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LG: Welcome everyone!

This is a very special program that we have included as a bonus to the DVDs that you have purchased from the Longevity Conference. Our bonus pack is emphasizing energy; it is all about energy, and if you know anything about David Wolfe, you know he has endless amounts of energy. He has been traveling the world for many, many years. David, I think you’ve done something like 1,800 live events?

DW: That’s actually a conservative guess! It may actually be more than that. Imagine, I think, 15 or 16 years in a row, of 3 or 4 events per week; that’s what I’ve been up to in my life.

LG: So, are you tired?

DW: I’m having the best day ever! I feel like I actually have more energy now, because I do! I actually have more energy and I have more internal fire than I have ever had in my life, for sure.

LG: And actually David, I think the last two events you’ve come to, you’ve come in on the red-eye flight, after traveling all around the world. You come in and you have to immediately give an entire weekend long live event to hundreds of people, and not only do you have to be alert and awake to give the presentation, but you have to deliver a nuclear amount of energy for the crowd…and you deliver it every time!

I always think, “How is he going to do a whole weekend nonstop - 15 hours per day - and talk to people and help people?” And, every time you pull it off, and actually when you leave, you’re flying! You have more energy than when you showed up, and I just wonder, “How does he do it?!” My jaw just hits the floor every time.

DW: Right on! I’m glad somebody notices!

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If you saw the world through my eyes and saw what I do every week, I seriously doubt that there are more than a few people in the world who could keep the type of schedule that I have, and do the amounts of events that I do in a given year. Very few people in the world could keep up that pace and maintain that energy level; and so, this is my testament! This is what I am here to teach.

You want to be able to do that? Then, I’ll show you how to do it, because I can do it. All you have to do is look at my track record over the last 15 years and you can see that I’ve done it. This is where the rubber hits the road. If you ask if it’s real, you bet it’s real!

We are going to get into energy in this particular interview, because the number one complaint in the western world is, “I don’t have enough energy.” I want to crack into this from number of different directions.

LG: You’re most well-known for raw foods and superfood information and nutrition. So, let’s just start off simple; let’s just start off from a very basic point of view, which is: You are what you eat.

You get your energy from your food, as well as other sources. But, for most people who are your average western practitioner, your average American, your average Canadian, they get their energy from their food. They think about energy from the point of view of food.

So, let’s get into live food nutrition, and raw food nutrition…What is it about that type of nutrition that is going to deliver us the best level of energy and the most sustainable type of energy over a long period of time?

DW: Okay, well, let’s just talk about where energy comes from first.

Now, our belief is that we have to eat a certain amount of calories, and have a certain amount of food, in order to produce a certain amount of energy.

One of the things that was immediately overturned when I got into raw food literature, was that this is absolutely not true. Actually, the real situation is that we are mostly hypoglycemic, which means that we are in a mineral deficiency-syndrome type of state most of the time growing up in the western world, due to very poor quality food.

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Now, people say, “What do you mean poor quality food? I had cheeseburgers and hamburgers and milkshakes, and I took my supplements!”

It is only from the perspective that I have now, being a raw foodist, superfoodist, superherbalist, and living spring waterist, that I can see where I was, and I can see where we actually are…where the human race actually is in its level of nutrition.

The human race and the western world are hypoglycemic, which means that we get jittery if we don’t have food. That jitteriness causes us to say, “I need to eat to normalize my energy, to sort out my blood sugar.”

I want to just overturn everything and say that generally, in my opinion, the food we are eating is taking away our energy; it’s not giving us very much energy at all. When I say that, I’m saying that the side effects of eating the junk food, the processed food, the chemicalized foods, and the food that has been fertilized with artificial preservatives, is that the food is robbing so much energy from us.

When I got into raw living foods, one of the first things I immediately became aware of was other sources of energy, like the atmosphere; breathing in the atmospheric gases and the energy that comes from that; the energies that come from spring water and living waters; and the energy that comes from music and inspiration.

The first time I started experimenting with fasting and going without food, I remember one weekend where I worked the whole weekend. I came home after the weekend was over, and I remember just getting into my room and turning the music on, and it was like a gourmet buffet meal. It was so overwhelmingly awesome, and it felt so good, and I got so much energy out of it, that I suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore, and I felt like I was nourished.

So, opening ourselves up to subtle forms of energy; of course, the biggest subtle form of energy is having loving, supporting relationship. Loving supporting relationships nourish us and actually give us energy.

We’ve all seen the great boxers in the world, right? I watched an old fight with George Foreman the other night where he was fighting Ron Lyle. It looked like he had nothing left, but somehow, from somewhere, came the energy…that is the energy of inspiration.

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When we begin to transform our diet and move to raw and living foods, which are: Fruits and vegetables, organic and raw; nuts and seeds, organic and raw; seed vegetables and sprouts, organic and raw; grass, like wheat grass and flowers, organic and raw; superfoods and superherbs; what happens to us is we actually lighten up the load on our system and all of our sudden our body says, “Oh wait! I can breathe now!” and then two reactions can happen.

