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DICTion Writings from the Rostrum

Indian club Toastmasters

Club No: 00727851, area 28, Division E, District 20

QUARTERLY Newsletter 2013-14/03 Jan– Mar 2014



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President’s Message 3

Are Leaders Born Or Made? TM Nirmala Raghuraman 4

Lasting Happiness Through Toast-

mastering TM Surya Narayanan 5

Synergy TM Muthukumar G 6

Discovering the Diamonds TM Joseph Stanley 7

Cartoon Corner TM Raveendra Rao 8

Balanced Life TM MS Babu 9-10

Know Your Leaders/ICTM Excom/

Upcoming Events 11

Quality time With A Quality Person TM Nirmala Raghuraman 12-13

We’re a Select Distinguished Club 14

Be a Dynamic Leader DTM Ponnuchamy 15

Days to Greet/ New Member/

Club Info 17

The Subconscious Mind TM Anita Samanta 17

Club Contest Winners 18

Going Places 19

Area 28 Contest Winners 20

My Role as Sergeant@Arms TM Muthuramalingam 20

Editor’s Message 21

Toastmaster Mission:

The mission of a TOASTMASTER CLUB is to provide a supportive and

positive learning experience in which members are empowered to

develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater

self-confidence and personal growth.


INDIAN Club Toastmasters strives to provide an environment for learning

and growing the skills to be successful in personal and business life.

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Dear Indian Club Toastmasters, Hooray!!

It was splendid experience to witness our club contest

that concluded in very high spirit. This was possible only

because of support and guidance from senior TMs,

consistent engagement and contribution from all role

players, and the external judges who contributed their

skill to identify best of the best. Also, I cannot forget to

thank all participants who stood up and decided to

challenge their abilities and took part with great enthusiasm. All in all, all went

well with great deal of learning and team work. During recently concluded ar-

ea 28 contest, our TMs from Indian Club out performed and snatched first title in

all four categories to represent area 28 in the upcoming TACQ in April. We have

set record by this performance. Let’s applause our TMs. TM Shanmuga

Sundaram and TM Sheik Abdul Kader’s success and wish them best of luck to

win at Division level too.

Our Club is soaring high also on our DCP status. As per our calculation, we are

now at 7 DCP points which is SELECT DISTINGUISHED CLUB status. This was again

possible as all of us have taken our goal with right spirit and supported positively.

Three more points to earn. Are you all ready for that?

In this quarter, our two esteemed TMs have earned their titles in Advance series;

they are TM Raghavendra and TM Sheik Abdul Kader. Congratulations to them.

We are now cruising through to the last quarter of this TM year. Soon we will

have new leaders to take over the reins of our club. All TMs who are ready to

take up this challenge must start thinking over it and be in touch with current ex-

com so that we know your desire.

All is well and going well, we can’t ignore that we have suffered some losses.

Our VP Membership, TM Pradeep Kumar has recently left Qatar and hence our

club too. We have lost one of our strong team members and an Excom mem-

ber. Let’s wish him all the best in his future endeavours. Although we have so far

7 new members in this year, we have lost almost same number of members too.

I wish to remind you all to support the club by introducing ATLEAST ONE member

to our club. Please check whether you have played your part.

I am happy to see DICTION-3 being published on time with progressively im-

proved design. This is only because of enthusiasm of TM Nirmala and TM Surya-

narayanan and of course support from all contributors. Before I conclude, I

would like to encourage all of you to involve in our club with recharged energy,

innovative ideas and successful attempts.

Thanking you all. Wish you all have great time and success all the time.

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Are Leaders Born or Made? TM Nirmala Raghuraman. CC, CL, VP-PR


Before joining toastmasters, I was strongly believing that people born with intelli-

gence and luck are made as leaders. They are above all comparisons. They are the

very important persons in the society. They are great orators and they have inborn

qualities which lifted them in their life. So, they are in the limelight always, I thought.

I was totally wrong.

