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January 2014

Meet the Regions A new feature for 2014

In this edition we meet the West Midlands Regional Officers

Happy New YearWe hope you had a great Christmas break and wish all of our members a

happy and prosperous 2014

Health & Safety documentation CEO of HANDS HQ Alexander Greenbrings us news of a recent HSE case

and an increased discount for the IOCCU

















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WelcomeH appy New Year, I can’t believe that it’s already approaching the middle of January - 2014 is off to a flying start! The Xmas holidays seemed to be over in the blink of an eye, but it was great to have some time off and spend it catching up with family and friends - here’s hoping that you had a wonderful break.

This edition is slightly lighter than usual as December was such a jam packed edition and it’s only been a month or so since that came out to you. There are still a host of articles from around the IOC, so put the kettle on and have a read.

Once this edition of Cutting Edge is out the door, I will be writing the content for our new website. Many, many thanks to those of you who took the time to send me your recommendations and thoughts - very much appreciated and I will be working as many of them as possible into the new site. Our website will remain as and should be live by the time you receive the next edition of Cutting Edge in March.

As you may remember in the last edition, we brought you news of additional benefits - one of which was a discount at HANDS HQ. I’m pleased to advise that William and I have managed to increase this discount to 25% for all IOC members, so do have a look at their website to find out more - it really could save you some time. We’re still working with Which? on their trusted traders scheme and hope to bring an update in the March edition of Cutting Edge.

And last but by no means least - please hold this date: Saturday 7th June 2014. Plans are already afoot for the IOC’s next annual general meeting which will take place at Carpenters’ Hall, London. It’s early days at the moment, but we’re working on expanding the exhibition and we’ve lined up guest speakers. Is there anything else you would like to see included? Please do take the time to let us know what you would like to see on the day and we’ll do our best to incorporate them into the planning.

All that remains for me to say is.... Until the next time, happy reading!

Sharon Hutchings14th January 2014

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Keep in touch

Cutting EdgeEDITORIAL0844 879 [email protected]

Editor: Sharon HutchingsThanks this month to William Avery, , Trevor Eveleigh FIOC, Brian Streather FIOC, David Elliott FIOC, Paul Preston FIOC, David Winson FIOC, James McLaughlin FIOC,

Daniel Shandley FIOC, John Briner FIOC, Will Streule MIOC, Sebastian Lewis, Alexander Green, Andy Harris & Nici Simpson. Cover photo courtesy of Brian Streather FIOC.

Cutting Edge is the journal of the Institute of Carpenters and is issued to IOC members only by the Institute of

Carpenters (IOC), 32 High Street, Wendover, Bucks, HP22 6EA. The material may include opinions, recommendations or other content from third parties that do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute of Carpenters.

Before relying on the material referred to in this newsletter, users should independently verify the accuracy, completeness and relevance for their purposes and obtain any appropriate professional advice. Links to other websites are included for the user’s convenience and do not constitute an endorsement of the material on those sites, or any associated product or service.

INSTITUTE OF CARPENTERSA Company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 00076125. VAT Registration No. 651 6043 57Registered Office: 32 High Street, Wendover, Bucks, HP22 6EA. 0844 879 7696 [email protected]

HEAD OFFICE0844 879 [email protected]

SUBSCRIPTIONSJen Rainnie or Jane MurphyWebscribe Ltd01442 [email protected]

MEMBERSHIP PACKS / CARDS, EXAMS, & CERTIFICATESDavid Winson FIOC0115 949 [email protected]

MEMBERSHIP ENQUIRIES / UPGRADESTrevor Eveleigh FIOC01268 [email protected]

Cutting Edge is printed by iQ Print, Weston Way Industrial Estate, Lower Road, Stoke Mandeville, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP22 5GT.

Copyright © 2014 Institute of Carpenters All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Colour transparencies, manuscripts or disks submitted to the Institute are sent at owner’s risk; neither the Company nor its agents accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Unsolicited material should be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.

William Avery, IOC President writes:

Since you have heard rather a lot from me recently and there are plenty of much more interesting articles for you to read, Sharon has given me this month off! This leaves me the very pleasant task to wish you all a great 2014 and I look forward to seeing as many members as are able to come along at the AGM on 7th June in Carpenters’ Hall.

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In this edition...News

8 Skills Show 2013 David Elliott FIOC tells us about last year’s competition and shares the competition drawing

10 Meet your regional teams A new feature for 2014 - in this edition we meet the West Midlands’ Regional Team.

14 Beating the air? Articles from the October 1923 and January 1924 editions of the journal

Member news

4 News round up A welcome to our new members and a reminder of the benefits of your IOC membership

4 Don’t forget to renew your membership for 2014 A reminder of the benefits of your IOC membership

6 Are you interested in helping IOC members with continuing professional development? If the answer is yes then Paul Preston FIOC needs your help please!

12 The Jubilee Sailing Trust Brian Streather FIOC takes a look back at a Central section visit from 1998

13 Competition corner Regional Carpenters’ Craft Competition, Joiners & Ceilers competition 2014

16 IOC Region and section contact details Email, phone or post, there’s a way to contact our regional officers

Member benefits

4 IronmongeryDirect discount code Have you used your 10% discount yet?

5 Can you afford a £25k fine? Alexander Green of HANDS HQ brings us news of how their H&S documentation tool could help.

6 Did you know that you can purchase IOC merchandise? IOC branded t-shirts, hoodies, fleeces, high vis jackets, cufflinks and ties

7 5% off websites, business cards and branded workwear Sole Trader Busienss Group gives 5% discount to IOC members

15 Insuring your future today IOC is working in partnership with Bond Insurance Services to provide members with lower premiums


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News round up

Have you moved? Have you changed bank?Do we have your up to date details?

Without them we can’t look after your IOC Membership and your membership may expire or your card go missing.

We don’t want that to happen so please email us at [email protected] or call us on 01442 820585 if you have any changes to make.

Welcome to our new members

FellowBrian Meagher FIOC (Greater London South Essex Surrey)John Morley FIOC (East Midlands)Brett Wildin FIOC (East Midlands)

MemberPeter Barker MIOC (North West North Wales Ireland)Mark Doyle MIOC (North West North Wales Ireland)Richard Farrer MIOC (Eastern Counties)Stuart Townsend MIOC (East Midlands)

LicentiateRichard Wyatt LIOC (South & South East)

AffiliateCallum McVey (North West North Wales Ireland)Tahir Yaqub (Greater London South Essex Surrey)

StudentDarren Roberts (Greater London South Essex Surrey)Matthew Whiteley (Greater London South Essex Surrey)

ü Membership of a professional body ü Annual membership card ü Free listings on IOC website (new improved format

coming early 2014) ü Regional membership meetings ü Annual General Meeting at Carpenters’ Hall ü Access to the Members’ only area of the IOC

website ü Bi-monthly editions of Cutting Edge ü Use of IOC logo on your stationary / website

ü Website for just £142 + VAT ü Reduced rates on branded workwear and printing ü Trade specific insurance packages ü Discounted health insurance ü 10% discount with Numbers Ltd. accountants for

personal & business services ü 25% off at HANDS HQ ü 10% discount at IronmongeryDirect ü We’re working on more to come in 2014

How to renew

ü Direct debit - no action required, you’ll renew automatically

ü Credit card / BACs / Cheque - you’ll receive a letter from Webscribe with instructions

Why should I renew?

ü Membership of a professional body ü Networking & shared learning opportunities ü Improved member benefits ü Bi-monthly editions of Cutting Edge

Don’t forget to renew your membership for 2014

Have you taken advantage of another of your IOC benefits?

10% off for IOC Members with Discount Code CRZ88

Simply enter the code on the website at checkout or mention in store before they put anything through the till

Check out the latest Woodworking HSE bulletin

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Can you afford a £25k fine?

By all accounts, 2013 was an exemplary year for health and safety in the construction industry. HSE statistics showed a ten-year low in the number of fatal and major injuries, while initiatives such as Speak Up, Stay Safe and HSE’s safety seminars made creating safer working environments all the easier. But it’s a new year, and for many carpenters and joiners, failing to carry out basic health and safety measures still remains a major issue.

