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Warhammer D20: A Conversion

By Jamie Wood

CONTENTS Introduction: This document is intended as a guide for porting the rich fantasy world of Warhammer into the D20 system. It provides information on character classes, magic, creatures, etc. This guide assumes throughout that the reader has a basic knowledge of the history and background of the setting. If not, I direct you to the inumerable Warhammer related sites on the web. The Warhammer world is significantly darker and more oppressive than most standard fantasy settings, a world in which evil is overwhelming and magic unpredictable and dangerous. I hope you enjoy it. Suggestions, comments, and revisions may be sent to [email protected] Sources: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, numerous Warhammer Armies books, Mordheim, WHFRP: Realm of Devine Magick and Warhammer Sorcery book, The Warhammer World Many millenia ago, the world that would come to be called Warhammer was a wild, untamed planet, fresh from the forges of creation. The young races that dwelt there lived simple lives, in harmony with the natural elements, without knowledge of song or speech or sword. Then, an event occoured that altered the course of history and set this peaceful world down the road of strife and damnation. Ancient, incomprehensively alien creatures known only as the Old Ones came to the world on ships that sailed upon the stars. They brought with them the secrets of language, technology, and the most potent gift of all: magic. Godlike beings of incomprehensible power and knowledge, it was they who first taught the young races of elves and dwarfs language and civilization. Settling on the jungle continent of Lustria, they set about a massive programme of construction and planetary engineering, shaping the face of the world into a form more pleasing to them. Mountains were raised, rivers and valleys cut

from the earth. The orbit of the planet itself was altered to grant a more temperate and benevolent climate. The Old Ones sped the process of evolution by aeons. Greatest of their achievements was the massive, immensely powerful portal they created above the northern pole of Warhammer. This arcane device harnessed the most abstract energies of the universe and granted them their ability to travel between the stars. But there are some powers of the universe that can never truly be harnessed. The polar portal of the Old Ones gained its power from the warp, an arcane pseudo-dimension that loosely permeates our own. The fabric of the warp is pure chaos and wild possibility, unrestrained by law, space or time. It is the animating force of all reality, an invisible shadow essence that infuses all living things with the spark of creation...yet also it is the ravening, all-consuming power of destruction, death, anarchy, and the worst horrors imaginable. Such a force could never be completely subdued, even by beings as powerful as the Old Ones. A mishap of apocalyptic proportions occured, and the polar gate collapsed, showering raw chaos-stuff upon the land. The corrupting influence of chaos turned the northern reaches of the world into blasted wasteland, the dominion of mutant monsters and daemons...beings of pure hatred and malevolence, denizens of the warp given physical expression by the terrible catastrophe that had occured. The civilization of the Old Ones fell and those that were not slain abandoned Warhammer, leaving their children behind to face life on a world forever changed. The Might of Chaos Unleashed The collapse of the warp gate sent an insidious magic wind howling across the earth. Nothing touched by it remained unscathed. Aside from daemons themselves, who greedily hunger for the souls of the living and seek to draw all reality into their nightmarish home dimension, other fell creatures set upon the young races. War-hosts of mortals seduced by the power of chaos roamed the northern wastes, seeking sacrifices for their foul gods. Beastmen,

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mutants who take on the aspect of animals, began to be born of human parents. The Skaven, a race of treacherous rat-kin that evolved from vermin who gnawed on warpstone, the raw element of chaos, began to tunnel and plot beneath the earth. Trolls, minotaurs, harpies, dragon ogres, and the living dead are just some of the myriad scourges of civilization and sanity. Chaos also corrupted some of the children of the young races, creating the dark elves and chaos dwarfs. Chaos and it's dark gods are in implacable foe of all life, seeking only to dominate and devour. They cannot be reasoned with, or deterred, only temporarily beaten back as a chirugeon burns away a cancer. For the races of Warhammer, life is eternal struggle. The Nature of Magic Magic in the Warhammer world is different from other fantasy milieu, in that it is fueled by the intagible power of chaos. Magic users, whatever their allegiance, draw upon and shape the energies of the warp, a place where emotions, dreams, and nightmares comprise the only reality. Within this roiling sea of anarchic creation and destruction, the laws of the physical world are meaningless, and it is this that allows magic users, both divine and arcane, to work their miracles. But with endless possibility comes immeasurable danger: those who would tap this power must be eternally vigilant lest its warping influence consume them and they become a servant of chaos. Daemons, the natural inhabitants of the warp, feed upon the darker desires and fears of mortals, and grant powers to their followers in hopes of tempting them to greater heights of depravity and excess. The energies of the warp are like unholy radiation, always seeking to mutate, twist, and decieve. Yet, simultaneously, they are also the one true weapon against daemonkind, for the fiends can shun most physical harm. True, magic can be used for great good, but it is always dangerous to the sanity of the weak-willed: every magic-sensitive mind is like a beacon to daemons, a potential portal by which they hope to spill out to wreak havoc in the material universe. Magic users in a world such as this tend towards reclusiveness, secrecy, and paranoia, both as a result of the titanic forces they dabble with and the fear they elicit from the common people.

Geography Physically, Warhammer is an earth-like planet of mostly temperate climate and seasonal cycle. It has two main landmasses: the Old World and the New World. These two are separated by the so-called Great Ocean, in the middle of which lies the high elven island kingdom of Ulthuan. The Old World The Old World parallels Europe and Africa on Earth. It is so named because it contains most of the oldest civilizations and races present on Warhammer. Home to the golden age kingdoms of the elves and dwarfs, it is now primarily the domain of the great human kingdoms of the Empire, Brettonia, Estalia, Tilea, Araby, and Kislev. The cultural level varies between dark ages and early renaissance, a legacy of the fragmentary technological lore of the Old Ones that remains in places. It is a temperate, heavily forested land for the most part, cut with numerous rivers and rugged mountain ranges. The Northern part of the Old World, known as the Chaos Wastes, is the daemonic demesne of the hordes of Chaos. It is a howling wasteland, infused with the power of the warp by the collapse of the Old One's dimensional portal. The south and east of the Old World are desert badlands, inhabited by wild barbarian tribes, Orcs and Goblinoids, and worse. To the far east of the Old World lie the ancient and mysterious oriental realms of Cathay and Nippon, known only in legend by most of the rest of the world. The Old World is brimming with clashing cultures and races, filled with ancient history and fallen empires, and constantly torn by war. It is a forge in which heroes are made. The New World The New World consists of two continents, Lustria in the south and Naggaroth in the north, connected by a narrow isthmus. Compared to the Old World, it is mostly unsettled and unexplored, at least by humans. Lustria is the domain of the lizardmen, reptilian creatures that are the descendants of the genetically-engineered servants brought to Warhammer by the Old Ones. It is for the most part incredibly lush, impenetrable jungle, rich in

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animal and plant life. The continent has an untamed feel to it, with raging rivers, soaring mountain ranges, and other spectacular geography. Most of the secrets left behind by the Old Ones have been claimed by the jungle or are jealously guarded by the lizardmen, but that does not stop ambitious or greedy interlopers from trying to claim them. Naggaroth, on the other hand, is a frigid, chaos-blasted landscape. It consists of dark pine forests, jagged mountains, and frozen tundra. This grim terrain is the abode of the dark elves, renegades who forsook the balanced path of their kind and embraced chaos. They are slavers, torturers, and dabblers in the sorcerous arts, and are perhaps the single most malevolent and evil mortal race on Warhammer.

Characters Creating a character for a Warhammer campaign is nearly identical to the process used for any standard D&D game, with a few notable exceptions. Some races are changed significantly, and some are unavailable entirely. Certain class features are also altered. The changes are as follows. Humans Humans are the youngest and most diverse of the races of Warhammer. Compared to elves, dwarfs, or greenskins, they display a remarkable adaptability and mutability, ever changing and remaking themselves. This, combined with their natural ambition, greed, and tenacity make humans the most populous of the civilized races. Human kingdoms span every extreme, from benign feudal monarchies to renaissance aristocracy all the way to tyrannical despotism. What they lack in physical ability or natural arcane aptitude, they make up for with creativity and an ability to learn and evolve that outstrips all other mortal races. Humans and dwarfs enjoy good relations; it was the dwarfs that taught the wild tribes of man the first secrets of fire and steel, making them worthy allies in the struggle against chaos. Humans respect dwarf craftsmanship, while dwarfs value humankind as partners against the savage races. Elves, on the other hand, tend to react coldly to most humans, seeing them as a reckless and short-lived race that exists without the benefit of wisdom or

experience. They lament that the torch of civilization has been passed to a race that may be too young and immature to bear it. Humanity offers both the greatest hope for the future of Warhammer, and also the worst danger. Humans, with their boundless energy and pioneer spirit, have inherited the legacy of the elder races. However, their youthful impatience and natural lust for power means that more of them fall prey to the lure of chaos and evil than any other race. It is this fine line the human hero must walk. Regions: Humans primarily inhabit the Old World. The Empire, Brettonia, Kislev, Estalia, Tilea, Araby, Norsca, Cathay, and Nippon are the main centers of human habitation. These regions vary wildly in culture and civilization, ranging from the savage raiders of Norsca to the cultured, sophisticated dwellers of the great city-states such as Altdorf and Parravon. Human Racial Traits: humans have all the racial features detailed in the PHB. Languages: Automatic-Old Worlder [common], home region. Bonus-any. Dwarfs Of all the races of the Warhammer world, none, even the studious high elves, are as concious of history and their place in it as the dwarfs. The lore and legends of the dawi, as dwarfs are known in their language, stretch back thousands of years, appropriate for a race that values age and tradition so highly. The first dwarfs were primitive cave-dwellers, believed to have migrated to the Old World from the mountains of the Southlands. Eventually, whether through their own artifice alone or with help from the Old Ones, they developed a culture based on mining and industry, becoming the finest craftsmen in the world. In the early days of the world the dwarf empire of Karaz Ankor stretched nearly the length of the World's Edge mountains, a realm of sunless halls constantly ringing with the peal of metal on stone. With the Great Catastrophe and the coming of chaos into the world, the dwarfs abandoned the surface world completely and took shelter in their mines. They emerged to do battle alongside their allies, the elves, and eventually pushed back the first scourge of chaos after much hard fighting. However, this alliance

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was not to last. A war broke out between the dwarfs and the high elves, secretly caused by the dark elves, one which was so bitter and destructive that it forever broke much of the power of both races. The elves abandoned the Old World for Ulthuan, and the weakened dwarfs were unable to prevent the loss of much of their empire to natural disasters and a tide of greenskins from the east. This sad episode is referred to in dwarf history as the time of woes. Some maintain that the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were caused by treacherous skaven sorcery, others say it was the terraforming experiments of the Slaan mage-priests of Lustria were responsible. Regardless, the broken fortifications of Karak Ankor could not hold back the tide of skaven and greenskins and many strongholds were lost. To the dwarfs, who never forget a slight, the fall of their empire is an almost unbearable shame. Those that remain cling tenaciously to their holdings, ever yearning for a return to the greatness of old. Dwarfs, as a race, are about a foot and a half shorter than the human average, but of comparable weight because of their stocky, strong builds. They have thick, stout limbs and great reserves of stamina and toughness brought about by their spartan lifestyle of underground labour. They tend towards darker skin tones than the average human, with coarser hair and long, impressive beards which they never shave or trim. Dwarf society is based on respect and honour. They respect age, wealth, and skill above all things. The value of any individual dwarf is measured by the greatness of his household and the quality of the heirlooms he leaves behind. Indeed, dwarf craftsmen see their works as a form of immortality that will outlive them, and as such lavish unbelievable attention to detail upon them. Dwarf crafts, like dwarfs themselves, are built to last. While the personal appearance of a dwarf may be conservative and staid, his belongings, particularly weapons and armour, will often be ornamented to a level other races find garish. The dwarf notion of honour is tied to one's works, standing, and family. The misdeeds of one dwarf reflect socially upon all his kinsfolk, possibly because of the impossibility of escaping blame in the close quarters in which they live. Dwarf society abhors laziness, romanticism, disrespect to elders or tradition, and slipshod work. For this reason, all dwarfs protect their personal and family honour with a fanatic's zeal. Some dwarfs who are

dishonoured in a particularly traumatic way, such as failure in love or the loss of one's house and title, will take the oath of the slayer. They induct themselves into a bizarre cult of solitary berserkers who, abandoning all possessions, wander the world seeking glorious death in battle as penance for their real or imagined misdeeds. These unhinged individuals have no fear of death, and scorning armour, take on the biggest, most dangerous foes they can find, such as trolls, dragons, and the like. Some even survive. The dwarfs have an extremely long memory, particularly for insults and betrayal, and they may delay justice but never abandon it. Hence, dwarfs are deadly foes once provoked, as almost every race in the Warhammer world can attest. To this day the dwarfs have a fiery hatred for greenskins and hold all elves as oathbreakers. In war, they apply the same discipline and organization that they use in work, and are fearsome opponents despite their low numbers. If anything, the worst enemy of the dwarfs is their own infertility; dwarf females are few and many are barren. Dwarfs are stubborn, traditionalist, and logical. These same things that give them a resistance to the powers of arcane magic make them unable to harness them as other races can. At it's heart, all magic is fuelled by chaos, and the dwarf mind rejects chaos instinctually. Only the dawi'zharr, the warped chaos dwarfs, can practice true magic. Dwarf wizards and sorcerors do not exist. What they cannot wield themselves, however, they infuse into their crafts in the form of magic runes of great potency[to represent this, the gnome artificier class from Magic of Faerun can be used to create Dwarf Engineer characters, waiving the spellcasting requirement]. The dwarfs are renowned as makers of the greatest magic weapons and armour in the Warhammer World. The Hammer of Sigmar, hereditary symbol of the Empire, is of dwarven make, gifted to the race of men long ago when Sigmar rescued the dwarf king Kurgan. To this day, the dwarfs are staunch allies of the race of men. It is they who taught them the secrets of metalworking and gunpowder, to better combat the forces of chaos the dwarfs themselves were unable to stop. Regions: the remaining dwarf strongholds lie within the Grey Mountains separating Bretonnia from the Empire, the Black Mountains in the south separating the Empire from the region of

