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Delaware County, NY - Genealogy and History Site

Records of the Supervisors of the County of Delaware

Transcribed by Linda Ogborn – March 12, 2001



At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Delaware held at Delhi the 12 th day of November 1861. Present the following members, viz:

Andes Andrew Hawver Bovina James Elliott

Colchester Barna Radeker Davenport Aaron Ford

Delhi James R. Allaben Franklin Albert E. Sullard

Hamden John McFarlane Hancock Dewitt C. Wheeler

Harpersfield Richard E. Davis Kortright Harvey Davis

Masonville James A. Baker Meredith Ashael R. Dutton

Middletown Orson M. Allaben Roxbury Ora Hicks

Sidney William Dewey Stamford John S. McNaught

Tompkins Horace T. Devereux Walton Benjamin J. Bassett

The Board being called to order by the late Clerk Alexander Cumming, proceeded to organize which resulted in the election of James R. Allaben, Chairman and B. F. Gerowe, Clerk.

On motion of Mr. Devereux the Board was adjourned till tomorrow (Nov. 13) at 9 o'clock a.m.

November 13 th 9 A.M.

Board called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

On motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben, resolved that the rates as adopted for the government of the Board of 1860 be adopted by this Board.

Mr. O. M. Allaben moved that the following Committees be appointed in addition to those of last year viz:

1st. A Committee on Printers Bill

2nd. Count Clerk and County Judge Report

3rd . On Commissioners of Excise

4th . On Commissioners of Schools

5th . On Expenditures

6th . Supervisors Bills. Motion lost.

The Chairman then announced the following Standing Committees, viz:

On Equalization

Messrs. Dutton, McFarlane, Elliott, Wheeler, McNaught, Dewey & Ford

On County Calims

Messrs. O. M. Allaben, Hawver and Devereux

On Constables and Justices Acts.

Messrs. Bassett, R. E. Davis & H. Davis

On County Treasurers Reports

Messrs. Sullord, Baker and Radeker

On Poor House and Superintendents Report

Messrs Hicks, Baker and O. M. Allaben

On Court House and Jail

Messrs. Devereux, Baker and Bassett

On Town Accounts

Messrs. Dewey, Wheeler and Ford

On Sheriff's Accounts

Messrs. H. Davis, Hawver and Sullard

On United States Deposit Fund

Messrs. R.E. Davis, Radeker & Hicks

On motion of Mr. Devereux the sum of $225.00 was allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Tompkins, said amount being a deficiency in said Town in the year 1860.

Messrs. Parker & Cook committee on deficiency in U S Deposit Fund made report in pursuance of resolution of former Board.

Mr. J. R. Allaben presented the Town accounts of the Town of Delhi amounting to $468.51 also the certificate of Commissioners of Highways certifying $250.00 to be necessary for highway and bridges purposes. Also $50 in pursuance of Notice of Commissioners of Highways.

On motion of Mr. Bassett resolved that the several sums be levied & collected on the taxable property of the town of Delhi.

Mr. Devereux presented the Town accounts of the Town of Tompkins amounting to $1123.00.

On motion of Mr. Devereux the said amount of $1123.00 was ordered charged on the Town of Tompkins, the said amount including $300 poor fund $250 for highways.

Mr. Bassett presented the town accounts of the Town of Walton amounting to $630.87 including $50 an award $200 for highways and bridges. On motion of Mr. Bassettresolved that the amount of $630.87 be levied and assessed on the taxable property of the Town of Walton.

Mr. Elliott presented the Town accounts of the Town of Bovina amounting to $220.00 also the certificate of Commissioners of Highways asking for $250 for highways and bridge purposes on motion of Mr. Elliott resolved that the said amount be levied and collected on the taxable property of Bovina.

Mr. H. Davis presented the Town accounts of the Town of Kortright amounting to $322.75. Also certificate of Commissioners of Highways certifying $250.00 to be necessary and asking for said amount for highway and bridge purposes. On motion of Mr. H. Davis resolved that the said amounts be levied on the taxable property of the Town of Kortright.

Mr. R. E. Davis presented the Town accounts of the Town of Harpersfield amounting to the sum of $181.72. Also certificate of Commissioners asking for $131.25 for highway and bridge purposes.

On motion of Mr. R. E. Davis resolved that the said amounts be allowed and charged on the taxable property of the Town of Harpersfield.

Mr. Dewey presented the Town accounts of the Town of Sidney amounting to the sum of $251.22 also the further sum of $250. Certified to be necessary and asked for bythe Commissioners of Highways for highway and bridge purposes. On motion of Mr. Dewey resolved that the said sums be allowed by the Board & ordered charged on the Town of Sidney.

Mr. Ford presented the town accounts of the Town of Davenport amounting to the sum of $325.95. Also account of$250. Certified to be necessary and asked for by the Commissioners of Highways for highways and bridge purposes. Also $70 for poor fund. On motion, Mr. Ford resolved that the several amounts be charged on the Townof Davenport.

Mr. Sullard presented the town accounts of the Town of Franklin amounting to $281.93. Also an account of $250 certified to be necessary and asked for by the Commissioners for highways and bridge purposes. Also $50 voted by said Town for poor fund. On motion of Mr.Sullard the various sums were allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Franklin.

Mr. Dutton presented the town accounts of the Town of Meredith amounting to the sum of $169.02. Also an account of $85, certified to be necessary and asked for by the Commissioners of Highways for highway and bridge purposes. Also $35 for poor purposes. On motion of Mr. Dutton resolved that the said be allowed and charged on the Town of Meredith.

Mr. Hawver presented the town accounts of the Town of Andes amounting to the sum of $1474.8, also the sum of $250 necessary to be raised for highway and bridge purposes.

On motion of O. M. Allaben the said accounts were laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the said accounts were taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Bassett were allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Andes.

Mr. McFarlane presented the town accounts of the Town of Hamden amounting to $185.51. Also, an account of $675.00borrowed by the Town of Hamden for bridge purposes, also $50 certified to be necessary and asked for by the Commissioner of Highways for highway and bridge purposes. On motion of Mr. McFarlane the severalaccounts were allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Hamden.

Mr. O. M. Allaben asked to be excused from acting on the committee on county claims. On motion of Mr.Bassett the application was laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the said application was taken from the table when Mr. Allaben presented a written declension, which was subsequently withdrawn.

Mr. Devereux moved that the resolution offered by Mr. O. M. Allaben in reference to additional committees be reconsidered which motion was carried.

Mr. Devereux moved that the resolution be amended to read as follows, viz:

A committee on printers bills, county claims & Commissioners of Excise accounts.

A committee on expenditures.

A committee on Supervisors bills. Carried.

Mr. H. Davis moved the resolved be amended by striking out the committee in Supervisors bills whcih motion was lost.

On motion of Mr.Devereux the resolution as amended was passed.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the sum of $7.60 against the County for services as Constable was allowed to Jeremiah Cease.

Mr. Radeker presented the town accounts of the Town of Colchester amounting to $532.49, also $100 for poor fund, and $250 certified to be necessary and asked for by the Commissioners of Highway and Bridge purposes.

On motion of Mr. Radeker the said amounts were allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Colchester.

Mr. Wheeler presented the town accounts of the Town of Hancock amounting to the sum of $537.38. Also an account of $400 certified to be necessary and asked for by the Commissioners of Highways for highway and bridge purposes. Also $150 for poor purposes.

On motion of Mr. Wheeler the said amounts were allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Hancock.

Mr. Radeker presented a statement of certain highway labor taxed on the lands of non residents in the Town of Colchester in the years 1860 & 1861 remaining unpaid.

On motion of Mr. Radeker the said labor was ordered to be assessed on the several lots in said town.

Mr. J. R. Allaben moved that when the Board adjourns it adjourn until 7 o'clock p.m. and that in the mean time the Board visit the County Poor House. Carried.

On motion of J. R. Allaben the Clerk of the Board was directed to take from the box containing the county accounts the accounts found therein and numbers and file them and prepare them for the action of the Board.

7 o'clock P. M.

Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman. Roll called.

The Chairman then announced the following Committees in pursuance of the resolution of Mr. O. M. Allaben as amended, viz:

On Printers Bills,County Clerks and Excise Commissioners Accts.

Messrs. Radeker,Sullard Hicks

On School Commissioners and County Judges Report

Messrs. McNaught, Dewey & Elliott

On Expenditures

Messrs. McFarlane, O. M. Allaben & Dutton

On Supervisors Bills

Messrs. Hawver, Bassett and H. Davis

On motion of Mr. Devereux the Clerk was directed to bring forward the accounts numbered and filed by him for the action of the Board which were dispose of in the manner following, viz:

No. Name Nature of Claim Amount Referred to

1 Nelson P. Brant Constable 14.96 Just. & Const. accounts

2 Thomas Williams J. P. 2.35 Do

3 Isaac R. Chase J. P. 1.00 Do

4 Alfred Hunter 54.13 Com. County Claims

5 William T. Hunter Constable 13.40 Com. J & C accounts

6 C H. Graham 5.00 Com. County Claims

7 C H Graham 5.00 Do

8 William H. Crawford 17.00 Do

9 James G. Lang Cor. 65.00 Do

10 G B McIlwain 6.75 Com. J & C

11 Hugh Scutt 2.64 Com. County Claims

12 Michael Dayton Supt. 3.00 Com. Supt. bills

13 A J Smith Const. 80.10 ½ Com. J & C

14 S J Fraser Counsel 10.00 Com. on County Claims

15 Walter K. Miller 3.88 Com. on J & C accounts

16 William Hitchcock .50 Do

17 C H Bell Justice 2.45 Do

18 O T Bundy Cor. 35.00 Com. on County Claims

19 Alex. Gillie 6.15 Com. on J & C

20 Deaf & Dumb Asylum 20.00 Com. on County Claims

21 J P Cowles 10.00 Do

22 A H Tyler 1.94 Com. Sheriff's accounts

23 H F Davidson 20.80 Com. on J & C accts.

24 Benira More 7.33 Do

25 Benira More 5.69 Do

26 L W Terwiliger Sheriff 29.7 Com. on Sheriff Accts.

27 John A. Corley 32.00 Com. on J & C accts

28 F G Close 7.75 Com. on J & C accts.

29 Anson G. Dumond 20.89 Do

30 Darius Whitcomb 12.28 Do

31 J H Dean Constable 7.95 Do

32 L W. Terwilliger Do 7.92 Do

33 M H Maynard, J 5.00 Do

34 Hiram Banner 7.54 Com. Supts. of Poor

35 N. Hathaway 9.00 Com. on Co. Claims

36 F. Jacobs Jr. Clerk of Ex. 21.87 Com. of Excise Com.

37 John A. Parsons Dept. Sheriff 19.34 Com.on Sheriff Accts.

38 Thomas More Constable 1.12 Com. on Justices & Const.

39 Wm. A. TenBroeck Justice 7.65 Do

40 Matthew P. Brown Const. 50.35 Do

41 Edward VanDyke 6.00 Com. on County Claims

42 Hiram Guire Const. 23.65 Com. on Justices & Const.

43 E. Evens Justice 13.35 Do

44 Wright & Frost 23.29 Com. on County Claims

45 LeRoy LeValley Const. 8.10 Com. on Justices & Const.

46 Daniel McKinnon Justice 2.00 Do

47 James Shaw Ref. 6.00 Com. on County Claims

48 John Bixby Dept. Sheriff 34.21 Com. on Sheriff Accts

49 Alpheus Bolt Superv. 21.84 Com. on Supv. Bills

50 W P Peake Const. 5.00 Com. on Just. & Const.

51 H D Gilbert 10.00 Com. on County Claims

52 C. Howard & Son 43.22 Do

53 S. Gordon Counsel 100.00 Do

54 Marvine & Gemmell 3.02 Do

55 Jessie G. Snyder Const. 1.95 Com. on Justices & Const.

56 Fitch & Buckley 29.89 Com. on County Claims

57 Sturtevant & McIntosh 375.55 Com. on Printers Bills

58 A H Phillips Const. 13.66 Com. on Justices & Const.

59 Milton Johnson Supv. 4.96 Com. on Supv. Bills

60 Millard & Frisbee 37.68 Com. on County Claims

61 D M Gallop Just. 1.30 Com. on Just. & Const.

62 S D Hilton Do 3.10 Do

63 W Jackson 28.50 Com. on County Claims

64 J Redfield 9.50 Do

65 M P Brown Const. 5.27 Com. on Just. & Const.

66 C. Austin Const. 2.50 Do

67 Geo. Knight Overseers Poor 9.58 Com. of Supt. Poor

68 William P. Twaddell Const. 11.42 Com. Justice & Const.

69 O F. Bundy, Jr. 10.00 Com. on County Claims

70 Robert Parker 50.00 Do

Mr. Dutton presented on account of the Town of Meredith against Delhi of $______ which was referred to the Committee on Town accounts.

The Superintendents of the Poor presented their report for the year 1861, which after being read, on motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben was received and put on file.

Mr. J.R. Allaben presented the determination of referees appointed to assess highway damages allowing $150 against the Town of Delhi.

On motion of H. Davis said amount was allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Delhi.

The Board then adjourned until Nov. 14 at 9 a.m.

November 14 th , 9 A.M.

Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Mr. Baker then presented the accounts of the Town of Masonville amounting to the sum of $306.10. Also an account of $150 for a right-of-way on private property. Also$70 for another right-of-way on private property. $100 for highways & bridges and $150 for support of town poor.

On motion of Mr. Baker the several amounts were allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Masonville.

Mr. Hawver presented an account in favor of A. M. Paine against the Town of Andes of $1.88 which was referred to the Committee on town accounts.

Mr. Ford presented an account of A. M. Paine against Davenport of $1.88. Referred to Committee on town accounts.

Mr. Bassett presented an account of $2.76 against the Town of Walton. Referred to Committee on town accounts.

Mr. McFarlane presented an account of $3.13 in favor of A. M. Paine against Hamden. Referred to Com. on Town account.

Mr. Sullard presented an account of $1.75 in favor of A. M. Paine against Franklin. Referred to Committee on Town accounts.

Mr. H. Davis presented an account of $1.88 in favor of A. M. Paine against the Town of Kortright. Referred to Com. on Town accounts.

Mr. Dutton presented an account in favor of A. M. Paine against the Town of Meredith of $1.81. Referred to Com. on Town accounts.

Mr. Radeker presented an account of $2.28 in favor of A. M. Paine against the Town of Colchester. Referred to Com. on Town accounts.

Mr. R. E. Davis presented an account of $1.50 in favor of A. M. Paine against the Town of Harpersfield. Referred to Com. on Town accounts.

Mr. Baker presented an account of $1.50 in favor of A. M. Paine against the Town of Masonville. Referred to Com. on Town accounts.

Mr. Hawver presented a bill of Peter N. Bassett against Andes of $30.75. Referred to Committee of Town accounts.

The County Judge then made his annual report for 1861 which on motion of O. M. Allaben was received & referred to Committee on School Commissioners & County Judge report.

Mr. Bassett called to the Chair.

Mr. Hicks presented the Town accounts of the Town of Roxbury of $328.04 including $30 for Poor Fund and $60 for highway and bridges. On motion of Mr. Hicks the said amount of $328.04 was allowed and ordered charged on the town of Roxbury.

Mr. Hicks presented an account of $2.28 in favor of A. M. Paine against the Town of Roxbury. Referred to Com. on Town accounts.

Mr. Dewey presented an account of $1.50 against the Town of Sidney in favor of A. M. Paine. Referred to Com. on Town accounts.

Mr. O. M. Allaben presented the town accounts of the Town of Middletown to $551.49. Also $250.00 for highways and bridges. On motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben the said accounts were allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Middletown.

Mr. O. M. Allaben presented an acount of $168.95 in favor of Lemuel G. Sines for highway expeditures under the law of 18-. On motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben the said account was allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Middletown.

Mr. O. M. Allaben presented an account of $2.25 in favor of A. M. Paine against Middletown. Referred to Committee on Town accounts.

Mr. Sullard presented an account of $50 in favor of Sturtevant & McIntosh against Franklin. Referred to Committee on Town accounts.

On motion of Mr. H. Davis the Board was then adjourned until 1 ½ o'clock p.m.

One and half P.M.

Board pursuant to adjournment called to order by Chairman. Roll called.

Mr. J. R. Allaben presented an account of $1.00 against the Town of Delhi in favor of H. F. Davidson. Referred to Committee on Town accounts.

The Treasurer then presented a statement of unpaid taxes for the year 1860. On motion of Mr. H. Davis was allowed and ordered charged on the various individuals named if found on the assessment rolls & those not found on the rolls ordered charged on the several towns.

Mr. Dutton called to the Chair.

The Treasurer also presented an account of unpaid taxes for the year 1861. Taxed on non-resident lands. On motion allowed & ordered charged on the various lots therein described so far as the same can be ascertained, and the remainder on the several towns.

The Chairman in the Chair.

Mr. Davis presented an account in favor of School District No. 1 of the Town of Kortright. Ordered referred to a special committee to take evidence thereon and report tothe Board. The Chair announced as such Committee Messrs. Elliott, Devereux and Wheeler.

Mr. Devereux presented an account in favor of Milton W. Owen against the Town of Delhi. On motion of Mr. Devereux the amount was allowed and charged on the Town of Delhi.

Mr. Devereux presented an account in favor of the Town of Tompkins against the Town of Delhi of $24.00. On motion the said amount was allowed and charged on the Town of Delhi.

