michael’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Blanche Scharf.

Mr. and Mrs. Scharf have been long-standing members of the Ponte Vedra Jewish

community. Mrs. Blanche Scharf passed away in 2005. Mr. Aaron Scharf still resides

in Ponte Vedra and continues to be a friend and supporter of Chabad at the Beaches.

Woman ! Valor AwardJudy Geller is a beloved friend to many, teacher to thousands,

and an inspiration to all those she meets. Judy was a public

school teacher for over 50 years. She also teaches music and

has been doing so for 65 years. Judy brings light and love of

G-d, humanity and the Torah to all those she encounters.

Community Service AwardMr. Yehuda Ben Simon will be receiving special recognition for

his unparalleled work in beautifying our Chabad center. Yehuda

has helped with repairs and construction of our center as well as

countless acts of helpfulness throughout the years that we have

known him. Yehuda is dedicated to his family, friends and his

community. It is our pleasure to be able to show some hakarat

hatov/proper recognition to Yehuda for all that he has done.

Dear Friends and Extended Chabad Family,

Last week we celebrated the holiday of Shavuot. As I sit and write this letter I remember it was just eight short years ago that we borrowed our ! rst Sefer Torah. Shavuot was only the second time that we read the Torah here at Chabad. Eight years have " own by. So much has happened in such a short period of time.

Since then, we’ve grown both spiritually and in number. With the guidance and teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe we’ve accomplished many things at our home at the Beach. We’ve printed numerous publications, and held many new programs, educational lectures, classes, and events. We’ve participated in each other’s simchas and unfortunately a funeral or two. My heartfelt appreciation to all those who have made all of this possible. Well done. You are the future of our Chabad community.

# ank you to Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Fiona Scharf, Mr. Yehuda Ben Simon and Mrs. Judy Na$ ulin Geller Nevel for agreeing to be honored. # ank you to our donors who ensure the ! nancial future of Chabad at the Beaches. # ank you to those who contribute with their most precious commodity… time. Without you none of this would be possible. You help ensure that your children, grandchildren and generations to come will experience the rich Jewish heritage and traditions that are so much a part of our Chabad family life. When you invest money and time in Chabad you invest in the future of Judaism at the Beaches.

It is worthy of note that the Festival of Shavuot has no independent date of its own, unlike any other festival; since no month or day is speci! ed in the Torah as the time of its celebration, but only that it is the “Fi$ ieth Day” of the counting of the Omer - the counting which we begin on the second day of Pesach, on the day a$ er the liberation from Egyptian bondage.

By not allocating a speci! c date the Torah emphasizes that the Festival of Shavuot is the goal of the festival of Pesach; that the Season of the Giving of Our Torah is the culmination of the Season of Our Freedom -- that the true and complete freedom, both for the individual as well as for the community, and both materially and spiritually, can be attained only through the acceptance of the Torah.

We live in a time where, notwithstanding external “freedom” in the society in general, people are still largely “enslaved,” and at a loss how to free themselves from the shackles of spiritual and mental confusion. # e only hope that Jewish people should not be swept up with this stream lies in Torah education, where the golden chain of the Torah from Sinai is maintained; the Torah in all its sanctity, the Torah of Truth which must always remain intact, and cannot be subject to compromise or concession. It is with your help that we at Chabad are able to bring the light of Torah to Beaches community.

May we merit the redemption of Moshiach speedily in our days.

Leah, Avi, Dovi, Etta and Rivka’le join me in wishing everyone a wonderful summer.


Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky

We celebrate our Annual Gala Dinner having just observed the festival of Shavous, when we commemorate Hashem’s giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. A$ er receiving the Torah, the Jews wandered in the desert for 40 years. Wherever the Jews encamped, they erected the Tabernacle where they prayed and brought sacri! ces to Hashem. Later, the Jews entered the land of Israel. # ey built the Holy Temple where they continued to pray and bring sacri! ces. While we no longer have this opportunity today, the Lubavitcher Rebbe once said that every synagogue is part of the Holy Temple. # erefore, we honor this synagogue in which we “set up camp” in the days of exile.

