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(Rising stage, generals)Awkward eating, the steak is shit.

Kaila: The steak is shitJames: What's wrong with itKaila: It's overcookedJames: It's medium rare, you like medium rareKaila: I like it rareJames: You've always liked itmedium rareKaila: I'm not eating itJames: Fine I'll cook you some more(James goes to leave)Kaila: Sit down (swipe plate off table, towards audience)James: Calm down!Kaila: Don't tell me what to do, I'm sick of you and I'm sick of your attitude andI'm sick of this marriage (While walking around the table)James: Honey please just...(Kaila slaps James, James falls, Samyson storms out, Sarah cries)Kaila: I'm going to bed (Walks out)

(James clears table)


Samyson walks in and asks Sarahif she's okay, they have a DMC about how the parents fighting is getting worse and usually the fights are petty and they get over them fast, lately it's out of control

BLACKOUT (Kaila takes off table, Samyson, Sarah and James move chairs to make a car)


In the car, Sarah and Samyson are questioning James about why they're fighting, James gets defensive. He drops them off at schoolJames: Good luck for your maths test kids(James drives off, AKA takes 2 of the chairs off - Area 4 general)

Sarah:Hurry up we're going to be late for mathsSamyson: I actually have other plansSarah: But you'll miss the test, you won't get the grades!Samyson: I just don't care anymore



Split stage area 1 and 4 generalsJames sets 2 chairs up and takes 2 off, Kaila and James bring box on.James and Sarah: When have you ever cared about your grades, I really need to focus on my work, okay but why the sudden change of heart

Kaila and Samyson: Why are suddenly into this I thought you weren't into this kind of stuffSNAP LIGHTSSamyson and Sarah say: I don't want to talk about itSarah: Can we just focus on thisJames: You've never scored this highly beforeSarah: I just need something to keep me occupiedSamyson: Do you have anything stronger?Kailahands him cocaineSamyson: I don't want to get into that stuffKaila: Just take it anyway


SCENE 5(spots on Sarah and Samyson)

Sarah + Samyson: 6 months ago I was an average student.Sarah: Since then I have studied hard and topped all myclasses. I spend most ofmy time in the library, and everwhen I am at home I lock myself in my room and study.Samyson: Ever since then my lifes gone downhill. I'm skipping class more than I'm there and I get high every chance I get. I am hardly ever athome.

(In the background Kaila and James are setting up on main stage desks+chairs)

SCENE 6(Sarah becomes Samyson's teacher, and vice versa)[Starts and ends splitSarah: Sorry about that, these things always run lateSamyson: Sorry I'm late, you know how these interviews areJames: That's fine, don't worry about itKaila: No worries, how is Sam doing?

Sarah: Yes, well about that.We've been having a few issues with him lately. As of late he has been very shirty. His attendence has been atrocious and we've heard reports of him bringing some inappropriate substances to school. We have decided against taking any serious action towards these reports as we don't have any clear evidence to prove the authenticity of these accusations.Kaila: That's ridiculous. He wouldn't do something like that.Sarah: Mrs Turner, I want to make it very clear that this is by no means an accusation against your son or your family, I just wanted to inform you and ask if everything at home is going alright?Kaila: What's that supposed to mean?!Sarah: Quite often we see cases of a students school work suffereing when the enviroment at home is tense or stressful for them.Kaila: I came to talk about his grades not his family life. If I had known we were going to talk aboutthat I wouldn't have even bothered coming.(Kaila leaves and lights fade. Kaila and Sarah change)Samyson: Sarah's progress has been incredible in the past few months. She's been excelling in all her classes and as I understand it she's even become the top student in quite a few of her classes.James: Really? Wow, that's incredible! I knew she had been trying a lot harder but I didn't know it hadpaidoff this much!Samyson: Yes, well it certainly is paying off. If she keeps going the way she's going we'll be expecting a very rewarding prizegiving for her. You must be so proud.James: We sure are! We'll have to have a celebatory dinner for her.


SCENE 7(Table is brought on by Sarah and Kaila. Samyson and James change)

Sarah: Does anyone knowwhere Sam is? It's getting late and we'll miss the reservation!James: He'll be here soon, I'll try him again (Pulls out cellphone)Kaila: No forget it. He hasn't bloody shown up. He's letting us all down yet again.Sarah: No! Mom! He'll be here!!Kaila: No. He won't. He's a disappointment. Cancel the booking, I'm not going.(Kaila leaves)Sarah: I hope Sam's okay! (Walks off)(Samyson walks in)James: Where have you been??Samyson: (drunk) I was outJames: Where?!Samyson: I was studying. At a friends house.(Kaila walks in)Kaila: Where the hell have you been??? You ruined the entire bloody night.Samyson: Whatever. You would have found a way to ruin the night anyway. You always do.Kaila: That's it (Whacks Samyson)

FREEZE FRAMEFade to slowblack out

SCENE 8(Scene change to table and four chairs on one side of the stage)Lights up on table with Sarah, James and Kaila. Tension is obvious. Lights fade on table and rise on Samyson crying on the other side of the stage in room. Pulls out cocaine and snorts it. Overdoses.BLACKOUT

SCENE 9Sarah walks in on Samyson. Screams for help. James runs in and calls ambulance.

SLOW FADE TO BLACK(Possible music cue?) hurt

SCENE 10Kaila: This is all your fault.James: I don't see how any of this is my fault. You're the one who hit himKaila: He deserved it. He needed a wake up callJames: You call this a wake up call?? Our son might die!Kaila: None of this is my fault. He did this to himself.James: He wouldn't have ended up like this if we hadn't been fighting all the time.Kaila: You started it. Anyway what does it matter now. What are you gonna do about it now?James: I'm going to leave.Kaila: Leave what?James: You. I'm going to leave you and I'm going to take the kids with me.Kaila: You're joking right? You can't survive without me.James: I guess we'll find out. Pack your stuff. I want you gonetonight.Kaila: James... Don't do this. James! Please! I can change! I'll change!James: If what it took for you to change was our son being in a coma then you're not worth the effort.(James walks off and Kaila is left alone with Samyson)Kaila: I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I'm sorry.(Kaila walks into her spot, James walks up to bed)James: Ishould have ended it a lot sooner. I'm sorry that it had to come to this. Please.. Forgive me.(James leaves to spot, Sarah walks to bed)Sarah: Please don't leave me. Please. I need you. I can't deal with mom and dad by myself. I can't deal with anything without you. Please come back. I love you so much. Please... Please. (cries)

Kaila: Everyone escapes realityJames: Some ways are positive and some ways are negativeSarah: And some ways have dire consequnces.

All: Escaping life itself, although temporary is enough.