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“Digging up Trouble”


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FINANCING WAR• In many locations around the world

mining is used to produce raw materials

that are sold in order to finance War

Examples include:

• Congo – Coltan and Cassiterite for use in electronics (tantalum)

• Sierra Leone – Diamonds

• Angola – Diamonds

• Zimbabwe – Diamonds

• Nigeria – Oil

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CREATING CONFLICT• Mineral Resources are often the source of conflict in many regions of the world. It is not

uncommon for internal conflict to arise over the control of a particular mining resource.

• In the Colonial Period of human history much of the world was settled and “conquered” in order to attain control over mining resources…. Most notably GOLD

• In more recent times these conflicts have more commonly been centered around oil and gas deposits (Gulf War) and conflict minerals (parts of Africa)

• Afghanistan – Saudi Arabia of Lithium???

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• Using the class Ipads of your own technology identify a location somewhere in the world where mineral resources are currently, have recently or may soon instigate conflict.

Answer the following and create a quick graphic using pic coallage:

• Where?

• Who?

• Resource?

• Solution/Resolution?

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• Around the world indigenous people continue to occupy many remote locations of our planet

• Some of these areas are becoming sought after because of their mineral wealth

• Many examples around the world can be found where traditional cultures, language and social structures are threatened by mining resource development

• In extreme circumstances entire

populations are displaced due to

mining in an area

**Lets look at “The Real Avatar”

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ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION• Mining can have a tremendous impact on natural systems.

• As and extractive industry it by definition means a removal of material from the ground

• In its most extreme iterations large tracts of natural vegetation are removed in order to allow for the large scale economic extraction of desired resources.

• Open Pit mining and Mountain Top Removal are two of the most damaging mining techniques.

• These practices have the potential to devastate ecosystems to the point where they are no longer able to sustain productive ecosystems leading to a loss of biodiversity and loss of wildlife habitat. These landscapes will NEVER be the same…..

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PHYSICAL IMPACTS• Depending on the type of mine the actual extraction of the metals will impact an area in

the following ways:

• removal of vegetation and topsoil

• the displacement of fauna,

• sedimentation of streams, rivers, wetlands, lakes, estuaries

• Dust emissions (may be toxic)

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• The toxic mixture of debris left over after mining and mineral processing

• Can have serious impact of local ecosystems and specifically ground water quality

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• In many mines pools of water contaminated with mine tailings create toxic reservoirs that threaten water security and if near major waterways can threaten the ecological integrity of large areas

• These ponds are so toxic that flocks of migrating birds have been knows to die due to simply landing on their surface

• Sometimes all that separates these toxic artificial lakes from natural waterways is a man made damn

• If this damn leaks contaminants enter natural ecosystems

• If this damn breaks large scale environmental destruction is iminent and may spread hundreds of kilometers from the source.

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WATER POLLUTION – ACID MINE DRAINAGE • Acid Mine Drainage occurs where

minerals disturbed by mining begin to oxidize once exposed to air and water

• Pyrite (fools gold) is a common mineral that will oxidize into Sulfuric Acid

• Acidic water can then free up other heavy metals in the mine and create a toxic soup of pollution

• The polluted acidic water in a flooded mine will leach or run off into a local stream

• AMD is often rusty brown in colour because of its high concentration of oxidizing iron.

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• During construction of the CPR blasting and excavation reveal high concentrations of Nickel-copper ore

• Once the railway was complete extraction of the resource from this remote area became economically feasible

• Since the late 1800s the Sudbury area has been one of the most significant mining areas in North America

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• Ore deposits are part of a large geological structure called the Sudbury Basin believed to be the remnants of a 1.85 million year old meteorite impact crater

• Nickel and Copper are the main metals extracted from the ore of the Sudbury Basin

• Smaller amounts of cobalt, platinum, gold, silver, selenium and tellurium can also be found

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• The mining that occurs in Sudbury has significant ecological impacts

• The most severe has stemmed from the fact that the ore bearing minerals are typically high in Sulphur

• During the separation of metal from the ore (Smelting) large amounts of Sulphur dioxide are pumped into the atmosphere

• Sulphur Dioxide then creates highly concentrated ACID RAIN!!!

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• Acid precipitation devastated the local ecology early on and much of the area surrounding Sudbury effectively became a wasteland.

• In 1972 INCO on of the largest mining companies in the area thought they had a solution to the problem

• Build a super high smoke stack and send the pollution away from Sudbury

• “The Solution to Pollution is Dilution”

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• Once the INCO Super Stack was in place and ecological recovery in the are immediately surrounding Sudbury began

• Unprecedented “regreening” began, including liming of the soil, planting of 8.7 million trees and other natural vegetation

• The pollution just went farther away and impacted a larger area

• In 2010 only 3300 hectares of over 30000 hectares have been effectively regreened.

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• Open Pit – minerals close to the surface essentially scraped away/dug up

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• Strip – shallow deposits are mined by removing overburden and cutting away the mineral seam. Common method for coal mining

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• Placer – The mining of alluvial deposits, usually uses water to separate minerals/gems/precious metals from the sediment

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• Underground – used when minerals are not close enough to the surface to utilize other extraction methods.

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