Download - D2 Wednesday, October 6, 2010 JERSEY COUNTY JOURNAL Wednesday, October 6, 2010 JERSEY COUNTY JOURNAL

  • NEWSD2 Jerseyville, IllinoisWednesday, October 6, 2010 JERSEY COUNTY JOURNAL


    Name: Cathy BarlowRunning for: Jersey County Board

    District No. 2Party affiliation: RepublicanResidence: Jerseyville

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    It is time for those of us who care about the future of this country to step out of our comfort zones in order to combat the present spiraling downfall of our freedom and rights. I believe in the hearts of the people who honor our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I am a part of this silent majority who wish to leave this righteous destiny to our children and grandchildren. Elected legislators have betrayed the trust of the people and I am one of many step-ping forward.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey County Board? How would you address it?

    The Jersey County Board seems to rely on state and federal assistance, which is faltering under serious eco-nomic deficiencies caused by exces-sive spending. The natural reaction is to raise taxes and fees throughout the system. In Jersey County, this has become a necessary evil. Obviously the economy is an ongoing challenge which should be met with fiscal re-sponsibility and a reality that state and federal grants and other enticements are not the solution. I advocate that Jersey County should govern indepen-dently from the invasive shadow of Big Government in order to maintain local control of the government.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey County due to weather the storm and re-main solvent?

    Don’t depend on the state govern-ment to subsidize Jersey County. An-other factor that must be considered is the cost to the county in enforcing new regulations such as building per-mits and international building codes in order to be in compliance with the federal government programs that are diminishing our local control (county government). Jersey County has be-come one of the top counties in the state and possibly the nation for com-pliance. These regulations are an in-fringement to the freedom and rights of local landowners. The only means of survival is to sever ties with fed-eral programs and ultimately “CUT SPENDING!”

    What is your plan for long-term

    fiscal responsibility?The government exists from the tax-

    es imposed on the people. Other rev-enue comes from penalties and fees. It should serve the taxpayers and not subjugate them to global compliance that leads to a collective form of feu-dalism. These are difficult times and our county government must adjust fiscally to survive. It cannot continue with “business as usual,” especially regarding the schools that receive 71 percent of property taxes. There will need to be complete accountability on all levels. Jersey County needs con-servative oversight without federal government interference.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate(s)?

    The problem we have in America is that our elected officials are unin-formed. The board thinks they are doing a great job as did the previous board. They are good people think-ing they are helping the residents in the county while they have no idea the control they have given to the federal government through their programs and their ultimate results. I promise you, I will be informed on this subject and will furthermore support fiscal re-sponsibility in all areas of the county government operation.

    Name: Sandra HefnerRunning for: County Board Dis-

    trict No. 2Party affiliation: Democrat

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I have served on the County Board for the past four years and want to continue my pledge to serve our county with honesty, integrity, sound judgment and common sense. I cur-rently serve on six Board Commit-tees, and am chairman of three of these. The experience I have gained will be invaluable, going forward. I can assure you that the taxpayer and property owner will be first and fore-most in every decision I make.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey Coun-ty Board? How would you address it?

    Taxes and spending are two of the most critical issues facing Jersey County today. In order to serve the best interest of the taxpayer I will hold all elected officials accountable for the fiscal responsibility of their offices. I will look closely at each issue in terms of its benefit to the county as well as the cost factor to our citizens. I will be mindful of the increased tax burden being placed on all property owners, both homeown-ers and farmers alike and that will continue to be a primary concern of mine.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey County do to weather the storm and re-main solvent?

    We need to strengthen our own economic base in order to be less reliant on the state and federal gov-ernment. By adopting a sensible, no frills budget, we can hold the line on spending. By focusing on increased local revenues from sales taxes we can take the burden off property owners. Tough times call for hard and sometimes unpleasant decisions. With this being said and despite lay-offs in other segments of the econo-my, we have worked hard to ensure no county employees lost his job or laid off. Our board froze salaries for elected officials for three years and implemented a hiring freeze.

    What is your plan for long-term fiscal responsibility?

    Increasing revenues without rais-ing taxes and forgoing any neces-sary services for our citizenry is a real challenge, By encouraging Jer-sey County residents to shop Jersey County first, we can increase rev-enues from sales tax rather than re-lying so heavily on real estate taxes causing an unfair burden on property owners. By holding the line on taxes we can create a stimulus for eco-nomic growth. This action will be a springboard for job creation thus bringing about an unemployment rate well below the average in other contiguous counties. With this for-mula, economic growth and lower taxes become a real possibility.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate(s)?

    I bring a willingness to listen to people in my community and to hear their ideas. I will continue my conser-vative approach to spending. As fur-ther evidence of my commitment to fiscal responsibility, I voted on these cost-cutting measures: close offices on Friday afternoons; reduce salary of animal control officer; reduce two probation officers from five to four days. Additionally, I voluntarily took a 10-percent reduction in pay. Hav-ing lived in Jersey County all my life I feel a commitment to give back to the community which has been good to me and my family. Vote for some-one you know and trust.


    Name: Anthony “Tony” CareyRunning for: Jersey County

    Board District No. 3Party affiliation: DemocratResidence: Grafton

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I was honored to have been ap-pointed to fill the un-expired term for the late Dick Brown. I am still in the learning process of the responsibil-ity and function of the Jersey Coun-ty Board. But I find I would like to continue to have the opportunity to represent the people of District 3 of Jersey County.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey Coun-ty Board? How would you address it?

    The constituents I have talked

    with have said their biggest issue is taxes, which is also my concern. We as a country, state, and county, are facing very difficult times. We have to collectively use the resources we have and remain conscious regard-ing future spending.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey County do to weather the storm and re-main solvent?

    We will have to weather this cri-sis, stay informed, of the issues that effect our county. Be open to new ideas that can help resolve issues with limited resources

    What is your plan for long-term fiscal responsibility?

    We must remain fiscally responsi-ble, even though this may be difficult in times like these, but if we remain informed and make conservative and responsible spending decisions we will make it though.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate(s)?

    I would ask the voters to sup-port me because I will listen to their concerns and opinions. I will work hard to be an informed county board member who contributes in helping to make Jersey County an efficient and functioning form of county gov-ernment with in our financial con-straints

    Name: Gary HayesRunning for: County Board Dis-

    trict No. 3Party affiliation: Democrat

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I have had the privilege of serving the people of County Board District 3 for 12 years. I have enjoyed work-ing with the board and the people of my district to make county govern-ment serve them better, that’s why I am running.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey Coun-ty Board? How would you address it?

    Keeping the budget balanced while providing services the people need from the county and continu-ing to keep the tax levy low. I would continue with the budget cuts put in place this year and continue to re-view programs and expenses to see if there are any more savings to be realized.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey County do to weather the storm and re-main solvent?

    The outcome of the state govern-ment’s budget crisis is hard to pre-dict. Jersey County needs to keep it-self in good financial condition so it can make the necessary adjustments to its budget in the event there is a substantial change in state fund-ing or services. We probably won’t know the resolution of the state bud-get problem until next year.

    What is your plan for long-term fiscal responsibility?

    Jersey County is in excellent posi-tion to accommodate future growth. The Government building is paid for, the highway building is paid for, and the new jail has modest amount of bonds to pay off. I think what we need to do now is pay down the jail bonds, and not enter into any new projects or programs that would grow county government. That would provide us the flexibility to deal with future problems.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate(s)?

    I have devoted the time and effort to be a productive board member and have been willing to take on leader-ship positions. I am currently board vice-chairman, building and grounds chairman, land use chairman, and serve on three other committees. In addition to my experience, I am a life-long resident of District 3. I think my experience combined with knowing the people and the area makes me a better choice than my opponent.

    Name: Ron HenerfouthRunning for: Jersey County

    Board District 3Party affiliation: Republican

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I’m not a politician nor have I ever run for public office. I’m not indebted to influential people or

    special interest groups. But, like so many people I’m fed up with our ever-increasing taxes and govern-ment that’s unresponsive and that operates on a tax and spend philoso-phy. Simply complaining about the situation doesn’t make it any better and so I’ve decided to try to make a difference by becoming a candidate for the Jersey County Board in Dis-trict 3.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey Coun-ty Board? How would you address it?

    Obviously, the poor economic con-ditions and reduced state funding is one of the biggest challenges facing local government today. It is criti-cal that every dollar be spent wisely and fiscal restraint be the “order of the day.” I intend to scrutinize all requests for expenditures to insure the feasibility and necessity of the expense and that sufficient budget allocation exists. We must operate a balanced budget and WE CAN-NOT SPEND MONEY WE DON’T HAVE and expect the taxpayers to subsidize poor fiscal planning.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey County do to weather the storm and re-main solvent?

