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Botanical Magazine;

Flower-Garden Difplayed



The moft Ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the

Open Ground, the Green -Houfe, and the Stove, are

accurately reprefented in their natural Colours.


Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according

to the celebrated Linn^us ; their Places of Growth,

and Times of Flowering




A WORKIntended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, j»

wifh to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate.


JOHN SIMS, M. D.Fellow of the Linnean Society.


'* Inter vitales herbas fuccofque falubres

" Quam bene flat populo vita falufque fua."

LONDON:Printed by Stephen Couchman, Throgmorton-Street.

Publifhed by Sherwood, Neely, & Jones, 20, Paternojler-Row,

And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland,


Page 2: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

ifintTgJvmii- V?l jutiy ra~ -

Page 3: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

[ *3 29 ]

Albuca vittata. Riband-Albuca,

C/tf/> d^/ Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.— Fid. No. 1046.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms.

ALBUCA vittata; (bulbus ovatus ;) foliis pluribus, ambienterradicalibus, ere&o-divergentibus, linear! fcmitere-

tibus, anguftis, convoluto-canaliculatis, acuminatis,

extus ftriatis, fcapo tereti-attenuato; racemo ereclo,

remotius paucifloro; pedicellis divaricatis, brac-

teas folitarias lanceolato-attenuatas fufcas fubae-

quantibus ; corolla pendulo-cernua, hexapetalo-

partita, tota rotato-patente ; laciniis ifometns, ex-

teripribus fubduplo anguftioribus, lineari-oblongis

apiculo callofo obfolete puberulo ; interioribus

obovato-ellipticis, apice incurvulis et extrorfumfubpenicillatis ; ftaminibus corollae fubasqualibus,

ere&o-divergentibus, deorfum pro ger minis lon-

gitudine membranacee alatis, inde fubulato-fili-

formibus ; alternorum membrana duplo latiore

denticulis binis terminata ; caeterorum cuneato-

oblonga, edentula ;'germine quam fty Ins fubduplo

breviore, columnari, rotundato-trigono fulcis tribus

facialibus ftriis totidem angularibus ahernantibus ;

ftylo corollam exfuperante, fubcIavato-Lereti, tri-

ftriato, fubfiexuofo, filamentis triplo craffiore,

finem verfus muricato-pubefcente. G.

Bulb about the fize of a pigeon's egg : Jiem (in our fpecimen)

rather fhorter than the leaves^ which were about five or fix

inches long ; flowers yellow ; each petal-like fegment inter-

fered by a bright green vertical itripe or fillet.


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Not recorded by any author known to us. Differs fromAnthericum allucoides (the Ornithogalum albucoides of

Thunberg's Prodromus ? and, as far as we can judge fromthe fpecimen in the Bankfian Herbarium, the OrnithogalumJemndum of Jacquin and Willdenow) in having narrower

leaves without a cartilaginous edging and ttriate on the outiide;

in having cernuoufly pendulous and not upright corollas ; as well

as in having alternate ftamens with a bidentately alate membranethat reaches only half their length. But Anthericum albucoides

(according to our conception of the genera) is, as well as this,

an Albuca, not an Ornithogalum, much lefs an Anthe-ricum. Blooms in the latter end of the fummer. Native of

the Cape of Good Hope, from whence it was introduced into

this country by Mr. G. Hibbert, of Clapham.Ourdran : "g was made at Mr. Knight's Nurfery, New-

Road, Fulham. G.

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JyJ^&dwar.y 1.3yj:Cur& z't£j\rpi/.ll310.

Page 6: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

[ 133° 3

Allium tlavum. Yellow Garlic.

