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  • 7/26/2019 Dell and HP Laptop



    Research Report


    A Consumer perception of Dell and HP Laptop

    A case of Bareilly City.

    Submitted For the

    Partial fulfillment of degree of master of Business Administration from

    G.B. Technical University, Lucno!


    Research super"isor#! $u%mitted %y# !

    "r.Siddharth Shula Gyanesh Gu#ta

    Asstt .Professor ,$.B.".%. $oll no.&''&()''&*

    $u%mitted &o

    Ra'shpal Bahadur (ana)ement *nstitute +Bareilly,

  • 7/26/2019 Dell and HP Laptop



    . *ntroduction

    About +ell

    About P

    -onsumer #erce#tion of about P +ell

    2. %1ecti"e of study

    . Research (ethodolo)y

    / a0 $esearch -once#ts

    / b0 1#ted methodology

    3. Data *nterpretation 4 Analysis

    Analysis %nter#retation

    5. 6indin)s

    7. Limitations

    8. $u))estions 4 Recommendations

    9. Conclusion

    9. Bibliography

  • 7/26/2019 Dell and HP Laptop


    A%out Dell

    Dell is an American multinationalcom#uter technology cor#oration based in & +ell

    2ay, $ound $oc, Te3as, United States, that develo#s, sells and su##orts

    com#uters and related #roducts and services. Bearing the name of its founder,

    "ichael +ell, the com#any is one of the largest technological cor#orations in the

    !orld, em#loying more than &'4,4'' #eo#le !orld!ide. +ell is listed at number 5&

    in theFortune 500list. %t is the third largest P- maerin the !orld after P and

    Lenovo. +ell has gro!n by both increasing its customer base and through

    ac6uisitions since its ince#tion7 notable mergers and ac6uisitions including

    Alien!are 89''(0 and Perot Systems 89''*0. As of 9''*, the com#any sold

    #ersonal com#uters, servers, data storage devices, net!or s!itches, soft!are, and

    com#uter#eri#herals. +ell also sells +T:s, cameras, #rinters, "P4 #layers and

    other electronics built by other manufacturers. The com#any is !ell no!n for its

    innovations in su##ly chain management and electronic commerce.Fortune

    "aga;inelisted +ell as the si3th largest com#any in Te3as by total revenue. %t isthe second largest non/oil com#any in Te3as < behind ATT< and the largest

    com#any in the Austin, Te3asarea.+ell traces its origins to &*=5, !hen "ichael

    +ellcreatedPCs Limited!hile a student at the University of Te3as at Austin. The

    dorm/room head6uartered com#any sold %B" P-/com#atiblecom#uters built from

    stoc com#onents. +ell dro##ed out of school in order to focus full/time on his

    fledgling business, after getting about >4'',''' in e3#ansion/ca#ital from his

    family.%n &*=?, the com#any #roduced the first com#uter of its o!n design, the

    @Turbo P-@, !hich sold for US>)*?.P-s Limited advertised its systems in national

    com#uter maga;ines for sale directly to consumers and custom assembled each,_Texas,_Texas,_Texas,_Texas
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    ordered unit according to a selection of o#tions. The com#any grossedmore than

    >)4 million in its first year of o#eration.

    The com#any changed its name to @+ell -om#uter -or#oration@ in &*== and began

    e3#anding globally. %n une &*==, +ells maret ca#itali;ation gre! by >4' million

    to >=' million from its une 99 initial #ublic offeringof 4.? million shares at >=.?'

    a share.C*D %n &**9,Fortune magazine included +ell -om#uter -or#oration in its

    list of the !orlds ?''largest com#anies, maing "ichael +ell the youngest -E1

    of a Fortune ?'' com#any ever.

    :ro;th in

  • 7/26/2019 Dell and HP Laptop


    +ell continues to run Alien!are as a se#arate entity, but still a !holly o!ned


    (issed e=pectations and return of founder

    o!ever in 9''?, !hile earnings and sales gre!, sales gro!th slo!ed

    considerable, and the com#any stoc lost 9?I of its value that year.The slo!ing

    sales gro!th has been attributed the maturing P- maret, !hich constituted ((I of

    +ells sales, and analysts suggested that +ell needed to mae inroads into non/P-

    businesses segments such as storage, services and servers. +ells #rice advantage

    !as tied to its ultra/lean manufacturing for desto# P-s, ho!ever this became less

    im#ortant as the maret shifted to la#to#s, and as rivals such as e!lett/Pacard

    and Acer made their P- o#erations more efficient. Throughout the entire P-

    industry, declines in #rices along !ith commensurate increases in #erformance

    meant that +ell had fe!er o##ortunities to u#sell to their customers 8a lucruative

    strategy of encouring buyers to u#grade #rocessor or memory0, and as a result the

    com#any !as selling a greater #ro#ortion of ine3#ensive P-s than before !hicheroded #rofit margins.There has also been a decline in consumers #urchasing P-s

    through the 2eb or on the #hone, as increasing numbers !ere visiting consumer

    electronics retail stores. As !ell, many analysts !ere looing to innovating

    com#anies as the ne3t source of gro!th in the technology sector. +ells lo!

    s#ending on $+ relative to its revenue 8com#ared to A##le %nc.0 !hich !ored

    !ell in the commoditi;ed P- maret #revented it from maing inroads into more

    lucrative segments such as "P4 #layers. +ells re#utation for #oor customer

    service, !hich !as e3acerbated as it moved call centres offshore and as its gro!th

    outstri##ed its technical su##ort infrastructure, came under increasing scrutiny on

    the 2eb. There !as also criticism that it used faulty com#onents for its P-s.There
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    !as also a battery recall in August 9''(, as a result of a +ell la#to# catching fire

    !hich caused much negative attention for the com#any, although later Sony!as

    found to be res#onsible for the faulty batteries.

    9''( mared the first year that +ells gro!th !as slo!er than the P- industry as a

    !hole. By the fourth 6uarter of 9''(, +ell lost its title of the largest P-

    manufacturer to rival e!lett Pacard !hich !as invigorated thans to a

    restructuring initiated by their -E1 "ar urd. After four out of five 6uarterly

    earnings re#orts !ere belo! e3#ectations, $ollins resigned in anuary 9'') and

    founder "ichael +ell assumed the role of -E1 again. +ell announced a change

    cam#aign called @+ell 9.',@ reducing headcount and diversifying the com#anys

    #roduct offerings.

    Recent plans and ac>uisitions

    %n 9''(, +ell ac6uired Alien!are, a manufacturer of high/end P-s #o#ular

    !ith gamers.

