Download - Deacon Joe Garozzo · 2020. 3. 29. · Diacono Joe Garozzo . SUNDAY, MARH 29, 2020 8:00 am S Rose Mary (Rosie) Tomarchio r/o Grace Romeo 9:30 am G Louise Fiorile r/o Tonye onnie 9:30

  • Fifth Sunday of Lent March 29, 2020


    Welcome to the Fifth Sunday of Lent

    Today we celebrate the fifth Sunday in Lent. With all that is going on in our country, state and around the world with the Coronavirus 19 epidemic, it’s hard to keep Lent and the Easter joy in our mind and hearts.

    We are cut off from gathering with people we love, our families. We are also cut off from activities that bring us together as people of God. Attending church, weddings postponed, funerals limited to 50 people or less. These challenges are keeping us from our focus on the coming Easter, when we as Christians we celebrate His death and resurrection. But even in this time of uncertainty there is now a time when we as church must turn to modern technology. Yes, the very thing that many of us can do without to bring spiritual

    life into our hearts. It is during times like these when scripture comes alive. John 14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” We MUST continue to believe in him and it is through him that this illness will be gone.

    In reading about plagues that have taken place through the world in centuries past, it was with constant prayer to God and the Virgin Mary the plagues vanished. Saint Rocco, is the protector against the plagues and contagious diseases.

    Saint Rocco was born of noble parentage about 1340 A.D. in Montpellier, France. At birth it was noted that he had a red cross-shaped birthmark on the left side of his chest. As a young child, Saint Rocco showed great devotion to God and the Blessed Mother. Saint Rocco dressed in the clothes of a pilgrim and departed for Rome. At that time, Italy was stricken with a rampant disease. Saint Rocco cured many of this dreaded disease by praying for them and making the sign of the cross.

    During his travels, he too contracted the plague which was evident by an open sore on his leg. Saint Rocco was banished from the city and took refuge in a cave. Here he slept on leaves and drank water from a small stream. Miraculously, a dog that refused to eat, faithfully brought him bread as a means of sustenance. The dog used to leave a nearby castle and the Lord of this castle having a curious nature followed this dog into the woods and discovered Rocco. The nobleman had pity on Rocco and brought him to his castle where Saint Rocco was cured.

    I mentioned modern technology earlier where we can still come together as church. We can turn to EWTN or Relevant Radio (640 am) to hear a mass or we can go to to see a listing of the different churches around the diocese that are live streaming masses every day or on the weekends. Don’t forget St Clare live stream Masses.

    We cannot attend daily mass or on the weekend, however, we can still make an Act of Spiritual Communion, in which we express our faith in Christ and in His Presence in the Eucharist, and we ask Him to unite Himself with us. The basic elements of an Act of Spiritual Communion are an Act of Faith; an Act of Love; a desire to receive Christ; and an invitation to Him to come into your heart.

    In the Gospel Jesus resurrected dead Lazarus from the grave and brought him to life that he may live. The same

    was true when Jesus was resurrected from the tomb that WE may have life with Him.

    BE SAFE, BE PRAYERFUL, BE ALIVE. TUNE in (to modern Technology)

    Deacon Joe Garozzo

  • Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma 29 de Marzo de 2020


    [email protected] website:

    Línea directa en español: 856-467-0227

    Bienvenido al quinto domingo de Cuaresma

    Hoy celebramos el quinto domingo de Cuaresma. Con todo lo que está sucediendo en nuestro

    país, estado y en todo el mundo con la epidemia de Coronavirus 19, es difícil mantener la

    Cuaresma y la alegría de Pascua en nuestra mente y corazón.

    Estamos separados y no podemos reunirnos con personas que amamos en nuestras familias.

