Download - Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Day 3 wednesday 13 april 2011

    930-1100 Profitability:budget,cost concept,revenue,productivity in beverage operations,service

    standards-leadership. Giorgio Fadda

    1100-1230 A chat with Tony Micelotta

    1330- 1700 The art of mixing drinks-rhum experiance Dom Costa

    1700-1930 Teams work (Team americano)

    This approach to business is very new to me it is called the S.W.O.T

    (strenght.weakness,opportunities,threats) analysis.


    What advantage does your company have over other competitior?

    What do you do better then anyone else?

    What do people in your market see as your strength?.


    What could you improve?

    What causes you to become complacent?

    What should you avoid?What do people in your market see as your weakness?


    Where are the good opportunites facing you?

    What are the interesting trends?

    Useful information.

    Change of technology.

    Change in some policy.

    Change in social pattern.(popularity,profile,lifestyle)

    Local events




    Strength is internal

    Weakness is external

    Produce interesting.

    Process proper selling plan.

    Distribute to the correct areas.

    Finance cost and investment wisely.

    Adminstration and management.

    Had an expresso break then it was time forTony.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Tony Micelotta

    A really great man the way he carries himself, u can feel that he is a man of great leardership-

    Giorgio fadda

    The people you choose must succeed you.-Rockafella Is the quote mr tony used in his chat with us

    . He engaged us by asking very basic individual questions that made every one feel involved with

    the session.. bravo Mr tony.

    He commented on my jacket . Yup that ABSS pin was given to him by me.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Lunch Time

    Rhum experiance.

    Rhum only made out of sugar cane or byproduct of sugar.

    1493 Christoper columbus and hispanola

    1500 Pedro de atienza|(cant recall what this means but it is important for the history of rhum)

    The triangle of slavery (America-europe-africa)

    OLD GROG -Rhum and Sugar cane juice a pan.

    31 of july 1970 Black Tot Day,Britains Royal Navy officially stopped its daily ration of rum to crewmembers aboard naval ships, ending a centuries-old tradition.

    Admiral Nelsons Last Voyage

    1805 In the trafalgar battle Admiral Nelson died and his body was preserved in rhum as sailors

    couldnt resist the rhum the just drank it and called it the Nelsons blood.if u drink it u will be asbrave as Nelson.


    Grade a(mild)

    Grade b(dark)

    Black strap(molasses)

    Begasses- sugar cane residue

    Agricole uses juice only

    Traditional usues molasses

    All rhum are blended unless stated on label

    Angels share: during the period of maturation a certian amount of alcohol evaporates from the


    Caramel is added to enhance the presentation. Not flavour because caramel is really bitter.

    Dont believe me try it. Not the syrup the real thing heat a spoon full of sugar and when it becomes

    brown that is caramel.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Traditional rhum is my preference.

    Cube sugar with molases.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Molasses in a jar.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Teams work team Americano.

    A casino bar in venice.

    Casino Americano Venezia

    Nice table set to casino theamed with the song we speak no americano blaring on the back


  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Saskia dekker and alin sorescu

    Patrick thomas

  • 8/2/2019 Day 3 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Monika kewnewmewsomthing like that

    Well done team americano.