J§t- >5& J&. ?!* ^k.A't >'».j^..«k >'•_ .«S». ^». .'i»..«'i * A J» A A A^j» sjcvjcv,* «j» »,» v^vjvv,* #,>r sj» vjs yf» >,-» v,» >;» ^jf^jc jj*^*


C/4 j/} (3«t/ Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.—Fid. No. 774.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

ALLIUM flavum ; (bitlbus ovaius, Jimpfcx ;) foliis fubtrims,

tereti-attenuatis, longe vagmatuibus, caule liepius

brevioribus, laminis remotis, glaucis, (ante anthrfin

Jrequentius emortuis) ; caule tereti ; l'patha bivalvi,

umbcllam bis terve excedente, valvis a bafi con-

cavo-di latat a convoluto-cufpidatim auenuatis pa-

tentiffimis reflexifve ; umbellalaxa (ad periph<eriam

ftfpius pendula)y pedicellis corolla pluries lon-

gioribus flexiiibus; corolla fubtrigono-cainpariu-

lata ; laciniis oblongis, obtufatis, fubaequalibus ;

exterioribus fuhconcavioribus ; ftamirtibus fub-

ulato-filiforaiibus, corolla duplo longioribus ; ger-

mine laciniis duplo breviore, rotundo-turbinato,

trilobato-trigono fulcis trinis facialibus finis totidem

angularibus ; ftylo fetiformi ftaminibus denuoifometro. G.

ALLIUM f.avian ; Linn. Sp. PL ed. 2. 1. 428. Jacq. Auftr.

tab. 141. Hort. Keiv. 1. 425. IVilld. Sp. Pi. 2.

72^ (fxcln/o Millero). LiL a Redoutet

tab. 119.

Lam. et Decand. PL Franc. 3. 226. n. 1970.A. fol. teretibus, vagina bicorni, umbella lutea pendula. II.

Hall. Opufc. 385, 386.A. juncifolium J-jteum. IVcinm. Phyt. No. 39. fig. C.

MOLY montaiii quarti fpecics prima Clufii. Ger. Emac. 188.

fi& 7-

ALLIUM juncifolium bicorne luteum. Rudb. Ely/. i$j.

fig. vi.

ALLII montani IV. fpecies I. CluJ. FUJI. 197. cum Lc.

Bulb with but a flight degree of the ufual flavour of Garlic ;

integuments thin, browniih j fhm 1—2 feet high j valves of


Page 7: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

the fpathe 3—9 inches long ; the bloom, which has little or nofcent while in the open air, is faid, when placed in a room, to

diffufe conliderable fragrance. Differs from paniculatum andpallensy to both of which it is clofely allied ; from the firft by-

its glaucous leaves and yellow umbel, as well as the roundnels

of the former, which are not ftrongly ftriate or ribbed on the

back, as in paniculatum / from the fecond by the far greater

proportionate length of both flamens and ftyle. Native of

Auftria and the South of France. The fpecimen was com-municated by Mr. Haworth. G.


In No. 1143, we had corrected the miftake, of having

given in No. 973, a plant for Allium paniculatuniy which,

though mofl clofely allied, we think really diftin6t ; but have

in the fame place itated that in paniculatum " the pedicles are

intermixed with fmall round bulbs ;" this obfervation fhould

be expunged, as it applies to oleraceum, between which and

-paniculatum thefe bulbs are one of the chief diftinftions. Theflamens are longer in paniculatum than in caucajeum* G.

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JLi.iyTCwiLr J?£t<,.G-?fi*™-tlVovruei.

>Ste >^" ; ' ? 2.

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C 1331 ]

Aloe carinata («), Keel-leaved Aloe.

•$$ %-%- fc fr#JMnNt j|h^ ft

C/w/Jr a«</ Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Characlcr.— Vid. fupra No. 756.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

ALOE carinata g (ecaudicala ; infiortfeentia omnino Linguae,

fupra No. 1322;,) foliis lubradicali-ambien. ibus, nu-

merous, aflurgenter divancatis, a In 1 ba;i iubacmaci-formi-acuminatis, fupra concavis infra carinato-con-

vexis, craffis, rigidis, tuberculis pallidis parum clevatis

(nunc in nieras marulas fuhjidentibus) vagis parcius cre-

briufve ineequaliter (nunc partimmodo) confperfis. G.

