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Data Governance in a Federated Organization:

A World Vision Case Study Data and Information Quality Conference

26 June 2012 San Diego, California


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•World Vision—Who We Are, What We Do

•World Vision’s Federated Structure

•Development of a Data Governance Programme in a Federated Structure

•Accomplishments and Challenges


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Communities. World Vision’s primary partners are the poor themselves.

Churches. World Vision seeks relationships with churches, ad hoc Christian

committees, and interchurch groups in working with poor and vulnerable people.

Governments. World Vision endeavours to parallel or complement national

development objectives. World Vision works with government agencies and

accepts government funding only when it is consistent with our mission.

Aid Agencies and Multilateral Organisations. World Vision

co-operates and advocates with non-governmental organisations, other aid

agencies, global institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary

Fund, and with the specialised agencies of the United Nations.

How We Serve

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Where We Work

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As of the end of FY11, 44,528 staff were employed within the

World Vision Partnership (including Micro-Finance Institutions or


44,528 employees represents a 7% increase from FY10 in general

headcount numbers

Employee Census FY 2011

Nearly identical to FY10, 12% of all employees, 5,299 people, worked


Micro-Finance Institutions

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World Vision History

World Vision Established 1950 Sponsorship Sponsorship Expands

Transforma-tional Develop-ment

Advocacy Increased

1960’s 1950’s 1980’s 1970’s 1990’s 2000’s

Advocacy enhanced, particularly child survival and poverty alleviation

Holistic approach to causes of chronic poverty developed

Sponsorship expands beyond Asia to Africa, Middle East and Latin America

Child sponsorship model created assisting thousands with food, education,

health care and vocational training

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How We Are Governed

• World Vision is a federal partnership of national entities.

• An international board of directors oversees the Partnership.

• In the majority of the countries where we work, national boards and

advisory councils exercise responsibility for governance at the

national level.

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Components of World Vision’s

Federated Structure

• National Entities are legal entities representing World Vision in a

specific country, including offices in the process of becoming legal


• World Vision International (WVI) is the registered legal entity that

provides the formal international structure for the Partnership

• The WVI Council represents all member entities and provides the

membership structure for the Partnership

• The WVI Board of Directors is the governing body of WVI as

outlined in the By-Laws. The membership of the Board is broadly

representative of the Partnership

• The Global Centre is the international office of the World Vision

Partnership. It has operational responsibility through the

International President for stewarding all the entities of the global

Partnership based on a defined set of reserved powers. It operates

under the authority of the WVI Board of Directors.

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Role of the Global Centre

• The Global Centre is the Office of the President, Heads of each

Functional Business Unit, and Regional Offices

• Authority of the Global Centre is to:

• Lead in areas that have been delegated to it by the rest of the

Partnership “Reserve Powers”

• Take a global and regional view of issues

• Serve the other entities in the Partnership

• Deal with issues of broad impact or high risk affecting the global

organisation -issues that go beyond the scope

or interests of any one entity

and that no single entity is

able to address -shared infrastructure,

shared knowledge and expertise,

and shared access to resources.

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WV Governance Profile

• Highly entrepreneurial and distributed authority, bordering on


• Within World Vision, pockets of relative maturity in

• IT

• Finance

• Horizon (Programme Management Information System)

• No common urgency or mandate for a “Data Governance

programme” but opportunities and precedent for “programmatic”


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Creating a Data Governance

Programme Within World

Vision’s Federated Structure

•2005: Triennial Council gives additional

authority to the Global Centre, including

the creation of a global IMS

•Programme Management Information

System (PMIS/Horizon): A five-year,

five release information management

system project launched in late-2006

•Data Governance Office: Created in

2008 to support PMIS and other

knowledge management initiatives

•DGO: completes DG Business Case,

Strategy, and Five-Year Roadmap in July



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Financial Crisis of 2008

• Just as the business case, strategy

and road map for Data Governance

were presented to Sr. Management,

FY 2009 budgets were reduced by

20% across the board and staff

reduced 15%

• Additional cuts were possible pending

quarterly review

• Data Governance survived because

Global Information Management

Systems, and their governance, were

deemed a top priority


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Executive Response to Strategy

and Financial Crisis

• The Data Governance Executive Sponsor: “World Vision is not ready for enterprise data governance.”

• Horizon design and development schedule slowed

• Narrowed focus to high value business data–child and donor records

• Data Governance should focus on sponsorship data and provide quick wins to build awareness and provide the foundation for a wider effort in 3 to 5 years


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Impact to Data Governance Programme


•Staffing requests for the DGO

delayed indefinitely

•Not ready to build enterprise-

wide data governance programme

•In the fiscal climate of 2008-

2009, Data Governance needed

to prove its value quickly

•The value of and need for data

governance not yet well

understood across the business,

danger that DG would be viewed

as a luxury in a climate of budget



•Executive Sponsor recognized

the need for governance of child

and donor data

• 4.5 million child records

scattered across 860+

databases in 59 countries

•The Sponsorship Business given

high priority within financial crisis


•Funding to create a new

sponsorship data management

capability allowed a young data

governance programme to survive


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Focus on Child Sponsorship Data

•Sponsorship data presented multiple risks related to data privacy and protection, and data quality

•The new capability required sponsored child and donor data to be brought together in a single database to allow for:

• Summary reports to management and donors on the status of sponsored children

• Sponsorship Operations to view all data in real-time

• Greater partnership access to child data

• Eventual business intelligence capability


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EU Data Privacy and Protection


• The European Union (EU) has the most comprehensive data privacy and protection laws in the world.