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the Border Princes and the Badlands, and the World's Edge Mountains to the east of the Empire and Kislev. Some of the larger strongholds include Karak Norn, Karak Azul, Karak Kadrin, Karaz-a-Karak, and Zhufbar. Wandering dwarfs, usually landless refugees from lost strongholds or their descendants, are relatively common throughout the Old World, making a decent living as craftsmen and miners. These dwarfs want more than anything to return to their ancestral homes and reclaim their lost inheritance. Alignment: usually lawful good. Dwarf society values order, obediance, and teamwork. Religion: Dwarf pantheon Language: khazalid, a coarse and choppy language, better suited to barking commands and working songs than high prose. The khazalid alphabet consists of angular runes designed to be carved easily into rock. Dwarf Racial Traits: As PHB, except the following: -+4 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Cha -grudge: all charisma based checks made by elves to influence dwarfs are made at a -2 penalty. -no dodge bonus vs. giants -recieve endurance as a bonus feat -dwarfs do not take movement penalties when wearing armour. -Automatic Languages: khazalid, Old Worlder. Bonus languages: Orrakh, Terran, any Empire provincial languages, Norscan, Slavic. Chaos Dwarfs The people who call themselves the Dawi'Zharr [Dwarfs of Fire] are renegade dwarfs who have become corrupted by the power of chaos. They are the descendants of dwarf prospectors who, in their relentless search for the treasures of the earth, settled far to the east of the World's Edge mountains in the bleak deserts known as Zorn Uzkul, "Great Skull Land". When the Great Catastrophe occoured, these dwarf colonies lacked the underground

strongholds of the western dwarfs and were fully exposed to the corrupting winds of chaos that blew across the planet. Even the magic-resistant dwarfs could not completely shrug off the power of chaos, and the Dawi'Zharr changed, becoming a twisted reflection of regular dwarf society. Where dwarfs are acquisitive, chaos dwarfs are greedy to such an extreme that they constantly require more slaves to keep their strip mines going. Their whole society revolves around stripping the land bare to create more weapons and diabolical engines of destruction. They are paranoid, aggressive, xenophobic, and pompously convinced of their own superiority. Chaos dwarfs care nothing for causes, going to war instead as a means of securing more slaves for the hellish obsidian pits that litter nearly every horizontal surface of their volcanic homeland. The power of chaos allows them to become sorcerors, who are the leaders of their civilization. They wield great power, but at the price of a peculiar mutation, perhaps the result of their dwarf physiology rebelling against the unnatural powers coursing through it: as a chaos dwarf sorceror ages, he gradually begins to petrify, starting at the feet and moving upward. Eventually he will be immobilized, and ultimately, become yet another statue lining the road to Zharr Naggrund, the chaos dwarf capitol. Physically, chaos dwarfs are similar to regular dwarfs in most respects, save that they all have coal-black hair and beards. Their skin tones tend to be darker and greyer, and the warping power of chaos occasionally manifests in the form of horns, cloven hoofs instead of feet, and prominent tusks growing from the lower jaw. Some mutants, known as bull centaurs, retain the upper body of a chaos dwarf and gain the lower torso of a fierce red bull. Chaos dwarfs favour red, black, and burnished metal, and dress in a baroque, babylonian style. Regions: East of the Mountains of Mourn lies the Plain of Zharr, amidst an expanse of desert wasteland known to outsiders as the Dark Lands. The homeland of the chaos dwarfs teems with mines and workshops, both above and below ground, surrounded by inumerable hovels of the slaves that outnumber the chaos dwarfs by many times. The land is a tortured hellscape, honeycombed with slag heaps, played-out strip mines, slave pens holding thousands of beings in the most squalid conditions, and gigantic forges and steamworks ceaselessly belching poisonous

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black smoke. The sun is almost never seen in this place. The filth and industrial effluvient of this nightmare realm is carried south by the River Ruin, which winds through a polluted landscape habitable only by mutants and the undead. Alignment: usually lawful evil. Chaos dwarfs still hold the values of their forebears, although in mutated form. Craftsmanship, ownership, power, domination, and tyranny are upheld in their society. Religion: the chaos dwarfs revere a deity of fire and darkness called Hashut, who is usually depicted as a great red bull with hooves and horns of black iron, who's nostrils belch smoke and flame. This deity demands sacrifice, both of precious stones and living beings, who are pitched into vats of molten metal to the grim amusement of his clergy. Language: khazalid. Chaos Dwarf Racial Traits: As PHB, except as follows: -+4 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Wis. Chaos dwarfs are more inclined to sorcery than their western cousins, but are reckless in pursuit of their goals and inconsiderate of the consequences of their actions. -no dodge bonus against giants -no bonus to save vs spells and spell-like effects -chaos dwarfs have a bite attack that inflicts 1d4 piercing damage. -recieve endurance as a bonus feat -chaos dwarfs do not take movement penalties when wearing armour. -petrification: chaos dwarfs with arcane spellcasting levels gradually begin to turn to stone. For every two levels with arcane spellcasting ability, a chaos dwarf character gains one point of natural AC bonus and loses a point of dexterity. For every three arcane spellcaster levels, the character loses 5 ft. from its base speed score. Once reduced to zero movement, the character must be moved around by other means. -Automatic Languages: khazalid, Orrakh. Bonus Languages: Dark Tongue, Old Worlder, Draconic, Skaven, Terran. Elves

Elves are the elder race of the world, nearly as ancient and inscrutable as the Old Ones themselves. They possess an almost supernatural grace and bearing, the product of their near agelessness. Within the elven soul is a strange duality: on the one hand, they are cerebral and withdrawn, given to an imperious coldness, especially among the younger races. On the other, they are creatures of fiery passions that burn with an intensity beyond which any human can comprehend. This is both a blessing and a curse; elven art, crafts, and literature are incredibly lush and filled with elegant beauty, but at the same time a deep darkness rests within the spirit of the race. An elf that loves does so with a depth and sincerity equalled by none. An elf that hates does so with chilling, unquenchable ruthlessness. This is the inner struggle all the fair folk must endure. The passionate nature of the race, combined with their innate magical aptitude, made them perfect conduits for chaos to enter the physical world. Indeed, elves were the first to be tempted by the sinister chaos god Slaanesh. This eventually led to the Sundering, in which the elves split into three sub-races: the high, wood, and dark elves. Each espouses a different philosophy: the high elves seek to control their inner fire via asceticism and contemplation, while the wood elves embrace their wilder, more primitive origins and attempt to control their negative emotions via natural catharsis. The dark elves, on the other hand, have fully succumbed to chaos and are counted amongst its most fiendish and terrible servants. Elves look upon other races as adults look upon children. Their near-immortality gives them a long view that tends to overlook the mutability of things in the short term, and so they habitually stereotype others. Humans are considered impatient, brash, and dangerously ambitious. The elves once shared a great alliance with the dwarfs, but this was shattered by a conflict known as the War of the Beard many thousands of years ago, a struggle that grievously weakened both peoples and left them cold and suspicious towards each other to this day. Since they know the price of corruption better than most, the elves look upon the servants of chaos and the savage races with cold, merciless hatred. To play an elf, one should embrace the idea of an elder race in decline. Elven passions run deep in both directions: their sveldt beauty

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and ageeless grace are tempered by a deep, abiding sorrow for the things they have lost. The greatest difference between Warhammer elves and those of the standard D&D universe is their effective immortality: unless they die by violence or mishap, elves appear to be immune to the effects of aging upon reaching adulthood. The oldest elves alive today count their years in the thousands. The only exception to this is those elves who grow tired of mortal life, either due to boredom, great emotional distress, or a feeling of completion, typically caused by the fulfillment of a lifelong quest. These individuals abandon their immortality willingly and pass on quickly and painlessly. Regardless of subtype, elves never suffer attribute penalties for aging. High Elves High elves are the most widespread and populous elven race. Residing primarily on their island kingdom of Ulthuan, they maintain trading posts all over the known world. A seafaring culture, their influence is out of all proportion to their small numbers, yet but a shadow of their former glory. The high elves see themselves as the keepers of the balance, living a life of refined culture and ascetic contemplation. They know all too well the price of allowing the chaotic passions of their race to run wild, and strive to control their dark inheritance through stoic asceticism and intellectual contemplation. They are probably the most magically adept race in the world, and the arcane arts permeate elven society. The high elves were responsible for the vortex, utilizing obscure knowledge derived from the Old Ones to create a magical syphon for the chaotic energies unleashed by the great catastrophe, thus saving Warhammer from destruction. It was they who taught the young race of man the secrets of magic, albeit a diluted form of what they consider proper, "high" magic. Physically, they are taller than the human average, with graceful, willowy builds. High elves tend towards paleness and prefer clothing of brilliant deep colours, accentuated by elaborate inlays and jewelry. Regions: Ulthuan, Arnheim [Northern New World], Citadel of Dusk [Southern tip of Lustria], Fortress of Dawn [Southern tip of the Southlands], numerous trading posts throughout the civilized lands.

Alignment: usually lawful neutral. High elves consider themselves the guardians of order and balance in the world, as the inheritors of the legacy of the Old Ones. Other races often see this as patronizing and arrogant in the extreme, but the high elves, remote in their island fastnesses, are unmoved. It is difficult indeed to sway the worldview of a society that is essentially timeless. Religion: elven pantheon, mainly Asuryan. Language: elven [eltharin]. This musical, high-toned language is rich in subtlety and inference, short on straightforward declaratives and imperatives. It's written form is similar to modern asian languages in that it is composed of ideographs that can convey several different meanings [and shades of meaning] depending on context. Nonelves can learn enough of elven to get by, but rarely live long enough to truly master it. High Elven Racial Traits: As PHB, except the following. - +4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int -Base speed 40 feet -Automatic Languages: Elven and Old Worlder. Bonus Languages: Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Sylvan. -Level Adjustment: +1 Wood Elves Where high elves pursue lives of sophistication and refinement, wood elves represent a return to a simpler, more rustic existance. The wood elves are the descendants of high elven colonists from Ulthuan who have chosen to live closer to nature, in a fashion similar to the elves before the arrival of the Old Ones. Wood elves prefer the peace and tranquility of the deep forest to the subtle intrigues and hedonism of the high elven kingdoms. They are content to harness the primal magic of the earth, being suspicious of all other arcane traditions as potential wellsprings of chaos. The wood elves possess a deeply intuitive connection with the land, living as hunter gatherers. They are generally loathe to leave their forests, and take little interest in the

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world outside. Peaceful travellers through wood elven territory usually never see them; those who mean harm to the forest typically meet swift, silent death by their deadly longbows. Wood elves are physically identical to high elves, and favour clothing of earthy colours and subtle ornamentation. Their crafts are rougher than their high elven kin, but more suitable to rugged life in the forest. Regions: Athel Loren, a massive, untamed forest to the west of the grey mountains between Bretonnia and the Empire, is the homeland of the wood elves. It is drained by the Upper Grismerie and Brienne rivers. All wood elves pay homage to Orion and Ariel, believed to be the living incarnations of the gods Kurnuous and Isha, but are only really ruled by them in times of war or emergency. Normally, the highest political authority the elves submit themselves to is that of the glade, which represents small tribal units of no more than a few hundred. Several glades exist: Ash Groves, Beech Glade, Birch Glade, King's Glade, Meadow Glades, Pine Crags, the Wild Heath, Yew Groves, etc. There is a smaller contingent of Wood Elves in the Laurelorn forest in the Empire province of Nordland, along the coast of the sea of claws. Alignment: usually chaotic good. Wood elves reject the ways of their more cosmopolitan high elf cousins in favour of individual freedom and harmony with the natural world. Religion: only two deities of the elven pantheon are commonly worshipped by the wood elves: Kurnuous, god of the hunt, and Isha, goddess of the earth. Worship of the druidic Old Faith is also common. Language: eltharin, but with a much greater emphasis placed on verbal tradition over the written word. Wood Elf Racial Traits: As PHB, except the following: -+4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis. Wood elves rely more on intuition and instict than do their more erudite high elven cousins. -Base speed 40 feet -Automatic Languages: Eltharin and Old Worlder. Bonus Languages: Breton, Tilean, Reikspiel, Sylvan