ALOE carinata. Mill. Dirt ed. % n. 21. (excl. Hort. Amfl.)Hort. Kew. 1. 469. IVilld. Sp. PL 2. 189. (excl. Linn.

Sp. PL et Mart. Cent.) Haworth. Linn. Tranf 7. 13.n. 24.

A. carinata. A. acinaciformis. Decand. PL Gr.fol. 63. (excl.

var. B. enjiformr'y qu<e una cum tabula ad verrucofam,

fupra No. 837, pertmet).

A. trijlicha. Medicui. 'Theodora. 75. n. 15.

A. africana foliis planis latioribus conjugatis carinatis flore

rubro. Mill. Ic. tab. 19.

A. feflilis fol. verruqofis apice triquetris carnofis. Mill. Dicl.

ed. 7. n. 2 1 ,• (excl. Hort. Amfl.)

A. africana folio in fummitate triangular! verrucis albidis

notato. Weinm. Phyt. No. 59.A. africana feflilis, fol. carinatis verrucofis. Dill. Hort. Ellh.

22. tab. 18. fig. 20.

(@.) foliis fubdiftichis. G.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Cultivated by She-hard in his garden at Eltham, and by Miller in the Chelfea

garden. A greenhoufe plant. Blooms late in the fummer.


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Leaves of a dark, fometimes purplifh-brown green. Theinflorefrences of macula/a verrucofa Lingua and the prefent

fpecies are fo nearly alike, that they are of fearcely any avail

in fpecifically dirtinguifhing them from each other. Decan-dolle makes this and verrucofa varieties of each other; but

Miller, who had cultivated them from feed, denies their

being fo ; and we entirely agree with him. A plant of eafy

culture and propagation ; not quite fo common in our col-

lections as either Lingua or verrucofa. We have to thank

Mr. Haworth for our fpecimen. G.


No. 1322. To the fynonyms of the variety a. of Lingua^

add ;

ALOE verrucula. Medicus. Theodora. 73. ;/. J4.

ERRATUM.No, 1924, pag. alt. 1. 14, after *' gracile" inftead of a "comma" put a

" femicolon," after which infert the word n and,"

Page 11: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

Leaves of a dark, fometimes purplifh-brown green. Theinflorefrences of maculata verrucofa Lingua and the prefent

fpecies are fo nearly alike, that they are of fearcely any avail

in fpecifically diltingui filing them from each other. Decan-dolle makes this and verrucofa varieties of each other ; but

Miller, who had cultivated them from feed, denies their

being fo ; and we entirely agree with him. A plant of eafy

culture and propagation ; not quite fo common in our col-

lections as either Lingua or verrucofa. We have to thank

Mr. Haworth for our fpeciaien. G.


No. 1322. To the fynonyms of the variety «. of Lingua>



ALOE verrucula. Medicus. Theodora. 73. », 14.

ERRATUM.No. 1T24, pag. alt. \. xa. after u gracile" inftead of a " comma" put a

" femicolon," after which infert the word " and."

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Jul.hvT.Curfcr J?(fee. C scf:*„.t }/,-.:>'1. isj c >

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C 3332 1

Aloe depressa. Short-leaved


Oafs and Order.


Generic Charatier,—Fid. No. 756.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms.

ALOE deprefa ; (caudcx brevis crajfus vcl totns folia tits vet

u, orfum dennd<dus ; fores e niajorilus, trigone tubu!o/it

reelr, prndttli ;) foliis ambientibus, divancarim paten-

tibus, ovato-acuminatis, brevibus, e fiavo-vifentibua

glauco rore obnubilatis, rigido-craflis, iucculentis,

deritibus acutis albido-cartilagineis remotius margineet fubtus finem verfus armatis, aliorumque rudimentis

vagis macularum facie in utraque pagina parciffime

confperfis ; racemo fpicatim elongate), parco, erecto ;

pedicellis ereftis bra&eas fubaequantibus corolla dupiovel ultra breviorihus ; ftaminibus inclufis. G.

