Download - Darren Shan - The Saga of Larten Crepsley 03 - Ocean of Blood

  • 8/16/2019 Darren Shan - The Saga of Larten Crepsley 03 - Ocean of Blood


  • 8/16/2019 Darren Shan - The Saga of Larten Crepsley 03 - Ocean of Blood


    Darren Shan 

    Ocean of blood 

    Larten Crepsley Saga II 

    In Petu and Xiime ~ 

  • 8/16/2019 Darren Shan - The Saga of Larten Crepsley 03 - Ocean of Blood



    Shan, Ciaran, Aine and Cyan. Monsters of the deep! 

    OES (Order of the Bloody Entrails) to: 

    Jessica Bromberg, the Kraken East Coast !! 

    Editorial Skipper: 

    Sam Quint, alias Nick Lake !!! 

    Admirals of the Dark Waters: 

    Captain Christopher Little and his despicable crew !!!! 

  • 8/16/2019 Darren Shan - The Saga of Larten Crepsley 03 - Ocean of Blood


    Part One: 

    "A howling and hungry creature 

    dark pleasures "  

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    Chapter One 

    The vampire known as Mercury threw a knife through the air filled 

    snuff smoke tavern. Those who were around him regarded him 

    with bulging eyes, thirsty fascination, as he held his head 

    back, he opened his mouth and hoped the knife down. Some people 

    They are shouting, but Mercury did not flinch, expertly following the dagger view. At the moment, he gritted his teeth and took the road to two inches 

    tip. While shaking the handle, he turned slowly so that 

    everyone in the room could see. He pulled out the knife, threw it against the 

    -where wooden table stuck to the bottom- and bowed. 

    As the audience applauded mad, Mercury smiled and dropped in 

    a chair near vampire and a group of young admirers. "See," he said 

    smiling. "I told you I could do it." 

    "One of these nights," said the other bloodsucker, "'ll figure it wrong and 

    you end up with a knife in the back of your throat. " 

    "Do not be an old woman, Wester," Mercury laughed. "You're going to scare these lovely creatures and I would not send them to bed with nightmares. " 

    "It will take more than your boring stories to scare us," he snorted one of  

    ladies, although they were certainly impressed. 

    "What's your real name?" Asked another woman, embracing the 

    strange man orange hair, impeccable gray suit and a smile 


    "I just revealed that my most special friends," murmured Mercury. 

    Then, as she was blushing, he whispered in his ear, "Larten Crepsley." 

    Then he asked for more wine and the rest of the night passed more calmly. 

    A stunned Wester rose before Larten and bumped the window 

    the inn where they had slept during the day. He looked through the 

    curtains to sunlight, hissed and chuckled. It would take another couple of  

    hours before they could leave. The sun did not kill vampires instantly, 

    but they began to burn in minutes and were dying 

    in less than an hour. If they exposed to its rays for two or three hours no 

    of them would be more than charred bones. 

    Wester was washed in a basin of water and studied his beard in the mirror 

    above this. Shaving is a complicated matter for vampires. The 

    normal razors were useless with hard hair. He and Larten 

    They had obtained special hardened leaves a couple of years ago, but 

    Wester had lost theirs during travel. He'd borrowed 

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    Larten yours, but the slightly older vampire had told him it was 

    When I learned to take care of their possessions. Larten had been 

    simply mocking him, but Wester not want to give satisfaction to 

    his friend to see him pray, so he had grown a beard since 


    "My head," Larten complained, sitting, and then dropping. "What 

    time is it? " 

    "It's too early to get up," growled Wester. "How we 

    last night? " 

    "I do not want to think about it." 

    Vampires can consume more alcohol than human and was 

    difficult for them to get drunk. But Wester had was trying Larten 

    to overcome their physical advantages most nights. 

    "They were pretty girls," Larten chuckled. "They loved my trick 

    with the knife. " 

    "You should try it at the Cirque Du Freak," Wester said dryly. "Iria well there. " 

    The pair had clashed with his former ally, Mr. Tall, a time 

    back. It had been a couple of fun nights with circus equipment 

    Larten had done some of his old magic routines in 

    show. He had been rusty at first, but quickly adjusted. 

    He had an incredibly quick hand, even for a vampire. That was how 

    had earned his nickname, one of his friends said he had fingers 

    that moved like mercury facts. 

    Wester Larten and they had been traveling the world for almost 

    twenty years since his first time in the Council. Both had learned lot, not only about vampires, but also women. Larten had 

    It had a slow start but was making up for lost time, 

    maidens dazzling smile, confidence and agility wherever 


    The couple occasionally met his teacher, Seba Nile, but 

    He spent most of their time alone or with others their age, vampires 

    thirty, forty, fifty or sixty years. They were young within 

    standards vampires and they had been freed by their teachers to 

    explore the human world one last time before committing 

    the demands of the clan. 

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      The door to his room burst open. Wester turned to the 

    defensive, and then relaxed when a large vampire with long hair and 

    blonde came in. It was Yebba. He had been traveling with them last month, 

    but they had spent a couple of nights since the last time they had 


    "I thirst," roared Yebba, kicking Larten bed. "Top, and come to 

    accompany me. " 

    "Wester said the sun had not yet set," yawned Larten. 

    "I do not care," said the huge vampire, and then 

    He collapsed like a bear and sat on the floor, blinking stupidly. 

    "A heavy night drinking?" Wester smiled. 

    "Yes," moody Yebba said. "A woman broke my heart. What 

    else to do but to drown my sorrows in beer? " 

    "Another broken heart?" Said Wester. "Must be the fourth this year." 

    "Yes." Tears filled the eyes of Yebba. "Vampires are not made 

    for love. " "What happened this time?" He questioned slyly Wester. "Did you bite?" 

    "That only happened once," Yebba grimaced. "It was an accident." 

    "We happened to everyone," said Larten, leaning on one elbow. 

    "No biting you remember any of your friends," Wester furrowed 


    "No, but there was a time ..." He coughed and blushed. "No matter." 

    "Tell us." Wester protested. "Come on, Mercury, you can not leave Yebba 

    only bare his soul. " 

    "Well, remember one night a couple of years ago when I did not return to the 

    inn? " "That happens at least once a month." Wester said. 

    "This was different," snapped Larten. "I had been with a lady and had 

    drink more than is good for me. I felt hungry on the way home, so 

    I walked into a room to feed. But I made a lot of noise and woke 

    the woman. She screamed 'Bloody murderer' hui and his room without shut her up. " 

    "Why not breathed and slept on it?" Asked Wester. 

    Larten shrugged. "I was drunk. I forgot my 

    vampire breath. Before I knew it, a crowd had 

    persguia made me out of town. Almost they caught me at the entrance and I 

    burn vivo. " 

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  • 8/16/2019 Darren Shan - The Saga of Larten Crepsley 03 - Ocean of Blood


    Chapter Two 

    After a few drinks, the three youths were looking for vampires 

    any satisfaction that they could find. They were experts sniffing 

    all the hidden pleasures of a city. 

    The trio had won admission to a boxing match who were 

    rather enjoying making big bets on what the outcome. Vampires usually did not care about the money, but the Cubs 

    sometimes they stole human asleep when feeding. The people 

    superstitious thought that vampires were fanged beasts that 

    They tore the throats of their goals. Indeed, normally 

    sliding inside a room, they made a small cut in the arm or 

    leg of a sleeping human, drank only enough blood to placate 

    his hunger and then spat to close the wound. 

    Larten studied the scars on his fingers during a break between 

    rounds. He was made the traditional way. Seba had cut 

    fingertips of Larten with hard and sharp nails, then cut his own and pumped blood to his assistant. Larten was 

    proud of their scars, but sometimes felt when studying 

    one stab of guilt. Seba reminded him and wondered what he would think 

    his teacher the recent behavior of your child. 

    Larten and Seba had parted on bad terms, but had made the 

    peace. Larten worried that playing, drinking and stealing, he and Wester 

    they were littering the good name of his master. Wester sometimes had 

    to remind him (especially when Larten had overdosed and was 

    in a sensitive way) to Seba had told them that they had to work and shows 

    human interests of your system. There were many vampires going at 

    same. It was called Cubs for the older members of the clan. 

    The fight resumed and burly men approached. Larten up 

    the look in his fingers and concentrated in boxers. This was the 

    thirty second round, and it had been so long since he had 

    seen such a compelling fight. He encouraged the brave warriors while 

    They faced, tired and unstable on his feet, but determined to 


    The flesh of their fists had been torn, and blood spattered ever 

    one of them gave a blow. Red drops made her mouth water - 

    Wester and Yebba too- looked hungry and had to be advised Larten 

    himself to sit back and not jump to the delicious wounds. 

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      Some men gambled and roared encouragement or insults. All had 

    the same hungry look in his eyes. 

