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الخدمت لكترونية


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

ة: ـ ـد ـ قـمقصادية مسة و إى سيا رتفة راة وداعم در نمة قصادية على تهئة بئة تساع على تح نمة

.حم ةبر ا ةوو ب

،بد ةيداصق ةمنل رف دم ت ةيداصق ةمن رد إوتسى ر دم   ًا حس دء قصاد ا ،إىلام مج ىإ زم ةخ ي ةورك ا ق ريطت

الصفحة ئة 


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صائ عاة

وخد جفاد ا كروة تها در نمة قصادية،ةي ا كصخ افت ةر و ةورك ا ق خ

.قم ىلع اس ءاشإ لع

ات ز ث ةفلم ا نكمي س بدجم ةيا خر ءرجإ ط .ورك رخأ ا ءرجإو

.ر ر اي ىجري ورك

ب ا خ اس ءاش

ب ر ،خ ست بر و ،قمل ةسر ةحفص ىلع .1.يج خد

دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

تااب اخد اسقأ سمل س ااب ةحف ضرع

سمل س ااب

و ب ةا خ ست ااب اخدإ لع س ذ قم ىلع خد ست نع اهست

.ب ا سم خدأ ،سم بر .1.تا اني ا دجم ب رخ ،سم ةماق .2

.ب ةا ورم ةمل ،ورم ةمل بر .3 

 ورم ةمل ةا ورش اعر ي ،ورم ةمل اخ نع:دحم

  6 ق ىلع كت أ ي •ث م وأ ب ا سم ىلع حت أ ي •

$abc111 : اث ، و اقأ ،رأ ت أ ي •

.ل ورم ةمل ةبا عأ ،ورم ةمل ت بر .4 .5قامة لغة ،خر لغة ربة أو لزية.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئةالصفحة ئة 

.4رب كا بالغة ربة ،أدخ م اً بالغة ربة.

.نع خدأ ،ن بر .5. با ير ون ااب خدأ ،.. بر .6 .7قامة ا ،خر ا ت بها..فتا ق خدأ ،تاهامق بر .8

.اف ق خدأ ،افامق بر .9.رف ج ق خدأ ،رفس ج ق بر .10

.ب ا ا ق خدأ ،ا ق بر .11.سنج رخ ،ةسن ةماق .12

.13رب بطاقة ق هية ،أدخ ق بطاقة هية.

.ب ةا ةصخر ق خدأ ،ةصخر ق بر .14

لبيانات لشخصية


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

اسم نسم

.لطم خدأو امن ،اسم نسم سق

/ون يفت م•تاكم يفت م•

.و من ب ر

.2ر تس ب إدخا اا مطلبة.

ا اإ ار ذو .ب ةا ار أ لا ةحف ضرتا ع  ُثم وأ ا   ً ك سم سم ا إ .ةعإ وأ ةياخإ

.لثمي ذ سماب ةا ار ضرع طسي ،ةصخر:ةا اف ي ارلً وج لا ةحف ضرت

عن راة • راة •

تاي راة •

رض تفا راة

ر عن راة. •تظهر راة باكا مرا ون كا أف جو را .لرد

على راة ،ر ب د على يسا راة.



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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

يج ةا ءاش

.لا ةحف ىلعأ يج ةا يت ر .1

.2رب ن ،أدخ عن راة. .3قامة م ،خر هة تس راة.

.4رب مح ،راة.لمحت درم لم اك يحBrowse ر ،ارم سق .5

.محت ر .اإ ر .6


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

طسي اه ىلع ً دامع ةارل الت نع رهظي ق •.قم ا خ اهب اصت سم

.ن ةاخ ور ست أ ي •

.سم ىلع م ةماق دجم اه مت •

ترض فحة باات اا اة ب و أ أدخلها أناء رلة:اسقأ ىإ ةحفص سنت .ر وأ اظن ىلع خ ست

سمل س ااب •

اا شصة •اسم نسم •

رض اا وتحيثها

.تااب ر ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1

و سم ر هظ ي سم ل س ا ا ب سق

 ا. ًمس ما دتهما اف 

.2قامة لغة ،خر لغة ربة أو إلزية.اا ع تااب يت نكمي ةصش اا سق .3


كا بالغة ربة •

كا بالغةلزية •ا ق •

نسة •

ق بطاقة هية •ق رخصة •

.و من ب ر ،اسم نسم سق .4.ف ر ،اظن ىلع اا س .5



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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

إر لمة مر

ا ةا:خ ارغت وأ ب ةا ورم ةمل ددر نكمي

تغر لمة سر 

. نع باسحب ةا ورم ةمل رغت نكمي

:دحم ورم ةمل ةا ورش اعر ي ،ورم ةمل اخ نع

  6 ق ىلع كت أ ي •ث م وأ ب ا سم ىلع حت أ ي •

$abc111 : اث ، و اقأ ،رأ ت أ ي •

باسحب ةا ورم ةمل رغ

.1قامة ن منى صفحة ة عما ،ر تغر لمة سر.

.3رب لمة مرو ي ،لمة مرو ي .2.رب لمة مرو حاة ،لمة مرو تسها ا  ً ا..ل ورم ةمل ةبا عأ ،ورم ةمل ت بر .4

.اظن ىلع سل رس ةمل رغت ر .5


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

سا لمة سر 

اة س لمة سر اة ب ،يمكن ب سا لمة

.خ ست بر رس

ي أ ير مس اا اة مك خاةردد لمة سر:

سم •ورك ير •

ا نم ا ق •

نم رغ ةاق رت ق•

ب ةا ورم ةمل ددر

اس ب ر ،خ ست فأ ،خ ست بر .1لمة سر.

.ب ا سم خدأ ،سم بر .2.ب ا ورك ير خدأ ،ورك ير بر .3

ا ً ن ن إ ا ق خدأ ،ةاق رت/ا ق بر .4

.رخأ ةسنج أ محت ن إ ةاق رت ق وأ ا ً  تاإ.لط يت ر .5ورك ير ىإ رس ةمل اإ ةا اظن ضري

.ب ا


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

خيمكن عرض رخ رجها مابها.

خر ضر

.خر ر ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1

يرض جو اا فا اة

ا •

حاة •ا ق •

ق رخصة •

تاي هاء •

ث ا ع اف ب ضر ا ر .2ن وق نو ري وهات وشطة وحاة.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

دات كنة

راج س زجحسيو .ةصخ ىلع صحل ا  ً اأ ا ً  ر ي ا ز إ

ا لري با شرة.