-Favoured Class: Ranger -Level Adjustment: +1 Dark Elves Dark elves are the twisted offspring of the losers in the great elven civil war. The mastermind behind this schism within the noble elven race was Malekith, son of Aenarion, first Phoenix King of Ulthuan. Though Aenarion was the saviour of the elves during the first great war against chaos, his bloodline was poisoned when he took up the sword of Khaine, elven god of blood and murder. Although it made him a nigh-unstoppable champion of his people, it also awakened the secret longing for blood and slaughter that hides within every elven soul. Aenarion became grim and ruthless, taking the witch-seer Morathi as his wife. Their one son was Malekith. Fearing the mark of Khaine that was obvious in such an ill-starred offspring, Malekith was forbidden the Phoenix throne upon his father's death. Outwardly, he was magnanimous and charitable, but secretly he nursed burning hatred and envy of those who had stolen his birthright out of fear of the power he possessed. Raising an army of malcontents from the province of Naggarythe, he ousted the elected Phoenix King Bel-Shanarr and plunged himself into the Sacred Flame of Asur to assume the throne. The spirit of Asuryan rejected the usurper, however, and he was horribly burned, both physically and spiritually. He and his followers fled to the sinister continent of Naggaroth [lit. "Place of Chill"] in the west, and began a ferocious war of terror and annihilation that has raged openly and in the shadows unchecked for 7000 years. Regions: Naggaroth. The bulk of the small dark elven population live in the six great towers they have erected amidst the icy wastelands of their homeland. They are Naggarond, capitol of the Witch-King Malekith, Har-Ganeth, City of Executioners, Ghrond, the north tower on the border of the chaos wastes, Karond Kar, the tower of despair, Hag Graef, the dark crag, and Clar Karond, base of the dark elven slaving fleet. Alignment: usually chaotic evil. Dark elven society knows no power save fear, no bonds save slavery, and no loyalty except the kind that causes backs to sprout poisoned daggers. Treachery and scheming are a way of life which the dark elves don't simply pursue out of

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ruthlessness or necessity. They actually seem to enjoy committing evil, repulsive acts for their own sake. Religion: one god remains to the dark elves, the one that is responsible for their poisonous bloodline: Khaine, bloody-handed lord of carnage and murder. Khaine exults in wild passions, betrayal, insanity, and sadism. Veneration of any other deity is met with swift, brutal death at the hands of the witch-elves, fanatic handmaidens of the church of Khaine. Language: corrupted eltharin, with every word and phrase inflected towards it's most sinister and hateful implication. Other elves can understand about 75% of this tongue, if they can overcome their revulsion to doing so. Dark Elf Racial Traits: As PHB, except the following: -+4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha. Dark elves retain the fleetness and frailty of their progenitors, but have a greater natural affinity for sorcery because of their relentless emotional energy and uninhibited passions. -base speed 40 feet -Automatic Languages: corrupt eltharin and Dark Tongue. Bonus Languages: Old Worlder, Lizardman, Skaven, Draconic. -Favoured Class: sorceror -Level Adjustment: +1 Gnomes Gnomes in the Warhammer world are an extremely rare and secretive people related to the more widespread dwarfs. About 500 years before the present day, they were mostly confined to a string of settlements in the hills south of the Black Mountains, where they engaged in commerce with the Border Princes. This came to an end with a massive greenskin invasion which wiped out most gnome habitation and drove the surviors into exile. Now, the few remaining gnomes make a living as craftsmen, moneylenders, and merchants within the human and dwarf kingdoms. Psychologically, gnomes are known for their quirky and well-developed sense of humour. Gnomes would rather chuckle and make jests at an adversary than fight him. They always seem to be smiling to themselves about some private joke that's simply to great to

share with others. This causes the more serious races to occasionally become exasperated with their secretive and clannish nature, but almost everyone is willing to put up with it in exchange for access to gnomish goods. Like their cousins the dwarfs, the gnomes are skilled miners and craftsmen, favouring jewelwork and other more peaceable trades than their mountain kin. Gnome society emphasizes loyalty to one's family and trade guild, entrepreneurship, secrecy to outsiders, and not taking things to seriously. Many young gnomes without a direction in life are filled with wanderlust and travel wherever the road takes them, getting into mischief and adventures before [hopefully] settling down. Given their tendencies, it is not surprising that most adventuring gnomes are rogues, bards, and/or illusionists. Regions: the gnomes have one major settlement of their own, the last remnant of their old kingdom. Called Bleakbearing, it is a tunnel-city in the foothills of the Black Mountains. Most other gnomes either wander the human or dwarf kingdoms, or live in the tiny gnomish enclaves present in the larger cities of the Old World. Alignment: usually chaotic good. Gnomes share the devotion to family and duty of dwarfs, but place a much higher emphasis on personal freedom and creativity. Religion: [unknown: I cannot find any official sources that specify gnomish deities] Gnome Racial Traits: as PHB, except the following: Half-Elves So far as is known, elves and humans cannot interbreed in Warhammer. Half-Orcs Humans and Orcs cannot breed due to their wildly different physiologies. Halflings Halflings are an offshoot subrace of humans in the world of warhammer, sharing most of their cultural and physical traits, except, of course, size. The halfling homeland lies in the south of the Empire, between the imperial

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heartlands and the border princes, and is called the Moot. This expanse of rolling hills and pleasant farmland is a mostly peaceful place, shielded by mountains on three sides, and generations of easy living makes most halflings more inclined to agriculture and feasting than war or sorcery. However, the odd malcontent does take up the life of an adventurer from time to time. Halfling Racial Traits: As PHB, except the following: -halflings recieve a -2 penalty, rather than bonus, to saves vs. fear. -the +1 missile weapon bonus applies to all such weapons, not just thrown ones. -halflings recieve a +2 bonus to profession [cook] and to any check involving the senses of taste or smell. -Automatic Languages: Old Worlder. Bonus Languages: Orrakh, khazalid, any imperial languages. Greenskins Imagine a society that knows no lasting fear, no predjudice, no divisive class struggles. Imagine a society in which every member knows his purpose and place in the world and is basically content in that. There you have the Orcs. Unfortunately for the rest of the Old World, the purpose of every single Orc is simple: warfare. More than any other species, Orcs are bred for battle. Some outcast scholars claim that they may be the result of an experiment by the Old Ones to create the perfect soldiers that went wrong. For were it not for the inherently chaotic, disorganized nature of orc society, no nation would stand against them for long. Orcs are the dominant species in a genus known collectively as the greenskins , which also includes the smaller, weaker Goblins and the tiny, animalistic Snotlings. Physically, they average about 6 feet tall, being considerably stockier than a human of comparable height. They have skin that ranges from a light ferny green amongst the snotlings and goblins, to near-black amongst the black orcs. They have a feral and prehistoric look, with thick, knotty limbs that hang down to the knees in some cases, stubby fingers, and thick, bony brows. Underhanging jaws hold masses of sharp, tusk-

like teeth. Their eyes are deep-set, beady and red, and they are hairless. The entire physiology of a greenskin is keyed towards survival under the most unforgiving circumstances. They have extremely strong bones and thick skulls. The heart, spine, and other vital areas are protected by thick ridges of bone and cartilage to absorb blows that would fell the mightiest human. The greenskin physiology is very tolerant of temperature extremes and can digest nearly any organic material, making them the single most widespread species on Warhammer. They are also extremely resistant to mutation and the warping influence of chaos, being already pretty chaotic as it is. Orcs have dull senses, are slow to react to pain, and seem mostly impervious to fatigue, depression, and angst, always pursuing everything with the same simple-minded vigor. Even the orc reproductive system seems designed for survival no-matter-what, as they are asexual creatures that reproduce via fungal spores that can grow anywhere and lay dormant for decades if need be. What they lack in intellect they make up for with brute strength and animal cunning. Orcs scoff at the ways of humans, considering the trappings of civilization to be weak, preferring rule by the strongest and largest as the natural way of things. Orc psychology reinforces this by making greenskins naturally obedient to larger and more dominant ones, while simultaneously plotting to usurp them. This constant power struggle is the natural order of things as far as greenskins are concerned, and orcs feel no ill-will towards any other orc who bests them fair and square. [Note that in greenskin society, a club to the back of the head is considered just as fair and square as a punch in the jaw.] In this way, particularly powerful individuals tend to build up huge followings that stretch the human kingdoms to the breaking point, only to disintegrate when infighting inevitably sets in. Orcs seem to know no fear as long as they are winning, giving in to a sort of gestalt racial conciousness that drives them inexorably to conquer and despoil. They aren't really that interested in plunder, either. Rather, it is the raw chaotic energy of marching behind a banner and fighting the good fight that they crave. Although chaotic by nature, greenskins are not aligned with the forces of chaos. Indeed, they aren't aligned with anyone, even themselves. They all seem perfectly content to make war on whomever is at hand, including other greenskins, siding with the dark forces as

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often as they fight against them. War, to an orc, is life. It is rare that a greenskin will be independant-minded enough to take up the life of an adventurer, but some have been known to join the more larcenous mercenary companies and bandit kingdoms, if only for a change of pace. Regions: Greenskins are everywhere. From the Chaos Wastes in the north to the desolate wastelands of the south and everywhere in between, greenskins seem to thrive regardless of any attempts by man or nature to hold them back. They seem to prefer mountainous regions or deep forests, probably because they offer a multitude of hiding places from which to launch their raids on civilization. A sub-species known as Black Orcs live primarily to the east of the World's Edge mountains, and are the result of experiments by the Chaos Dwarfs to make their greenskin slaves more controllable and obedient. As a result, they are much more organized than other greenskins and seek to dominate them. Some remote tribes of greenskins have gone feral, scorning armour and wielding weapons of stone and bone. These savage orcs live in isolated jungles and wastelands throughout the Old and New Worlds, led by a mysterious cabal of fanatic shamans. There are two main cultural subgroups of goblins. The Night Goblins live underground, having adapted themselves well to subterranean existance. Most of them live in captured dwarf holds in the World's Edge mountains, where they war continuously with the stout folk and the skaven for control of the world below. Night Goblins cultivate many strange mushrooms and fungi. Most of these are used as food, but some rarer varieties, such as the notorious Mad Cap, are ingested by Night Goblin fanatics and shamans before battle to grant them the blessing of Mork and Gork. Forest Goblins resemble Savage Orcs, in that they live in forests and jungles in close harmony with nature. They domesticate giant spiders and venerate a strange spider-god that they claim gives them mysterious powers. In most other respects they are normal goblins. Alignment: usually chaotic neutral, except for black orcs, who are usually lawful evil as a result of their mutation by the chaos dwarfs. Religion: Mork and Gork are the twin gods of the greenskins. Gork, the warrior god, laughs

like the beating of a hundred war-drums at the puny blows of his enemies and then crushes them with his mighty club. Gork, god of treachery and cunning, waylays his foes without warning and defeats them with a dirty blow. This two-deity "pantheon" is considered the ultimate duality by greenskins. To them, strength and cunning are the principal forces of the world, not good and evil or law and chaos. Language: Orrakh, an extremely simplistic tongue that uses crude pictographs as a form of writing. When spoken by orcs it is slow and deep, while the goblin version is fast and high pitched. Greenskin Racial Traits: Orcs: -+4 con, +2 str, -2 dex, -2 int, -2 wis. Orcs are unbelievably resilient but slow-witted and clumsy. -medium size -base speed 30 feet -darkvision 60 feet -+2 to saving throws vs. poisons and diseases. Orcs are supremely resistant to the natural hazards of virtually any environment. -growth: like plants, Orcs never stop growing as long as they have a steady intake of food. The older an Orc gets, the bigger and tougher he becomes. To represent this, Orc characters gain ability score increases every three levels, as opposed to four for other races. These points must go into strength or constitution, however. -bite: Orcs recieve a bite attack, 1d4 piercing damage. -Automatic Languages: Orrakh, Old Worlder. Bonus Languages: Imperial dialects, khazalid, Breton, Dark Tongue. -Favoured Class: barbarian. Black Orcs: fighter. Character Classes in Warhammer Barbarians: Civilization is the exception rather than the rule on Warhammer. The bulk of the world is made up of inhospitable, if not actively hostile, wilderness. It is these lands that barbarians typically come from. Indifferent to civilized comforts and hardened to the rigours of life on the road, barbarians make ideal adventurers. Human Barbarians come from the frozen land of Norsca in the north, or the strange and isolationist domain of Kislev. The deranged religious fanatics known as flagellants also

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produce individuals with barbarian class levels. It is extremely rare that an elf will choose this path, the only subrace known to occasionally do so being the wood elves. Among the savage humanoids, Orcs and Saurus Lizardmen are frequently barbarians. The fiercest and most dangerous barbarians, however, are the warbands that worship chaos, especially Khorne, dread lord of battle and slaughter. Bards: Virtually every intelligent race in Warhammer produces bards of one type or another. Some, like humans and elves, love music for it's own sake; others, like dark elves and the undead use music simply to terrify their foes. Human music is as varied as the race itself. High elven music is sombre and serene, subtly hinting rather than loudly declaring as other races might. Wood elves admire music that emulates wind whispering through the trees and the soft patter of raindrops. Dark elven music is shrill and harsh with a sinuous and suggestive tone, evoking images of pain and perverted pleasure intertwined. Dwarf music is extremely slow and dirgelike, with repetitive chanting. Orc bards prefer loud drums above all other instruments and make up for their lack of finesse with tireless enthusiasm and volume. Clerics: All divine magic in the Warhammer world derives from deities, immeasurably ancient warp entities who reward the piety of their mortal followers with magical power. All clerics are followers of a specific deity, not any abstract concept such as good or evil. Clerics are most common among dwarfs and humans, for whom religious devotion comes most strongly, but theoretically any intelligent being could be granted divine spellcasting ability if his belief is sincere. Druids: druids in warhammer have no organization or worldwide hierarchy as they do in other worlds. Rather, they have a personal, intuitive connection with the spirits of the earth, whom they strive to protect and advocate. Amongst humans, druids are sometimes called wizards of the jade college, despite the fact that there is no formal organization devoted to the art. Some druids take the role of benevolent protector of a stretch of wilderness, others as neutral, solitary hermits, and others as heartless embodiments of the arbitrary cruelty of nature. Most are followers of the Old Faith, Taal, or Rhya. In civilized lands, druidic magic is often

wrongly associated with witchcraft and as such treated with hostility and suspicion, furthering the druid's hermitic tendencies. Almost all druids are humans or wood elves. Some Savage Orc shamans also possess druidic powers. Fighters: Fighters are the single most common character class in Warhammer. Every race produces skilled warriors who tackle adversity with weapons drawn. Some examples of famous fighter organizations include the Reiksguard Knights of the Empire, the high elven sword masters of Hoeth and Dragon Princes of Caledor, Skaven Stormvermin, and dark elf Executioners. These and many other elite fighting orders are at the forefront of every battle in the Warhammer world, and many of their veterans take up an adventuring career. The Empire also produces Pit Fighters, men who fight as gladiators in illegal deathmatches for the entertainment of decadent nobility. Many of the most dangerous lords of chaos have fighter levels as well. Monks: the exotic skills of the monk are mostly unknown in Warhammer. These abilities are possessed by only a few; the mysterious, reclusive human realms of Cathay and Nippon in the far east, as well as the deadly assasins of the Skaven clan Eshin are the only known keepers of the weaponless art. Some cultural exchange between Cathay and the Old World has begun as a result of Tilean merchants trading gold for silk and spices, and as such it is feasible that Old Worlder monks could begin to appear. The High Elves also trade with Cathay, and they may have access to this knowledge as well. Paladins: these stalwart holy warriors are almost always Bretonnian knights whose patron is the Lady of the Lake. They alone have the righteous determination and chivalry to walk the Paladin's path. Under exceptional circumstances a character from the Empire might become a Templar of Sigmar, but that character would have to be exceptionally strong in his faith to gain such a blessing. Rangers: rangers exist wherever wilderness holds sway. They are rugged outdoorsmen accustomed to surviving on their own, and make excellent spies and scouts. Chameleon Skinks are frequently rangers, as are Savage Orcs, Forest Goblins, and Wood Elf waywatchers. High Elves from the mountainous kingdom of Chrace, as well as the famed Shadow Warriors