    "Mine is winning," he howled Yebba as one of the big men giving 


    "Do not you bet on it," said Wester. "You gambled on the other" 

    "I did not!" Shouted Yebba. 

    "Yes, you did it. He has that mark on his left arm, remember? " 

    Yebba boxers looked with narrowed eyes and cursed "These 

    humans will all look the same to me, "he growled. Larten and laughed and Wester 

    the moody vampire passed another pitcher of beer. It was guaranteed 

    that would calm. 

    After the fight, Larten and Wester collected their profits and led to 

    Yebba to a tavern, where they found girls to dance. Small 

    people lacked the ballrooms of large cities, but 

    you could always fix it if you arrojabas some money around. 

    Later they enjoyed a card game. The three were drunk and they lost heavily, even Larten, who rarely showed defects 

    at the table games. But they did not care. Money was easy to obtain if  

    you were a creature of the night. 

    Larten wanted to do his trick to grab-the-knife again, but Wester 

    would not let him. He had removed the knife from his friend and had put off  

    Larten reach while trying to retrieve it. If they had been sober, 

    Wester could not have moved away from the faster and stronger vampire. But 

    Larten was dizzy and weak. Wester had a knack for knowing when 

    Larten going to take more than they could handle, and remained relatively 

    lucid on those nights so we can keep an eye on his daring friend. "No jushto esh," he complained Larten a man with monocle. "I am 

    Mer ... hic! I'm Mer ... hic! "He swallowed beer until he went hiccups" I am 

    Mercury "growled majestically. 

    "Yes?" The man said, handing Larten some snuff. "I'm in 

    the fur business " 

    "I do not interesssa," Larten drawled. "Esh my ... esh 

    my ... "He grimaced and forgot what I was trying to say, then his 

    head fell on the table and did not know more until morning. 

    Larten was awakened by a fierce pain. He was out in the sun and your skin 

    He had a nasty red. While he blinked to ward off sleep 

    his eyes and tried to raise a hand to protect his face from the rays, 

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    he realized that his arms were tied behind his back and that 

    I was hanging upside down. His shirt was torn, exposing her 

    torso, which was burned as deeply as her face. 

    Fear took hold of his heart, but he pushed away from their 

    thoughts. I did not know what was going on perhaps he had been caught 

    feeding drunk but that did not matter. He had to escape quickly or 

    it would burn like a pig on a spit. 

    Larten went to work at the knots around his wrists. It was 

    hanging from a rope, swaying and turning a light breeze, but 

    He ignored that and kept as still as possible, except for his fingers, 

    They danced on the knots. The long, hard nails were vampires 

    invaluable when it came to knots and locks, but had to Larten 

    be able to do a quick job. He had learned well from Merletta made 

    all those years. 

    Once his hands were free, he was released on the ropes 

    They tied his arms and chest. It flexing upward, took the rope where hung with one hand, he pulled the ropes around her legs 

    the other, swung in the air a moment, then threw at his feet and 

    He landed in a crouch. His first instinct was to run to the safety of  

    shadows, but she forced herself to study sheds entries around 

    I was looking into a courtyard enemies who had hung. 

    For a long, agonizing seconds, Larten sought his opponents and 

    He prepared for battle. Then he felt a smell and his nose wrinkled in disgust. 

    He stood up and shook the dirt from his pants. He took out his watch and checked the time - 

    was to appear, Sheba had taught him to tell time based on 

    position of the sun and the stars then looked at the sky and sniffed. "My watch has stopped, Tanish," he said. "If broken, I'll take you money 

    for a new " 

    Laughter greeted his comment and four vampires staggered 

    out of a shed. One was a sheepish Wester Flack. The 

    others were Yebba, Zula puts and Tanish Eul, the vampire that originally 

    Larten had given his nickname. 

    "The same old Mercury," Tanish snorted appreciatively, then 

    He hastened to throw a blanket over the head and shoulders of his friend and 

    disorderly led him into the shadows of the shed, where a barrel 

    Beer was waiting. 

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    Chapter Three 

    Tanish Eul was tall and thin, with a dazzling smile and hair and 

    carefully groomed nails. He was always dressed fashionably and spoke 

    with the soft tone of a rogue silver tongue. If Larten was Romeo, 

    Tanish was a real Casanova; his success with the ladies was legendary. 

    Zula puts, however, was one of those lower than Larten I had met. He was strong and ugly. Many vampires were hard for 

    human standards, their faces scarred and old brands 

    wounds, fair considered among his people. Poor Zula was considered 

    ugly by any standard. Fortunately she did not mind, and even used 

    shabby clothes and hair cut twisted to prove that he was immune to 

    what others they thought of his appearance. Despite this, Zula had a 

    surprising success with the fairer sex. Usually they rejected it at first, 

    but after ten minutes in his company almost any woman was 

    seduced by its charm. 

    Tanish Zula had encountered a few years ago and instantly recognized his kindred spirit. They had become fast friends and it was not 

    until you submit to Larten and Wester newest member of its 

    scandalous group. 

    "You have the most sensitive skin a baby," groaned Tanish while Larten 

    He is resting in the shed and tried not to move; his flesh burned hurt 

    as needlesticks each time he moved. "Been there only half  

    hour. It would be a soft pink if my skin. " 

    "You'll be red like your own blood if you try it again," said Larten 

    angry. "What would have happened if I had not been able to undo 

    knots? " 

    "We were watching you closely," Wester said. "We would have seen if  

    you were in trouble. " 

    "And I had let burn!" Exploded Zula. 

    Larten found herself laughing with others. It was a good joke, to 

    Although he was the target. Wester was the only one who could not see the side 

    fun. He smiled with the rest, but his smile was strained. Larten would 

    Sensitive next week, his flesh sting and some of the wounds 

    supurarían. Wester saw nothing funny about it. 

    Vampires drank and talked for several hours, counting 

    vulgar stories. Tanish and Zula had participated in some trouble, as 

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    usual, and they had had to flee the past three cities that had 

    I visited. 

    "The problem with humans is that life is taken very seriously," is 

    Tanish scoffed. "True, we burned a warehouse with a grain reserve 

    for the winter, so few children will be hungry this year. What 

    what? It will differentiate the strong from the weak. Humans are 

    too tied to their young. The vampaneze have the right idea, the 

    Humans only serve to kill. " 

    Tanish winked at Larten when he said that, looking as innocent as 

    I could when Wester broke. "That's a horrible thing to say! We were so 

    same as them before being converted. They have shorter lives 

    and ours are much weaker. If humans kill us 

    We dishonor. The vampaneze are soulless scum never find the 

    Paradise, and you're a fool not to see. " 

    Wester ranted for another fifteen minutes. His hatred 

    vampaneze was practically a disease already, and though he spoke little the case most of the time, people close to him knew what 

    really he felt. Seba had tried to reason with him-just because a 

    vampaneze had killed his family did not mean he should hate 

    Wester all- but he refused to listen. 

    Wester hatred by the dissident group of walkers night 

    Larten worried over what worried Seba. His teacher had 

    seen this dark inclination Wester many decades before and was 

    convinced that the young vampire find an early end at the hands of  

    a vampaneze purple skin or other. But had always expected Larten 

    Wester come to terms with their defeat and leave your hate behind. Larten had urged his dearest friend Murlough -the locate it 

    he had murdered his family and kill him. He thought that would finally help 

    Wester to leave behind that dark night. But he was reluctant to Wester 

    do. He had begun to hate the whole clan of the vampaneze. Sometimes 

    Murlough swore up only when you get rid of the rest of the 

    slag, the only way in which the enemy would suffer the same loss 

    Wester had endured. 

    Tanish shrugged when finally fell into Wester 

    furious silence. "The vampaneze mean nothing to me," he said. "If explodes 

    a war between us, I will fight them, happy challenge. But 

    while the truce is in place, so what? " 

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      "Desmond Tiny disagrees," growled Wester. "He said vampaneze 

    they unite under the command of a powerful leader overnight, and your Lord will 

    would lead to a war against us to wipe us off the face of the Earth. " 

    "I've never seen the legendary Mr. Tiny and not think it's so powerful 

    as some old fools, "Tanish said dismissively. 

    "Seba saw him," Larten said quietly. "I was in the Mountain 

    Tiny vampires when the visited after the division of the vampaneze. Seba 

    he heard his prophecy. He takes it seriously. " 

    Desmond Tiny was a being of immense magical power, which had predicted 

    Clan fall into the hands of the vampaneze. Many young vampires 

    They thought it was a mythical creature. Probably also Larten 

    He believes if his teacher would not have counted on the night that Mr. Tiny visited 

    vampires. He had seen the fear in the eyes of Sheba, even centuries 


    "When I turned," continued Larten, "Seba made me grab 

    Bloodstone longer than necessary. Stone said he was our only hope of thwarting the destination. Mr. Stone Tiny gave to us 

    hope. Tiny craves chaos. He does not want us eliminate the vampaneze 

    so easily. He expected to see us dragged into a long war and 

    full of suffering and pain. " 

    Larten looked back marks his fingers, remembering the night 

    when he embraced the Bloodstone and gave forever the 

    clan rules. 