ات زح

ر ،تا فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1.ات ز

ز ل اخ ةاخ د ،ةا ّ  ةصخ رف ات ز دأ إ.ةا ّ ف ةصخر ق اخد بر رهظي .ةا ّ  ةصخ رف ات

وأ اخ ةاخ د ات زحب ةا اكو ورش أرق .2.لط ةجم اكو ورش ىلع

.بات ر .3

ا ااب اظن ضري ،ا ا ااب سق فأ

.اظن ةلسم ا

.4أف قس تفا ا ،أدخ ملا مطلبة


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

.1رب ا رب أدخ ا بالغة ربة. .2رب ا لز أدخ ا بالغة لزية. ااشن خدأ ،ا ااش و بر .3

ي غ نشا ا ها. ةم ةا رخ ، ا اصخ سق فأ .5

.حم ا

.ا ز ر .6


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

خات ز يت

حم ا ة أ ات ز يت اظن يخ ةصخر إ ي أ ىلع ،ا ز ب و رهش مت،ا ز ة هو ةصخر إ طست إ .رف ذ

.قم ىلع ةورك ا خ زح يت نكمي

ات ز ي

ر ،تا فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1.ات ز يت

. ز سلس خدأ ، ز سلس بر .2.يت ر .3

ا اا ب ب ا ً ن ا ا ااب وج رهظي.ي ر اهنم و ا

.ي امك ا يت أ ر .4


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

جدد رخصةيمك تي رخصة ب هاء ر رياها أو ق هاء.

ي خصة

ر ،تا فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1تي خصة.

.2رب ق رخصة تر بيا ،أدخ ق رخصة..يت ر .3

ب ةاإ اهثيحتو ةصخر ال ةاث ط تتك ا و ضري .اسق ىإ ةحفص سنت ،ارم

لطم ءرج ايإ سق


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

.ي ل اإ ر .4

مج محت ي أ ب ي ل اإ ا هإ •مسن مطلبة

غاء الة تي رخصة ،ر إغاء. •

ا .ةلمحم نسمو لط ر ف جري•وجد إ ا خاجة إا طل إى ها منة.

.ر ير ع إ إ ةم ت أ بو رخإ


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الصفحة ئة 


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

إدر وفقة

بدئةية دا صق ر ق ا هي ةور ك ا و ةيات ةصخ ص لطي .ةم ةم إ سم.ً وأ ةيداصق ر ة ة ىلع لط ا ص ةطش

.و قو ة رثأ ل كمي

مة مة

ر ،تا فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم  ُ  ن ةماق *إ ة ة.

:و ،ةبا طخ بأ ةم ةم إ ةلمع كت

.1إدخا باا رخصة

خر ةهج اخدإ ةم ةم إ ةلمع طخ وأكت ةاح ذ .اهخ ةصخر صاب لط ا

جهة إ رخصة ر قصادية.

إدخا اا اة بارخصة م  ُ رد صا:

بات ر ،ةسنم ةما ةيداصق ر رخ .1

تانة ،ؤسة سئة حود ،ؤسة أعما ة. .2قامة شك ا أ كا اة: ؤسة ردية ،ؤسة،لجأ ةم إ رت ذ اشنل ا كش رخ

.بات ر

ر  ُ ي ةي ا ةطش يحت ي ، ةصخر ااب اخدإ با. مرة فة إاة ص در  ُ م ةي ا ةصخر ىلع ا هاإأشطة رخصة اية ،ي   ُرجى رج إى تحي أشطة رخصة



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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

.2تحي أشطة رخصة اية

بكا ا رخصة اية أ ي باة أثر شا تا على

. ةصخر

اة شطة على رخصة اية

ح ر ،ةطش سق ،ةيا ةصخر ةطشأ يت .1ب شطة اية.

.حب ر ،ةطش ةعم ةماق اشن رخ .2 ر ،اخ انت اشن ةئ اأ ،ح ا سق .3

.4تظهر شطة قم باخاا قس شطة ما.خر..إو ف ر ،ةطش اخ ءاه ب .5

.6قس شطة ،يظهر ز نشا ذ ت خا ،ووف ،وع .ر.بات

،اخاب مق ا ذح

.ذ ر اشن ز اخ ةاخ د *بذ تك ق قم بحي شطة تر إاها على رخصة رت ي ذ ء ا ر ش و أ /و ّ ُ  م يرب ت ، ب .ةي ا إى جر ىجر  ُ ي ،الم يزم .ةيا ةصخر ىلع هاإ

تري م  / ّ ُ شراء على رخصة اية.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

.3تري م  ّ ُ وشراء على رخصة اية

ت ،ب ا زر ىلع صحو اشن اخ ءاه ب

ح خ .ةصخر هجدإ يذ ءارش وأ /و ّ ُ  م يربب ماير ث رب أو لز أو سلس ش أوق ا أو وة ،ي نظا باح قاع باا در نمة ،سلسم ق ةلص ح ا ضرع ي ّ و ةيداصق

ش ،نسة ،تاي مد ،ق ا ،ق ج سفر.

لح ع شراء و/أو م  ّ ُ قاع باا در نمة قصادية

. ع حب ر ،ءار / ّ  ُ  يت .1 وأ بر ث ريام أ خدأ ،ح خ  ُ  ذا .2.حب ر ةو وأ ا ق وأ ش سلس وأ زل

، ر ب سلس ش مرد سلسم قر دمع فأ .3.اإ

رت ذ ش ري ،اخ و ، ةسؤ ا ةف رخ .4.أ ر ،اإ

،ش سلس اخ ةاخ د .اإ ت ذ ش ااب رهظت .5.اكو ورش ت ر

ت ،هتااب ىلع صحو ءارشو   ُ م يحت ءا ه بباا إى أخر خط عملة إ مة مة و إا اةمسن مطلبة. مرة خط إا مسن ،ي   ُرجى رج إى

إا مسن مطلبة.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

.4إا مسن مطلبة:

اإ ي أ ي ، ةم ةم إ ل يت ام جأ

مسن ث اة:

)خرت إ سي م( ةخ ع ةس .1)خرت إ سي م(رفس ج ع ةس .2

اع 21 لي م ا ةاممب اب ةمكحم ا .3

حم مسن مطلبة:

تحم مسن .1.قس مسن م  ُ حم  ّلة ،أا مسن ذ تر تحمل ،رذ نسم ع حل Browse ر ،نسم محت سق .2

.لمحت رت.اهج ىلع اك يحب ت أ ب نسم ر .3

.4ق بكر ط فسها مسن مطلبة.، ر تي ل مة نسم محت ءا ه ب .5


داعإ كمم كو قاإ ب نسم نس أ ذ كمي .رخأ نسمب لمحت

رل ةم ةم ل اإ ي ،ةبلطم نسم اإ درمبقصادية.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

طباة خصة:  ٍ ةعا ل نكم  ُ ي ،ةيداصق ر ق خ

هاد رخصة •

بد ةعانو ات ةر داه •

طاعة رخصة

ر ،تا فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم  ُ  ن ةماق .1

.2قس رخ ،د خاة خا شهاد تر اعهااعة رخصة..بد ةعانو ات ةر داه وأ ةصخر داه

ب تحي رخ ا ب ،يمكن خا أثر هاد طاعها.و ةد

.3ر عرض / اعة.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

دث انات

اصأ ي ،ةيا ةصخر اصب اصت ةلمع يرستو هست جأ كشب هب ةا اصت ااب يحب ةيا خر احأ ي


اصت ااب يح

ر ،تا فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1.اصت ااب يحت

ر ،ن بر ةصخر ق خدأ ،ةصخر ااب سق .2.ن ااب ضرع

أ ي ،ةيا ةصخر اصب اصت ةلمع يرستو هست جأ كشب هب ةا اصت ااب يحب ةيا خر احأ ي


اصت ااب يح

ر ،تا فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1

.اصت ااب يحت


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

  ُ رض باا تصا أ أدخلها ا رخصة. ر تغر .3ت.اا يح ةصخر نع ااب

إ ةمي اا ذحب ق ،ن افت رغت سق .4ح وأع ابة اا حيثة.