One reaction is that we can instantly have more energy.

The second reaction is that for a short period of time, sometimes days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months, we can have a lower amount of energy as our body lets out gases and detoxifies ourself.

This differs for each person. Nobody’s history is the same, nobody’s diet is the same, nobody’s metabolism is the same, but generally, lightening our load should actually give us a change in our energy level and it might actually mean that we need to rest more for awhile until we get through that.

Once we have detoxified ourself to a significant degree, then we can really be opened up to what raw food can give us from an energetic perspective.

Here is an example: I really love fresh vegetable juice. I think the best fresh vegetable juice based on my research, the research of Dr. Norman Walker, and the research of Dr. Bernard Jensen, is that we should be having celery juice every day. Fresh celery juice. Very easy, very simple. It is a little bit different from carrot because carrot is so sugary that it can cause more hypoglycemia reactions, which we don’t want, because it throws our energy left, right, and center.

This is a very important point: Whenever our blood sugar goes out of whack, our energy goes out of whack. So, we always want to have even keel blood sugar.

There are absolutely no calories in celery juice. There are no calories in celery! In fact, if you look it up in the books, they say that celery has negative calories in it because it causes your body to burn up more energy in order to actually digest the fiber. However, your physical experience is one of, “Wow! I feel energized by this drink!” There is no sugar in it, there are no stimulants, and there are no calories…so where is the energy coming from? This brings us, really, to the magic of living foods, which is right onto the chlorophyll molecule.

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LG: That is amazing because my experience with the celery is exactly what you described. I have had a Green Star Juicer now for about four months, since around Christmas time, and this Green Star Juicer now has seen so much celery, I can’t even tell you how much celery I have been putting through it! And, it is exactly like you say.

I mix it with lemon and kale, that is kind of my favorite…but, when you drink the celery juice, you immediately get a surge. It is energy, but it is energy with the nature of clarity.

So, let’s talk about chlorophyll and the blood of the plant. I have heard you use that expression before, “the blood of the plant.” What is it in the blood of the plant that is doing this to us?

DW: I want you to just go through an exercise with me. It is an exercise of viewing everything with innocent perception. Drop all of your preconceived ideas, drop all the scientific formulas, drop all the ideas that you were taught in school, just drop it all away, because actually all of it is up for grabs. None of it is certain. If it was all accurate information that we had been getting since we were in childhood about nutrition, then we’d all be the healthiest people ever today. We obviously aren’t, and so we have to call these things into question. We need to drop all our limitations and our beliefs, and let’s just look at the world rationally.

If we look at the world rationally, there is this “magician” as Steiner called it, which is transforming energy and sugars, and it is chlorophyll. Steiner called it “the magician” because this is where the magic is happening in our world.

Now, to me, this seems like a very important place to start with healing activity, right? Let’s just see what happens if we can get that chlorophyll into our bodies, “the blood of the plant,” which is identical to our hemoglobin with only the difference of magnesium and iron.

Hemoglobin is centered on iron but the chlorophyll molecule is centered on magnesium. So, let’s just see what happens when we ingest that magician, and this is what I really recommend.

If you want more energy, try something that violates every law: it doesn’t have any calories, it doesn’t have any stimulants in it, it shouldn’t give you energy, but it

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does! Not only that, but you start to feel that clarity, which you mention Lou. This is a really important thing today, because we have more people today with foggy brains than ever before, people whose energy is up and down and left and center.

There is no sugar in celery. There is no sugar! So, that isn’t doing it either. So, what in the world is giving us that energy? It is the magic of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is like a carotene. It’s like a carotenoid. You’ve hear of beta carotene in carrots? Well, that’s really what chlorophyll is. It’s that pigment of color that is an antioxidant concentrate: It really helps to shield all our cells, it deodorizes our digestive tract, and it really is the beginning and basis of healing with plants.

LG: This is one thing that really blows me away as we talk about mineralization. I have heard you say this so many times and it always just really inspires me: The plants are actually pulling these minerals up into themselves. It is actually a levitational process!

Instead of the minerals actually going from us or from some other source down into the ground where they are eventually going to turn to stone or be fossilized or harden, the living plant is actually pulling the minerals up into itself. So, not only are we getting the blood of the plant, we are actually getting the minerals that have actually been brought up and made almost just specifically bioavailable for us to consume.

DW: It is so critical, to be able to get those minerals. And actually, very importantly for us, they are alkaline minerals. This is what we are looking for in our diet. We want the alkaline minerals, and that is exactly what is in the leaves of the plants.

We have heard about “The pH Miracle”, and some of these acid/alkaline diet books which are not completely accurate. I do have to say that just from a strictly scientific perspective and from the perspective of what is simple for all of us to know, we can become more alkaline immediately as soon as we start ingesting the green leaves of plants. This is the energy surge that can really transform us and gets us started.