    También estamos aislados de actividades que nos unen como personas de Dios. Asistir a la

    iglesia, bodas, funerales limitados estan limitados a 10 personas o menos. Estos desafíos nos

    impiden centrarnos en la próxima Pascua, cuando nosotros, como cristianos, celebramos su

    muerte y resurrección. Pero incluso en este momento de incertidumbre, ahora hay un momento

    en que nosotros como iglesia debemos recurrir a la tecnología moderna. Sí, lo mismo que

    muchos de nosotros podemos hacer sin traer vida espiritual a nuestros corazones. Es durante

    estos momentos cuando las Escrituras cobran vida. Juan 14 “No se turbe vuestro corazón. Tu crees en Dios; cree también

    en mí ". DEBEMOS continuar creyendo en él y es a través de él que esta enfermedad desaparecerá.

    Al leer sobre las plagas que han tenido lugar en todo el mundo en siglos pasados, fue con una oración constante a Dios y a

    la Virgen María que las plagas desaparecieron. Saint Rocco, es el protector contra las plagas y enfermedades contagiosas.

    Saint Rocco nació de noble paternidad alrededor de 1340 d.C.en Montpellier, Francia. Al nacer se observó que tenía una

    marca de nacimiento roja en forma de cruz en el lado izquierdo de su pecho. Cuando era niño, San Rocco mostró una

    gran devoción a Dios y a la Santísima Madre. San Rocco se vistió con la ropa de un peregrino y partió hacia Roma. En ese

    momento, Italia sufrió una epidemis rampante. Saint Rocco curó muchas de estas temidas enfermedades rezando por

    ellos y haciendo la señal de la cruz.

    Durante sus viajes, él también contrajo la peste que fue evidente por una llaga abierta en su pierna. Saint Rocco fue

    desterrado de la ciudad y se refugió en una cueva. Aquí dormía sobre hojas y bebía agua de un pequeño arroyo.

    Milagrosamente, un perro que se negó a comer, le trajo fielmente pan como medio de sustento. El perro solía abandonar

    un castillo cercano y el Señor de este castillo, que tenía una naturaleza curiosa, siguió a este perro al bosque y descubrió a

    Rocco. El noble se compadeció de Rocco y lo llevó a su castillo donde se curó Saint Rocco.

    Mencioné la tecnología moderna anteriormente donde todavía podemos unirnos como iglesia. Podemos recurrir a EWTN

    o Radio Relevante (640 am) para escuchar una misa o podemos ir a para ver una lista de las

    diferentes iglesias alrededor de la diócesis que transmiten misas en vivo todos los días o los fines de semana. No olvides

    las misas de transmisión en vivo de St. Clare.

    No podemos asistir a misa diaria o el fin de semana, sin embargo, aún podemos hacer un acto de comunión espiritual, en

    el que expresamos nuestra fe en Cristo y en su presencia en la Eucaristía, y le pedimos que se una a nosotros. Los

    elementos básicos de un acto de comunión espiritual son un acto de fe; un acto de amor; un deseo de recibir a Cristo; y

    una invitación a Él para que entre en tu corazón.

    En el Evangelio, Jesús resucitó a Lázaro muerto de la tumba y lo trajo a la vida para que pueda vivir. Lo mismo sucedió

    cuando Jesús resucitó de la tumba para que NOSOTROS tengamos vida con Él.

    ESTAR SEGURO, SER ORANTE, ESTAR VIVO. TUNE in (a la tecnología moderna)

    Diacono Joe Garozzo

  • SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2020

    8:00 am SB Rose Mary (Rosie) Tomarchio r/o Grace Romeo

    9:30 am GB Louise Fiorile r/o Tonye Bonnie

    9:30 am SB Hipolito Mendez r/o Carlos y Cecilia Figueroa

    11:00 am SB Leticia Portuguez Quezada r/o The Reilly Family

    4:30 pm SB Lucy M. Grasso r/o Freda Barbagallo

    MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020

    8:30 am GB Connie Colanero r/o Husband, Deacon John Colanero TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2020

    8:30 am GB Raymond Bowell r/o Donna Sue Gentile 6:30 pm SB People of the Parish—MH

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2020

    8:30 am GB Grace R. DeSimone r/o Nancy Dwyer

    THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2020

    8:30 am SB Lucy Grasso r/o Mary & Carmella Bonaccorsi

    FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2020

    8:30 am SB Special Intention r/o Sara Lawall

    SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2020

    9:00 am SB Pauline Salvatore r/o Paulet & James Funk 4:30 pm GB People of the Parish