    "I did not mean to belittle Seba Nile," said Tanish, choosing his 

    words carefully. He was not close to his own teacher, but knew that 

    Seba Larten respected. "If he saw Desmond Tiny, I think you and I apologize if you I offended. " 

    Larten Tanish accepted the apology, but secretly troubled him. He could 

    beginning to feel away from Tanish and Cubs. Larten was 

    tired of endless drinking, gambling and women. He was not ready 

    even to give back to the world of humans and their many charms, 

    but he was sure it would Seba in a few more years 

    continue their studies. 

    Tanish doubted abandon the easy life so willingly. Some 

    Cubs ended up rejecting the customs of the clan. They grew 

    tied to human comforts and chose to stay in that soft, 

    secure world. General allowed them their freedom as long as 

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    obey certain laws. Tanish Larten thought would be one of those who never 

    They returned to Vampire Mountain, wandering forever between 


    "Enough with the vampaneze cursed," Zula frowned. "Fuck 

    with her purple skin. We have more important matters to discuss. " 

    "Like what?" Asked Larten, with a twinkle in his eyes, anticipating the 


    "A war party has been formed." Zula licked his lips and smiled. "Unless 

    more than one night here. " 

    "We thought maybe they were interested," said Tanish. 

    "They thought well," chuckled Larten. "We will trigger 

    darkness. " 

    "With the skin as red as a lobster?" Said Wester. 

    "A minor irritation," said Larten, wincing as 

    he leaned on his bed of straw. 

    Without further discussion, he closed his eyes. The other went to bed and prepared sleeping, but would be a long time until one of them  

    sleep. They rested in the shade for much of the morning, 

    closed but open eyes, thinking of the battle group, the 

    growling stomachs of emotion ... and hunger. 

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    Chapter Four 

    The war was the great human addiction. Loved vampires fight 

    and they became involved in bloody and brutal encounters all the time. 

    But they had engaged in a war only once, when seventy 

    members of his clan moved away to become the vampaneze. Although 

    Several vampires had faced human forces in the past, They never were committed with all its conflicts. As an old 

    okingly he said, the war was not in his blood. 

    Humans, on the other hand, seemed not interested in anything else. 

    Larten had seen much of the planet over the last twenty years. There was 

    explored the continents of Europe, Africa, America and Asia. The wars 

    everywhere they raged while the men were new and 

    ingenious ways to kill more of their own race. It was like a 

    contest, all the tribes of humanity competing to see which committed 

    the worst atrocities. 

    Although mature vampires were not drawn into the war, the Cubs fascinated them. For them it was a sport to see, like boxing 

    or fighting. Many gathered in the field and encouraged the 

    soldiers, laughed at the innocent trying to escape the line of fire, 

    They are betting on who would claim victory. 

    And obviously fed Gods, how fed! 

    The war that Larten and his companions traveled to observe that 

    night was a minor skirmish. Students remember her in the 

    following decades, but it would not be labeled as a more battles 

    important at that time. No vast piece of land was at stake. The 

    no history hung in the balance. There was no real benefits. It was only 

    another clash of men who felt driven to kill each other 

    another for reasons only known leaders. And sometimes even their 

    kings and generals could explain why he was fighting. Usually they would 

    to war simply because they could not think of anything else to do. 

    Vampires came a few hours after dark. There were signs 

    fighting everywhere. Blood stained fields, swords and muskets 

    broken, rotting limbs, even some entire bodies. He felt 

    the stench and the animals and birds were cramming, pecking 

    meat from the bones and guts nibbling, making the feast more 


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      Tanish studied a field of crops trampled. His sharp eyes 

    they discovered the body of a child between the stems. The head of a soldier 

    I was half submerged in a rabbit hole. A barefoot 

    sticking in the air, the four small fingers had been eaten, leaving 

    only singularly thumb pointing skyward. Tanish 

    He ran his gaze on the blood and guts, looking around. 

    Then she laughed. 

    "This looks like a particularly perverse lot," said Tanish 

    enthusiastically. "We should have an interesting day." 

    "Do not you think we've missed the whole fight?" Asked Zula. 

    "Not for long," Yebba said. "I smell fear in humans 

    air. In that direction. "He pointed to the west. "And on that." This. "Expect 

    meet again, and when they do know that many more will die. " 

    Although Larten could smell the soldiers, he was not able to determine 

    precisely the essence of fear. But Yebba was fifteen years older and had been 

    It becomes when he was thirteen. The vampire senses improved in most the first hundred years. 

    The insightful Yebba nose led the way while concentrating on the 

    way of his relatives. Vampires were harder to track than 

    human. If Larten did not know there were others present, 

    probably he would not have noticed the subtle traces of her scent in the air. 

    They found the group of war resting under a huge, 

    green tree. There were eight, Larten a younger couple, the rest of his 

    same age or older. Tanish was the oldest, and immediately acted like 

    was the top vampire. 

    "Get up, you lazy Cubs, good for nothing," he growled, standing beyond the tree branches, looking angrily as 

    A General. "Is that any way to behave towards their superiors?" 

    "You're not superior to the grains of my back, Tanish," he caused a vampire. 

    Larten recognized. Egin Jordan, one of three in the group already knew 


    Jordan stood, hunched Tanish, scoffed at his face and then 

    He laughed and hugged him tightly. "It's good to see you again, old friend." 

    "And you," said Tanish. "You will remember these two." 

    "Larten and Wester," Jordan nodded. "We celebrate eager last year, 

    Right? " 

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      The pair chuckled at the memory, but looked somewhat Wester 

    embarrassed. She had exceeded that occasion he had been violently 

    sick then. 

    "These are Yebba and Zula Pone," Tanish said. "Yebba has a nose like a 

    Zule hound and a villain of the highest order. They will be well. " 

    Vampires shook hands and then stepped forward to greet the 

    rest of the group. It was not long until they found drinking 

    beer and telling the stories of their adventures. 

    War groups were a relatively new phenomenon. Vampires 

    They tended to stay out of the way of humans in war in the past, 

    without drawing attention to themselves. But there were so many wars being 

    fought now, at such a massive scale, walkers night 

    They mixed freely with human troops in most places. 

    The Cubs had begun to haunt the battlefields many 

    decades earlier and it was now a common part of their lives. A lone vampire 

    I could almost always be sure of finding companionship in a zone war. 

    Larten happily listened to stories of Jordan and others, and was 

    some of yours in return. There was much laughter when told them Tanish 

    trick he had done the previous night, and Larten had to remove his jacket 

    and his shirt to show his back sunburned. Whether it was 

    recovered from the worst burns, but his skin still hurt to the touch, 

    some vampires gave him a slap and booed when he screamed. I had 

    to knock a few heads before to be left alone, but it was all in 

    good terms. 

    The next battle between the armies would not begin until Advanced the morning. Both sides hoped reinforcements. So the group went to bed  

    when the sun rose and slept a little. When they were awakened by the 

    sound of the guns, groaned, stretched, they took some 

    umbrellas a large sack and went in search of battle. 

    Larten had felt silly the first time had stopped between 

    group of soldiers determined to kill each other, shaded by 

    an umbrella that would have been much better to a woman. But he had 

    I used to. Now he felt the same way when a hunter 

    puts ridiculous clothes before mounting his horse and ride behind her 


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    an opponent, he paused to attack again, gutting, 

    smashing his face into pieces, until mutilating even when it was 

    dead. It was a wild, bloody show, very much in Larten. 

    Occasionally, as he jumped over the corpses and wading the 

    pools of blood, Larten remember that he was once human. If your 

    life had not taken the turn it took, he would have been injured in a field 

    like this, he is fighting to death, killing that would have to. Are 

    He wondered how he would have felt in that position, if he had raised the 

    and seen a vampire look at him like a bug. 

    Larten always quickly pulled that kind of thinking your 

    head. One of the hardest things about being a vampire was separate yourself  

    one of your origins. You had to leave behind old habits to really 

    fit into the clan. There was no room for it if you wanted 

    become a good vampire. You had to force yourself to see humans as 

    a different, inferior species. 

    A young man had been shot in the shoulder and spun by impact force. It fell against Larten, who steadied him with a hand, 

    maintaining its right with another umbrella. The man's eyes 

    They widened with fear and doubt. Then the pain hit him and bent. Larten almost 

    he went to help, but the soldiers showed favoritism other army 

    attack. Both ignored the vampires because they were neutral. Yes 

    interfered, they were at risk of being attacked. Then let the young Larten 

    man writhing in the dirt, alone and unattended, and continued walking. 