I have been given a great privilege to be a part of this community. My journey began almost two years ago when I ! rst came to Chabad at the Beaches. Rabbi Kurinsky and his wife Leah asked that I come for the summer of 2009 as the Program Director for Chabad’s many classes and events. I was inspired by the warmth, fun, and charity of the Beaches community and decided to remain as Director through the High Holy Days. Eventually I stayed through the rest of the year.

Shortly a$ er my ! rst year at the Beaches, I moved on in life and married my wife, Esther. # e people of the Beaches community wanted me to stay and help them grow closer to Judaism. # ey came together to help me ! nancially and, therefore, I am here to celebrate another successful year at Chabad.

Esther and I thank all those who helped with this extended part of Chabad. With Hashem’s help, we are con! dent that we will help Chabad at the Beaches develop more and more programs including adult education, teen and youth programs, and hospital and home visitations.

We wish a very heartfelt Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Fiona Scharf, Mr. Yehuda Ben Simon, and Mrs. Judy Na$ ulin Geller Nevel on the occasion of being honored.

Very soon we will have the merit to once again be in the land of Israel together with this Chabad house and with Moshiach, speedily in our days.

Rabbi Eli Wilansky

Program Director

L e t t e r f r o m t h e R a b b i L e t t e r f r o m t h e P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

Dear Friends and Extended Chabad Family,

Last week we celebrated the holiday of Shavuot. As I sit and write this letter I remember it was just eight short years ago that we borrowed our ! rst Sefer Torah. Shavuot was only the second time that we read the Torah here at Chabad. Eight years have " own by. So much has happened in such a short period of time.

Since then, we’ve grown both spiritually and in number. With the guidance and teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe we’ve accomplished many things at our home at the Beach. We’ve printed numerous publications, and held many new programs, educational lectures, classes, and events. We’ve participated in each other’s simchas and unfortunately a funeral or two. My heartfelt appreciation to all those who have made all of this possible. Well done. You are the future of our Chabad community.

# ank you to Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Fiona Scharf, Mr. Yehuda Ben Simon and Mrs. Judy Na$ ulin Geller Nevel for agreeing to be honored. # ank you to our donors who ensure the ! nancial future of Chabad at the Beaches. # ank you to those who contribute with their most precious commodity… time. Without you none of this would be possible. You help ensure that your children, grandchildren and generations to come will experience the rich Jewish heritage and traditions that are so much a part of our Chabad family life. When you invest money and time in Chabad you invest in the future of Judaism at the Beaches.

It is worthy of note that the Festival of Shavuot has no independent date of its own, unlike any other festival; since no month or day is speci! ed in the Torah as the time of its celebration, but only that it is the “Fi$ ieth Day” of the counting of the Omer - the counting which we begin on the second day of Pesach, on the day a$ er the liberation from Egyptian bondage.

By not allocating a speci! c date the Torah emphasizes that the Festival of Shavuot is the goal of the festival of Pesach; that the Season of the Giving of Our Torah is the culmination of the Season of Our Freedom -- that the true and complete freedom, both for the individual as well as for the community, and both materially and spiritually, can be attained only through the acceptance of the Torah.

We live in a time where, notwithstanding external “freedom” in the society in general, people are still largely “enslaved,” and at a loss how to free themselves from the shackles of spiritual and mental confusion. # e only hope that Jewish people should not be swept up with this stream lies in Torah education, where the golden chain of the Torah from Sinai is maintained; the Torah in all its sanctity, the Torah of Truth which must always remain intact, and cannot be subject to compromise or concession. It is with your help that we at Chabad are able to bring the light of Torah to Beaches community.

May we merit the redemption of Moshiach speedily in our days.

Leah, Avi, Dovi, Etta and Rivka’le join me in wishing everyone a wonderful summer.


Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky

We celebrate our Annual Gala Dinner having just observed the festival of Shavous, when we commemorate Hashem’s giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. A$ er receiving the Torah, the Jews wandered in the desert for 40 years. Wherever the Jews encamped, they erected the Tabernacle where they prayed and brought sacri! ces to Hashem. Later, the Jews entered the land of Israel. # ey built the Holy Temple where they continued to pray and bring sacri! ces. While we no longer have this opportunity today, the Lubavitcher Rebbe once said that every synagogue is part of the Holy Temple. # erefore, we honor this synagogue in which we “set up camp” in the days of exile.