After joining toastmasters I realized that Leaders are made. They are recognized be-

cause of their hard work, sincerity and dedication. Above all, their dedication and

thirst to achieve the greater heights helped them to reach their goals. Their qualities,

attitude, smartness, ambition are well received and recognized by everyone sur-

rounded by them. Today, I have completed my CL and I also feel so proud to be

recognized as a Leader in toastmaster circle. ***************************************************************************************

Quotes about Podium TM Nirmala Raghuraman. CC, CL

If you talk to most athletes, the place you're most comfortable is your playing field.

I'm not so comfortable at a podium or talking about events.

Bobby Orr

I’ve learned that winning isn’t everything, and it’s more about the journey. But at

the end of the day, I just want to stand on the podium with the gold medal.

Hope Solo

In some ways, that’s the story of my season – when I wasn’t making big mistakes, I

was winning races and being on the podium. And when I made mistakes I was still

fourth or fifth, just off the podium.

Bode Miller

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Lasting Happiness Through Toastmastering TM Surya Narayanan CC, VP-Education

Endless happiness and eternal bliss. That’s what we all live for and

long for right?

While many of us may think ‘eternal’ happiness is just a mirage or a

philosophy that is disconnected from the real and material world,

I do hope at least some of you will agree with me when I say that happiness that is

lasting, if not endless, is very much within our grasp, provided we have the right atti-

tude and act in the right manner.

Recently, I read a book Contagious Optimism by David Mezzapelle, wherein he de-

scribes the 10 Habits of Happy People. I’ve taken the liberty to change the sequence,

with a specific reason:

Sharing Our Stories

Being a Better Listener

Smiling More, Frowning Less

Turning Envy and Jealousy into Energy

Remembering the Past Isn’t a Blueprint to the Future

Not Blaming Others for Your Problems

Practicing Positive-Forward Thinking

Being Grateful


Exercising and Following a Healthy Diet

While none of these is exactly new, when internalized in combination, these can do

wonders, as the author says with conviction.

When I read this list of 10 habits, I found that the first six are the pillars on which Toast-

masters is built. We join toastmasters to become effective communicators, by giving

and listening to speeches. Toastmaster manuals urge us to incorporate our personal

experiences and life incidents in our speeches, as much as possible.

Humour is often an underlying factor in our speeches and when a fellow toastmaster

delivers an outstanding speech, we don’t envy them but learn from them. Seeing oth-

ers grow and develop into better communicators and leaders gives us the confi-

dence that we can also achieve the same or even do better.

Evaluation, the unique feature of toastmasters, is never a post-mortem nor an exercise

to criticize and condemn a speaker. The intention is always to suggest areas and

ways for improvement and to help the speaker deliver a better speech next time


So if we practice the toastmaster essentials not only in our toastmaster life, but in all

walks of life, we would firmly be on the path of lasting and contagious happiness. Isn’t

that an incentive enough to become and remain a lifelong toastmaster??

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Synergy TM Muthukumar G.

Synergy means that the whole is great than sum of its parts. Synergy is everywhere in

nature. If two plants are close to each other, the roots comingle and improve quality

of soil so that both plants will grow better than if they were separated.

To have great life, Synergy between soul and body, Synergy between health and

wealth, between action and thought, between mind and feeling, between self and

family, between self and society should happen.

The way that a man and woman bring a child into the world is synergistic of two differ-

ent strengths. Then what about social, mental and emotional differences? They not

only source of creating independence but also the basis for interdependence.

Our society is classical example of interdependence. The material world, whatever we

use, all are from society’s interdependence. We can show our gratitude to society by

repaying our Due to society which is called duty and this is synergy.

Similarly if we find the synergy between content and delivery in our Toastmaster

speeches and thereby connect with the audience, we can create wonders like TM

Shanmugam and sheik did last week.

Ralph C. Smedley Quotes 1. A speech without a specific purpose is

like a journey without a destination. 2. The unprepared speaker has a right to be

afraid. 3. Toastmasters is learning through doing

and improving through criticism. 4. Imagination takes the common place and

glorifies it. 5. We learn best in moments of enjoyment.