.اا افت ف ر .4

،اا يحت ةلمع ءاغ

ر إغاء. •

ت   ُف ب ت تحي باا عن رخصة بنا و ً  ا ة ا رهظت لاا ي أدخلها.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 


عالة ضعةأو رخصة أو ةلام ق اخدإ ير ع ةلا ةو ةبا كمي.ةم ةم

فسا ع وة الة

ر ،تا فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1فسا ع وة الة.

.2بح ع مالة ب طر تة:

اسف رت ةلام ق خدأ ،ةلام ق بر عنها.

ع رسفست أ يرت ةصخر ق خدأ ،ةصخر ق بر وأوها.

لطل ةم ةم ق خدأ ،ةم ةم ق بر وأ.ا رت أ يرت ذ

.حب ر .3

يظهر جو قسم و يرض باا مالة أ ثا رضتفا رخصة.


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الصفحة ئة 


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 


قمة مافا م   ُسلة على خص ودها. ب رة قمة مافا ،خ ق ر قصادية ،يمك ا رخصة فسا عمااتي تج مس إى ق ببة كروة خها

بسي مة مطلبة.

افام ةمق ةرم

ر ،تا فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1.افام ريرت

ر ،ن بر ةصخر ق ،افام اهإ سق .2عرض..

ي   ُرض ترير ف وذ يرض لمس قمة مافا مسحة.


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الصفحة ئة 


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 


خ ش

اش ح.دح ةيات ةطشأ ةلا ارش مج رير ذ ضري

اشن س خر ش ريرت ءاش

ش ر ،ريات فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1.اشن س خر

.نع ح رت ذ اشن خدأ ،دح اش اخ بر .2


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الصفحة ئة 

.حب ر .1

ي رير خا إاة نها د ر ،ر تاب ا إى

.ورك ةبب ىإ ح اابو إ يت


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

خ شي ح با ق سلس ش أو ق ا من دوة خ ذ رير يمك رة عد رخ مسلة با حد.

. ا

خر ش ريرت ءاش

ش ر ،ريات فأو امع ة ةحفص ىنم ن ةماق .1.خر

.ش سلس خدأ ،ش سلس بر .2.حب ر .3


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الصفحة ئة 


قدة: .1تير تكلفة إ رخصة

ير كلفة ب ي أ ةصخ إ ري ذ سم اكبرية هذ جرء وها ق شرو خط إا.

ير تكلفة إ خصة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق •

تير تكلفة إ خصة.

تك عملة تير تكلفة إ خصة ط اة:

.1تحي نشا معة شطة

ةطش ةعم ةما رخ ،ةطش ةعم سق •ين تحها نشا / شطة.

.حب ر •

.بات ر ،اخ انت ةطش اخ ةاخ د •

.2تحي اة ،وعد ،وجنسة ر مشرة رخصة

قس / ّ  ُ  راء ،رب ن أا معة ،د عد •

ر معة ممعا تر إاها..بات ر •


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الصفحة ئة 

ي   ُمكن تصنفها ، ة صخر رط ا ةر ةا إ ةا .اع ش

ا كش اخ .3

ت عملة خا شك ا منا لنشا ا علىتط ايحت ت رو ةطش ٍ  اأ


وأ ةنات ةسؤ ء ةما ا كش رخ •

.بات ر ،دوح ةئس

ا اصخ يحت .4

ا ب .ات ز ةيات ةصخ ر ةلمع زلستبحز ا ،ي ش ذ ير ص رخصة

. ذ اصخ يحب

تسى ر ك خاة صا م  ُ اة عن ها.ا ز نع و ةصخر

:حم ا اصخ يح

اص اخ ةاخ يحب ق ،اص ةا ىلع ب•.حم ا ت

.بات ر •

ا اشن ق ائ ةمق ي .5حي يا سن مكا تف شا رخصة:

ر ،اب اي ةمق ،نس اي بر •

.اس.بات ر ،اب ةسحم ر ةمق رهظت •


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الصفحة ئة 

يج ةصخ س ةير ةفلك ضرع .6

:و طخ يج ات اش ست ةلمع كت

ا ز .1ةم ةم إ .2 .3إ خصة تاية

طخ طخ ك ةير ةفلك ضر  ُ ت ،ط ذ خ تس نشا ا بشك نفص إها مم كل لكلفة


م ط اهاخدإ ت اال ا  ً و ةفلك اس يسابة.

.بات ر ،ةفلك ىلع ب •

.2تير تكلفة تي خصة

تكلفة ةر ةصخر ا كمي ةطسب طخ اتإ ير عتي خص اية ق ء إجرء ي فلة.

ير تكلفة تي خصة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1تير تكلفة تي خصة.

.2قس س ا ،ق رخصة ،وسلس ش ،وقمة.ب ا ن بر نس اي ع

.حب ر .3

ي إدخا اا لها وع تر أية خاة اا ث خاة ىتمك إتما مالة.

.اب ةيا ةصخر ي ةيري ر رهظت


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الصفحة ئة 

.3ح ع باا شطة

غرض عملة ح ذ تمك مس ح ع شطة

ز نشا.اية مسم بمزوها. ي مس باح إا با نشا أو

لح ع باا شطة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم  ُ  ن ةماق .1ح ع باا شطة.

.ن بر اشن ،ةطش ع ح سق .2.حب ر ،ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق .3

ت   ُرض ا ح ذ قم ب وتم اة نا ها عقة.اخدب مق ذ اشناب

. اف يزم ضرع يرت ذ اشن ز ر .4

ةطش ةعم و ،اشن ز اا ضرت يج ذا ف  ُ ت.اشن ذه رص وو ،ةصخر و ،اهحت ني


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الصفحة ئة 

.4ح ع باا خصة

صحو ةيداصق ر ةلس ُ  م ارش ااب ع ح نكم  ُ ي

على باا رخ اية ممنة ها..ا وأ ةصخر ق اخدإ ير ع ةصخ ةيأ ع ح نكمي

لح ع باا خصة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1ح ع باا خصة.

ا وأ ةصخر ق اإ اخدب ق ،ح خ سق .2نهما.  ٍكب ا ن بر

.حب ر ،ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق .3

ق رخصة ،و ا بالغة  ٍ ةنم ح ا ضر  ُ تربة ،و ا بالغة لزية.


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الصفحة ئة 

.5بح ماء اية

خ ق ر قصادية ،ي   ُمكن ح ماء اية ما

ي   ُمكن رة ماء اية مح وف ّ اة.لح ماء اية

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1بح ماء اية.