I have been given a great privilege to be a part of this community. My journey began almost two years ago when I ! rst came to Chabad at the Beaches. Rabbi Kurinsky and his wife Leah asked that I come for the summer of 2009 as the Program Director for Chabad’s many classes and events. I was inspired by the warmth, fun, and charity of the Beaches community and decided to remain as Director through the High Holy Days. Eventually I stayed through the rest of the year.

Shortly a$ er my ! rst year at the Beaches, I moved on in life and married my wife, Esther. # e people of the Beaches community wanted me to stay and help them grow closer to Judaism. # ey came together to help me ! nancially and, therefore, I am here to celebrate another successful year at Chabad.

Esther and I thank all those who helped with this extended part of Chabad. With Hashem’s help, we are con! dent that we will help Chabad at the Beaches develop more and more programs including adult education, teen and youth programs, and hospital and home visitations.

We wish a very heartfelt Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Fiona Scharf, Mr. Yehuda Ben Simon, and Mrs. Judy Na$ ulin Geller Nevel on the occasion of being honored.

Very soon we will have the merit to once again be in the land of Israel together with this Chabad house and with Moshiach, speedily in our days.

Rabbi Eli Wilansky

Program Director

L e t t e r f r o m t h e P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

Dear Friends,

Last year I was invited to be on the annual Dinner Committee. I served and was educated under the remarkable and dedicated Rebbetzin Leah Kurinsky. I was put on the “program subcommittee”. # e team worked hard and we did a fantastic job raising much needed funds to continue Chabad’s great work.

Let me tell you what it is like for me to raise funds for Chabad. I am inspired by Chabad’s approach that one is not simply asking for money we are providing donors with the opportunity to give Tzedaka. I tried to remember to talk about the many contributions Chabad makes to the community. I was always moved by the people I spoke to and the level of their appreciation to Chabad and Rabbi and Rebbetzin.

# is year I was promoted to Chair of the Fundraising Committee. Again, I learned a great deal from my Rebbetzin. # e biggest lesson was that I was doing a Mitzvah by helping a contributor to do a Mitzvah. # is concept helped to inspire me signi! cantly. We have a dedicated team who worked hard and we were more successful than last year.

# is past year I have had an insight into the inclusive and comprehensive contributions o% ered to the community. # e dedication of Chabad @ Beaches and their mostly volunteer sta% is contagious. By giving my time and energy to Chabad during the past year I have received much more than I anticipated. # e experience bestowed on me a wonderful opportunity to learn, to do Mitzvot and to daven more frequently. I have received a gi$ from Hashem that I want to donate to all of you.


Dr. Michal Mendel Galer

Letter from the Fundraising ChairLetter from the Fundraising Chair

L e t t e r f r o m t h e F u n d r a i s i n g C h a i r

Dear Friends,

Last year I was invited to be on the annual Dinner Committee. I served and was educated under the remarkable and dedicated Rebbetzin Leah Kurinsky. I was put on the “program subcommittee”. # e team worked hard and we did a fantastic job raising much needed funds to continue Chabad’s great work.

Let me tell you what it is like for me to raise funds for Chabad. I am inspired by Chabad’s approach that one is not simply asking for money we are providing donors with the opportunity to give Tzedaka. I tried to remember to talk about the many contributions Chabad makes to the community. I was always moved by the people I spoke to and the level of their appreciation to Chabad and Rabbi and Rebbetzin.

# is year I was promoted to Chair of the Fundraising Committee. Again, I learned a great deal from my Rebbetzin. # e biggest lesson was that I was doing a Mitzvah by helping a contributor to do a Mitzvah. # is concept helped to inspire me signi! cantly. We have a dedicated team who worked hard and we were more successful than last year.

# is past year I have had an insight into the inclusive and comprehensive contributions o% ered to the community. # e dedication of Chabad @ Beaches and their mostly volunteer sta% is contagious. By giving my time and energy to Chabad during the past year I have received much more than I anticipated. # e experience bestowed on me a wonderful opportunity to learn, to do Mitzvot and to daven more frequently. I have received a gi$ from Hashem that I want to donate to all of you.