ALiOE depreffa. Hawortb. Linn. Tranf 7. 16. n. 33.A. perfoliate!, *. depreffa. Hort. Kezv. 1. 467.A. perfoliata.

f.Linn. Sp, PL ed. 2. v. 1. 458. Willd. Sp.

PL 2. 186.

A. Breviorihus. Mill. Did. ed. 8. n. 8.

A. foliis amplexicaulibus utraque fpinofis floribus fpicatis.

Mill. Did. ed. 7. a. 8.

A. africana caulefcens foliis glaucis breviffimis, foliorum parte

interna et externa nonnihil fpinofa. Comm. Prcelud. 72.(nee uti plerifque 7


.) tab. 2 1 . fine f.

Stem fimple ; leaves about two inches broad at the bafe,five long; corolla pale red, greenifli towards the end. Mil-ler in his Dictionary, under the head Aloe, has evidently-

committed fome blunder concerning the eighth and fixteenth


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pecies. He has quoted the fame fynonym to both ; while the

fpecific character of each is reciprocally reverfed by the de-

fcription in the fubjoining obfervation : we have adopted that,

the fpecific characler of which applies to our plant, as havethe editors of the Hortus Kewenfis. Mr. Haworth has

quoted the one, of which the defcription in the obfervation

only is applicable.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Blooms in the fummer.We are obliged to Mr. Haworth for the prefent fp'ecimen. G.

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$&*imiUX*. ^fyT.<MW'6^Crffe**ye3,.rUfilO. JT.Sanforn Jun.J

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[ 1333 ]

Panax quinquefolia. Five-leavedPanax or Ginseng.

frfM $iM< i -&-&

Oafs and Order.

Polygamia Dicecia. (Pf.ntandria Digynia Perfoon).

Generic Character.

Gz/.5-dentatus. Cor. 5-petala. Bacca infera, cordata, 2-fperma.

Cat. in flore malculo integer.

Specific Cbaracler and Synonyms.

PANAX q" :'iqiiefolia'y foliis ternis : foliolis quinis petiolatis,

pedunculo petiolis breviore, radice fuliformi.

PANAX quinquefolium ; foliis ternis quinatis. Sp. PI. 1512.ReicL 4. p. 362. Kalm. it. 3. p. 334 Blacks, t. 513.Rpgn. Bot. Zorn ic. 355. Woodv. Med. Bot. 270. /. 99.Gron. Ft. Virg. 35. prf id. 162. Marf. A// 7. Did.

PANAX quinquefolium ; caule herbaceo, foliis ternis, foliolis

quinis ovalibus acuminatis petiolatis. Michaux FLBor-Amer. 2. p. 256. Perfoon Syn. i. p. 298.

GINSENG. Jartoux; Lettres edifiantes et rurieufes, v. 10. p.

172. Philofoph. Iran/, v. 28. />. 237. /. 5.

AURELIANA canadensis, Lafiteau Ginf. p. 87. c. tab. Catrjb.

Carol, app. t. 16. Breyn. Prod. pi. 2. p. 35. /. ad. p. 52.ARALIASTRUM, Quinqucfolii folio ; majus, Ninzinvocatura

D. Sarrazin. Vaill.Jerm. 43.ARALIASTRUM foliis ternis quinquepartitis, Ginfeng f.

Ninfen officinarum. Trezv Ehret. t. 6. f. 1.

Ginseng has been a famous remedy among the Chinefe

from time immemorial; it is undesitood however to be

found only in Chinefe Tartary. In the year 1709 Father

Jartoux, a miffionary at Peking, was fent by the Emperorof China to make a map of that country. Whilfl engaged in

this bufinefs he fell in with an army of Tartars who were em-ployed in collecting this highly valued root for the emperor;

which gave him an opportunity of defcribing and making a

drawing of the plant, and tranfmitting the fame to Paris, in a

letter to the procurator-general of the millions of India and

China; a tranflation of which was publifhed in the 28th vol.

oFthe Philofophical Tranfactions.