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of Naggarythe, are often rangers. Certain Dwarfs with an affinity for the deep places of the world and special skill in combating the terrors that lurk there are rangers as well. In Warhammer, Rangers do not automatically possess skill with two-weapon fighting; it is suggested they recieve a bonus feat at first and second level instead. Rogues: rogues are the classic everyman hero. Without the skill at arms of warriors or the power of wielders of magic, they must get by in life on their wits. Any society where people tell lies and do things they shouldn't has rogues, thus they are the second most common character class. While most rogues are petty thieves or bandits, some are scouts with military training, political rabble-rousers, or diplomats. It takes a thief to catch one, and so many who follow the path of law have rogue levels as well. The larger human cities typically house thieve's guilds of varying levels of ruthlessness, depending on both the local character and the thoroughness of law enforcement. These organizations are extremely territorial, often enforce their own codes of conduct, and tend to whistle nonchalantly when an independent operator has a fatal "accident" on their turf. Sorcerors: Sorcery is inherently dangerous in the Warhammer world. Unlike wizardry, which seeks to control and shape the raw forces of chaos through discipline and method, sorcery embraces the chaotic wind that blows through all things at their most primal level. Virtually all arcane spellcasters in the service of the chaos gods are sorcerors rather than wizards. In most civilized lands, those who exhibit sorcerous powers are viewed with hostile suspicion at best, and outright persecution at worst. In the Empire, these individuals are [rightly] seen as potential vessels for chaos, and so are ruthlessly purged by flagellants, priests of Sigmar, and the Witch Hunters. This persecution often drives those born with the sorcerous taint into the wilderness, where the lure of chaos is ever present. Humans, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarfs, Beastmen, Daemons, and Skaven are all commonly sorcerors. I have found sorcerors underpowered compared to other character classes and as such give them d6 hit dice and 4 skill points per level. This seems reasonable considering they don't have to spend time learning magic and can focus on other things.

Wizards: wizardry is the controlled, disciplined harnessing of the power of magic. It originated from the Old Ones, who taught it to the Lizardmen Slaan Mage-Priests and the High Elves, ushering in a golden age for both civilizations in the distant past. From there knowledge of the art of magic passed to humans, who divided "pure" magic as practiced by the elder races into colleges with varying specialties [see Magic section]. Although not as inherently dangerous as sorcery, the wizard must still be cautious with the forces he wields, for no matter what his motive, at the heart of things all magic has its wellspring in the power of chaos, which always seeks to corrupt and control anything it touches. Some wizards also fall victim to the classic mortal fear of death, and turn to necromancy in order to cheat that fate. Either road leads to only one destination: eternal torment and damnation. New Character Class: Savage The Savage is like the barbarian in many ways. He too is a warrior who draws upon his fiery emotions to drive himself in battle. However, the Savage is even more extreme in his devotion to carnage: for whatever reason, he refuses to wear armour. In the case of the Dwarf Slayers, it is because of their devotion to a heroic death to achieve redemption. For the doomed prophets of the Empire known as flagellants, it is because of their masochistic need to suffer and feel the purification of pain. The frenzied female servants of Khaine, the witch elves, are another example of those who have at least some levels in this class.In the case of the Savage Orcsor the Night Goblin fanatics, it is simply because they are either too primitive or too unhinged to understand or use armour at all! The Savage survives through brute strength, perseverance, the fear he causes in more right-minded individuals, and, some say, the blessing of the gods, who watch over those who sacrifice so much in their name. In any case, the Savage is presented here as either a potent NPC or for players who want to play a character who's not quite right in the head and willing to risk their skin because of it. Hit Dice: D12 Class Skills: the Savage's class skills [and the key abilities for each skill] are as follows: Climb [str], Intimidate [cha], Jump [str], Listen [wis],

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Spot [wis], Swim [str], Tumble [dex], and Wilderness Lore [wis].

Skill points per level: 2+int modifier

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Bonus Special 1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 AC Savage's Oath, bonus feat 2 +2 +3 +3 +3 improved charge, fearsome 3 +3 +3 +3 +3 uncanny dodge 4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +2 AC DR 1/- 5 +5 +4 +4 +4 bonus feat 6 +6/+1 +5 +5 +5 unflankable 7 +7/+2 +5 +5 +5 8 +8/+3 +6 +6 +6 +3 AC DR 2/- 9 +9/+4 +6 +6 +6 10 +10/+5 +7 +7 +7 bonus feat 11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +7 12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +8 +4 AC DR 3/- 13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +8 14 +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +9 15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +9 bonus feat 16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +10 +5 AC DR 4/- 17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +11 19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +11 20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +12 +6 AC bonus feat, DR 5/- Savage Class Features: Weapons and Armour Proficiency: the Savage is proficient in all simple and martial weapons. The Savage has no proficiency with any type of armour or shields. Savage's Oath: the character takes an oath upon entering the savage class. Whatever it's origin or type, it forever prohibits the character from wearing armour or using shields of any kind. Violating this oath causes the character to lose all special abilities of the Savage class until he atones properly, DM's discretion. In addition, the Savage's disregard for his own safety and/or morbid death-wish prevents him from making use of any magic item that gives a bonus to AC, and he must attempt a save against any spell or spell-like affect that attempts to do so to him. The only exception is spells and items that grant a natural AC bonus such as barkskin. Defense Bonus: the Savage learns quickly to avoid the blows of his enemies if he hopes to survive given the restrictions of his oath. Apply this bonus as a dodge modifier to AC. It is lost any time the character loses his dex modifier in combat.

Bonus Feat: choose one bonus feat from the fighter list at first level and each indicated level thereafter. Improved Charge: the Savage no longer takes a -2 AC penalty when charging. Fearsome: apply 1/2 of the character's Savage levels to intimidate checks. Uncanny Dodge: the character is never caught flat-footed as per the rogue ability of the same name. DR: the Savage acquires damage reduction at the listed value as a result of his deadened sense of pain, horrific scarring, etc. Unflankable: the character can no longer be flanked, as a rogue. Character Equipment by Region If desired, the DM may permit PCs to choose one of the equipment options available to starting characters to give some regional flavour. Araby: 1.light warhorse, bit, bridle, and military saddle; 2. masterwork shortbow or scimitar; 3. potions of resist elements [fire] and pass without trace.

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Bretonnia: 1. heavy or light warhorse, bit, bridle, heavy or light lance, and military saddle; 2. masterwork longsword; 3. plate armour Border Princes: 1. light warhorse, bit, bridle, and military saddle; 2. masterwork scimitar; 3.studded leather armour, composite shortbow, and small wooden shield Empire[any]: 1. masterwork banded mail; 2. pistol and 20 bullets; 3. masterwork greatsword or halberd Empire[Altdorf]: 1. masterwork warhammer; 2. any two 2nd level scrolls or potions. Empire[Hochland]: 1. long-rifle and 20 bullets; 2. masterwork studded leather Empire[Marienburg]: 1. masterwork rapier or dagger; 2. 500 gp in gold or gems; 3. any two 2nd level potions. Empire[Middenheim]: 1. masterwork greataxe or great hammer; 2. potions of cure moderate wounds and endurance. Empire[Reikland]: 1. masterwork longbow and 20 arrows; 2. scrolls of aid and remove fear. Empire[Stirland]: 1. masterwork longbow and 20 arrows; 2. potions of camoflage and spider climb; 3. masterwork greataxe Estalia: 1. masterwork rapier or shortsword 2. light warhorse, bit, bridle, and military saddle Kislev: 1. masterwork composite shortbow; 2. potions of protection from elements [cold] and cure light wounds; 3. light warhorse, bit, bridle, and military saddle Lustria: 1. blowgun and 10 poisoned darts [small spider venom] 2. masterwork handaxe, kukri, or sickle; 3. scrolls of pass without trace and entangle. Norsca: 1. masterwork battleaxe or bastard sword; 2. masterwork chainmail. Tilea: 1. masterwork heavy or light crossbow; 2. 500 gp in gold or gems;3. masterwork longspear

Ulthuan-Eatine: 1. ithilmar longsword 2. potion of tongues and 250 gp in gold or gems. Ulthuan-Avelorn: 1. masterwork musical instrument 2. any two 1st-level arcane or divine scrolls. Ulthuan-Caledor: 1. plate armour 2. heavy or light warhorse, bit, bridle, and military saddle; 3. ithilmar longsword or heavy lance. Ulthuan-Yvresse: 1. 2 potions of blur; 2. scrolls of obscuring mist and mirror image Ulthuan-Cothique: 1. masterwork leather armour 2. ithilmar longsword or longspear Ulthuan-Chrace: 1. ithilmar greataxe; 2. masterwork longbow Ulthuan-Saphery: 1. any 2 1st or 2nd level divination scrolls; 2. ithilmar greatsword; 2. ithilmar chainmail/chain shirt Ulthuan-Ellyrion: 1. light warhorse, bit, bridle, and military saddle; 2. masterwork shortbow Ulthuan-Tiranoc: 1. ithilmar longspear; 2. ithilmar chainmail/chain shirt Ulthuan-Naggarythe: 1. potion of camoflage and cat's grace 2. masterwork longbow or shortsword Wood Elf/Loren: 1. masterwork composite longbow; 2. potion of wildcat blood and one healing herb [cure light wounds] 3. scroll of speak with animals and spider climb Dark Elf: 1. masterwork longsword or shortsword; 2. repeating crossbow and 20 masterwork bolts; 3. potion of sneaking and 2 doses of medium spider venom Dwarf: 1. gromril dwarven waraxe; 2. gromril chainmail 2. pistol and 20 bullets Chaos Dwarf: 1. masterwork scale mail; 2. scrolls of burning hands and heat metal; 3. blunderbus halfling: 1. masterwork cooking or healer's kit; 2. masterwork cleaver [handaxe] and frying pan [buckler]

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Orc: 1. masterwork battleaxe or falchion; 2. potions of bull's strength and cure moderate wounds; 2. masterwork chainmail or chain shirt Savage Orc: 1. mighty composite longbow [+2] and 20 masterwork arrows; 2. masterwork healer's kit; 3. potions of cure moderate wounds and barkskin

Feats The following are feats for use in the Warhammer setting. Blackpowder Weapons Proficiency [general]: you are adept in the strange science of blackpowder. Benefit: you can load, maintain, and use blackpowder weapons. Those without this feat may attempt to fire a loaded blackpowder weapon at the usual penalty for nonproficient use, but hasn't the slightest idea how to strip, clean, or reload one. Mark of Khorne [general]: you are marked by the skull-rune of Khorne, God of Blood and Battle, as one of his favoured slayers. Requirements: must be nongood and nonlawful, may not possess any spellcaster levels. Benefit: you can rage once per day as a barbarian, or add one to your total rages per day if you already possess barbarian levels. Mark of Nurgle [general]: the triple-ring sigil of the Lord of Decay rises from your flesh, formed of scars and oozing pustules. Requirement: must be nongood and nonlawful, and be infected with some sort of disease. Benefit: you gain a +2 bonus to all saves vs poison and disease, magical or mundane. Mark of Slaanesh [general]: the young prince of Chaos scribes his coiled serpent insignia upon you, a symbol of beauty and perversion. Requirement: must be nongood and nonlawful, Cha 12+ Benefit: you gain a +2 bonus to diplomacy and bluff checks. Mark of Tzeentch [general]: the Changer of Ways burns his mark into you, a living rune that seems to writhe and twist as you gaze upon it.

Requirements: must be nongood and nonlawful, must be able to cast 1st level arcane spells. Benefit: the character may cast one extra 1st level spell per day. Mutation [general]: Mutation is the work of Chaos, seen alternatively as proof of heresy or a sign of the favour of the gods. By taking this feat, the character may roll once on the mutation table of his patron chaos god[s] found in the Champions of Chaos prestige classes. He must accept the result, no matter what it is. Requirements: must be either a worshipper of a chaos power or had exposure to warpstone or other raw chaotic energy.