Take the London joinery firm whose safety failings landed them with fines and costs totalling £25,460 in November of last year. The Ealing-based company showed a blatant disregard for workers’ wellbeing, failing to provide employees with suitable respiratory protective equipment (RPE) while neglecting to test on-site ventilation systems. These deficiencies meant that workers were at risk of inhaling harmful wood dust and toxic chemicals such as isocyanate. Worst of all, the firm did not provide sufficient training or information about these hazards, and carried out minimal supervision and surveillance while employees were at work.

With failings like these, it’s no wonder that UK joiners are four times more likely to suffer from asthma than the average worker. Long term exposure to fine dust particles produced by sawing and planning can cause serious health problems, including rhinitis and nasal cancer, as well as irreversible lung damage. Without sufficient safety measures, such as LEV extraction, RPE provision in high-dust situations and employee education, wood dust poses a serious health risk to the 180,000+ carpenters and joiners in the UK.

While HSE cracked down on the construction industry as a whole last year, inspectors are specifically focusing on joinery shops and workers in 2014. To pass future inspections, tradesmen should focus on two main areas: conditions in the workshop and quality of paperwork.

When it comes to workshop assessment, order is key. While no one’s expecting hospital-grade cleanliness, inspectors are unlikely to look favourably on workshops where machines are buried under dust and off-cuts. General tidiness is often a good barometer of how well other issues are being managed, so focus on keeping the working environment organised and presentable.

Many health and safety infractions and major injuries result from poorly maintained machinery, so make sure that it is

in good working order, has sufficient safeguards and is only operated by those competent to do so. Inspectors will be checking for evidence to prove competency, so make sure documentation is on hand. They will also look at braking and tooling as well as any other safety issues such as work at height and transport.

HSE want to see that on-site hazards are being appropriately controlled, and wood dust is one of the greatest. Well-maintained dust extraction systems on machinery, as well as evidence of suitable RPE gear for employees, are two examples of positive measures that can lead to a good report. Measures against other health risks such as manual handling and noise are also essential.

With regard to paperwork, inspectors will ask to see copies of Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and risk assessments if a company has more than five employees, along with health surveillance records or summaries.

Businesses who use low-risk woods will only have to fill out a questionnaire to fulfil their health surveillance requirement, but high-level health surveillance must be in place where workers are exposed to high-risk woods like Western Red Cedar.

Inspectors want to see evidence of maintenance and test records for any extraction equipment, so make sure those are easily accessible in case of surprise inspection. Similarly, businesses should have prominent written instructions for employees detailing use and supervision of machinery, information on spotting and reporting health hazards such as asthma and dermatitis, proper use and care of equipment such as extractors and dust masks, and basic cleaning instructions.

To ensure your HSE inspection goes without a hitch, it’s essential to have a detailed and efficient system of safety documentation. Not only does producing adequate risk assessments and method statements keep you on the HSE’s good side, they make it easier to determine on-site hazards and avoid accidents, injuries and long-term health risks. Services like HANDS HQ can help you produce this documentation quickly and simply, so it doesn’t get in the way of your day-to-day activities. Make your New Year’s resolution a good one for 2014, and focus on improving your health and safety measures today.

Alexander Green is the CEO of HANDS HQ, an online tool built for carpenters to help them take control of their health and safety responsibilities. You can create your own site-specific risk assessments and method statements in less than 3 minutes with their online tool.

They have a special offer for all IOC members with 25% off the price of subscription. Visit their website using IOC to claim this exclusive offer.


Picture from HANDS HQ - courtesy of Kevin K

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Odds & ends

Are you interested in helping IOC members with Continuing Professional Development (CPD)? If the answer’s yes, Paul Preston FIOC needs your help please!

Learning, careers advice, Sector Skills Councils, standards setting bodies, awarding bodies, teaching, education, skills development, assessment, Continuous Professional Development.

If you are interested in or have any ideas or aspirations regarding the above (or related) topics please contact IOC CPD Chairman Paul directly at [email protected]

Did you know that you can purchase IOC merchandise?