    The battle lasted most of the siesta. The war group retired to the 

    afternoon to rest. Debating highlights, each counting 

    what he had witnessed. Some had been cut or attacked, and Jordan He had been shot in his left arm. But the wounds were not serious and 

    laughed at them as they relaxed under a tree, comparing the 


    Vampires slumbered, leaving the sun fall. When the darkness of  

    They settled in the world, returned to the kill zone. There were no smiles 

    this time, or if there were tense, cruel, inhuman mockery. There were jokes 

    either. They proceeded smoothly and quietly. The umbrellas were left 

    back, and when they reached the edge of the battlefield their bags were removed, 

    coats and boots. One couple even took off everything, staying naked 

    under the moon. 

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      For a minute they stood to one side, drinking in the visa 

    bodies and pools of blood that made her mouth water. No human is 

    She moved. Even those who had never heard about vampires felt 

    the threat in the night air and retreated to the safety of field. In 

    Morning return to bury the bodies of their fallen allies and gather 

    the weapons, shoes and other instruments. But the night belonged to the 


    When vampires were satisfied that the field was theirs, 

    they approached. They went smoothly, just trampling the lawn while 

    They advanced on the bodies. His nostrils and eyes were fine 

    open. Baba fell from the lips of many. Some trembled with 

    expectation. Other growled softly. 

    They were kept as a group until they were in the middle of the 

    slaughter. All eyes rested on Tanish. Although they had previously 

    disdained their complaints as a leader in this situation thanked his right 

    to direct. If he doubted, ignore them and go ahead, but gave him the opportunity to free them, as was the way of vampires. 

    Tanish expressed in the manner of wolves, snapped his teeth and threw 

    fours. Around it all did the same. Separating each 

    the other, they dug the bodies of the dead, separating the meat from the 

    bones, blood gobbling as if spilled from the sky, wallowing in the 

    thick red liquid. 

    After a while they began to howl and repeatedly hit the ground 

    with the bones had been torn. Some fought each other, fighting 

    awkwardly, but the fights did not last long. They could really challenge 

    anytime. These perfect nights were reserved for wildest pleasures battle. 

    Like the rest of the group, Larten is quickly lost in the frenzy of  

    feed. For an hour or more, it was neither human nor vampire, only one 

    howling, hungry creature of dark desires. Sometimes it is slipping 

    between the cold and sticky bodies as a voracious worm, hacking, 

    chewing, drinking. And all I knew what everyone knew ... ... particularly in 

    that their world was during this intense, cruel and dark moment ... it was 


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    Chapter Five 

    Vampires slept late the next day. A couple rose 

    to see the fight in the afternoon, but most had seen enough and 

    he preferred to rest, digesting the banquet and dreaming of future feasts 


    "Wake up," he growled Tanish night, squeezing Larten ribs. "Leave me alone," grumbled Larten. 

    "You've slept enough," said Tanish. "I'm bored. I want me 

    teach new tricks! 

    "You have mastered those who taught you last time?" 

    "Some." Tanish laughed. "I'm pretty good at that I can use to 

    play poker. " 

    "You're cheating when you play?" Larten frowned, sitting up. 

    "If I need money." Tanish shrugged. "I do not like stealing. 

    Rather I work for my illicit profits. " 

    "Do you think that cheating is working?" "We're just talking about human beings," said Tanish. "Never tramaría 

    nothing against us. Come on, Mercury, you love show off. Have the 

    fastest hands I've ever seen. Teach me, oh wise nimble fingers. " 

    Larten smiled and took a deck of cards in a leather bag. The he slid 

    a couple of minutes to warm up, and then taught Tanish 

    a few ways to make the cards do whatever he wanted. 

    I had to slow their movements so that his friend could follow. 

    "You're unnatural," Tanish said admiringly. "Are you so fast in a 

    fight? " 

    "I've seen him fight many times," Larten said. 

    "Skirmishes drunk, yes, but never in a real battle. Ever 

    you have fought to the death? " 

    Larten shook his head. "Not since I was converted." 

    "You mean you killed before?" 

    "I do not want to talk about it" 

    "Oh oh! Mercury is hiding a secret. Tell me. I will not leave you alone 

    until you do. " 

    "That's not an issue," Larten said quietly, and although no 

    There was menace in his tone, Tanish knew immediately that the vampire 

    orange hair was serious. He snorted as he did not care, and then 

    It focused on the cards. 

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      While others played and fluttered around, a man 

    He approached them through the killing field. He moved faster than a 

    Human and took refuge under a heavy layer. Larten assumed it was 

    another puppy that came to join the group. The newcomer would feel  

    disappointed by decreasing the sounds of battle, it seemed that the 

    soldiers had overcome the worst of his anger. The battle came to an end. 

    The man slowed when she saw vampires under the tree. He studied, 

    with his face hidden by the shadows of his cloak. Then he came. When 

    was on the verge of reaching the tree, she dropped her coat. 

    "For the black blood of Harnon Oan!" He roared Wester, standing, 

    stunned disbelief. 

    The newcomer was not human, but it was a vampire. Had the 

    Red hair and nails and a pair of red burning eyes, and her skin was a shade 


    "I'm Randel Chayne of the vampaneze," he told the rest of the Cubs 

    they were as shocked as Wester. "I came looking for a challenge." No one spoke. Everyone was stunned. Challenges between the two tribes 

    night were nothing new, but the Cubs were usually ignored, 

    unlike the General. This was the first time most of them 

    I saw one of his distant cousins of blood. 

    Randel studied vampires stunned, his eyebrows raised. "If so 

    as vampires react with each challenge, perhaps not worth 

    fight. " 

    "We will teach you about pain, scum!" Shouted Wester, rushing against 

    vampaneze, his hands twisted into claws, and his hatred darkening 

    features. Larten grabbed his friend and stopped. "No," he snapped. "You're not ready for  

    this. He'd kill you. " 

    "Let me go," he growled Wester while Randel was put to cruel laugh. 

    "You have no right to get in my way. I'll break your neck, and if  

    you try to stop ... " 

    "He will break your neck before you can lay a hand on him," he said 

    Larten coldly. "He's not a wizard, you can see the dark color 

    his skin. He is a vampaneze. You should hate vampires, or never have 

    Cubs upset as us. He is not looking for a challenge, the only 

    For easy killing. That's it, right? "He shouted Larten the vampaneze. "Do not 

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    dare to face one of our Generals, so you want between 

    Cubs inexperienced. You are a coward. " 

    Randel scoffed. "I have fought and killed General, and one night I will 

    fight and kill a prince, if the gods are good to me. I have nothing 

    to try and not will react to the insults of rogues like you. But today, 

    to pass the time, I want to deal with a puppy. I am told that 

    They are slow and soft. Can anyone prove me wrong? " 

    Wester's eyes sparkled and again tried to attack. Larten blocked it and 

    He said without emotion, "If you fight, he will kill you and you can never take 

    revenge on the one who killed your family. "Then he stepped aside, 

    Wester leaving the final decision, as was his right. 

    While Wester dying-he wanted more than anything to kill the strange, but 

    Larten knew he was telling the truth Randel looked with disgust group 

    battle. "Sure you have a leader," he joked. "Vampires love to be 

    led. Not even the strong leader of the group will accept my challenge? " 

    All eyes looked to Tanish. He had demanded the right to send and they it had been granted. If you do not respond to this challenge it would be dishonored. 

    Any reputable vampire would step forward. Even 

    Cubs rebels had to meet standards. Group members 

    Tanish expected that villain did against purple skin, give a 

    good fight and die with honor. 

    But Tanish not move. Her cheeks were burning and stared 

    the ground as if he could never look up again. When 

    They realized that was not going to react, their faces hardened. Several 

    they stopped for even battle wounded Jordan stood up but Zula 

    Puts was the first to step forward. "I will face you, Randel of the vampaneze," said Zula, removing the 

    coat with which he had been sleeping. "And when I kill you, I will honor your 

    body and say a prayer to the gods of the vampires to accept your 

    soul Rebel. " 

    Randel river, but the mockery was gone from his voice when he said, 

    "I accept your challenge. But I will not ask your name or say prayers for 

    the gods you when this is over. This is our way. Simply 

    We kill or die. The glory is in the battle, not in what you do or say 

    later. " 

    Randel moved away from the shade of the trees, to the deadly sunlight. 

    Like vampires, he could not stand comfortably sun exposure. 

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    But the fights between the children of the night rarely lasted more than a 

    minute or two. One way or another, he would not have to tolerate the irritation 


    The squat, ugly Zula followed Randel into the clearing. It was easy, the 

    clear and steady gaze, willing to accept whatever is put in their 

    way. At that time he was a true vampire, nobler than 

    Cubs anyone looking at him, and they felt humiliated. 

    "What weapon do you choose?" She asked Zula when they were face to face. 

    "The hands are good to me," said Randel, flexing his fingers. 

    "As you wish." 