    8:00 am SB People of the Parish

    9:30 am GB People of the Parish

    9:30 am SB People of the Parish

    11:00 am SB People of the Parish

    4:30 pm SB People of the Parish



    GB = Gibbstown / PB = Paulsboro / SB = Swedesboro

    MH = Ministerio Hispano / BTM = Mass with Baptism


    Peter Accordino, Joseph Accordino, Angela, Anderson, Michele Baran, Michelle Barr, Vinny Battaglia, Sandy Belcher, Linda Boone, Jane Boone, Adam Boucher, Geri Buckley, Michael Campbell, Mario Carpino, Anna Carpino, Louis Cipolone, Mikie Coco, John Collins, Dee Conrad, Marie Corey, Gabe Covici, Jeanne Daly,

    Mark Dawalt, Megan Davis, Alex DeSimone AF, Andrew DiFonzo, Mikey DiPaolo, Nancy Donnelly, Ann Doran, Edward Duerstock III, Philip Delacot, Kathleen Alice Doyle, Peggy Fiderko, John Fogel, Caroline Fountain, Mark Gage, Frances Gargiulo, Reginald Hall, Anne Marie Harrington, Curtis Holland, Gloria Holland, Thomas Jennings, Ronald Karpovich, Thomas Keegan, John Kelly, Emmanual Kuoma, Kenley Kuhn, Richard Lane, Lucille Leonardi, Sabrina Lisa, Louis Leonardis, Nina Lopes, Kathy McCann, Bruce & Kate Macphail, Betty Moore, Jonathan Ortiz, Yesenia Vazquez Pagan, Alfio Patane, Susan Paul, Pasquale Pezzano, Clelia Pezzano, Nancy Plant, Carolyn Reistle, Zach Rizzuto, Anthony Salvatico, Carol Schultz, Maryann Sparks, Ron Steidler, Bill Swan, Jada Thompson, LeeAnn & Amron Acevedo Thompson & Family, Gabrielle Tiedeken, Francis Trani Zallie, Pasquale Tropiano, Dave Vanneman, Sergio Vera, Michelle Vause, Ruben Vedar, Jill Watson, Bridget (Bea) Weiss and Pat Zabel

    Pray for our Service Men and Women Sgt. Christopher Clark, FA Alex Curran, SPC. Trevor Durning, 1st Lt. Patrick George, Mason Harris, Mitchell Harris, Lt. David Kehoe, Sgt. Christian Klaus, Lt. Jeffrey Riggs, SFC Sarah Nothdurft , HN Michael C. Rutcosky, Jr., Dylan Sams, Daryn Smith, Lt. Cdr. Sarah Turse EOD, LCpl Issey Wright and the Diocese of Camden Clergy who serve in the armed forces.


    USCCB Priority Resources as

    Regards to COVID-19 Through the good leadership of our shepherds, the Church is experiencing the remarkable grace of spiritual closeness from a distance. To the extent you may find it helpful, the Conference has been collecting examples of how our community of faith has sought to remain with one another in prayer during these difficult times. You may find the list here: In the days ahead, we will update this page as we find and you share additional resources. USCCB Public Affairs and Episcopal Resources teams are partnering also with the Office of Divine Worship, the Office of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, and other Conference colleagues to develop new resources to help the faithful in our home prayer. These are being prepared for Catholic Current. Those resources are here:

    The Tabernacle Candle burns in memory of

    Donald Anderson r/o Jacqueline Sonsini

    The Pro-Life Rose is sponsor by

    Knight of Columbus

    SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS In Preparation for Sunday, April 5, 2020

    First Reading: MT 21:1-11 Second Reading: PHIL 2:6-11

    Gospel: MT – 26:14-27


    After careful consideration regarding the letter from Bishop Dennis Sullivan sent to all

    parishes yesterday, Fr. Dave Grover and our St. Clare Leadership team have

    concluded important and necessary changes to our parish office activities and


    No Public weekly or Sunday MASS will be celebrated until further notice from

    our Diocese and direction from our Bishop Dennis Sullivan.