Now, as we go further, one of the things that we find out as we delve into raw and living foods, is that we naturally decrease the amount of very dense, empty

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calories, that are present in our diet. We then increase the amount of calories that are coming from plants, and we find out that these are not empty calories, they are actually full calories.

For example, when we take in sea vegetables and seaweed, they are loaded with minerals. They give you incredible long-term energy because they are loaded not only with minerals, but also with long-chain sugars, which normalize blood sugar. You get this incredible sustained energy from these seaweeds like kelp, Hijiki, wakame, dulce, nori, sea palm, and sea lettuce.

When you have that energy working with you, you may just say again, “Where is this coming from?” There is no sweetness; there is no glucose in there. There are obviously not a whole lot of calories. It is not meat. It is not protein. So, what in the world is going on?

These are the questions that I love for all of us to wrestle with firsthand by experience, because only in that way can we completely overturn within ourselves the conventional models of nutrition that say you need “this much” to produce “that much” energy, which is totally erroneous. It is actually ridiculous, and it’s dangerous! Because, what it’s done to us is load us up with massive amounts of cooked dairy products, and massive amounts of cooked meat products, and massive amounts of cooked wheat products and corn products, and there is really nothing in there that we actually really need. So, it’s almost all empty!

As the raw food comes in, it starts to nourish us with real food that is actually real; it exists on the earth. You can go sneak up on a piece of lettuce a lot easier than you can a rabbit. Now, we start to see why we got out of a normal flow and rhythm of life as a civilization. We see how we can get back there, and we see where our energy is actually coming from. It is not coming from those dense calories. It is actually coming, in many cases, from an absence of the dense calories.

LG: Okay, so let’s cover two types of people: One type of person is saying, “I’ve been doing coffee for ten years, and when I get up in the morning, I need a kick start.”

So, let’s talk about substitutions. What are some of the substitutions for a coffee drinker, or someone who is taking some kind of a sugary or caffeinated stimulant

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in the morning to get going? Give us some things for people who are struggling with this, but want to get going in the in the right direction. And, then I will follow up with a second type of individual.

DW: Okay, well, I first want to say something about stimulants.

The western world continues to move forward based on stimulants. So, we are robbing Peter to pay Paul. One of the most abused stimulants is coffee. Now, you can continue to use coffee in your diet, but we are going to just initially put a pillow in between you and the coffee, so that it’s not hitting you as such an aggressive, intense stimulant. So, instead of just throwing the coffee out, let’s see if we can keep it in, but soften it up so it absorbs better and doesn’t hit us so hard. Here is how we can do that:

We can upgrade the milk that we are using from the pasteurized, homogenized, glow-in-the-dark, pesticide-sprayed, essentially hormonally-altered, genetically-modified, caulk-filled milk product/cream, and upgrade to say, raw almond milk. If you can’t find that, you could get rice milk, and pretty soon there will be raw rice milk available on the market to everybody, which will make it much easier. This gives a little bit of fat to cushion the aggressiveness of that particular stimulant.

Now, we also want to get into talking about Cordyceps and Reishi with coffee, because Cordyceps mushroom and Reishi mushroom counterbalance the acids that are in coffee. The weak organic acids in coffee, over a long period of time, can cause a lot of harm and a lot of aging.

We can also use a little bit of maca in there to help the creamer go a longer distance; the adaptogen maca is a great superfood. It also has a lot of very important energetic effects on our endocrine system; in particular on our hypothalamus, which is the source of a lot of our energy, by the way. Our glandular system, or endocrine system, when functioning properly, can produce a huge amount of energy for us. If it is malfunctioning, then it can’t. Maca helps it function better.

Then, let’s say we want a sweetener. Before, we used to use white sugar, and then we switched to brown sugar, then we heard about this raw sugar product, which

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isn’t actually raw; and so, now we should go to the best sweetener, which is honey. Raw, organic honey.

Now, we have softened the coffee up a little bit so it’s not such a heavy impact on our body– like being hit over the head with a baseball bat. Now, it’s more like being hit with a pillow.

Let’s say that now we wanted to move out of the coffee realm and go to something else. Let’s go to raw chocolate! Use that and address it in the same way. We don’t just take chocolate by itself, we use chocolate as a deliver vehicle for all the great herbs of the world. I am not going to belabor this point here, because it is well-detailed in my book, “Naked Chocolate,” anyone can pick it up and read it and really get the latest and greatest information on chocolate right there.

The other stimulant I do want to mention is alcohol. People are using alcohol to just keep going. You never want to drink alcohol just by itself though. If you are an alcohol drinker, you always want to put herbs and superfoods into the alcohol, so at least you are getting some beneficial side effect.

