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Section # 01: DETECTION AND INVESTIGATION OF FRAUDS 05 What is fraud 05 Symptoms of frauds 05

i) Irregularities in Source Documents 06

ii) Faulty Journal Entries 06

iii) Inaccuracies in Ledgers 07

iv) Extravagant Lifestyles 07

v) Unusual Behaviors 08


Who commits fraud? 09

Elements or motives of fraud 10

i) The Element of Pressure 10

ii) The Element of Opportunity 10

iii) Element of Rationalization 11


What is internal control? 12

Internal control system description 12

Internal control system weakness 13

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Section # 04: MONITORING 15

Monitoring employees and having a whistle-blowing system 15


What is risk? 17

Risk assessment 17

Preventing fraud through control activities 18

1. Adequate Separation of Duties 18

2. Proper Authorization of Transactions and Activities 18

3. Adequate Documents and Records 19

4. Physical Control over Assets and Records 19

5. Independent Checks on Performance 20

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What is fraud? There are two principal methods of getting something from others illegally. Either you physically

force someone to give you what you want (using a gun, knife, or other weapon), or you trick

them out of their assets. The first type of theft we call robbery, and the second type we call

fraud. Robbery is generally more violent and more traumatic than fraud and attracts much more

media attention, but losses from fraud far exceed losses from robbery. Although there are many

formal definitions of fraud, probably the most common is the following:

“Fraud is a generic term, and embraces all the multifarious means which human ingenuity can

devise, which are resorted to by one individual, to get an advantage over another by false

representations. No definite and invariable rule can be laid down as a general proposition in

defining fraud, as it includes surprise, trickery, cunning and unfair ways by which another is

cheated. The only boundaries defining it are those which limit human.”

Fraud is deception that includes the following elements:

1. A representation

2. About a material point,

3. Which is false,

4. And intentionally or recklessly so,

5. Which is believed

6. And acted upon by the victim

7. To the victim’s damage


A person’s lifestyle may change, a document may be missing, a general ledger may be out of

balance, someone may act suspiciously, a change in an analytical relationship may not make

sense, or someone may provide a tip that fraud is occurring. Unlike videos in robbery or bodies

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in a murder, however, these factors are only symptoms rather than conclusive proof of fraud.

Symptoms of financial statement frauds can be separated as:

Irregularities in Source Documents Common fraud symptoms involving source documents (either electronic or paper)—such as

checks, sales invoices, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, and receiving reports—include the


• Missing documents

• Stale items on bank reconciliations

• Excessive voids or credits

• Common names or addresses of payees or customers

• Increased past-due accounts

• Increased reconciling items

• Alterations on documents

• Duplicate payments

• Second endorsements on checks

• Document sequences that do not make sense

• Questionable handwriting on documents

• Photocopied documents

Faulty Journal Entries Accounting is a language, just as English and Japanese are languages. For example, consider the

following journal entry:

Legal Expense ...........................................5,000

Cash ...........................................5,000

In the English language, this entry says, “An attorney was paid $5,000 in cash.”

The problem with the language of accounting is that it can be manipulated to tell a lie, just as can

English or Japanese or any other language. For example, with the above entry, how do you know

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that an attorney was actually paid $5,000? Instead, maybe an employee embezzled $5,000 in

cash and attempted to conceal the fraud by labeling the theft as a legal expense. Smart

embezzlers sometimes conceal their actions in exactly this way, realizing that the fraudulent

legal expense will be closed to Retained Earnings at the end of the accounting period, making the

audit trail difficult to follow. And, if the fraudulent employer routinely pays large amounts of

legal expenses, this small fraud could easily go unnoticed.

Inaccuracies in Ledgers Two common fraud symptoms relating to ledgers are as follows:

1. A ledger that does not balance; that is, the total of all debit balances does not equal the total

of all credit balances.

For example, a perpetrator may embezzle inventory (an asset) but not reflect the reduction of

inventory in the accounting records. In this case, the actual inventory balance, as determined by a

physical count, is lower than the recorded amount of inventory, and the ledger does not balance.

2. Master (control) account balances that do not equal the sum of the individual customer or

vendor balances.

The second ledger symptom is indicative of manipulation of an individual customer’s or

vendor’s balance without altering the master receivable or payable account in the ledger. In this

case, the sum of the individual customer or vendor balances does not agree with the master

account balance.

Extravagant Lifestyles Most people who commit fraud are under financial pressure. Sometimes the pressures are real;

sometimes they merely represent greed. Once perpetrators meet their financial needs, they

usually continue to steal, using the embezzled funds to improve their lifestyles. Often, they buy

new cars.

For example, Kay embezzled nearly $3 million from her employer. She and her husband worked

together to perfect the scheme over a period of seven years. Because they knew they might

someday get caught, they explicitly decided not to have children. With their stolen funds, they

purchased a new, expensive home (supposedly worth $500,000) and five luxury cars—a

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Maserati, a Rolls-Royce, a Jeep Cherokee, and two Audis. They filled their home with expensive

artwork and glass collections. They bought a boat and several expensive computers, and they

paid cash to have their yard extensively landscaped. They frequently invited Kay’s coworkers to

parties at their home and served expensive foods, including lobster flown in from the east coast.

Yet none of the employees noticed the change in lifestyle. They did not note, for example, that

Kay drove a different car to work every day of the week and that all her cars were extremely


Unusual Behaviors Research in psychology reveals that when a person (especially a first-time fraud perpetrator)

commits a crime, he or she becomes engulfed by emotions of fear and guilt. These emotions

express themselves as stress. The individual often exhibits unusual and recognizable behavior

patterns to cope with the stress.

No particular behavior signals fraud; rather, changes in behavior are signals. People who are

normally nice may become intimidating and belligerent. People who are normally belligerent

may suddenly become nice.

Even perpetrators recognize their behavioral changes. A woman who stole over $400,000 said, “I

had to be giving off signals. I could not look anyone in the eye.” A man who embezzled over

$150,000 said, “Sometimes I would be so wound up I would work 12 or 14 hours a day, often

standing up. Other times I would be so despondent I could not get off the couch for over a week

at a time.”

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Who commits fraud? Research shows that anyone can commit fraud. Fraud perpetrators usually can’t be distinguished

from other people on the basis of demographic or psychological characteristics. Most fraud

perpetrators have profiles that look like those of other honest people.

Several years ago, a study was conducted to determine the physical and behavioral

characteristics of fraud perpetrators. In this study, fraud perpetrators were compared with (1)

prisoners incarcerated for property offenses and (2) a sample of noncriminal, college students.

The personal backgrounds and psychological profiles of the three groups were compared. The

results indicated that incarcerated fraud perpetrators were very different from other incarcerated

prisoners. When compared to other criminals, they were less likely to be caught, turned in,

arrested, convicted, and incarcerated. They were also less likely to serve long sentences. In

addition, fraud perpetrators were considerably older. While only 2 percent of the property

offenders were female, 30 percent of fraud perpetrators were women. Fraud perpetrators were

better educated, more religious, less likely to have criminal records, less likely to have abused

alcohol, and considerably less likely to have used drugs. They were also in better psychological

health. They enjoyed more optimism, self-esteem, self-sufficiency, achievement, motivation, and

family harmony than other property offenders. Fraud perpetrators also seemed to express more

social conformity, self-control, kindness, and empathy than other property offenders.

When fraud perpetrators were compared with college students, they differed only slightly. Fraud

perpetrators suffered more psychic pain and were more dishonest, more independent, more

sexually mature, more socially deviant, and more empathetic than college students. However,

fraud perpetrators were much more similar to college students than they were to property


It is important to understand the characteristics of fraud perpetrators because they appear to be

very much like people who have traits that organizations look for in hiring employees, seeking

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out customers and clients, and selecting vendors. This knowledge helps us to understand that (1)

most employees, customers, vendors, and business associates and partners fit the profile of fraud

perpetrators and are capable of committing fraud and (2) it is impossible to predict in advance

which employees, vendors, clients, customers, and others will become dishonest. In fact, when

fraud does occur, the most common reaction by those around the fraud is denial. Victims cannot

believe that trusted colleagues or friends have behaved dishonestly.


The Element of Pressure Studies suggest that approximately 95 percent of all frauds involve either financial or vice-

related pressures. Common financial pressures associated with fraud that benefits perpetrators

directly include the following:

1. Greed

2. Living beyond one’s means

3. High bills or personal debt

4. Poor credit

5. Personal financial losses

6. Unexpected financial needs

This list is not comprehensive, and these pressures are not mutually exclusive. However, each

pressure in this list has been associated with numerous frauds.

The Element of Opportunity A perceived opportunity to commit fraud, conceal it, or avoid being punished are the essential

part for the motives of fraud. In this section, we will discuss fraud opportunities. At least six

major factors increase opportunities for individuals to commit fraud within an organization. The

following list of these factors is not exhaustive, but it does provide a sufficient number of

settings to illustrate the role of opportunities in the fraud triangle.

1. Lack of controls that prevent and/or detect fraudulent behavior

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2. Inability to judge quality of performance

3. Failure to discipline fraud perpetrators

4. Lack of access to information

5. Ignorance, apathy, and incapacity

6. Lack of an audit trail

Element of Rationalization The final component needed to complete the fraud triangle is rationalization. This is the ability

to persuade yourself that something you otherwise know is wrong is really OK. A lot of mental

gymnastics are obviously needed to do so, but that is the point. If a person goes through those

gymnastics, than what was wrong before is now acceptable. How can that happen?

One easy way for this to happen is the “borrowing” approach. I have a serious problem so I will

just borrow this money until next payday. Then I’ll pay it back. Then on the next payday, the

problem has not gone away, so the thought is: I’ll borrow a little bit more and pay it back for

sure next month. All internal restraint has been removed.

Another approach is the entitlement mentality. I’ve worked so hard for this organization that I

deserve a raise. That’s all this is – just a raise. Or, I am making a big sacrifice working at this

salary because I could get another job at a much higher rate so I deserve a big raise. Even after

this small raise I am still a bargain.

The atmosphere created by senior management can lend itself to rationalization: I know what the

top bosses get away with, so the company will never miss this little amount.

The scary part here is rationalization takes place in the mind and cannot be seen. The entire shift

in mind set could take place invisibly. It is possible this shift could manifest itself in comments

or a change in attitude but not likely. The rationalization most likely will never be visible.

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What is internal control? In accounting and auditing, internal control is defined as a process affected by an organization's

structure, work and authority flows, people and management information systems, designed to

help the organization accomplish specific goals or objectives.


The most widely recognized way to deter or prevent fraud is by having a good system of

controls. The Institute of Internal Auditors’ Web site contains the following statement, for


“Internal auditors support management’s efforts to establish a culture that embraces ethics,

honesty, and integrity. They assist management with the evaluation of internal controls used to

detect or mitigate fraud.”

As stated previously, definition of an internal control framework for an organization should


1. A good control environment

2. A good accounting system

3. Good control activities

4. Monitoring

5. Good communication and information.

The control environment is the overall tone of the organization that management establishes

through its modeling and labeling, organization, communication, and other activities. Control

environment factors include the integrity, ethical values, and competence of the entity’s people,

management’s philosophy and operating style, the way management assigns authority and

responsibility and organizes and develops its people, and the attention and direction provided by

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the board of directors. The control environment also includes well-defined hiring practices, clear

organization, and a good internal audit department.

The second element—having a good accounting system—is important so that the information

used for decision making and provided to stakeholders is valid, complete, and timely. The

system should also provide information that is properly valued, classified, authorized, and


Good control activities involve policies and practices that provide physical control of assets,

proper authorizations, segregation of duties, independent checks, and proper documentation. A

control system that meets these requirements provides reasonable assurance that the goals and

objectives of the organization will be met and that fraud will be reduced. No internal control

structure can ever be completely effective, regardless of the care followed in its design and

implementation. Even when an ideal control system is designed, its effectiveness depends on the

competency and dependability of the people enforcing it.

Internal Control Weaknesses Fraud occurs when perceived pressure, perceived opportunity, and rationalization combine.

Many individuals and organizations have pressures. Everyone rationalizes. When internal

controls are absent or overridden, the risk of fraud is great.

Internal control is comprised of the control environment, the accounting system, and control

procedures. Common internal control weaknesses or failure that can become fraud symptoms

include the following:

1. Lack of segregation of duties

2. Lack of physical safeguards

3. Lack of independent checks

4. Lack of proper authorization

5. Lack of proper documents and records

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6. Overriding of existing controls

7. Inadequate accounting system

Many studies have found that the element most common in frauds is the overriding of existing

internal controls.

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MONITORING EMPLOYEES AND HAVING A WHISTLE-BLOWING SYSTEM Individuals who commit fraud and hoard stolen proceeds are virtually nonexistent. Almost

always, perpetrators use their stolen money to support habits, increase their lifestyle, or pay for

expenses already incurred. When managers and their colleagues pay close attention to lifestyle

symptoms resulting from these expenditures, fraud can often be detected early. Most stolen funds

are spent in conspicuous ways. Fraud perpetrators usually buy automobiles, expensive clothes,

or new homes; take extravagant vacations; purchase expensive recreational toys, such as boats,

condominiums, motor homes, or airplanes; support extramarital relationships or outside business

interests. Consider the case of Marjorie, bank proof operator:

Marjorie first started working for the bank in 1980. During her first four years of employment,

she took out a debt consolidation loan of approximately $12,000 and had 97 personal overdrafts.

During the next seven years, while committing fraud, her salary never exceeded $22,000 per

year. Yet, colleagues and officers of the bank knew that she had done the following:

1. Taken several expensive cruises.

2. Built a home on a golf course, costing over $600,000.

3. Purchased and was currently driving the following cars; Rolls Royce, Jeep Cherokee, Audi

and Maserati.

4. Held extravagant parties for employees and others at her home.

5. Purchased expensive jewelry, including 16 diamonds and sapphires.

Anyone paying attention would have realized that Marjorie’s lifestyle was inconsistent with her

level of earnings. When a coworker finally asked her how she could afford everything, she

explained that her husband had received a one-third inheritance of $250,000. The story wasn’t

true, but even if it had been, the $83,333 that her husband had supposedly inherited wouldn’t

have paid for the Maserati, let alone all the other luxuries that managers knew she had purchased.

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Close monitoring facilitates early detection. It also deters frauds because potential perpetrators

realize that “others are watching.” It is because monitoring by colleagues is such an effective

way to catch dishonest acts.

In most cases of fraud we have studied, individuals suspected or knew that fraud was occurring

but were either afraid to come forward with information or didn’t know how to reveal the

information. The new whistle-blowing laws should help in these cases.

Even with advances in technology, the most common way in which fraud is detected is through

tips. In one empirical study, for example, the authors found that 33 percent of all frauds were

detected through tips, while only 18 percent were detected by auditors. A company that

experienced over 1,000 frauds in one year determined that 42 percent were discovered through

tips and complaints from employees and customers. A good whistle-blowing program is one of

the most effective fraud prevention tools. When employees know that colleagues have an easy,

nonobligatory way to monitor each other and report suspected fraud, they are more reluctant

to become involved in dishonest acts.

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What is Risk ? A situation involving introduction to danger OR Risk is the effect (positive or negative) of an

event or series of events that take place in one or several locations.

Risk = Probability x Impact

The equation of risk usually answers the two basic questions, 1. Probability: How likely is it to

happen? and 2. Impact: How bad will it be if it happens?

