Download - 杨倩芸CV 12.8

  • 8/13/2019 CV 12.8


    Qianyun Yang

    Room 18, Building No.4, Canglong Yuan Tel: 0086-519-85481598

    Longhutang t., !in"ei #i$t%i&t Cell 'hone: 0086-1589588(964

    Chang)hou, *iang$u '%o+in&e, -mail: ianun/ahoo.&omChina,


    010-'%e$ent Naning 2ni+e%$it o3 'o$t$ and Tele&ommuni&ation$ *iang$u, China

    B. in le&t%i&al and Comute% nginee%ing, 7e&ted in *une 014


    01-01 thi%d-&la$$ $&hola%$hi

    011-01 $e&ond-&la$$ $&hola%$hi

    010-011 e7&ellent mem"e% in the uni+e%$it Coma$$ion o&iet

    00(-010 Chang)hou Beiiao igh &hool *iang$u, China

    Research Experience tudied indoo% teme%atu%e &ont%ol $$tem

    Coma%ed multi &o%e$ %o&e$$o%$ in mo"ile hone$ and &omute%$, anal)ed the ad+antage$

    and di$ad+antage$ o3 dual &o%e and uad &o%e

    tudied the di33e%en&e in human$ hen the lie and anal)ed the de$ign di%e&tion o3olg%ah

    tudied the %in&ile and ali&ation o3 ;alman 3ilte% and u$ed matla" to $imulate the 3ilte%

    #id a gene%al %e$ea%&h o3 ene%g &%i$i$ and de+eloment

    Internship Experience o%;ed a$ an inte%n in th%ee di+i$ion$ e7&hange, t%an$mi$$ion and data %e$e&ti+el:

    in the e7&hange di+i$ion, lea%nt to deal ith a"no%malit in $it&h te%minal$? in the t%an$mi$$ion

    di+i$ion, lea%nt the hie%a%&hi&al $t%u&tu%e o3 the t%an$mi$$ion ma&hine, unde%$tood the $t%u&tu%e o3

    the telehone neto%; in the hole &it and the o%;ing &ondition o3 %ote&ti+e &i%&uit$, lea%nt to

    "uild the "a$i& &i%&uit$ 3o% $ome euiment and handle the e%%o%$ in t%an$mi$$ion line? in the data

    di+i$ion, lea%nt the dail "a&;u o3 data and the e%3o%man&e te$t o3 +a%iou$ euiment.

    et. 01 Chang)hou Li"%a%

    Lea%nt "oo; %egi$t%ation, lending and %etu%n $$tem, &he&;ed the %e&o%d,

    identi3ied de3i&ien&ie$ in the $$tem and $ugge$ted im%o+ement.

    et. 011 Ci+il

  • 8/13/2019 CV 12.8


    a&ti+itie$ in the &ommunit and +i$iting the elde%l o+e% $e+ent-3i+e.

    Social Activities

    An Camu$

    et. 011-*une 01 uni+e%$it Coma$$ion o&iet Liai$on +i&e di%e&to%

    et. 010-*une 011 uni+e%$it Coma$$ion o&iet Liai$on mem"e%

    >a$ %e$on$i"le 3o% 3inan&ing the dail a&ti+itie$ and g%and e+ening a%tie$ 3o% $o&ial &lu"$,

    maintaining the mutual "ene3it and &ooe%ation "eteen $o&ial &lu"$ and lo&al ente%%i$e$

    and maintaining the &onta&t "eteen the uni+e%$it u"li& o%gani)ation$ and the lo&al one$ o3

    the $ame ;ind.

    et. 010-*une 011 tudent$ 2nion o3 A+e%$ea$ du&ation College

    #i$&ilina% n$e&tion #ea%tment mem"e%

    >a$ %e$on$i"le 3o% a&ademi& atmo$he%e &on$t%u&tion and do%m &ultu%e. A%gani)ed

    attendan&e &he&;, integ%it te$t, do%m $anita% &onte$t and do%mito% de$ign &ometition.

    A33 Camu$