The following accounts were then brought forward and referred their appropriate Committees,viz:

No. Name Nature of Claim Amount Referred to

71 M S Williams 5.38 Com. on Town Accts.

72 Matthew Dann Const. 4.83 Com. on Just. & Const.

73 L S Steele 2.25 Do

74 Mareus Lewis 4.58 Do

75 William B. Champline 6.00 Com. on County Claims

76 James R. Berray Const. 5.64 Com. on Just. & Const.

77 J B McNaught 10.99 Com. on County Claims

78 William Simpson 8.54 Com. on Supv. Bills

79 Alexander Elwood 4.00 Do

80 H A Williams Const. 3.47 Com. on Just. & Const.

81 E L Holmes Justice 5.20 Do

82 Leigh R. Baker Const. 1.20 Do

83 S H. White J. P. 3.50 Do

84 T J Ogden 1.00 Com. on County Claims

85 Wm. S. St. John Const. 1.59 Com. on Just. & Const.

86 J C Newcomb Const. 4.50 Do

87 Stephen Berray J. P. 3.18 Do

88 E S Bedstrat 6.00 Com. on County Claims

89 Inst. of Deaf & Dumb 60.00 Do

90 William Cressan 116.80 Com on Sherriff Accts.

91 Asylum for Idiots 20.00 Com. on County Claims

92 Board of Health, Delhi 77.87 Do

93 E C Hawkins .63 Com. on Just. & Const.

94 C T Fisher Const 1.63 Do

95 E F Wheeler J. P. 17.46 Do

96 R S Brownell Supv. 5.20 Com. on Supv. Bills

97 Fitch & Buckley 10.00 Com. on County Claims

98 George W. Clark 10.00 Do

99 Robert J. Aitken 2.00 Do

100 Robert Olliver 3.15 Com. on Just. & Const.

101 O F Bundy, Jr. 20.00 Com. on County Claims

102 Overseer of the Poor 5.78 Com. on Supt. Poor

103 Henry Dickson 58.92 Com. on Just. & Const.

104 William J. Freeman 9.00 Com. on Supt. Poor

105 Allen & Carpenter Printer 117.75 Com. on Printers Bills

106 S C Wilcox 3.00 Com. on County Claims

107 John Webster 3.85 Com. on Just. & Const.

108 W K Owen J. P. .75 Do

109 Cormack & Bartlett 3.32 Com. on County Claims

110 Hiram Scofield 110.88 Do

111 S Cook Com. of Ex. 30.00 Do

112 C. Howard & Son 3.00 Do

113 J Stafford J. P. 1.88 Com. on Just. & Const.

114 S Cook 5.00 Com. on County Claims

115 Squire Eggleston 5.57 Com. on Just. & Const.

116 Allen & Carpenter 19.35 Com. on Printers Bills

117 Allen & Carpenter 4.00 Do

118 J. N.Maynard 19.26 Com. on Town accounts

119 Peter A. Grant 24.82 Com. on Just. & Const.

120 Richard G. Pierce 33.50 Com. on County Claims

121 B F Gerowe Clerk Ex. 9.39 Do

122 Lewis Kentfield Com. Ex. 30.00 Do

123 A. W. Paine 3.37 Com. on Town Accounts

On motion of Mr. Radeker

Resolved that the Committee on the Claim of School District No. 1 of Kortright be empowered to compel by subpoena the attendancy of witnesses & the producing of books and papers for evidence in said matter.

On motion of Mr. Radeker

Resolved that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors report to the District Attorney the amount of commutation money assessed in each of the Towns of Delaware Countyin the year 1861 and that said report contain the name of each person, & the Town wherein assessed.

On motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben the Board was then adjourned until tomorrow Nov. 13 th at 8 o'clock a.m.

November 15 th 8 A.M.

Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman. Roll called Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The Board then proceeded to take from the box prepared for County accounts the several accounts found therein and refer them to their proper Committees pursuant to the Statute of 1861 which were as follows, viz:

No. Name Nature of Claim Amount Referred to

124 O M Allaben 10.00 Referred Com. on County Claims

125 Norwood Bowne 40.00 Com. on Printer Bills

126 Almiron Cartright 40.00 Com. on County Claims

127 H. Davie Justice 20.44 Com. on Just. & Const.

128 A D Knapp 113.91 Com. on School Reports

129 E VanDyke 44.00 Com. on County Claims

130 F. Griffin Dept. Sheriff 9.18 Com. on Sheriff's Accts.

131 G W Reynolds Prnter 38.25 Com. on Printer Bills

132 W. Dimmick 6.52 Com. on Just. & Const.

133 Ferris Jacobs 25.00 Com. on Supts. of Poor

134 W. Dimmick 39.00 Com. on County Claims

135 Norwood Bowne 310.45 Com. on Printers Bills

136 A.M. Paine 393.94 Do

137 Robert Parker 5.00 Com. on County Claims

138 S B Champion 139.00 Com. on Printers Bills

139 F. Jacobs 16.20 Com. on Town Accts.

140 George Wright 49.00 Com. on County Claims

141 Graham & McMurray 25.00 Do

142 B. Griffin Referees 244.39 Com. on Court House & Jail

143 B. Griffin Sheriff Com. on Sheriff's acct.

144 Charles L. Palmer 1.00 Com. on County Claims

145 F.Griffin Dept. Sheriff 150.91 Com. on Sheriff's Accts.

146 R S Hughston 172.38 Com. on County Clerk's Accts.

The Standing Committee on County Treasurer reports, reported a settlement with the late Treasurer H. W. Buckley.

On motion of Mr. O.M. Allaben the said report was received and put on file.

The same committee also reported a settlement with the present Treasurer C. A. Foote for the year 1861 which on motion was received and put on file. The same

committee also reported a statement of Poor and Military fund. On motion of O. M. Allaben received and laid on the table.

The Supt. of the Poor returned the bill No. 133 referred to them and the same on motion was received and laid on the table.

The Chairman of the Committee on Constables and Justices accounts. Reported the following bills back to the board as being imperfect and not in form and not stating the nature of the services ordered, to wit: No. 107 John Webster's bill $3.85; No. 113 Y. Stafford, $1.89; No. 108 William K. Owen, $0.75; No. 119 Peter A. Grant $4.82; No. 28 F. F. Close $7.78; No. 29 Aaron A. Dumond $ 20.89; No. 115 Squire Eggleston $5.57; No. 82 Leigh R. Baker $1.20; No. 16 William Hitchcock $0.50;No. 10 G. B. McIlwain $6.75; No. 4 Wm. F. Hunter $13.40; No. 58 A. H. Phillips $13.66; No. 30 Dennis Whitcomb $12.28; No. 65 M. P. Brown $$5.27; No. 50 W. P. Peake $5.00; No. 25 Benira More $5.69; which were received and laid on the table and the Supervisors of the respective towns where the claimants used were allowed to withdraw the same for the purpose of amendment and correction.

The Chairman of the Committee on County Claims reported back to the Board a part of the bill of Wm. H. Crawford, which on motion was received and referred to the Committee on printers bills, also another item of the same bill, which on motion was received on referred to the Supt. of the Poor.

The special committee appointed in 1860 to inquire into an alleged deficiency in tax in the Town of Delhi in the year 1859 made report and on motion of Mr. H. Davis the committee was allowed to withdraw the same for correction.

An account of $117.45 in favor of Henry E. Abell for printing against the County, was presented by the Chairman and on motion of Mr. Bassett was rec'd. and referred to the Committee on Printers bills.

The Special Committee appointed in 1860 to inquire into an alleged deficiency in tax in the Town of Delhi in the year 1859 made report was received and laid on the table.

The statement of Poor & Military Fund of the County was then taken from the table & on motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben was referred back to said committee for the purpose of making the same more definite and causing the same to contain the items of Dr. & credit, dates & c.

On motion of Mr. Devereux, the Board was then adjourned till 7 o'clock p.m.

7 o'clock p.m.

Board called to order by Chairman. Roll called. Mr. J. R. Allaben presented an additional Town accounts of the Town of Delhi of $21.29. On motion of Mr.Radeker the same was allowed and charged on the Town of Delhi.

The following accounts were presented and disposed of as follows, viz: H Davie against Town of Kortright of $1.90. Same agst Sidney $1.85; Same agst. Hamden of $3.55; same agst. Franklin $1.85; same agnst. Delhi $4.45; all of which were referred to the Committee on Town accounts. Also an acct. of H. Davie agst Franklin of $4.70 disposed of as above.

The Committee on Town accounts then made report which on motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben was received and laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Dutton the said report was taken from the table. Mr. Dutton then moved the allowance by the Board of an account of $13.90 in favor of the Town of Meredith against the Town of Delhi the said bill not being allowed in the report of the committee. Mr. O. M. Allaben called for the reading of the bill. Bill read.

Mr. Hicks called to the Chair.

Mr. Dutton called for the ayes and noes on the question.

Ayes: Messrs. Dutton and Devereux. 2

Noes: Messrs. O. M. Allaben, J. R. Allaben, McNaught, Dewey, McFarlane, Ford, Bassett, Hicks, Wheeler, and Radeker. 10. Motion lost.

Mr. McFarlane moved up the bill of Ferris Jacobs of $26.20. Reported by the committee on town accounts. Mr. McFarlane moved the report be amended by disallowing the said account. Motion carried.

The Chairman in the Chair.

The Chair then referred that part of the said bill which appears to against the County to the Committee on County Claims. On motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben the said report as amended was adopted.

The committee of Sheriff's accounts then made report, which was received and put on file. An account of $0.25 in favor of Sturtevant & McIntosh agst Town of Meredith. On motion of Mr. Dutton allowed and charged on Meredith. Also an account of Sturtevant & McIntosh against Harpersfield of $0.25 allowed and charged on Harpersfield.

The Committee on Poor House and Superintendents Report then made report which was received and put on file.

The Superintendents of the Poor then made their annual report which was received and put on file.

On motion Mr. Wheeler was allowed to withdraw the acct. No. 90, Wm.Cresson, Deputy Sheriff $117.17.

The Committee on County Claims then made report. Reading called for and read. On motion of Mr. Radeker the account of Alfred Hunter of $54.13, No. 4, was allowed.

The Board then resolved itself into Committee of the whole on the bill of Hiram Scofield of $110.88, No. 10. Mr. O. M. Allaben in the Chair.. The committee then arose and reported progress on the bill having audited the bil in Committee. On motion of Mr. Devereux the bill was amended to read $100. Mr. Baker then moved the allowance of the bill as amended.

Mr. O. M. Allaben called for the ayes and noes on the question:

Ayes: Messrs. Hawver, Elliot, Baker, Sullard, McFarlane, Wheeler, Radeker, Ford, Dutton, Hicks, Dewey, McNaugh and Devereux. 13

Noes: Messrs. J. R. Allaben, R. E. Davis, H. Davis, O. M. Allaben and Bassett. 5

Motion Carried.

On motion of Mr. H. Davis the bill of Warren Dimmick of $39.00 as Excise Commissioner reported by the Committee on County. Claims was amended by causing the same to read $30.00

Mr. Radeker was allowed to withdraw the bill of Wm.B. Champlin for correction.

Mr.Bassett moved that the bill of Robert J. Aitken of $2.00, be stricken from the report of the Committee on county claims. Motion lost. Mr. Radeker moved that the report be amended by allowing the account of W. B. Champlin.

Mr. O. M. Allaben moved that the report be further amended by allowing Mr. W. B. Champlin fees and the same be fixed at $6.00. Last motion, carried. On motion the report of the Committee as amended was adopted and the committee discharged.

On motion of Mr. Bassett

Resolved that the Treasurer be authorized and instructed to continue the insurance of the Court House and Jail and to pay the premium therefor from the Treasury of the County.

The Committee on County Clerk's Report then made report which was received and adopted.

The Committee on Treasurers Report then reported and statement of Poor and Military Fund.

Mr. O. M. Allaben moved that the Town of Middletown be stricken from said statement. Corrected.

Mr. Hicks moved that the Roxbury be stricken from said statement. Carried.

Mr. O. M. Allaben moved that the report of the Committee appointed to inquire into an alleged deficiency in the Town of Delhi be taken from the table and the amount stated as such deficiency allowed and charged on the Town of Delhi. Motion carried.

The report of the Special Committee on U.S. Deposit Fund was received & adopted and the Committee discharged.

On motion of Mr. Dutton the two reports of the Committee to settle with Treasurer were received & put on file and the committee discharged.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the report of the Superintendents of the Poor was taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Devereux the sum of $1000 was ordered levied ancollected on the taxable property of the County for Poor purposes for the year 1861.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the sum of $31,815.11 was ordered levied and collected on the taxable propeprty of the County. The said amount being the amount certified bythe Comptroler as the portion of State tax to be collected in Delaware County.

On motion Mr. McFarlane was allowed to withdraw the account of W. P. Peake.

On motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben the account of Benira More of $5.69 was allowed and ordered charged on the Town of Andes.

On motion of Mr. Devereux

Resolved that the sum of $8000 be levied and collected on the taxable property of the County for contingent County expenses in the ensuing year and that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow on the credit of the County such sums as shall be necessary in case there shall be a deficiency in the amount raised to meet the current expense of the County.

On motion of Mr. McFarlane and account of $5.00 in favor of W. P. Peake against Sidneywas allowed and ordered charged on Sidney

On motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben an account of $21.87 in favor of Anson G. Dumond against the County was audited and allowed.

On motion of Mr. Ford the Board was then adjourned till November 16 th at 9 o'clock A.M.

November 16 th 9 A.M.

Board called to order by Chairman. Roll called. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The Committee on Town accounts then made report which after being read, on motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben was received and adopted and the Committee discharged.

The Committee on Justices and Constables accounts then made reports which after being read on motion of Mr. O. M. Allaben was received.

Mr. Devereux moved that the report of the Committee on Justices and Constables accounts be ameended by allowing the accounts of W. K. Owen, YoungStafford and Squire Eggleston. Motion lost.

Mr. Dewey called to the Chair.

Mr. H. Davis moved that the report be further amended by allowing the charge of C. H. Bell for a peace warrant. Mr. O. M. Allaben called for the ayes and noes on the question:

Ayes: Messrs. Radeker, Devereux, Hawver, Elliott. 4

Noes: Messrs. J. R. Allaben, Hicks, Dewey, Ford, Wheeler, Bassett, O. M. Allaben, McNaught, E. R. Davis, H. Davis, Dutton, Sullard, Baker and McFarlane. 14 Lost.

On motion of O. M. Allaben the report was then adopted.

Mr. Baker was allowed to withdraw the account of $34.21 in favor of John Bixby. Mr. H. Davis was allowed to withdraw the account of Geo. B. McIlwain.

Mr. McNaught presented the town accounts of the Town of Stamford amounting to $227.33 and $250 for highway purposes and $150 poor fund. Allowed and charged on Stamford.

Mr. Ford moved that $30 be levied on the Town of Davenport for an additional Poor Fund. Carried.

On motion of O. M. Allaben

Resolved that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors be required to cause two drawers to be added to the Supervisors desk, similar to those now in use and under them, with good locks and keys, and charge the cost of the same to the County. And that he have the pigeon holes in said desk beginning with the upper right hand pigeon hole,which is to be labeled "Current Year" & that next to the left "Ante 1" & so t left ante 2,3,4,5,6 and the left hand pigeon hole in the lower turn "ante 7" so on to the right ante 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 until all are numbered, that he then collect all the papers, each year by itself for the last fourteen years including the present, file all those not filed.. Group all those together of a similar character with a strong pov band and label the same with the character of the papers and deposit the same in the pigeon holes according to the labels & that all papers older than 1848 be grouped in a similar manner each year by itself and deposited in the box below, after being enveloped in a strong wrapper labeled with the name of the year; each box when filled to contain the proceedings of this Board for 25 consecutive years if sufficiently large and to be labeled with the first and last of those years inclusive, with the word "to" between them and at the commencement of each new current year, he remove the contents of the pigeon hole containing the oldest papers into the box below then in process of filing and substitute in their place the contents of the next adjoining pigeon hole until the first named be the papers of the current year.

On motion Mr.Radeker was allowed to withdraw the account of Leight R. Baker.

On motion of Mr.McNaught an account of $1.50 in favor of A. M. Paine against Stamford was allowed & charged on the Town of Stamford.

Mr. Devereux in the Chair.

Mr. J. R. Allaben moved that an account of $0.50 in favor of C. A. Frost for military tax improperly paid be allowed. Motion carried.

On motion of Mr. O. W. Allaben

Resolved that Treasurer be required to report others Board at the next meeting the whole number of fines credited to the Poor Fund of Middletown since the first day of November 1857 with the amount of each and date of such credit.

The Chairman in the Chair.

The Committee on Equalization then made report. Report read. Mr. Devereux moved that the report be amended by lowering the Town of Tompkins to $7.00 per acre and called for the ayes and noes on the question.

Ayes: Messrs. Baker, Devereux, H. Davis, Hawver, Wheeler, Radeker, Ford and Bassett. 8

Noes: Messrs. J. R. Allaben, O. M. Allaben, Mr. R. E. Davis, Dewey, Sullard, McFarlane, Elliott, McNaught, Hicks, Dutton. 10 Lost.

Mr. H. Davis moved "that the report be amended by lowering the Town of Kortright to $12.00 per acre and called for the ayes and noes on the question.

Ayes: Messrs. H. Davis, Radeker, Ford, Wheeler and Devereux.

Noes: Messrs. J.R. Allaben, O. M. Allaben, R. E. Davis, Dewey, Sullard, McFarlane, Elliott, McNaught, Hicks and Duttn, Bassett and Hawver. Lost

Mr. Radeker moved that the report be report be amended by lowering Colchester to $4.50 per acre. Motion lost.

On motion of Mr. R. E. Davis the report was then adopted.