For me, if I am going to take in something really sweet, I need to put something really medicinal in there too because just to have too much of one thing or another is not balanced, and it is not healthy in my opinion to have something that is really too sweet, or something that is dramatically too bitter, or something that is very, very sour. Everything has to come in gently and kindly to our system for us to achieve really optimal healthy and energy levels.

LG: Okay, fantastic!

The second type of individual I want to address is the person who is feeling sluggish, who has low energy levels, and who just wants to consume; they want to eat; they want to fill; they want that full feeling in their stomach.

One of the things that people mention when they try to go raw or they try to change their diet is that they are always hungry, and that there is the association between, “I’m hungry, therefore I’m not getting enough energy, because I’m not eating enough.”

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So, what do we do about wanting that full feeling, about wanting our stomach to be full? As we know with a lot of these smoothie technologies, and especially with juicing, the nutrients are getting absorbed almost immediately, and our stomach isn’t going to be full. So, what are some tricks and some tips that you can give people that want to get that full feeling, or at least have that feeling of satiation?

DW: Now, this is what we’re all dealing with coming from a civilization that is really addicted to multiple different types of foods and multiple different types of cooked foods.

What I would ask everybody to do, and this is another exercise you can participate in daily if you like; meditate on what that full feeling really means and what it is.

To me, at this point, I don’t need that full feeling ever. I don’t ever miss having it, but it took me years to finally wean myself off of the feeling of being full. The paralysis now of being full is so painful to me though, in the sense of, “I don’t want to deal with having to digest all that”, and because it’s just a whole disaster of dealing with digesting massive amounts of food, that now I don’t do it, because the pain is too great.

When we flip the pain/pleasure principle around in regards to this, we automatically will lose weight at that moment. That will automatically trigger us.

For example, the Egyptians had a phrase, they said,” Flee the table when you are 2/3 full.” They didn’t say step away from the table. They said “flee the table” like, run for your life. When you are getting to a place where you realize that you are starting to get full, and then you stop yourself, and you discipline yourself for a little period of time: a week, a month, a year. What eventually happens is that becomes your new full point.

I would like us all to meditate when we are feeling that hunger, because we know we have gotten the nutrients; we have done the vegetable juice, we have done the superfood smoothies, we know we have enough calories in our diet, but that hunger is still there.

I would like us to really meditate on what is causing it. What is it that we are really hungry for? What we will notice is that in a lot of cases, it is some kind of a junk food. It is something that is not good for us.

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I suspect that really what we are dealing with here is a physiochemical addiction. Now we don’t call it an addiction in the western world, because that would be too much to take on, and we have enough addictions already. But yes, we know, and everybody else knows at this point, the truth, which is that food addictions do exist. The best way to combat a food addiction is by a forced act of courage, and that is to resist. To say, “Nope, I’m going to step away. I am going to move away. I am going to distract myself.”

I really love what I learned from Brian Tracy years ago, and that was to delay gratification. That is how I got through many of the fasts I did in the early days. I delayed gratification…I just delayed it 15 more minutes…and then delayed it 15 more minutes, and I learned that if I kept delaying it another 15 more minutes, pretty soon it would be 45 minutes later…and then pretty soon, it was an hour and a half later…. and then, it was 2 hours later and I had missed dinner.

So, that discipline within ourself, must be called on. We do have all kinds of diet books and ideas that are out there, and we really are now, I believe, at the point where we realize that if somebody is not losing weight, baring a medical problem or metabolic problem, which certainly is happening, and I have known many people like that, but if someone really isn’t losing weight, they are eating when they know they shouldn’t.

What I really recommend is getting together with a group of friends, or family or Overeaters Anonymous, and get that group support in order to help you flee the table when you are 2/3 full.

I literally in my life, I prayed for help. You know, I wasn’t really eating that much, but I would eat big bowls of salad, and I was just like, “I don’t need to be eating this much! How come I’m still hungry?” And, so I prayed for help, and help did arrive. Step by step by step, that hunger, which is really this addiction for these different foods, was alleviated.

When you think about raw and living foods by the way, there are plenty of things to have. There are great salads based on avocado that you can have; there is guacamole; there are all kind of chocolate treats you can make; there are seaweed dishes you can make; there are all kind of cucumber, tomato, Mediterranean-type of dishes; olive dishes; a whole cornucopia of things. There are all kinds of menus

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of great new things you can have! Give those a try and see if you can flee the table being 2/3 full and see where that takes you.

LG: I really like what you say about flipping the pleasure/pain principle because it is so common and it happens so often where someone will overeat. This is something I struggled with a lot more early on. I still struggle with it occasionally, but I certainly feel like I have a better grip on it.

You eat when you know you shouldn’t. Or, you eat too much, and you know you’re doing it, and then the pain sets in. It could be 20 minutes or 30 minutes later, and the pain sets in. And, you say to yourself, “I’m never going to do that again! Why did I do that? What was I thinking? Why did I have that extra food? I didn’t need to do that!” and you are telling yourself this because you are in pain. But then the next day comes around, or two days later comes, and again, you have that feeling that you want to fill up on something.

The constant reminder of, “I know it’s going to put me in pain, I don’t want to be in pain,” is something I have found really helpful because the reason we are doing this is because we don’t want to be in pain. No one wants to have low energy. No one wants to be overweight and obese. No one wants to have all these health problems, and because of our lifestyle and our situation, that is the culture we are in. It is things like this that are actually going to pull us out of that. So, this has really helped me flip the switch, because I don’t want to be in pain. Everything that you are teaching is basically how to get out of pain.

DW: It is. It is. Ultimately, you are right about that.

Many of us grow up and are addicted to about 40 different types of foods; there are quite a bit of unique foods and things out there…everything from real junky stuff, to just white bread. So, let’s simplify this too. This will help us make heads and tails of the whole situation. If you simplify, then you know, okay, I’m going allow myself “this much” of this food, and “that much” of that food, and that junk food over there is out of the picture now because I’m now onto the next thing. This helps us to kind of get a grip on it.

Energetically as well, just in terms of the up and down rollercoaster of our blood sugar, it’s very, very important that if we need food every two hours, that we find

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out which food we can snack on that is low calorie, high mineral, and satiating to us. So, I want to put that out there for those who are really looking for energy, but don’t want to snack on junk.

A good friend of mine snacked on cucumbers and sunflower seeds, and that is what got her through the transition and the sorting out of her blood sugar problems.

Other people I known have snacked on seaweed, because it is just a great way to kind of sort things out.

Another person I know needs high protein, so the way he deals with sorting his blood sugar out, is he just has a tablespoon of hemp protein every two hours, and that sorts him out.

So, you just never know what it is going to look like for you, because we are all a little bit different, but these are the good choices that we want to go to. For example, when you’re dealing with hemp protein, you are dealing with very low calories, a very high level of minerals, a very good source of protein, and it’s excellent for blood sugar!

When we are not reaching for all of this packaged stuff that we don’t know what’s in it, and we really get control of this snacking behavior, we can finally get to that state where we want to be, which is where we have regained control. We have gotten out of pain and then we have some energy to invest in nighttime work for example. I always have to get all my work done at night because just during the day is like fielding a pinball machine, I don’t even really get any work done until it is about 8 pm at night, and I work until about 2 am.

LG: So, that’s prime time for David Wolfe! And, you’ve touched on something that I know we have talked about in past interviews, but I would like to revisit it in case some people might not have heard of this concept of the type of fuel that you naturally burn for your energy.

I know that there are three different types, but could you revisit this for people maybe who have never heard this type of information before, because it is something really simple, but I think a lot of people are completely unaware of it.

DW: You are absolutely right; it is very, very rare that this is even discussed.

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The zone diet, I think, did a good deed in discussing it and bringing it to the public’s attention. What it is, is this: Different metabolisms, and different body types, burn different primary sources of calories.

So, for me personally, I have to have a high amount of fat in my diet, moderate-to-low protein, and moderate-to-low carbohydrates. And, it’s the ratio that matters, by the way, it’s not the amount of each, it’s the ratio of one to the others. When I have that ratio correct, then I have tons of energy. It’s outrageous!

But, let’s say on a given day, that I’m traveling around. This has happened to me a number of times when I was traveling; I would have too much fruit, not enough fat, and no protein. Well, my energy would get out of whack. I was not getting the exact ratio of things that my body likes.

Part of getting your energy sorted out is figuring out what your body runs on. Does it run on fat, like my body? Does it run on protein? Because many people do run on protein. Or, does it run on carbohydrates? Which of the three is important for your energy levels?

One of the best ways to figure that out is to do some self testing. When you get up in the morning, just have some sweet fruit for example. What you might find out is that an hour later your energy is up and then it’s crashing down, and you’re suddenly ravenous for more food. This would indicate a little bit of hypoglycemia, and would very strongly indicate that you cannot be in a high carbohydrate diet. So, you probably need to center your diet more on fat and protein.

Let’s say you’ve done the carbohydrate test, so now on the second day, you should have a lot of protein in the morning and see what that does. You can just chew down some hemp protein; it’s pretty gritty, but it’s actually doable. Or, you could throw some Spirulina in some water, or have some really high protein superfood algae, like AFA blue-green algae, or chlorella, or something like that.

If you don’t know what these things are, look at a health food store, and get a bottle of Spirulina. Put a tablespoon in water and drink that in the morning, and see where your energy is an hour from that. If you find your energy is great and then two hours later it’s still perfectly fine; and five hours later everything is still great, then it’s likely that you are a person who needs to center their diet on protein.

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Now, to test for fats and oils, on the third day, have just an avocado for example, and see how long that goes for you and see where your energy is in an hour, in two hours, and in three hours. If you find that your energy is very stable, then you are a person who needs a significant amount of fat in your diet; you actually need to center your calories on fat for energy.

Now, I want to throw another thing on top of all of this. There are ways around this ratio system and how your body produces energy, and that is where this great product comes in called Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton.

Phytoplankton is the beginning of the food chain; there are 40,000 of them. About 200 have been isolated and identified for good human nutrition, and what the plankton contains are nucleotides. They are actually the only living organisms that I know of that actually produce nucleotides other than the great lizards, mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians of this earth. They product ATP, GTP, ADP, and GDT, so these energy packets are coming out of each cell. So, let me back this up a little bit…

Let’s say that we have a ratio of food that is ideal for us. We need low fat, high protein, low carbohydrate; that’s us. The reason why we need that ratio is because when we eat that ratio of nutrients, our mitochondria produce more ATP than they would if we changed the ratio around. So, the whole thing is always about ATP production. This is what the energy currency of our body is. It’s like when you’re in the United States, you use the U.S. dollar. If you tried to use the British pound here, they wouldn’t accept it. So, our body always has to convert everything we eat into its own currency, which is ATP.

Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton actually contains nucleotides, or ATP, meaning that we can eat and get the energy directly because it’s already in the correct currency. It is already in U.S. dollars; it doesn’t have to be changed. Therefore, you will get stimulation, but no crash. It’s actually something that no one had ever experienced before. There is an up, but there is no down; that is the power of getting direct energy into the cellular environment from marine phytoplankton.

That’s why Jacque Cousteau said, “The future of nutrition is in the ocean.” And, actually, the future of high-energy being is going to be very closely correlated to

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having reasonable amounts of marine phytoplankton in the diet. Because, when you have that, you have a magical formula. You have a substance you can take that is non-caloric, it is very high in protein, but it essentially bypasses the whole mechanism for energy production and it just gives you straight what you need, which is the up, the clarity, and the awareness with no down.

Now, I have used Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton for years. You may have instances where you really need an up in energy. You may not know where to turn, and then suddenly you will realize that you could just do the Marine phytoplankton and boom! It gives you the up! Everything is sharp, everything is clear, and there is no crash afterwards.

If you follow that reasoning out a little bit, read between the lines here on what I’m saying. I am saying that there is a food out there, marine phytoplankton, that can actually give you energy without stimulation, and no calories. That energy is already in the energy currency of your body…so, if you can get enough of that into your cells, your cells could then turn around and correct genetic mistakes.

This is what I learned from Dr. George Merkl ten years ago when I was studying with him on this very subject. This was his theory, and this is what he worked on his entire lifetime. He was a very eccentric scientist, but he had some things to say that are still relevant today and this is one of them; it is possible to deal with DNA damage if we are able to get enough energy at the cellular level for the cell to self-correct itself.

LG: This is something that is really on the cutting edge. It’s very interesting because I was just driving back from Iowa City today, and driving through Iowa they have all these great farm shows on public radio. They were having a panel discussion between an officer from Monsanto, a local farm guy, the moderator of the talk show, and then there was someone else from a university studies group, and they were all talking about how the future of biotechnology is all moving to blue-green algae, not just in farming, but as an actual fuel as a replacement for oil. They are looking at blue-green algae as an actual fuel to run cities on. And, I thought, “Boy, isn’t that really interesting, I need to ask Dave about that.” So, this is the future! The future is heading to that very primal type of food essence that is basically just being formed directly from the sun, and the ocean water.

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DW: I saw, as did Steve Jobs in Xerox laboratories in 1980, computers communicating with each other via email and screens that weren’t lines of text, but were actually cursors with pointers pointing at actual pictures, and this where he saw the mouse being used. He saw the future and realized, “That’s the future.”

He then took that idea from Xerox laboratories and put it into the Macintosh computer, which eventually overrode all operating systems today. Now all operating systems use the graphical user interface, use a mouse, and we are all communicating by email.

I have seen that kind of future with food due to some of the travels I have done. You can actually grow your own marine phytoplankton, and/or blue-green algae right in your own window, and the whole thing runs through a plastic bag. The algae grows in there over a period of a couple of weeks, and it runs down a tube that goes from one direction, and then drops down a little bit and goes to the other direction, then drops down a little bit and goes to the other direction, etc., and then the water is pumped back up to the top again by a solar powered little dynamo engine in there that pumps the water back up; the whole thing runs on solar power.

That system right there could actually allow you to grow your own blue-green algae, your own marine phytoplankton. That is coming. Now, if I had a big backer, and if anyone out there has a million dollars to back an idea, I will back this idea. I will bring this to fruition.

This is the potential future of food because not only is the ATP present in these planktons and these blue-green algae, but there are also omega-3 fatty acids present, both DHA and EPA.

This type of system that I am describing is completely self-sustainable, self-contained, and allows you to product your own omega-3 fatty acids in your own bag, right there hanging in your window sill, and that is what you can actually use to develop your nervous system in your brain instead of cod liver oil; we can actually get it all right there from the plankton.