There is still some stock available of the following products. If you are interested in purchasing anything please contact David Winson FIOC directly at [email protected] and he’ll be pleased to assist. What’s more - the IOC is also paid a commission for every purchase you make!

T-shirts £7.50 Polo shirts £9.50Sweatshirts £11.50 Hoodies £15.50

Fleeces:Quarter-zip £15.50 Full zip £16.50Oxford Business £15.50 Hi-viz waist coats from £7.50

Ties (Red only) £6.00 Lapel Badges £1.60Cufflinks (boxed) £4.00 Cufflinks (unboxed) £2.50

All prices are subject to postage and packaging and VAT and include the commission payable to the IOC.

There are also a limited number of sky blue shirts remaining.

To find out more, please contact [email protected]

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Skills Show 2013

Some fourteen competitors took part in this year’s SkillBuild which was part of the Skills Show 2013 which was held at National Exhibition Centre Birmingham from 13th to 15th November 2013.

The competitors came from all over the country and Northern Ireland representing their various Colleges.

The Joinery was a flat piece of framing with a semi-elliptical shaped headed panel, consisting of a frieze rail, mid rails with mullions and a bottom rail. The bottom rail and frieze rail have through mortise and tenons. The mid-rails and mullions are stub tenonned. The head has two shaped tenons at the springing line and two loose tenons at the top, draw bored and dowelled.

This year for the first time, the drawings were sent out to the competitors minus the sizes. The competitors were much better prepared. They were so confident and well prepared. This covers their tools which were very sharp and the tools they brought with them. It was so good to see and it made life for the judges very much easier. It was so good to see and witness. Never in my thirty years or so have I ever witnessed anything like this in a final competition. Congratulations to them all.

They have a marking scheme which covers five main parts:-A Drawing and Setting OutB Internal JointsC DimensionsD External JointsE Finish and Appearance

The majority of competitors did reasonable drawings, some could have done better by marking in the line work better so that it stood out from the setting out board.

Internal Joints were improved but many of the competitors need to practice cutting down the length of the tenon without leaving saw marks on the cheeks of the tenon. Most of the shoulders were almost perfect. Tenons should be able to be pushed in the mortise where you feel the wind come out of the back of the tenon, just enough space to allow for adhesive.

Dimensions were again much improved with the majority above the average. Dimensions must be exact, this was certainly better this year by most competitors.

External Joints - again another area that was much improved with the majority getting above average marks. This is what is required and the judges were very proud to witness such high marks and good joints.

Finish and Appearance - another improved area with the finish of the project much better than in years gone by. The main cause of the improvement is the competitorspractising their finish with a sharp, properly set plane. The dowelling was an area where they lost marks. The competitors should use a centre point drill which the majority did not use. When cramping up a project like this they should keep an eye on the method of cramping up. Some were mis-shaped.

Overall - A much improved competition in all areas. It should improve the selection of competitors for World Skills in the future.

Congratulations to all Competitors and their Colleges in their preparation for the Competition. No glass paper was allowed to be used and this has improved the finish greatly.

David Elliott FIOCIOC Board member & SkillBuild Joinery Judge


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Skills Show 2013 final drawing


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10 CUTTING EDGE Jan 2014

Meet your regional teams

Introducing West Midlands Section!As you will have seen from the later editions of Cutting Edge in 2014, we were seeing more news from different sections and regions around the country. There are increasing levels of activity, with many of you meeting up periodically throughout the year.

In every edition of Cutting Edge, you’ll see the list of regional contacts (usually the back cover) but rather than leaving the names as words on a page, I thought it was time we brought some of them to life! So in each edition this year, we’ll be focusing on a different region to find out more about them.

Each Regional Officer has been asked to fill in a short questionnaire to facilitate this process and this month, we’re starting with the West Midlands section.

Sharon Hutchings

Key factsChairmanJames McLaughlin FIOC

Membership SecretaryDaniel Shandley FIOC

5% of IOC members are in the region

Oldest - nearly 96Youngest - 24

Postcodes covered:B DY CVHR WR WSWV

James George McLaughlin FIOCWest Midlands Regional Chairman & IOC Board member

Date joined: October 2008

Why did you join the IOC?The History of the IOC. Professionalism and credibility are second to none, so it was easily the right professional body to join. The IOC was formed fundamentally to help all carpenters and to uphold professional standards which is paramount to myself personally and is the core belief to all of our members. What have I received in return? An excellent service, continuing education and most of all an organisation that listens and helps all of its members.