.2رب ن ،ا بالغة ربة أو بالغة لزية..حب ر ،ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق .3

ذ ا محت ارش ةا ةنم ح ا ضر  ُ تقم باخا .يرض قس ا ح اا اة:

ا سلسم ق •ق رخصة •

ا بالغة ربة وبالغة لزية •

جهة إ رخصة •


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الصفحة ئة 

ةصخر ق ر ،ح ا سق ،ةصخر افت ضر .4تر رة تفا شرة م  ُ جة تحها.

.6بح عروض نزي وحم روية

أ بكا س ق ر قصادية على عروضب لع ىلع ه  ُ ي ام ةمظن ةفصب ةيور محو يزنروض ورويا اة بنشا تا ا. م خ خاة بح عروضياص ضرع سم كمي ، ةيور محو يزن

.بد اإ ةلسمو ةياس يزنل داص

لح عروض نزي وحم روية

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم  ُ  ن ةماق .1بح عروض نزي وحم روية.

،ح ريا سق .2

ر .اهخ رم ضور ةر رت رف د •

ز ي ، د تاي ء وهاء.اعة تر رة د ،ةعا ةماق •

روض وحم روية اة بها..ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق •

.حب ر .3


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الصفحة ئة 

خرو س ام ةئت .7

، خر ص ء ر ج إ هست لى ع ة ي د ا صق ر مت

ما س ورخ مق كرو لر ار.وتيا ،وإغاها. ذ ،ت  ُ مك ر قصادية مس تئة

رم خرو س ام ةئت ةاخ ير على ق ر ،يمك ش ذ ير ص رخصة ايةا ً يأ نكمي ام ،اهعاو ر ق ىلع س ام ء

.قو أ اهاغإ وأ اا ذ يت

يمك مس إجرء أ ط اة:

يج ست ءاشإ .1

ااب سب ةيداصق ر ق س ي أ كمم .عاو يج خرت

يج ست ءاش

تئة ما س ورخ .1.فحة ة عما ،ري تاا يم ،أف فسا ،ر

،ةصخر ال سق .2.ن بر خرل ا / ةرش •

.ن بر رمثسم ام أ •جر ىجر  ُ ي ،اشن ةا .خرل ا اشن أ •

م تحي أشطة رخصة اية.

إياد نشا ا م شطة م   ُجة اة ع ةا .رخأ ةطشأ بر اشن ك  ُ ي ،ةطش ع ح

ع ح ةا ةج  ُ م ةطش م اشن دايإ ةا ت ة طش ر هظت إ ا   ً ا خ رخأ ة طشأ بر ر  ُ ي ،ةطش

خاا تلا  ً ا.


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الصفحة ئة 

.3خر شك ا لشرة امة.،ةصخر ءاعأ ال سق .4

ر ،ن بر ةيه ق / ش سلس •

.الت كشب سنجو ش ضر(.إ ،ةر ا ،ضف ،و) ةما ش ةف رخ •

ر إاة. •

.5قس باا ق زوة م ،أدخ اة اا ح اة.يا ر ي ز ر ، ءاه يات يح .اهب

،قم ىلع داص خر سق .6

ن بر  ٍ ُ   اشن و ،ا و ،ةصخر ق •

.ب ار إاة. •

ام ةعا ر ، ً ج اكو ورش ءرق ب .7.ي س

س ااب يت .2اق اا  ٍأ يب س ا ي أ كمم ذ ش ي ،س ااب يت اخ خ م .ا ً  س  ُ  اهاخدب

:فاب ةن ُ  م ي يت أ ءرجب ساب اق


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الصفحة ئة 

يت ذ / ةايت اخ د ،خرو س ام ةئت ةحف ىلعأ .1

.س ااب ر ،جرم ي ر ،ةام ي ةماق .2

.ام ي ذ / أ.ةعا ر ،ي ءاه ب .3 ر ،ةام ي ةماب ةج  ُ م ا ةا ةا •

.ك أ ر ،ةام ي ةماب ةج  ُ م ا ةا ذح •

.ك ذ.س ح / ءاغإ ىإ جر ىجر  ُ ي ،س ءاغ •

س ح / ءاغإ .3 ةصخر ق اخدإ خ س ءاغب ي أ سم اكب

يري إغاء س ا بها.

س ح / ءاغح / ءاغإ اخ د ،خرو س ءرجإ يت ةحف ىلعأ .1

.ساء غإ رت ةصخر ق خدأ ، ة صخر ال سق .2

س ا بها.

.3أف صفحة ،ر اعة.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

قد كلة

ير كلفةإدر رخصة ب ي أ ةصخ إ ري ذ سم اكب.اإ طخ ورش ق اهو ءرج ذه ةير

ير تكلفة إ خصة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم  ُ  ن ةماق تير تكلفة إ خصة.

تك عملة تير تكلفة إ خصة ط اة:

.1تحي نشا معة شطة

ةطش ةعم ةما رخ ،ةطش ةعم سق •ين تحها نشا / شطة.

.حب ر •.بات ر ،اخ انت ةطش اخ ةاخ د •

.2تحي اة ،وعد ،وجنسة ر مشرة رخصةر دع د ،ةعم اأ ن بر ،ءار / ّ  ُ  سق

معة ممعا تر إاها.

.بات ر •

ي   ُمكن تصنفها ، ة صخر رط ا ةر ةا إ ةا .اع ش

ا كش اخ .3

 ٍ  اأ ىلع ا اشنل انم ا كش اخ ةلمع ت.باس تط ايحت ت رو ةطش

وأ ةنات ةسؤ ء ةما ا كش رخ•.بات ر ،دوح ةئس


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الصفحة ئة 

ا اصخ يحت .4 زحب ا ب .ات ز ةيات ةصخ ر ةلمع زلستاصخ يحب ةصخر ص ري ذ ش ي ،ا

. ذ

اه نع ةا  ُ م اص ةاخ ك ر ىست.ا ز نع و ةصخر

:حم ا اصخ يح

اص اخ ةاخ يحب ق ،اص ةا ىلع ب•.حم ا ت

.بات ر •ا اشن ق ائ ةمق يحت •

حي يا سن مكا تف شا رخصة:

ر ،اب اي ةمق ،نس اي بر •

.اس.بات ر ،اب ةسحم ر ةمق رهظت •

يج ةصخ س ةير ةفلك ضرع .6

:و طخ يج ات اش ست ةلمع كتا ز •

إ مة مة •

إ خصة تاية •

طخ طخ ك ةير ةفلك ضر  ُ ت ،ط ذ خ تس نشا ا بشك نفص إها مم كل لكلفة


م ط اهاخدإ ت اال ا  ً و ةفلك اس يسابة.

.بات ر ،ةفلك ىلع ب •


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الصفحة ئة 

قد كلة

تكلفةجدد رخصة ةر ةصخر ا كمي ةطسب طخ اتإ ير ع.ةلف ي ءرجإ ء ق ةيا صخ يت

ير تكلفة تي خصة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1تير تكلفة تي خصة.