The Committee on School Commissioner and County Judge's report then made report which on motion of Mr. McNaught was received and adopted and the committee discharged.

The Treasurer then reported the statement of Poor and Military fund of the County, which on motion of O. M. Allaben was received and adopted and the amount chargedtherein on the several Towns was ordered levied on the same and the amounts therein charged on Middletown & Roxbury was charged on the said Towns.

On motion of Mr. Dutton, Mr. W. P. Peake was allowed $2.00 for services before special committee.

On motion of J. R. Allaben the sum of $75 was levied on the Town of Delhi for a Poor Fund in the ensuing year.

Mr. J. R. Allaben moved that when the Board adjourns it adjourn till December 16 th at 10 o'clock p.m. Carried.

The Committee on Printers Bills then made report. Mr. J. R. Allaben then moved that the report be amended by allowing an account No. 125 of $13.00 in favor of Norwood Bowne agst. the County be allowed. Carried.

On motion, Mr. Davidson was allowed to withdraw his bill agst. Franklin.

Mr. J. R. Allaben moved that the sum of $105.75 for publishing official canvass be stricken from the claim of A. M. Paine. Motion carried.

On motion of J. R. Allaben the report of the Committee was adopted and the committee discharged.

On motion of Mr. Hicks resolved that the Commissioners of Excise be required to report to this Board at the next meeting thereof the amonts of fines and penalties collected by them and the suits commenced by them since their last report and of all money collected by their Attorney during the last year and of what disposition has been made of the same & of the settlement of actions commenced and judgments and a detailed statement of how settled and of all moneys collected for licenses granted in the various towns and the names of the individuals licensed and the disposition made of such license money and that the Clerk of this Board be directed at once to serve on the Attorney for said Commissioners and at least one of the Commissioners a copy of this resolution.

On motion of Mr. J. R. Allaben the Board was then adjourned till the 10 th day of December next at one o'clock p.m.

B.F. Gerowe, Clerk

Adjourned Meeting

December 10 th , 1861

At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Delaware County held at the Supervisors rooms in Delhi December 10 th , 1861. Present the following Supervisors, viz:

Andes James Elliott Kortright Harvey Davis

Bovina James Elliott Masonville James A. Baker

Colchester Barna Radeker Meredith Ashael R. Dutton

Davenport Aaron Ford Middletown O. M. Allaben

Delhi Roxbury Ira Hicks

Franklin Albert E. Sullard Sidney Wm. Dewey

Hamden John McFarlane Stamford John S. McNaught

Hancock Dewit C. Wheeler Tompkins H. T. Dewey

Harpersfield Richard E. Davis Walton Benj. J. Bassett

Board called to order by the Clerk. The Chairman being absent.

A letter of resignation from the Chairman was then presented and read, after which on motion of H. T. Devereux, the Board proceeded to ballot for a Chairman of which resulted as follows:

First Ballot

O. M. Allaben received six

A.E. Sullard received one

H. T. Devereux received one

B. J. Bassett received eight

J .S. McNaught received one

Second Ballot

O. M. Allaben received nine

B. J. Bassett received eight

On motion O. M. Allaben was declared unanimously elected Chairman.

The minutes of the last meeting was then read and approved.

The Commissioners of U.S. Loan Fund then made report. Report read an on motion of Mr.Bassett received and put on file.

On motion of Mr. H. Davis the Board was then adjourned until Dec. 11, 1861 at 8 o'clock a.m.

Dec. 11. 8 a.m.

Called to order by Chairman. Roll called. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The Loan Commissioners then submitted the Book of Mortgages kept by them for the examination of the Board.

The report of the Committee on U.S. Loan Fund was then presented and on motion of Mr.Devereux was received and adopted & the committee discharged.

Mr. Radeker then presented the account of Leigh R. Baker, No. 82, withdrawn for correction at last meeting of $1.20 which was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the Chair appointed the following Committee to apportion the Grand Jurors among the several towns for the year 1861 viz: Messrs. Bassett, Devereux and R. E. Davis.

Mr. Devereux then presented the account of John Webster withdrawn at the last meeting for correction. Amt. $3.85 which on motion of Mr. Bassett was allowed.

Mr. Wheeler then presented an act. of William Cresson, Deputy Sheriff, $169.12, withdrawn at the last meeting for correction, which on motion of Mr. Wheeler was allowed.

Mr. Baker presented an account of Edward Bradstreet. Rejected at last meeting.

Mr. Baker moved the reconsideration of the vote rejecting said bill. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Baker the said bill was allowed at $1.00.

The Committee to apportion Grand Jurors then reported as follows which on motion of Mr. Ford was received & adopted viz:

Andes 19 Bovina 12

Colchester 17 Davenport 17

Delhi 21 Franklin 25

Hamden 16 Hamden 16

Hancock 15 Harpersfield 12

Kortright 15 Masonville 12

Meredith 13 Middletown 21

Sidney 14 Stamford 14

Roxbury 19 Tompkins 20

Walton 18

Total 500

The Committee also request that the occupation of each Juror selected by the Supervisors of each town be set opposite the name of each Juror the same also being required by law.

Dated December 11, 1861 B. J. Bassett

H. T. Devereux Committee

R. E. Davis

Mr. A. B. Douglas then presented an account of $100.00 not acted upon at the last meeting but being in the possession of the Board which on motion of Mr. H. Davis was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Devereux the bill of Wm. Cresson, Deputy Sheriff, was reconsidered and the Committee of Sheriff's accounts revived and the said bill referred back for the consideration of the Committee.

On motion of Mr. Radeker the Board was then adjourned until one o'clock p.m.

One P.M.

Called to order. Roll called. Minutes read and approved.

The Commissioners of Excise then made report which after being read was referred to the Committee on Excise Commissioners reports.

Hiram Every then presented a claim against School district No. of the Town of Kortright, which on motion was referred to the Committee heretofore appointed to investigate a claim against the same School District.

An account of Seymour Cook of $6.00 being a charge for services in attending on and making a report to the Board.

Also a bill of Lewis Kentfield for like services of $9.00 which on motion of Mr. H. Davis were laid over until the next meeting of the Board.

The Committee of Sheriff's accounts then reported the bill of Wm. Cresson of $86.10 the amount claimed being $109.12 which on motion of Mr. H. Davis was allowed at $86.10.

Mr. Baker presented the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Devereux was laid over until Dec. 12, 9 a.m.

Resolved that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to procure and keep from the first day of January, 1862 of all the newspapers published in the County causing the same to e bound at the expiration of the year and preserved for reference in his office.

The Committee on Excise Commissioners report then made report.

Mr.Baker then moved that the paper marked "A" be excluded from the report. Motion carried. On motion of Mr. McFarlane the report was then adopted.

Mr. Bowne then presented his appointment to the office of Supervisor of the Town of Delhi to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of James R. Allaben and after being sworn took his seat as such Supervisor.

Mr. R. E. Davis then presented the following resolution which after being read was laid on the table until 10 o'clock a.m. Dec. 12.

Resolved that the prosecution of civil actions by the Board of Commissioners of Excise of this County for recovery of penalties for the violation of the act entitled "An Act for the Supervisors of intemperance and to regulate the sale of Intoxicating liquors is hereby recommended that all violations of said act be prosecuted by the DistrictAttorney of the County in virtue of his office by presentment to the Grand Jury and indictment, and that a copy of this resolution be served on the said Board of Commissioners of Excise.

The Committee on Excise Commissioners report then reported a bill of Ferris Jacobs, Jr. of $21.87 at $18.87 which on motion was allowed at $18.87.

Mr. Foote, Treasurer, then made a report in response to a resolution passed at the just meeting of the Board of Supervisors calling for a statement of fines paid by the Town of Middletown, within four years in which he stated that he had no record from which ascertain the amount.

Mr. Allaben placed upon the table a resolution authorizing two fines amounting to thirty five dollars to be placed to the credit of the Poor Fund of Middletown.

The Board then adjourned to 7 o'clock this evening.

7 P.M.

Called to order. Roll called. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Mr. Bowne moved that a committee be appointed to inquire into an alleged error in the original assessment roll of the Town of Delhi for the year 1861. Motion carried.

The Chair announced as such committee Messrs. Bowne, Wheeler & McNaught. Motion lost.

On motion of Mr. Baker the Board was then adjourned until Dec. 12 th at 8 ½ o'clock a.m.

December 12 th , 8 ½ A.M.

Called to order. Roll called. Minutes read and approved.

Mr. Allaben then called up the resolution offered by him in relation to fines to be placed to the credit of the Town of Middletown. The said resolution on motion of Mr. Bowne was passed which is as follows, viz:

Resolved that a fine of $20.00 imposed upon Alonzo Bellows, of Middletown,, in January 1860 and paid by him to the Sheriff and also another fine imposed upon said Bellows in September 1861 and paid by William J. Kelly to the Sheriff, neither of which fines appear to have been credited by the Treasurer of the County to the Town of Middletown be credited by said Treasurer to the Poor Fund of the Town of Middletown.

Mr. Bowne presented an acct. of $10.50 in favor of Vernon Frisbee for a military tax improperly paid and moved its allowance. Motion lost.

The several Grand Jury lists were then read and on motion of Mr. McNaught the same were adopted.

Mr. Baker called up his resolution in relation to preserving files of newspapers and on motion of Mr. Baker was referred to the Committee on printing.

Mr. R. E. Davis then called up his resolution in relation to suits by the Excise Commissioners for penalties & c and moved its adoption. Motion lost.

On motion of Mr. Bowne the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

"Whereas, At the session of Congress, a direct tax was ordered levied

on the United States, of $20,000,000, of which there was appropriated

to the State of New York $2,603,918.66, to be collected the ensuing

year: And

Whereas, In such act there is a clause that makes it optional with the

different States to collect the same by their own proper officers, thereby,

saving a large per centage: Therefore, be it

Resolved, That in the opinion of this Board advantage should be taken

of the same by this State, and they do hereby call upon the members of

the Legislature and all State officers having power in the matter, to use

their best efforts to secure the collection of said tax by the State, through

its regular appointed tax collectors, and that our Senators and members

of the Assembly be requested to call the attention of their respective

bodies to the matter at their earliest opportunity."

On motion of Mr. Devereux, Mr. Samuel Doyle of Hancock was appointed Plank Road and Turnpike Inspector in place of Benj. Hathaway who failed to qualify.

The Committee appointed to inquire into the alleged error in the Delhi assessment roll then made report, which was received and placed on file.

Mr. Allaben offered the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Bassett was adopted viz:

Resolved that all fines imposed by the Justices of the Peace of the several Towns in this County and now remaining in their hands or hereafter to come into their hands and property going to the support of the Poor of such towns, be immediately paid over to the Treasurer of the County and placed to the credit of the Poor Fund of said Town, subject to the draft or order of Overseers of the Poor of the Town to which they belong.

On motion of Mr. Devereux the Board was then adjourned until two o'clock P.M.

Two P.M.

Called to order. Roll called. Minutes read and approved.

The Printing Committee report in regard to the resolution offered by Mr. Baker as to preserving files of newspapers & c. Report read and placed on the table.

The Committee on Court House & Jail then made report which on motion of Mr. Sullard was recieved & adopted.

Mr. Bassett presented the annexed resolution which on motion of Mr. Devereux was adopted.

Resolved that all fines or penalties (or parts of penalties now in the hands of the Commissioners of Excise or their Attorney be immediately paid over to the Treasurer of the County and that al fines or penalties) hereafter collected by the Excise Commissioners be paid over to the said Treasurer as soon as received and all fees of the ExciseCommissioners Attorney for prosecutions or other services rendered by him as such Commissioners Attorney shal be presented in like manner as other County accounts are now ordered to be presented to the Board of Supervisors to be audited at their annual meeting in each year.

(The foregoing resolution was afterword amended by striking out all that part included in parenthesis).

On motion of Mr. Hicks the vote passing the bill of Warren Dimmick, Excise Com. at $30 was reconsidered and the bill passed at the amt. claimed being $39.00

Mr. Devereux of the Committee to which was referred the claims of School Dist. No. 1 of Kortirght submitted a majority report.

Mr. Elliott, from the same Committee, presented a minority report.

On motion of Mr. Devereux counsel were alowed to address the Board on the question at issue.

Mr. Ford moved the adoption of the majority report.

Mr. Baker called for the ayes and noes on the question which were as follows:

Ayes: Messrs. Hawver, Radeker, Ford, Bowne, Sullard, Wheeler, Allaben, Baker, Devereux & Bassett. 10

Noes: Elliott, McFarlane, Dutton, Hicks, Dewey, & McNaught. 6

Absent: Messrs. R. E. & H. Davis.

Report adopted.

On motion of Mr. McFarlane the Board was adjourned until 7 p.m.

7 p.m., Dec. 12

Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the resolution to fines & c collected by the Excise Commissioners was reconsidered & Mr. Johnson, Attorney for the Commissioners, was allowed to address the Board on the subject of the resolution. Mr. Bowne moved that the resolution be amended by causing it to apply to the future. Amendment carried. Resolution as amended adopted (see page 215).

Mr. Elliott presented an account of the Town of Bovina against the Town of Delhi of $57.00

On motion Mr. Murray was allowed to address the Board on behalf of the Town of Bovina upon the claim.

On motion of Mr. Bowne the bill was laid on the table until 10 o'clock a.m. Dec. 13 th.

Board adjourned until 8 ½ o'clock Dec. 13 th .

Dec. 13 8 ½ A.M.

Board called to order by the Chairman. Roll called. Minutes read & approved.

Mr. Baker called for the report of the Committee on procuring newspapers for reference & c. Report read. Motion made to adopt. Motion lost.

Mr. Elliott called for the consideration of the claim of Bovina against Delhi & moved that it be allowed. On motion, Mr. Clark was allwed to address the Board on behalf of the Town of Delhi. Motion lost. Ayes. 5 Noes 10.

On motion the vote rejecting the claim of the Town of Meredith against the Town of Delhi was reconsidered and Mr. Dutton was allowed to withdraw the claim.

Board adjourned until 2 p.m.

2 P.M. Dec. 13

Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called. Minutes read and approved.

On motion of Mr. Devereux, the Clerk was directed to notif the Trustees of School District No. 1 of Kortright that the claim of Hiram Every agst. said District was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Sullard, the vote allowing the claim of Francis Fuller agst School District No. 1 of Kortright was reconsidered.

Mr. Sullard then moved that the amt. as allowed in the claim be stricken out and the amount as reported in the minority report of the Committee be inserted in its stead.

Ayes and Noes on the question called by Mr. Wheeler.

Ayes: Messrs. Hawver, Elliot, Sullard, McFarlane, R E. Davis, Dutton, Hicks, Dewey, McNaught and Bassett. 10

Noes: Messrs. Radeker, Ford, Bowne, Wheeler, Baker, Allaben & Devereux. 7 Motion carried.

Mr. Hicks moved that the minority report be adopted. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Bassett, Board proceeded to ballot to elect two papers to publish the Session Laws. On which ballot the Delaware Express received eleven & the

Delaware Gazette received seven.

The Express & Gazette were designated to publish the Session Laws.

Mr. Sullard moved that the Town and County accounts be published in the Union Democrat & Bloomville Mirror. The Equalization of the Assessment rolls, Report of the Commissioners of Excise, Surrogate Report, Treasure Report and the Report of the Superintendents of the Poor be published in the Franklin Visitor. That the notices of the School Commissioners in the Mirror, Visitor & Republicans at an expense not exceeding ten dollars each paper.

On motion of Mr. McFarlane the ballot allowing the claim of Nelson P. Brant, as constable, was reconsidered and on motion of Mr. McFarlane was allowed at the amount originally claimed, $14.96.

Mr. Ford offered the following resolution which was adopted:

Resolved that in the opinion of this Board the provisions of the act entitled "An act to suppress intemperance and to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors passed April16 th , 1857 " ought to be fairly and honestly enforced both as an example of obedience to law and as affording protection to those who have taken license that actions commenced offenders now when the law is well known, should not be settled on payment of costs simply, nor should defendants against whom judgments have been obtained after the interposition of untrue deference be discharged from imprisonment except upon application to the Courts.

On motion of Mr. Bowne the Clerk was directed to furnish the Excise Commissioners & their Atty. with copies of all resolutions passed in relation to the Excise Law.

On motion of Mr. McNaught the sum o $1.88 was stricken from the bill of Hugh Scutt and $2.69 inserted in its stead.

On motion of Mr. Bowne the bill of A. M. Paine for printing was reconsidered.

On motion of Mr. Bowne the bill was then passed at $379.59.

Board adjourned until 7 p.m.

7 P.M. Dec. 13

Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

Mr. Wheeler moved that the Clerk be allowed $200.00 for his services rendered the Board. Mr. Bowne moved to amend by making the sum $212.00 the $12 being for extra for labor in making Military Commutation list. Amendment adopted. Resolution as amended. Adopted.

Mr. Baker offered the following resolution:

Resolved That the Town accounts and Equalization Table be published in the Delaware Republican and the County accounts and accounts of Supervisor be published in the Delaware Express, in addition to the papers already designated to publish the same.

Mr. Hicks moved that the resolution be amended so as to read that the Delaware Gazette also print the County accounts. Motion lost.

Mr. Devereux moved that the resolution be amended by inserting that the Town accounts & Equalization Table be published in the Delaware Gazette and called for the ayes and noes on the question.

Ayes: Messrs. Ford, Bowne, Wheeler, H. Davis, Alaben, Hicks & Devereux. 7

Noes: Messrs Hawver, Elliot, radeker, Sullard, McFarlane, R. E. Davis, Baker, Dutton, Dewey, McNaught & Basset. 11. Amendment lost.

Ayes and Noes called on the original motion.

