Download - David Fincher

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David Fincher

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His early life:

David Andrew Leo Fincher was born onthe 18th August 1962 in DenverColorado USA.

Since at a oung age Fincher !new hewanted to go into "l# #a!ing$ and wasin%uenced and ins&ired b the"l##a!er 'eorge Lucas (who was hisneighbour in San A)S*L+,$ Cali-ornia.

At the age o- 8$ Fincher began #a!ing

#ovies with an 8## ca#era. Duringhigh school he was heavil involved&las.

/rie- /iogra&h

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His career 0

Fincher was e#&loed at ort Fil#s as a roduction assistant.Since then he has been going u&$ till in 1983 when he was laterhired b 4ndustrial Light 5 +agic to beco#e an assistantca#era#an and #atte &hotogra&her (wor!ing on &roductions

such as0 eturn o- the 7edi1983 and 4ndiana 7ones and the e#&le o- Doo#198:.

 4n 198:$ he le-t 4L+ to direct a co##ercial -or the A#ericanCancer Societ that shows a -oetus s#o!ing a cigarette. ;ealso directed s&ots -or co#&anies li!e Levi<s$ Converse$ )i!e$e&si$ evlon$ Son$ CocaCola$ and Chanel.

 hen he soon discovered #usic videos$ then directed #an&ro#os and wor!ed with artists li!e &o&=5/ singer 7er#aineStewart and +adonna.


/rie- /iogra&h

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Fincher also >oined a video&roduction co#&an ro&agandaFil#s and started directing #usic videos and co##ercials.

A-ter directing several #usic videos$ Fincher -eature debut wasAlien 3 (1992. 4t was not received well.

;e stated in an interview with he 'uardian in 2??90 "No onehated it more than me; to this day, no one hates it more thanme." 

4n 199@ Fincher directed Seven$ based on the screen&la bAndrew elvin al!er0 telling the stor o- two detectivestrac!ing down a serial !iller who based his !illings on the

seven deadl sins. Staring /rad itt and +organ Free#an.

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;e is well !nown -or directing &schological thrillers (Seven199@ and 'one 'irl2?1:$ #ster thrillers (odiac2?? and he 'irl with the Dragon attoo2?11.


About FincherEs "l#s

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4tEs an A#erican ro#antic -antas dra#a "l#. Stor line b*ric oth and obin Swicord$ loosel based on the 1922 shortstor b F. Scott Fitgerald.

Staring /rad itt$ a #an who ages in reverse$ and Cate/lanchett as the love interest throughout his li-e.

 he "l# received 13 Acade# Award no#inations (including/est icture and /est Director -or Fincher

 he Curious Case o- /en>a#in/utton (2??8

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Characters:+ain0 /en>a#in /utton (/rad itt A &erson who agesbac!wards. /ecause o- his condition he was abandoned b his-ather (who later gave /en>a#in his -ortune and struggles tohave a nor#al love li-e as he constantl #iss chances with hislove interest. hroughout his li-e he couldnEt live with his li-e

interest and his child$ but dies in her ar#s. hus #a!ing hi# atragic hero.

Dais Fuller (Cate /lanchett &las the love interest. She wasan as&iring dancer but sto&&ed due to an in>ur. She gets&regnant with /en>a#in<s child$ but gets #arried to another

#an. At her last das she loo!s a-ter the child /en>a#in whohas de#entia till he dies.

 he Curious Case o- /en>a#in/utton (2??8

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 he score to he Curious Case o- /en>a#in /utton was writtenb French co#&oser AleGandre Des&lat$ who recorded hisscore with an 8&iece ense#ble o- the ;ollwood StudioS#&hon at the Son Scoring Stage.

4nstru#ents &redo#inant are strings$ which is ver cal#ingand has a sense o- surrealis# and #ster. his "ts the senseo- -antas.

Link to YouTube ‘Postcards’:

htt&;gdg5listIL >scsJK+;6a?GL4>LagCtCe64-#;5indeGI1


 he Curious Case o- /en>a#in/utton (2??8

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4tEs set in the earl 19?? in A#erica$ so the colour is set inse&ia li!e the olden das #ovies.

 he Curious Case o- /en>a#in /utton(2??8

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4tEs a neonoir cri#e &schological thriller. he "l# was basedon a screen&la b Andrew evin al!er.

Staring /rad itt$ +organ Free#an$ 'wneth altrow$ 7ohn C.+c'inle$ . Lee *r#e and evin S&ace.

4t grossed M32 #illion at the boG oNce internationall andwas a co##ercial success.

 he stor is about David +ills (itt and the soontoretireillia# So#erset (Free#an$ two ho#icide detectives whobeco#e dee&l involved in the case o- a sadistic serial !illerwhose #eticulousl &lanned #urders corres&ond to the sevendeadl sins0 glutton$ greed$ sloth$ wrath$ &ride$ lust and env.

Seven (199@

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Detective David +ills (itt$ who recentl trans-erred to thede&art#ent is dee&l twisted into the stor. ;e has a wi-e(altrow called rac who is &regnant with her child$ in theend she is -ound beheaded b +ills and is the victi# *nv.

+ills is su&&osed to be the victi# rath.Detective illia# . So#erset (Free#an has a bac!stor o-&ressuring his girl-riend to have an abortion$ which he regret.;e is also a con"dent o- +illEs wi-e.

 7ohn Doe (evin S&ace is the #urderer. ;e was envious o-

+ills< nor#al li-e$ and !illed rac a-ter -ailing to O&lahusbandO with her.

Seven (199@

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+usic was b ;oward Shore.

 he #usic has a lot o- tension with rando# sounds #iGedtogether to create a regular beat. he ePect o- this is that itEs#sterious$ and creates the at#os&here o- sus&ense.

Link to YouTube ‘Seven’:


Seven (199@

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A#erican &schological thriller "l#. he screen&la b 'illianFlnn was based on her 2?12 novel o- the sa#e na#e.

Staring /en ARec! and osa#und i!e.

Set in the +idwestern United States$ the stor begins as a#ster that -ollows the events surrounding )ic! Dunne(ARec!$ who beco#es the &ri#ar sus&ect in the suddendisa&&earance o- his wi-e$ A# (i!e.

4t has had co##ercial success o- over M368 #illion$ #a!ing itthe highest grossing "l# b David Fincher. (;e also won the'olden 'lobe Award -or /est Director

'one 'irl (2?1:

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)ic! Dunne (ARec! is the husband and is accused o- !illinghis wi-e. ;e tries to convince the &ublic o- his innocent<s$ u&until his wi-e returns.

A# (i!e is the wi-e who -ra#ed her own death to get

revenge on her husband -or ruining their #arriage. /uthal-wa she -alls in with hi# again and the -ra#es her eGbo-riend o- ra&e and abducting her. She convinces )ic! to bewith her again a-ter revealing she was &regnant.

'one 'irl (2?1:

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+usic b rent enor and Atticus oss.

4tEs ver dar! and o#inous with a sense o- #ster$ created bwind instru#ents.

Link to YouTube ‘one ir! #om$!ete Soundtrack Ehtt&!!c;9+

'one 'irl (2?1: