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  • 8/13/2019 Decision Making Chapter




    Future research may benefit from employing decision science concepts, theoreticalconstructs, and methods to develop high-quality interventions subject to rigorous empirical



    Seminal studies have found that the risk of diabetes complications can be significantly reduced

    with improved metabolic control, for both type 1 (DCCT 1993) and type 2 diabetes (UKPDS

    1998). Many of the behaviors that are important for primary prevention of type 2 diabetes (e.g.,

    healthy eating, physical activity) can also help to control diabetes and reduce the risk of

    complications for those with the disease. One successful study that focused on lifestyle changes

    found an average 58% reduction in risk, from an average weight loss of 5.6 kg (Knowler et al.

    2002). A successful medical intervention reduced risks by 31% through consistent use of the

    biguanide metformin, which affects gluconeogenesis, also as part of the Diabetes Prevention

    Program (DPP) (Crandall et al. 2008; Knowler et al. 2002). Metformins effects were most

    promising among participants whose body mass index (BMI, defined as weight in kilograms

    divided by squared height in meters) was above 35 and who were younger than 60 years of age

    (Knowler et al. 2002).

    These impressive intervention effects depend on the choices of individuals, who must

    understand their risks and the opportunities for risk reduction, then adhere to often demanding

    regimes, whether lifestyle changes or consistent medication. The noteworthy success of the DPP

    must owe something to the intensity of the intervention, helping individuals to make and

    maintain these choices. The resulting cost is a major reason why it has not been adopted as

    widely as it might. Those costs include places to exercise and coaches to give motivation and

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    guidance regarding nutrition and exercise. Few health insurance plans cover services that require

    such intensive, individualized treatments. Even if the resources were available, the logistics of

    providing individual services are often a challenge.

    These programs could be more effective to the extent that individuals can make and

    adhere to their decisions by themselves, without the need for such extensive intervention

    resources. Although intervention developers have worked hard to facilitate individuals diabetes-

    related decisions, they have done so without the potential benefit of basic research in the

    psychology of decision making, a burgeoning field over the last 50 years, which has just begun

    to extend itself to chronic health problems. Fisher and his colleagues (2002) called for taking

    advantage of decision science research. Here, we provide an introduction designed to make the

    field more accessible to diabetes researchers and practitioners. We hope, in effect, to help

    diabetes professionals see into the black box of individual decision makingby presenting

    theory, results, and methods from decision science (Fischhoff 1999, 2005, 2009).

    Decision science provides a theoretical framework for understanding decisions. It begins

    with normative analysis, applying the tools of decision theory to identify the optimal choices for

    specific decisions by considering the values and capabilities of the individuals making them.

    (Normative, in decision science terminology, refers to how people should make decisions in

    order to achieve the best possible outcomes, rather than to following the social norms familiar to

    psychologists and sociologists.) The next step is descriptive researchexamining how people

    actually make choices, in terms comparable to the normative analysis, so that, ultimately,

    opportunities to help people can be identified. Finally, prescriptive interventions can be designed

    to help people make better choices by closing the gap between the normative ideal and the

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    descriptive reality, as illustrated in Figure 31.1. Such interventions provide essential feedback to

    the normative and descriptive research by showing how well they have illuminated the problem.

    Because it begins by normatively characterizing decisions in analytical terms, the

    decision science perspective looks at behavior through a cognitive lens. It accommodates

    noncognitive processes such as affect, cultural factors, and socioeconomic factors through their

    effects on cognitive processes. For example affective processes can affect cognition by signaling

    which possible outcomes or processes are most relevant, making judgments more (or less)

    optimistic and affecting task involvement (Slovic et al. 2007). Analogously, general feelings of

    self-efficacy (or internal locus of control) may predispose people to spend more cognitive effort,

    in the expectation that this effort will result in better decisions and outcomes. Cultural factors

    (e.g., social norms) may also affect cognition by shaping the importance that people assign to

    different outcomes and altering the process of communicating and learning about decisions.

    Socioeconomic factors can affect cognition by shaping peoples perceptions of the options that

    they are contemplating and of the resources that they have at their disposal to implement

    decisions effectively.

    Because so many chronic diseases are preventable or manageable through behavioral

    changes, decision science could provide a valuable resource for understanding and improving

    health decisions and the outcomes that follow them. With its combination of empirical and

    analytical methods, decision science provides broadly applicable approaches to help people make

    health decisions in ways that are informed by both medical and social science. It is especially

    helpful for decisions made in the face of uncertainty whether individuals make them on their

    own or in consultation with health care providers.

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    Background/Historical Perspective

    Decision science begins by creating a normative account of how a rational individual would

    make a decision to achieve the best possible outcome, given available scientific knowledge. This

    normative step entails integrating scientific expertise from the key disciplines relevant to the

    decision. Asking experts to summarize their knowledge in a formal model ensures that

    researchers take a structured, disciplined look at the decision. Normative analyses seek to

    identify the choice having the highest expected value (or expected utility, in the language of

    decision theory) for decision makers, in terms of the outcomes that matter most to them.

    Decision science, unlike most public health perspectives, is neutral regarding how sound those

    values are. As such it recognizes that the optimal decision might be different, for example, for a

    person who prefers longer life than for one who prefers richer quality of life. It also recognizes

    that people may make normatively correct choices in pursuit of goals that public health or other

    authorities might reject. When that happens, interventions would gain more traction by trying to

    change peoples valuesrather than their decision-making process. The focus on expectedvalues

    reflects the fact that chance plays a role in many important decisions. As a result, even the best

    decision-making process will not always lead to the most preferred outcomejust the best


    To emphasize a point that is sometimes confused: decision science does not assume that

    people are actually rational in this formal sense. Rather, the normative analysis forces

    researchers to specify the decisions that people face before venturing to design programs for

    them, offer them advice, or explain behaviors revealed in descriptive studies. A normative

    analysis assumes that decision makers have (1) stable, well-articulated preferences, so that they

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    Embedding descriptive research in normative analysis allows researchers to ask the

    critical question of how important heuristic-induced biases are. Some decisions are sensitive to

    small biases, whereas others are resilient. Recognizing such differential sensitivity makes

    decision scientists reluctant to make sweeping generalizations about human competence, instead

    of helping them to focus on those problems that matter most, as obstacles to effective decision

    making. In the case of health decisions, research has often found that people have a fairly

    accurate understanding of the relativesize of many of the risks they face. Moreover, those who

    see a risk as larger are more likely to protect against it (Brewer et al. 2007). When asked precise

    questions about personal risks, even adolescents can produce probability judgments with good

    construct validity (e.g., predictions for obtaining a high school diploma are negatively correlated

    with self-reported risks for dropping out) and good predictive validity (e.g., 15- to 16-year-olds

    who give higher probabilities of becoming a parent by age 20 are more likely to have that

    happen; Bruine de Bruin et al. 2007).

    From a decision science perspective, interventions should focus on the critical gaps

    between the normative ideal and the descriptive reality. Closing those gaps requires an

    understanding of individuals psychology, so that better ways of thinking can be made intuitively

    meaningful. Thus in order to prevent and manage chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes,

    people need to know the risks they face and the probabilities for reducing them by adopting

    various lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. They cannot wait until they are certain about

    having a disease, by which time it is too late for prevention. Nor can they wait for firm promises

    that interventions will succeed for themassurances that medical science cannot provide. The

    fact that so many people do not adopt those measures suggests that messages may not be

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    reaching the most important audiences or may not be providing relevant information in ways that

    motivate and facilitate action.

    Perceptions of Chronic Disease Risks

    The objective risks of chronic diseases are well documented. In 2006 an estimated 24.9% of

    Americans had cardiovascular disease (CVD), 23.4% had high blood pressure, 25.9% of adults

    had prediabetes, and 10.7% had diabetes, with type 2 diabetes accounting for over 90% of all

    diabetes cases (CDC 2007). The lifetime risk for CVD is one in two for women at age 40 and

    two in three for men at that age, directly accounting for 37% of all deaths and as a contributing

    cause for an additional 21% of deaths. Cancers account for 23% of all deaths. Although diabetes

    accounts for fewer deaths directly, it is one of the strongest risk factors for CVD, giving it an

    indirect role in many more deaths (Thom et al. 2006)

    People typically rank their perceived risks in line with these objective risks. For example

    Jia and her colleagues found that a sample of ethnic minority adults correctly listed heart disease

    as the most common of 10 medical conditions, with diabetes ranked second by men and third by

    women, closely followed by breast, prostate, cervical, and colorectal cancer (Jia et al. 2004).

    These judgments roughly reflect experts rankings of these risks, with physicians ranking

    diabetes as less of a risk than heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, or cancer and more of a

    risk than asthma, kidney failure, AIDS, or blindness (Walker et al. 2003).

