Download - Devil inside - Trailer Analysis


By Dominic Edwards


The trailer begins with an emergency call to the police, from Maria Rossi. This takes place within the phone call to 911 so the audience see what exactly is going on at this moment. The dialogue is very simple, and Maria is speaking in a frightful and unnerving tone. Immediately setting the scene and discomforting the audience. Just the text alone draws the viewer in and to make them pay attention to the words on the screen.

Due to this being the only action on screen, the use of non-diegetic sound of what sounds like growling (probably a car engine I don’t know) strengthens the introduction and draws the audience into the narrative of the trailer.

• The conversation quickly ends and cuts into a split second image of a vulnerable woman in little clothing and very timid body language in the dark. Due to the pace of the cut, all the viewer glimpses is a grotesque figure. This leaves the audience confused and wants the trailer to continue to find out more about this trailer, and see if what just happened is relevant. This also gives a brief idea about the film, an odd image like this gives the idea of demonic or sadistic presences in the film, resulting in disturbing scenes.

• Shot 2 is used later in the trailer, but this is also another example of how unusual some shots are throughout the trailer. This high angle shot expresses the vulnerability of the victim, as she has been possessed. Many high angle shots are used in this trailer to show how everyone is vulnerable and not very well protected to the evil presences. With the use of the hand held camera, it also makes the audience feel more engaged with the cameras, this could also give a sense of paranoia towards the audience.

Shot 1 Shot 2

• The screen then fades into the first scene of the trailer. The trailer then reveals a basic overview of the story and why one character is here. The Mise en scene tells the audience that the daughter of Maria Rossi is talking about her Mother murdering three people, linking with the dialogue in the first screen. At the table with her a group of people, including a priest which is stereotypical of a Supernatural/paranormal film, which links with the dialogue as the daughter explains “She committed these murders, during an exorcism”. This also links with the beginning of the trailer, making the audience want to know what happened to her Mother. This is used in order to terrify the audience symbolising religion and the long on going feud between Heaven and Hell. This is also backed up by the use of basic, unsteady camera movements filming close up shots of the characters faces. This engages the audience and makes them listen to the dialogue used. Also by their pale, monotone facial expressions the audience can see they are having a serious conversation. The use of non-diegetic, basic music (single notes on a piano) creates an eerie atmosphere, still discomforting the audience, and a sense of worry of what is to come.

• The use of zoom on the camera is used throughout this trailer along with a variety of camera shots, which are all done for the purpose of the audience becoming fully engaged with the trailer. An example of a zoom-in is used when a picture of a young Maria Rossi and her daughter is shown on screen, and the camera zooms into Maria’s face. This gives the idea to the audience that she plays a big part in the narrative of the film. They look almost like a normal mother and daughter in the picture with the basic makeup and hair, but the emotionless faces symbolise that something is wrong with the Mother as it focuses more and more on her when the camera zooms.

• The same eerie music has passed over (using sound bridge) into this clip and beyond, this keeps the audience engaged and the same feelings throughout.

• The trailer shows two establishing shots of where the film is based. By the setting and scenery it is based in Rome. This is where Maria Rossi is held in a mental institution, and we can tell that this is not an abandoned or isolated setting. This gives the impression that wherever a place for god is a place for Satan is to, and he has the power to invade sacred houses that are supposedly warded to keep evil away. By Shot 2 we can see gargoyles that are faded on their posts, suggesting that Heaven is weary and cannot defend from evil. This is also shown in shot 1, with the use of a high angle shot zooming out. This shows the audience how vulnerable the characters are in a largely populated area.

Shot 1 Shot 2

• Further along the trailer it shows a medium shot of Maria in her room in a mental asylum. Throughout this part of the trailer a variety of medium high angle shots are used. This is to show the vulnerability of Maria’s daughter, and to express how frail and weak her mother has become. This is also shown through the dark makeup and clothes, bringing out her wrinkles and making her look older. By her inhuman behaviour of scratches on her arm and a sadistic sign carved into her lip, this makes the audience feel uneasy and cringe at the sight of what has happened to her. The setting around her is very simple, only a bed, a chair and a table. The table has chalk markings on it, suggesting that Maria notes down what the voices say in her head. This symbolises childlike behaviour, as it is also expressed later on when she calls her daughter over to whisper something, only to scream in an animalistic way before she is restrained. This is the only sound effect in this part of the trailer, and the dialogue is very quiet the audience listens closer and is frightened by what they have just heard.