    Zula attacked with five sharp claws to cut through warranty 

    almost everything on earth, including meat from the throat of a 

    vampaneze. But Randel Zula blocked the arm and hit him in the 

    stomach. Zula grunted and fell back. Randel could have pressed, 

    but instead he stood his ground and waited for the attack of vampire 

    again. Emboldened, Zula rose up against his enemy, then he stopped and took a 

    deep breath, regaining his composure. When he regained control of  

    himself, moved slowly, studying eyes for signs of Randel 

    warning of his intentions. Larten had thought was Zula 

    He doomed when he accepted the challenge, but looking at him now believed 

    maybe the puppy had a chance. 

    When Zula was within reach, Randel swung his fist at him. Zula it 

    He blocked and kicked him in the shin to Randel. Randel hit him and fell. 

    Vampires shouted enthusiastically, but their cries were short. When 

    Randel fell Zula grabbed and twisted it around and down. Zula occurred too late that his opponent had anticipated the attack. Before 

    I could adjust, fell heavily on his back, and on the 

    outstretched fingers of one hand of Randel, the vampaneze had 

    slyly slipped under it. 

    Zula yelled when vampaneze nails dug into his lungs. A 

    then he stiffened, his breath caught in his throat. Their 

    legs suffered a spasm, but his arms were still strangely to 

    sides. He swallowed a few times, blood leaking from his mouth, eyes 

    wide, staring at the sun. I always thought it would 

    die in the light of the moon. It seemed unfair that a child of the night was out of  

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    Thus, before the sun went down. It had been hoped Randel 

    a few hours later so I could have counted the stars again. 

    And then he did not want more. 

    Randel pushed away the dead vampire and the hand on the grass cleaned. 

    He never looked at Zula, but looked pale vampires face 

    refugees under the tree. 

    "They are a disgrace to their masters," he growled Randel then took 

    his coat, put it on his head and kept moving. 

    Cubs stared at the vampaneze as he went 

    cometeando and were silent until he was out of sight. Then 

    Larten and Jordan went to look for the body of Zula puts. The burn more 

    or later would launch into a river, depending on what most thought the 

    ugly vampire wanted. 

    Tanish was sitting alone when Larten returned. He had his back to 

    rest of the Cubs and nobody approached him. They are ignoring their fallen leader, 

    treating it with the contempt it deserved. Larten sorry for his friend, but I could not help him. One of the first things I had been taught was Seba 

    each man took his own decisions in life, and should abide by 

    the consequences of their decisions. 

    At sunset, Tanish got up and launched. He said goodbye and nobody 

    he asked where he was going. It did not take anything, even he dropped his expensive coat


    He dismissed his silk shirt. Larten knew, as he watched the unfortunate Tanish 

    leave, that would probably be the last time I would see. Eul longer tanish 

    It was part of the clan. He was not a traitor, but the Cubs never 

    would mention his name again, and if anyone asked about him, they They respond with a simple and irrefutable, "Now walk with humans." 

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      Part Two 

    "If the whole clan opposed him, we fall."  

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    Chapter Six 

    The American Civil War was the bloodiest waste of life that 

    Larten had to witness. The vampires had known about 

    America long before Europeans discovered. Each clan had 

    Leif Ericson sailed and treina and four others early in the second 

    century, and before Paris Skyle became Prince had been at the Columbus hand when man had lost hope and was 

    about to return. The ancient vampire would be sad to see what had him 

    It happened to the country, but not surprised. Why these tribes should be 

    different from those they left behind? People talk about a New World, 

    but it was the same old humans. 

    Larten watched from a distance the thousands of young men 

    face and going towards a premature death. He had Wester and Seba 

    camped on a hill out of the way of the fight a few nights before. 

    Since then they had remained awake, leaving only camp 

    hunting and stretch your legs. Cubs pair had left the group and returned war 

    with his teacher a few years after the fall of Tanish. They never had 

    They have been able to get lost in a war and other minor activities 

    Just as they did before the dark day. They were embarrassed, and 

    Cubs with those who were were a constant reminder of what 

    It had happened. 

    Seba never asked them why they had become assistants. It was 

    surprised to see them come back to him as soon -not had anticipated but 

    to another decade but a teacher not need to know everything about their 

    students. He let them keep their secrets and concentrated on his 


    Seba not humbled as he had done before, nor gave them tasks that do not 

    they could complete. The pair had changed, Larten in particular, and now Seba 

    He considered them worthy of respect. I thought they were ready to 

    take the tests that would decide whether they were able to play a role 

    active in the issues of the clan. 

    While analyzing Larten sides fighting the Americans, he wondered 

    again why Seba had brought them there. His teacher had never 

    showed no interest in human affairs and had not even looked at 

    the soldiers since they had arrived. What could have attracted to 

    this whirlwind of slaughter? 

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      Wester stood beside the man he thought like a brother and 

    He watched her for a moment with him. Both were thinking Tanish Eul. 

    "How much longer do you think we'll be here?" Asked Wester, but 

    Larten just grunted in response. "You smelled the war party last night?" 


    Larten senses were much improved in recent years. There was 

    been aware of the other vampires for the last two nights but 

    had ignored, staying side Seba, ready to obey orders 

    his teacher. 

    "I miss being part of a group," Wester sighed. "Would feed in the field 

    Battle was barbaric but exquisite. " 

    "I'm sure the retrained opium addicts miss their pipes," 

    Larten said dryly. "That does not mean that they should return to their old 

    habits " 

    "It was not so bad, "Wester said. 

    "No?" Larten shrugged. "I've told myself not There was nothing wrong with what we did, because there were many other vampires 

    enjoying the bloodbath. But that's no excuse. Perhaps human 

    They do not deserve our respect, but also deserve our contempt. " 

    Wester smiled. "You sound just like Sheba." 

    Larten winced and scratched his nose, then his ears. In the past 

    He had tried to copy the way of talking about Seba, and this simply 

    when he made a mistake corrected. But since he had returned from his 

    time with the Cubs, Seba took it more seriously. He asked 

    Larten if you really wanted to improve his vocabulary. When the unsuspecting 

    assistant confirmed it was the beginning of a new phase, one that had come to despise. He had even begged him to stop Seba, 

    but the ancient vampire would not yield. 

    Under the new regime, when Larten said "no" or "no," Seba tore * 

    nostril hairs of his student, who was far more painful 

    Larten what could have imagined. After a year of this, he tried to 

    outwit his master burning the hairs of your nose, but Seba set 

    his eyes on the hair of their ears instead, and that was even worse! The 

    assistant hair orange quickly learned of such punishments. Suffered 

    * "Do not" (not) and "can not" (not) in English. "It Does not" is short for "Do not", and 

    "Can not" "Can not." Apparently, Seba does not like abbreviations. 

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    some mistake occasionally, but rarely. It had been weeks 

    since Seba had felt compelled to start a hair. 

    While Wester Larten and watched, Seba joined them, enjoying the sun weak 

    in the afternoon. It had been nearly half a century since he had known the boy 

    scared in the dark crypt and had taken as his assistant. Seba had 

    aged much those years. Her long hair was almost gray now. It had 

    He shaved his beard and the skin around his throat was dry and wrinkled, 

    covered with old scars and blemishes. Lucia battered and tired, and growled 

    if he moved too quickly. 

    He could still make a pace that his aides struggled to maintain, and it was 

    as light of foot and quick hands as always. Sometimes he spoke of being 

    near its end, but Larten suspected his old teacher could 

    end this century and perhaps two more. I do not ever say that I did not want 

    search unlucky. 

    "Wester says I sound like you," said Larten 

    "You must be running deaf," Sheba snorted. Protecting your eyes from the sun, He studied at the soldiers. They had finished their killing for the day, and limped from 

    back to their camp, dragging the wounded, leaving dead 

    for the creatures of the night could feel spinning. "Stupid 

    nobles, "Seba sighed. "A war should be enough for any race. 

    Why go on and on? " 

    Nor Wester Larten or tried to answer. They were not vampires or 

    about as long as his teacher, but as young as they were, both 

    They found it difficult to remember the time when they walked like humans, 

    or how his thoughts were working in those less fraught days 

    blood. "We will move tonight," Seba said. "Only a few miles. It would 

    will entail grateful if my coffin. " 

    Wester Larten and went looking for the coffin rustic shelter Seba 

    they had built, then followed him down the hill and around a meadow 

    corpses. Young vampires had not yet developed a fondness 

    caskets. They had slept in many while traveling with Seba, 

    crypts or hidden graves, but when they were given the preferred choice 

    beds. His teacher, however, only felt comfortable with pine walls 

    its sides and a cover-up. He had tried many coffins from 

    arrival in America. When he finally found one to his liking, he claimed 

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    owned and begged forgiveness from the skeleton had evicted. Their 

    acarreándolo attendees had been after him since. 