So, this is possible, and this is the future. And, yes, I can guarantee you that it will be so simplified that it will be even easier to use than aquarium.

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LG: Sometimes when we do these interviews with David Wolfe, he hits what’s called a “hyperspace button,” where you are talking about caffeine, you are talking about proteins, you are talking about fats, and all of a sudden, somewhere along the line Dave hits the hyperspace button, and you zoom and you fast-forward at Lightspeed into realms of information and knowledge that you were not expecting and it stretches your mind quite far. So, this is a hyperspace moment, I would say, Dave!

DW: I would say that too, and this is important because we live in the future, don’t we? I mean, what is possible today, was impossible 20 years ago. Not just impossible in point of fact, it was impossible in our thoughts. We couldn’t even formulate the thought to get there. We needed geniuses like Steve Jobs to actually get us there, to help us see it, to help us see the vision.

So, that is why I like to interject these things into the conversation, in order to have the planet develop the way we want…you know the phrase, “people suffer due to lack of vision,” right? In order to see this world as we really want it, and as the paradise that it really can be, a vision must be annunciated, and we need to get into that different level of thought.

As Einstein said, “The level of thinking that got us into the problem is not the level of thinking that is going to get us out of the problem.”

LG: I love some of these discussions where you really push the envelope in terms of the information and what is coming down the pipeline in the future, and by extending your vision like that, I always find that after I do these interviews and programs with you, I have extended my vision… I’m not a big coffee drinker anyway, but everyone once and awhile, maybe I’ll have some coffee. But tomorrow, when I’m at my health food store, and I glace out of the corner of eye and I see the coffee jugs, I’ll look over there and just think, “ATP, blue-green algae, why would I even turn to coffee?” When your mind stretches and your vision really goes out, I find you can shed those bad habits a lot easier when you really stretch yourself.

DW: So really, what you are saying, is that you are dropping the bad habits just by inspiration.

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LG: Yes.

DW: You know, I really, really believe strongly in the biblical phrase that “we suffer due to our lack of vision.” People need a vision. With vision, we will get there! And, because of the problems of our world, they are overwhelming. It is absolutely unbelievable the problems of our civilization, of our world, it’s overwhelming. If we cannot have that vision to get us into hope, then where are we going?

It’s that vision of freedom, that vision of one day dumping our bureaucracy, the vision of one day not having to deal with mountains of taxes and all this other nonsense that we have been trying to get off the human race for thousands of years. One day, it will be done with. It will be over. We will have gotten past it, but not without the help of folks who are guiding us with vision.

LG: Dave, I want to finish this special bonus interview by just talking a little bit about the water that we take into our bodies, and especially about hydrogen. It is really fascinating when you talk about hydrogen and its effects on our body as youthening.

We talk about energy. We talk about youth. We talk about vitality. In a previous program that we did, you talked about how in your travels overseas, you went surfing, and you did all this cool stuff, and about how your activity levels and your energy levels are over the top. When someone hears you describe what you are doing, he or she would just think that you are talking about a teenager.

When we talk about energy levels, we are talking about youth and we are talking about longevity, and we don’t want to just live to be old. We want to live longer and be youthful while we are living longer. It seems that hydrogen and water are going to play a big part in that. So, can you talk a little bit about this from your own personal experience and from what you’ve really gleaned over the past few years, about how hydrogen and water are going to really help us in that area?

DW: Okay, well, water basically is hydrogen. If we look at the word and the Latin roots and Greek roots of the word hydrogen, it is “hydro,” which is water, and ”gen,” or generator. So, it is a generator of water. Because essentially, as soon as

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you have hydrogen available, boom! It immediately mates with oxygen and you are going to have a water droplet forming.

We can never really divorce hydrogen from water – I want to put that out there, because really, hydrogen is water. It is the embryonic substance of the universe. It is like the stem cells of the universe.

Every mineral is made out of hydrogen originally. It has fused into bigger and bigger forms, or fissioned into smaller and smaller forms, but really hydrogen is the base unit. There is a huge amount of hydrogen that the earth loses every year to the sun because the hydrogen has an attraction for that highly oxidative energy that the sun is.

There is a whole theory now that what is actually happening in the upper atmosphere is that oxygen is becoming heavy, it is getting turned into ozone, and then it is dropping down into the atmosphere. It meets this hydrogen as it is rising up, and this is a big part of how our weather is formed.

Hydrogen is very, very highly prevalent in very cold spring water that is coming out of the earth; which is a living water. So, if we want to have more energy, my recommendation is to find a cold spring in your local area that is coming out of a rock, and begin by experimenting with drinking that water; bathing in that water; jumping into that water. If you want have instant energy, jump into ice cold water and I don’t care if you are just done for, if you are so tired you can hardly keep your eyes open. If you jump in ice cold water, you are going to be wide awake instantly.