    Although generally accurate in a relative sense, lay peoples risk judgments are often

    inaccurate in an absolute sense (Slovic 2001). For instance Jia and her colleagues (2004) found

    that liver cancers lifetime risk of 0.1%0.5% was estimated at 18%, lung cancers 7% risk was

    estimated at 20%, and cervical cancers 2%3% risk was estimated at 21%. In contrastthe risk

    of diabetes was overestimated by a much smaller degree: the real risk of 15% was estimated at

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    25%. This difference is consistent with peoplestendency to amplify perceptions of risks that

    they dread, such as cancer or HIV (Slovic 2001). By contrast diabetes may not be as dreaded and

    may evoke less strong perceptions of risk, because it is ubiquitous but not seen as catastrophic.

    As a result, it may not receive the attention it deserves.

    Although consistent with the body of decision science research, the ideas expressed

    above are mere speculations. Studies have not systematically examined peoples existing mental

    models of diabetes or how they can be changed to better serve diabetes-related decisions.

    Decision-making heuristics are abstract rules whose operation in specific settings has not been

    studied directly in the context of diabetes. For example, although the availability of bad health

    outcomes should increase the perceived risks of diabetes, we do not know which events

    individuals tend to observe and associate with diabetes and how those perceptions affect their

    decisions. Individuals typically display an optimistic bias, judging their own risks as less than

    those of otherwise comparable individuals in situations where they can imagine asserting some

    control (Weinstein 1987), meaning that judgments of population risks (as in Jia et al. 2004) do

    not capture individual risks. However we do not know what people view as the factors

    contributing to diabetes risk, nor whether they think that they can control them. Conducting these

    studies could both direct interventions and provide baseline estimates of decision-making

    processes that are being shaped.

    Eliciting Risk Perceptions

    Evaluating individuals risk perceptionsrequires knowing their actual personal risk, in terms of

    the chances of the risky outcomes happening to them. However investigators rarely have

    outcome information about their research participants except in intensive prospective studies.

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    The desire to get around that methodological challenge has prompted studies to ask people either

    to estimate population risks or to compare their personal risk to the population average, which is

    likely to be skewed by optimistic bias. As people gain personal experience with a risky event,

    whether through their own choices or involuntary exposure, their estimates of personal risk tend

    to decline much more than their population estimates. A plausible mechanism is the illusion of

    control, whereby people exaggerate the effectiveness of the measures that they take (or imagine

    that they will take) to control risks (Langer 1975). Familiarity with an event increases the

    opportunities to learn (or imagine) ways in which it might be controlled through personal

    actions. In addition individuals personal actions (and commitments to act) are more salient to

    them than are others actions (and commitments), making them feel as though they are doing

    particularly well at taking advantage of the risk-reduction opportunities that they have

    discovered. If substantiated in the context of diabetes, unwarranted feeling of personal control

    would be a likely target for intervention. Understanding the fine structure of individuals beliefs

    would be essential to conveying this sobering message in a way that was convincing without

    being discouragingso that individuals acquire a feeling of self-efficacy for what they could be

    doing and escape the complacency of what may not really be helping much.

    From a methodological perspective, distinguishing between personal and population risk

    is one of the many details that need to be considered when designing and interpreting studies

    eliciting risk judgments (Fischhoff 1994, 2009). Another is eliciting enough background

    information about the individual to assess the construct validity of that individualsbeliefs. Even

    when one cannot assess the absolute accuracy of risk judgments, one may be able to tell whether

    individuals are sensitive to the factors that increase and decrease their risk. For example, people

    with a family history of a disease often develop a sense of vulnerability related to medically

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    established risk factors (Walter et al. 2004). This pattern of results is consistent with the

    psychological account sketched above: proximity to family members with a disease makes that

    risk available to people, leading them to feel more vulnerable, perhaps enough to overcome the

    optimistic bias. Such sensitivity to risk factors can lead to positive behaviors, as people who

    perceive more risk are more likely to take subsequent protective behaviors (Brewer et al. 2007).

    That sensitivity might create a temptation for educators to exaggerate risks so as to encourage

    such behaviors. But such exaggeration risks making claims that lose recipients trust as a result

    of being inconsistent with their observations of the world. At the extreme, overly high risk

    perceptions can even elicit a fatalistic attitude that there is nothing one can do to reduce ones

    risk, which tends to lead to inertia, undermining the perceived efficacy of preventive health

    behaviors (Caban and Walker 2006). These complex patterns of responses speak to the need for

    detailed descriptions of risk beliefs before interventions are developed, with the hope to move

    target individuals or groups closer to the normative ideal.