.2قس س ا ،ق رخصة ،وسلس ش ،وقمة.ب ا ن بر نس اي ع

.حب ر .3

ي إدخا اا لها وع تر أية خاة اا ث خاة ىتمك إتما مالة.

.اب ةيا ةصخر ي ةيري ر رهظت


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الصفحة ئة 


اية مسم بمزوها. ي مس باح إا با نشا أوغرض عملة ح ذ تمك مس ح ع شطةانات نشة.اشن ز

لح ع باا شطة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1ح ع باا شطة.

.ن بر اشن ،ةطش ع ح سق .2

.حب ر ،ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق .3ةقع اه ان ةا متو ب مق ذ ح ا ضر  ُ ت.اخدب مق ذ اشناب

. اف يزم ضرع يرت ذ اشن ز ر .4 ةطش ةعم و ،اشن ز اا ضرت يج ذا ف  ُ ت

.اشن ذه رص وو ،ةصخر و ،اهحت ني


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 


على باا رخ اية ممنة ها.ي   ُمكن ح ع باا شرا م  ُ سلة ر قصادية وحصانات رخصة

.ا وأ ةصخر ق اخدإ ير ع ةصخ ةيأ ع ح نكمي

لح ع باا خصة

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1ح ع باا خصة.

ا وأ ةصخر ق اإ اخدب ق ،ح خ سق .2.امهن  ٍكب ا ن بر.حب ر ،ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق .3

ق رخصة ،و ا بالغة  ٍ ةنم ح ا ضر  ُ تربة ،و ا بالغة لزية.

ةصخر ق ر ،ح ا سق ،ةصخر افت ضر .4تر رة تفا شرة م  ُ جة تحها.


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الصفحة ئة 


ي   ُمكن رة ماء اية مح وف ّ اة. خ ق ر قصادية ،ي   ُمكن ح ماء اية ماسماء جارة

لح ماء اية

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1بح ماء اية.

.2رب ن ،ا بالغة ربة أو بالغة لزية..حب ر ،ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق .3

ذ ا محت ارش ةا ةنم ح ا ضر  ُ تقم باخا .يرض قس ا ح اا اة:

ا سلسم ق •ق رخصة •

ا بالغة ربة وبالغة لزية •جهة إ رخصة •


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

يزم ةر رت ذ ا اب ةا ةصخر ق ر .5..اه نمم ةرش الم .6ت   ُف اذ ترض ملا اة باشرة.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

ث زت

نزي وحم روية بصفة نظمة ما ي   ُه على عل بأ بكا س ق ر قصادية على عروضمت جةروض ورويا اة بنشا تا ا. م خ خاة بح عروضياص ضرع سم كمي ، ةيور محو يزن

.بد اإ ةلسمو ةياس يزنل داص

لح عروض نزي وحم روية

ر ،اسف فأ ،امع ة ةحفص ىنم ُ   ن ةماق .1

.2قس اير ح،بح عروض نزي وحم روية.

ر .اهخ رم ضور ةر رت رف د •

ز ي ، د تاي ء وهاء.اعة تر رة د ،ةعا ةماق •

روض وحم روية اة بها..ص رهظت ورح وأ / و اق اخدب ق •

.حب ر .3


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

رامس ةبعخ ج

، خر ص ء ر ج إ هست لى ع ة ي د ا صق ر مت وتيا ،وإغاها. ذ ،ت  ُ مك ر قصادية مس تئة

.را رل ورك قم خرو س ام

رم خرو س ام ةئت ةاخ ير على ق ر ،يمك ش ذ ير ص رخصة ايةا ً يأ نكمي ام ،اهعاو ر ق ىلع س ام ء

.قو أ اهاغإ وأ اا ذ يت

يمك مس إجرء أ ط اة:

يج ست ءاشإ .1

ااب سب ةيداصق ر ق س ي أ كمم .عاو يج خرت

يج ست ءاش .1فحة ة عما ،ري تاا يم ،أف فسا ،ر

.خرو س ام ةئت ،ةصخر ال سق .2

.ن بر خرل ا / ةرش •.ن بر رمثسم ام أ •

جر ىجر  ُ ي ،اشن ةا .خرل ا اشن أ •م تحي أشطة رخصة اية.

• اة ع إياد نشا ا م شطة م   ُجة اة.رخأ ةطشأ بر اشن ك  ُ ي ،ةطش ع ح

ع ح ةا ةج  ُ م ةطش م اشن دايإ ةا •ت ة طش ر هظت إ ا   ً ا خ رخأ ة طشأ بر ر  ُ ي ،ةطش

خاا تلا  ً ا.

.3خر شك ا لشرة امة.


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

،ةصخر ءاعأ ال سق .4

ر ،ن بر ةيه ق / ش سلس •.الت كشب سنجو ش ضر

(.إ ،ةر ا ،ضف ،و) ةما ش ةف رخ •ر إاة. •

.5قس باا ق زوة م ،أدخ اة اا ح اة

بها..يا ر ي ز ر ، ءاه يات يح

،قم ىلع داص خر سق .6

ن بر  ٍ ُ   اشن و ،ا و ،ةصخر ق •.ب ا

ر إاة. •

ام ةعا ر ، ً ج اكو ورش ءرق ب .7.ي س


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

يت ذ / ةا

يت اخ د ،خرو س ام ةئت ةحف ىلعأ .1.س ااب

ر ،جرم ي ر ،ةام ي ةماق .2

.ام ي ذ / أ.ةعا ر ،ي ءاه ب .3

.ك أ ر ،ةام ي ةماب ةج ُ  م ا ةا ةا •

.ك ذ ر ،ةام ي ةماب ةج ُ  م ا ةا ذح •.س ح / ءاغإ ىإ جر ىجر  ُ ي ،س ءاغ •

س ااب يت .2

اق اا  ٍأ يب س ا ي أ كمم ذ ش ي ،س ااب يت اخ خ م .ا ً  س  ُ  اهاخدب

:فاب ةن ُ  م ي يت أ ءرجب ساب اق


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دصتقا يمنتلا ةرئاد

الصفحة ئة 

س ح / ءاغإ .3

ةصخر ق اخدإ خ س ءاغب ي أ سم اكبيري إغاء س ا بها.

س ح / ءاغ

ح / ءاغإ اخ د ،خرو س ءرجإ يت ةحف ىلعأ .1

.سءا غإ رت ةصخر ق خدأ ، ة صخر ال سق .2س ا بها.

.3أف صفحة ،ر اعة.


EnquiriesGeneral Features ReportsE-Services

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General Features ReportsE Services


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Introduction:Being keen on achieving sustainable economic development and realizing

high levels o luxury and enrichment or Dubai and the whole UnitedEmirates, Dubai Economic Department (DED) is working on creating asupportive environment or citizens and customers.

Given DED is the corner stone o Economic development in Dubai andis always striving or enhancing the economic perormance all throughUAE, it decided to develop and revamp the E-Services site so as to delivertop-notch and distinguished services or all stakeholders.

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General Features

You have to create an account on DED Web Site. Registering in DED enables you tobenet rom all DED E-services. Tat way, you are able to requently check all the de-tails related to your license.