    According to the Illinois Policy Institute, Illinois ranks near the bot-tom in creating jobs. Jersey County must participate in reversing this trend by becoming more employer-friendly and proactive in attracting new businesses which means new employment. I would propose rea-sonable tax incentives to attract new businesses and promote a coopera-tive effort between the county and businesses, both large and small, who are considering new construc-tion or expanding existing facilities. Adding businesses and employees will expand the county’s tax base and provide more stable employ-ment and increased tax revenue.

    What is your plan for long-term fiscal responsibility?

    Addressed in response 2 and 3.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate(s)?

    A politician works for themselves while a public servant works for the people. As a public servant I would be responsible and accountable to the people of District 3. I would bring leadership experience to the office, which I acquired as a police sergeant and as manager of internal security investigations at McDonnell Doug-las/Boeing, a highly trusted position. I was responsible for the investiga-tion of issues involving waste, fraud and abuse as well as creating and managing a sizeable budget and staff. The county board currently consists of 12 Democrats and con-tinuing to “vote in” the same people will produce the same results.


    Name: Jeff FergusonRunning for: Jersey County Board

    District No. 4Party Affiliation: RepublicanResidence: Unincorporated South-

    ern Jersey County

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    Our elected officials seem to be oblivious to the concept of “living within your means.” As our elected officials devise more and more ways to bleed the taxpaying, working class, every aspect of our lives and our liveli-hood is being threatened. If we are go-ing to leave anything worth having to our kids and grandkids, we have to end the petty bickering and vote out any-

    one not fighting to limit spending. At every level of government, we must elect fiscally responsible candidates and that is why I am running. I will not squander the hard-earned money of my constituents.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey County Board? How would you address it?

    Taxes. That is the single biggest is-sue we are all facing. It is incumbent on the county board to look at every program, project, expenditure, etc. and find ways to control spending. If non-essential spending exists, the county board must look at the return on investment to determine if it ben-efits the majority of county residents. The county board members must also be willing to make cuts, where neces-sary, to keep Jersey County operating in the black. The mentality that taxing bodies can just keep going back to the taxpayers for more money has got to end.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey County do to weather the storm and remain solvent?

    Illinois is corrupt and should serve as the perfect example of how not to run a government. Illinois operates on the premise that we can just keep bor-rowing money and when we’re broke, we’ll borrow more. That borrowing comes in the form of bonds because it is guaranteed debt on the backs of the taxpayers. Jersey County must not fall into this trap because the taxpayers can’t carry the burden of incompetent elected officials anymore. Whether I’m elected or not, I will fight till my last breath against the corruption that is destroying our state and our coun-try.

    What is your plan for long-term fiscal responsibility?

    The only way for an individual, business, or government entity to re-main solvent is to live within your means, period! We have become a society that thinks we’re entitled to something regardless of who has to shoulder the burden of those entitle-ments. I was raised to believe that hard work entitles you to the fruits of your own labor. Government must be scaled back to provide only necessary services and everything else must be considered for elimination. The finan-cial issues solve themselves but those living off the system will have to learn to contribute instead of just consume.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate(s)?

    Voters should consider carefully what this election means. The last shield of protection is the local gov-ernment and squandering another vote in the current economic climate could be the straw that breaks the taxpay-ers’ backs. If everyone is happy with their tax bills and looking forward to where our current elected officials are taking us, then I am not your candi-date. If, however, you are willing to stand against out-of-control spending and complete disregard for the work-ing class, then I would appreciate your vote on Nov. 2, 2010. Those who stand for nothing will soon have noth-ing to stand for.

    Name: Ed KoenigRunning for: County Board Dis-

    trict No. 4Party affiliation: Republican

    No information submitted.

    Name: Tim RotheRunning for: County Board Dis-

    trict No. 4Party affiliation: DemocratResidence: Brighton

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I’m running for re-election to help keep Jersey County a safe and afford-able place to live and raise a family.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey County Board? How would you address it?

    Recently, the board has implement-ed many cost-cutting measures, not always popular but necessary to keep spending down. I’ll keep looking at all options to cut costs.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey County

    Name: Bob SancamperRunning for: County Board Dis-

    trict No. 4Party affiliation: Democrat

    Why have you decided to runfor the position?

    I am a life long resident of thecounty and concerned about the fu-ture development of the country.With the building of the 67 corri-dor, lower state funding and gen-eral growth and development in thecounty, present and future planningis needed. I have been on the boardfor the past four years. I have tried toplan for the future while being fis-cally responsible.

    What is the most immediatechallenge facing the Jersey Coun-ty Board? How would you addressit?