    The com#any ac6uired E6ualLogic on anuary 9=, 9''=, to gain a foothold

    in the iS-S% storage maret. Because +ell already had an efficient

    manufacturing #rocess, integrating E6ualLogics #roducts into the com#any

    drove manufacturing #rices do!n.

    %n 9''*, +ell ac6uired Perot Systems, a technology services and outsourcingcom#any, mainly active in the health/sector, founded by former #residential

    ho#eful . $oss Perot
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    %n 9''*, +ell ac6uired Perot Systems, based in Plano, Te3as, in a re#orted

    >4.* billion deal.C&*D Perot Systems #rovided +ell !ith a##lications

    develo#ment, systems integration, and strategic consulting services throughits o#erations in the U.S. and &' other countries. %n addition, the ac6uisition

    of Perot brought a variety of business #rocess outsourcing services,

    including claims #rocessing and call center o#erations.

    1n February &', 9'&', the com#any ac6uired HA-E et!orsa leader in

    Systems "anagement A##liances. The terms of the deal !ere not disclosed.

    1n August &(, 9'&', +ell announced #lans to ac6uire the data storage

    com#any 4PA$.C99D1n Se#tember 9, e!lett/Pacardoffered >44 a share for

    4PA$, !hich +ell declined to match.

    1n ovember 9, 9'&', +ell ac6uired Soft!are/as/a/Service 8SaaS0

    integration leader Boomi. Terms of the deal !ere not disclosed.

    %n February 9'&& the ac6uisition of -om#ellent by +ell !as com#leted after

    the initial announcement of +ells intention to buy the com#any !as

    announced on &4 +ecember, 9'&'

    1n Friday February 95, 9'&9 +ell ac6uired Bacu# and +isaster $ecovery

    soft!are solution A##Assure Soft!are of $eston, :A. A##Assure delivered

    &*5 #ercent revenue gro!th in 9'&& and over 4?''I gro!th in the #rior 4

    years. A##Assure su##orts #hysical servers and :"!are, y#er/: and

    JenServer. The deal re#resents the first ac6uisition since +ell formed its

    soft!are division under former -A -E1 ohn S!ainson. +ell added that it

    !ill ee# A##AssureKs 94' em#loyees and invest in the com#any.,_Texas,_Texas
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    +ell is head6uartered in $ound $oc, Te3as

    %n "arch 9'&9, USA Today said that +ell agreed to buy Sonic2all, a

    com#any !ith &4' #atents. Sonic2all !hich develo#s security #roducts, is a

    net!or and data security #roviderC9?D.

    1n 9 A#ril, 9'&9, +ell announced that it !ants to ac6uire 2yse, global

    maret/leader for thin clientsystemsC9(D

    1n 4 A#ril, 9'&9, +ell announced that it has ac6uired Clerity $olutions.

    -lerity, a com#any offering services for a##lication 8re0hosting, !as formed

    in &**5 and has it head6uarters in -hicago. At the time of the tae/over

    a#ro3. )' #eo#le !ere !oring for the com#any

    Dell facilities

    +ells head6uarters is located in $ound $oc, Te3as. As of 9'&' the com#any

    em#loys about &(,''' #eo#le in the facility, !hich has 9,&'',''' s6uare feet

    89'',''' m90 of s#ace. As of &*** almost half of the general fund of the -ity of

    $ound $oc originates from sales ta3es generated from the +ell head6uarters. +ell

    #reviously had its head6uarters in the Arboretum com#le3 in northern Austin,,_Texas,_Texas,_Texas,_Texas,_Texas,_Texas
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    Te3as. %n &*=* +ell occu#ied &9),''' s6uare feet 8&&,='' m90 in the Arboretum

    com#le3. %n &**' +ell had &,9'' em#loyees in its head6uarters. %n &**4 +ell

    submitted a document to $ound $oc officials, titled @+ell -om#uter -or#orate

    ead6uarters, $ound $oc, Te3as, "ay &**4 Schematic +esign.@ +es#ite the

    filing, during that year the com#any said that it !as not going to move its

    head6uarters. %n &**5 +ell announced that it !as moving most of its em#loyees

    out of the Arboretum, but that it !as going to continue to occu#y the to# floor of

    the Arboretum and that the com#anys official head6uarters address !ould continue

    to be the Arboretum.

    The com#any s#onsors +ell +iamond, the home stadium of the $ound $oc

    E3#ress, the AAA minor league baseball affiliate of the Te3as $angers maor

    league baseball team.By &**( +ell !as moving its head6uarters to $ound $oc.

    As of anuary &**( 4,?'' #eo#le still !ored at the current +ell head6uarters. 1ne

    building of the $ound $oc head6uarters, $ound $oc 4, had s#ace for (,5''

    em#loyees and !as scheduled to be com#leted in ovember &**(. %n &**= +ell,_Texas,_Texas
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    announced that it !as going to add t!o buildings to its $ound $oc com#le3,

    adding &,('',''' s6uare feet 8&?',''' m90 of office s#ace to the com#le3.

    $cope and %rands

    +ells tagline ours is ere, as seen at their "all of Asiabranch in Pasay -ity,

    Phili##inesThe cor#oration marets s#ecific brand names to different maret

    segments.%ts BusinessM-or#orate class re#resent brands !here the com#any

    advertising em#hasi;es long life/cycles, reliability, and serviceability. Such brands


    1#tiPle38office desto# com#utersystems0

    :ostro8officeMsmall business desto# and noteboosystems0

    n Series8desto# and noteboo com#uters shi##ed !ith Linu3or Free+1S


    Latitude8business/focused noteboos0
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    Precision8!orstationsystems and high/#erformance noteboos0,C?'D

    Po!erEdge8business servers0

    Po!er:ault8direct/attach and net!or/attached storage0

    Po!er-onnect8net!or s!itches0

    +ell -om#ellent8storage area net!ors0

    E6ualLogic 8enter#rise class iS-S%SAs0

    +ells ome 1fficeM-onsumer class em#hasi;es value, #erformance, and

    e3#andability. These brands includeN

    %ns#iron8budget desto# and noteboo com#uters0

    Studio8mainstream desto# and la#to# com#uters0

    JPS8high/end desto# and noteboo com#uters0

    Studio JPS8high/end design/focus of JPS systems and e3treme multimedia


    Alien!are8high/#erformance gaming systems0

    Adamo8high/end lu3ury la#to#0

    +ell E"$8electronic medical records0
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    +ells Peri#herals class includes USB eydrives, L-+ televisions, and#rinters7