    Another important class of potentially relevant covariates of individuals risk judgments

    is comprised of the beliefs of those individuals regarding socially normative behavior in their

    social group. In addition to setting values for what is proper behavior, socially normative

    behavior can send signals regarding the soundness of decisions. For example people seem to gain

    weight in response to weight gain among those with whom they (implicitly) compare their own

    weight, suggesting that they look for social cues about the health impact of obesity as well as its

    social acceptability (Christakis and Fowler 2007; see Box 31.2). The success of anti-smoking

    regulations in changing smoking behavior has had a similarly recursive effect, whereby

    observing less smoking among others further reduces smoking (Brownson et al. 2006).

    Prescriptive interventions will be most effective if people can capitalize on both aspects of social

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    norms, the information and the values that they convey. Indeed reducing exaggerated perceptions

    of others alcohol use has had some success in reducing unhealthy drinking behaviors, especially

    when the comparisons involve groups with which individuals most identify. The importance of

    personally relevant norms to these processes suggests that mass media campaigns will have less

    effect unless they evoke such meaningful comparison groups. For example the widely

    disseminated advertisement Friends dont let friends drive drunk might or might not be

    processed as Your friends dont let their friends drive drunk. When people have accurate

    perceptions of their friends behavior, telling them what is typical of others in general has little

    effect (Lewis and Neighbors 2006).If anything, the recurrent evocation of problem behavior

    could backfire. For example media campaigns regarding the ubiquity of obesity may, ironically,

    contribute to the perception that being overweight is socially normative.

    Risk Perceptions for Intervention

    The complexity of the beliefs revealed in these examples carries a message for the complexity of

    the interventions needed to create sustained change. Some prescriptive interventions provide

    only summary statistics regarding risks, expecting individuals to fill in the picture by themselves,

    as far as providing the reasons why those assertions are true. Some decision aids seek to help

    people understand uncertain medical choices by showing users the probabilities associated with

    the possible outcomes of their choices. Given the vagaries of qualitative risk judgments, it is

    essential that patients be given such information quantitatively from an authoritative source.

    However summary statistics may not stand on their own and provide patients with full enough

    mental models for them to feel comfortable making fateful choices. Research that evaluates

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    Diabetes Education Program (, a collaboration of governmental and

    nongovernmental agencies, aims to span these strata in development and dissemination of

    culturally appropriate, coordinated programs for at-risk individuals, health care providers, and

    health systems managers. Although decision science has not been actively used in this work, it

    offers a natural complement to NDEPs programs. Once a decision has been identified as critical

    to an individuals diabetes risk, decision science has tools for producing normative analyses of

    how that decision should be made (given the goals of the individual making it), understanding

    how the decision is made, and how to close the gap between the normative ideal and the

    descriptive reality. The generality of decision science means that it can be applied to a wide

    variety of decisionsand that it depends vitally on collaboration with subject-matter experts and


    Decision science has informed other interventions, including the development of clinical

    decision aids (e.g., Garg et al. 2005) and the evaluation of patient involvement in clinical

    decisions (e.g., Say et al. 2006). The decision science methodology most directly relevant to

    developing messages to improve peoples understanding of the processes creating and

    controlling risks is the mental models approach (Morgan et al. 2001). Like other decision science

    approaches, it starts with a normative analysis. In this case the form of the analysis is an

    influence diagramsummarizing the factors creating and controlling a risk. It reduces the science

    deemed relevant to predicting decision outcomes to those facts most worth knowing. Such

    analyses are informed by both medical research, which provides the facts, and psychological

    research, which assesses individuals priorities (determining which outcomes to predict).
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    contamination. That message is easy enough to convey once the misunderstanding has been


    As a second example, in a project on adolescents sexual decisions, Downs and her

    colleagues (2004) found that adolescent girls do not see opportunities to exert control over

    having sex in the face of pressure from would-be partners. In this case the descriptive research

    revealed lack of awareness of the decision options that the adolescent girls could evaluate in

    terms of how well they met their circumstances and values. In effect, the normative-descriptive

    comparison revealed the ultimate gap, not even seeing that there was a choice to make. As a

    result, the initial focus of the intervention, an interactive video, was to make decision points

    salient. Having accomplished this, the intervention engaged young women in cognitive role

    playing, devising and practicing options for managing the stages in a sexual encounter. For

    women who believe that they have a choice, information about sexually transmitted infections