Jartoux fays that the Ginfeng is found between the thirty-

ninth and forty-feventh degree north latitude, where there is

a long traft of mountains covered with wood. It grows ontf>e declivities of the mountains, on the banks of the torrents,


Page 17: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

and about the roots of trees ; but not in the vallies, nor in

open iituations. It is remarkable, that this miflionary (hould

gueis from the fimilarity of the countries, that the fame

plant might probably be found in Canada. The Jefuit's

fufpicion excited Lafiteau, a miflionary in that country, to

make fearch for it ; and after a time his labour was crowned

with fuccefs.

The Iroquois Indians, though acquainted with the plant as

a remedy among them, do not appear to have had fuch extra-

vagant ideas of its virtues as- the Chinefe ; but it is i'uffh iently

remarkable, that they call it G'are nt-ogucn, a compound word,

fignifying the lower extremities of a man ; thus having the

fame fignincation and fome fimilarity of found with Ginfeng : it

might be adduced as a corroboration of the notion, that part

of America was originally peopled from the north of Tartary.

Since this difcovery, large quantities of the root of Panaxquinquefolia have been collected and lent to China, where it

has fold at a great price ; but not having undergone the fame

preparation as that collected in Tartary, it is lefs clteemed by

the Chinefe. Loureiro even doubts if it be the fame plant;

but the figure and defcription given by Jartoux, are fuffi-

cient to afcertain that our plant, a native of the lofty moun-tains of North-America from Canada to Virginia, is precifely

the fame fpccies as what he faw in Chinefe Tartary; andconfidering the circumftances under which he obtained it, it is

not at all probable that he could be deceived with refpect to

the genuine Ginfeng.

The fcnfible qualities of this root do not promife anyparticular efficacy, according to European ideas ; and this

prejudice may perhaps occihon us to under-value it. loralthough it can hardly be doubted but that its virtues are

highly over rated by the Chinefe, yet it does not feem credible

that any abfo'utely inert remedy could for ages, and in diftant

countries, maintain fo high a reputation. The Sium N'mfi

cultivated in Japan, appears to us to have been miftakenly

adopted for the true Ginfeng, being fuppofed to have beenbrought from Coraea in Chinefe Tartary. It is found, as

Kaempfer obferves, to poflefs little or none of the virtues

afcribed to the imported root ; what he fays of the value

fet upon the latter, muft be confidered as applicable to the

Ginfeng ; Ninfi being only another mode of expreliing the

fame word. Its flowers are very fweet fcented.

Peter Collinsom received this plant from Penfylvania;

and it flowered and produced ripe fruit in his garden at Peck-ham, in the year 1746. It was from this fource that Catesby'sfigure was drawn. Communicated by Mr. Fraser, who broughtplants of it from North-America, on his laft return fromthat country.

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SydTSAnrdrDel. JPuityZ a*rfof.t>G-et>.-Cr*SoaniJrevri.l8t0. JTJ*

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[ *334 ]

Panax pusilla (*). Lesser Panax.

CAj/} <?«;/ Order.


Generic Cbaratler.— Fid. Nm- 1333.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms.

PANAX pnfilla ; foliis ternis: foliolis fubfeffilibus, pedunculopetiolis longiore, radice rotunda.

PANAX' trifolium ; caule herDaceo, foliis ternis ternatis

quinatifve : foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis. IVilld. Sp.

PL v. 4. p. 1124.

PANAX trifolium; foliis ternis ternatis. Sp. PL 1512. Reich.

4. p. 362. Mart. Mill. Dill.

PANAX trifolia ; pufilla, radice fubrotunda, foliis ternis :

foliolis fubfeffilibus. Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 298. MichauxFL Bor. Am. 2. p. 256.

PANAX foliis ternis ternatis, quandoque quinatis, pumila.

Gron. Vtrg. 35. ed. 2. 163.