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Discovering the Diamonds TM Joseph Stanley, CC, ALB

Past President of Indian club, Past Area Governor (Area 28)

All around the world, every club, during contest session, will surely

find its DIAMONDS.

I have had the opportunity to see many such Diamonds being

discovered in the past 8 years. The Diamonds that come to my

mind are Raveendra Rao, Prasanth, Manish Shah, Sheiik Abdul

Kader, Karthik and the latest ones in Shanmugam, Surya and Ravi.

When we find diamonds, we need to support them as club members and mentors by

giving them effective evaluation. Like a diamond, which gets

its true value after polishing, at Indian Club we help our mem-

bers find their true value. That’s the reason, today Manish

Shah, Sheiik Abdul Kader & Karthik are our sparkling speakers.

I feel the biggest corporation in Diamonds business is not De-

Beers but Toastmasters International, having mining in 122

countries and every year finding two Kohinoor diamonds

among diamonds – One, the International Champion Speak-

er and the other one, the International President.

Be prepared to shed your DIRT to find the DIAMOND in you. ****************************************************************************************************





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reach the venue on time for the contest, our senior dedicated toastmaster

Dr. Sampath Sowrirajan is using his two wheeler. Get inspired by him.


Collar mic glitches seen during

some of the recent contests seem

to have prompted TM Raveendra to

come up with this cartoon.

I think those two are the Contest

Chair and the Chief Judge trying

to placate an irate contestant. Hats

off to TM Raveendra for his wonder-

ful creation.

Let’s ensure that the mic systems

are ok when the heavyweight

speakers are around!!!



Nirmala. (Send in your comments about the cartoons).

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Balanced Life DTM. Dr. MS Babu

People from every corner of the globe feel as if their lives are out of balance. Whether

we work, go to school, are retired or not, we all have responsibilities. Most of us would

agree that a well balanced life is essential for personal effectiveness, peace of mind

and living well. There are 4 areas every one of us need to focus,

(a) society,

(b) Individual’s family,

(c) professional life and

(d) personal life.

Robert Fulgham says

“Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some

and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some…”

Yes, how we could achieve this balance in life, joy, satisfaction, peace and fulfillment

in each of the 4 areas of our lives. It’s possible if we develop the following 5 qualities,


(i) Equanimity,

(ii) Mind control,

(iii) Expect the unexpected,

(iv) Be healthy and

(v) Prioritize.

(i) Equanimity

“We can be sure that the greatest hope for maintaining equilibrium in the face of any


rests within ourselves”…… Francis J. Braceland

One should develop the courage to face everything in life with a smile of happiness. In

this world, it is natural that gain and pain alternate. We cannot avoid it. Do not despair

when adversities confront you nor exult when success blesses you. Any adversity is a

stepping-stone to success and ultimate peace. We have to develop equanimity in

both joy and sorrow. It is the true sign of wisdom.

Continued on next page

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(ii) Mind Control

“The calm and balanced mind is the strong and great mind; the hurried and agitated

mind is the

weak one”….. Wallace D. Wattles

Be organized and plan ahead. Take time at the beginning of each week to assess what

needs to be done. Make a to-do list in a planner or calendar for upcoming appoint-

ments, exams or any

assignments or projects. Be sure to assign recreation and quality time for yourself and

your family as well. Remember that taking time to connect with family and friends will

recharge your batteries and make you more efficient in the long run.

(iii) Expect the Unexpected

Rather than get stressed and upset, allow yourself to roll with the punches when some-

thing you have no control over happens. You may get stuck in traffic, your computer

could crash or your child could get sick. It can happen. We've all experienced the unex-

pected. If you accept that anything can happen at any time, it's less likely that it throw

you off your stride. Be able and ready to adjust your game plan.

iv) Be Healthy

We cannot accomplish anything if we are unhealthy. Get plenty of rest, exercise and

eat properly. We can get away with junk food and no exercise and sedentary life style

for some time, till you are of mid age, say 40s these days; but it can become an issue at

a later stage. It is better (to set aside time each day for an activity that you enjoy, such

as walking, working out or listening to music. Or, allow yourself to unwind after a hectic

day by reading, meditating or taking a nice shower.