    +ell monitors includes L-+ T:s, #lasma T:s and#roectors for +T: and

    monitors. +ell UltraShar#is further a high/end brand of monitors.+ell service

    and su##ort brands include the Dell Solution Station 8e3tended domestic

    su##ort services, #reviously @+ell on -all@0, Dell Support Center 8e3tended

    su##ort services abroad0,Dell Business Support8a commercial service/contract

    that #rovides an industry/certified technician !ith a lo!er call/volume than in

    normal 6ueues0,Dell Everdream Desktop Management8@Soft!are as a Service@

    remote/desto# management0,C?&D and Your Te! Team 8a su##ort/6ueue

    available to home users !ho #urchased their systems either through +ells

    !ebsite or through +ell #hone/centers0.+iscontinued #roducts and brands

    include A3im8P+A7 discontinued A#ril *, 9'')0, +imension8home and small

    office desto# com#uters7 discontinued uly 9'')0, +ell +igital uebo38"P4

    #layer7 discontinued August 9''(0, +ell Po!erA## 8a##lication/based servers0,

    and +ell 1mni#le3 8desto# and to!er com#uters #reviously su##orted to run

    server and desto# o#erating systems0.


    From its early beginnings, +ell o#erated as a #ioneer in the @configure to order@

    a##roach to manufacturingOdelivering individual P-s configured to customer

    s#ecifications. %n contrast, most P- manufacturers in those times delivered large

    orders to intermediaries on a 6uarterly basis. To minimi;e the delay bet!een#urchase and delivery, +ell has a general #olicy of manufacturing its #roducts

    close to its customers. This also allo!s for im#lementing a ust/in/time 8%T0

    manufacturing a##roach, !hich minimi;es inventory costs. Lo! inventory is

    another signature of the +ell business modelOa critical consideration in an
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    industry !here com#onents de#reciate very ra#idly. +ells manufacturing #rocess

    covers assembly, soft!are installation, functional testing 8including @burn/in@0, and

    6uality control. Throughout most of the com#anys history, +ell manufactured

    desto# machines in/house and contracted out manufacturing of base noteboos

    for configuration in/house. o!ever, the com#anys a##roach has changed. The

    9''( Annual $e#ort states @!e are continuing to e3#and our use of original design

    manufacturing #artnershi#s and manufacturing outsourcing relationshi#s.@ T!e

    "all Street #ournalre#orted in Se#tember, 9''= that @+ell has a##roached contract

    com#uter manufacturers !ith offers to sell@ their #lants. Assembly of desto#

    com#uters for the orth American maret formerly too #lace at +ell #lants in

    Austin, Te3as8original location0 and Lebanon, Tennessee8o#ened in &***0, !hich

    have been closed in 9''= and early 9''*, res#ectively. The #lant in 2inston/

    Salem, orth -arolinareceived >9=' million US+ in incentives from the state and

    o#ened in 9''?, but ceased o#erations in ovember 9'&', and +ells contract !ith

    the state re6uires them to re#ay the incentives for failing to meet the conditions. C?)D

    C?=D%t is e3#ected that most of the !or that used to tae #lace in +ells U.S. #lants

    !ill be transferred to contract manufacturers in Asia and "e3ico, or some of +ells

    o!n factories overseas. The "iami, Florida facility of its Alien!are subsidiary

    remains in o#eration. +ell servers continue to be #roduced in Austin, Te3as.+ell

    assembles com#uters for the E"EAmaret at Limericin the $e#ublic of %reland,

    and em#loys about 5,?'' #eo#le in that country. +ell began manufacturing in

    Limericin &**& and !ent on to become %relands largest e3#orter of goods and its

    second/largest com#any and foreign investor. 1n anuary =, 9''*, +ell announced

    that it !ould move all +ell manufacturing in Limeric to +ells ne! #lant in the

    Polish city of QdR by anuary 9'&'. Euro#ean Unionofficials said they !ould,_Texas,_Tennessee,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina,_Texas,_the_Middle_East_and_Africa,_Texas,_Tennessee,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina,_Texas,_the_Middle_East_and_Africa
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    investigate a ?9.)million aid #acage the Polish government used to attract +ell

    a!ay from %reland. Euro#ean "anufacturing

    Technical support

    +ell routes technical su##ort 6ueries according to com#onent/ty#e and to the level

    of su##ort #urchased

    &. Basic su##ort #rovides business/hours tele#hone su##ort and ne3t business/

    day on/site su##ortM $eturn/to/Base, or -ollect and $eturn Services 8based

    on contracts #urchased at #oint of sale0

    9. +ell ProSu##ort #rovides 953)34(? tele#hone and online su##ort, a

    selection of 5 or (/hour onsite su##ort after tele#hone/based

    troubleshooting, and a "ission -ritical o#tion !ith t!o/hour onsite su##ort,

    for customers !ho choose the highest level of su##ort for their most critical

    hard!are assets.

    +ells -onsumer division offers 953) #hone based and online troubleshooting in

    certain marets such as the United States and -anada. %n 9''= +ell redesigned

    services/and/su##ort for businesses !ith @+ell ProSu##ort@, offering customers

    more o#tions to ada#t services to fit their needs. $ather than tae a one/si;e/fits/all

    a##roach, +ell allo!s various o#tions for its customers.

    %n addition, the com#any #rovides #rotection services, advisory services,

    multivendor hard!are su##ort, @ho!/to@ su##ort for soft!are a##lications,

    collaborative su##ort !ith many third/#arty vendors, and online #arts and labor

    dis#atching for customers !ho diagnose and troubleshoot their hard!are. +ell also

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    #rovides +ell ProSu##ort customers access to a crisis/center to handle maor

    outages, or #roblems caused by natural disasters.C()D


    The board consists of nine directors. "ichael +ell, the founder of the com#any,

    serves as chairman of the board and chief e3ecutive officer. 1ther board members

    include +on -arty, 2illiam Gray, udy Le!ent, Hlaus Luft, Ale3 "andl, "ichael

    A. "iles, and Sam unn. Shareholderselect the nine board members at meetings,and those board members !ho do not get a maority of votes must submit a

    resignation to the board, !hich !ill subse6uently choose !hether or not to acce#t

    the resignation. The board of directors usually sets u# five committees having

    oversight over s#ecific matters. These committees include the Audit -ommittee,

    !hich handles accounting issues, including auditing and re#orting7 the

    -om#ensation -ommittee, !hich a##roves com#ensation for the -E1 and other

    em#loyees of the com#any7 the Finance -ommittee, !hich handles financial

    matters such as #ro#osed mergers and ac6uisitions7 the Governance and

    ominating -ommittee, !hich handles various cor#orate matters 8including

    nomination of the board07 and the Antitrust -om#liance -ommittee, !hich
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    attem#ts to #revent com#any #ractices from violating antitrust la!s.+ay to day

    o#erations of the com#any are run by the Global E3ecutive "anagement

    -ommittee !hich sets strategic direction. +ell has regional senior vice/#residents

    for countries other than the United States, including +avid "armonti for E"EA

    and Ste#hen . Felice for AsiaMa#an. As of 9''), other officers included "artin

    Garvin 8senior vice #resident for !orld!ide #rocurement0 and Susan E. Shesey

    8vice #resident and -hief %nformation 1fficer0.