Ayes: Messrs. Hawver, Elliot, Bowne, Sullard, McFarlane,R. E. Davis, Baker, Dutton, Dewey, McNaught, Bassett. 11

Noes: Messrs. Radeker, Ford, Wheeler, H. Davis, Allaben, Hicks & Devereux. 7

Resolution adopted.

Mr. Davis offered the following resolution.

On motion of Mr. Bowne the resolution was laid on the table until 9 o'clock a.m. tomorrow.

Board adjourned until 8 ½ o'clock a.m. Dec. 14.

Dec. 14 8 ½ o'clock

Board called to order by the Chairman. Roll called. Minutes read & approved.

The hour 9 o'clock having arrived, Mr. Davis called up the resolution offered by him in relation to removing the old academy building & c.

Mr. Bowne moved that the resolution be indefinitely postponed. Motion carried.

The committee on expenditures made report which was received & adopted.

The bills of the members for services were then presented.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the Board went into Committee of the whole for the consideration of said bills. Mr. Bassett called to the Chair. Mr. Bassett being excused. Mr. Devereux was called to the Chair.

The Committee arose & reported the following bills as audited in Committee of the whole, viz:

Mr. H. Davis Supervisor of Kortright $41.18

Mr. A. R. Sullard Do Franklin 29.77

Mr. Norwood Bowne Do Delhi 10.00

Mr. Ira Hicks Do Roxbury 37.52

Mr. Aaron Ford Do Davenport 38.02

Mr. R. E. Davis Do Harpersfield 37.18

Mr. Andrew Hawver Do Andes 52.16

Mr. William Dewey Do Sidney 31.04

Mr. J. S. McNaught Do Stamford 29.12

Mr. O. M. Allaben Do Middletown 43.36

Mr. James Elliott Do Bovina 39.80

Mr. H. T. Devereux Do Tompkins 40.38

Mr. James A. Baker Do Masonville 35.52

Mr. Barna Radeker Do Colchester 43.04

Mr. D. C. Wheeler Do Hancock 44.70

Mr. J. R. Allaben Do Delhi 12.00

Mr. John McFarlane Do Hamden 39.80

Mr. B. J. Bassett Do Walton 29.76

Mr. A. R. Dutton Do Meredith 37.90

On motion of Mr. H. Davis the said bills were allowed at the amounts audited in Committee.

The Committee on Supervisors bills then made report which was rec'd. & adopted.

A bill of Baldwin Griffin for fees as janitor to the Board was presented amounting to $20.00 which on motion of Mr. H. Davis was allowed.

A bill of A. M. Paine wf $13.04 for stationery & c furnished the Board was presented and allowed.

A bill in favor of Almerion Cartwright, as Supt. of the Poor of $10.00 was presented & allowed. Also of George Wright, Supt. of the Poor of $8.00. Allowed.

Also Edward Vandyke of $10.00. Allowed.

On motion of Mr. Bassett the bill of Seymour Cook, Excise Com., was called up and allowed at $6.00.

On motion Mr. Elliott was allowed to withdrawn the bill presented by him of Bovina against Delhi.

Board adjourned until p.m.

1 p.m. Dec. 14

Called to order by the Chairman.

Roll called. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

A vote of thanks was tendered to the Chairman also to J. R. Allaben, former Chairman, for the able and impartial manner in which the duties of the Chair had been discharged by them.

On motion of Mr. Bassett a vote of thanks was tendered to the Sheriff for his services & attendance on the Board and to the Clerk for the manner in which his duties had been discharged.

The Chairman then returned his thanks to the members for the honor extended to him and for the courtesy manifested towards him and their cordial support, while in the discharged of his duties.

On motion the Board was then adjourned, sine die.

B. F. Gerowe, Clerk


Delaware County, ss: I hereby certify the following to be a true Statement of the County Accounts as audited by the Board of Supervisors in the year 1861, with the number of the claim and the nature thereof, and the amount as claimed, and the amount allowed respectively.

B. F. Gerowe, Clerk of Board of Supervisors

No. Name Nature of Claim Amount Claimed

1 Nelson P. Brant Constable 14.96 14.90

2 Thomas Williams Justice 2.35 2.35

3 Isaac R. Chase Do 1.00 1.00

4 Alfred Hunter Boarding Jurors & C 54.13 54.13

5 William T. Hunter Constable 13.40 Withdrew

6 C H Graham Attorney's fees 4.00 Rejected

7 C H Graham Do 5.00 Do

8 W H Crawford Assisting Coroner 10.00 7.00

9 James G. Laing Coroner 65.00 60.00

10 George B. McIllwain 6.75 Withdrew

11 Hugh Scutt Boarding prisoners 2.64 2.64

12 Michael Dayton Late Supervisor 3.00 3.00

13 A J Smith Constable 73.58 73.58

14 S J Fraser Counsel 10.00 10.00

15 Walter K. Miller Constalbe 3.85 3.85

16 William Hitchcock Do .50 Rejected

17 C H Bell Late Justice 2.45 1.45

18 O T Bundy Coroner 35.00 32.00

19 Alexander Gillie Constable 6.15 6.15

20 Deaf and Dumb Asylum For clothes for Eliza C. Simmons 20.00 20.00

21 J P Cowles Assisting Coroner 10.00 5.00

22 A H Tyler Deputy Sheriff 1.94 1.94

23 H F Davidson Justice 20.80 7.60

24 Benira More Constable 7.33 7.33

25 Benira More Do 5.69 Town Sc.

26 L W Terwilliger Deputy Sheriff 29.87 17.20

27 John A. Carley Constable assigned to John A. France 32.00 29.28

28 F G Close Constable 7.75 Withdrawn

29 Anson G. Dumond Do 21.87 21.87

30 Dennis Whitcomb 12.28 Withdrawn

31 J H Dean Justice 7.95 5.95

32 L W Terwilliger Constable 7.92 7.92

33 M H Maynard Justice 5.10 5.10

34 Hiram Banner 7.54 Rejected

35 N Hathaway Road Referee 9.00 9.00

36 F Jacobs, Jr. Clerk Excise Commissioners, assinged to F Jacobs 21.87 18.87

37 John A. Person Deputy Sheriff 23.44 21.44

38 Thomas More Constable 1.12 1.12

39 William A. TenBroeck Justice 7.65 7.65

40 Matthew P. Brown Constable 50.35 50.35

41 Edward VanDyke Road Referee 6.00 6.00

42 Hiram Guire Constable 23.65 20.65

43 E. Evans Justice 13.25 13.25

44 Wright & Frost Hardware 23.29 23.29

45 Leroy Levalley Cnstable 8.10 8.10

46 Daiel McKinon Justice 2.00 2.00

47 James Shaw Road Referee 6.00 6.00

48 John Bixby Deputy Sheriff 34.03 34.03

49 Alpheus Bolt Late Supervisor 21.84 14.56

50 W. P. Peake Constable 5.00 Allowed Town Acct.

51 H D Gilbert Assisting coroner 10.00 5.00

52 C Howard & Son Stationery 43.22 43.22

53 S. Gordon Assisting District Attorne in Harrington case 100.00 75.00

54 Marvine & Gemmel Merchandise 3.02 3.02

55 Jesse G. Snyder Constable 1.95 1.95

56 Fitch & Buckley Med. Service at Jail 29.89 29.89

57 Sturtevant & McIntosh Printing 375.55 369.20

58 A H Philips Constable 13.66 Withdrawn

59 Milton Johnson Late Supervisor 4.46 4.46

60 Millard & Frisbee Merchandise 50.07 50.07

61 R M Gallup Justice 1.50 1.50

62 S Hilton Do 3.10 3.10

63 T & W Jackson Merchandise 28.50 27.75

64 Becker & Redfield Blacksmithing 9.50 9.50

65 M P Brown Constable 5.27 Withdrawn

66 C Austin Do 2.50 Rejected

67 George Knight Overseer of the poor 9.58 Rejected

68 William R. Tweedie Constable 11.32 8.62

69 O T Bundy, Jr. Assisting Coroner 10.00 Rejected

70 Robert Parker Attorney's Fees 50.00 50.00

71 M S Williams Justice 5.38 Allowed Town Acct.

72 Matthew Dann Constable 4.87 4.87

73 L S Steele Justice 2.25 2.25

74 Marcus Lewis Constable 4.58 4.00

75 Wm. B. Champlin Witness Fees 6.00 6.00

76 James R. Berray Constable 5.64 5.64

77 J B McNaughton Poor House Repairs 10.99 10.99

78 William Simpson Late Supervisor 8.54 8.54

79 Alexender Elwood Do 4.00 4.00

80 H A Williams Constable 4.00 4.00

81 E L Holmes Justice 5.20 4.20

82 Leigh R. Baker Constable 1.20 1.20

83 Smith H. White Justice 3.50 3.50

84 T J Ogden Medical Service 1.00 1.00

85 William S. St. John Constable 1.59 1.59

86 J C Newcomb Do 4.50 2.67

87 Stephen Berray Justice 3.18 Withdrawn

88 E L Bradstreet Services as Witness 6.00 1.00

89 Deaf & Dumb Institute Clothing & C 60.00 60.00

90 Wm. Cresson Deputy Sheriff 109.12 86.10

91 Asylum for Idiots Clothing for Margaret Cormack 20.00 20.00

92 Board of Health, Delhi Physicians fees 77.87 77.87

93 E C Hawkins Constable .63 Rejected

94 C T Fisher Do 1.63 1.63

95 E F Wheeler Justice 17.46 17.46

96 R S Bronwell Late Supervisor 5.20 5.20

97 Fitch & Buckley Post Mort. Ex. 10.00 10.00

98 G W Clark Dist. Atty for Postage 10.00 10.00

99 Robt. J. Aitkin Military Tax improperly collected (Payment for military fund) 2.00 2.00

100 O T Bundy, Jr. Services as Coroner 20.00 20.00

101 Robt. Oliver Justice 3.15 2.55

102 Overseers of Poor 5.78 Rejected

103 Henry Dickson Constable, assigned to E. C. Hawkins 58.92 54.02

104 William J. Freeman 9.00 Rejected

105 Allen & Carpenter Printing 117.75 105.00

106 S C Wilcox Assisting Coroner 3.00 3.00

107 John Webster Justice 3.85 3.85

108 W K Owen Do .75 Withdrawn

109 Cormack & Bartlett Merchandise 3.32 3.32

110 Hiram Scofield Expenses in prosecuting Vancise for arson 108.88 100.00

111 S Cook Excise Commissioner 30.00 30.00

112 C Howard Physician 3.00 3.00

113 Y. Stafford Justice 1.33 Withdrawn

114 S. Cook Excise Com. Services & special rep. on deficiency in U.S. L. 5.00 5.00

115 Squire Eggleston Justice 5.57 Withdrawn

116 Allen & Carpenter Pub. Elec. Notices 19.35 19.35

117 Allen & Carpenter Pub. School Notices 4.00 Rejected

118 J W Maynard Overpaid Tax 19.26 Town Acct

119 Peter A. Grant 24.82 Withdrawn

120 Richard G. Pierce Sheep killed by dogs (to be paid out of dog fund) 33.50 33.50

121 B F Gerowe Clerk Excise Comm. 9.39 9.39

122 Lewis Kentfield Excise Comm. 30.00 30.00

123 A M Paine Printing 3.37 Town Acct

124 O M Allaben Post. Mort. Ex. 10.00 10.00

125 Norwood Bowne Printing 13.00 13.00

126 H Davie Justice 20.44 Withdrawn

127 Almerin Cartright Supt. Poor 40.00 40.00

128 A D Knapp School Com. Expend. 113.91 100.00

129 E VanDyke Supt. Poor 44.00 44.00

130 F Griffin Deputy Sheriff 9.18 Withdrawn

131 G W Reynolds Printing 38.25 32.90

132 W Dimmick Justice 6.52 Town Acct.

133 Ferris Jacobs Medical Services 25.00 Town Acct

134 W Dimmick Exc. Se. Com 39.00 39.00

135 Norwood Bowne Printing 310.45 306.10

136 A M Paine Printing & Stationery 383.94 379.59

137 Robert Parker Service on Sp. Com. 5.00 5.00

138 S B Champion Printing 139.00 137.80

139 F. Jacobs Medical Services 16.30 Town Acct.

140 Geo. Wright Supt. of the Poor 49.00 49.00

141 Grahams & McMurray Rent 25.00 Rejected

142 B Griffin Repairs on Court House 244.39 244.39

143 B. Griffin Sheriff & Jailor 971.38 971.38

144 Chas. L. Palmer Mil. Tax Imp. Cor. 1.00 Rejected

145 R S Hughston County Clerk, including expenditures for stationery, & c 472.38 472.38

146 F Griffin Deputy Sheriff 150.91 150.91

147 H Davis Justice 6.75 Withdrawn

148 C A Frost Mil. Tax. Imp. Col. .50 .50

149 F Jacobs Post Mortem Ex. 10.00 10.00

150 Henr E. Abell Printing assigned to E H Bender 141.75 134.25

151 Vernon Frisbee Military tax imp. col. .50 Rejected

152 A. Cartright Supt. Poor 10.00 10.00

153 George Wright Do 8.00 8.00

154 A M Paine Stationery 13.04 13.04

155 E VanDyke Supt. of the Poor 10.00 10.00

156 A B Douglas School Comm. Disb. 100.00 100.00

157 Seymour Cook Excise Com. services making reports 6.00 6.00

158 W P Peak Service before Sp. Com. 2.00 2.00

159 Jeremiah Cease Constable 7.60 7.60

160 Thomas Covert Do .63 .63

161 B. Griffin Janitor 20.00 20.00

162 B F Gerowe Clerk of the Board including $12 for extra labor 212.00 212.00


ANDES Andrew Hawver, Supervisor

1860-Dec. 16. Approv. Collector's bond 1 day 2.00

Returning same to County Clerk's office 38 miles 3.04

1861-Feb. 8 Approving and renewing Collector's Bond 2.00

Returning same to County Clerk's office 38 miles 3.04

1861-Nov. 1 Copying assessment roll 10.00

1861-Nov. 12 & 14 Two days meeting with Co. Canvassers 4.00

To meeting with Board of Supervisors 5 days,

12, 13, 14, 15, 16, at $2 per day 10.00

38 miles travel 3.04

1861-Dec. 9 To making Poor report 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 Meeting with Board of Supervisor 5 days 10.00

To 38 miles travel 3.04


BOVINA- James Elliott, Supervisor

1860-Dec. 18 Approving Collector's Bonds 2.00

Returning do, 20 miles travel 1.60

1861-Feb. Renewing Collector's Bond 2.00

1861-Nov. 12 Meeting with County Canvassers one day 2.00

1861-Nov. 12 to 16 Five days with Bd. Supv., 20 miles travel at 8c per mile 1.60

1861-Dec. 10 to 14 Meeting with Board Supervisors 5 days 10.00

20 miles travel 1.60

1861-Dec. 12 Making Poor Report 2.00

Copying Assessment Roll, 570 names 7.00


COLCHESTER-Barna Radeker, Supervisor

1861-Oct. Copying Assessment Roll 10.00

1861-Nov. 12 Meeting with Co. canvassers 2.00

1861-Nov.16 Meeting with Supervisors 5 days 10.00

44 Miles travel at 8 cents 3.52

1861-Dec. 13 To making Poor Report 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 Attending Board of Supervisors 5 days 10.00

44 miles travel at 8 cents 3.52


1861-Nov. 14 To meeting with Board of County Canvassers one day 2.00


DAVENPORT-Aaron Ford, Supervisor

1861-Nov.12 To meeting with County Canvassers one day 2.00

1861-Nov. 14 To meeting with Board of Supervisors 5 days 10.00

32 miles travel 2.56

Copying assessment roll, 590 names 8.90

1861-Dec. 14 Meeting with Supervisors 5 days 10.00

Making Poor Report 2.00

32 Miles travel 2.56

$ 38.02

DELHI-James R. Alleben, Supervisor

1861-Nov. 12 To one day as County Canvasser 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 Five days as Supervisor 10.00


DELHI-(2ND MEETING), Norwood Bowne, Supervisor

1861-Dec. 11 to 14 To meeting with Supervisors four days 8.00

To making Poor Report 2.00


FRANKLIN, A. E. Sullard, Supervisor

1861-Nov. 12 To meeting with Board County Canvassers 2.00

1861-Nov. 12 to 16 Five days with Supv. 10.00

34 miles travel 2.72

Making Poor Report 2.00

1861-Dec. 10 to 15 Five days with Board 10.00

34 miles travel 2,72


HAMDEN, John McFarlane, Supervisor

1860-Feb. Renewing Collectors bond 2.00

Returning Collectors bond, 20 miles 1.60

1861-Feb. Renewing Collectors bond 2.00

1861-Nov. 12 1 day service County Canvassers 2.00

1 day service Supervisor 2.00

1861-Nov. 13 1 day service Supervisor 2.00

14 Do Do 2.00

15 Do Do 2.00

16 Do Do 2.00

1861-Nov. 12 to 16 20 miles travel, at 8 c 1.60

1861-Dec. 10 to 14 5 days service on Bd. Supv. 10.00

20 miles travel at 8 c 1.60

1861-Nov. 12 Making Poor report 2.00

Copying Assessment Roll 7.00


HANCOCK, DeWitt C. Wheeler, Supervisor

1861-Nov. 12 Meeting with Co. Canvassers. 1 day 2.00

5 days meeting with Bd. Supv. 10.00

80 miles travel 6.40

1861-Dec. 10 5 days meeting with Bd. Supv. 10.00

80 miles travel 6.40

Making poor report 2.00

Ret'g. & Approv. Col. Bond., 1860 2.00

Travel fees for same, 80 miles 6.40


HARPERSFIELD-R.E. Davis, Supervisor

1861-Oct Copying assessment roll, 442 names 7.42

1861-Nov. 12 Attending Board Co. Canv. 1 day 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 Attending Board of Supv. 5 days 10.00