(v) Prioritize

Balance doesn't mean doing everything you can or you dream for!!!. Examine your val-

ues and decide what's important to you, then set your boundaries. Depending on what

stage you're at in your life, your focus and energies will be different. Try not to become

overwhelmed by juggling too many big projects in your life at once. Not knowing what

you want and trying to do everything at once can be a disaster. Try not to bite off more

than you can chew. Prioritize the objectives and focus on achieving one after the other.


My dear friends, while we can't anticipate and plan for everything in our lives, we can

decide how, where and when to concentrate our energies. Consciously try to develop

the above 5 qualities and imbibe into our routine. This may require some critical thinking

and problem solving, but in the end it will lead to much less stress and a well balanced


Henri Matisse said “What I dream of is an art of balance”. Let everyone of us dream of

achieving Balanced Life and truly achieve it!!!!!

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KNOW YOUR LEADERS District 20 Governor: DTM Victoria Ferrer Mustafa

LIEUTENANT Governor Education & Training: TM Subha Anupindi

Division E Governor: DTM Saquib Raza Khan

Assistant Div. E Governor Education & Training: TM Nasimudheen

Assistant Div. E Governor Marketting: TM Shyam Sundar

Division E PRO: TM Thomas Joseph

Area 28 Governor: TM Rauf Ahmed Shahzad




PRESIDENT TM ANAND LASHKARI 66576897 [email protected]


NARAYANAN 66737632 [email protected]


RAGHURAMAN 77142936 [email protected]

TREASUERER TM MANISH SHAH 55658076 [email protected]





[email protected]


RAMALINGAM 33593918 [email protected]

IMM. PAST PRESIDENT TM SHEIK ABDUL KADER 66896379 [email protected]


1. Area 18 Annual Conference is scheduled on 4th April 2014.

2. TACQ is planned on 25th and 26th April, 2014.

Day 1 will be in Al Dostur Hall inDukhan and Day 2 at Hotel Grand Hyatt in

Doha. Registrations open:

tac-q-2014-registration-9903890804 3. DTAC is slated to be held during 15-17 May, 2014 at Al Bustan Palace, Mus-

cat, Sultanate of Oman. Registration open:

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Quality Time with a Quality Person An interview by TM Nirmala Raguraman, VPPR

Thirty minutes with someone who has been a toastmaster for thirty three years . As I

heard that he is on business visit to Doha, dialed his number for appointment. The sim-

plicity and cheerfulness in his voice drew me to towards him. With heavy heart beats

and after 30mts journey, I reached his office. His hospitality, his friendliness, his frankness

and his down to earth nature were amazing. I was so delighted to speak about his rec-

ords. The person whom I am complementing a lot is known to many senior toastmas-

ters in Doha. He is the first Distinguished Toastmaster in Bahrain and may be in the Gulf.

He is a philanthropist and social worker.

As many spouses discourage toastmasters, we were surprised to hear that his wife Mrs.

GeethaRani Ponnuchamy is also Distinguished toastmaster in Bahrain and she was the

first woman DTM in Bahrain. This couple is a true inspiration and motivation to all of us.

He is the person who conducted first youth leadership program in Bahrain in 1988. He

has visited toastmaster clubs in Philippines , Singapore and Malaysia to get motivated.

My sincere thanks to his committed replies for my untiring questions. He was spontane-

ous, flawless and enlightening.

Guess Who???

An Interview with Gulf’s First DTM Ponnuchamy

Q1. What made you to join Toastmasters movement?

There was no other education opportunity in Bahrain when I landed in 1981. So

to educate myself continuously, I joined in toastmasters. Continued on next page

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Q2. Recollect your initial days in toastmasters.

