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Detailed Lesson Plan in English (First Year-Secondary)

I. OBJECTIVES: In a span of 60 minutes, 85% of the first year students are expected to:a) Determine what type of sentence seen in enlarge comic stripb) Recognize the right expressions/ emotions in every sentence that they will portray in a

role play.c) Construct 5 sentences in each type during the group activityd) Identify the type of each of the following sentences given in the visual aid

II. SUBJECT MATTERA. TOPIC: The four types of sentencesB. REFERENCE: Laboratory Activities in English I Textbook pages 80-81C. MATERIALS: Visual Aids, Comic strips, BoardD. VALUES:E. SKILLS: Writing, constructing a sentence, reading pictures, dramatizing/role playing with

emotionsF. STRATEGIES: interactive, collaborative

III. PROCEDUREA. Routinary activities

a) Prayerb) Action songc) Checking of attendanced) Review on previous lesson

B. Motivation

Teacher’s activity Student’s activityClass, have you already read some comic strips?

I have here some examples of it. I want you to look on the board and tell me what consist of a comic strip.

Comic strips not only have pictures but also have some sentences or dialogues that can be used to understand the message of it.What did you observe on comic no. 1?

How about in comic no. 2 what are the two guys talking about?

How about in comic no. 3? What did you observe?

Do you know what kind of sentences are these?

We will discuss it further as we go on our lesson for today….

Yes, ma’am

Pictures, words, sentences….

Henry’s uncle requested a glass of milk with an egg…..

One guy asking what’s with beetle and then the other guy answer his question….

The woman is mad and shouting on the other guy because she said it was her parking space…

(Student will answer yes/no)

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Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

C. Presentation of the lessonClass, as a review, what is a sentence?

Our lesson for today is all about types of sentences. I want you to listen attentively so that you can participate on our activities. Is it clear class?

Lesson proper/ discussionSentences are classified according to their uses. There are four kinds of sentences. One of it is the declarative sentence. A declarative sentence tells something about a person, thing, place or event. Take note, it usually ends with a period. Also, it makes a statement.For example,1. My mother bakes cookies.2. We are the children.

Who can give me a declarative sentence based from the comic strip that I posted in the board?

Is it clear, class? Let’s proceed to the next type of a sentence which is the interrogative sentence. An interrogative sentence asks questions. It ends in question mark.Usually they are Wh – questions or Yes – No questions.For example,1. Are you a model?2. What is your name?

Based from the comic strip, can you give me an example of an interrogative sentence?

Okay. The third type of a sentence is the imperative sentence. This issues a command or expresses a request. There are two kinds of imperative sentence; the request and command. Request uses the words please or kindly while Command is like giving order.”For example,1. Please pass your paper. (Request)2. Do your homework now. (Command)

Give me an example of imperative sentence from the comic strip.

Yes, and what kind of imperative sentence?

ma’am, a sentence is a group of words that has a complete thought or meaning…

Yes, ma’am


He was in charge of a whole soldier in 5 minutes.


What’s with beetle?


Henry would you bring unky a glass of milk with an egg in it, please…

Request ma’am

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Make it a command.

Is it clear now?

The last type of a sentence is what we called exclamatory sentence. It expresses strong feelings or emotions such as anger, sorrow, grief, surprise, or the like. It apparently ends with an exclamation point.For example,1. We are here at last!2. Oh Hamlet, thou have cleft my heart in twain!

Give me an example, class from the comic strip

So, questions? Are these clear to you? So, those were the different kinds of sentences according to their uses.

Preliminary activity I have here four sentences and I need four volunteers to read these with emotions or feelings and tell us if what kind of sentences are they and explain to me why…1. The boy goes to school.2. Why is the church?3. Kindly give me a piece of bread.4. Gosh, this is beautiful!

Planned activities(Group Activity)

Each group will give 5 sentences in each type.

Bring unky a glass of milk with an egg in it.


Hey, you hammerhead!! That’s my parking space!! I was here first!!

One student will volunteer to answer on each item and explain why.

Student will form a group and do the activity

D. Generalization

• Declarative Sentence tells something about a person, place, thing, or event. It ends with a period.

• Interrogative Sentence asks questions. It ends in question mark.

• Imperative Sentence issues a command or expresses a request. Its two kinds are request and command. A request uses please or kindly while Command is like giving an order.

• Exclamatory Sentence expresses strong feelings or emotions. It ends with an exclamation point.

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E. Valuing

Why do we need to classify the sentences according to their types?

So classification of sentences according to their types is needed in order for us to know the proper intonation, emotion, and expression to portray when we speak and we can also identify if a sentence is asking a question if it ends with a question mark and so forth… Class did you understand?

(Students have varied answers)

Yes, ma’am

F. Mastery exercises

(Role Play)On you’re the same group, act a short scene that shows emotions using the different kinds of sentences in just 3 minutes. (Students will do the activity)

IV. EvaluationIdentify each of the following sentences as declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. Write your answer on the blank before each number. Use ½ sheet of paper.

______1. The children are our future.______2. Please let them lead the way.______3. Do people need someone to look up to?______4. How the children laughed!


Write a short story about your experiences either bad or good using sentences according to use. Use 1 whole sheet of paper and pass it tomorrow.

Prepared by: Precious May J. Montalban