    +ell advertisements have a##eared in several ty#es of media including television,

    the %nternet, maga;ines, catalogsand ne!s#a#ers. Some of +ell %ncs mareting

    strategies include lo!ering #rices at all times of the year, offering free bonus

    #roducts 8such as +ell #rinters0, and offering free shi##ing in order to encourage

    more sales and to stave off com#etitors. %n 9''(, +ell cut its #ricesin an effort to

    maintain its &*.9I maret share. o!ever, this also cut #rofit/margins by more

    than half, from =.) to 5.4 #ercent. To maintain its lo! #rices, +ell continues toacce#t most #urchases of its #roducts via the %nternet and through the tele#hone

    net!or, and to move its customer/care division to %ndia and El Salvador.A

    #o#ular United States television and #rint ad cam#aign in the early 9'''s featured

    the actor Ben -urtis#laying the #art of @Steven@, a lightly mischievous blond/

    haired youth !ho came to the assistance of bereft com#uter #urchasers. Each

    television advertisement usually ended !ith Stevens catch/#hraseN @+ude, youre

    gettin a +ell@A subse6uent advertising cam#aign featured interns at +ell

    head6uarters 8!ith -urtis character a##earing in a small cameo at the end of one

    of the first commercials in this #articular cam#aign0.A +ell advertising cam#aign

    for the JPS line of gaming com#uters featured in #rint in the Se#tember 9''(,_the_Middle_East_and_Africa,_the_Middle_East_and_Africa
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    issue of "ired. %t used as a taglinethe common term in %nternet and gamerslangN

    @FT2@, meaning @For The 2in@. o!ever, +ell %nc. soon dro##ed the cam#aign.%n

    the first/#erson shootergame F.E.A.$. E3traction Point, several com#uters visible

    on dess !ithin the game have recogni;able +ell JPS model characteristics,

    sometimes even including the +ell logo on the monitors.%n 9''), +ell s!itched

    advertising agencies in the US from BB+1 to 2oring "other"edia. %n uly

    9''), +ell released ne! advertising created by 2oring "other to su##ort the

    %ns#iron and JPS lines. The ads featured music from the Flaming Li#sand +evo

    !ho re/formed es#ecially to record the song in the ad @2or it 1ut@. Also in 9''),

    +ell began using the slogan @ours is here@ to say that it customi;es com#uters to

    fit customers re6uirements.

    Dell partner program

    %n late 9''), +ell %nc. announced that it #lanned to e3#and its #rogram to value/

    added resellers8:A$s0, giving it the official name of @+ell Partner +irect@ and a

    ne! 2ebsite.

    Criticisms of marketing of laptop security

    %n 9''=, +ell received #ress coverage over its claim of having the !orlds most

    secure la#to#s, s#ecifically, its Latitude +(4' and Latitude +=4'. At Lenovos

    re6uest, the 8U.S.0 ational Advertising +ivision 8A+0 evaluated the claim, and

    re#orted that +ell did not have enough evidence to su##ort it.


    +ell first o#ened their retail stores in %ndia.
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    United States

    %n the early &**'s, +ell sold its #roducts through Best Buy, -ostcoand Sams -lub

    stores in the United States. +ell sto##ed this #ractice in &**5, citing lo! #rofit/

    margins on the business. %n 9''4, +ell briefly sold #roducts in Searsstores in the

    U.S. %n 9''), +ell started shi##ing its #roducts to maor retailers in the U.S. once

    again, starting !ith Sams -lub and 2al/"art. Sta#les, the largest office/su##ly

    retailer in the U.S., and Best Buy, the largest electronics retailer in the U.S.,

    became +ell retail #artners later that same year.


    Starting in 9''9, +ell o#ened ioslocations in sho##ing malls across the United

    States in order to give #ersonal service to customers !ho #referred this method of

    sho##ing to using the %nternet or the tele#hone/system. +es#ite the added e3#ense,

    #rices at the ioss match or beat #rices available through other retail channels.

    Starting in 9''?, +ell e3#anded ioslocations to include sho##ing malls acrossAustralia, -anada, Singa#oreand ong Hong.1n anuary 4', 9''=, +ell shut

    do!n all &5' ioss in the U.S. due to e3#ansion into retail stores. By une 4,

    9'&', +ell had also shut do!n all of its mall ioss in Australia.


    %n 9''(, +ell %nc. o#ened one full store, 4,'''/s6uare/foot 89=' m90 in area, at

    orthPar -enterin +allas, Te3as. %t o#erates the retail outlet seven days a !ee to

    dis#lay about 4( models, including P-s and televisions. As at the ioss,

    customers can only see demonstration/com#uters and #lace orders through agents.

    +ell then delivers #urchased items ust as if the customer had #laced the order by's_Club's_Club's_Club's_Club
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    #hone or over the %nternet.%n addition to sho!casing #roducts, the stores also

    su##ort on/site !arranties and non/!arranty service 8@+ell Solution Station@0.

    Services offered include re#airing com#uter video/cards and removing s#y!are

    from hard drives.1n February &5, 9''=, +ell closed the Service -enter in its

    +allas orthPar store and laid off all the technical staff there.