Being a registered user on DED, then you will benet rom various services like reserv-ing a trade name and carry out dierent transaction online. I you need to apply ora procedure on existing trade licenses online, you will need to visit DED aer havingregistered to get authorised.

o create an account1. On DED home page, in the Login section, click New User.

2.Te Account Inormation page displays the ollowing three sections:  a. Account Inormation  b. Personal Details

c. Supporting Documents

3. Aer you are done o adding the required inormation, click Register.

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Account Inormation

In this section, you have to add your registration credentials that you will use to log into the site.

1. In the Account Name text box, ype your account name.2. From the ype o account drop-down menu, select the type that matches your

account.3. In the Password text box, ype your password.

Note:Te ollowing conditions should be ollowed while choosing your Password:

* Should be composed o at least 6 characters* Should not include either your account name or your ull name* It should be a combination o Alphabets, Numbers, and Non-Alphabetic

characters (!,@..). Example: abc111$

4. In the Repeat password text box, retype your password or conrmation.5. From the Preerred language drop-down menu, select the language.

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Personal Details

In the Personal details section, you should make sure that all the details you mention are accurateand true.

1. In the E-Mail text box, type your e-mail address.2. In the Mobile Nr. text box, type your cell phone number.3. In the Full Name in English text box, type your ull name.

4. In the Full Name in Arabic text box, type your ull name.5. In the Address text box, type your address.6. In the P.O.Box text box, type the postal number.7. From the Emarat drop-down menu, select the Emarat that you live in.8. In the elephone Nr. text box, type your phone number.9. In the Fax Nr. text box, type your Fax number.10. In the Passport Nr. text box, type your Passport number.11. In the Edbara Nr. text box, type your Edbara number.12. From the Nationality drop-down menu, select your nationality.

13. In the Emirates ID text box, type your ID number.14. In the License Nr. text box, type your License number.

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Supporting Documents

In the Supporting Documents section, open and ll the ollowing uploaded applications:

* Individual/PRO Authorization Form* Oces Authorization Form

o print a document* Click the document name, and then print it to ll in its sections.

3. Afer you are done o adding the required inormation, click Register.

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Change Password

Manage PasswordTrough DED site, users are able to manage their passwords so as to change or retrievethem at any time.

You can change your account password.

Te ollowing conditions should be ollowed while choosing your Password:

* Should be composed o at least 6 characters* Should not include either your account name or your ull name* It should be a combination o Alphabets, Numbers, and Non-Alphabetic

characters (!,@..). Example: abc111$

o change your account password1. In the lef pane o the Business Dashboard page, click Change Password.2. In the Current Password text box, type your currently used password.3. In the New Password text box, type your new password.4. In the Conrm Password text box, re-type your new password or conrmation.

5. Click Change Password to save your new password on the system.


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In case you orgot your password, you can use the Forgot Password link in the Loginsection to retrieve your password. However, user should provide the ollowing inorma-tion in order to be able to retrieve the password:

* Account name* E-mail address* Edbara Number or Emirates* Residence Visa Number or non-citizens

o retrieve your password

1. On DED home page, in the Login section, click Forgot Password.2. In the Account Name text box, ype your account name.3. In the E-Mail text box, type your e-mail address.4. In the Edbara/Residence Visa Number text box, type either the Edbara or Residence

Visa Number. For U.A.E citizens, enter the Edbara number. Otherwise, enter theResidence Visa number..

5. Click Submit.

Forgot Password


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My MessagesMy Messages page displays your latest messages received. Tese messages are either .... orpromotional. In case the signed in user is an ofce or representative or the license owner,then he will be able to view all the messages sent or the user he is representing.

My Messages page displays a table including the ollowing details:* itle* Subject* Date

o view the message details

* Click the message title.

Te whole text o the message and its attachments is displayed.o reply on the message

1. At the top o the My Messages page, click Create Message.2. In the itle text box, type the message title.3. From the Subject drop-down list, select the entity that will be receiving this message.4. In the Description text box, write the body o the message.5. In the Attachments section, click Choose File to determine the le to be

attached with the message, and then click Upload.

6. Click Send.

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* Tere might be a deault title or the message based on the entities that user cancontact through sending messages.

* Special characters should not be included in the title.* Te entities included in the Subject drop-down list depend on the type o user.

* Attachment size should not exceed 7 MB.

My ProfleMy Prole site displays your personal inormation that you have previously added duringyour rst-time registration. Te page is divided into the ollowing three sections:

My Messages page displays a table including the ollowing details:

* Account Inormation* Personal Details* Supporting Documents

o view and edit your prole inormation

1. In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, click My Prole.

In the Account Inormation section, appear your account name and type as previously selected during your rst-time registration.

2. From the Preerred language list, choose between the English and the Arabic.3. In the Personal Details section, you can edit all your inormation except the ollowing:

* Te Full English Name* Te Full Arabic Name* Te Edbara Number* Te Nationality * Te Emirates ID number* In the License Number

4. In the Supporting Documents section, click the linkable document name,and then print it to ll in its sections.

5. o save the inormation on the system, click Save.


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LicensesYou can view all your issued licenses to ollow up and check its statuses.

o view your licenses

1. On DED home page, in the e-services section, click My Licenses.A table is displayed showing the ollowing details:

* rade Name* Status* rade Name Number* License Number* Expiry Date

2. Click the trade name to view its related inormation such as the address, P.O. Box,elephone, Activities, and license status.


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Issue Initial Approval


Issuing an initial approval is one o the dynamic e-services oered by DED to its usersand is a pre-requisite or having a license issued.

Only one Initial approval request is allowed to be processing at one time.

o issue an initial approval

* On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions, click Issue Initial Approval.Issuing an initial approval is composed o the ollowing successive steps:

  1. Adding license inormation2. Speciying business activities3. Identiying owners and partners added on the license4. Attaching the required documents

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License DetailsTe rst step in issuing an initial approval is identiying the entity through which user will have

the license issued. In this case, DED will be responsible or issuing licenses.

Adding the license inormation

1. In the License Category section, select DED License rom the drop-down list,and then click Next.

2. From the Legal ype Legal ypes: Sole Establishment, Partnership Company,Limited Liability Company (LLC), Civil Company. drop-down list, select thelegal type o the activity or which you issue an initial approval, and then click Next.

Te next step aer adding the license inormation is speciying the business activities tobe added on the license that will be issued. For more inormation about adding businessactivities to the license, please reer to Specifying business activities.


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Adding License ActivitiesTe license owner can add more than one activity to the same license.

o add license activities

1. In the Business Activities tab, in the Activities section, click Search BusinessActivities.

2. Select the activity rom the Activity Group drop-down list, and then click Search.3. In the Search Results section, in ront o the activity category that matches

your eld, click Select.4. Activities you have chosen appear in the Selected Activities section.5. Aer you are done o selecting the activities, click Save & Close.6. In the Activities section where the code, description, and type o the selected

activity appear, click Next.

o delete your selected activitieso delete your selected activities

* Select the Activity Code check box and then click Delete.

