Download - DDaaaiiillyy a IIIddd eeeaallliiizzzee ddd e …...2018/10/10  · Or, you could trade more complex strategies like butterflies, iron condors, or even prepare in advance for a possible

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1 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

DDDaaaiiilllyyy """IIIdddeeeaaallliiizzzeeeddd TTTrrraaadddeeesss""" RRReeepppooorrrttt

Trading Lessons from the Intraday Frame (study)

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2 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Trading Lessons from the Intraday Frame (1-min)

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3 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

In fact, price continued through the lower OPEN AIR POCKET

beneath our VA Extreme.

With price in free-fall and no major level on the Daily Chart,

reference 2,626 (Gravity) and higher Profile Levels as targets to play

for on any bounce.

Major Companies Reporting Earnings


Major Economic Reports for Tomorrow...

US GDP *** (8:30am)

Quotes from Last Night's Planning

Yesterday gave us a big bearish collapse trend day down; today corrected that with a big

bullish trend day higher. We had at least four or more opportunities to buy pullbacks to rising

moving averages or on breaks of falling 'flag' trendlines as noted and as is our trend day


The opening gap and high TICK - along with the solid break above 2,731 set in motion today's

bullish rally with multiple pullback opportunities to trade along the pathway higher.

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4 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Power Trending Strong Uptrending Stock Scan

We're seeing the NEW top twelve relative strength leaders (via algorithm) in trending markets and the general

expectation is to buy retracements or breakouts in these strongly trending names. The logic is that what is

strong tends to get stronger (stocks attracting money flow tend to continue attracting additional money flow).

Right now these would be the names and thus candidates above for you to do additional research and add

these to your stock-scan list for possible inclusion into a swing trading portfolio on pullbacks or outright



I write the Power-Trending Stock Section for Swing Traders looking for candidates that complex stock scans

will likely miss. The scan targets strongly trending stocks and the expectation is that price will continue

trending higher, though of course additional analysis is required rather than just buying these names

collectively. To participate in these stocks, we typically wait for a pullback/retracement to a rising moving

average or Fibonacci/Trendline level to put on a buy/retracement where the stop is trailed under the average.

These would be similar to how I describe intraday 'flag' retracements on a developing Trend Day.

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5 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Tightly Compressed SP500 Stocks (Low ADX Scan)

Here are the top six "Compressed ADX" (lowest ADX) values from our simple scan of the S&P

100 (in Think or Swim).

The goal of this simple stock scan is to identify compressed or consolidating (RANGE) stocks

and either:

A) Play the fades (like a Range Day) into the trendlines by shorting the high and buying the

low or

B) Put these on a separate watch list and then WAIT for a breakout event to trigger a buy or

sell-short swing trade to trade the RANGE EXPANSION play after the current CONTRACTION.

Or, you could trade more complex strategies like butterflies, iron condors, or even prepare in

advance for a possible breakout with straddles or strangles (advanced options traders).

We'll update this scan and ideas like it at the beginning of each week.

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6 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

"S&P 500 Sector Performance" View

This chart and sector comparisons are useful two ways:

First, we get a broader sense of what's going on beneath the market subdivided into sectors.

Second, if you trade beyond the S&P 500 or futures/ETFs, you can pinpoint bearish/weak

stocks by starting with bearish/weak sectors.

The idea is out outperform the market via short- selling a weak stock(s) in weak/bearish

sectors on a down trend day (or vice versa).

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7 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Planning the 30-min Intraday /ES Volume Profile

We're seeing some post-market activity to reflect the end-of-day sell-off that accelerated after

the close, partly on the back of Amazon's missed earnings. As I discussed in tonight's video,

major companies reported with mixed results and thus we'll need to stay focused on our levels

and adapt to the higher volatility. Case in point, price almost traded fully from one gravity

spot (2,682) toward another (2,731) in a single session.

We're still in an OPEN AIR POCKET and thus subject to higher volatility and trends in both

directions until price comes back into balance/equilibrium (and either builds out a new higher

volume node or rallies up through the VA Extreme toward the PoC in the middle.

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8 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Planning the 30-min Intraday /NQ Volume Profile

While the logic is the same as the /ES, the levels and pockets may be different.

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9 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Planning the Next Day (Daily S&P 500 Cash Index)

We're still in a high volatility environment and thus we're getting good intraday movement,

heightening the risk and reward. Today's trend day bounce allowed for retracement profits

but the end-of-day sell-off and earnings miss by Amazon could set the stage for another trend

day or at least volatile Friday. Also note that the GDP report is announced pre-market. Either

way, follow your levels closely and trade the lowest timeframe you can. Also...

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10 Idealized Trades Report for Thursday, October 25, 2018

Alternatively, it's a great time to sell distant strike premium for December or January in

leading names due to options prices being expanded due to spike-heightened volatility VIX.


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