Dr. Michal Mendel Galer

! C



D !






Congratulations to my amazing father and my beloved m! her

on the dedication " the “Aaron and Blanche Scharf Center for Jewish Life.”

Mazel Tov to my br! her, Michael, and sister-in-law, Fiona,

who are truly “Pillars " Giving.” # e Mitzvah " Tzedakah is an

$ emplary part " their lives.

Gilbert Scharf

Mazel Tov & Best Wishes

To all the Honorees:

Michael and Fiona Scharf

Judy Geller

Yehuda Ben Simon

Yasher Koach to

Rabbi Nochum & Leah Kurinsky & family.

May you continue to be bring light and

inspiration to the entire community!

May the community continue to

increase in strength and mitzvos!



! 8 Y









The Ervanian Family

wishes a Mazel Tov to

All the Guests of Honor

And thank you to Chabad

for all they do for the community

Drs. Jim & Pam,

Max, Sophia & Zach Ervanian

! C



D !






! 8 Y









To our very loved and precious sister and aunt Judy:

Y--youthful and joyful spirit

E--eager to help others

H--honorable in all ways

U--unbelievably accepting of others

D--dedicated to kindness

I--incredible piano musicianship

T--thankful for each moment of life

C--caring for all people

H--humbly sharing her talents and gifts

A--achieving top awards during her 52 years of music teaching

N--notable integrity of the Naftulin heritage

A--always with faith and trust in HaShem

We are so proud of you, our dearest sister and aunt Judy!

You are our true role model!

With great love,

! C



D !





What could be more important than the Rebbe’s Chabad House?

In recognition of each of you who volunteer

time and energy to Chabad’s success.

Blessings for good health, nachas from

children and success in everything.

From the Rothman Family

Kalman, Chanie, Nechamie, Zeesy,

Rivky, Shalom, Rochie & Chaim

! 8 Y








In loving memory of

Isadore and Sylvia Cagan

By their loving son Leonard Cagan

! C



D !





In Honor of the Best Parents in the World

Michael & Fiona Scharf

and the Best Grandparents in the World

Aaron & Blanche z’l Scharf

Thank You For All Your Support

Lots of Love,

Andrew Scharf

! 8 Y








To my beloved parents and grandfather,

Congratulations on this momentous occasion!

Through your dedication and assistance,

this community has gone from strength to strength,

and will, please G-d, continue to grow and prosper.

It is a great honor indeed to be your son and grandson.

With love and admiration,

Will Scharf

! C



D !





Of Beloved Memory

Saul Scharf – Father

Nolie Hinton – Father

Blanche Scharf – Aunt

Hari Scharf – Uncle

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Scharf

! 8 Y








“No act of kindness

no matter how small

is ever wasted.”

To be spiritual be kind.

Judy Geller

! C



D !





Thank you to all of the volunteers

who made tonight’s event possible,

the contributors who provide

the ability for us to succeed,

and honorees for their enormous contributions.

May the A-mighty continue to bless you

in all of your endeavors.

Rabbi Nochum & Leah Kurinsky

! 8 Y








Good Luck! Uncle Jim

In honor of

Rabbi Nochum & Leah Kurinsky and children

Avi, Dovi, Etta & Rivkah.

Wishing you continued

success in all your endeavors.

Chaya Musia Shurpin

! C



D !





To our dear children

and grandchildren,

Our heartfelt and prayerful

wishes for continued and

increasing success

in your holy work, in good

health and with Jewish,

Chassidic nachas.

Bubby and Zeidie Kurinsky

Mazel Tov to

All the Guests of Honor

On this well deserved honor

And thank you to Chabad for all

they do for the community.

Donna Davis

To Rabbi Nochum and

Leah Kurinsky:

The Lord bless you and guard you.

The Lord make His countenance

shine upon you and be

gracious to you.

The Lord turn His countenance

toward you and grant you peace.

With Love: Je! Meyers

Judy Geller NevelThis is a well deserved honor.

We love you!