A brief overview of your work history and what you do today: Time Served Advanced City and Guilds Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship at Turriff Construction - Warwickshire. Self Employed carpenter at 21 and worked overseas in Europe and Australia during the 1990’s for more worldly experience. I formed Woodfellas Carpentry and Joinery Ltd ( where today I am the working Managing Director - I’m still on the tools!

Something unusual people may not know about you:I play the piano and guitar (to relax) and have a sporting background. I’m a 3rd Dan/Degree in Tae Kwon Do and am also an instructor. In addition, I’m doing instructor training for Pilates (Polestar). Why I took on the IOC role: To help the IOC and give something back to my trade

Regional achievements in 2013:Working with the Teenage Cancer Trust at Christmas 2013 - to raise money for children who need all of our help. I also built the Christmas tree in the picture

Key focus for 2014: To make sure the IOC gets the recognition it deserves in all areas of the Construction Industry.

James and his daughter Olivia at the IOC’s 2012 AGM at Carpenters’ Hall, London

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Jan 2014 CUTTING EDGE 11

Daniel Shandley FIOCWest Midlands Regional Membership Officer

Date joined: September 2009

Why did you join the IOC?To give something back to a craft trade that has given me skills and knowledge, provided by my colleagues in the trade during my apprenticeship.

A brief overview of your work history and what you do today: I started out on a YTS scheme through

the CITB with Henry Boot and studied at North Birmingham College (formerly Brooklyn Tech).

Something unusual people may not know about you:I was the last generation to complete the much loved City and Guilds advanced Craft Certificate. In fact, my mum recently found my first year results during a clear out. Thankfully the final year mark was much improved! Why I took on the IOC role: To help out and assist the IOC.

Key focus for 2014: Working with James to make sure the IOC gets the recognition it deserves in all areas of the Construction Industry.

James also shared with us the pictures to the left which show the new circular kitchen his company crafted for a client/friend just before Christmas.

As James explained “the kitchen has interesting detail oak worktops with circular integrated curved units”.

He added “perhaps this is what the kitchens of the future will be like - although they’re not the easiest of kitchens to fit! We also had the contract completed for Xmas as well!”

As well as the progress of the kitchen, the pictures show the girls sealing the worktop on both sides to stop water retention.

Have you got a work project you’d like to share with us? Do send it in to [email protected] if you have!

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12 CUTTING EDGE Jan 2014

The Jubilee Sailing Trust

Back in 1998 I arranged a visit to Southampton for members of Central Section to view the building of a wooden 3 masted barque which was under construction at that time.

The ship, unnamed at the time, was to be a sister ship to the steel hulled Lord Nelson - designed and purpose built to allow people of all physical abilities to sail side by side on equal terms.

The visit was partly arranged as a dedication to Reg Dean, a very keen member of the Institute and a close friend from our apprenticeship days together. He was a frequent volunteer on board the Lord Nelson as part of their able-bodied crew and had worked on many areas of the ship. We went down to see him on one of his trips arriving back at Southampton and had the opportunity of going aboard. Sadly he was to pass away before the completion of the new ship took place.

The Jubilee Sailing Trust, based in Southampton, is a sail training charity founded in 1978 with money from the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth fund by Christopher Rudd, a keen sailor. The ship at the time of our visit was hull side up and we were taken all round the underside of the ship and view the various works taking place. The ship was ‘set-out’ full size on the floor of the vast indoor building to obtain the various templates for the construction of the hull and this was a unique opportunity

to see the ship at this early stage before it was ‘rolled’ over.

It will interest those members who were present at that visit to see the result! It is now a very important part of the JST taking up to 40 voyage crew, half of whom may be physically disabled and guided through each task on board by 10 permanent crew members. The ship is now SV Tenacious and can be followed on her trips by going onto the JST website at

Brian Streather FIOCIOC Central Section Secretary

The picture on the front cover of this edition of Cutting Edge was also taken on this trip.

