Download - Digital marketing arts academy - Brian Carter - Outline of seminar

Page 1: Digital marketing arts academy - Brian Carter - Outline of seminar

The Like Economy – Two Day Seminar

1. Overview & Facebook strategy

a. Social media- fb vin google rock

b. What if the internet was high school (does this translate to Jordanian culture?)

c. Like economy Chapter 1 – the power of likes

d. Social media success stories

i. Old spice

ii. Samsung

iii. Speakers club

iv. Attorney

v. Restaurant

vi. Superhero stuff

e. Edgerank (the newsfeed algorithm)

f. Tabs vs newsfeed


i. Attention economy

ii. Why is Facebook marketing is so hard

h. Search vs social sales funnel

i. 7 parts of social media plan

j. 5 facebook strategies for profits

k. 5 requirements for facebook profits

l. 5 principles for social media revenue

m. Selling the dream

n. Budgeting and costs

i. Costs of organic social media

ii. Allocating ad spends

o. Facebookize

i. PediaCare

ii. Social Media Keynote Speaker

iii. Pridestaff

iv. Rx Relief

p. Who is your audience?

i. Why search keywords are relevant

ii. Audience analysis

q. The scientific method and scientific marketing

i. Multivariate

ii. Always learning

r. ROI and owned media

i. Cost per email vs fan

ii. Fb fans 3.5x more likely to buy

s. Geeks & huge amounts of data

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i. Issues with analytics

t. The power of mindshare

u. Red ocean vs blue ocean

v. Dissatisfaction drives results

w. ROI of networking?

x. Perpetual promotion machine

y. Content marketing

z. Thought leadership

aa. B2C vs B2B

i. B2b sales funnel

ii. Infographics

iii. White paper landing page

iv. Ebooks

v. Fb b2b and the c-suite

vi. Making b2b more exciting

2. Facebook Posts

a. actions

b. visibility

c. insights

d. funnel collapse syndrome

e. david vs goliath

f. 3 elements of perfect fb post

g. Curation

h. 50-30-20 posting rule

i. getting more likes, comments, shares

j. contagious content

i. 4 don’t’s

ii. 6 do’s

iii. memes

iv. captioning

k. 20% rule

l. B2C VS B2B posts

m. Fuel for sm is novelty

n. Creativity is

3. Facebook ads

a. purposes of ads

i. fan growth

1. ideal fans

2. no brainer ad copy

ii. post promotion

iii. website traffic

iv. lead gen

v. ecommerce

vi. 12 types of ads

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b. targeting

i. targeting groups

ii. testing targeting first

iii. precise vs topic

iv. broad categories

v. jobs

vi. workplace

c. creative

i. multiple images

ii. ideas from facebookize

d. bidding options

e. campaign organization

f. naming convention

i. recommended format

ii. organizing target groups

iii. sponsored stories

g. analysis

i. which creative does best?

ii. Which targets do best?

iii. Which combinations did you miss?

h. power editor

i. basics- downloading/uploading

ii. power options

1. mobile vs newsfeed

2. conversion specs

3. custom audiences

a. email

b. uid

iii. reorganizing campaigns and ads

iv. promoting dark posts

i. fbx retargeting

4. Facebook groups

a. strengths and weaknesses

b. business applications

5. Post promotion ads

a. latest post

b. best posts - outliers

c. posts you can’t promote

d. photo views vs like comment share click

6. Putting it all together

a. infinigraph lead gen

b. zurvita? Fb groups?

c. Afg examples

d. Pridestaff

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e. Workshop time to do ads and posts and get feedback

i. Also, at end of first day, suggest they do ads that evening so we have data to

review at end of second day