Traveling fees, 36 miles at 8 c per m 2.88

1861-Dec. 7 To making Poor Report to Clerk of Board 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 Attending Board Supervisors 5 days 10.00

Traveling fees, 36 miles, 8c per m 2.88


KORTRIGHT- Harvey Davis, Supervisor

1860-Dec. 17 To approving collector's bond 2.00

Returning same 26 miles 8c 2.08

1861-Feb. 5 Renewing and approving collector's bond 2.00

Returning the same 26 miles, 8c per m 2.08

1861-Nov. 12 To meeting with County Canvassers 2.00

1861-Nov. 14 Do Do 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 5 days as Supervisor 10.00

To making poor report 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 Meeting with Supervisors 5 days 10.00

Copying assessment roll, 486 names 7.86

To 52 miles travel at two different times to meet with

Board, 8c 4.16

$ 46.18

MASONVILLE-James A. Baker, Supervisor

1861-Nov. 12 To 1 day meeting with Co. Canvassers 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 To 5 days meeting with Supervisors 10.00

72 miles travel 5.76

Making poor report 2.00

1861-Dec. 10, 14 Meeting with Board Supervisors 5 days 10.00

72 miles travel 5.76


MEREDITH-Asahel R. Dutton, Supervisor

1860-Dec. 17 Approving and filing collector's bond 2.30

1861-Nov. 12 1 day meeting with Co. Canvassers 2.00

1862-Nov. 16 5 days meting with Supervisors 10.00

10 miles travel .80

1861-Dec. 14 Five days meeting with Supervisors 10.00

10 miles travel .80

Making poor report 2.00

Copying assessment roll 10.00


MIDDLETOWN-Orson M. Allaben, Supervisor

1861-Nov. 12 To meeting with Co. Canvassers 1 day 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 To meeting with Supervisors, 5 days 10.00

46 miles travel 3.68

1861-Nov. 14 One day as County Canvasser 2.00

1861-Dec. 11 To making poor report 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 To meeting with Supervisors 5 days 10.00

46 miles travel 3.68

Copying assessment roll 10.00


ROXBURY-Ira Hicks, Supervisor

1861-Nov. 12 To meeting with Co. Canvassers 1 day 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 To meeting with Supervisors, 5 days 10.00

48 miles travel 3.84

Making Poor report 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 5 days meeting with Bd. Supervisors 10.00

48 miles travel 3.84

Feb. To renewing collecctor's bond 2.00

Returning same 48 miles travel 3.84


SIDNEY-William Dewey, Supervisor

1861-Nov. 12 To one day meeting with Co. Canvassers 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 5 days meeting Board Supervisors 10.00

44 miles travel at 8cts. per mile 3.52

1 day making rep. of town paupers 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 5 days meeting Board Supervisors 10.00

44 miles travel, at 8 cts. per mile 3.52


STAMFORD-J. S. McNaught, Supervisor

1861 Nov. 23 To 1 day meeting with Bd. Co. Canv. 2.00

1861-Nov. 16 To 5 days meeting with Supervisors 10.00

32 miles travel 2.56

1861-Nov. 11 To making poor report 2.00

1861-Dec. 14 To 5 days meeting with Bd. Supv. 10.00

32 miles travel 2.56

$ 29.12

TOMPKINS-H. T. Devereux, Supervisor

1860-Dec. 18 Making out Collector's bond 1.60

Returning do 4.96

1861-Nov. 12 To 1 day meeting Co.Canvassers 2.00

To 5 day meeting Supervisors 10.00

62 miles travel 4.96

1861-Dec. 10 5 days meeting Supervisors 10.00

62 miles travel 4.96

Making poor report 2.00


WALTON-Benjamin J. Bassett, Supervisor

1860-Dec. Approving and returning Co. bon. 2.00

1861-Nov. 12 One day attending Board of Canvassers 2.00

1861-Nov. 13 to 16 Four days with Supervisors 8.00

36 miles travel 2.88

1861-Nov. 20 Making and returning poor report 2.00

1861-Dec. 10 to 14 5 days attendance at second meeting of Supervisors 10.00

36 miles travel 2.88



Andes $52.16

Bovina 39.80

Colchester 43.04

Davenport 38.02

Delhi 22.00

Franklin 29.44

Hamden 39.80

Hancock 44.70

Harpersfield 37.18

Kortright 46.18

Masonville 35.52

Meredith 37.90

Middletown 43.36

Roxbury 37.52

Sidney 31.04

Stamford 29.12

Tompkins 40.38

Walton 29.76

DELAWARE COUNTY, ss: I certify the foregoing to be a true statement of the amounts of compensation audited by the Board of Supervisors of Delaware County to themembers thereof, in the year 1861, and the various items of which the said amounts are composed.

And I further certify that the said Board of Supervisors was in session ten days in said year, and that each of the said bills were verified according to law.

B. F. Gerowe, Clerk of Board of Supervisors Dated December 18 th , 1861


DELAWARE COUNTY, ss: I hereby certify the following to be a true Statement of the Town Accounts of the several Towns of Delaware County, as audited by the TownBoards of the respective Towns, and afterward confirmed by the Board of Supervisors; also the accounts as audited by the Board of Supervisors and charged on the several towns, with the name of the claimant, the number and nature of the claim, and the amount claimed and alowed respectively.

Dated Delhi, Dec. 19, 1861 B.F.Gerowe, Clerk of Board of Supervisors



No. Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed

1 John P. Benjamin Inspector of Election 6.25 6.25

2 A B Douglas Surveyor 16.00 16.00

3 Andrew A. Liddle Commissioner 28.50 28.50

4 Alex. Shaw Clerk of Election 4.50 4.50

5 David A. Cairns Constable 2.04 2.04

6 John Hutson Commissioner 10.50 10.50

7 Andrew Hawver Supervisor 7.50 7.50

8 E W Shafer Town Clerk 11.75 11.75

9 James Jenkins Commissioner 27.00 27.00

10 James A. Huntley Clerk of Elec. 6.00 6.00

11 George R Shafer Use of House 12.00 12.00

12 Abram man Inspt. of Election 6.00 6.00

13 David Taylor Assessor 13.50 13.50

14 Stephen McCabe Overseer of Poor 13.50 13.50

15 Alfred Barnhart Constable 5.62 5.62

16 James McCable Inspt. of Elec. 12.25 12.25

17 Isaac E. Hanmer Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

18 James A. McNee Clerk of Assessors 3.00 3.00

19 Arch. Shaw Use of house 15.00 15.00

20 John Gladston Assessor 18.00 18.00

21 James Muir Insp. of Election 6.00 6.00

22 George E. Hunting Town Clerk 7.75 7.75

23 Silas D. Hilton Justice of Peace 10.50 10.50

24 Robert Oliver Do 25.50 25.50

25 L B McCabe Do 9.35 9.35

26 Wm. Garrick Do 10.50 10.50

27 Robert Gow Over paid taxes 1.86 1.86

28 Wm. Nield Inspector of Election 9.00 9.00

29 Commissioners Bill for Bridge 1150.00 1150.00

30 C B Shafer Inspt. of Election 4.50 4.50

31 Wm. A. More Assessor 18.00 18.00

1474.87 1474.87

Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

A. M. Paine Bill stationery 1.88 1.88

Peter N. Bassett Overseer Poor 30.75 30.75

Benira More Constable 5.69 5.69

Am't raised Highways and Bridges 250.00


1 James Elliott Supervisor 14.00 14.00

2 David L. Thomson Town Clerk 22.27 22.27

3 Isaac Maynard Justice of Peace 4.50 4.50

4 James R. Douglas Do 1.50 1.50

5 William Boggs Do 4.50 4.50

6 Alexander Storie Do 4.50 4.50

7 A T McFarland Assessor 10.50 10.50

8 Walter A. Doig Do 10.50 10.50

9 Homer C. Burgin Do 10.50 10.50

10 Henry Hogaboom Insp. of Election 6.00 6.00

11 James J. Blair Do 6.00 6.00

12 James R. Douglas Do 6.00 6.00

13 Peter McEachron Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

14 David L. Thomson Do 4.73 4.73

15 Thomas Lewis Com. of Highways 18.00 18.0

16 James Hoy Com. of Highways 19.00 19.00

17 John Hastings Do 9.88 9.88

18 Alex. Kinmouth Overseer of Poor 1860 1.50 1.50

19 James Catheis, Jr. Do 10.50 10.50

20 John Murray Do 12.00 12.00

21 Michael Miller do 12.50 12.50

22 James Thomson constable .75 .75

23 Alexander Gillie Do 4.92 4.92

24 Alex. B. Douglas Surveyor 2.50 2.50

25 P D Hamilton Use of house for town purposes 20.00 20.00


Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to Town.

A. M. Paine Stationer 2.19 2.19

Amount raised Highways and Bridge purposes 250.00


1 Alexander Shaver Wild cat certificate 3.00 3.00

2 Samuel O. Holmes Inspector of Election Dist. No. 3 7.05 5.55

3 Ira D. Lindsley Inspector of Election Dist. No. 1 6.00 5.25

4 George W. Hawk Inspector of Election Dist. No. 1 6.00 5.75

5 Samuel C. Lindsley Clerk of Election Dist. N. 1 9.00 8.25

6 Milton Pelton Com'r. of Highways 23.25 23.25

7 Ephraim Wilson Inspector of Election Dist. No. 1 6.00 5.25

8 Clinton Wilson Inspector of Election Dist. No. 2 10.50 10.50

9 Charles Holaday Inspt. of Election (Special) Dist. No.3 2.25 2.25

10 Abel D. Shaver Clerk of Election Dist. No. 3 5.25 5.25

11 Marcus P. Shafer Late Town Clerk 4.65 4.65

12 Uriah Shaver Poor Master 11.00 9.88

13 Daniel Campbell Do 12.00 12.00

14 Charles Carman Clerk of Election Dist. No. 1 5.75 5.75

15 Orben Barber Com'r. of Highways 11.25 11.25

16 Barna R. Johnson Services as counsel 7.50 7.50

17 Abel P. Northrup Inspt. of Election Dist. No. 3 3.75 3.75

18 Henry A. Williams Constable 10.29 10.29

19 William Wilson Com'r. of Highways 30.75 30.75

20 Orton Shaver Inspector of Election Dist. No.3 3.75 3.75

21 John R. Radeker Surveying 8.75 8.75

22 Nathan Elwood Com. of Highways 35.90 35.90

23 Pratt Chamberlain Assessor, also Inspector of Election Dist. No. 2 in 1860 21.00 21.00

24 Andrew Biggar Assessor 17.25 17.25

25 Pulaski Francisco Constable 4.07 ½ 4.07

26 Delancy Francisco Assessor 18.15 17.40

27 George F. Miller Constable 2.98 2.98

28 James A. Shaver Overseer of Poor 10.12 8.87

29 John W. Gregory Do 4.00 4.00

30 Rensselaer Shaver Inspector of Election Dist. No. 2 2.25 2.25

31 Philip Bassett Physician 8.13 8.13

32 James Chapman Constable 5.63 4.26

33 Pulaski Francisco Clerk of Election Dist. No. 2 3.25 2.50

34 Simon B. Horton Inspector of Election Dist. No. 2 3.00 3.00

35 John Horton Assessor in 1860 21.00 21.00

36 Josiah Warren Late Town Clerk 8.00 3.00

37 Robert M. Hanmer Inspector of Special Election Dist. No.3 1.50 1.50

38 Edward Johnson Constable 3.49 3.49

39 Gilbert Early Wild cat certificate 3.00 3.00

40 Bradley Allison Do 3.00 3.00

41 James R. Cook Clerk of Election Dist. No. 2, 1859 assigned to Ichabod Sprague 2.25 2.25

42 Henry Davidson Recent Justice of the Peace 5.25 5.25

43 Charles Spooner Inspector of Election Dist. No. 2 1860 and 1861 7.50 .50

44 Lorenzo Francisco Inspector of Election Dist. No. 3 2.25 2.25

45 John Johnson Justice of the Peace 28.05 28.05

46 E L Holmes Justice of the Peace and Inspector of Election Dist. No. 3 in 1860 19.61 19.61

47 William S. Williams Town Clerk 20.75 20.75

48 Townsend Shaver Justice of the Peace 20.80 20.80

49 Levi Lindsley Justice of the Peace 14.15 14.15

50 Donald Brock Wild cat certificate 3.00 3.00

51 James A Shaver Late Overseer of Poor 52.16 52.16

52 Elbridge G. Radeker Supervisor 6.00 6.00


Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

A M Paine Stationery 2.25 2.25

Highways and Bridges 250.00

Poor Fund 100.00



1 Aaron Ford Supervisor 21.50 21.50

2 John Coulter Town Clerk 20.00 20.00

3 Do Clerk of Registry 1.50 1.50

4 Do Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

5 E B Fero Justice 9.64 9.64

6 John Hitchcolk Justice 19.60 19.60

8 S C Lockwood Justice for 1860 and 1861 16.30 16.20

9 Jacob Follett Justice 10.53 10.53

10 Ezra Osterhout Assessor 12.00 12.00

11 Jeremiah /Woodbeck Do 12.00 12.00

12 Eleary Holmes Do 13.00 13.00

13 J B Smith Constable 8.77 8.77

14 Wm. Howard Do 1.22 1.22

15 John tobias Do 4.00 2.75

16 A H Tyler Constable 33.72 33.72

17 James Sprague Do 4.75 4.75

18 S McNett Do 17.44 17.44

19 J W Hake Inspector of Registry Dist. No. 2 1.50 1.50

20 Geo. E. Bixby Inspector of Regsitry nd Election, 2d Dist. 6.00 6.00

21 Aaron Houghtaling Inspector of Registry and Election 2d Dist. 4.50 4.50

22 R L Hibbard Inspector of Registry and Election Dist. No. 2 6.00 6.00

23 J W Kinyon Clerk of Elec. Dist. No. 2 3.00 3.00

24 David Vandusen Do No. 1 3.00 3.00

25 A C Lilb Clerk of Elec. dist. No.1 3.00 3.00

26 John E. McMorris Inspector of Election Dist. No. 1 6.25 6.25

27 Hector McNaught Inspector of Election Dist. No. 1 6.00 6.00

28 Chauncey Olmsted Do 6.00 6.00

29 David taylor Com. Highways 23.25 23.25

30 David Taylor Com. Highways 41.33 41.33

31 Wm. Simpson Late Supervisor 3.00 3.00

32 John Ferguson as Physician 3.50 3.50

33 Commissioners of Highways 250.00 250.00

34 Overseers of Por 70.00 70.00


Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to Town.