I started as Sgt-at-arms, Every Saturday, I used to get a drop at 4.30 pm by our

company vehicle at the School where we usually met. I cleaned and arranged

meeting hall and then went home, prepared tea or coffee and brought it to the

meeting. School Watchman thought that I was the cleaner. I stitched my first

coat to follow the dress code, but some members objected to my brown suit

and asked me to buy a formal black suit. Since I did not have enough money

to stitch another one, I brought a motion to have choices in dress and it was

passed by the members at the business meeting. We used to have very good

time in toastmasters. Over time, I served in all positions including Club President.

Q3. When did you achieve your DTM?

In Feb 2002, after 19 years, I received my DTM.

Q4. Why did you take so long to achieve DTM?

Things were different then. We had to complete 15 Project speeches from the

Basic Manual (in fact you will have to give some 30 mins speeches) to complete

CC, then 3 manuals of 5 speech each for ATM, then another for ATM Bronze

and another 3 manuals for ATM Silver, then you need to do other associated

training manuals including High Performance Leadership.

Q5. We heard your Spouse is also DTM, how do you motivat her?

Yes, when I was the President of Manama Toastmasters in 1988, I inducted her

and she was the first lady to join toastmasters in the Gulf, I think. She is the first

woman DTM of Bahrain. She is a self motivated individual, prolific speaker, train-

er, leader etc., etc., Being an English Professor, she fell in love with Toastmasters.

Q6. Give some tips to toastmasters to speedup the journey to achieve DTM?

I do not like to hear that phrase “Speed Up”. Because I advise everyone to go

for an in-depth education. Education is always slow. A grand old Oak tree can-

not be grown over night and similarly, mind cannot be matured over night. It takes a long time and education is a continuous process and we learn until we

leave this world. Moreover, Toastmasters is a self education program and one

should enjoy the journey. Be sincere and true to yourself.

Q7. How do you define toastmasters forum before 2000 and after 2000?

Up to 2000, concentration was on the quality as well as increase the

member clubs and toastmasters were quite sincere and serious. It was

a kind of family atmosphere. Now the concentration is on quantity and

glamour and that quality is missing.

Q8. What is your advice to new toastmasters?

I will advice them to understand the real meaning of toastmasters first

and then only one can enjoy the journey of toastmasters. Toastmasters

is not like swallowing a pill, its like chewing a gum. Retain as long as

possible. It’s a fun. Enjoy, relax and intricate yourself.

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With the two DCP points from the recent ACB achievement of TM Sheik and ACS

achievement by TM Raghavendra, ICTM has achieved Select Distinguished Club status

for the term 2013-14. With three months to go, we’re on course to achieve the coveted

Presidents Distinguished Club status, which we last achieved in the term 2008-09, un-

der the stewardship of TM Anita Samanta. We’ shall not rest or relax till we get there.

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Be a Dynamic Leader! A. Ponnuchamy, DTM

Past District Governor

Always say ‘yes’ to leadership. As you take on the responsibility of

a leader, be it as club President, Area Governor, Division Governor,

District Governor, Area Contest Chairman or Chairman of any

committee, your learning potential and the resulting confidence

are bound to skyrocket.

Accomplishing your mission as a leader might seem to be a Herculean task if you

want to shoulder all the responsibilities by yourself. If you believe in the power of moti-

vation, delegation and team work, then nothing can compare to the sense of satis-

faction and elation when your team achieves your goals progressively. Of course, it is

bound to be as trying in the process as it will be rewarding in the end. President of In-

dia Dr. Abdul Kalam says success in any endeavor is like climbing a mountain. It is

pointless to leap to the peak "without experiencing the sides’. The sides of the moun-

tain sustain life, not the peak. This is where things grow, experience is gained and tech-

nologies [techniques] are mastered."