Prestige Classes The following are some prestige classes that heroes or villains in the Warhammer world may strive for. runesmith grail knight? Champion of Khorne Khorne is the chaos god of blood and carnage. His rage and hatred is boundless and all-consuming. He, and the fanatic warriors who serve him, revel in bloodshed and slaughter. Khorne cares not which side claims victory, so long as a river of blood is spilled in his name. Khorne upholds martial skill and ferocity, disdaining magic as the tool of cowards. He grants his chosen followers resistance to arcane energies to allow them to survive long enough to wreak havoc on their foes in brutal close quarters combat. Although he is the patron of insane, unbridled savagery, he also exults in martial discipline and the honour of warriors. Khorne attracts the worship of murderers, sadists, and others who cannot fit in to peaceful society. He is depicted as a mighty goat-hooved, horned demon with a hound's head wielding an axe and a whip, armoured in burnished brass that radiates unquenchable volcanic fire. The mightiest of his mortal followers become Champions of Khorne, pledging themselves to his dread name in exchange for a portion of his terrible fury, charging into the fray with their characteristic battle cries, "blood and skulls for Khorne!" and "blood for the blood god!"

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Hit Die: d10 Requirements: To qualify to become a Champion of Khorne, a character must meet all the following prerequisites: Alignment: any nongood and nonlawful. Base Attack Bonus: +5 Feats: power attack, cleave, mark of Khorne Intimidate: 4 ranks

Special: must perform an act of devotion to Khorne. Typically this involves either the single-handed slaughter of at least 20 people or single combat to the death with another Khornate champion. Class Skills: the Champion of Khorne's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: climb[str], intimidate[cha], jump[str], and ride[dex]. Skill points per level: 2+int modifier.

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Oath of Khorne, Rage, SR 2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Armour binding +1 3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Mutation, fire resistance 5 4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Armour binding +2 5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Improved power attack 6 +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Armour binding +3, Mutation 7 +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Scorn Fear, fire resistance 10 8 +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Armour binding +4 9 +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Mutation, Supreme rage 10 +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Ascension Champion of Khorne Class Features: Weapons and Armour Proficiency: Champions of Khorne are proficient in all simple and martial weapons, all armour, and shields. Oath of Khorne: Khorne makes harsh demands of all his minions. He considers magic and magic-users to be weak and cowardly, preferring bloody deeds to scheming and plotting. As such, the Champion of Khorne is forever forbidden from spellcasting. He must also forsake all magic items beyond weapons, armour, and those with immediate, direct combat applications [healing, physical attribute increases, AC/Attack bonuses, etc]. Breaking these tenets causes the character to lose all special class features and may provoke his mutation into a chaos spawn. Rage: the Champion of Khorne gains the rage ability as a barbarian. If he already possesses it, then his Champion of Khorne levels stack with his barbarian levels for the purposes of determining number of rages per day. SR: Khorne hates all magic and grants this defiance to his chosen. The Champion of Khorne gains SR 10+his Servant of Khorne level.

Armour Binding: the Champion of Khorne's armour gradually begins to fuse to his body, eventually becoming impossible to remove. This grants him a natural AC bonus at the listed amount. The armour becomes lighter and more flexible, like an extension of the character's body, thus halving any armour check penalties. Bound armour freely flows and parts to make way for any mutations the character may gain. Mutation: mutations are seen as a sign of favour by the servants of chaos. Khorne "gifts" his followers with unpredictable warpings of body and mind. Roll on the following table. Reroll for mutations the character already has, unless where noted. 01-07: Face of a Bloodthirster: the character's face twists and contorts into the bestial canine form of a greater daemon of Khorne. This grants him a +4 to charisma-based checks made to influence Khornate creatures, or intimidate checks against anyone. The character also gains a bite attack for 1d6 damage. 08-14: Face of a Bloodletter: the character's face elongates and his teeth lengthen in imitation of the lesser daemon of Khorne. The skin of the face becomes scaly and dark red. This gives a +2 to intimidate checks or all charisma based

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checks vs Khornate creatures, and grants the character a poisonous spit attack that mirrors the Acidic Spittle spell, 3/day. 15-22: Skin of Khorne: the character's skin assumes one of Khorne's colours, red, black, or burnished brass, and hardens to the consistency of sharkskin. The character gains a +1bonus to natural AC. This bonus stacks in the case of repeated mutations. 23-29: Fast Healing: the character gains fast healing 1. This effect is stackable in the case of repeated mutations. 30-37: Hand of Khorne: one of the character's hands [determine randomly] becomes a monstrous claw or crushing tentacle. This grants a natural attack that does 1d6 slashing or bludgeoning damage, but renders that hand mostly useless for tasks that require fine manipulation [-8 to all such checks] 38-44: Savagery: the character's mind and body rejects a portion of it's humanity, gaining the aspect of a wild, frenzied predator. Apply a +2 bonus to Str and Con and a -4 penalty to Int and Cha. Stackable. 45-52: Frenzy: the character becomes so overcome with bloodlust that the mere sight of possible foes [ie, any armed nonworshiper of Khorne] can send him out of control. He must make a will save vs 15 in such situations or immediately fly into a rage, lashing out to the best of his ability until no hostile creature remains alive within 50 feet. 53-59: Acidic Blood: creatures wounding the character in melee must make a reflex save equal to 10+1/2 the damage inflicted or be sprayed with a gout of acidic blood for 1d6 damage. 60-67: Magma Blood: as Acidic blood, but fire damage. 68-73: Scorpion Tail: the character gains the tail of a monstrous scorpion, gaining a sting attack that does 1d4 piercing damage plus poison [dc 15, 1d4 str/1d4 str] 74-80: Fire Breath: the character may breathe a 10 foot cone of fire that does 3d6 damage 3 times per day as a full round action. A reflex

save vs 10+1/2 character level+con modifier halves the damage. 81-87: Body of Fire: the character's body constantly burns with unnatural flames. He acquires the [fire] subtype, becoming immune to fire and vulnerable to cold damage. Anything touching him risks catching fire, including his own equipment. 88-92: Cloven Feet: the character's legs bend backwards and develop cloven goat hooves. Add +5 ft to his movement score. Stackable. 93-96: Spines: the character's body becomes covered in dozens of sharp barbed spines, his armour perforating to accomodate them. He counts as having double strength [2d6 damage] spiked armour at all times. 97-98: Horns: the character gains a gore attack that inflicts 1d6 damage. 99: True Name: Khorne grants his chosen follower a true name, a real honour among daemon worshippers that marks the first step on the road to daemonhood. This grants the character a +2 morale bonus to will saving throws, but renders him vulnerable to certain spells of binding and banishment that affect daemonic creatures. A good daemonic name generator can be found at : 00: Wings: the character grows a pair of leathery bat wings and can fly at a speed of 30 with clumsy maneauverability. Fire Resistance: Khorne's favoured element is fire, and thus he grants his followers protection from its effects. Apply the stated fire resistance at the appropriate levels. Improved Power Attack: at 5th level, for every 2 points of attack bonus sacrificed via power attack, the Champion of Khorne gains +3 to damage. Scorn Fear: the Champion of Khorne becomes so innured to carnage and slaughter that mortal fear no longer affects him. He becomes immune to all fear based effects.

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Supreme Rage: the character can rage unlimited times per day. Ascension: as a supreme servant of Khorne, the character stands on the threshold of Daemonhood. His type changes to outsider, making him immune to numerous effects such as charm person, but also making him vulnerable to certain spells that hedge out evil outsiders. His alignment must be chaotic evil to reach this level in the class, and he must perform a spectacular act of slaughter to recieve this penultimate gift. Champion of Nurgle Nurgle is the carrion god of decay and pestilence, a malign entity who delights in putrescence and entropy. Nurgle holds corruption, both of the body and spirit, as the sacred and eternal force of the universe, the ultimate power from which nothing and no one can escape. He represents the inevitability of death, and also the doomed optimism of those grasping desperately at the last moments of life. His mortal servants seek to cover all the world in plague to appease him. Typically, servants of Nurgle are those who contract Nurgle's Rot, a devastating magical disease that erodes one's sanity while it assails the body. In agony and

delerium, these poor souls forsake all and pledge themselves to Nurgle in exchange for relief, which he is all too glad to offer, for a price. His Worhshipers gain immunity from Nurgle's "gifts" in exchange for grotesque physical deformity and psychological corruption, and the charge to spread the taint they bear far and wide. Hit Die: d12 Requirements: To qualify to become a Champion of Nurgle, the character must meet all the following prerequisites: Alignment: any nongood and nonlawful Base Attack: +4 Feats: great fortitude, endurance, mark of Nurgle Heal: 4 ranks Special: must be infected with Nurgle's Rot. Class Skills: the Champion of Nurgle's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: alchemy[int], concentration[con], disguise[cha], heal[wis], intimidate[cha], knowledge[arcana][int], spellcraft[int]. Skill Points per Level: 4+int modifier

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Spellcasting Special 1 +0 +2 +0 +0 +1 level disease host, ironguts, morbid appearance 2 +1 +3 +0 +0 - poison immunity 3 +2 +3 +1 +1 +1 level Nurgle's Rot, mutation, Acid Resistance 5 4 +3 +4 +1 +1 - Nurgling familiar, DR 1/-, -5 ft. move 5 +3 +4 +1 +1 +1 level rotten anatomy 6 +4 +5 +2 +2 - mutation 7 +5 +5 +2 +2 +1 level Acid Resistance 10 8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +2 - DR 2/-, -5 ft. move 9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +3 +1 level mutation 10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +3 - ascension Champion of Nurgle Class Features: Weapons and armour proficiency: the champion of Nurgle gains proficiency with simple weapons, all armour, and shields. Spellcasting: Champions of Nurgle continue their progress as spellcasters, gaining an effective level in their spellcasting class at first level and every 2 levels afterward. If they have

no spellcasting ability before attaining this class, they may gain abilities as a sorceror or cleric of Nurgle of the appropriate spellcasting level. Note that this only applies to spells per day and caster level, not other level-dependent benefits such as bonus feats, turning undead, etc. Disease Host: the Champion gains immunity to all diseases, but can still be a carrier, thus potentially infecting others.

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Ironguts: the character's bloated belly and mutated physiology can accept nearly any kind of fact, the character will often develop a taste for foods "rotted and fermented to perfection". The Champion is able to digest any organic matter without ill effects. Morbid Appearance: Nurgle's chosen are the most physically revolting of the Chaos champions, covered with the sores, lesions, and boils of the diseases that ravage them. The Champion of Nurgle adds a negative modifier to all charisma-based checks made to influence non-evil beings equal to his Champion level. Poison Immunity: the character gains complete immunity to all kinds of poison. Nurgle's Rot: the character contracts an advanced form of Nurgle's Rot as a blessing from his patron. The disease can be transmitted merely by physical proximity to the infected champion. All creatures within 5 feet of the champion must make a fortitude save vs 10+Champion of Nurgle level or catch Nurgle's Rot [1 day incubation, 1d6 con and cha damage, make another save or one point of each is permanent. Unhealable by nonmagical means. Those slain by the disease rise as Plaguebearer daemons.]. Mutations: Nurgle delights in mutating his mortal followers into more inhuman and disgusting forms. These may be both a blessing and a curse, and are totally random. Roll when indicated on the following table to determine what mutation the Champion acquires. Reroll for all duplicate mutations unless stated otherwise. 01-07: Face of a Great Unclean One: the character's head warps and mutates, becoming fat and sluglike, in imitation of the greater daemon of Nurgle. His face is flabby, pockmarked, and coated in dripping slime. A long, leprous tongue tipped with a leering face lolls from his toothy maw. This is extremely unsettling to those who are not worshippers of Nurgle. The Champion gains a +4 to all intimidate checks, +4 to any charisma based checks made to influence followers of Nurgle, and may no longer wear human-sized helmets due to the grotesque bloating of his face and neck.

08-15: Face of a Plaguebearer: the skin on the character's face shrivels and tightens, turning a sickly green or rotten brown colour. His eyes merge into one cyclopean orb and a single filth-stained horn juts from his forehead, in imitation of the lesser daemons of Nurgle. The character gains a gore attack inflicting 1d6 piercing damage, and takes a -2 penalty to spot, search, read lips, track, and missile/ranged touch attacks due to loss of depth perception. The character gains a +2 modifier to all charisma-based checks made to influence followers of Nurgle. 16-23: Biting Tongue: the character's tongue elongates grotesquely and typically dangles out of his mouth. The tip of the tongue has a small, powerful set of jaws that can be used to bite. The character gains a bite attack that does 1d3 damage and forces the victim to save vs. the Champion's Nurgle's Rot [see above]. The character's voice becomes slurred and indistinct as a result of this mutation, giving an inherent -4 penalty to all voice-related skills [gather information, diplomacy, etc]. 24-31: Corpulence: the character bloats to inhuman proportions, gaining an inherent +4 to con and -2 to dex. The character loses 10 feet from his base movement score. Stackable. 32-39: Cloud of Flies: the character is surrounded at all times by a cloud of ravenous black flies who feed and lay eggs in his multitudinous open sores and lesions. Flies and maggots swarm from every crevice and orifice in a disgusting, choking horde. Although it can make social interaction difficult, this effect acts as a permanent duration Summon Swarm spell cast on the Champion that only ever inflicts 1d4 damage and affects everything within 5 feet. If dispelled or dispersed, the swarm reforms in 1d4 minutes. 40-43: Slimy Body: the character is perpetually secreting a disgusting slippery ooze that makes him difficult to grapple or ensnare. He gains a +5 bonus to all escape artist checks. Stackable. 44-47: Spider Eyes: The character's head sprouts dozens of insectlike compound eyes, giving him all-round vision, 60 foot darkvision, and making him difficult to surprise. Overall visual acuity is poor, but he can attempt a spot check on someone sneaking up on him from any angle.