Now, you have identied the activities to be added to the license you want to issue. Aer

that, you will dene the owners and partners who will be included in the license. Formore inormation, please reer to Identifying owners and partners added on the license.

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Owners and PartnersAer identiying the activities you want to be added to the license and getting theircodes, you start identiying the owners and partners who will want to be included in thelicense. Having selected the country o the owner / partner, the system searches in DEDdata base and displays the relevant search results Person’s Serial number, Name, Nation-ality, Date o Birth, Edbara number, and Passport number..

o search or owners / Partners in DED data base

1. In the Owners / Partners tab, click Find Person.2. In the Search Criteria window, select the country o the person you want to

select rom the drop-down list, and then click Search.3. In the Serial Nr. column, click the serial number o the person you want to add.4. From the Role drop-down list, select the role Partner, Agent, Heirs representative,

or Manager. the person you have added, and then click Add.5. Te related inormation o the added person appears. Select the Person’s Serial

check box, and then click Check or Business Rule.

Having identied partners and owners, then you will be directed to the last step in issu-ing the initial approval which attaching the required documents. o know more aboutattaching documents, please reer to Attaching the required documents.

Attaching DocumentsIn order to complete your issuing an initial approval request, the three ollowing docu-ments should be attached to your request:

1. Copy o Nationality Card (those w/o any previous licenses)2. Passport Copy (those w/o any previous licenses)3. Permission rom Court or persons below 21 years to carry on business

o upload documents

1. In the Uploaded Documents section, in ront o the required document,

click Upload Document.2. In the Document to be uploaded section, click Choose File, locate the le to

be uploaded rom your machine, and then click Save.

Uploaded documents can not be deleted aer being uploaded. However, it can be re-uploaded to be replaced by another.

3. Aer uploading all documents, click Apply or Initial Approval.

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In order to acilitate and accelerate reaching the license owner, users and licenses own-ers should requently update their contact inormation and details.

o update license contact1. On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions, click Manage License

Contact.2. In the License Inormation section, type the license number, and then click Show 

contact inormation.

3. Te contact inormation that have been previously added by the user appears.o update to edit inormation, click Change license contact inormation.

4. In the Change contact details section, edit the eld you want to update.

5. Click Save contact details.

o cancel contact inormation update* Click Cancel.

A message appears inorming you that your license contact inormation has been suc-cessully updated with your new details.

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Trough DED Web site, users can inquire about and pay nes imposed on their licensesonline. Aer knowing the nes value, users are directed automatically to the Paymentgateway to pay the nes value.

o view nes imposed on licenses1. On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions,

click Pay Inspection Fines.2. In the View Fines section, type the license number in the text box, and then

click View.Te Inspection report is generated displaying the nes imposed on the license.

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Directly rom DED Web site, users can print the License Certicate.o print the License Certicate

1. On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions, click Print License.2. In the Licenses section, in the License Nr. text box, type your license number.3. Click View/Print.

Whether beore or aer its expiration, license can be renewed online through DEDWeb site.

o renew license

  1. On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions, click Renew License.2. In the License renewal inormation section, in the License number that is to

be renewed text box, type the number o the license that you want to renew.3. Click Renew.

Te next step requires conrming license inormation and attaching the required docu-ments. Te displayed page is divided into three sections. Tese sections are displayed inthe table below with a brie description or each:

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Print License

Renew License


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4. Click Apply or Renewal.


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* Te Apply or Renewal button appears aer uploading all the requireddocuments

* o cancel the renewal process, click Cancel.

* DED employee reviews the submitted application and checks the attacheddocuments. I external approvals are required, the application is sent to theconcerned parties. Aer acquiring the approval, DED then issues thepayment letter.

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Any reserved trade name is available or one month only, thereore the system enablesusers to renew their reserved trade names till they have their licenses issued. I the user

was not able to issue the license during the validity period, then the reserved tradename can be renewed through the e-services oered on DED site.

o renew a trade name

  1. On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions, click Renew rade Name.2. In the Application Inormation section, type the number o the trade name to

be renewed in the text box, and then click Renew.A table showing the trade name owner inormation appears including the renewalperiod.

3. Click Conrm rade Name Renewal complete the renewal request.

Reserving a trade name is a core condition and pre-requisite or acquiring a license. Tetrade name is used in representing and the company name..

o reserve a trade name  1. On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions, click Reserve rade Name.

I you want to apply or a branch license trade name,1. Select the Apply or branch license trade name check box.2. ype the number o the main license in the Existing Main License Nr. text box.3. Click Conrm rade Name Renewal complete the renewal request.

2. Read the displayed erms and Conditions o reserving a trade name, andthen select the I accept all the above mentioned terms and conditions check box.

3. Click Next.

Under the rade name owner inormation section, the system displays the details o theowner o the trade name same as mentioned during registration.

4. In the rade name details section,


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Renew Trade Name

Reserve Trade Name


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5. ype the Arabic trade name in the text box.6. ype the English trade name in the text box.7. In the Description o trade name’s business activities text box, type the trade

name activities.

8. In the rade name characteristics section, select the eature relevant to thereserved trade name.

8. Click Reserve rade Name.


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It is always possible or users to check the transaction status by selecting the transactionnumber, or the license number, or the acquired initial approval number.

o check the transaction status  1. On Business Dashboard page, under My ransactions, click ransactionStatus / Payments.

2. Search or your transaction by using one o the ollowing:a. Adding the number o the transaction that you want to check in the

ransaction Nr. text box.b. Adding the number o the license that you want to check its status in the

License Nr. text box.c. Adding the number o the initial approval acquired in the Initial Approval

Nr. text box.3. Click Search.

A two-column table appears displaying the transaction and the license details.

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Transaction Status /Payment


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Estimate Cost o Issue License


Te aim o the Enquiries site is to enable users to estimate the cost o issuing theirlicenses beore initiating the issuance procedures. Trough the Enquiries section, DEDuser can perorm the ollowing:

o issue an initial approval1. Estimating the cost o issuing a license

2. Estimating the cost o renewing a license3. Searching business activities4. Searching license inormation5. Searching trade names6. Searching sales and promotions7. Filling registration and licensing application orm

Beore being involved in the actual procedures, users can calculate and print the cost o issuing a license.o calculate the cost o a license issuance

* In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries,click Estimated Cost o Issue License.

Calculating the cost o license issuance is composed o the ollowing simulated Steps:

1. Speciying the license activity 

  1. In the Activity Group section, rom the Select Activity Group drop-down list,select the activity group including the activity / activities o your license.

2. Click Search.3. Select the check box o the suitable activities, and then click Continue.

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1. Speciying the license activity   1. In the Activity Group section, rom the Select Activity Group drop-down list,

select the activity group including the activity / activities o your license.2. Click Search.3. Select the check box o the suitable activities, and then click Continue.

2. Speciying the number o owners / partners1. In the Owners/Partners section, in the text box o each category, speciy 

the number o the members in each group.2. Click Continue.

I you want to add a corporate as a partner in the license, categorize it as a Body corpo-rate.