    As the trio followed the course of a small stream, someone shouted 

    abruptly from a tree on the other side. "The same old Seba Nile, always 

    You must have modern amenities. There they can be arranged for an 

    stone floor and a sky as a roof. " 

    Wester Larten and lowered the coffin and squinted. Larten knew 

    voice, but I could not place it. While he is trying to put a face, 

    ragged vampire dropped from the branches. He was dressed in skins 

    animals and a pair of belts tied around his chest, stars 

    throwing them hanging loose. Her long green hair. He spat on 

    as he crossed the stream, and was quite sure Larten 

    listen to General to fart, but should It has been gnashing of  


    "Vancha March," Seba smiled. "I wondered where it came from that stench 

    nauseating. " "I do not know what you're talking about," Vancha grimaced. "I bathed the 

    Last spring, even if he did not. "He frowned. "Or was 

    last spring? "With a laugh, threw a salute to Larten and Wester. 

    "Are you still hanging with that old buzzard?" 

    "Someone has to take care of it," said Larten. 

    "He is too weak to carry his own coffin," he added 


    Wester Larten and they had not seen the evil General since his first visit 

    to Vampire Mountain, so we had to catch up. But before 

    they could ask questions, Seba said the coffin and coughed deliberately. Growling, they took the coffin and followed at a respectful 

    while their teacher walked away with Vancha and the pair discussed matters 

    they were not for young ears. 

    At one point they rounded a curve and Larten captured the vision of a 

    store. I should have dismissed as a store of a human officer, 

    but Seba and Vancha were heading there, so he settled in his coffin 

    man and stole a closer look. 

    The shop was not unlike any you have seen before. It was circular, 

    high, wide, decorated with beautiful patterns sewn flower water 

    frogs. It looked a bit like the store where the Cirque du Freak conducted its 

    performances, but was nowhere near the same size. There were three stores 

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    and smaller around a clothesline was held behind them, where 

    They hung variety of dresses and women's underwear. 

    A confused Wester nudged to Larten, who frowned at the 

    women's clothes and said, "What kind of woman places her clothesline edge 

    a battlefield? " 

    The answer came to them both at the same time, but one who Wester 

    he exclaimed, "A woman of the wild!" 

    They shared an excited look, rushed behind her 

    teacher and smelly ally, heading for the shop woman 

    if they had guessed welfare was so powerful and crucial to the fate of the clan 

    vampire legend as any goddess. 

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    Chapter Seven 

    Seba stopped at the entrance of the store and asked that Larten and Wester 

    leave aside his coffin. He pulled his red shirt and coat, straightened 

    some wrinkles and examined for dirt. 

    "How do I look?" Vancha asked, spitting in his hand and using 

    to comb back his green hair. "As a cherub," Seba whispered. 

    "Do you think ...?" 

    The flap of the entrance was opened back, ending his question, and 

    A woman stepped forward. She was short and ugly -a Larten reminded Zula 

    It puts in some respects even dirtier than Vancha. Not wearing 

    shoes or clothes. Instead there were ropes wrapped around his body. 

    Had pointed ears, a small nose, one brown eye and one green. It was 

    as muscular as a man and even hairier one, from a fine 

    beard and mustache to ten fingers very hairy feet. His hands were 

    plump and short nails except the two little fingers, which were long and sharp. 

    Larten thought this was a very strange choice of servant to 

    a powerful witch as Lady Evanna (if it was true that it was her 

    who came to know). He had assumed that would pretty and Evanna 

    finely dressed maidens to serve. Maybe she had taken pity on 

    this unfortunate creature had given him a home because nobody else 


    Then, to the astonishment of Larten, small, ugly woman screamed, rushed 

    forward and shouted, "My little Vancha" As the General 

    was back in panic, she lifted him off his feet and tossed in the air 

    like a large doll. 

    "Put me down!" Vancha shouted furiously. 

    "Not until you give me a kiss, naughty boy," she laughed. 

    "I'll give a kick in the ..." 

    "Language, Vancha," stopped him, clutching his ribs so hard his 

    eyes seemed to burst. 

    "My apologies ... Lady," he gasped, then quickly kissed her cheek  

    before they suffocate. 

    The woman smiled and dropped it, then bowed gracefully to 

    Seba. "You are welcome as always, Lord Nile," he said in a soft voice and 


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      "I appreciate this privilege, my Lady," Seba said, leaning as 

    I would have done before a Prince. 

    "You've brought a couple of assistants," she said, watching his eye 

    Larten and brown to green to Wester eye. Both speechless before her. 

    "This is Lar ..." Seba started to present them. 

    "I know his name," interrupted the woman. "And I think they mine. 

    Right, gentlemen? " 

    "Evanna?" Gasped Wester, disbelief. 

    "They expected someone more glamorous," Vancha said. 

    "A lot of what you do," he smiled. 

    "Perhaps this is what they had in mind," she glowed and changed shape. 

    Now he was tall and slender, with long blond hair and features of angel, dressed in 

    one flowing white dress. Larten stared at her, in love. She reached 

    hand to caress her, but dropped it. He felt he had no right to 

    touch someone so beautiful. 

    "Very easily impressed," she clucked, and returned to his previous appearance. "You must not judge by what's on the outside. Only a fool  

    falls for a pretty face. Are they stupid? " 

    Larten was the first to speak this time. "For you, madam, would any 

    thing, "he said softly, the words pouring from his mouth. 

    Evanna raised an eyebrow and looked at him. But when blinked, confused 

    for his icy stare, she realized she was not being cheeky. 

    "I like this, Seba," she whispered. "It's not the vampire brighter than I 

    He is known, but has a good heart. " 

    "My two assistants have a good heart," Seba said. "But it is the heart 

    of Larten which you expect to win? " Evanna laughed eagerly question. "You are here only a few minutes 

    and you want to set me up with the vampire you have more at your fingertips. "She 

    He brushed her cheek with affection and shook his head. "Do not ask me any favors yet, 

    old friend. Let us simply enjoy our company for a  

    time. I wonder what they have been doing, and how will life 

    rest of the clan. " 

    Taking his arm, she led the vampire in gray hair. After 

    pause, they followed Larten and Wester. Vancha came last, after 

    spend your palm with saliva again for your hair to leave hard and shiny. 

    "If this does not impress you," he said smugly to himself, "I do not know 

    what shall I do! " 

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      Evanna was the daughter of Desmond Tiny. He had created thousands of years ago, 

    mixing the blood of a vampire with a pregnant wolf. She was 

    a powerful sorceress who could perform many magical spells. Without 

    But the inhabitants of the night were more interested in a 

    her particular skill. 

    Vampires could not have children. So they had always been. To maintain 

    It races alive, must make human. The clan always used to think 

    It would be so, but Evanna had the power to beget the son of a vampire. Yes 

    she wanted, could procreate with a vampire, and his descendants could 

    also reproduced. 

    The vampires had been courting Evanna for hundreds of years. 

    Mr. Tiny had warned that she and her child would have the power to end 

    the clan, but did not care about the risks. The ability to have a 

    son was intoxicating. 

    But Evanna had rejected all his proposals. She never had 

    taken as a vampire couple or had given any sign that had intention. Although they had sought and had tried to 

    win her heart, fighting in his name, giving gifts, making 

    everything to make her his. All in vain. 

    Larten secretly hoped captivate the legendary Lady of the Wild. 

    He had his way with the ladies. Few had been able to resist, 

    when he was a puppy, and I was sure she would fall for him 

    as many others had done. If Evanna accepted it, he would become 

    the founder of a new generation of vampires father and his power and fame 

    They would be insured. 

    "I would have put more fine clothes if I had known we were coming here," he whispered to Wester as they sat on a couch full of pillows. 

    "Do not worry," smiled Wester. "If Vancha is your only opposition, 

    you can fail. " 

    Even though Wester had also dreamed of winning the hand 

    famed Lady, now that he had seen the intention Larten eyes, pulled 

    those thoughts from his mind. Always he left the way to his best 

    friend. They had never fought for a woman or anything about what Larten 

    he had set his eyes. Wester Larten thought as he and his brother 

    totally loved the orange-haired vampire. He never tried to take 

    Larten wanted things, even if he also craved. 

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      The store looked bigger inside than out. There was a bed 

    Plush in the middle, paintings hanging from the beams, statues located in all 

    sides. Large candles were consumed slowly around bowls and jugs 

    overflowing with fruits, vegetables, water and wine. There was no meat or fish, 

    which he surprised Larten until he remembered the rumor that Evanna not eat 

    anything that was not cultivated. 

    Three young women took bowls and jugs to the vampires once 

    they were seated. All were dressed in simple white shirts 

    and beige pants. Larten had rarely seen a woman in slacks and 

    gaze followed the maids. One which had long black hair and 

    cunning gray eyes caught him staring and stared defiantly. He tried his 

    famous smile, which made most women shaking them the 

    legs but his eyes only deepened. Surprised and disturbed, 

    Larten coughed and turned his head aside. Wester saw him and hid his smile. 