    (STIs) matters. The intervention presented information about STIs in ways that built on the

    young womens intuitive mental models. Descriptive research found that young women tended

    to generalize their thinking about STIs from their knowledge about AIDS. As a result a valuable

    place to start explaining STIs was by distinguishing between those caused by bacteria and

    viruses, two basic biology concepts that were accessible. This simple organizing device helped

    teens to understand how, for example, treatment options differ for bacterial infections (which can

    generally be cured by antibiotics) and viral ones (which may be treated but not cured, hence tend

    to recur or become chronic). The intervention also emphasized (and graphically illustrated) the

    difficulty of diagnosing many STIs (especially those in asymptomatic males).The intervention

    based on closing these gaps between the normative and descriptive accounts of decisions

    succeeded in changing behavior and preventing acquisition of disease (Downs et al. 2004).

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    As seen in Table 31.1, projects using the mental models approach span a wide range of

    health behaviors. All follow the same research strategy: characterize the decisions facing people,

    understand their current beliefs, and then close the most critical gaps. Although applicable to

    diabetes-related decisions, the methodology has rarely been used in this domain. Rather, most

    interventions have focused on changing the attitudes and perceived social norms expressed in

    decisions that individuals are presumed to make (Munro et al. 2007). Most such interventions use

    models of health behavior focused on these constructs, such as the Health Belief Model, the

    Theory of Planned Behavior, Protection Motivation Theory, or the Transtheoretical Model

    (Weinstein 1993). Because the models use a common set of constructs for all decisions, their

    application to any specific decision requires researchers and practitioners to make choices in

    adapting the general constructs. For example, an intervention promoting change in individuals

    perceptions of subjective norms, beliefs, and attitudes about diabetes would require dedicated

    research on the specific diabetes-related norms, beliefs, and attitudes that ought to be changed.

    Decision science provides a systematic approach to that research following the path described

    above, creating a normative model of the specific domain, then conducting descriptive research

    to reveal how people think about the concepts in that model.

    Although there have been many diabetes behavioral interventions based on health

    behavior models (e.g., Jones et al. 2003, using the Transtheoretical Model), the opportunity for

    cross-fertilization with decision science has thus far been missed. Likewise the familiar health

    behavior models have played scant roles in decision science research since Dawes and Corrigan

    (1974) established that models that express very different psychological processes can have

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    similar predictive success, leaving researchers with little ability to distinguish among them.

    Rather, decision science research has focused on domain-specific decisions with multiple

    possible behaviors. This focus also avoids the limitation of focusing on intentions rather than

    behavior or clinical outcomes. A meta-analysis has found that behavior changes less than

    intentions predict (Webb and Sheeran 2006). Unlike the traditional models, which look at

    intentions to perform a single, focal act (e.g., exercise), decision science examines multiple

    possible outcomes (e.g., exercising and not exercising). This may be particularly pertinent to the

    preventive or self-management behaviors related to type 2 diabetes. Other decision options are

    implicitly available, when individuals focus their attention on them. However, they may not

    receive the same evaluation as when they are examined explicitly (Beyth-Marom et al. 1993;

    Fischhoff 1996).

    Implications for Health Policy

    Public policies are often based on program designers intuition about what people need to know

    and what they already know, presuming that there is no need for formal analysis and empirical

    research. Often the resultant programs are not subjected to empirical evaluation, forcing adopters

    to rely on their face validity (Hill et al. 2007). When informational programs are evaluated but

    show little success, it is hard to know whether the problem is that information will not work or

    whether the specific intervention, without systematic formative research, has not worked

    (Seymour et al. 2004). In addition to guiding the design of such intervention, decision science

    can guide the forensic analysis of why an informational intervention has not worked. Was it the

    wrong information, telling people things that they already knew, or failing to address the barriers

    to action? Was the information insufficient or presented in ways that frustrated recipients

    attempts to integrate it with their existing mental models? Did the message ask people to do the

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    impossible, such as withstanding strong social pressure to act in unhealthy ways or providing no

    viable alternative actions? When information misses the target, for any of these reasons, the

    failures may undermine the decision-making processes essential to behavioral change. It can also

    undermine faith in the individuals who were failed by the intervention but who may be held

    responsible for their lack of improvement.

    From this perspective interventions may benefit from addressing individuals psychology

    and circumstances in a coordinated way. The successful Diabetes Prevention Program did so by

    providing not only individual counseling but also opportunities to practice lifestyle changes. Its

    widespread implementation may be hampered by being embedded in a society without strong

    social norms for healthier lifestyles. Unfortunately interventions directed at social norms face

    uncertain prospects. Social norms are notoriously difficult to manipulate without sustained,

    intensive, multifaceted programs. Moreover, diet-related interventions face the challenge that

    eating is so basic a drive that demand can be effectively inelastic, whatever is done to try to

    reduce consumption.