Uncle Stanley and Cousin Josh

! 8 Y








Dearest Judy Geller Nevel Naftulin,

You are a kind, generous soul and an

inspiration to me. If all our hearts loved like

you, Moshiach would be here already!

With all my heart,

Dvora Fairfi eld

In honor of Alice, Florence, & Camilla

My Mother & Grandmothers

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Nochum

& Rebbitzen Leah Kurinsky

on the occasion of their

8th Anniversary Gala Dinner!

Hats o! to Avi, Dovi,

Etta’le & Rivkah’le

for assisting their parents

in their important work!

May you continue to touch and

inspire the lives of many Jews

in the Jacksonville Beaches!

Wishing you all many years

of continued success!

With Love,

Yecheskel & Nechamie,

Mushky, Yossi, Mendel, Devorah

Leah, Dovber & Schneur Raeburn

! C



D !






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“May you go from strength to strength”

The Kaplan Family

Nechemia, Rashi, Yekusiel, Sarah,

Rivkah, Arieh Leib & Tziporah

Congratulations and best wishes

to Rabbi & Rebbitzen Kurinsky

For your tireless e! orts and boundless

Chessed on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

With much admiration,

Helen Adamec

Mazel Tov!

Rabbi Mendy & Ya! a Lieberman

! 8 Y








Wishing everyone joy, prosperity and meaning in life.

Because eternity, that which is timeless, is now

Hermilo Valdovinos

Mazal tov to Aunt Judy on such a well deserved honor.


Niece Bracha and Nephew Mark Bluman

Grandnephew and Grandnieces Etan and Kayla, Shifra, Ya! a and Ronit

In honor of Judy Geller Nevel: Congratulations and Best Wishes! May you

continue to be an inspiration to the entire community.

Michael Lewin

In honor of our children, Michael & his wife Anna,

Howard & his wife Ashley, and our grandson Aiden.

Je! & Marian Flaschen

We thank Hashem for bringing Chava Natania Higginbotham into our lives.

Joseph and Eliana Higginbotham

Tova and David Moyer

Myron & Bunni Flagler

Yehudah & Zeesy Piamenta


Grace After MealsA Song of Ascents. When G-d will return the exiles of Zion, we will have been like dreamers. # en our mouth will be ! lled with laughter, and our tongue with songs of joy; then will say among the nations, “# e Lord has done great things for these.” # e Lord has done great things for us; we were joyful. Lord, return our exiles as streams to arid soil. # ose who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He goes along weeping, carrying the bag of seed; he will surely return with songs of joy, carrying his sheaves.

By the sons of Korach, a Psalm, a Song whose basic theme is the holy mountains [of Zion and Jerusalem]. # e Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, eternal city of God. I will remind Rahav and Baby-lon concerning My beloved; Philistia and Tyre as well as Ethiopia. “# is one was born there.” And to Zion will be said, “# is person and that was born there;” and He, the Most High, will establish it. # e Lord will count in the register of people, “# is one was born there.” Selah. Singers as well as dancers [will sing your praise and say], “all my inner thoughts are of you.”

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth. Ultimately, all is known; fear G-d, and observe His commandments; for this is the whole purpose of man. My mouth will utter the praise of the Lord; let all " esh bless His holy Name forever. And we will bless the Lord from now to eternity. Praise the Lord!

# is is the portion of the evil man from G-d and the inheritance of his words from G-d.

And he said to me, "this is the table which is before G-d."

When blessing with a quorum of three or more, the Leader begins:Gentlemen, let us say the Blessings.

! e others respond: May the Name of the Lord be blessed from now and forever!! e leader repeats the preceding response and continues:With your permission, esteemed gentlemen, let us bless Him (if the quorum of ten is present, add: our God) of whose bounty we have eaten.

! e others respond: Blessed be He (if the quorum of ten is present, add: our God) of whose bounty we have eaten and by whose goodness we live.







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Blessed are you, Lord Our God, King of the universe, who in His goodness pro-vides sustenance for the entire world with grace, with kindness, and with mercy. He gives food to all " esh, for His kindness is everlasting. # rough His great goodness to us continuously we do not lack [food], and may we never lack food, for the sake of His great Name. For He, benevolent God, provides nourishment and sustenance for all, does good to all, and prepares food for all His creatures whom He has created, as it is said: You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Blessed are You Lord, who provides food for all.