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48-55: Horns: the character gains a pair of black horns, horizontal and pointed like that of an ox. They can be used to gore for 1d6 damage. 56-63: Foetid Spit: the character can spit a disgusting glob of acidic foulness at his opponents. He can use Blinding Spittle as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. 64-71: Foul Stench: the charnel stench of the character is truly awesome. All non-Nurgle followers with a sense of smell within 10 feet of the character must make a fort save vs 14 or take a -2 morale penalty to attacks, saves, and checks for as long as they stay within the area of effect. 72-79: Cloven Feet: the character's legs bend backwards and develop cloven goat hooves. Add +5 ft to his movement score. Stackable. 80-87: Tentacle: one of the character's arms [determine randomly] becomes a crushing tentacle. This grants a natural attack that does 1d6 bludgeoning damage, but renders that arm mostly useless for tasks that require fine manipulation [-8 to all such checks]. Stackable. 88-94: Extra Arm: the character sprouts an additional limb from his chest, armpit, or back. The limb can be used to wield an additional weapon or shield with normal penalties unless the character purchases the multidexterity feat [Monster Manual]. Stackable. 95-98: Skull Face: the character's face becomes a leering skull mask. While unnerving, it has no other game effect. 99-00: True Name: Nurgle grants his chosen follower a true name, a real honour among daemon worshippers that marks the first step on the road to daemonhood. This grants the character a +2 morale bonus to will saving throws, but renders him vulnerable to certain spells of binding and banishment that affect daemonic creatures. A good daemonic name generator can be found at : Acid Resistance: the champion gains the stated acid resistance as a result of the foulness that makes up his body.

Nurgling Familiar: the Champion Gains a Nurgling familiar, which devours any existing familiar and takes its place. It acts as a normal familiar in all respects, except that it's type is outsider, rather than magical beast. DR: as the Champion of Nurgle goes further down the road of damnation, his mortal frame becomes more and more putrescent and disease-bloated. His deadened nerves and inhuman physiology grant him the stated damage reduction. -5 ft/move: the rotten body of the Champion of Chaos becomes increasingly unable to bear its daemonic frame. Apply the stated penalty to the character's base speed. Rotten Anatomy: at this level, the Champion becomes so atrophied and wasted with sickness that he is essentially no longer alive in the conventional sense, sustained by the fiendish energies of Nurgle alone. He becomes immune to critical hits, sneak attack damage, subdual damage, stunning, etc. However, he can no longer benefit from potions or other items that require a normal anatomy on which to work. Ascension: the Champion's foulness defies mortal description, and he is beloved of Nurgle, standing on the brink of either daemonhood or eternity as a warped chaos spawn. His type changes to outsider, rendering him immune to certain spells but vulnerable to others. Typically, reaching this level of power requires a truly stupendous act of desecration. Champion of Slaanesh Slaanesh, the Prince of Chaos, is the lord of forbidden vice and secret perversion. He celebrates excess and deviant pleasure of every kind, no matter how extreme. Unlike Khorne and Nurgle who are straightforward in their evil, Slaanesh is infinitely subtle, almost delicate. He delights in serpentine plots, preferring the honeyed tongue of the seductress to the murderous hand of the killer. Champions of Slaanesh embody this ideal. Mortals who have sold their souls in exchange for infinite pleasure, they typically possess fiendish beauty and presence, sickly sweet like over-ripe fruit. These depraved individuals often lead secret cults of pleasure, whose members are effete urban

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diletantes who do not know the dangers they are trifling with. Slaanesh commands his chosen to indulge in every depravity and sadomasochistic pasttime, seeking to erode the mind as Nurgle would corrupt the body. Hit Die: d6 Requirements: to qualify to become a Champion of Slaanesh, the character must meet the following prerequisites: Alignment: any nongood and nonlawful Feats: leadership, spell focus: enchantment, mark of Slaanesh bluff: 6 ranks diplomacy: 4 ranks

Special: must gain the favour of Slaanesh through an exceptionally perverse ceremony involving masochistic torture and ritual sex with at least 10 other beings. Class Skills: the Champion of Slaanesh's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: alchemy[int], appraise[int], bluff[cha], concentration[con], diplomacy[cha], disguise[cha], escape artist[dex], forgery[int], gather information[cha], heal[wis], innuendo[wis], intimidate[cha], knowlege[arcana], perform[cha], sense motive[wis], spellcraft[int], tumble[dex], and use rope[dex]. Skill Points per level: 4+int modifier.

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Spellcasting Special 1 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 level sado-masochism, daemonic allure 2 +1 +0 +3 +3 - charm, heightened senses 3 +2 +1 +3 +3 +1 level mutation, silvered tongue 4 +3 +1 +4 +4 - lurid spell 5 +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 level hedonist 6 +4 +2 +5 +5 - mutation 7 +5 +2 +5 +5 +1 level 8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 - 9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 +1 level mutation 10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 - Ascension Champion of Slaanesh Class Features: Weapons and armour proficiency: the Champion of Slaanesh is proficient with all simple weapons. He gains no proficiency with any armour or shields. Spellcasting: Champions of Slaanesh continue their progress as spellcasters, gaining an effective level in their spellcasting class at 1st level and every 2 levels afterward. If they have no spellcasting ability before attaining this class, they may gain the spellcasting ability of a sorceror or cleric of Slaanesh of the appropriate level. Note that this only applies to spells per day and caster level, not other level-dependent benefits such as bonus feats, turning undead, etc. Sado-Masochism: the character becomes unnaturally fascinated by pain, both her own and that of others. Whenever the character takes or inflicts damage equal to her total class level in a single round, she gains a +1 bonus to all attacks,

saves, and checks for the next round. Furthermore, the character recieves a +4 bonus to saves vs pain effects. Daemonic Allure: Slaanesh grants a portion of his sinister, androgenous beauty to his chosen champions. For each two levels of Champion of Slaanesh, the character recieves a +1 inherent bonus to charisma. Lawful creatures will find the champion's beauty and grace unnatural and perverse, while chaotic creatures find it secretly fascinating and difficult to resist. Charm: the champion of Slaanesh may evoke a charm effect against any living creature once per day per 2 champion levels. The character must first succeed in a touch attack against the victim. The will save to resist this effect is 10+champion of Slaanesh level+charisma modifier. In all other respects it is identical to the spell charm person.

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Heightened senses: for the champion of Slaanesh, every colour, scent, taste, smell, and touch becomes amplified to a lurid degree. Add +4 to the character's listen, search, and spot checks, and a +2 to alchemy, appraise, disable device, and pick lock checks. Mutation: Slaanesh capriciously grants his followers signs of his favour, typically ones which enhance their otherworldly beauty and grace. Roll on the following table when prompted. Reroll duplicate mutations unless stated otherwise. 01-07: Face of a Keeper of Secrets: the champion's face elongates into the sensuous, mocking mask of a Keeper of Secrets, greater daemon of Slaanesh. He grows elegantly curved horns, bejeweled and glistening, and to gaze into his eyes is to know one's deepest, most secret desires. The character gains a +4 bonus to all charisma based checks made to influence worshippers of Slaanesh. All others within 10 feet must make a will save vs. 10+charisma modifier or become shaken. 08-15: Face of a Daemonette: the character gains the sinuous face of a daemonette, lesser daemon of Slaanesh. His eyes widen into purple orbs, his face turns white as a sheet, and delicate ruby lips cover a mouthful of slender fangs. The character gains a +2 bonus to all charisma based checks vs Slaanesh followers. 16-23: Slaanesh's Perverted Grace: the character's body becomes inhumanly slender and supple. He gains a +2 inherent bonus to dexterity and a -2 penalty to constitution. He also gains a +2 bonus to excape artist checks. Stackable. 24-31: Soporific Musk: The character excretes a sweet, seductive musk that causes his opponents to become dazed and sluggish. All nonworhsippers of Slaanesh must make a will save vs 10+Champion of Slaanesh level+cha modifier or take 2 points of dexterity damage for ten rounds. This effect has a 5 foot radius centered on the champion. 32-35: Paralytic ooze: the character either gains a tentacle-like apendage or his tongue lengthens to the size of a viper. Either way, the character gains a touch attack, usable once per day, that forces the victim to make a fortitude save vs

10+champion level+con modifier or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, lost in ecstatic hallucinations. 36-39: Extra Joints: the character's limbs gain extra joints, allowing him to slip out of bonds and tight places more easily. Apply a +4 bonus to escape artist checks. Stackable. 40-47: Fleetness: the champion's legs strengthen and elongate, granting him some of the graceful speed of Slaanesh. In extreme cases, they may even fuse together and give the champion the lower body of a serpent. In either case, this gives the champion +5 ft movement. Stackable. 48-55: Hermaphroditic: mirroring the king of deviants himself, the champion becomes a hermaphrodite, with functioning male and female anatomy. If female, she loses a breast; if male, he gains one. 56-63: Daemon Claw/Spike: one of the champion's hands mutates into either a gracefully curved crescent talon or an obscenely shaped studded spike. That hand becomes useless for grasping and manipulating [-8 to craft, disable device, forgery, alchemy, heal, open lock, pick pocket, and use rope checks], but can be used to climb [+4] and attack for 1d8 slashing or piercing damage. This daemonic appendage counts as having one magical plus per 5 character levels for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The character may also use it to deliver touch attacks. 64-67:Horns: the character grows a pair of beautifully shaped horns. Though too delicate to attack with, they allow the champion to wear two more magic rings than he normally could, one on each horn. Obviously, the character can no longer wear normal helmets. 68-71: Illusion of Normality: Slaanesh is subtle, preferring infiltration to outright overthrow. As such, the character is visually indistinguishable from a normal creature of his race. All mutations remain, they are simply cloaked by an illusory effect, the will save to penetrate being 10+champion level+cha modifier. 72-79: Tail: the character grows a long, smooth, prehensile tail. Although too weak to wield weapons, it can be used as a clumsy third hand [-8 to all checks requiring fine manipulation].

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80-87: Daemonic Celerity: the character's senses quicken to the point where others seem to react in slow motion. He gains a +4 to initiative. 88-95: Extra Arm: the character sprouts an additional limb from his chest, armpit, or back. The limb can be used to wield an additional weapon or shield with normal penalties unless the character purchases the multidexterity feat [Monster Manual]. Stackable. 96-00: True Name: Slaanesh grants his chosen follower a true name, an honour among daemon worshippers that marks the first step on the road to daemonhood. This grants the character a +2 morale bonus to will saving throws, and renders him vulnerable to certain spells of binding and banishment that can affect named daemonic creatures. A good daemonic name generator can be found at : Silvered Tongue: in imitation of Slaanesh the Arch-Tempter himself, the champion gains a supernatural skill at weaving delicate and convincing lies. He gains a +4 bonus to all bluff checks, as well as +4 to save vs truth-based magic such as zone of truth, etc. Lurid Spell: the champion gains the ability to infuse his spells with perverse whispers and foul suggestions, allowing him to lace any of his touch or ranged spells that affect a single other creature with his charm ability. This forces the target [if hit, in the case of rays] to potentially make saving throws vs both effects. This counts as a use of the champion's charm ability from his daily total. Hedonist: on reaching this level, the champion is so exceptionally malign and twisted that pain, pleasure, love and fear are virtually the same for him. The champion gains complete immunity to pain and fear based effects such as symbol of pain, scare, etc. When determining the concentration DC to maintain a spell when damaged, the champion must beat DC=10+1/2 the damage inflicted [pain no longer distracts him, but the force of a blow still can]. He also becomes immune to effects that inflict morale penalties, as the champion revels in all sensation no matter how deviant and horrible. Note that

the character may still take damage from these effects, he simply gains immunity to their psychological effects. Ascension: beloved amongst all who abase themselves before Slaanesh, the champion has transcended mortality in favour of an eternity of blissful torment. His type changes to outsider, rendering him immune to certain spells and vulnerable to others. To reach this level of deviance requires a monstrously heinous act of complete depravity that is probably better left undescribed. Champion of Tzeentch Tzeentch, Lord of Change, is the most secretive and enigmatic of the Chaos gods. He is the master of sorcery, for what is magic other than the distilled essence of change? His plots and schemes are labrynthine and incomprehensible to sane mortals, ever spiralling and coiling like the gales of an insane tempest. Tzeentch grants his champions great magical power and daemonic prescience, giving visions and omens, whispering unspeakable secrets, ever vague, always hinting at the dark knowledge he has to impart. Only those of exceptionally strong mind can become champions of Tzeentch; all others are blasted into madness by his forbidden thoughts. Those who can survive his deranging ministrations count themselves among the mightiest of the servants of Chaos, able to twist the strands of fate and shatter reality to suit their whims. Hit Die: d4 Requirements: to become a Champion of Tzeentch, a character must meet all the following prerequisites: Alignment: any nongood and nonlawful Feats: iron will, mark of Tzeentch, spell focus: transmutation, Spellcasting: ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells. Spellcraft: 8 ranks Knowledge[Arcana]: 8 ranks Class Skills: the Champion of Tzeentch's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: alchemy[int], bluff[cha], concentration[con], craft[int], gather

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information[cha], knowledge[all], scry[int], sense motive[wis], and spellcraft[int].