    Although not decision scientists themselves, Hill and his colleagues (2007) have

    proposed interventions that look at food choice as a decision and then try to change how these

    choices present themselves. For example they suggest that work sites encourage healthier

    behaviors, perhaps by making stairs more visible and legitimating the hitherto uncommon choice

    of walking where appropriate, pointing to dress codes as an analogous form of informal norm

    setting. They suggest that schools grade lunchroom choices, then provide students (and parents)

    with diet report cards. A full analysis of such incremental changes would ask whether they can

    scale up to create overall changes, much in the way that those concerned with environmental

    changes consider whether tactical decisions (e.g., recycling, compact fluorescent light bulbs) can

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    make enough of a difference or represent a distraction from strategic change (Gardner and Stern


    Thus the success of interventions depends on their integration of tactical and strategic

    measures. From a tactical perspective designers need to understand how individuals make the

    many small choices that they face. For example when they consider whether to take the stairs or

    the elevator, what comes into their minds, what social pressures do they experience, and what

    other costs are incurred (e.g., getting sweaty, risking injury)? Those decisions can be studied

    with the usual decision science methods. That is, researchers can first conduct normative

    analyses of how the choices affect outcomes that individuals value. They can then conduct

    descriptive studies focused on how individuals perceive the expected outcomes following

    different choices. By comparing the normative and descriptive results, they can develop

    interventions directed at either psychology (e.g., perceptions of the costs and benefits of lifestyle

    changes) or circumstances (e.g., social and economic barriers to healthy diet). That research may

    reveal that seemingly attractive behaviors are actually unattractive in certain circumstances or

    even infeasible. For example employees who could use the stairs may worry about appearing to

    judge companions who may be disabled or less fit; hence they decide to avoid awkwardness by

    using the elevator. Only by understanding the complex structure of such seemingly simple

    choices is it possible to create interventions that meet individuals multiple goals.

    Once a suite of suitable tactics has been identified, organizations can consider strategies

    for incorporating them into programs with mutually reinforcing elements. For example firms or

    schools can adopt goals that relieve individuals of the burden of pressuring others to change.

    Incentives might be provided in the form of financial rewards or group recognition. The strategic

    analysis would also consider ways in which the organization provides disincentives for change

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    (e.g., cafeteria food prices, health insurance programs). Sound behavioral science can help to

    design programs that have a chance of working with real people facing real constraints and to

    evaluate programs in a scientifically sound way. Implementing unrealistic programs not only

    wastes the resources invested in them, but it incurs the opportunity costs of leaving the problem

    unaddressed and the direct costs of alienating those who are asked to do the impossiblechange

    their behavior in ways whose logic they cannot see or whose acts they cannot implement. When

    research shows that behavioral change requires alterations in individuals physical and social

    environments, strong leadership may be needed in addition to strong science.

    One class of structural change that is consistent with a decision science perspective

    involves pay-for-performance programs, whereby health care providers receive incentives for

    good health outcomes in their patients. Here, too, proper execution requires integrating tactical

    and strategic levels, looking at the information, incentives, and options provided to both those

    whose behavior should be changed and those rewarded for making those changes happen. For

    example management must provide rewards and facilities for preventive services. Assessing

    impacts may require technology to track clinical information (e.g., medications, test results,

    physician notes) or incentives for providers (e.g., external audits, public recognition) within

    privacy constraints (Casalino et al. 2003). To date few empirical studies have evaluated pay-for-

    performance approaches for the prevention or treatment of chronic diseases.

    Economic Issues and Implications

    There has been much more research on the cost-effectiveness of medical interventions than of

    behavioral ones. Because behavioral interventions are more difficult to standardize, they differ

    more in their implementation than do medical interventions, making it harder to calculate the

    cost-effectiveness of a type of behavioral intervention. With complex interventions, it is hard

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    to determine the cost-effectiveness of specific program elements, which cannot be separated

    from those of the overall package (Chodosh et al. 2005).