As we are inundated with responsibilities, from every quarter – family, friends, work and

other social commitments, the going might get tough; team members may not come

up to our expectations; we might run behind schedule. To avoid such frustrations,

while delegating responsibility, identify the strengths of your team members and assign

work accordingly, so he/she will take pride in their achievement and the team can

accomplish its mission, too.

One sure tonic that will boost you along the way as you slog, prod and struggle to

achieve your goals is enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “Nothing great was ever

achieved without enthusiasm.” Enthusiasm is contagious. If you exude enthusiasm,

other members cannot but respond in a similar fashion.

As you toil for success, if your willingness to work for your goals remains steadfast, and

in true Toastmasters’ style if you evaluate your successes and failures every step of the

way and learn from your mistakes, you are sure to succeed. It is also extremely im-

portant to recognize the accomplishments of your team members, however small the

accomplishment may be. Be generous and genuine in your praise of each member’s

achievements. A word of thanks by email or a phone call or a round of applause at

the meeting ought to go a long way in achieving the remaining goals. It is vital not to

steal the credit from someone else. As a Chinese philosopher once said, “a good

leader is one, who, when the task is accomplished says, we have achieved together.”

Leading your team is going to be a truly life-altering experience, as our International

President DTM Jon Greiner says: “Toastmasters - changing lives, one at a time.” The

challenges this role is going to present are sure to enhance your personality, change

your life, leaving you charged and confident, turning you into a dynamic leader

ready to extend the benefits of toastmasters to your family and friends, helping them

change their lives, too.

Enjoy your leadership experience!

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Chartered in October, 2004 (Club No. 00727851)

Presently part of Area 28 under Division E, District 20

219 Meetings held so far

Present club strength of 28 Members

Meetings on second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, between

7.15 p.m. & 9.15 p.m.

Regular meeting venue at Indian Centre, Doha, Qatar

Current DCP Status (2013-2014): Select Distinguished Club Contact Nos.: +974-66576897/66737632/33593918


With the sincere efforts of Excom and other toastmasters of our club, we could suc-

cessfully induct one member in the third term, TM Uttam Vaidya. Full credit goes to TM

Rajshekhar, who introduced him to our club. Let’s continue with the same spirit of in-

troducing at least one member in each club meeting. Lets us welcome TM Uttam

Vaidya and wish him happy Toastmastering.

TM Uttam Vaidya

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The subconscious mind TM Anita Samanta, CC, ALB

A few weeks ago I was reading the book “the power of your subconscious mind" writ-

ten by Dr James Murphy, which has inspired me to write this article.

What is the subconscious mind? You can say that it is like a storage space which stores

all of a person's life's previous experiences, beliefs, memories, skills, etc.

The best way to understand the subconscious mind is to look at the example of the

person who wants to learn how to drive a car. In the beginning he would not be able

to hold a conversation with anyone while driving as he would be focusing on the differ-

ent moves involved.

That's because he is still using his conscious mind to drive. But after a while, these

moves are embedded in his brain, and he starts driving using his subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind becomes the auto-pilot!

Dr Murphy talks about various techniques that can be used to remove the mental

blocks that stand between us and our goals. These are based on the principle that if

we believe in something without reservation, and picture it in our mind, our belief be-

comes a reality!

The subconscious mind is so powerful, it believes what you visualise in your conscious

mind! If you joke in your conscious mind that you are idiot, the subconscious mind does

not understand that it is a joke, and it will believe that you are an idiot. So it is very im-

portant that we always think positive, which will fuel up the positiveness in the subcon-

scious mind.

Many times in life we create situations in our life by our negative, denying thoughts. A

person who thinks that he is sick, and feeling weak, may end up curled on the bed, alt-

hough he is not actually sick. On the contrary, a person who is running high fever may

be out at work because he tells himself everything is fine with him. Like I said before,

the subconscious mind does not have any reasoning skills, it believes the conscious

mind blindly, and reacts.