    The financial problem of the stateis causing a lot of financial problemsfor most of the state including JerseyCounty. The state is behind in rev-enues to the county by hundreds ofthousands of dollars. Budgets havebeen cut and early retirements havebeen offered to county workers.Hours have been cut on some countyworkers, also. More may have tobe done if the state continues to donothing about its financial situation.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can Jersey Countydo to weather the storm and re-main solvent?

    I try to keep looking ahead to thefuture needs of the county. With thestate really not having a plan for thefuture, it’s even more important thatthe county stay within its means.The board has already made cuts butmore may have to be done if the statecontinues to cut revenue.

    What is your plan for long-termfiscal responsibility?

    In the long run, hopefully, the statewill pay the county what it’s owed.But with the state of the State, don’thold your breath. So we are constant-ly looking ahead to see what cuts wecan make or fee increase for servicesused. The finance committee for thecounty is always looking ahead asmuch as possible to future problems.Fiscal responsibility is priority forany future budgets or spending.

    Why should a voter choose youinstead of the other candidate(s)?

    I’ve lived in Jersey County for 53years. In the last four years, I’ve beenon the county board. A lot of hard de-cisions have been made. They havebeen done after debate and findingscommon ground to work from. Noteverything has been easy. But I waselected to make decisions for the bet-terment of Jersey County. You can’tjust always say no and not have anyalternative ideas. I keep in mind thatwhat I do as a county board memberdoesn’t only affect me but my fam-ily, neighbors and friends and theresident of the county.

    do to weather the storm and remainsolvent?

    Consider waiting to start any newprojects and possibly scaling backsome non-essential programs.

    What is your plan for long-termfiscal responsibility?

    Explore every opportunity to keepexpenses down and with the comple-tion of the jail addition. I believe wehave made a significant step in theright direction in controlling futureexpenses.

    5) Why should a voter choose youinstead of the other candidate(s)?

    I’ll be available and accountablefor my actions and I have a record ofco-operation and willingness to worktogether with the other board membersto get things done.

  • D3NEWS Jerseyville, IllinoisWednesday, September 1, 2010 JERSEY COUNTY JOURNAL


    Name: Steve PohlmanRunning for: County ClerkParty affiliation: Democrat

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I am running for re-election because I feel I have done a great job serving the people these last four years and I want to continue. My education and experience make me the best qualified candidate. I feel I have worked hard to bring improvements to the office and I want to continue to provide services to the citizens while doing all I can to hold down expenses.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey County Clerk’s Office? How would you address it?

    There are two challenges that I am addressing. The first is fiscal responsibility. I have streamlined the office and we now are able to provide the same services with less money. We have cut expenses everywhere it was possible. The other issue is voter and election fraud. I have addressed this by training with the State Board of Elections on a computer system that tracks voters across the state. If any duplicate voter appears on my program, I investigate to resolve the issue and be sure that everyone who wants to vote can vote.

    With the state’s continuing budget crisis, what can the Jersey County Clerk’s Office do to weather the storm and remain solvent?

    The county clerk’s office will continue to do what it has been doing since this budget crisis began. We are cutting expenses, we are all working harder and we watch all spending to be sure it is necessary. Part of the problem is that our revenues are down and so I have looked for other revenue sources to help lessen the burden of Jersey County residents. I have addressed the budget shortfall by applying for state grants to help offset the cost of elections. This year alone, I have received tens of thousands of dollars. This money is used to help offset cost and keep my expenses down, which means I pass this savings onto the taxpayers.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate?

    The county clerk’s office is responsible for elections, as well as issuing birth, death, marriage certificates. The clerk is also responsible for maintaining all records for the county and any records that are filed from school districts, municipalities, fire districts, sewer districts or any other governmental entity. This job requires organization, strong work ethic, knowledge of the constantly changing state laws and the ability to carry out state mandates. I have the education and experience to do just this task. I am someone Jersey County residents know and trust. I support my family which includes my stay-at-home wife, three children and one on the way.

    Name: Kim SkinnerRunning for: County ClerkParty affiliation: Republican

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I am running for County Clerk because I enjoy working in that office and know that I would be an efficient and responsible County Clerk.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey County Clerk’s Office? How would you address it?

    Issues facing the County Clerk’s office are keeping costs down, getting vital records more readily available for genealogy researchers, re-arrange office to accommodate books of record as county grows, keeping up with new election rules and regulations and of utmost impor-tance getting deputy clerks back to work and offices re-opened on Friday afternoons to once again be able to serve the public in an efficient and convenient manner. These issues as well as any others that come about would be addressed and resolved after considerable thought, consider-ation, and careful planning.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can the Jersey County Clerk’s Office do to weath-er the storm and remain solvent?