A. M. Paine Stationery 1.88 1.88

Additonal Poor Fund 30.00


1 C A Foote Town Clerk 1860 10.05 10..05

2 B F Gerowe Clerk of Election 4.50 4.50

3 James Davie Do 3.00 3.00

4 Samuel Gordon, Jr. Insp. of Election 6.00 6.00

5 Robt. L. Williamson do 6.00 6.00

6 Arthur W. Webb Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

7 J G. Baine Do 3.00 3.00

8 Wm Hitchcolk Constable Fees 3.74 ½ 3.74 ½

9 A M Paine Books and Stationery 6.19 6.19

10 Gurdon Paine Com. of Highways 6.75 6.75

11 Franklin Gleason Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

12 P H Beardsley Do 6.00 6.00

13 John L. Frisbee Do 6.00 6.00

14 Edward Van Dyke Assessor 16.50 16.50

15 Wm. Hutson Do 18.00 18.00

16 Alfred Hunter Room for Elec. Purposes 10.00 10.00

17 Thos. Hutson Overseer of Poor 7.50 7.50

18 George Smith Com. of Highways 41.00 41.00

19 John Tweedie Insp. of Elec. for 1850 1.50 1.50

20 Wm Simmons House for Elec. Purposes 10.00 10.00

21 A J Smith Constable fees 16.55 ½ 16.55 ½

22 Norwood Bowne Printing 2.25 2.25

23 Ira Carrington Bill Insp. of Election 6.00 6.00

24 H F Davidson Justice fees 30.60 30.60

25 A G Boomhower Do 7.50 7.50

26 T L England Do 12.05 12.05

27 Henry David Do 68.50 68.50

28 Robt. C. Maxwell Overseer of Poor 10.50 10.50

29 Walter Oliver Do 19.00 19.00

30 T L England Justice Fees 2.10 2.10

31 Robt. Gemmell Town Clerk 34.84 34.84

32 A B Douglas Surveyor fees 2.50 2.50

33 Leroy Levalley Constable fees 14.15 14.15

34 M L Farrington Overpaid tax (1860) 2.30 2.30

35 Sturtevant & McIntosh Printing 1.25 1.25

36 John Middlemast Assessor's fees 18.00 18.00

37 C H Bell Justice Fees 1860 1.00 1.00

38 Thorne More Constable 3.18 3.18

39 James R. Allaben Supervisor 24.00 24.00

40 Alfred Meeker Insp. of Election (1860) 1.50 1.50

41 Jon l. Wiesmer Referee to assess damages on highway 2.00 2.00

42 N Hathaway Survey referee & c 6.00 6.00

43 Jas. G. Redfield Referee to assess damages on highway 2.00 2.00

44 S A Gould Clerk of Election, assigned to H F Davidson 6.00 6.00

45 A J Smith Constable fees 6.52 6.52

46 H F Davidson Justice 10.25 10.25

47 Henry Davie Do 4.50 4.50

489.78 489.78

Audited by the Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

Milton W. Owen Servcies in Shrauger case 6.00

Town of Tompkins Expenses in case of Enos Shrauger 24.00

H F Davidson Justice 1.00 1.00

H Davie Justice 4.45 Rejected

For Highways and Bridges 250.00

Vote of Town For Highways and Bridges 50.00

Highway Damages Laying out highway on lands of Alex Mable 150.00

Poor Purposes 75.00


1 Albert E.Sullard Supervisor 3.00 3.00

2 Henry R. Scott Town Clerk 10.56 10.56

3 Porter G. Northrup Com. of Highways 39.00 39.00

4 James R. Robinson Do 15.00 15.00

5 Fitch Ford Justice of the Peace 7.45 7.45

6 Wm. Smith Do 4.50 4.50

7 David A. Bostwick Do 4.50 4.50

8 H S. Treadwell Do 5.45 5.45

9 Charles Hanford Assessor 22.50 22.50

10 Albert Payne Do 19.75 19.75

11 E A Griffith Do 21.50 21.50

12 Ozias Waters Overseer of the Poor 12.50 12.50

13 Lysander W. Jackson Do 6.00 6.00

14 Noah H. Phillips Constable

15 Lucius Hitchcock Do 3.57 3.57

16 Horatio Naragan Do

17 Corydon Austin Do account of 1860 5.62 5.62

18 George Dezell Constable 2.03 2.03

19 Otis White Inspector of Election 4.50 4.50

20 Silas Smith Do 5.50 5.50

21 Martin M. Wickham Do 4.50 4.50

22 Almon J. Gates Do 6.00 6.00

23 Hiram Hawley Do 6.50 6.50

24 Chauncey Ogden Do 4.50 4.50

25 George W. Weed Do 4.50 4.50

26 William Taylor clerk of Election 6.25 6.25

27 Wm. Crandall For use of House 25.00 25.00

28 Daniel Smith Do 8.00 8.00

29 Wm. Mills clerk of Election 1.50 1.50

30 Harmon Bronson Do 1.50 1.50

31 Watson Wheat Do 1.50 1.50

32 Simon P. Smith Do 1.50 1.50

33 Chauncey Chamberlain 3.00 3.00

34 Geo. W. Reynolds 1.00 1.00

35 Francis Drake 5.50 5.50

36 Charles Payne 6.00 3.75

Audited by the Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

For Highways and Bridges 250.00

For Poor Purposes 50.00

A. M. Paine Stationery 1.75 1.75

Sturtevant & McIntosh Printing .50 .50


1 Peter Bryce Inspector, assigned to John Bryce 1.50 1.50

2 Jerome I. Goodrich Clerk of Inspectors 6.00 6.00

3 Warren P. Peak Inspector and Clerk 4.50 4.50

4 George S. Andrews Inspector 6.86 6.86

5 Henry Holmes Assessor 16.50 16.50

6 Hiram G. Combs Town Clerk and Inspector 15.50 15.50

7 John Russell Town Clerk 6.25 6.25

8 Abram Covert Assessor 15.75 15.75

9 Robert Scott Assessor 10.50 10.50

10 Isaac R. Chace Justice of Peace 6.00 6.00

11 Wm. Lewis, Jr. Justice of Peace 11.20 11.20

12 James Chambers Justice of the Peace 6.90 6.90

13 Edwin Shaw Com'r. Of Highways 30.00 30.00

14 John McFarlane Supervisor 6.50 6.50

15 Thos. Williams Justice Peace and Inspector 13.55 13.55

16 Alexander Shaw 6.00 6.00

17 Nelson P. Brant Constable 2.50 2.50

18 Wm. Eckert Overseer of Poor 13.00 13.00

19 Wm. Mallory Do 6.50 6.50

185.51 185.51

Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

Amount borrowed by Town For Highway and Bridges 675.00

A. M. Paine Stationery 3.13 3.13


1 George Labar Over taxes in 1861 3.13 3.13

2 Asa Cochran Assessor 16.00 16.00

3 Joel Lakin Do 23.75 23.75

4 Philo F. Beers Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

5 Henry Welch Surveying & C 10.00 10.00

6 O N bonnefond Com. Highways 32.47 32.47

7 Levi Swrt Do 12.50 12.50

8 S J Fraser Legal Service 37.00 37.00

9 George Knight Overseer of Poor 9.20 9.20

10 L L Pettengill Clerk of Election 6.00 6.00

11 H P Faulkner Insp. of Election 6.40 6.40

12 C S Miller Do 7.50 7.50

13 A S Twaddell Registry & C 3.00 3.00

14 J W Gould Do 6.00 6.00

15 L B Landfield Do 5.00 5.00

16 Josiah Martin Do 6.00 6.00

17 Marvin Thomas Do 6.00 6.00

18 Richard Powers Com. Highways 4.50 4.50

19 Wm. R.Twaddell Const. assigned to R. Reed 3.00 1.50

20 C G Sutton Insp. of Election 3.00 1.50

21 E P Grant Surveying road 1.00 1.00

22 B S Faulkner Insp. of Election 7.50 7.50

23 Jas. M. Miller Justice of the Peace 10.50 10.50

24 Williams Martin Assessor and Surveying 34.50 34.50

25 Joseph Yendes Surveying 9.75 9.75

26 D C Wheeler Supervisor 12.97 12.97

27 DeWitt C Miller Com. Higways 24.00 24.00

28 M S Williams Overseer of Poor 16.50 13.50

29 M H Maynard Justice of the Peace 31.35 31.35

30 Silas Talmage Surveying road 1.00 1.00

31 D G Leonard Insp. of Election 1860 1.50 1.50

32 Edwin R. Twaddell Clerk Election 1.50 1.50

33 A B Chamberlain Town Clerk 26.50 26.50

34 H B. Clauson Justice of Peace 7.50 7.50

35 Wm Cresson Constable 63.69 63.69

36 S C Pettingill Services to the Poor 3.50 3.50

37 O T Bundy Do 5.00 5.00

38 S C Pettingill Do 5.00 5.00

39 Wm.Twaddell Constable 12.40 12.40

40 E F Wheeler Justice of the Peace 3.15 37.15

41 C A G Miller 3 Crows .75 .75

42 S G Miller 4 Crows 1.00 1.00

43 H Hughs 5 Crows 1.25 1.25

44 W W. Early 8 Crows 2.00 2.00

45 Orestus Appley 4 Crows 1.00 1.00

46 Henry Wilcox 10 Crows 2.50 2.50

47 Wm Hodge 2 Crows .50 .50

48 Henr Wilcox 10 Crows 2.50 2.50

49 John Knight Over paid taxes 1853 8.22 8.22

50 N W Williams 1 Crow .25 .25

51 W Gould 1 Crow .25 .25

52 S H Baxter 1 Crow .25 .25

53 E H Wheeler 1 Crow .25 .25

54 C R Burger 1 Crow .25 .25

55 R W Parks 7 Crows 1.75 1.75

56 Henry B. Hunter Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

Amount raised For Highways and Bridges

Voted for Highways


150.00 400.00

Voted for Poor Fund 150.00 15.00


Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to Town.

A. M. Paine Stationery 3.37 3.37

Morris S. Williams Justice 5.38 5.38


1 R E Davis Supervisor 19.88 19.88

2 E B Penfield Clerk 14.37 14.37

3 J B Bragg Justice 3.13 3.13

4 A M Babcock Do 5.64 5.64

5 E J Nichols Do 3.13 3.13

6 C O Nichols Road Commissioner 24.00 24.00

7 Martin Throp Road Commissioner 1860 5.00 5.00

8 Michael Dayton Late Supervisor 1.50 1.50

9 Wells Packard Assessor 8.25 8.25

10 P B Wickham Do 10.50 10.50

11 N P Dayton Do 9.75 9.75

12 E VanAmburgh Inspect. of Election 6.00 6.00

13 Richard Magee Do 6.00 6.00

14 Wm. S. Dart Do 6.00 6.00

15 A S gibbs Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

16 M Odel Const. and Clerk of Election 4.48 4.48

17 J H Champlin Tax refunded 1.09 1.09

18 Abel Dayton Overseer of Poor 50.00 50.00

Highways 131.25 131.25

Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

A. M. Paine Stationery 1.50 1.50

Sturtevant & McIntosh Printing .25 .25


1 Harvey Davis Supervisor 12.50 12.50

2 Wm. Y. McLaughry Town Clerk 23.70 23.70

3 Joseph G. McCall Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

4 John H. Rowland Inspector of Election 5.00 5.00

5 Matthew H. Kerr Do 6.00 6.00

6 Wm. McIntosh Do 8.25 8.25

7 Wm. G. Stoutenburgh Do 6.00 6.00

8 Walter S. Brownell Inspector of Election and Assessor 21.06 21.06

9 George Dales Clerk of Election and Justice 8.20 8.20

10 John H. McLaughry Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

11 John Butts For use of house for Election 7.50 5.00

12 Martin Keeler Justice and Clerk of Election 8.41 8.41

13 John Jaques For digging grave 1.50 1.50

14 Wm. Y. Burns For use of house for Town meeting and Election 15.00 15.00

15 John H. Smith Assessor 15.00 15.00

16 Nehemiah Gregory Overseer of the Poor 13.71 13.71

17 Richard Kilpatrick Assessor 15.00 15.00

18 George B. McIlwain Constable 8.72 6.61

19 Alfred Stoutenburg Justice 14.65 14.65

20 Samuel Osborn Com. of Highways 36.00 36.00

21 James S. Rowland Do 20.50 20.50

22 James G. Blakely Do 35.25 35.25

23 Charles W. Duren Clerk of Election and furnishing coffin for pauper 11.00 11.00

24 Alvah Tyler Dep. Sheriff 8.66 8.66

25 Stephen Forman Clerk of Election and for services rendered to Ora Grenell's family and Mrs. Margaret Ellis & child 15.75 15.75


Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

For Highways and Bridges 250.00

A. M. Paine Stationery 1.8 1.88


1 Luman L. Beach Justice of Peace, serv. 6.00 6.00

2 Edward E. Heath Clerk of Town meeting and Election 6.00 6.0

3 Lewis kentfield Justice and Commissioner 8.00 8.00

4 Alpheus Bolt Clerk and Commissioner 6.50 6.50

5 Daniel McKinnon Justices services 13.0 13.70

6 Warren G. Willis Do 7.67 7.67

7 Walter Mills Assessor 16.50 16.50

8 Stephen Whitman Commissioner of Highways 1860 4.50 4.50

9 Israel C. Bourne Medical services 4.62 4.62

10 James A. Baker Town Clerk 1.50 1.50

11 James A. Baker Supervisor 10.80 10.80

12 Chas. M. Priest Town Clerk 25.50 25.50

13 Keeler Robinson Boarding paupers 10.00 10.00

14 Mason Parker Commissioner of Highways 31.50 31.50

15 Henry Mills Com. of Highways 2.62 2.62

16 William Tiffany Services on appeal 3.87 3.47

17 Albert G. Mattison constable 9.51 9.51

18 Thomas G. Robertson Insp. of Election 6.75 6.75

19 William Rector Services on appeal 2.00 2.00

20 Nicholas Groat Inspector of Election 6.75 6.75

21 Isaac Gardner Constable 7.76 7.76

22 Nathan Parker Assessor 16.50 16.50

23 John Olmsted Commissioner of Highways 16.50 16.50

24 Charles C. Ward Inspector of Election 6.75 6.75

25 Arch McKinnon Use of House for Town Meeting 10.00 10.00

26 Samuel Donahue Use of House for Election 10.00 10.00

27 Isaac Gardner Constable 16.70 16.70

28 Alfred L. Austin Assessor 19.50 19.50

29 Commissioners of Highways, roads and bridges Right of way on Tiffany's land

Right of way on Rector's land





30 Stillman Smith Commissioner 2.00 2.00

31 William Scott Overseer of Poor 4.50 4.50

32 Frederick S. Freeman Do 12.00 12.00

33 Overseer of Poor For Support of Poor 150.00 150.00


Audited by the Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town

A. M. Paine Stationery 1.50 1.50


1 Asahel R. Dutton Supervisor 19.02 19.02

2 J G. Graham Justice 6.00 6.00

3 Wm. Hymers Do 6.00 6.00

4 N Dean Do 6.00 6.00

5 C Mitchel Do 6.00 6.00

6 P H Piester Com. of Highways 13.50 13.50

7 Thomas Mitchell Do 17.25 17.25

8 Harvey Bell Do 9.00 9.00

9 Thomas Graham Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

10 Isaac Burr, Jr. Do 6.50 6.50

11 Richmond Garrison Do 6.00 6.00

12 J D Wells Town Clerk 18.75 18.75

13 J A Strong Clerk of Election 4.50 4.50

14 Reuben Mackey Assessor 13.50 13.50

15 Wm. Strong Do 11.75 11.75

16 James L. Murdock Do 9.75 9.75

17 James D. Thompson Overseer of Poor 4.50 4.50

18 Trustee of School Dist. No. 3 5.00 5.00

169.02 169.02

Audited by Board of Supervisor and charged to Town.