    +ells maor com#etitors include e!lett/Pacard8P0, Acer, Toshiba, Gate!ay,

    Sony, Asus, Lenovo, %B", "S%, Samsung, A##leand Sun "icrosystems. +ell and

    its subsidiary, Alien!are, com#ete in the enthusiast maret against A:A+irect,

    Falcon orth!est, :oodooP-8a subsidiary of P0, and other manufacturers. %n the

    second 6uarter of 9''(, +ell had bet!een &=I and &*I share of the !orld!ide

    #ersonal com#uter maret, com#ared to P !ith roughly &?I.%n late 9''(, +ell

    lost its lead in the P-/business to e!lett/Pacard. Both Gartner and %+-

    estimated that in the third 6uarter of 9''(, P shi##ed more units!orld!ide than

    +ell did. +ells 4.(I gro!th #aled in com#arison to Ps &?I gro!th during thesame #eriod. The #roblem got !orse in the fourth 6uarter, !hen Gartner estimated

    that +ell P- shi#ments declined =.*I 8versus Ps 94.*I gro!th0. As a result, at

    the end of 9''( +ells overall P- maret/share stood at &4.*I 8versus Ps

    &).5I0.%+- re#orted that +ell lost more server maret share than any of the to#

    four com#etitors in that arena. %+-s 5 9''( estimates sho! +ells share of the

    server maret at =.&I, do!n from *.?I in the #revious year. This re#resents a

    =.=I loss year/over/year, #rimarily to com#etitors E"-and %B".

    %n 9'&&, The Brand Trust $e#ort, %ndia study revealed that +ell is raned as the

    9)th most trusted brand as com#ared to Samsung !hich stood at ?th and P !hich

    raned 94,_Inc.,_Inc.
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    Partnership ;ith (C

    The +ellME"- brand a##lies solely to #roducts that result from +ells #artnershi#

    !ith E"- -or#oration. %n some cases +ell and E"- ointly design such #roducts7

    other cases involve E"- #roducts for !hich +ell !ill #rovide su##ort O

    generally midrange storage systems, such as fibre channeland iS-S%storage areanet!ors. The relationshi# also #romotes and sells 1E" versions of bacu#,

    recovery, re#lication and archiving soft!are. 1n +ecember *, 9''=, +ell and E"-

    announced the multi/year e3tension, through 9'&4, of their strategic #artnershi#

    that began in 9''&. %n addition, +ell #lans to e3#and its #roduct line/u# by adding

    the E"- -elerraJ5 storage system to the #ortfolio of +ellME"- family of

    net!ored storage systems, as !ell as #artnering on a ne! line of de/du#lication

    #roducts as #art of its Tier+is family of data/storage devices. 1n 1ctober &),

    9'&&, +ell announced officially discontinued reselling all E"- storage #roducts,

    this #ut end to &' years of Partnershi#.

    Environmental record

    +ell committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its global activities by

    5'I by 9'&?, !ith 9''= fiscal year as the baseline year. %t is listed in Green#eaceKs

    Guide to Greener Electronics that scores leading electronics manufacturers

    according to their #olicies on sustainability, climate and energy and ho! green

    their #roducts are. %n ovember 9'&&, +ell raned 9nd out of &? listed electronics
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    maers 8increasing its score to ?.& from 5.*, !hich it gained in the #revious

    raning from 1ctober 9'&'0. +ell !as the first com#any to #ublicly state a

    timeline for the elimination of to3ic #olyvinyl chloride 8P:-0 and brominated

    flame retardants 8BF$s0, !hich it #lanned to #hase out by the end of 9''*. %t

    revised this commitment and no! aims to remove these to3ics by the end of 9'&&

    but only in its com#uting #roducts. %n "arch 9'&', Green#eace activists #rotested

    at +ell offices in Bangalore, Amsterdam and -o#enhagen calling for +ellKs

    founder and -E1 "ichael +ell to Vdro# the to3icsK and claiming that +ellKs

    as#iration to be Vthe greenest technology com#any on the #lanetK!as Vhy#ocriticalK.

    C=?D+ell has launched its first #roducts com#letely free of P:- and BF$s !ith the

    G/Series monitors 8G99&' and G95&'0 in 9''*.

    :reen initiati"es

    +ell became the first com#any in the information technology industryto establish

    a #roduct/recyclinggoal 8in 9''50 and com#leted the im#lementation of its global

    consumer recycling/#rogram in 9''(. 1n February (, 9''), the ational $ecycling-oalition a!arded +ell its @$ecycling 2ors@ a!ard for efforts to #romote

    #roducer res#onsibility. 1n uly &*, 9''), +ell announced that it had e3ceeded

    targets in !oring to achieve a multi/year goal of recovering 9)? million #ounds of

    com#uter e6ui#ment by 9''*. The com#any re#orted the recovery of )= million

    #ounds 8nearly 5',''' tons0 of %T e6ui#ment from customers in 9''(, a *4/#ercent

    increase over 9''?7 and &9.5I of the e6ui#ment +ell sold seven years earlier. 1n

    une ?, 9'') +ell set a goal of becoming the greenest technology com#any on

    Earth for the long term. The com#any launched a ;ero/carbon initiative that


    &. reducing +ells carbon intensityby &? #ercent by 9'&9
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    9. re6uiring #rimary su##liers to re#ort carbon emissions data during 6uarterly

    business revie!s

    4. #artnering !ith customers to build the @greenest P- on the #lanet@

    5. E3#anding the com#anys carbon/offsetting #rogram, @Plant a Tree for me@.

    The com#any introduced the term @The $e/Generation@ during a round table in

    London commemorating 9'') 2orld Environment +ay. @The $e/Generation@

    refers to #eo#le of all ages throughout the !orld !ho !ant to @mae a difference@

    in im#roving the !orlds environment. +ell also taled about #lans to tae the lead

    in setting an environmental standard for the @technology industry@ and maintaining

    that leadershi#in the future.

    +ell re#orts its environmental #erformance in an annual -or#orate Social

    $es#onsibility 8-S$0 $e#ort that follo!s the Global $e#orting %nitiative 8G$%0

    #rotocol. +ells 9''= -S$ re#ort raned as @A##lication Level B@ as @checed by

    G$%@.The com#any aims to reduce its e3ternal environmental im#act through

    energy/efficient evolution of #roducts, and also reduce its direct o#erational im#act

    through energy/efficiency #rogrammers. %nternal energy/efficiency #rogrammers

    re#ortedly save the com#any more than >4 million annually in energy/cost savings.