    With the State of Illinois in the budget crisis that it is in, the one thing that I can do to help get Illinois back on track is to vote for the Conservative candidates that will make a difference, back them, and follow their lead.


    Name: Terry DayRunning for: County SheriffParty affiliation: RepublicanWhy have you decided to run

    for the position?I have spent my life dedicating

    myself to my country and to the communities where I have lived. I was raised to know my neighbors and to help them when they need it. I feel that I will be able to serve the residents of Jersey County with my many years of law enforcement experience, as well as my experi-ences as a Special Agent with the Criminal Investigation Command in the US Army.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey County Sheriff’s Department? How would you address it?

    The most immediate challenge that I am aware of is the need to give the entire county the service and protection they expect while working within the budget. As we know the Sheriff’s department is under manned and does the best with what it has been given. The deputies work long hours and with the size of the county they are real-ly stretched when a quick response is needed. The primary investigator has retired and the county board says he won’t be replaced for two years. I would meet with the county board and discuss the situation.

    With the state’s continuing budget crisis, what can the Jersey County Sheriff’s Department do to weather the storm and remain solvent?

    The budget crisis is definitely a problem for everyone, but the residents of our community expect a service their taxes are paying for. I am not aware of the budget the Sheriff’s department is operating under now. I’d have to examine that budget and determine the pri-orities based on the needs of the community. It would be crucial to finding efficient ways of reduc-ing spending and costs while not disrupting the services the resi-dents expect and deserve. I believe clear communication between the Sheriff’s department and the com-munity is critical in identifying the vital needs of the public. Reducing costs within the department doesn’t necessarily mean having less man-power or proper training.

    What can you do as head of the department, if elected, to cut down on crime in Jersey County?

    I will ensure more patrol visibil-ity on all of our roads throughout the county. I’d like to initiate a county Crime Stopper’s Program where confidential informants can receive a cash award if an arrest is made in clearing a crime. I stand strong against domestic violence of any kind and the use or sale of drugs and all the crimes associ-ated with drugs. I would like to form a citizen’s advisory board to gather both information on the needs of the community as well as any complaints. I’d like to estab-lish an “open door” policy with the Sheriff.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate?

    I have the experience, integrity and the confidence to work with the residents of our county. I want to be “your” Sheriff working for you. After all you are paying my salary and I’d like the chance to earn it.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate?

    I am a concerned citizen like all of you. I have never ran for public office before, nor am I a career politician. I am a Christian who places my faith in the forefront of all my decision making. I will not act on impulse or be financially irresponsible. I am honest, sincere, caring, trustworthy, dependable, and hard-working. I am dedicated and will serve the people of Jersey County to the best of my ability.

    Name: Mark R. KallalRunning for: Jersey County

    SheriffParty affiliation: DemocratResidence: Jerseyville

    Why have you decided to run for the position?

    I am seeking re–election of Jersey County Sheriff because I feel the needs and safety of Jersey County and its residents are my top priority. We live in a caring community and one that believes in helping others. I have been dedicated in helping oth-ers by serving the community in the public service area. The future of Jersey County Sheriff and the duties that accompany it is ever changing. I am the choice for the continued dedication and care that the resi-dents of Jersey County deserve.

    What is the most immediate challenge facing the Jersey County Sheriff’s Department? How would you address it?

    Continuing to upgrade equipment with as little as possible. We con-tinue to maintain what we have and when any purchases need to be made we shop around for the best price we can get to save tax dollars.

    With the state’s continuing bud-get crisis, what can the Jersey County Sheriff’s Department do to weather the storm and remain solvent?

    The current challenge we face is the strained budget, due to the lack of mandated state reimbursements. I have money saving efforts in place at this time that is helping, but may have to be tightened even more if the issue remains the same or gets any tighter.

    What can you do as head of the department, if elected, to cut down on crime in Jersey County?

    My goals, if re-elected, are to continue to be tough on drugs, sex crimes, domestic violence and all other illegal activity. We will also continue to monitor the sex offend-ers registered in Jersey County.

    Why should a voter choose you instead of the other candidate?

    I am dedicated to Jersey County as I was born and raised here. I care about the people of Jersey County and their protection. I have been and will remain accountable and available to the residents of Jersey County. I feel that I have proven my ability to serve the public of Jersey County for past four years as Jersey County Sheriff and I would like to continue serving the community in this capacity.

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