Download - Digital Pipeline! … countries — History' ARAB countries TUNISIA EGYPT — Arab Spring Drisings, 2011- ...


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The Home Page looks like this. Click on “High School” and “Academic Search Premier” to begin your search.

At the Academic Search Premier page, enter a search term such as Arab Spring. It is also a good idea to check the Full Text box. A specific publication date can also be chosen.

At this point a list of articles related to the search term will appear.

Once an article is chosen, it can be saved, emailed, or printed using links on the right of the page. One important link is the citation link. Clicking on this will give the citation for the article in several styles. Users can choose the style needed and copy and paste the citation into a document or presentation.

Another possible resource at the Digital Pipeline is the Student Research Center. Go back to the Digital Pipeline home page. Click on “High School” and “Student Research Center”.

At this screen specific resource types can be chosen such as magazine articles, newspaper articles, or primary source documents. Results can be limited to include only full text articles and specific publication dates. A search term is entered and you are on your way.

This data base is very similar in appearance to the Academic Search Premier.

A couple of searching hints include using “ “ marks around two or more words.

Another idea would be to do an advanced search where two or more terms can be entered. Example: “Arab Spring” and “Libya”.