For Highway and Bridges 85.00

For Poor Purposes 35.00

A. M. Paine Stationery 1.81 1.81

Sturtevant & McIntosh .25 .25


1 Jefferson T. Allison Com. of Highways 30.00 30.00

2 Jeremiah birdsall Assessor 19.50 19.50

3 John Bardsley Do 18.00 18.00

4 James chamberlin Election Clerk 7.50 6.50

5 John VanBenschoten Ins. of Elec. 1860 4.50 4.50

6 Daniel H. Jaquish Overseer of Poor 25.00 25.00

7 Smith W. Reed Physician of the Poor 11.75 11.75

8 Samuel H. Davis Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

9 Joshua F. Roberts Do 6.00 6.00

10 William E. Hull Do 7.50 6.75

11 D Weld Roberts Clerk of Election 4.50 3.00

12 Anson A. Dumond Constable 4.41 4.41

13 Napolin B. Price 6.00 6.00

14 James G. Ballard Election Clerk 3.00 1.50

15 Calvin Crosby Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

16 George H. Person Election Clerk 4.50 3.00

17 DeWitt Griffin Registry Clerk 1.50 1.50

18 Jon A. Carley Constable 8.93 8.93

19 Solomon Osterhoudt Ins. of election 10.50 10.50

20 Orville Vermilyea Assessor 19.50 19.50

21 Wm. Akerly Overseer of Poor 16.00 16.00

22 Coms. of Highways For C P Northrup, clerk for Com. of Highways 4.75 4.75

23 John A. Person Town house 1859 5.00 5.00

24 Jonathan H. Dean Justice 14.75 14.75

25 Gritman Elwood Justice for 1860 & 1861 55.35 55.35

26 Wm. A. TenBroeck Justice and Ins. 32.81 32.81

27 Wm. O'Conner Town Clerk 21.28 21.28

28 Richard Decker Election Clerk 3.00 1.50

29 J b Akerly Town ouse 10.00 10.00

30 Noah Dimmick Surveying 6.00 6.00

31 Nathaniel B. Baker Inspector of Election 7.50 7.50

32 Silas H. Mason Election Clerk 3.00 1.50

33 Linus W. More Inspector of Election 7.50 7.50

34 Daniel Watrbury Justice 3.00 3.00

35 Orson M. Allaben Supervisor 4.50 4.50

36 Warren Dimmick Justice and Overpaid tax 3.12 3.12

37 O M Allaben Physician to Overseer of Poor 55.48 55.48

38 Ben Ira More Constable 19.81 19.81

39 Salmon B. Swart Inspector of Election 7.50 7.50

40 Orson M. Allaben Physician to Poor 20.25 20.25

41 Valentine Kittle Town House 3.00 3.00

42 Jeremiah G. Reynolds Commissioner of Highways 28.50 28.50

43 John G. Dumond Overpaid tax 1.02 1.02

44 Sherman Street Supervisor 1860 7.50 7.50

45 Scudder Todd Constable 9.03 9.03

46 Theophilus G. Austin Late Commissioner of Highways 6.00 6.00


Audited by the Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

For Highways and Bridges 250.00

Lemuel Sines For Highway Expenditures 168.95 168.95

A M Paine Stationery 2.25 2.25

W.Dimmick Justice 6.52 6.52


1 R W Baker Com. of Highways 12.00

2 C C Crosby Overseer of Poor 3.75

3 Ed Burhans Clerk of election and registry 4.50

4 J B Scudder Assessor 12.00

5 H B Cronk Insp. of Elec. and registry 6.00 4.50

6 Irwin D. More Do 6.00 4.50

7 Ezra Akins Do 4.50 4.50

8 N F Mead Do 4.50 4.50

9 Ezra Mead Clerk of Election 1.50 1.50

10 M H Keevil Clerk of Elec. & Registry 5.00 5.00

11 E Preston Do 1.50 1.50

12 Orrin A.Meeker Inspector of Election 4.82 4.82

13 G H Cator Do 4.50 4.50

14 W P More Overseer of the Poor 1.50 1.50

15 J R Ganougn Do 15.13 15.13

16 Owen Wicks Inspector and elections 7.50 5.50

17 James Powell Clerk of Election 3.00 1.50

18 Henry King Overseer Poor, Town of Stamford 4.50 3.00

19 Erastus Morse Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

20 H N Wicks Clerk of Election 3.00 1.50

21 Geo. A. Dent Town House 10.00 5.00

22 P. Agan Commissioners of Highways 2.25 2.25

23 J C Vandyke Town Clerk 15.44 15.44

24 R Kilpatrick Constable 2.13 2.13

25 Dolly Reed Town House 15.00 15.00

26 R W Vandyke Town Clerk 1860 10.44 10.44

27 N K Dart Justice 10.22 10.22

28 A Cartwright Justice 7.50 7.50

29 R B Smith Justice 7.50 7.50

30 S W Olden Late Commissioner 3.00 3.00

31 J T Grant Justice 4.50 4.50

32 Overseers of Poor For Poor Fund 30.00

33 Commissioners of Highway 1861 60.00

34 Commissioners of Highways Arrearages in 1860 29.61

35 P L Vandyke Assessor 24.75


Audited by the Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

A. M. Paine Stationery 2.25 2.25


1 William Dewey Supervisor 13.00 13.00

2 Milton Johnson Ex. Supervisor 1.50 1.50

3 George J. Huftalen Town Clerk 6.43 6.43

4 Orson Bartlett Ex. Clerk 6.70 6.70

5 Seth Bartlett Justice 6.00 6.00

6 Samuel Kellogg Justice 10.15 10.15

7 Sluman L. Wattles Justice 6.00 6.00

8 Herbert W. Courtney Do 12.98 12.98

9 Reuben Lewis Assessor 15.00 15.00

10 John M. Betts Do 18.75 18.75

11 Wheeler Davis Assessor for 1860 and 1861 38.50 38.50

12 Albert Hodges Highway Commissioners 16.50 16.50

13 Ira E. Sherman Do 24.00 24.00

14 George Carley Do 18.00 18.00

15 William T. Hodges Ex Commissioner 5.25 5.25

16 Isaac Winans Overseer of the Poor 4.50 4.50

17 William W. Evans Do 4.50 4.50

18 William N. Hodgins Ex Overseer 3.00 3.00

19 John S Scofield Constable

20 David Whitney Do 7.45 7.45

21 Lucius chase Inspector of Election 6.00 6.00

22 AndrewJ. Dibble Do 4.50 4.50

23 Orvil L. Benton Do 6.00 6.00

24 Robert W. Courtney Clerk of the Polls 6.00 6.00

25 Aureleus T. Hurd Do 4.50 4.50

26 Walter Wattles Inspector of Election 1860 2.00 2.00

27 Samuel D. Bacon Clerk 2.00 2.00

28 George B. Fellows For printing road warrants 2.00 2.00


Audited by the Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

A M Paine Stationery 1.50 1.50

W P Peake Constable 5.00 5.00

Commissioners of Highways 250.00


1 John S. McNaught Supervisor 3.00 3.00

2 Henry Grant Town Clerk 21.19 21.19

3 Aristarchus Blish Assessor 12.17 12.17

4 Harry Barlow Do 13.09 13.09

5 Jesse Gilbert Do 13.67 13.67

6 Andrew T. Wilcox Justice of the Peace 7.30 7.30

7 George T. Foote Do 8.00 8.00

8 Novatus M. Blish Do

9 George W. Martin Do 5.95 5.95

10 Cornelius Becker Inspector of Election 6.31 6.31

11 Levander Hagar Do 6.00 6.00

12 Charles K. Bsh Do 4.50 4.50

13 Frederick Griffin Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

14 Alexander McDonald Com. of Highways 23.25 21.75

15 Isaiah Houghtaling Do 19.50 18.00

16 Wiliam Stevens Do

17 Isaac H. Silliman Do 7.50 7.50

18 Henry King Overseer of the Poor 28.50 28.50

19 Caleb Johnson Constable 1.80 1.80

20 Frederick Griffin Do 8.55 8.55

21 Robert S. Brownell Supervisor 1.50 1.50

22 Hugh Scutt Town House 10.00 5.00

23 Alfred B. Grant Room for Election 5.35 5.00

24 Abram McClaughry Physician 6.00

25 John F. Grant Overseer 1860 25.54 25.54


Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

John W. Maynard Overpaid tax in 1860 19.26 19.26

For Highway and Bridges 250.00

For Poor Fund 150.00

A M Paine Stationery 1.50 1.50


1 aw Sliter Assessor 16.50 16.50

2 B T Canon Do 18.00 18.00

3 Jeremiah Carlin Do 19.50 18.00

4 D D Ostrom Clerk of Election, assigned to Wm. K. Owen 3.00 3.00

5 A J Tanner Clerk of Election and Registry 6.00 6.00

6 J F Herrick Do 6.00 6.00

7 Charles Ostrom Insp of Elec. and Registry 7.50 7.50

8 L B Palmer Do 7.50 7.50

9 A Winters Do 7.50 7.50

10 O T Bundy Jr Do 7.05 7.05

11 M P Brown Do 6.75 6.00

12 P J Pellett Do 6.00 6.00

13 W R Twaddle Constable 7.47 7.00

14 M B Kelsey 2 Wildcat Certificates, assigned to Wm. K. Owen 4.00 4.00

15 Wm. K. Owen Justice of Peace 6.50 6.50

16 C VanSchoyk Surveying 3.00 2.50

17 Allen & Carpener Printing 5.48 5.48

18 A S Walker Poor Master 11.50 11.50

19 A G Miller Poor Master 22.00 22.00

20 A Burrows Wildcate Certificate 2.00 2.00

21 Wm. McClure Surveying 21.00 17.50

22 J Tillotson Commissioners of Highways 80.50 70.00

23 T. Burnside Constable 26.60 15.60

24 T W Ostrom Room for Town Meeting, Election and Registry 10.00 10.00

25 V Huguiner Furnishing room for election and registers 12.00 10.00

26 Young Stafford Justice of the Peace 2.00 2.00

27 R Wakeman One half the value of a horse killed on Rock Rift Bridge 50.00 35.00

28 John Sprague For taking care of Jerry Alverson 28.00 28.00

29 John Webster Justice of the Peace 4.50 4.50

30 James Fletcher Right of Way 55.00 55.00

31 Wm.Hawley Support for lunatic 65.00 65.00

32 Hiram Guire Constable 6.58 6.00

33 H T Devereux Supervisor 21.50 21.50

34 E Y Edick Town Clerk 34.75 34.75

35 Wm .Martin Surveying 7.50 5.00

36 F VanValkenburgh Refunded Tax 9.36 9.36

37 Henry Gransbury Do 6.38 6.38

38 Young Stafford Justice of the Peace assigned to D L Lincoln 2.50 2.50

39 J A Babcock clerk of Town Meeting assignedto D L Lincoln 3.00 3.00

40 A M Paine Stationery 1.88 1.88

41 Overseers of Poor 300.00 300.00

42 Commissioners of Highways 250.00 250.00



1 Benj. J. Bassett Supervisor 16.95 16.95

2 Warren Wakeman Do 14.25 14.25

3 Geo. w. Hanford Do 12.75 12.75

4 Thomas . Marvin Do 15.00 15.00

5 Charles b. Wade Town Clerk 22.94 22.94

6 Smith H. White Justice of the Peace 3.05 3.05

7 L S Steele Do 20.40 20.40

8 Thomas Marvin Do 9.50 9.50

9 R M Gallup Do 4.35 4.35

10 Stephen Bernary Overseer of the Poor 20.56 20.56

11 Joseph Barlow Com. of Highways

12 A O chrisman Do 8.25 8.25

13 Jehiel Beach Do 14.25 14.25

14 A W Steele Inspector of Election 6.75 6.75

16 E P Berray Do 8.25 8.25

17 Jon W. Alexander Insp. of Election 6.75 6.75

18 A J Eells Rent of room for town purposes 20.00 20.00

19 Dr. Thos J Ogden For profession services to the poor 25.15 25.15

20 Dr J S McLaury Do 38.25 38.25

21 Matthew Dan Constable 6.16 6.16

22 James R. Berray Do .63 .63

23 BB Bundy Clerk of Election 3.00 3.00

24 N Curtis Marvin Making notices advertising Rock Rift Bridge 1.00 1.00

25 George W. Webb Refunded Taxes 1.08 1.08

26 Egbert W. Lockwood Clerk Board of Auditors 1.50 1.50

27 Smith Jenkins Release of Highways 50.00 50.00

Voted by Town for Poor Fund 100.00 100.00

Rep'td. be raised by Commissioners of Highways 200.00 200.00

630.87 630.87

Audited by Board of Supervisors and charged to the Town.

A. M. Paine Stationery 2.76 2.76



I hereby certify the following to be a true copy of the Annual Report of the Superintendents of the Poor made to the Board of Supervisors for the year 1861.

Dated Dec. 21 st , 1861 B. F. Gerowe,

Clerk of the Board of Supervisors


The Superintendents of the Poor of Delaware County present to the Board of Supervisors the following Annual Report:

There has been expended for the support of the poor at the County House from

Nov. 1st, 1860 to Nov. 1st 1861 the sum of $1695.17

Which sum includes expenses of clothing, provisions and physicians bills at the

House, Keeper's salary, wages of hired man, and all the incidental

expenses necessary to carry on the Poor House farm.

There has been had b the poor at the House during the year, 2067 weeks and

2 days board at an average cost of 82 cents per week; of that number

of weeks board there has been had by the poor belonging to the

several towns to support for the year ending Nov. 1st, 1861-1657 weeks

board at 82 cents per week, which amounts to the sum of $1358.74

Charged as follows:

Town Weeks Days Price Per Week Amount

Andes 5 82 .59

Colchester 37 4 Do 30.81

Davenport 65 -- Do 53.30

Delhi 289 3 Do 237.33

Franklin 50 - Do 41.00

Hamden 59 4 Do 48.85

Hancock 204 3 Do 167.63

Kortright 279 5 Do 229.37

Meredith 15 5 Do 12.65

Middletown 128 2 Do 105.19

Roxbury 239 6 Do 213.08

Stamford 35 1 Do 28.82

Sidney 52 - Do 42.64

Tompkins 112 4 Do 92.31

Walton 67 2 Do 55.17


There remains to be charged to the County 410 weeks and 2 days board at 82 cents

per week which amounts to the sum of $ 336.43

To which add the amount charged the several towns 1358.74

Which makes the expenses for the year as above stated 1695.17

There was raised and placed to the poor fund for current expenses last year 1200.00

There was due the County from the several Towns for the support of their poor at the House 1418.67

Balance due the County in the Treasurer's hands Nov. 1st 1860 1065.80

There has been fines received and paid in the poor fund 30.00

There has been paid into the poor fund by A. Cartwright, Supt. of Poor 40.00

Which makes the poor fund for last year $3754.47

The Superintendent has drawn checks on the Treasurer to the amount of 2174.20

The Treasurer has paid for the transportation of County poor 15.13

The Treasurer has paid for the transportation fo County poor 14.02

Balance in Treasury Nov. 1st, 1861 $1551.12


The whole number of poor supported at the Poor House the year ending Nov. 1st, 1861, was 73; of this number 25 were county and 48 were town poor. Discharged 27, died 2, remaining inthe Poor House Nov. 1st, 1861, 44. Idiots 3, insane 11.

The stock remaining on the farm Nov. 1st, 1861 was 1 yoke of stags, 10 cows, 2 yearlings, 4 beef cattle, 2 calves, 5 fat hogs, 3 shoats.

There has been raised on the farm 650 sheaves rye, 3000 sheaves of oats, 28 tons of hay, 45 bushels buckwheat, 3 bushels beans, 7 bushels peas, 475 bushels potatoes, 11bushels onions, 12 bushels beets, 45 bushels carrots, 150 bushels corn, 135 bushels turnips, 500 heads of cabbage, 13 firkins butter.

The Superintendents think the sum of $1000 in addition to the amount due from the several Towns, and the amount in the Treasury will be sufficient for the ensuing year to pay the current expenses.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Almerin Cartwright

George Wright Sup'ts. of the Poor

Edward VanDyke



Delaware County, ss:

I hereby certify the following to be a true copy of the Report of the Commissioners of Excise, amde to the Board of Supervisors for the year 1861.

Dated December 21 st 1861. B. F. Gerowe, Clerk of Board of Supervisors


Pursuant to a resolution of your honorable body, at its annual meeting held in the month of Nov. 1861, "requiring the Commissioners of Excise of said County to report to your Board, at the next meeting thereof, the amount of fines and penalties collected by them, and the suits commenced since their last report, and of monies collected by them or their Attorney, during the last year, and of what disposition has been made of the same, and the settlement of actions commenced, and of judgments, and a detailed statement of how settled, and of all monies collected in the several towns and the names of the individuals licensed, and the towns where licensed, and the disposition made of such license monies," the undersigned respectfully report, that the following statement contains a full list of the names of the individuals licensed, the character of the licenses, the names of the towns wherein the persons licensed reside, the amount of the license money received, all which has been paid over to the County Treasurer and his receipts obtained therefor, to wit:


James Marshall Andes 30.00

John Davis Tavern Do Do

George Suttle Do Do Do

George E. Hunting Store Do Do

Alexander Shaw Tavern Do Do

Hannah Hilton Do Do Do

Dorcas Hamilton Do Bovina Do

David Anderson Do Colchester Do

Leander Hitt Do Do Do

Wm. S. Williams Do Do Do

Hiram Williams Store Colchester 30.00

Wilson Hoag Tavern Davenport Do

Jonathan P. Flower Do Delhi Do

Apollos C. Edgerton Do Do Do

William H. Simmons Do Do Do

Alfred Hunter Do Do Do

Mitchell & Carman Do Do Do

Millard & Frisbee Store Do Do

Lovell & Mitchell Do Do Do

William Crandall Tavern Franklin Do

Daniel Smith, Jr. Do Do Do

Clark Andrews Do Hamden Do

Edward Bagley Do Do Do

Warren L. Peake Do Do Do

Robert Jamison Store & C Do Do

Riley H. Reed Tavern Hancock Do

Charles L. Judson Do Do Do

John Hunter Do Do Do

George M. Hubbell Do Do Do

James McNulty Store & C Do Do

Edmund Geraghty Do Do Do

John Butts Tavern Kortright Do

John O.Thompson Do Do Do

Wallace Smith Do Do Do

William Y.Burns Do Do Do

Alfred A. VanHorn Store & C Masonville Do

Samuel Donahue Tavern Do Do

Allen Lasher Do Middletown Do

William Weaver Do Do Do

William O'Connor Do Do Do

Noah Beadle Tavern Middletown 30.00

Dennis Whitcomb Do Do Do

Rebecca Chase Do Do Do

David Akerly Do Do Do

John A. Person Do Do Do

Charles Northrup Store & C Do Do

Judah Kelly Do Do Do

Humphrey Crary Tavern Roxbury Do

Dolly Reed Do Do Do

George A. Dent Do Do Do

George Dixon Store & C Stamford Do

J.S. & P. McNaught Do Do Do

Jams W. Hanford Do Do Do

Kilpatrick & Griffin Do Do Do

A. B. Grant Tavern Do Do

Hugh Scutt Do Do Do

Selah M. Stevens Do Do Do

Robert S. Brownell Do Do Do

Vincent Huguiner Do Tompkins Do

Thomas W. Ostrom Do Do Do

Charles J. Durfee Store & C Do Do

Frederick W. Launt Tavern Walton Do

Samuel W. Smith Do Do Do

Total Number of licenses 62 $1890.00

We further respectfully report that full answers to the other matters embraced in the foregoing resolution will be found contained in the report of the Attorney of the Commissioners, a copy of which is herewith submitted as follows, to wit:


The Attorney of your Board respectfully submits the following Report, in obedience to the requirements of a resolution, it is understood, served on you, and also which I acknowledge to have been served on me, by the clerk of the Board of Supervisors, on the 19 th day of Nov. 1861-a copy of which report you will do me the favor to lay before the said Board of Supervisors of this County:

First - The whole amount of fines and penalties collected since my appointment, in May 1859, is $340.21.

Second - The whole number of suits actually commenced, since Dec. 12, 1860, the date of your last report, is seven, viz: One against Hugh Scutt of Stamford, one against Vincent Huguiner of Tompkins, one against John Coan of Kortright, one against George W. Dan of Tompkins, one against William Y. Burns, of Kortright, one against Robert Crawford of Hancock, and one against Samuel Sherman of Davenport; all which actions, except that commenced against John Coan, have been settled and discontinued, and settled in accordance with your instruction, (except also in the action commenced against Robert Crawford), by payment of my fees, amounting to $10 and disbursements in each case, except one, in which I accepted $8 for my fees, and by the payment of $50 in each of the actions against Hugh Scutt and Victor Huguiner. In the action against Robert Crawford, who is the owner and keeper of an eating saloon, having no license, he made affidavit that he had sold nospirituous liquors except lager beer, and that he was ignorant that the sale of such liquor was illegal. The decision on the matter by the Curt of Appeals, at the times of such sale of lager beer not having been published. The suit therefore, was settled on payment of my fees of $10 and the Sheriff's fees.

In addition to the forementioned seven actions, the necessary papers for the commencement of actions, were made out and placed in the hands of the Sheriff to be served, in two other cases, to wit, one against Frederick Kaltenbach of Roxbury, and the other against James McNulty of Hancock. Both cases were settled, however, before the service of the papers by the Sheriff, the one against Kaltenbach, by your direction, and on payment of $8 which I accepted for my fees, and that against McNulty, on payment of $25, ten dollars of which I retained as my fees, and $15 has been disposed of as hereafter mentioned.

The action against John Coan, which is the only action now undetermined, is at issue and ready for trial when it can be reached.

Third: The whole amount of monies collected on account of fines and penalties, since the date of your last report, being for the present year, is $282.70.

Fourth: All the monies received for fines and penalties, since my appointment as your Attorney, have been applied in part payment of my fees and charges pursuant to the directions of the Commissioners after consultation with Judge Mason, on the subject of your right to apply such monies for such purposes, leaving a balance my dueon the 23 rd day of Nov. 1861, of $113.46; a detailed statement of my account with you, and of the application of the last above-mentioned monies received, is herewith respectfully submitted, marked A.