Risk Assessment Risk assessment identifies the risks of doing business with e-business partners. A key part of the

assessment focuses on the control environment of those organizations. Another part identifies

key risks in the electronic exchange of information and money, so that control procedures

tailored to the special challenges that these exchanges present can be installed—procedures that

counter the risk of data theft, sniffing, unauthorized access to passwords, falsified identity,

spoofing, customer impersonation, false Web sites, and e-mail or Web site hijacking.

A specialized branch of risk assessment is intrusion detection. Firms specializing in intrusion

detection try to gain access to networks and secure information, and they report their findings

directly to management. Normally, a security audit includes an investigation into technology,

processes, controls, and other factors at a client.

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Control activities are the policies and procedures that ensure that necessary actions are taken to

address risks and frauds. As you also learned, control activities generally fall into the following

five types:

1. Adequate separation of duties.

2. Proper authorization of transactions and activities.

3. Adequate documents and records.

4. Physical control over assets and records.

5. Independent checks on performance.

1. Adequate Separation of Duties In e-business, this control is useful for making sure that individuals who authorize

transactions are different from those who actually execute them. Probably the most common

frauds in purchasing and sales transactions are kickbacks and bribery. Kickbacks occur when

one individual becomes too close to suppliers or customers. Adequate segregation of duties

prevents bribery because employees don’t have complete control of transactions.

2. Proper Authorization of Transactions and Activities Proper authorization is another key control in e-business. The most common authorization

controls are passwords, firewalls, digital signatures and certificates, and biometrics. Every

transaction must be properly authorized. For example, Biometrics, one of the most promising areas of technology and systems

security is biometrics—the use of unique features of the human body to create secure access

controls. Because each person possesses unique biological characteristics (for example, iris

and retina patterns, fingerprints, voice tones, facial structures, and writing styles), scientists

and technology firms are developing specialized security devices that have the potential to be

highly accurate in authenticating identity. Access and permission to execute a transaction is

granted or denied based on how similar the subsequent reading is to the reference template.

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3. Adequate Documents and Records Documents and records (sales invoices, purchase orders, subsidiary records, sales journals,

employee time cards, and even checks) are the physical objects by which transactions are

entered and summarized. In e-business, these documents are present in electronic form. This

lack of hard-copy documentation, the very essence of e-business, creates new opportunities

for fraud. Documents and records typically are detective controls, not preventive controls.

They are the audit trail and enable auditors and fraud examiners to investigate suspected

wrongdoing. Although most computer systems create records of transactions that can be

accessed or reconstructed, smart perpetrators figure out how to remove evidence of

transactions from servers

and computers.

Because many of the traditional document controls aren’t available in e-commerce,

additional controls must be put in place. The primary electronic transaction and document

control is encryption, which protects confidential and sensitive information (such as checks

or purchase or sales transactions) from being “sniffed” or stolen.

4. Physical Control over Assets and Records When records—electronic or paper—are not adequately protected, they can be stolen,

damaged, or lost. Highly computerized companies need to go to special lengths to protect

computer equipment, programs, and data files. As with other types of assets, physical

controls are used to protect computer facilities. Examples are locks on doors to the computer

room and terminals and adequate and safe storage space for software and data files. In

addition to software-based security, the software and hardware that comprise the IT

infrastructure must be physically secure.

Remember that authorized personnel who can access computers and servers can also execute

unauthorized transactions or steal sensitive information. Sometimes physical infrastructure is

so sensitive and critical to e-business operations that the system is placed in an isolated

location with only high-level security access.

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5. Independent Checks on Performance

As with traditional business, key component in e-business controls is the careful and

continuous review of the other four components—the independent checks and internal

verification. The need for independent checks arises because internal controls change over

time. Personnel forget or fail to follow procedures, or become careless—unless someone

observes and evaluates their performance. The likelihood of fraudulent transactions goes up

when controls break down.

Independent checks are particularly important in preventing fraud in e-business.

Organizations should always conduct checks on their e-business partners.