Skill Points per Level: 2+int modifier

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 metamagic feat 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 mutation 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 metamagic feat, mutation 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 6 +3 +2 +2 +5 mutation 7 +3 +2 +2 +5 8 +4 +2 +2 +6 metamagic feat, mutation 9 +4 +3 +3 +6 10 +5 +3 +3 +7 ascension, mutation Champion of Tzeentch Class Features: Weapons and Armour Proficiency: the Champion of Tzeentch gains no proficiency with weapons, armour, or shields. Spellcasting: Tzeentch is the Sorceror-God and all his champions are mighty wielders of magic. At each new level the character gains spells per day as though he had gained a level in his old spellcasting class. Metamagic Feat: Tzeentchian sorcerors can bend and twist the forces of magic at will. They gain a free metamagic feat at the stated levels. Mutation: the Changer of Ways is more liberal with mutations than any other chaos god, and his worshippers pray that he will touch them with his power. Roll on the following table when indicated. Reroll duplicate powers unless the mutation is stackable. 01-07: Face of a Lord of Change: the character's face warps, his flesh melting off his skull. When this hideous and painful mutation is complete, the character's human face is displaced by that of a Lord of Change, greater daemon of Tzeentch. He has a vulture-like hooked beak that can bite for 1d6 damage, and his head is covered in multicoloured feathers. This grants +4 to all charisma based checks made to influence followers of Tzeentch. 08-14: Face of a Horror: the character's head seems to melt like wax, to be replaced by the warped form of a horror of Tzeentch. The formless blob of flesh writhes continuously, sprouting eyes, mouths, and teeth randomly. The flesh of the head turns either deep blue or

hot pink, favoured colours of the Great Deciever. This grants a +2 to charisma based checks vs followers of Tzeentch, and is extremely unnerving to others. 15-21: Two Heads: the character sprouts another face, which may be a full head or just a leering face coming out of his back or chest. The character becomes jumpy and irritable, seemingly struggling to control his own body against the interloper. However, the new head increases the character's awareness, adding +4 to listen, spot, and search checks. The champion becomes more vulnerable to gaze attacks [-4 to save] and loses 2 points of dexterity as he relinquishes total control of his body. The character can look in two directions at once with this mutation. Stackable. 22-28: Wings: the character grows a pair of feathered, multicoloured wings and can fly at a speed of 30 with clumsy maneauverability. 29-35: Hand of Tzeentch: the character may cast burning hands 3 times a day with this power, as a sorceror of his character level. Half the damage inflicted by this spell-like ability is fire and the other half is raw, non-elemental magic energy. 36-42: Boon of Tzeentch: the character is granted insights no mortal being should know. Add a +2 inherent bonus to intelligence and a -2 penalty to wisdom. Stackable. 43-49: Changing of the Ways: Tzeentch is ultimately fickle. Rolling this result indicates that the Master of Change has tired of his champion's current form and remakes him.

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Remove all mutations and roll for the appropriate number of new ones. 50-56: Extra Arm: the character sprouts an additional limb from his chest, armpit, or back. The limb can be used to wield an additional weapon or shield with normal penalties unless the character purchases the multidexterity feat [Monster Manual]. Stackable. 57-60: Antennae: the character's forehead sprouts insectlike antennae, bristling with tiny hairs. This grants the character tremorsense as described in the monster manual within a 10 foot radius. 61-63: Bale Eye of Tzeentch: the character can deliver a gaze attack once per day, causing the victim to see some of the magnificent, mutant horror of the Changer of Ways reflected in his eyes. The victim must make a will save vs 10+Champion of Tzeentch level+cha modifier or become stunned for 1d3 rounds. 64-66: Memory Stealer: the champion stops eating food for nourishment, requiring instead mortal knowledge from others to gain sustenance. Any intelligent being slain by the champion can be syphoned of some of the knowledge it had in life. This can duplicate the effect of a speak with dead spell[hostile creatures, even those of the same alignment as the champion, will attempt a saving throw vs every question asked], or alternately the champion may steal up to 4 ranks of one of the victim's skills. This knowledge persists for 1 hour/hit dice of the victim. 67-70: Stretch Arm: the character can cause one of his arms [determine randomly] to elongate considerably every 1d6 rounds. This grants a 10-foot reach, which can be used to attack with a one-handed weapon, deliver a touch attack, etc. 71-77: Fast Healing: the character gains fast healing 1. This effect is stackable in the case of repeated mutations. 78-84: Arcane Sensitivity: the champion can see the tendrils of raw magic in all things. Magical energies are seen as glowing auras to him. The character has a permanent detect magic effect active.

85-91: Tentacle: the character grows a crushing tentacle. This grants a natural attack that does 1d6 bludgeoning damage, but is mostly useless for tasks that require fine manipulation [-8 to all such checks]. Stackable. 92-95: Bird's Feet: the character's legs bend backwards and develop scaly bird's feet. Add +5 ft to his movement score. Stackable. 96-98: Energy Resistance: the character gains resistance 5 to a single type of energy. 1. fire; 2. cold; 3. acid; 4. sonic; 5. electricity. Stackable. 99: Third Eye: the character grows an unblinking third eye, the iris of which is formed into the S-rune of Tzeentch. It forms either on the champion's forehead, the palm of his hand, or at the tip of a mutant appendage, if any. This grants the character +4 to search and spot checks, 60 foot darkvision, and can be handy in peeking around corners and scaring the crap out of people. Stackable. 00: True Name: Tzeentch grants his chosen follower a true name, an honour among daemon worshippers that marks the first step on the road to daemonhood. This grants the character a +2 morale bonus to will saving throws, and renders him vulnerable to certain spells of binding and banishment that can affect named daemonic creatures. A good daemonic name generator can be found at : Ascension: Upon the sacrifice of many souls and potent magic items, the character is gifted with immortality by his master Tzeentch. His type changes to outsider, rendering him immune to certain effects and vulnerable to others. Grey Seer The Skaven are creatures of chaos, and raw magical power courses through all of them. Only a few, however, are chosen to recieve the training that marks them as a member of the Grey Seers. Those born with grey or white fur are particularly favoured for this class. This elite order of sorcerors are members of the Skaven elite, with the power of life and death over all skaven under their dominion, being answerable only to the Council of Thirteen. They gain much of their power by the consumption of warpstone,

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the congealed essence of chaos found in some meteors and underground, which grants their spells great potency but at a frightful cost to their health and sanity. In the cutthroat society of the Skaven, however, this is considered a reasonable tradeoff for near-limitless power. Hit Die: d6 Requirements: to become a Grey Seer, a character must meet all of the following prerequisites. Race: Skaven Alignment: any nongood and nonlawful

Spellcasting: ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells Spellcraft: 8 ranks Scry: 4 ranks Feats: spell focus: transmutation Class Skills: the Grey Seer's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: alchemy[int], bluff[cha], concentration[con], knowledge[arcana] [int], listen[wis], scry[int], and sense motive[wis]. Skill Points per Level: 4+int modifier

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 consume warpstone, speak with rats 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 wisdom loss, horned rat 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 corrupt spellcasting 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 wisdom loss 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Horde of Rats Grey Seer Class Features: Weapons and Armour: the Grey Seer gains no proficiency in weapons or armour. Spellcasting: the Grey Seer's whole existence is devoted to the study of magic. When he goes up a Grey Seer level, he gains spells per day as though he had gone up a level in his previous spellcasting class, but no other benefits such as bonus feats. Consume Warpstone: Grey Seers gain power from warpstone, a leadlike metal that exudes an aura of darkness and has horribly mutating qualities on those not resistant to its effects. A measure of refined warpstone costs 50gc in Skaven society, and has an alchemy DC of 20 to prepare from raw warpstone fragments. The Gray Seer may consume one measure per round as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This allows him to regain lost spells, at a rate of one spell level per token [ie, a 4th level spell requires 4 measures]. Each measure consumed causes one point of temporary con damage, and forces the Skaven to make a fortitude save vs 14 or become sickened, taking a -2 penalty to all attacks, saves, and checks. Magic of the Horned Rat: the chaos entity known as the Horned Rat gifts his Skaven

followers with potent magic. The Grey Seer may cast spells from the Skaven list. Speak with Rats: the Grey Seer's conection with the Horned Rat allows him to converse with all rats at will, regular or giant, as speak with animals. Wisdom Loss: continual use of warpstone erodes the Seer's sanity. He loses a point of wisdom permanently at the stated levels, which cannot be restored by any means short of a wish or miracle. Horned Rat: Grey Seers are initiated into the cult of the Horned Rat, who shows his favour by granting them a pair of horns like his own. Normal skaven look upon such a character with fear and awe. This mutation adds +4 to all charisma based checks made to influence skaven, and can be used to gore for 1d4 damage. Corrupt Spellcasting: all of the Grey Seer's spells are powered by the unnatural, mutating energy of the warp. As such, whenever a Grey Seer of 3rd level or higher casts a spell that causes damage, half of the damage from the spell is non-elemental corrupt damage [ie, 6d6 lightning bolt, 3d6 will be electrical damage and 3d6 will be corrupt damage]. This means that creatures resistant to certain forms of energy will still be damaged by the corrupt portion of the spell. Corrupt damage is insidious and persistant, and

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as such heals at half the normal rate. Note that daemons are immune to corrupt damage. Horde of Rats: the Seer's kinship with rodentkind is so strong that such creatures naturally flock to him and obey his commands. The Grey Seer may collect a horde of Dire Rats as the animal friendship spell, commanding a total number equal to twice his spellcaster level [ie, a sor7/Grey Seer 5 could command 24 dire rats]. They obey his commands without hesitation or regard for danger. High Mage Before they abandoned the Warhammer world, the mysterious Old Ones taught the young elven race the secrets of magic. The magic crafted by humans and others is but a diluted form of this true, so-called "high" magic, a fact which makes its practitioners proud [and sometimes arrogant]. This mysterious and ancient art is known only in Ulthuan, the continent of the High Elves, and by the descendants of the Old Ones, the Lizardmen Slaan. The wielder of high magic is a conduit

through which raw power flows, one who can weave eldritch forces as deftly as an artist uses a brush. Hit Die: d4 Requirements: in order to qualify to become a High Mage, the character must meet the following prerequisites: Race: High Elf or Slaan Spellcasting: ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells Feats: any two metamagic feats, spell penetration Knowledge [arcana]: 8 ranks Spellcraft: 12 ranks Class Skills: the High Mage's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: alchemy[int], concentration[con], knowledge[arcana] [int], scry[int], and spellcraft[int]. Skill Points per Level: 2+int modifier

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 high magic, improved spell acquisition, dispel +1 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 counterspell mastery 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 dispel +2 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 dispel +3, spellweaver High Mage Class Features: Weapons and Armour: the High Mage gains no proficiency in any weapons or armour. Spellcasting: the High Mage devotes his life to the mastery of magic. Every High Mage level counts as a level in the character's previous arcane spellcasting class for the purposes of determining spells known and spells per day. High Magic: the High Mage is initiated into the ancient secrets of the White Tower of Hoeth and can wield potent spells of the elder age. The High Mage has access to high spells in the spell list. Improved Spell Acquisition: the High Mage's study of the history of magic grants him a greater choice of spells. This means the character may choose 3 new spells automatically on gaining a High Mage level, not the usual 2.

Dispel: wielders of high magic excel at undoing the impure spells of others. The character gains the stated bonus to spellcaster level for the purposes of dispel checks. Counterspell Mastery: The High Mage's ability to react to hostile magic is well-honed and instinctual. Once per round the character may attempt a counterspell as a free action, rather than having to ready an action to do so. Spellweaver: The High Mage's mastery of the winds of magic is such that he can bend and change the fabric of his spells with greater ease than lesser spellcasters. Subtract one from the level increase number of any metamagic feat used by the character. IE, a maximized lighting bolt counts as a 5th level spell for the character, not a 6th as it does for other spellcasters. Wardancer

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The Wood Elves of Athel Loren are a peaceful people, rarely leaving their forests or interfering with others. However, when greenskin hordes or other interlopers threaten their lands, they stand ready to defend them with all the precision and deadliness of their High Elven kin. Chief among the Wood Elven defenders are the strange warrior-cultists called the Wardancers. These warriors are followers of Adamnan-na-Brionha, Elven God of dance and music, who is said to watch over and protect his favoured warriors. The Wardancers wield twin swords and vault acrobatically into battle unencumbered by armour or heavy weapons. Grace, speed, and precision are the weapons of the Wardancers, and they provide close-combat punch to a race that otherwise relies on its missile troops. Hit Die: d10

Requirements: to qualify for the Wardancer class, a character must meet all the following prerequisites: Race: Wood Elf Feats: ambidexterity, two-weapon fighting, improved initiative, dodge, expertise. Perform[dance]: 4 ranks Tumble: 4 ranks Class Skills: the Wardancer's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: balance[dex], climb[str], Escape Artist[dex], Hide[dex], jump[str], move silently[dex], perform [music, dance][cha], tumble[dex], and wilderness lore[wis]. Skill Points per Level: 4+int modifier

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1 +1 +0 +2 +2 dance, skilled defense, warpaint 2 +2 +0 +3 +3 fearless 3 +3 +1 +3 +3 dance 4 +4 +1 +4 +4 5 +5 +1 +4 +4 dance-master 6 +6/+1 +2 +5 +5 7 +7/+2 +2 +5 +5 dance 8 +8/+3 +2 +6 +6 9 +9/+4 +3 +6 +6 10 +10/+5 +3 +7 +7 dance Class Features: Weapons and Armour Proficiency: Wardancers have proficiency with simple and martial weapons. They have no proficiency with any armour or shields. Special: a Wardancer loses all special features of the class if they wear any type of armour. Magic items other than armour that boost AC are permissable. Dance: Wardancers learn a secret fighting style that allows them to perform spectacular dances of destruction. A Wardancer character may declare he is performing a dance at the beginning of his turn, and its effects persist until the beginning of his next turn. The same dance may not be performed more than 2 rounds in a row. The Wardancer has knowledge of one dance at first level and gains another at the levels stated above. Choose from the following list:

Shadows Coil: this dance utilizes hypnotic and distracting movements to frustrate attackers. It counts as a total defense action [no attacks possible], and grants a +8 dodge bonus to AC. Storm of Blades: this dance may only be used by a group of at least 2 wardancers. When performed, they combine their attacks on a single opponent. They gain a +4 bonus to AC vs attacks of opportunity or tumble checks to get into position, and a +2 bonus to hit the chosen opponent, who is the only one they may attack during that round. Whirling Death: the Wardancer surrounds himself with a graceful web of steel. This grants a single extra melee attack at his base value. Woven Mist: the Wardancer whirls his blades in a hypnotic pattern that disorients his foes. All opponents in melee must make a will save vs

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10+wardancer level+cha modifier or take a -4 penalty to hit the Wardancer, who may attack normally. Skilled Defense: the Wardancer adds his int modifier to his AC as well as his dex bonus. Warpaint: the Wardancers use magical warpaint that grants them the protection of Adamnan-na-Brionha against hostile magic. This grants the character spell resistance of 10+Wardancer level. Fearless: the Wardancers are the champions of the Wood Elves and fear little. The character gains a +4 bonus to saves vs all fear effects. Dance-Master: At 5th level, the Warmaster becomes a Dance-Master, able to lead a unit of Wardancers in battle. With this ability, he can lead other Wardancers in using any dance he knows, even if they themselves do not know it yet. This effect works as long as all the effected Wardancers can see the Dance-Master. Witch Hunter Superstition runs deep in the Old World, and rightly so. Were the work of necromancers and the servants of Chaos to go unchecked, soon all civilization would be destroyed. To prevent this, a draconian inquisition is carried out by the Witch Hunters, identifiable by their cloaks, broad black hats, and the ceremonial steel gorgets they wear about their necks as a symbolic protection from vampires. These grim individuals usually operate under the patronage of the Grand Theogonist of Sigmar, spiritual patron of the Empire, although some crazed fanatics work independantly, stalking the worst parts of human society on personal crusades of vengeance. These sworn foes of Chaos see themselves as scalpels that surgically exise evil, hunting down witches, sorcerors, mutants, and

heretics with missionary zeal. To the normal population of the empire, they are both a blessing and a curse, offering both protection from the evils of the world as well as the danger of unjust persecution. The power of life and death wielded by the Witch Hunters means they are feared and avoided by most people if possible, something which only compounds their suspicious natures. Some Witch Hunters operate alone from the shadows, reasoning that the best way to ferret out the impure is to not let them see you coming. Others prefer more grandiose and heavy-handed means, travelling the countryside leading bands of flagellants and other thuggish henchmen, dealing out "justice" with fire and sword. Hit Die: D8 Requirements: to qualify for the Witch Hunter class, a character must meet all the following prerequisites: Alignment: any lawful Feats: iron will, track Gather Information: 4 ranks Intimidate: 2 ranks Knowledge[Arcana]: 2 ranks Sense Motive: 4 ranks Special: may not have any levels in classes that grant arcane spells. Class Skills: the Witch Hunter's class skills [and the key ability for each skill] are as follows: Diplomacy[cha], Disguise[cha], Gather Information[cha], Intimidate[cha], knowledge[arcana][int], knowledge[religion][int], listen[wis], Ride[dex], Sense Motive[wis], Spot[wis], Use Rope[dex], Wilderness Lore[wis] Skill Points per Level: 4+int modifier

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1 +1 +2 +0 +2 holy hatred +1, strength of mind 2 +2 +3 +0 +3 rabble-rouser 3 +3 +3 +1 +3 holy hatred +2 4 +4 +4 +1 +4 skill focus: sense motive 5 +5 +4 +1 +4 holy hatred +3 Witch Hunter Class Features: Weapons and Armour Proficiency: the Witch Hunter gains proficiency in all simple and

martial weapons, light and medium armour, and shields.

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Holy Hatred: the Witch Hunter is possessed of a cold, brooding hatred for all things he considers unnatural. The character gains the stated bonus to all melee attack rolls, bluff, listen, sense motive, spot, and wilderness lore checks when used against necromancers, undead, daemons, servants of chaos, mutants, and heretics. What exactly constitutes a heretic varies between Witch Hunters, so this distinction is left for the DM to make. Strength of Mind: a Witch Hunter's self-discipline, suspicion, and fanaticism shield him from those who would control or beguile him. He adds a bonus equal to his Witch Hunter level to all saves made to resist enchantments, illusions, domination, and mind control effects. Rabble-Rouser: the Witch Hunter is expert at quickly gathering large mobs of local citizens to inflict torch-and-pitchfork justice on wrongdoers. He does this by playing on their superstitious xenophobia as well as their fear of being denounced for impiety. With a successful intimidate or diplomacy check vs 20, he can duplicate the effect of the leadership feat in populated areas, with the following changes: he gains no special cohort, the followers must all be first level [and at least 75% will typically be commoners], and the followers will only obey his commands for a maximum of 24 hours. [shortened at the DM's discretion if the character is exceptionally cruel and/or abusive of his authority, uses the followers as cannon-fodder, etc.] Skill Focus: Sense Motive: through long experience as an investigator and interrogator, the Witch Hunter becomes accustomed to ferreting out the truth. He gains the skill focus: sense motive feat for free.

Equipment and Technology Warhammer presents a variety of levels of cultural advancement. On the one hand, the Empire, aided in its development by the Dwarfs, possesses gunpowder, optics, rudimentary science and mathematics, and steam power. Their level of technological progress roughly mirrors the early Renaissance of Europe. On the

other hand, the savage jungles of Lustria and the frozen wastes of Norsca barely exceed the bronze age in technological and social terms. The cultural level [CL] ratings presented in the Ravenloft 3E book are useful for making this distinction. Weapons: parrying dagger [main gauche]: this long, slender dagger has a basket hilt and enlarged crossguard, making it ideally suited for defensive fighting. Its use is popular in certain dueling styles of the Empire and the Tilean city-states. Like a buckler, it gives +1 to AC, but has no effect on missile attacks. Weapon focus [main gauche] can give either the standard +1 to hit or raise the AC bonus to +2. In all other respects it is a normal dagger, save that it is unsuitable for throwing. 10 gc. weapon breaker: this long dagger has either two tines that snap out diagonally from the blade or serrations on the back that can be used to catch and snap opponent's weapons. It is a normal dagger that inflicts triple damage when used to attack a weapon. 10 gc. Blackpowder Weapons: the Empire and the Dwarfs make extensive use of blackpowder weapons to even the scales against their more magically-adept opponents. The Imperial Gunnery School at Nuln produces many skilled gunners and weapons each year, which have spread from military use to some sectors of the general population, mostly the nobility and the Witch Hunters. Although inferior in range, reliability, and rate of fire to bows, gunpowder weapons can pierce any mundane armour. The use of blackpowder weapons requires the blackpowder weapons feat. All blackpowder weapons are given a reload time [the number of full-round actions it takes to prepare the weapon for firing], and a penetration value, which is the number of points of armour or natural AC bonus it bypasses due to it's penetrating power. Magical armour pluses, deflection bonuses, etc, cannot be bypassed via penetration. All blackpower weapons cause piercing damage. Sufficient powder and bullets for 10 shots costs 15 gc.

Weapon Size Cost Damage Crit Range Inc. Weight Special Pistol small 250gc 1d10 19-20/x4 10 ft. 3lb. reload 2, pen 4

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Pistol, 2-barrel small 500gc 1d10 19-20/x4 10 ft. 5lb. reload 2, pen 4, * Blunderbus large 400gc 1d8 19-20/x3 10 ft. 10lb. reload 6, pen 2, # Handgun large 500gc 2d6 19-20/x4 20 ft. 10lb. reload 3, pen 6 Hochland large 800gc 2d6 19-20/x4 40 ft. 10lb. reload 4, pen 8 Long Rifle *: holds two shots when fully loaded. These can be fired singly or together at the same target by rolling a single attack at -2. If successful, both bullets hit. #: special: resolve an attack on all creatures in a straight line from the firer, up to a maximum of 6 small, 3 medium, or 2 large creatures. Special Rule: misfires Blackpowder is a new technology and its principles are not fully understood. Blackpowder weapons are notoriously volatile, prone to jamming, misfires, and even explosion. When a natural 1 is rolled for a blackpowder weapon attack, roll 1d10 on the following misfire table. 1:fizzle: the primer charge used to fire the bullet is damp or otherwise defective. One full round action is required to replace it and make the weapon ready for firing. 2-7: misfire: the weapon will not fire and must be unloaded. Unloading takes the same amount of full round actions as loading the weapon. 8-9: malfunction: the weapon's firing mechanism breaks. The weapon is useless as anything more than a heavy club until repaired, which requires a craft: gunsmith check at DC 20. 10: explosion: the weapon catastrophically malfunctions and blows up in the firer's hands. The firer takes 1d6 piercing damage and 2d6 fire damage, and the weapon is completely destroyed. Gromril: gromril is a rare metal, darker and much harder than steel, the secrets of which the Dwarfs guard jealously. It is found only in meteors and does not exist naturally on the Warhammer world, making it exceedingly rare. gromril is difficult to work, adding 5 to the craft DC for any item made of it. However, any weapon made of gromril will be exceptionally strong and capable of holding a keen edge. They are masterwork weapons, gaining a +1 to all attack rolls, and double their hardness value for the purpose of resisting damage. A gromril

weapon's cost is 4xbase weapon cost plus 300 gc. Armour crafted from gromril adds +1 to its AC value per 4 full points; thus, gromril scale mail has a total AC of +5, and a suit of gromril full plate has AC +10. Gromril armour will generally only be found in sizes suitable for dwarfs, and costs at least 8 times as much as normal armour, often more. Ithilmar: ithilmar [lit. "sky silver"] is an alloy of steel found only in the elven realm of Caledor. Weapons and armour made of ithilmar half their normal weight. Armour made of ithilmar halves its armour check penalty and does not reduce the wearer's speed, except for heavy armour, which reduces it as normal. Ithilmar weapons cost three times as much as normal ones; ithilmar armour costs 5 times as much as normal armour. Special Items: the Warhammer world abounds with strange alchemical and magical substances. Bromide of toxin antidote: this item is a catch-all descriptor for the wide variety of alchemical compounds used to neutralize poisons. Each antidote works only on a single type of poison, determined at the time of creation/purchase [ie, spider venom, greenblood oil, etc], and has no effect on poison of any other type. If taken within 1 minute of the initial poisoning, it allows a fortitude saving throw at +4, which if successful removes 1d6 points of poison damage taken by the affected character. Magical and supernatural poisons are unaffected. Alchemy 25 to prepare, requires a sample of the poison to create, and costs 50gc. Burnbalm: this sticky alchemical paste contains healing herbs that relieve pain and speed the healing of burns. Each application cures 1d6 points of fire damage. A character may only benefit from one dose of burnbalm per day. Alchemy 20, 30gc.

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Mad Cap Mushrooms: the Night Goblins of the World's Edge mountains cultivate all manner of strange fungi in their subterranean caverns, of which Mad Cap is the most infamous. It has potent hallucinogenic qualities, as well as being a powerful stimulant. Night Goblin Fanatics and others who should know better consume copious quantities of the mushroom to drive themselves into a murderous rage. Consuming a dose of Mad Cap causes the user to go into a frenzy as a Barbarian, as well as gaining damage reduction 1/- from a deadened sense of pain. However, every dose also forces the character to make a constitution check vs 12 or permanently lose a point of wisdom as the fungi's narcotic qualities loosen his grip on reality. This damage cannot be restored in any way short of a major restoration, miracle, or wish. Alchemy DC 15 to prepare, 25gc per dose. Nighteye: this is a distillate of various alchemical ingredients and essense from the eyes of a creature with low-light or darkvision. When applied like eyedrops, it grants the user the benefit of low-light vision for one hour. Multiple doses are possible, but the user must make a fortitude save vs 15+the number of doses taken in a 24 hour period or suffer from itchiness and pain in his eyes, giving a -2 penalty to missile attacks, spot, and other vision-related checks. Alchemy 20, 25gc. Seed of Ice: this tiny gemlike object, when exposed to water, freezes all fluids within 10 feet. It radiates magical cold and will keep fluids frozen for up to 15 minutes before they

begin to melt, depending on ambient temperature, freezing point of the liquid, etc. If used as a weapon versus liquid creatures like water elementals, they must make a fortitude save vs 18 every round or be slowed. Alchemy 30, 200gc. Seed of Fire: this small red stone, when exposed to flame or heat above 150 degrees celcius, bursts violently into flame and ignites all flammable materials within 10 feet. It will continue to radiate firestarting heat for 2d6+6 minutes. All creatures in the area of effect take 1d6 heat damage per round. Alchemy 30, 200gc. Soot Bomb: this item acts in all respects as a smokestick, except that the smoke produced is laced with thick, sticky black soot that adheres to any solid it touches and resists all but the most determined efforts at removal. The grainy soot detects as magic. This device is useful as a means of marking objects and people. Alchemy 25, 50gc. Unguent of Phlegethon: this strange alchemical concoction is liquid, heatless flame. When poured out on an object or creature as a full-round action, it gains fire resistance 5 and sheds light in a 30 foot radius. Lasts 10 minutes per dose. Alchemy 25, 200gc. Woundwort: this alchemical tincture speeds natural healing. A single application adds a +4 alchemical bonus to heal checks made to increase a character's rate of natural healing. Alchemy DC 15 to prepare, 25 gc.