    "First things first," Evanna said, lying on a couch and taking 

    a grape of a tray. "How have you been my little Vancha? Tell all Mommy. " 

    "Mommy?" Gasped Larten. 

    "I wish you would not say things like that," Vancha grimaced. "Do not 

    I called witch, right? " 

    "And rightly so," Evanna snapped, his eyes shining. "I'll cut the 

    tongue of anyone who calls me that. I am the most powerful sorceress, 

    a priestess of the dark arts, mother of the future, and Lady of the Wild. 

    You, however, will always be my sweet and tender Vancha. I still remember 

    when you feed and how you eructabas when you finished. "She 

    he laughed. "That has not changed." "Evanna found me when I was a baby," Vancha muttered to Larten and 

    Wester. "My parents had been killed and I was left to 

    die. She rescued me and took me with her for a few years before 

    you surrender to ... someone else, "she finished vaguely. 

    Evanna's smile faded. "You make it sound as if I had 

    taken alone, "he said quietly. 

    "As I remember it, lady, you did well," Vancha said, in a tone 

    sharp in his voice that surprised the two younger vampires. 

    Evanna Vancha stared for a second, then shook 

    head and sighed. "A man should never turn your back on your ..." 

    "Please!" Vancha interrupted. "Leave the past behind." 

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      "The past is never far behind forever," Evanna murmured. "No 

    We can hide from those whom we are united by the 

    nature. But if you want to keep your stupid secret, so be it. You know 

    only wish the best for you. " 

    "And I'm grateful for that," Vancha said, his features softening. 

    Then he spat and winked. "I just wish you would not treat me like a 

    damn kid. " 

    Evanna laughed. "When you have a few centuries in your account, I will 

    considered an adult. Until that ... "She pinched his cheek. 

    "By the bowels of Charna" Vancha roared. "You're going too far!" He 

    He hurled against her and rolled together on the floor of the store. 

    He was punched and kicked the witch, but she just laughed and throw 

    cleanly. Upon landing, he pulled a star from his belt and hurled 

    his head. 

    Evanna Star caught the deadly air and calmly wiped the 

    teeth with one of his spikes. "Still playing with shurikens?" He murmured. "I thought you would have found a new toy now." 

    Vancha looked like was going to strike again, but eventually threw back 

    head and laughed. "For all the gods of the vampires, you're a hard piece!  

    Come, let's toast to absent friends and sing songs about 

    old night. " 

    "I'll drink with you at any time, darling," Evanna said. "And with your 

    companions, too. "She snapped her fingers to her servants. "Milk 

    Mr. March. "Then looked at the others. "Beer, I suppose?" 

    "Yes!" Exclaimed Larten and Wester. 

    "Why not?" Seba said with a smile. Barrels of the best beer I have tasted Larten were brought, and 

    rest of the night was a blur since. 

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      "They're not my real sisters," Arra sighed, as if  

    explaining something obvious to a fool. "It's just how Evanna concerns 

    us. "He shrugged. "They are nice enough, although 

    not think of them as friends. "Arra squinted to Larten and 

    He pursed his lips. "You're a vampire, right?" 

    "Yes," Larten said proudly. 

    "Vampires do not deteriorate in direct sunlight?" 

    "Not immediately. I start to burn if I stay outside, but 

    It will not kill me until a couple of hours. Many of the myths are false or 

    distortions of reality. " 

    "Evanna not talk much about vampires, except to complain about 

    as you chase her around like dogs. " 

    Larten frowned at that but said nothing. He went inside but 

    Arra blocked his path. "That over there is my shop." He nodded toward 

    one of the three small shops located next to Evanna. "Otherwise 

    You have urgent business to attend to, I would talk to you and learn vampire. " 

    Larten raised an amused eyebrow. 

    "When I say talking, I mean to speak, " Arra growled, reading his mind. 

    "You tried to kiss me last night." 

    "How did you respond?" Asked Larten. 

    Arra smiled. "Let's just say the following verse of your song began 

    with, Arra Sails dangerous, he has a terrible tongue "  

    Larten chuckled, then went to his tent to Arra. Like 

    Evanna was bigger than it looked from the outside, although it was 

    Arra simply decorated and had little personal possessions. The pair He sat on the bed -Arra made sure I had a safe distance 

    Larten between them and talked for a long time about his life, the family and the 

    Vampire Mountain. Arra listened quietly interested in everything. It was 

    only when he talked about when he interrupted flit. 

    "My lady can flit too. And it can blow a gas that causes 

    people faint, though rarely need to. Do you think that 

    vampires Evanna inherited his magic or his father? " 

    "Do you know Desmond Tiny?" Asked Larten. 

    "No. But I have heard about it through visitors like you. " 

    Larten had always assumed the magical talents of the clan, such 

    as longevity, strength and speed. But now that he thought about it, 

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    He realized that such gifts were mysterious. Do your talents 

    supernatural evolved naturally or were the work of a 

    more intrusive power? Larten made a mental note to ask 

    Seba then, though I had the feeling that his teacher would not be 

    able to answer that question. 

    "Tell me about yourself," said Larten, changing the subject. "How did you end 

    Evanna working for? Are you age you seem or are older than 

    your mistress? " 

    "Old?" Arra screamed, throwing a cushion. "Educate, vampire, or you 

    I estacaré burning you out and leave you on the floor. " 

    While Larten smiling, relaxed and told a little about where it came from, 

    how he had run away from home in search of adventure and found Evanna. "Or I was 

    found her, "Arra said suspiciously. "I have to 

    feeling that sends for apprentices. We do not wander in 

    his life, even though aparentemos do. " 

    Evanna Arra had taught him a few spells, but she was used mostly as a servant, to comply with their guests 

    lady and clean for them. She was not happy with that. She wanted to learn  

    the secret world of Evanna and become a powerful sorceress. 

    "It's not as if we needed it," Arra complained. "I've seen snap 

    fingers and avert a full meal, or shake the hand to a room 

    suddenly dirty and clean. She just likes to have servants to walk 

    bossing. " 

    "Why do not you leave?" Asked Larten. 

    "I will," Arra said. "But I want to move to having another place 

    go. I escaped without any direction once, when I left home, but better not I leave everything to chance a second time. " 

    His eyes narrowed. He began to ask something Larten, but then 

    someone whistled in the distance and she grimaced. "My wife loves me."  

    "Would you like a dog whistle?" Larten smiled. 

    "If you laugh, will poison your next drink," Arra growled, and then hurried 

    to see what was Evanna wanted. Larten followed, still smiling. 

    It was nice chatting with Arra. It was a little sharp thing, and 

    more frowns than smiles came easily, but you Larten 

    She liked. He hoped they could be friends, at least for a 

    time, before leaving with Seba and Wester. After that he realized that 

    It was unlikely to return to see the girl again rude aspect. 

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    Chapter Nine 

    They spent two nights with the Lady of the Wild. Other vampires 

    They came to her while they were there. Most of the group was war 

    the shadow of human warriors, but others came from much farther away, 

    crossing oceans as Seba and their assistants. 

    Some Cubs Larten and Wester recognized and greeted Larten by his nickname. He had not called him and found Mercury 

    strangely disturbing. That part of his life had fallen behind and now 

    I wanted to move on. Although he was friendly with the Cubs, no 

    I wanted to renew those friendships. 

    Evanna welcomed the most visitors openly, but sometimes 

    Sheba and sent away his assistants to speak with a newcomer 

    private. She seemed to know what each of your visitors prefer, and did 

    best to meet your needs, but their pleas to accept 

    as a couple. 

    "We came to this country to meet Evanna, right?" Asked Wester Seba the third night, when they were resting on a nearby hill 

    after falling on the camp of the soldiers for food. 

    Seba nodded. "As sharp as ever, Mr. Flack. Evanna preferred that the 

    clan leave her alone. You get tired of the endless proposals. But she knows how much  

    we seek it, so she lets us be several nights occasionally 

    to court. Privileged few are welcome in your home, too, 

    but most must comply with these meetings. " 

    "Where do you live?" Said Wester. 

    Seba shook his head. "If she wants you to know, I will tell." 

    "So we brought her here to see us, if you 

    liked our faces? "asked Larten. 

    "Yes." Seba rubbed his neck and sighed. "We believe that Evanna elect a 

    some night companion, either a vampire or a vampaneze, but ... " 

    "A vampaneze?" Barked Wester. "Is it related to them also?" 

    "She knows all the creatures of the night," Seba said calmly. 

    "Evanna no distinction between us. The vampaneze are so dear 

    for her and us. He tries to keep us apart She moved to a 

    new site soon, I think, where he will meet with our blood-cousins 

    but if a vampaneze came here we should treat it with respect. " 

    "I could not," growled Wester. "If I see any of that scum, I'll ..." 