We offer thanks to You, Lord our God, for having given as a heritage to our ancestors a precious, good and spacious land; for having brought us out, Lord our God, from the land of Egypt and redeemed us from the house of bondage; for Your covenant which You sealed in our " esh; for Your Torah which You taught us; for Your statutes which You have made known to us; for the life, favor, and kindness which You have graciously bestowed on us; and for the food we eat with which You constantly nour-ish and sustain us every day, at all times, and at every hour.

For all this, Lord our God, we give thanks to You and bless You. May Your Name be blessed by the mouth of every living being, constantly and forever. As it is written: When you have eaten and are satiated, you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you. Blessed are You Lord, for the land and for the sustenance.

Have mercy, Lord our God, upon Israel Your people, upon Jerusalem Your city, upon Zion the abode of Your glory, upon the kingship of the house of David Your anointed, and upon the great and holy House over which Your Name was proclaimed. Our God, our Father, tend us, nourish us, sustain us, feed us and provide us with plenty, and speedily, Lord our God, grant us relief from all a& ictions. Lord our God, please don’t make us dependent on the gi$ s of mortal men nor on their loans, but only on Your full, open, holy and generous hand, that we may never be shamed or disgraced.

On Shabbos add: May it please You, Lord our God, to strengthen us through Your mitzvos, and through the mitzvah of the Seventh Day, this great and holy Shabbos. For this day is great and holy before You, to refrain from work and to rest on it with love, in accordance with the commandment of Your will. In Your good will, Lord our God, bestow upon us tranquility, that there shall be no distress, sadness, or sorrow on the day of our rest. Lord our God, let us see the consolation of Zion Your city, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem Your holy city, for You are the Master of deliverance and the Master of consolation.

And rebuild Jerusalem the holy city speedily in our days. Blessed are You Lord, who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.

Blessed are you, Lord Our God, King of the universe, God, our Father, our King, our Strength, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Maker, our Holy One, the Holy One of Jacob, our Shepherd, the Shepherd of Israel, the King who is good and does good to all,


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each and every day. He has done good for us, He does good for us, and He will do good for us; He has bestowed, He bestows, and He will forever bestow upon us grace, kindness and mercy, relief, salvation and success, blessing and deliverance, consolation, livelihood and sustenance, compassion, life, peace and all goodness; and may He never cause us to lack any good. May the Merciful One reign over us forever and ever. May the Merciful One be blessed in heaven and on earth. May the Merciful One be praised for all generations, and pride Himself in us forever and all eternity, and glorify Himself in us forever and ever. May the Merciful One provide our livelihood with honor. May the Merciful One break the yoke of exile from our neck and may He lead us upright to our land. May the Merciful One send abundant blessing into this house and upon this table at which we have eaten. May the Merciful One send us Elijah the prophet – may he be remembered for good – and let him bring us good tidings, deliverance and consolation. May the Merciful One bless my father, my teacher, the master of this house and my mother, my teacher, the mistress of this house; them, their household, their children, and all that is theirs; us and all that is ours. Just as He blessed our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, “in all things,” “by all things,” with “all things,” so may He bless all of us together (the children of the Covenant) with a perfect blessing, and let us say Amen.

From heaven, may there be invoked upon him and upon us such merit which will bring enduring peace. May we receive blessing from the Lord and kindness from God our deliverer, and may we ! nd grace and good understanding in the eyes of God and man.

Shabbos: May the Merciful One let us inherit that day which will be all Shabbos and rest for life everlasting.

May the Merciful One grant us the privilege of reaching the days of the Moshiach and the life of the World to Come. He gives great deliverance (On Shabbos, Festivals, Rosh Chodesh, and Chol HaMoed substitute: He is a tower of deliverance) to His king, and bestows kindness upon His anointed, to David and his descendants forever. He who makes peace in His heavens, may He make peace for us and for all Israel; and say Amen.

Fear the Lord, you His holy ones, for those who fear Him lack nothing. Young lions are in need and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living being. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and the Lord will be his security.







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