    A noteworthy exception is the DPP, in which costs were carefully evaluated for both

    lifestyle modification (healthy eating and physical activity) and pharmaceutical intervention

    (metformin), compared with placebo (Herman et al. 2005). Both interventions prevented or

    delayed the development of type 2 diabetes, with the lifestyle intervention being almost twice as

    effective as metformin (Knowler et al. 2002). The lifestyle intervention was also more cost-

    effective, in terms of both medical and nonmedical costs (e.g., absenteeism), and covered all age

    groups and body weights. In contrast, the metformin intervention was ineffective for those with a

    BMI less than 35 and for older individuals (Herman et al. 2005). The lifestyle intervention was

    beneficial for all groups, although its cost was not fully recouped in reduced medical costs.

    Without rigorously collected evaluation data from multiple prevention programs, we have

    only the most basic guidelines for estimating cost-effectiveness (see Box 31.4). Communications

    are inexpensive, compared to pharmacological and counseling interventions, and thus may have

    an advantage in enhancing cost-effectiveness. Decision science offers inexpensive ways to

    develop the form and content of communications targeting specific decisions as faced by specific

    audiences. Whether decision science can provide effective (and cost-effective) communications

    is an open question. The choice of communication channel (e.g., Internet, affinity groups, family

    members) is, of course, critical to ensuring that messages providing useful, comprehensible

    information arrive from credible sources.

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    Areas of Uncertainty or Controversy

    There is broad agreement that economic and health behavior models do not describe precisely

    how people make many decisions, even when such models predict that behavior. Simple linear

    models can often provide such good predictions, in the hands of investigators attuned to the

    kinds of things that matter to people (Dawes and Corrigan 1974). However understanding the

    psychological processes responsible for the behavior requires other, complementary research,

    like the decision science approaches described here. Those approaches begin with normative

    analyses that facilitate a hard look at the nature and difficulty of the decisions that individuals

    face. Thus decision science recognizes both the value and the limits of economic and health

    behavior models.

    Given its focus on the intellectual demands of decision making, decision science has

    naturally focused on cognitive processes. Over the past decade or so it has increasingly

    accommodated affective processes, examining how they influence cognitive processes

    (sometimes sharpening them, sometimes distorting them) and how aware people are of those

    effects. For example there is growing understanding of why people fail to predict how hot

    emotions will lead them to evaluate decisions differently than when they think about the

    decisions in a cold state (Loewenstein 1996).

    The social cognitive models that have guided most behavioral interventions have long

    been subject to lively controversy over their theoretical foundations and relative effectiveness,

    and to the extent that comparisons are possible, no model has emerged as a clear winner

    (Weinstein 2007). However evaluations do find that interventions using any of these models tend

    to be more effective than interventions using none. This pattern may reflect the fact that each

    model serves as a checklist, ensuring that the researchers consider the basic issues that can

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    matter, including both cognitive factors (e.g., risk perception) and social-normative ones (e.g.,

    comparison of others behavior and values). If the different models use correlated measures, they

    should predict outcomes similarly well, even if they embody different theoretical formulations of

    how health behaviors are chosen. As a result, the effectiveness of any intervention will depend

    primarily on how well it is implemented, a function of the skill of the investigators, the quality of

    their relationships with practitioners and subjects, and the resources available. That

    implementation should be facilitated by the decision science practices of engaging in a structured

    analysis of the content domain, comparing that normative analysis to a descriptive account of

    actual understanding and providing missing knowledge in a comprehensible form.

    A decision science approach could also help to take full advantage of new technologies

    for diabetes self-management. Many new devices, such as those providing for continuous blood

    glucose monitoring, generate large amounts of data. Unless individuals can cope with that

    information stream, the technologies may not achieve their potential. They could even undermine

    individuals health if providers assume that patients are better informed than they actually are

    and then withdraw the informational support they would otherwise provide.

    Developments over the Next 5 to 10 Years

    Decision science continues to expand its focus on the role of emotion in decision making,

    distinguishing the roles of specific emotions. For example although an earlier view assumed that

    positive and negative emotions have opposite effects, recent research finds that happiness and

    anger both encourage optimistic assessments, pushing people toward action (Lerner and Keltner

    2000). As we learn more about the effects of different emotions and contexts, we will deepen our

    understanding of the effects of emotions and individuals ability to manage them when making

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    choices. Applied to health behaviors, this research could help people to stay the course with

    planned behavioral changes, despite fluctuating feelings.