This has to do with two factors: One: It is going to shock the heck out of your system and revive you. Two: The cold water has more energy in it.

When we bottle water in plastic or glass, and we put it on store shelves, it loses its energy. We are not going to get that same energy signature that we are going to get from the living water. We will definitely lose a lot of hydrogen once we bottle it. Almost every single bottling operation in the world uses ozone to oxidize any bacteria out of the water so that it will have shelf stability.

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The ozone eats up the hydrogen; we lose hydrogen, and increase free radical damage to the water, so we lose that primary antioxidant. Hydrogen is actually the best antioxidant. It leads the field in antioxidants.

I want to mention two products, by the way, that were developed by my friend, Dr. Patrick Flanagan, which are hydrogen supplement products, that to me lead the world in hydrogen supplements. They are at the top of the list.

MegaHydrate is one of them and the other one is Crystal Energy. These two products are not only detoxifiers, but they help increase your nutrition, and they also give you more hydrogen, more youthful energy, more vitality and they increase your hydration.

Hydration is relative by the way. If we are well-hydrated from raw and living foods, if we are able to bathe in fresh waters, fresh spring water for example, if we are far away from pollution, then generally we do not need to do the 8-10 glasses of water that we have been told. If we are very toxic, very ill, then we have to have more water, but we need fresh, energetic, rich spring water at the source, ice cold; this is the way to do it. You will feel the invigoration of it instantly.

So, this is another thing about innocent perception. We could do an oxidative reduction test on water and show the antioxidant qualities of hydrogen-rich, fresh spring water; we have done that. We could do the ORP: Oxidative reduction potential. You can show that spring water has an extremely low number, it’s like a -600, or -400. I have actually seen numbers as low as -800, which means it is very, very rich in hydrogen, which then comes in as an antioxidant, which helps to not only shield us from oxidation, but actually help to heal us, and produce more stem cells, and hydrate us; it really activates and nourishes our DNA.

I want to mention one last thing about hydrogen, which is that hydrogen in our body defines our DNA. The ten layers around the DNA are water. It is the highest hydrogen-rich water in our body and it is right around each strand of DNA.

You can imagine the greatest spring water in the world. Imagine being there right now, or being underneath a glacier that has just ice cold water melting out underneath and it is a holy place. You touch that water; you get a taste of that

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water; this is the kind of water that your body wants to shield its DNA. It is the hydrogen in it that shields it, it is the antioxidants.

LG: I know for myself growing up, I never had spring water, ever, until I met you, and then I tried it. Some people have gone 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years and have never entered a drop of that spring water into their body. That is just amazing to me how people used to just only drink fresh spring water and now you can find an entire generation that has never touched it.

DW: And, are afraid of it! Who are afraid of water in wild nature! There is an important healing that occurs from drinking spring water: You lose your fears about water.

When water comes ice cold, out of the earth, out of a rock, in a natural forested environment, there can be no Giardia growing in that water. It is impossible. Why? Because the water is not warm enough for Giardia to grow. So, the coldness of it, kills off a huge amount of bacteria. So, we have that problem solved.

We also have another issue and that is when it is coming out, it is like, Wow! This thing is living, this is like a vein of the earth! It is an artery of the earth! And, we have that ability to feel the energy coming directly out of the earth, which again, we haven’t all been able to have that experience.

We grew up in a society that is afraid of water; who drinks water essentially, I call it, out of the sewage pipes. I mean, tap water to me is like drinking out of sewage pipes. There is no way it can be safe. The water is totally disturbed. You have to bathe in it, we all have to deal with what we have to deal with, and you wash your clothes in it, whatever. But, I personally, am never going to drink anything coming out of those pipes after drinking spring water for a dozen years. It’s just an energetic and vibrational discrepancy. If I am drinking water, I am going to be getting a lot out of it. I want that energy from water that you can only get from living water.

LG: Okay, fantastic! So, wrapping up this special program, I would like to just make a plea to people. This is something I want to mention on this bonus tract. This DVD series is something that we have been working on for a couple of months now. I have had the great good fortune, honor and privilege of working on

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the editing of the DVD and the information to make it very clear, concise and easy to access for you guys. In going over the editing process of the DVDs, I am just dumbstruck at how having watched them 10 times, and 15 times, and now I think it’s been 17 or 18 times, that each time I watch it, something completely new and amazing pops off the screen and I learn something that I thought, “It’s not there. I’ve heard everything there is to hear. I have watched it 17 times, there is nothing new.” But, it’s there. So, please when you watch these video series, get a notepad, get a pen, get a friend, and do something so that this information doesn’t just pop off the screen and you are distracted and you miss it because you are doing other things. Really absorb this stuff, because Dave, you are going really deep in some of the presentations, and there is some really profound information that is really life-changing. So I would make a plea. I would beg people to really, really assimilate this information and take it very seriously. There is some profound stuff in here, and make the most of it while you can.

DW: Excellent Lou!