The picture below is from the JST website at

We’re always keen to hear of section / region visits past and present so do send them in to [email protected] and you may feature in a future edition!

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Jan 2014 CUTTING EDGE 13

Competition Corner

Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers Competition

The Prestigious Joiners & Ceilers Craft Award will take place this year at the Building Crafts College, Stratford, London, on Saturday 17th May 2014 the prizes are;

First Prize £1,000Second Prize £500Third Prize £100

Full entry details and the rules of the completion can be found on the Joiners & Ceilers Web site at or by contacting the Chairman of the Craft Committee by email to [email protected] or text to 07860 314884

Early application is advised

Regional Carpenters’ Craft Competition presentation, Reading College

Towards the end of 2013, IOC Regional Chairman Trevor Greaves FIOC made a trip to Reading College where he presented an IOC shield to the regional winners.

Zach Goatham and William Bond are current students at Reading College.

The March 2014 edition copy deadline is Friday 28th February.

Please send any ideas for content or completed articles to:

[email protected]


IOC Cutting Edge, 32 High Street, Wendover, Bucks, HP22 6EA

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Beating the air?

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Jan 2014 CUTTING EDGE 15

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IOC Region & Section Contacts

Please see below the current Regional Officers of the IOC. If you are in a region which doesn’t have a Regional Chairman or a Regional Membership Officer why not have a go yourself?! If you’re interested, please contact Trevor Eveleigh FIOC on 01268 772 383 or [email protected].

Here are the contacts for each of the more localised membership groups / sections

If you don’t have an active section or region nearby then why not set up a new one? Please contact IOC Membership Chairman Trevor Eveleigh FIOC on 01268 772383 or on [email protected] for more information about how you can do this.

WEST SCOTLANDJohn Carlton FIOC0141 632 3299

NORTH WESTDavid Elliott FIOC01257 [email protected]

NORTH WALES Meirick Davies MIOC01745 582740 [email protected]

WEST MIDLANDS Roger Fellows FIOC01327 704556 [email protected]

EAST MIDLANDSAndrew Eato MIOC 01623 [email protected]

NORFOLK & SUFFOLKLes White MIOC07973 [email protected]

THAMES VALLEYAnthony Gulliver MIOC01252 [email protected]

CENTRAL Brian Streather FIOC01277 [email protected]

KENT & EAST SUSSEXTrevor Eveleigh FIOC01268 [email protected]

OVERSEASMel Davies FIOC+44 1491 [email protected]

NORTHERNSCOTLANDC Wilson Miller FIOC0141 649 [email protected]

M William McCulloch MIOC0141 583 [email protected]

CC Keith Swann FIOC07732 624088 [email protected]

NORTH WEST, NORTH WALES, ISLE OF MAN & IRELANDC David Elliott FIOC01257 792462 [email protected]

NORTH EAST-NORTHERNC Lee Shepherd FIOC07867 454417 [email protected]

M Andy Vale FIOC0191 520 [email protected]

M Nicholas Bell MIOC01924 496898 [email protected]

CC Jason Howe FIOC07766 [email protected]

WEST MIDLANDSC James McLaughlin FIOC0121 475 5513 [email protected]

M Daniel Shandley FIOC01675 [email protected]

EAST MIDLANDSC (Acting) Lewis McKenzie FIOC 0116 232 [email protected]

M Andrew Eato MIOC 01623 631208 [email protected]

SOUTHERNTHAMES VALLEYC Trevor Greaves FIOC0118 958 [email protected]

GREATER LONDONC Don Stevens FIOC020 8398 5319 [email protected]

SOUTH WESTC David Whitfield FIOC01626 [email protected]

M Mark Smith FIOC07854 965266 [email protected]

CHANNEL ISLANDS C Bill Hill FIOC01534 736711 [email protected]

KEYC = Regional ChairmanM = Regional Membership OfficerCC = Regional College Co-ordinator

If you are in a region without any regional officers then please contact:

Trevor Eveleigh FIOCIOC Membership Chairman01268 [email protected]

Are your details up to date? Please let Head Office know if anything needs changing. Many thanks,

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