3. Selecting the Legal type

Dening the suitable legal type o an activity is based on the activities and owners /partners dened in the two previous steps.

* From the Legal ype drop-down list, select the legal type o the business youwant to establish (whether a Civil company or Limited Liability company),and then click Continue.

4. Choosing the trade name characteristics1. Aer reading all the oered characteristics, select the check box o all the

characteristics applicable to the reserved trade name.

2. Click Continue.

5. Speciying the yearly rent o the license activity locationo speciy the yearly rent o the premises where the license operates

1. In the Yearly Rent text box, type the rent rate in AED, and then click Calculate.2. Te calculated rate appears in AED. Click Continue.

6. Displaying the average cost o registering a new licenseIssuing a trade license or a ceratin business activity is composed o the three

ollowing steps:1. Reserving a trade name2. Issuing an Initial approval3. Issuing trade license

Trough this step, the average cost o each o the aorementioned steps is displayedseparately with the overall cost calculated as well. Te estimated cost o establishingyour business is calculated based on the inormation previously provided.

* Aer viewing the estimated cost, click Continue.

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Trough ollowing ew steps, users are able to calculate the cost o license renewal be-ore initiating the renewal actual procedures.

o estimate the cost o license renewal1. In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries,

click Estimated Cost o Renew License.2. In the rade License section, type each o the license number, person Serial

number, and the Yearly rent in AED in the equivalent text boxes.3. Click Search.

Users should provide all the required data in order to be able to complete the transac-tion successully.

Te estimated cost o renewing your license appears in AED.

DED is always working on acilitating the licensing procedures. Tis eature enables us-ers to make a new registration or amend / cancel their registration. Tereore, users canll the registration and licensing application online.

Tat way, the user is able to ll and print the registration orm online. Also, it is alwayseasible to either amend or cancel this registration without the need to go to the DEDmain ofce.

User can do any o the ollowing:1. Make a new registration.2. Amend the registration data.3. Cancel registration.

Estimate Cost o License Renewal

Fill Registration and Licensing Application Form

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Make a new registration.DED users can make a new registration and print the registration details online.o make a new registration

1. In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries, click FillRegistration and Licensing Application Form.

2. In the License Inormation section,a. in the Co. Name (Existing License) text box, type the company / trade name.b. in the Invested Capital text box, type the invested amount.c. Select the Legal Form rom the drop-down list.

* In case you could not nd the activity type you want among the includedactivities in the search eld, type the activity in the Other requiredactivities text box.

* In case you have ound the activity type among the activities in the search eld,

the Other required activities text box should be le empty where the selectedactivities will be included automatically.3. In the Activities section, add the license activity. Please reer to Adding

license activities.4. In the License Members Inormation section,

a. ype the Serial Number/ Emirates ID Number in its relevant text box,and then click to view the person’s name and nationality automatically.

b. Select the designation o the member rom the drop-down list(whether Agent, Co.Owner, Est. Owner, etc.,)

c. Click Add.

5. In the Details o Business Site Location section, add the required details intheir relevant elds.

o select the Contract expiry date, click the calendar icon and then click the date.

  6. In the Issued license on the site section,a. ype the license number, commercial name, and the activity name each in

its equivalent text box.b. Click Add.

  7. Aer reading the erms and Conditions careully, click Print to have theregistration orm printed.

o amend the registration details, please reer to Registration Amendment.

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Registration AmendmentRegistered user can edit any o the details in the registration orm previously lled. Tisis easible through the Registration Amendment option. Tis option enables the user tomake any o the amendments mentioned below:

o add / delete an amendment1. At the top o the Fill Registration & Licensing Application Form page,

select the Registration Amendment radio button.2. In the Available Amendments list, click the required amendment,

and then click Add Selected Amendment or Remove Selected Amendment.3. Click Print.

* o add all the amendments included in the Available Amendments list,click Add All.

* o delete all the amendments included in the Available Amendments list,click Delete All.

* o cancel your registration, please reer to Registration Amendment.

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Registration CancellationUsers can cancel their registration through an easy step. Tis is done by adding thenumber o the license that the user wants to cancel its registration.

o cancel registration

1. At the top o the Fill Registration & Licensing Application Form page,select the Registration Cancellation radio button.

2. In the License Inormation section, type the number o the license thatyou want to cancel its registration in the License Number text box.

3. At the end o the Cancel Registration & Licensing Application Form page,click Print.

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Searching business activities enables users to search the allowed activities. User con-ducts the search either by activity name or symbol.

o search business activities1. In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries,

click Search Business Activities.2. In the Search Criteria section, type the activity name in the text box.3. Insert the characters as shown, and then click Search.

Search results appear including all the matching results.

4. Click the code o the activity about which you want to know more inormation.

A window appears displaying the activity details, such as the activity code and group,license type, and a brie description about this specic activity.

Search Business Activities

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Users can know more details about companies registered in DED and gather inorma-tion about licenses provided or ceratin company. Searching or any license is achievablethrough adding either the license number or the trade name.

o search license inormation1. In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries,

click Search License Inormation.2. In the Search Criteria section, type either the license number or the

trade name each in its equivalent text box..3. Insert the characters as shown, and then click Search.

4. o view the license details, in the Search Results section, click the numbero the license that you want to view the company prole it belongs to.

Search License Inormation

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Users can search trade names to know the active and reserved ones.

o search trade names1. In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries,

click Search rade Names..2. ype the Arabic trade name in the Arabic rade Name text box.3. ype the English trade name in the English rade Name text box.4. Insert the characters as shown, and then click Search

Te search results are shown including all the companies owning the trade name you haveselected. Te Search Results section displays the ollowing details:

5. Click the number o the license that you want to know more about its company prole.6. A window appears displaying the company prole.

Search or Trade Name

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It is now possible or DED registered users to view the sales and promotions. Tis keeps themregularly updated with the latest available promotions and oers on certain activity. Troughthe Search Sales and promotions eatures, users view the current and uture sales and promo-tions all over Dubai.

o search sales and promotions1. In the le pane o the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries,

click Search Sales and Promotions.2. In the Search Criteria section,

a. Speciy the period during which you want to know the available oers.Click the calendar icon , and then click the start and end dates.

b. From the Sale Categories drop-down list, speciy the product that you want

to view its sales and promotions period.c. Insert the characters as shown.d. Click Search.

Search Sales and Promotion

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Licenses by Activity 


Tis report displays all the companies placed under the same trade activities.

o view the licenses by activity report1. On Business Dashboard page, under Reports, click Licenses by Activity.2. In the Activity section, in the Activity text box, type the activity you

want to search or.

3. Click Search.

Te generated report oers users additional services such as ees online payment. Click Continue to be directed to the Payment Voucher tab and then to the Payment gateway.

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Partner LicenseTe partner license report shows the number o licenses owned by the same owner. Tisreport is viewed only by the ollowing types o users as displayed in the table below:

o view the partner report1. On Business Dashboard page, under Reports, click Partner License.2. In the Person Serial No. text box, type either the person’s serial number

or the Edbara number (For Emiratis only).3. Click Search.

Dubai Economic Department