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      "... Do anything but wish him a good night," Seba said bluntly and 

    there was a sharp tone in his voice that his aides rarely heard. "Yes 

    Evanna angry, she will crush you. Never let you forget its glamor 

    she is the daughter of Desmond Tiny. Respect your wishes when you are in your 

    presence, Wester, or any word can save you. " 

    Wester glared at his teacher. To relieve tension, you Larten 

    Seba asked Evanna as I knew would be there. 

    "She led me here," Seba said vaguely. "Those who 

    Evanna just keep looking at your feet. I did not know we'd end up here 

    When we go out. All she knew was that she would find where 

    I would be found. " 

    "And you really expect us to seduce her?" Pressed 


    Seba chuckled. "I doubt if anyone ever seduce Evanna. 

    But you made a good attempt, Larten. I did not know you were so gentle with 

    give more. " "I'm usually more successful," he growled Larten bitterly. All your 

    flattering words, his glances and his tricks had gone from 

    over the witch. She had been kind to him and laughed at his jokes, but 

    He never gave the slightest hint that he might consider it as a couple. 

    "Do not be so hard on yourself," Seba said. "Many good vampires 

    have been rejected before you, and many will be in the future too, I'm 

    insurance. What was to say before the interruption of Wester, is that 

    we believe that eventually pick a couple, but not 

    we know what qualities you like, or even if you are looking for; maybe 

    It is waiting for some time, or event. "Since we know very little of your heart, many of us we come 

    to see her from time to time, and we bring our attendees when they are ready 

    for this type of meeting. We continue to hope that one night she claims to 

    one of us as his. But so far, we're out of luck. 

    "What happens if you take a vampaneze?" Growled Wester. 

    "We fear that more than anything," Seba said. "Evanna has the power to 

    destroy the clan. If she chooses a vampaneze as a couple, their son certainly 

    He will inherit some of his magical powers. Perhaps the dreaded Lord of the 

    Vampaneze be the son of Evanna. " 

    "So why do not we attack?" He hissed Wester. "Kill her or kidnap 

    and make it do what we want? " 

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      "If this nonsense continues, I'll whip up your meat falls off  

    your spine, like the skin of a snake, "roared Seba. 

    Wester blinked in surprise. The old vampire had never threatened 

    any of them that way before. There had been many punches and kicks 

    during those years, but never a savage, brutal promise. 

    Sheba saw the pain in the eyes of his assistants. "Please understand," he said 

    gently. "She's much stronger than any of us, 

    all of us together. If the entire clan opposed him, we fall. " 

    "Nobody can be so powerful," said doubtfully Larten. 

    "Do not exaggerate," Seba insisted. "Their power is not of this world. There are myths 

    about gods creating countries, raising mountains, waving seas. I do not know if  

    those stories are true, but I think Evanna can do all that and more. 

    So I do not hear more about you plotting against her. It 

    It can be worse than any enemy, except for its 

    meddlesome father. " 

    Seba assistants looked into his eyes, trying to ensure that their word had reached them. He saw that he had created an impact and expected 

    that would prevent future follies. 

    "Now," he said, forcing a smile. "Let's go back, and do not say more 

    about this. Only that if she lays eyes on you, do not worry about 

    a long engagement! " 

    Wester Larten and laughed weakly, and then followed Seba back 

    the store, the three silent and immersed in his thoughts. 

    The shop had been dismantled when they returned. The apprentices 

    Evanna were standing behind a car, preparing sadly for 

    push. There was no way that could fit inside the store -the carriage canvas itself would have required vagón- but was not Larten 

    surprised. The Lady of the Wild could perform many wonders.  

    "Time to go," Evanna said cheerfully. "I have had fewer visitors 

    normal. The clan must be losing interest in me. " 

    "Should you travel far, Lady?" Asked Seba, kissing her cheeks. 

    "You know very well that I will greet my other nearby fans," he said 


    Seba smiled. "Yes, but I will not admit it." 

    "Silly boys," snapped Evanna. "Why not leave their disputes behind and 

    meet? Life would be much easier if they did. " 

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      "It is not so simple," Seba sighed. "We are bound by wires 

    destination. " 

    "We are all bound by them," Evanna said in a hollow voice, 

    sad look crossed his face. Then shook his head and rose to Vancha, who 

    He had left behind while others hunted. "Goodbye, my little baby." 

    "Let it go!" Roared aporreándole ears. 

    She laughed and kissed his nose. As I struggled and threatened, she kissed him on the 

    lips. His arms and legs relaxed and he smiled shyly when she 


    Evanna turned to Wester and Larten. The witch was not fair as the 

    first time I had seen, but did not notice Larten ugliness. 

    "It was a pleasure to meet you," she said. 

    "It was an honor, my lady," Wester said, bowing. 

    "An honor," echoed Larten, then he knelt on one knee and took 

    his dirty hand. "I would visit again at some point, if you can 

    found in his heart to give me permission. " "It's daring, this," Evanna chuckled. He dropped his hand and Larten 

    He caught her chin. He tilted his head back and looked down straight at him. 

    For a moment, he thought his eyes had changed place was isn't 

    state blue on the right side before - but then she spoke and he lost 

    interest in such trivialities. 

    "My home is my refuge from the world. There only invite a select group of my 

    closest friends. Why Would a little vampire like you? " 

    He had a feeling that if I gave the wrong answer, never 

    again see the Lady of the Wild. Trying not to worry about that, 

    He said shakily. "I'm good cleaning. If you ever wanted to take a bathroom could scrub your back. " 

    Evanna blinked slowly. Larten could see torn between laughing 

    and get the head. Fortunately for the young vampire, she chose to see the 

    funny side of the proposal. 

    "Sassy like a monkey," laughed Evanna, releasing the chin and Larten 

    showing his contempt. "An odd choice of assistant, Seba, but I 

    like. Yes, Larten Crepsley, you can visit me whenever the fancy takes you. " 

    She pressed a finger to his forehead and he felt a deep ringing in their 

    brain. "You will be able to find me whenever you want." 

    Evanna nodded politely Wester, and though he could not suppress a 

    twinge of jealousy, he smiled a genuine smile. This confirmed what 

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    I had always thought; Larten was in some way superior to him, intended 

    to great things. A Wester would have liked to be a major vampire, 

    But the world also needed the supporting actors. I did not have 

    I want to be more sense of what it was. He was happy to do the best with what 

    is that life held for him. 

    Then the witch was hunched in the distance, looking like a 

    crazy woman who had escaped from the asylum. Arra Sails and other 

    apprentices were after her, groaning as they pushed the car. 

    Larten Arra looked and smiled sympathetically. 

    "Well, gentlemen," said Seba as women left the 

    view. "We have lost many years. It's back to business more 

    urgent. Take your belongings and prepare for a rough ride. we'll go to 

    The Vampire Mountain immediately. " 

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      Part Three "It means respect."  

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    Chapter Ten 

    It was time for another Council in Vampire Mountain. The 

    vampires traveling around the world to get together with old friends, 

    challenge each other, discuss laws, tell stories and have a good time. 

    Larten and Wester were occupied in advance, helping Halls 

    Games room preparing for chaos Festival of the Dead. The pair had been permanently installed on the mountain by 

    last two years. Both had spent their tests -five Initiation 

    risky tests that all vampires were not just want to have a long time 

    after they returned to Sheba. Larten proved itself many months 

    before Wester, and he spent, but Wester almost fails. In his second test 

    He faced two wild boars that had been injected with blood 

    vampire. He managed to kill them, but one pierced him with its fangs 

    before he died and had to work hard to complete his last three 


    Wester Seba had visited before his third round and asked if  He had made peace with the gods of the vampires. Death was not anything 

    be scared if one was ready for it. Wester had nodded soberly 

    and said he could die without regrets if that was his destiny. 

    Wester Larten had called shortly after and told him that his 

    Master said. Then, in a muffled voice he said. "I lied. I want 

    make a promise. Too much to ask, and understand if you refuse, but if I die, 

    I want you to follow the track and Murlough kill me. " 

    Larten almost made the promise even though the vampaneze had 

    mercy on them when he was in his power to take their lives-but something about the 

    Wester expression stopped him. Tests of Initiation were both 

    mental and physical obstacles. If you lose your faith in you, you can be as fatal 

    like losing an arm or a leg. 

    "Mourlough is your enemy, not mine," he said coldly Larten. "If you die, 

    I will not give chase in your name. I would not ask you upload to my 

    enemies, and you should not ask. " 

    Wester had been surprised and hurt, but accepted the decision 

    Larten and sadly fought the rest of their testing, driven by its desire to 

    survival and revenge for killing his family. 

    The pair had been studying hard under the guidance of Sheba and the other 

    since then, he is taking the first steps on the long road to 

    General Vampire become. Much of his time was employed 

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    learning combat complications. Even spent entire nights 

    in the Playroom, being used to practice together, watched over by a guardian. 

    Now, one of his tutors roared them to empty a drawer full of  

    axes. "What are you waiting for? The Last Vampire arrived three hours ago. The