    C*9D The largest com#onent of the com#anys internal energy/efficiency savings

    comes through P- #o!er managementN
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    He;lett!Pac'ard Company or HP is an American multinational information

    technology cor#oration head6uartered in Palo Alto, -alifornia, United States that

    #rovides #roducts, technologies, soft!are, solutions and services to consumers,

    small/ and medium/si;ed businesses 8S"Bs0 and large enter#rises, including

    customers in the government, health and education sectors.The com#any !as

    founded in a one/car garagein Palo Alto by 2illiam 8Bill0 $edington e!lettand

    +ave Pacard. P is the !orlds leading P- manufacturer. %t s#eciali;es in

    develo#ing and manufacturing com#uting, data storage, and net!oring hard!are,

    designing soft!are and delivering services. "aor #roduct lines include #ersonal

    com#uting devices, enter#rise, and industry standard servers, related storagedevices, net!oring #roducts, soft!are and a diverse range of #rinters, and other

    imaging #roducts. P marets its #roducts to households, small/ to medium/si;ed

    businesses and enter#rises directly as !ell as via online distribution, consumer/

    electronics and office/su##ly retailers, soft!are #artners and maor technology

    vendors. P also has strong services and consulting business around its #roducts

    and #artner #roducts."aor com#any events have included the s#in/offof #art of

    its business as Agilent Technologiesin &***, its merger!ith -om#a6in 9''9, and

    the ac6uisition of E+Sin 9''=, !hich led to combined revenues of >&&=.5 billion

    in 9''= and a Fortune ?''raning of * in 9''*. %n ovember 9''*, P announced

    the ac6uisition of 4-om, !ith the deal closing on A#ril &9, 9'&'. 1n A#ril 9=,,_California,_California
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    9'&', P announced the buyout of Palmfor >&.9 billion. 1n Se#tember 9, 9'&',

    P !on itsbidding !ar for 4PA$!ith a >44 a share offer 8>9.') billion0 !hich

    +elldeclined to match. e!lett/Pacard is not affiliated !ith Pacard"otor -ar

    -or#oration, founded by ames 2ard Pacardand 2illiam +oud Pacard, or !ith

    Pacard Bell.


    Bill e!lett and +ave Pacardgraduated !ith degrees in electrical engineering

    from Stanford Universityin &*4?. The com#any originated in a garagein nearby

    Palo Altoduring a fello!shi# they had !ith a #ast #rofessor, Frederic TermanatStanford during the Great +e#ression. Terman !as considered a mentor to them in

    forming e!lett/Pacard. %n &*4*, Pacard and e!lett established e!lett/

    Pacard 8P0 in Pacards garage !ith an initial ca#ital investment of US>?4=.

    e!lett and Pacard tossed a coin to decide !hether the com#any they founded

    !ould be called e!lett/Pacard or Pacard/e!lett Pacard !on the coin toss

    but named their manufacturing enter#rise the @e!lett/Pacard -om#any@. P

    incor#orated on August &=, &*5), and !ent #ublic on ovember (, &*?).1f the

    many #roects they !ored on, their very first financially successful #roduct !as a

    #recision audio oscillator, the "odel P9''A. Their innovation !as the use of a

    small incandescent light bulb8no!n as a @#ilot light@0 as a tem#erature de#endent

    resistor in a critical #ortion of the circuit, the negative feedbac loo# !hich

    stabili;ed the am#litude of the out#ut sinusoidal !aveform. This allo!ed them to

    sell the "odel 9''A for >?5.5' !hen com#etitors !ere selling less stable

    oscillators for over >9''. The "odel 9'' series of generators continued until at

    least &*)9 as the 9''AB, still tube/based but im#roved in design through the years.,_California,_California
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    1ne of the com#anys earliest customers !as 2alt +isney Productions, !hich

    bought eight "odel 9''B oscillators 8at >)&.?' each0 for use in certifying the

    Fantasoundsurround soundsystems installed in theaters for the movieFantasia.

    arly years

    1riginal &*?5 e!lett/Pacard trademar

    The com#any !as originally rather unfocused, !oring on a !ide range of

    electronic #roducts for industry and even agriculture.From the &*5's until !ell into

    the &**'s the com#any concentrated on maing electronic test e6ui#mentN signal

    generators, voltmeters, oscillosco#es, fre6uency counters, thermometers, time

    standards, !ave analy;ers, and many other instruments. A distinguishing feature

    !as #ushing the limits of measurement range and accuracy7 many P instruments

    !ere more sensitive, accurate, and #recise than other com#arable

    e6ui#ment.Follo!ing the #attern set by the com#anys first #roduct, the 9''A, test

    instruments !ere labelled !ith three to five digits follo!ed by the letter @A@.
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    %m#roved versions !ent to suffi3es @B@ through @E@. As the #roduct range gre!

    !ider P started using #roduct designators starting !ith a letter for accessories,

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  • 7/26/2019 Dell and HP Laptop


    P is identified by "iredmaga;ine as the #roducer of the !orlds first mareted,

    mass/#roduced #ersonal com#uter, the e!lett/Pacard *&''A, introduced in

    &*(=. P called it a desto# calculator, because, as Bill e!lett said, @%f !e had

    called it a com#uter, it !ould have been reected by our customers com#uter gurus

    because it didnt loo lie an %B". 2e therefore decided to call it a calculator, and

    all such nonsense disa##eared.@ An engineering trium#h at the time, the logic

    circuit !as #roduced !ithout any integrated circuits7 the assembly of the -PU

    having been entirely e3ecuted in discrete com#onents. 2ith -$T dis#lay,

    magnetic/card storage, and #rinter, the #rice !as around >?'''. The machines

    eyboard !as a cross bet!een that of a scientific calculator and an adding

    machine. There !as no al#habetic eyboard.

    Steve 2o;nia, co/founder of A##le, originally designed the A##le % com#uter

    !hile !oring at P and offered it to them under their right of first refusalto his

    !or, but they did not tae it u# as the com#any !anted to stay in scientific,

    business, and industrial marets. The com#any earned global res#ect for a variety

    of #roducts. They introduced the !orlds first !and!eld sienti$i eletroni

    alulatorin &*)9 8the P/4?0, the first !and!eld programma%lein &*)5 8the P/

    (?0, the first alp!anumeri& programma%le& e'panda%lein &*)* 8the P/5&-0, and

    the first symbolic and gra#hing calculator, the P/9=-. Lie their scientific and

    business calculators, their oscillosco#es, logic analy;ers, and other measurement

    instruments have a re#utation for sturdiness and usability 8the latter #roducts are

    no! #art of s#in/off Agilents #roduct line0. The com#anys design #hiloso#hy in

    this #eriod !as summari;ed as @design for the guy at the ne3t bench@. The *=3?

