Download - Different Types of Marriage Customs in India


Different types of marriage customs in india

India is the land of various cultures and traditions, and the best way to get a hold of each of them, is to go to a wedding from each of these cultures. Languages, states and religions make sure that there is really no shortage, when it comes to different kinds of weddings. And each and every one of them are equally beautiful.

Bengali wedding

A Bengali wedding includes many rituals and ceremonies that can span several days. In most cases, it starts with the Kabin ceremony and ends with the Bou Bhat ceremony Though the rituals differ with the various districts of Bengal, among Hindus, it is usually classified into two: the Ghoti and Bangal rituals

Kashmiri Wedding

Kashmiris first match the teknis of the prospective bride and groom. Besides this, the other factors which are taken into consideration while selecting a match are the background, status and moral character of the family of the prospective match and their close relatives.The wedding date is proposed by the bride's parents. Once the groom's parents also give their consent, the purohit (priest) fixes the wedding date.

Malayali Wedding

Malayalee wedding is a very short and crisp ceremony, which is held in the morning. The most preferred location to conduct a typical Malayalee wedding is the maternal house of the bride.

Punjabi Hindu Wedding

Punjabi wedding traditions are a strong reflection of Punjabi culture with ritual, song, dance, food, and dress that have evolved over centuries.

Sikh Wedding

Sikh marriages are usually arranged with families acting as little more than introduction services. The ultimate choice is always left to the girl and boy. In some cases the boy and girl choose each other first and then seek their parents consent and blessing.

Telugu Wedding

Telugu marriage is sanctified by seven pledges made by the bride and groom and commences when the bride and groom have completed seven revolutions around a sacred fire. Symbolic gestures and rituals encompass the ceremony and ensure that the bride and groom are united in the presence of Panchabhutaalu namely Bhumi, Akaasham, Agni, Neeru and Vaayuvu. The ceremony is held under the Kaya Maapa or wedding pavilion decorated with fresh flowers.

Assamese Wedding

an Assamese wedding also has pre wedding and post wedding rituals. It is simple and yet very elegant. One of the unique and indispensable characteristic of the wedding is the traditional 'biya naam' song. To know more about the wedding rituals of Assamese marriage, read on.

Tamil brahmin wedding

Iyer weddings are known as kalyaanam or thirumanam in Tamil. For specific details about vedic rituals described below, see Vedic wedding.Iyer weddings, like many other Hindu weddings, typically last about 23 days. Traditionally, the family of the bride is responsible for organizing and planning the wedding.