Fifth: Two of the seven unconditional judgments obtained in the name of your Board since my appointment as Attorney, have been paid in full and satisfied, to wit, one against Jonathan P. Flower, of Delhi, in which the amount of the recovery against him was $100, and the other against Lemuel D. Mason, of Andes, in which the amount of the recovery against him was also $100.

Executions against the person, were issued and placed in the hand of the Sheriff of the county, in May last, on three other of the seven above-mentioned judgments, viz: on one against James Boyd, of Meredith, docketed on the 4 th day of Sept. 1860, for $120.01, damages and costs; on one against John Swart, of Davenport, docketed on the 24 th day of Oct, 1860, for $123.52; on the other against Manly M. Finch, also of Davenport, docketed on the 15 th day of Feb. 1861, for $105.38.

After the lapse of nearly or quite one hundred days from the time of the delivery of the executions to the Sheriff, and three of these defendants were committed to the common jail of the county. In a few days after their commitment to jail, however, John Swart, one of the defendants, was suffered to return home, on the sole responsibility of the Sheriff, so far as known to me, and where, ever since the said Swart has remained, as I am informed. James Boyd and Manly M. Finch, also in a few days after their commitment were respectively discharged form their imprisonment by the Sheriff on the written directions of two of the Commissioners, as I am informed by said Sheriff. Both of the two latter named persons, since their discharge from imprisonment, have been engaged in the active, constant and illegal traffic of spirituous liquors, as made known to me, through the representatives of persons residing in the towns of Meredith and Davenport, respectively.

If the discharges of Boyd and Finch are legal, then the above-mentioned judgments against them are fully satisfied, as I had frequently stated to you would be the effect,previous to their discharge; while in the opinion of the undersigned, there is no remedy on the above mentioned judgment against John Swart, except against the Sheriff,who, in my opinion, also, is liable to the full extent of the judgment, principal and interest.

Executions on the two remaining of the seven above mentioned judgments, have been issued against the property of the defendants, and by the Sheriff returned unsatisfied in each case, as I am informed, to wit, on one against John Swart, of Davenport, docketed on the 14 th day of Oct., 1860 for $129.67 damages and costs and

on the other against Daniel W. Sackrider, of Delhi, docketed on the 31 st day of May,1861 for$162 damages and costs.

A judgment was obtained against Vincent Huguiner, of Tompkins, on a note given by him in payment of the settlement of a penalty incurred by him, on the 21 st day of Oct., 1861, before Harvey F. Davidson, a Justice of the Peace of this county, for $39 damages and costs, and which judgment remains uncollected, although an execution thereon, was some forty days since, placed in the hands of a proper officer.

No action for penalties, since my appointment as Attorney by you, has been commenced, but upon complaint, which circumstances apparently disclosed the necessary facts for conviction, and of the ability in the persons complained of, to pay any judgment that might be obtained. The policy pursued for most of the last year, of making settlements with offenders upon payment of the taxable costs, simply, although both recommended and solicited in most cases by respectable persons in the localities where the offenses have been committed, is obviously unwise. The excise law has been in existence for several years, and its provisions are well known. There can, therefore, be but few excuses that will justify a settlement of an action when commenced without payment, at least, or one penalty besides the costs, while the protection of the county against all costs and expenses, demand that those who violate the law shall be made to pa sufficient for the enforcement of its provisions, and to guard against the contingencies of misinformation, and the fluctuations to which, the pecuniary circumstances of most persons are liable

Complaints have been made to me by highly respectable persons, against the violations of the excise law in certain localities, without any specification of the particular offenses, the names of the individuals by whom committee, or the names of any witnesses, solely as alleged by those making the complaints, through fear of injury to their persons or property, in case the above mentioned suppressed facts should be communicated. Such a state of society, if true, demand attention and a remedy.

In conclusion it is due to the Commissioners and myself who disagreed with the two Commissioners who gave written directions to the Sheriff for the discharge from imprisonment of both James Boyd and Manly M. Finch, above mentioned, although it is understood that Mr. Boyd made oath to such Commissioners that he was a poor man and unable to pay the judgment against him, that the reasons for such disagreement should be stated. These reasons are as follows:

First: The provisions of law for the imprisonment of this class of its violators ought to be reasonably enforced, until the present excise statute shall be repealed, or the section authorizing imprisonment annulled; and more especially against these two defendants, each of whom had interposed a sham defense, and thereby put the plaintiffto greatly increased expense.

Second: The defendants were both youngerly men, and representations had been made by persons entitled to credit, that each could pay something, and perhaps the full amount of the judgments respectively against them, were they so disposed.

Third: The discharge from imprisonment of this class of offenders without some meritorious reason or urgent necessity, operates injuriously upon other persons engagedin the illegal traffic of intoxicating liquors, without producing any beneficial effects upon the individuals discharged.

Fourth: Persons licensed having paid a considerable sum of money to obtain their licenses, are justly entitled to protection against illegal sales of spirituous liquors and wines to the fullest extent of the law practicable.

Whatever may be urged in extenuation or justification of a legalized traffic in intoxicating liquors as a beverage, the pernicious effects on society in the toleration of theirillegal sale are great; not the least of which is the begetting and sustaining a disrespect and disobedience to law-a vice properly regarded as one of the most prominent of the present age.

Very truly yours & c

S. C. Johnson

Some of the facts stated in the foregoing report of the Attorney of the Commissioners are known by us to be true, and we have been informed by said Attorney, that the others contained therein, also are correct and true, and which we verily believe.

No monies for fines and penalties within the last year have actually been received by the Commissioners-they have been collected or paid over to the Attorney as mentioned in his report to us, as we are informed and believe.

A grocery or store license within the last year was granted to Mr. Ira Hicks of Roxbury, and placed in the hands of the colleague of the undersigned, Warren Dimmick, Esq., and one of the Commissioner of Excise of this County, to be delivered to him on payment of thirty dollars, the amount of license money required. We are informed that subsequently Mr. Hicks paid the thirty dollars to Mr. Dimmick.



Delaware County, ss:

I hereby the following to be a true copy of the Report made to the Board of Supervisors at their annual meeting in November 1861, by Hon. Wm. Gleason, County Judge and Surrogate.

Dated December 23d, 1861 B.F. Gerowe, Clerk of Board of Supervisors

To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Delaware:

The undersigned County Judge respectfully reports that the whole of fees received by him,

as Surrogate, since the date of his last Annual report to the date hereof is $598.00

Of which sum 487.36

Accrued subsequent to m last Report and prior thereto 111.54

The aggregate of fees charged since said last Annual Report is 707.92

of which sum 220.56

remains unpaid.

The items composing this unpaid amount are hereinafter designated by a (star)*

For all money thus received by him with date thereof he has duly accounted

to the County Treasurer.

The following items of fees charged by him from the date of last year's report to the date hereof, viz:

Nov. 23, 1860 In the matter of the sale of real estate of Angus Grant, deceased $7.07

Do John W. Turnbull, deceased, order of Publication .25

Do Granting Letters of Guardianship of the Persons and Estates of Margaret Wright and others, minors 9.00

Do Mary Forrest, deceased, order of Publication .74

Do Martin Keeler, deceased, order of Publication .25 *

Nov. 24, 1860 Frances Maxwell, deceased. Granting Probate and Letters Testamentary 12.00 *

Nov. 26, 1860 Levi Raynor, deceased. Granting administration $5.75, and filing inventory and oath, 50c 6.25 *

Do John M. Smith, deceased, Probate and Granting Letters, & c 12.00

Nov. 30, 1860 Milton Bartlett, deceased, Probate of Will and Granting Letters 12.00 *

Dec. 1, 1860 Reserved as per cent on moneys collected in estate of Philip Maxwell, deceased and paid to Thompson .09

Dec. 3, 1860 Jabez Bostwick, deceased, order of publication of notice to creditors .25 *

Do Alexander Robb, deceased, granting administration 5.00

Dec. 7, 1860 Gurdon H. Edgerton,, deceased, exemplification of letters, certificates, c 1.24

Do John McKinnon, deceased, drawing petition and for oaths to accounts, citations and copies and entering orders 3.75 *

Dec. 17,1860 John w. Turnbull, deceased, order of publication of notices .25 *

Do Alvira A. Stephens, deceased, probate of will, granting letters, etc. 12.00

Dec. 24, 1860 Thomas Nicol, deceased, order of publication, etc. .25 *

Dec. 28,1860 Granting letters of guardianship, etc of Philip and Frances E. Maxwell, minors 4.50

Dec. 29, 1860 Granting letters of guardianship of George Paige, a minor 3.00

Do Philip Maxwell, deceased, for collecting and disbursing interest on monies .27

Do Catharine Damond, deceased, exemplification, etc. .60 *

Do Andrews Chisholm, deceased. In the matter of the accounting and final settlement of estate 6.47

Do Isaac Reynolds, deceased. Decree of distribution, oaths, order, etc. 1.57

Jan. 1, 1861 Gurdon H. Edgerton, deceased. Order of publication and exemplified copy of letters .75 *

Do Oliver Peake, deceased. Accounting final settlement and distribution 6.63

Jan. 7, 1861 John A. Weismour, a minor. Letters of Guardianship 3.00

Do Wm. Snyder, deceased. Granting order, etc. .25

Jan. 9, 1861 John Hawk, deceased. Order publication, etc. .25 *

Do Alfred Robinson, deceased. Granting letters of administration. The estate being less than $50, no fees were chargeable ----

Do Russell Bassett, deceased. Accounting final settlement, etc. 5.72

Do Granting letters of guardianship of Gurdon E. Maxwell and three other minors 7.50 *

Jan. 15, 1861 William Laidlaw, deceased 2.00 *

Probate of Will, etc. 10.00

William Laidlaw. Granting administration with the Will annexed. 5.00

Do Catherine S. Wright, minor. Granting guardianship, etc. 3.00 *

Do Margaret Blakely, a minor. Granting letters of gurdianship, etc. 3.00*

Do William Mallock, deceased. Probate and granting letters, etc. 12.00 *

Do Fanny Decker, deceased. Probate of will, etc. 12.00 *

Do David Smith, deceased. Probate and letters. 12.00 *

Jan. 28, 1861 John Graham, deceased. Accounting settlement, etc. 5.90

Jan. 30, 1861 George Nichols, deceased. Citations and granting letters de bonis, etc. 5.75 *

Do Joseph McLaury, deceased. Probate of will, etc. 12.00

Feb. 4, 1861 George W. Downs, deceased. Probate etc. and Aug. 15 order of publication 12.25 *

Do William Blakely, deceased. Final settlement, etc. 5.15

Feb. 5, 1861 Susan Lamb, deceased. Probate, etc. 12.00

Feb. 11, 1861 Hiram Clark, deceased. Certificates and seals to exemplification of will 1.00

Feb. 21, 1861 Robert McFarland, deceased. Granting admnistration 5.00 *

Do James Thompson and three others, minors. Granting lettesr of guardianship, etc. Exemplifications and seals, reports of guardian and oaths, etc.


Feb. 25, 1861 John Dean, deceased. Probate, etc. 12.00

Do Joseph Tait, deceased. Probate, etc. 12.00

Do Jotham Gay, deceased. Adminstering oaths and drawing affidavits and filing inventory. .50

Do John Turnbull, deceased. In the matter of the proceedings to sell real estate 5.87 *

Do Timothy Corbin, deceased. In the matter of the auditing of the claim of the Executor 1.49 *

Do David Simmons, guardian accounting 1.25 *

March 4, 1861 David R. Sloat, deceased. Probate, etc. 12.00

Do Emma R. and Frances Perry, minors, granting letters of guardianship 4.50

March 16, 1861 Sarah M. Blakely, deceased. Granting letters of administration 5.00 *

March 18 1861 Bernard Madden, deceased. Granting administration, citations, etc. 5.75 *

Do Abram Butts, deceased. Probate, etc. 12.00

Do Eben Jennings, deceased. Order of publication, notice, etc. .25 *

March 21, 1861 Frederick Noble, deceased Probate, etc. and filing inventory 12.50

Do William Saunders, deceased. Accounting final settlement, etc. 9.46

Do Joseph Rowland, deceased. Accounting final settlement, etc. 6.59

April 2, 1861 James Twaddell, deceased. Probate, etc. 12.00

April 8, 1861 Wearam Willis, deceased. Order of publication of notice. .25 *

Do James Stewart, deceased. Recording will, granting letters, etc. 7.90

April 10, 1861 Amos Roberts, deceased. Probate, etc. 12.00

April 13, 1861 Benjamin Smith, deceased. Granting letters of administration, estate less than $50, no fees charged. ----

April 15, 1861 Thomas Paine, deceased. Order of publication .25 *

Do John Tait, deceased. Granting administration with the will annexed 5.00

May 1, 1861 James P. Grant, deceased. Order of publication .25

Do John McKinnon,deceased. In the matter of the admeasurement of dower 4.64 *

May 3, 1861 Elias E. More, deceased. Granting letters of administration 5.00

May 4, 1861 David C. McWilliams and others, minors. Granting letters of guardianship 7.50

Do Charles Coe, deceased. Proceeding to sell real estate 5.37 *

May 21, 1861 William Kimball, deceased. Granting letters 12.00

Do Hannah Peake, deceased. Probate and lettes 12.00 *

Do George Thompson, deceased. Order of publication, notice, etc. .25

May 27, 1861 James Bramble deceased. Probate and granting letters 12.00

Do Alexander Austin, deceased. Probate and granting letters. Probate being contested. 19.00

Do Noah Pratt Judson,, a minor. Settlement of John Grant, guardian, etc. 4.27

Do Alvira A. Stephens, deceased. Drawing affidavits, oath and filing inventory .50

June 3, 1861 Henry Demorney, deceased. Accounting, settlement and distribution 6.75

Do Martha J. Petit, a minor. Letters of guardianship, exemplifications, certificates and seals 1.24 *


Do John Brainard, deceased. Proceeding for order of payment of legacy, etc 1.25

June 15, 1861 John Dean, deceased. Drawing affidavits, oath and filing inventory .50

Do Joseph Davidson, deceased. Granting administration 5.00 *

Do Amos Olmstead, deceased. Granting administration 5.00

June 21, 1861 Quartus Brown, deceased. Probate and granting letters 12.00

June 22, 1861 Mary Dickinson, deceased. Granting letters of administration. Estate less than fifty dollars, no fees charged. ----

Do Cornelius McGregor deceased. Order of publication of notice .25 *

July 5,1861 Samuel Rowland, deceased. Probate and granting letters. 12.00

July 6, 1861 Sylvester Bostwick, deceased. Probate and leters 12.00

Do Merritt Reynolds, deceased. Adminstration and drawing affidavits and oath and filing and inventory. 5.50

Do Julia Ann Reynolds, minor. Granting guardianship 3.00

July 6, 1861 Stephen Hanford, deceased. Probate and granting letters. 12.00

Do Sarah Ann Hill, deceased. Probate and granting letters. 12.00

July 23, 1861 William Reeve, deceased. Probate and Letters 12.00

July 31, 1861 Milton Bartlett, deceased. Order of Publication of notice .25 *

Do Arthur D. Mann, minor. Appointing general guardian. 3.00

Aug. 3, 1861 Daniel D. Bathrick, minor. Appointing guardian 3.00

Do Andrew Thompson, deceased. Granting administration and citations 5.75

Do George Barnhart, deceased. Granting administration 5.00

Do Lyman L. Lewis, deceased. Order for Execution to issue .25

Do James Renwick, deceased. Granting administration 5.00 *

Aug. 22, 1861 George Nichols, deceased. Order of publication of notice .25

Do John Burdick, deceased. Probate and letters 12.00

Do Eleazer Treadwell, deceased. Probate & c 12.00

Sept. 9, 1861 Stephen Hawley, dec'd. Granting administration 5.00 *

Sept. 14, 1861 John Fisher, dec'd.. Probate and Letters 12.00 *

Do Ellen Jackson, a minor. Granting guardianship 3.00

Sept. 21, 1861 Burton B. Beers, dec.

Probate and Letters



Do Wearam Willis, dec'd. Drawing oath & c. & filing inventory .50

Do Frederick Noble, dec'd. Order of publicationof notice .25 *

Do Wm. Snyder, Dec'd. Order to sell claims & c 1.00 *

Oct. 15, 1861 Lucy Stilson, and others, granting letters of guardianship 9.00 *

Do David W. Thompson, dec'd. Granting administration 5.00 *

Do Phoeba Brondage, dec'd. Probate of will and grnting letters c.; a contested case 12.00


Do Joseph H. More, dec'd. Probate and granting letters 12.00

Oct. 21, 1861 Robert J. Reynolds, granting letters of guardianship 3.00

Do Alexander Robb, dec'd. order of publication and drawing affidavits and oath to inventory and filing .75

Do Herman Treadwell, Dec'd. granting letters 5.00 *

Do Edmanda B.Gilbert and Delia Gilbert, granting letters of guardianship 4.50

Nov. 2, 1861 Herman Munson, dec'd. granting administration 5.75

The undersigned further reports that in pursuance of the statutes concerning indigent lunatics and the State lunatics asylum, three citizens of the this county, after due examination and proof of their lunacy and indigence, (which examinations were attended by one or more of the Superintendents fo the Poor) were conveyed to the State lunatic asylum at Utica upon orders granted by the undersigned, viz:

Mary M. Goodrich, of Sidney, Bridget Rooch of Colchester, Henry Johnson, of Meredith.

Dated Nov. 5 th , 1861 William Gleason, County Judge

Delaware County, ss:

Wm. Gleason being duly sworn, says that the foregoing report is in all respects just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

William Gleason

Sworn to before me Nov. 14 th , 1861

Daniel McKinnon, Justice of the Peace