    All Home Masses will be canceled starting today Wednesday, March 18,

    2020. Keep in mind these restrictions will be based on the next two weeks and

    will be revisited as needed.

    Parish Office will be closed to the public. Our staff will continue to work

    answering phone calls and emails until 1:00 pm. Please leave a message if you

    are calling after hours. Office Hours will be:

    Monday -Thursday from 9:00 am-1:00 pm.

    · Swedesboro Church and Gibbstown Church will open for parishioners that

    would like to visit and pray privately. 2 hours on the following schedule.

    St. Joseph Church to 9:00 am-11:00 am Monday-Thurs.

    St. Michael Church 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Monday-Friday

    · Please Remember that large gatherings are not permitted and NO MORE than

    10 people should be in any of our buildings at the same time. We are following the

    National, State and Diocesan guidelines of Social distancing.

    · We are looking for options to stream Sunday Mass - for our parishioners, one in

    English & one in Spanish. We will be sending more information on this soon. Please

    visit our website for more information

    Message from Fr. Dave - Effective immediately



    St. Vincent de Paul Society & Clare’s Cupboard


    Kings Things 1404 Kings Highway, Swedesboro


    Financial Support Contributions I would like to

    extend a special

    thanks to the many parishioners who

    have been so kind as to send their

    weekly offertory envelopes into the

    office when not attending Mass.

    We depend on your offertory to meet

    our regular operating expenses so your

    efforts are much appreciated.

    During this period of Social Distancing,

    please consider sending your offertory

    to us directly via mail : (140 Broad St,

    Swedesboro, NJ 08085), or you can sign

    up Online to have your contribution

    sent directly from your bank account or

    credit card.

    Deposit your envelope in The Black Box

    outside of our parish office.

    We have provided this link Give on our

    website to start

    your online given process: click on

    “Give” -Choose fund“offertory” to

    make your weekly donation. It is

    important that you click "make this gift

    recurring" for the weekly donations.

    Thank you in advance for your

    continuous support.

    St. Clare of Assisi Parish

    Grotto for our Lady of Guadalupe

    Thank you for your generous

    donations to

    Lady of Guadalupe Grotto.

    Your contribution is important

    to us.

    We are getting closer to our goal of $20,000

    With your help, activities, fundraisings events and

    families donations we have

    collected $ 16,512

    For more information

    go to:

    Gracias por sus generosas donaciones a

    Nuestra Gruta de la Señora de Guadalupe.

    Su contribución es importante para nosotros.

    Nos estamos acercando a nuestra meta de $ 20,000

    Con su ayuda, actividades de la comunidad , eventos de

    recaudación de fondos y donaciones de familias, hemos

    recaudado $ 16,512


    COLUMBIETTES -SPAGHETTI DINNER CANCELLED Hello all! Per the directions from the CDC, the government, and the Dio-cese, the Columbiettes have decided to cancel this year's Spaghetti Dinner due to COVID-19 breakout. We understand that this may not be the ideal situation, but our first priority is everyone's health and safety.

    We hope to resume the tradition next year! Thank you for your continued support!

  • To publish Information in our parish bulletin?

    Please send us an email to:

    [email protected]



    Thank you! Our parish has raised $ 24,000

    from 50 donors! Our Parish Goal is $130,000

    Your support of the 2020 House of Charity

    – Bishop’s Annual Appeal ensures the vitality of essential Diocesan ministries and programs that sustain the healing, teaching

    and redemptive Presence of Jesus Christ

    throughout Southern New Jersey.

    If you have not already given, please return your completed

    pledge card to the parish or give online at

    Your gift matters to your neighbors.

    Please feel free to use resources, which will be

    updated as new information becomes

    available, in lieu of celebrating Mass at parishes

    and other areas, in accordance with public

    weekday and Sunday Masses being suspended.

    Go to

    mass/ for a complete list including times,

    continually being updated.

    The Children’s Liturgy at St. Clare is

    cancelled until further notice.

    Daily Audio Mass 1 PM | Live

    stream: Weekdays 1 PM

    Sundays 10 AM, 12:30 PM