• Other countries have or will adopt the EU model

• EU requirements became the guiding authority for evaluating business rules for governing data privacy and protection in World Vision

• The WVI Data Governance Office recommended adopting the 8 EU requirements for data privacy and protection

• Requirements are divided into two main categories:

• Processing related to collecting and using Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

• Cross border (International) data transfers

…Became the key business driver for governance of Sponsorship data

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Data Privacy and Protection Focus

• Business rules governing the management of PII

• Address PII within the context of new systems and expanded access

to critical business information

• Create a global data privacy and protection policy tied to existing

policies and informed by laws and regulations in multiple contexts

• International conventions

• National legal jurisdictions

• Local legal jurisdictions

• Three WVI data subjects related to sponsorship programme:

• Children

• Parents/Guardians

• Donors

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EU Data Processing Requirements

1. Nominate a responsible person

2. Register with local data protection authorities

3. Data Subject Notification

4. Restrictions on use of Data

5. Right to Access and Correct Data

6. Third Parties

7. Retention

8. Compensation for Non-Compliance

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EU Data Transfer Requirements

• The EU generally prohibits the transfer of PII to any country outside the EU, unless that country is recognised by the EU as having adequate privacy protections in place.

• In 2010, only Argentina, Canada and Switzerland were recognized by the EU as safe destinations for EU data.

• Data transferred to non-recognized countries can only be done through four mechanisms:

• Model Contracts (Data Transfer Agreements)

• Safe Harbour (did does not cover Not-for-Profits)

• Binding Corporate Rules (establishes a recognised legal basis for the international transfer of data)

• Express Consent

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• Business rules must cascade down from policies, controls from

business rules

Policy Business Rules


• World Vision has policies that address child protection and the need

for confidentiality when handling information. A data privacy and

protection policy was a logical and necessary extension.

• Create a policy for data privacy and protection similar to the five

cited above

• Determine a set of controls that will satisfy each business rule

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Typical Response Cycle

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Data Governance Response to Pro-

action Pattern

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Control Specifications

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Steps Toward Enterprise Data Governance

• Established Data Governance Working Groups for:

• Sponsorship Horizon Project Team

• Reference Data management

• Established Data Governance Council that has provided

recommendations on:

• Business rules and control specifications for processing and

movement of sensitive data

• Access and usage specifications for sponsorship data

• Mobile device security and data encryption policy

• Provided advice on the creation of an Ethics Board to review

ethical considerations around the collection and use of risk

behaviour data

• Use Stakeholder Care Online to amplify impact and reach of


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Data Governance In World Vision’s

Federated Structure

Operating Principles:

• Influence rather than Dictate

• Focus on achievable outcomes

• Be responsive to inquiries

• Assume everyone does not fully understand

• Stay patient and positive

Success in a Federated Structure:

•Understand where funding for data

governance sits

•Anticipate how that may shift over time

•Position data governance to anticipate

shifts to maintain continuity and

minimize disruptions

Get if You Can:

•Line item budge authority for data


•Autonomy for data governance

•Board level executive sponsor

•Help from outside experts

Must Have:

•Strong Executive Sponsor

•Clear Plan and Objectives for DG

•Measurable outcomes with high

business value

•Cross-functional DG Council and

working groups

•Good communications plan


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Lessons Learned from World Vision’s

Approach to Establishing a Data

Governance Programme

• Start small and build by delivering value

• Incremental approach: constantly adapt while preserving continuity

• Gradual extension beyond initial charter (sponsorship) through proven results

• Specific accomplishments

• Data Governance framework well established and value gaining recognition and acceptance across the partnership

• Reference data project allowed process to be designed and proven

• EU data protection standards provided valuable input to IM systems

• Access rights alignment supported critical business problem

• Laptop encryption will address widely needed standardization

• Formal evaluation of the Data Governance Programme will highlight areas requiring more emphasis

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World Vision’s Programme

Assessed By a Leading Practioner

“The program has addressed a very good range of the full dimensions of governing data across people, process and systems. While the reference data work reflected the traditional focus on data quality, subsequent efforts have established a good balance across all dimensions of data interaction as a whole.”

“By embedding the governance process in familiar change management cycles, the program ensures that issues of pragmatic, common and recurring needs are identified and raised, through steering committee sponsors, to the appropriate senior management. Data governance becomes a process for formalizing what might otherwise remain a one-time fix without clear alignment to ongoing value.”

Max Gano, OONdada

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[email protected]

(202) 368 8835

Skype: Mark Simpson in Fairfax, VA