    series of technical desto# com#uters started in &*)? !ith the *=&?, and the

    chea#er =' series, again of technical com#uters, started in &*)* !ith the =?. These
  • 7/26/2019 Dell and HP Laptop


    machines used a version of the BAS%- #rogramming language!hich !as available

    immediately after they !ere s!itched on, and used a #ro#rietary magnetic ta#e for

    storage. P com#uters !ere similar in ca#abilities to the much later %B" Personal

    -om#uter, although the limitations of available technology forced #rices to be


    The &*='s

    The garage in Palo Alto !here e!lett and Pacard began their com#any

    %n &*=5, P introduced both inetand laser #rintersfor the desto#. Along !ith

    its scanner #roduct line, these have later been develo#ed into successful

    multifunction #roducts, the most significant being single/unit

    #rinterMscannerMco#ierMfa3 machines. The #rint mechanisms in Ps tremendously

    #o#ular Laseret line of laser #rinters de#end almost entirely on -anons

    com#onents 8#rint engines0, !hich in turn use technology develo#ed by Jero3. P

    develo#s the hard!are, firm!are, and soft!are that convert data into dots for the

    mechanism to #rint.Citation neededDP transitioned from the P4''' to the P*'''

    series minicom#uters !ith attached storage such as the P )*4?hard drive holding,_California,_California
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    5'5 "iB.1n "arch 4, &*=(, P registered the domain name, maing it the

    ninth %nternet .com domain ever to be registered. %n &*=), the Palo Alto garage

    !here e!lett and Pacard started their business !as designated as a -alifornia

    State historical landmar.


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    technology industry do!nturn of the early 9'''s. +uring her tenure, the maret

    value of P halved and the com#any incurred heavy ob losses.C&*DThe P Board of

    +irectors ased Fiorina to ste# do!n in 9''?, and she resigned on February *,


    &he 2000s

    e!lett/Pacard +eset 4=5?#rinter

    The current t!o dimensional P logo used on cor#orate documents, letterhead
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    Ps recent cam#aign, T!e Computer is Personal (gain& features several celebrity

    endorsements, including a T: commercial !ith G!en Stefani.

    P Presario F)'' F)()-L

    1n Se#tember 4, 9''&, P announced that an agreement had been reached !ith

    -om#a6to merge the t!o com#anies. %n "ay, 9''9, after #assing a shareholder

    vote, P officially merged !ith -om#a6. Prior to this, #lans had been in #lace to

    consolidate the com#anies #roduct teams and #roduct lines. %n &**= -om#a6 had

    already taen over the +igital E6ui#ment -or#oration. That is !hy P still offers

    su##ort for P+P/&&, :AJ and Al#haServer.The merger occurred after a #ro3y fight!ith Bill e!letts son 2alter, !ho obected to the merger. -om#a6 itself had

    bought Tandem -om#utersin &**) 8!hich had been started by e3/P em#loyees0,

    and +igital E6ui#ment -or#orationin &**=. Follo!ing this strategy, P became a

    maor #layer in desto#s, la#to#s, and servers for many different marets. After the

    merger !ith -om#a6, the ne! ticer symbolbecame @P@, a combination of the

    t!o #revious symbols, @2P@ and @-P@, to sho! the significance of the alliance

    and also ey letters from the t!o com#anies He!lett/Pacard and -om#a> 8the

    latter com#any being famous for its @@ logo on all of its #roducts.0%n the year

    9''5 P released the +: &''' Series, including the P Pavilion dv &(?=and &'5'

    t!o years later in "ay 9''(, P began its cam#aign, T!e Computer is Personal
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    (gain. The cam#aign !as designed to bring bac the fact that the P-is a #ersonal

    #roduct. The cam#aign utili;ed viral mareting, so#histicated visuals, and its o!n

    !eb site 8!!!.h#.comM#ersonal0. Some of the ads featured !ell/no!n

    #ersonalities, including Pharrell, Petra emcova, "ar Burnett, "ar -uban,

    Alicia Heys, ay/W, G!en Stefani, and Shaun 2hite. 1n "ay &4, 9''=, P and

    Electronic +ata Systemsannounced that they had signed a definitive agreement

    under !hich P !ould #urchase E+S. 1n une 4', P announced that the !aiting

    #eriod under the art/Scott/$odino Antitrust %m#rovements Act of &*)( had

    e3#ired. @The transaction still re6uires E+S stocholder a##roval and regulatory

    clearance from the Euro#ean -ommission and other non/U.S. urisdictions and is

    subect to the satisfaction or !aiver of the other closing conditions s#ecified in the

    merger agreement.@ The agreement !as finali;ed on August 9(, 9''=, and it !as

    #ublicly announced that E+S !ould be re/branded @E+S an P com#any.@ As of

    Se#tember 94, 9''*, E+S is no!n as P Enter#rise Services.

    1n ovember &&, 9''*, 4-om and e!lett/Pacard announced that e!lett/

    Pacard !ould be ac6uiring 4-om for >9.) billion in cash.C95DThe ac6uisition is

    one of the biggest in si;e among a series of taeovers and ac6uisitions by

    technology giants to #ush their !ay to become one/sto# sho#s. Since the beginning

    of the financial crisis in 9''), tech giants have constantly felt the #ressure to

    e3#and beyond their current maret niches. +ell#urchased Perot Systemsrecently

    to invade into the technology consulting business area #reviously dominated by

    %B". e!lett/Pacards latest move mared its incursion into enter#rise

    net!oring gear maret dominated by -isco.
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    &he 200s

    A e!lett/Pacard "ini &''' netboo com#uter, a ty#e of noteboo com#uter

    1n A#ril 9=, 9'&', Palm, %nc.and e!lett/Pacard announced that P !ould be

    ac6uiring Palm for >&.9 billion in cash and debt, %n the months leading u# to the

    buyout it !as rumored that Palm !as going to be #urchased by either T-, +ell,

    $%"or P. The addition of Palm handsets to the P #roduct line #rovides some

    overla# !ith the current iPAmobile #roducts but !ill significantly increase their

    mobile #resence as those devices have not been selling !ell. The addition of Palm

    brings P a library of valuable #atents as !ell the mobile o#erating #latform

    no!n as !eb1S. 1n uly &, 9'&', the ac6uisition of Palm !as final. The #urchase

    of Palm, %nc.s !eb1Sbegan a big gamble < to build Ps o!n ecosystem. 1n uly

    &, 9'&&, P launched its first tablet named P TouchPad, bringing !eb1Sto tablet

    devices. 1n Se#tember 9, 9'&', !on itsbidding !arfor 4PA$!ith a >44 a share

    offer 8>9.') billion0 !hich +elldeclined to match. Follo!ing Ps ac6uisition of

    Palm, it !ould #hase out the -om#a6brand.,_Inc.,_Inc.,_Inc.,_Inc.
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    1n August (, 9'&', -E1 "ar urdresigned amid controversy and -F1 -athie

    Lesa assumed the role of interim -E1. 1n Se#tember 4', 9'&', LXo A#otheer

    !as named as Ps ne! -E1 and President.

    A#otheerKs a##ointment s#ared a strong reaction from 1racle chief e3ecutive

    Larry Ellison,C9*D!ho com#lained that A#otheer had been in charge of SAP !hen

    one of its subsidiaries !as systematically stealing soft!are from 1racle. SAP

    acce#ted that its subsidiary, !hich has no! closed, illegally accessed 1racle

    intellectual #ro#erty.

    1n August &=, 9'&& P announced that it !ould strategically e3it the smart#hone

    and tablet com#uter business, focusing on higher/margin @strategic #riorities of

    cloud, solutions and soft!are !ith an em#hasis on enter#rise, commercial and

    government marets@C4&D They also contem#lated s#inning off their #ersonal

    com#uter division into a se#arate com#any.C49DPs consideration of a fundamental

    restructuring to 6uit the P- business, !hile continuing to sell servers and other

    e6ui#ment to business customers, !ould have been similar to !hat %B"did in

    9''?.C44Do!ever, after a brief revie!, P decided their P- division !as too

    integrated and critical to business o#erations, and the com#any reaffirmed their

    commitment to the Personal Systems Grou#.

    1n Se#tember 99, 9'&&, e!lett/Pacard -o. named former eBay %nc. -hief

    E3ecutive "eg 2hitmanits #resident and -E1, re#lacing LXo A#otheer, !hile

    $aymond Lane became e3ecutive chairman of the com#any.C4?D

    1n "arch 9&, 9'&9, P said its #rinting and P- divisions !ould become one unit

    headed by Todd Bradley from the P- division. Printing chief :yomesh oshi is

    leaving the com#any.C4(D
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    A sign maring the entrance to the P cor#orate head6uarters in Palo Alto,


    Ps global o#erations are directed from its head6uarters in Palo Alto, -alifornia,

    USA. %ts U.S. o#erations are directed from its facility in unincor#orated arris

    -ounty, Te3as, near ouston. %ts Latin America offices in unincor#orated "iami/

    +ade -ounty, Florida, U.S., near "iamiand in "edellYn-olombia. %ts Euro#e

    offices are in "eyrin, S!it;erland, near Geneva. %ts Asia/Pacific offices are inSinga#ore.C4)DC4=DC4*DC5'DC4*DC5&DC59D%t also has large o#erations in Boise, %daho, $oseville,

    -alifornia, Fort -ollins, -olorado, San +iego, and Plano, Te3as 8the former

    head6uarters of E+S, !hich P ac6uired0. %n the UH, P is based at a large site in

    Bracnell, Bershire!ith offices in various UH locations, including a landmar

    office to!er in London, == 2ood Street. %ts recent ac6uisition of 4-om !ill

    e3#and its em#loyee base to "arlborough, "assachusetts.,_California,_California,_California,_Texas,_Texas,_Florida,_Florida,_Idaho,_California,_California,_Colorado,_Texas,_Berkshire,_Massachusetts,_California,_California,_California,_Texas,_Texas,_Florida,_Florida,_Idaho,_California,_California,_Colorado,_Texas,_Berkshire,_Massachusetts
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    !roducts and organizational structure

    P has successful lines of #rinters, scanners, digital cameras, calculators, P+As,

    servers, !orstation com#uters, and com#uters for home and small business use7

    many of the com#uters came from the 9''9 merger !ith -om#a6. P today

    #romotes itself as su##lying not ust hard!are and soft!are, but also a full range of

    services to design, im#lement, and su##ort %T infrastructure.

    Ps %maging and Printing Grou# 8%PG0 is @the leading imaging and #rinting

    systems #rovider in the !orld for #rinter hard!are, #rinting su##lies and scanning

    devices, #roviding solutions across customer segments from individual consumers

    to small and medium businesses to large enter#rises.@ C55DProducts and technology

    associated !ith %PG include %netand Laseret#rinters, consumables and related

    #roducts, 1fficeet all/in/one multifunction #rinterMscannerMfa3es, +esignet and

    Scite3 Large Format Printers, %ndigo +igital Press, P 2eb etadmin #rinter

    management soft!are, P 1ut#ut "anagement suite of soft!are, LightScribe

    o#tical recording technology, P Photosmartdigital cameras and #hoto #rinters,

    P SPa", and Sna#fish by P, a #hoto sharing and #hoto #roducts service. 1n

    +ecember 94, 9''=, P released iPrint Photo for iPhone a free do!nloadable

    soft!are a##lication that allo!s the #rinting of 5@ 3 (@ #hotos.C5?D

    Ps Personal Systems Grou# 8PSG0 claims to be @one of the leading vendors of

    #ersonal com#uters 8@P-s@0 in the !orld based on unit volume shi##ed and annual

    revenue.@C55D PSG includes business P-s and accessories, consumer P-s and

    accessories, 8e.g., P Pavilion, -om#a6Presario, :oodooP-0, handheld com#uting

    8e.g., iPA Pocet P-0, and digital @connected@ entertainment 8e.g., P
  • 7/26/2019 Dell and HP Laptop


    "ediaSmart T:s, P "ediaSmart Servers, P "edia:aults, +:+Z$2 drives0.

    P resold the A##le iPoduntil ovember 9''?.C55D

    P Enter#rise Business 8EB0 incor#orates P Technology Services, Enter#rise

    Services 8an amalgamation of the former E+S, and !hat !as no!n as P

    Services0, P Enter#rise Security Services oversees #rofessional services such as

    net!or security, information security and information assuranceM com#liancy, P

    Soft!are +ivision, and Enter#rise Servers, Storage and et!oring Grou#

    8ESS0. The Enter#rise Servers, Storage and et!oring Grou# 8ESS0 oversees

    @bac end@ #roducts lie storage and servers. Ps net!oring business unit

    Pro-urveis res#onsible for the family of net!or s!itches, !ireless access #oints,

    and routers.C5(DThey are currently a business unit of ESS.

    An P camera !ith an S+%1 interface, designed to be used in conunction !ith a

    Pocet P-

    P Soft!are +ivisionis the com#anys enter#rise soft!are unit. For years, P has

    #roduced and mareted its brand of enter#rise management soft!are, P

    1#en:ie!. From Se#tember 9''? through 9'&', P #urchased a total of &?

    soft!are com#anies bet!een as #art of a #ublici;ed, deliberate strategy to augment