    The growing field of behavioral economics applies the principles of decision science to

    design programs that manipulate incentive structures in order to alter behaviors. Such

    manipulation is, of course, the stock-in-trade of marketing. However, it can also be applied to

    inducing people to do things that are in their own best interests but that they do not pursue on

    their own. These failures may have environmental causes (e.g., missing critical data, lacking

    needed resources) and individual ones (e.g., inability to focus, a lack of self-discipline). The

    incentives to change behavior could be financial or beneficial in terms of time and convenience

    (Sunstein and Thaler 2003; Thaler and Sunstein 2008). For example the increased convenience

    of calorie-dense, low-cost snack foods contributes to the increase in obesity rates. People might

    benefit from being rewarded for resisting that temptation or having healthier choices subsidized.

    Finally, within the realm of cognitive processes, there is growing research interest in how

    individuals understand not just summary estimates of risks and benefits but also the quality of

    the evidence underlying them. For example before committing to an intervention, one could

    reasonably want to know whether its promise of effectiveness reflected one persons claim or a

    consensus of leading opinions (just as clinicians would want to see a comprehensive meta-

    analysis of multiple studies, rather than rely on a single exploratory one). As noted even with

    such heavily studied areas as adolescent smoking prevention, few interventions may be

    rigorously evaluated in terms of their behavioral effects, much less their long-term health effects.

    Considering the increased pressure for information disclosure in other domains, especially for

    pharmaceutical and financial products, there is likely to be increasing research on how to convey

    the quality of data needed for decision making.

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    Over the past half century decision science has developed a large body of theory,

    methods, and results in diverse application areas. There have, however, been few applications to

    disease prevention in nonclinical settings, especially for chronic health conditions such as

    diabetes. Extending decision science to diabetes prevention and treatment could both improve

    health and advance basic science by having it confront the novel theoretical issues in ways that

    promote collaboration of behavioral and decision scientists. That combination of promise and

    challenge could encourage basic researchers to work on diabetes prevention and treatment,

    building on basic and applied research on related problems.

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    Box 31.1

    Heuristics in Risk Perception

    People often rely on heuristics to make judgments when they lack statistical evidence. For

    example, reliance on the availability heuristicmeans judging the probability of events by the

    ease with which examples come to mind. Although often valid, relying on availability can lead to

    overestimating the probability of events that are particularly vivid or receive disproportionate

    media attention. Conversely, it can lead to an underestimating of events that are prevalent but do

    not make the news, such as diabetes. For example, people think that homicide is a more common

    cause of death than diabetes, even though about twice as many people actually die from diabetes.

    Another heuristic, described by Tversky and Koehlers support theory, compares the

    arguments that support the occurrence and non-occurrence of an event. When people use this

    heuristic, an event will seem less likely the more explicitly they consider alternatives, bringing to

    mind reasons for it not happening. Similarly, an event will seem more likely if broken down into

    its constituent parts, each of which will stimulate thinking of reasons why it will happen. Thus,

    diabetes will seem less likely if people think about it as a single disease than if they think about it

    as a condition possibly leading to blindness, amputation, and its other dire complications.

    Similarly, the perceived probability of being able to manage the disease will increase if people

    with diabetes see all the things that they can do to improve their situation.

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    Box 31.3

    Environmental Interventions

    Some interventions aim to change behavior not by influencing individuals beliefs and valuesbut

    by changing the environment within which they make decisions based on those perspectives. For

    example, physical activity has been found to increase when people have better access to exercise

    facilities, when planning makes communities more walkable, and when students have physical

    education classes in schools. Behavior can also be improved by removing bad options, such as

    by making unhealthy food less available. Economic incentives could include subsidizing public

    transportation or healthy foods. Although theoretically attractive, such interventions should take

    advantage of the most promising strategies and require evaluation to ensure success. Their design

    would benefit from the normative approach of decision science, first characterizing the decisions

    that individuals face and then those that they could face with feasible changes in their

    environment. That normative research requires descriptive empirical studies of what people

    value, what they see as possible, and how they respond to changes.

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    Box 31.4

    Calculating Cost-Effectiveness

    To conduct the meta-analyses needed to estimate cost-effectiveness across classes of prevention

    programs, there must be enough published studies reporting both cost and effectiveness data, a

    standard rarely met for behavioral interventions. For example, despite the many efforts to

    prevent smoking among adolescents, there are only enough studies to provide a weak signal

    supporting their cost-effectiveness. Probably the most studied topic for behavioral intervention is

    HIV prevention. A meta-analysis of different kinds of HIV prevention interventions found two

    predictors of cost-effectiveness: the prevalence of the disease in the target population, which

    affects the number of potential targets of an intervention, and the cost of the intervention.

    FIGURE31.1. Decision science structures problems into normative, descriptive, and prescriptive