So, I would like to conclude by saying that whatever hurdles or shortcomings you face

in life, make sure that the negative thoughts and vibrations do not reach your subcon-

scious mind. Fill your conscious mind with all positive thoughts and energy, your sub-

conscious mind will take care of the rest and success will not be very far away!

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1.ShunmugaSundaram 2.RajsekarKalyanSheety 3.NirmalaRaghuraman. HUMOROUS SPEECH CONTEST

1.SheikhAbdulKader 2.Rajsekar Kal-

yanshetti 3.Karthiksundaram Sai TABLE TOPICS CONTEST

1. Shanmuga Sundaram 2.Suryanarayanan 3.Ravishankar EVALUATION CONTEST

1. Shanmuga Sundaram 2. Joseph Stanley 3. Suryanarayanan

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Some of our members attended the Communicate@Corporate Workshop by Toastmas-

ter Tareq from Saudi Arabia, organized by our Area 28 &51 at Oryx Rotana Hotel in De-

cember 2013. We are so glad to organize sponsors for the event and our members

contributed to big in numbers.

During this event, our Club President and VP Education received the Distinguish Club

Certificate from TM Nasimudheen, ADGET, Division E.

We also attended a Workshop by DTM Sujith Sukumaran in Oryx Rotana Hotel orga-

nized by Division E.

Our Club members attended a workshop on Negotiation skills by DTM Prasad Sovani,

organized by Area 52.

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Both the stars of Indian club impressed and entertained audience with their extraordi-

nary skills and speech. They made Indian club and its members proud and made our

flag fly high in the contest. Wishing both of you good luck in the Division contest and

thereafter at the District Contest in Oman.

My role as Seargent at arms begins by giving an enchanting welcome to all

members and distinguished guests with all pre-arrangements being done. How

much I was enthusiastic and excited playing this role at almost all meetings, I be-

lieve 26 alphabets in English will not be enough. Such supportive minds of all

club members in carving me for this role was extraordinary. I believe ‘Sear gent

at arms’ is one Excom role which gives anyone the opportunity for the first step

to a leadership role at Club level. Having digested the fruit of this role for almost

a year, I feel greatly embraced, at this point of time. I take this opportunity to

thank all members, distinguished guests and specially our dear President TM

Anand Lashkari, for making all club meetings a wonderful experience at order

easing my job. To sum up, If I would be asked about two things which I personal-

ly learnt from this role is ‘Leadership by serving’ and ‘Being proactive’. I lay down

Kudos to Indian Club Toastmasters.

My Role – as Seargent@arms TM Muthuramalingam

‘’Doha’s weather report is showing a steep rise in heat; but your

heart’s weather report will now show a warm welcome to Indian

Club Toastmasters’’.

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Editor’s Message As the VPPR of the club, it is a great privilege and pleasure for

me to release this news letter. This would not be so

attractive and successful without your cooperation and sup-

port. I convey my heartfelt gratitude to all of you as sending

your articles within the correct time helped editorial team to

work on it with more enthusiasm. Thanks to all toastmasters

for responding to my calls and e-mails and showing great in-

terest in bringing up this “Diction 3”.

In the editorial team, we have wonderful persons like TM Anand Lashkari and TM

Suryanarayanan who are really hardworking and backbone for me. Their guid-

ance and encouragement are to be remembered at this juncture. Always-yes-

Anand and Grammar-king Surya ’s contributions need to be highlighted.

My special thanks to DTM Ponnuchamy for the remarkable interview. He has vol-

unteered to send two more articles for our Diction and it shows his level of involve-

ment in toastmasters. Thanks for the hospitality and fine gesture.

I request one and all to kindly go through the articles and give your feedback.

Your feedback are encouragements to writers and your suggestions are steps for

improvement for the budding writers. I do understand that toastmasters are busy

with their routines, Still try to find some time out to go through the newsletter. We

have given our best to make this newsletter reader-friendly.

Awaiting for your feedback. You can write to us either through our website https:// or through e-mail

([email protected]).



Nirmala Raghuraman, CC, CL

VPPR-Indian Club.

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