(».) foliolis quinatis baji angufl'atis.

ARALIASTRUM Ouinquefolii folio minus D 1, Sarrazin.

Vaill. Sam. 43.Plamula marilandica'^ foliis furnmo caule ternis, quorum nnum-

quodque quinquefariam dividitur, circa margines

ferratis. Raj. Hift. 3. p. 658.

ARALIASTRUM foliis ternis tripartitis et quadripartitis.

Trezv Ebr. t. 6.f. 2.

(j3.) (rri folia) foliolis ternatis bafi rotund'aiis.

ARALIASTRUM Fragaria= folio minus. Vaill. Serm. 43.

NASTURTIUM Anemones fylvaticae foliis, enneaphvllon,

floribus exiguis. Pluk. Mant. 135. /. 435./. 7-

Desc. Root a round tuber, having much the appearance of

a fmall potatoe. Stem ere&, about three inches long, branching


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at the top into three petioles bearing five lanceolate leaflets,

fawed at the edges, Alining underneath, nearly feffile. Peduncle

from the bofun of the petioles, erect, longer than thefe and

equal to the whole leaf. Flowers iri a clofe hemifphericat

umbel, with a many-leaved involucre the length of the pedicles,

which are (hort. Catvx fuperior, very obfoletely five-toothed.

Petals white, five. Stamens five, the length of the petals,

often wanting. Germen three-cornered, three-cePed. Styles

three. Stigmas obtufe. We have observed no plant* bearing

male tlowers on!v, but many of the florets were fema'e in modof the umbels that we examined, and in the one from which

( ur drawing was taken, all of them; but whether originally fo

or only from the falling of the framens we are uncertain.

In variety ((3) of which we have only feen dried fpecimens,

the l< aflets are fhorter, more oval, and rounded at the bafe,

? . are well reprelented in Pluke net's figure above quoted,

it is not improbable that our two varieties may be hereafter

confidercd as diftinet fpeciesj and for this reafon we have

thou In it belt to limit the name of trifolia to the latter, to

which alone it id at all applicable; for although variety (a)

may occafionally produce Only four or three leaflets, as in

E'iret's figure, yet this is evidently from abortion; which

does not appear to be the cafe in (0j.

There is no ground whatever for Lin nous's fufpicion that

this plant might be the male of Panax quinquefolia. No two can be more diltinft. The three diltin6l ftyl'es wouldrather lead to the idea of a different genus : the fruit we have

never feen.

Native of Penfylvania, Maryland, New-York, and Vir-

ginia. Our drawing was taken from a plant communicated by

MeMrs. Loddig..s and Sons; but we defcribed it from

fpectmens in Mr. Vkre's garden at Kcnfington-Gore, in

May 1807.

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I'uilyrTfiir&rS.'' Guo.CrcfcejU jVev. rl.iBJC.

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[ '335 ]


JMNhNE » »»^i ft » ft* »


MCA//Jr <7;; t/ Order.


Generic Chart:tier,

Cal. 2-phyllus. Csr. ringens. Filamenta duo membranacea,fingula antheris tribus. Corydalis Per/con.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms.

FUMARIA formofii • (bicalcarata) fcapo nudo, racemo com-pofito, calcaribus incurvis. Dryander in Hort.

Kew. vol. ined.

FUMARIA jormrjfa. Bot. Repof. 393. Bonn Cat. ed. 4.

This fpecies approaches very near to Fumaria Cncu'/aria,

No. 1127, ana" is the fame that is there mentioned, as being

preferved in the Bankfian Herbarium, under the name oferubefcens. It was difcovered by Mr. Archibald Mknziesat Nootka-Sound, and introduced by him into the royal garden

at Kew, from whence it has moft probably extended to the

nurferies about town. Has a creeping flefhy root, by which it

increafes rapidly. Its habit is very fimilar to that of Cucullaria,

but the/cape is fomewhat longer than the leaves, and is fre-

quently much more branched. and flexuofe than in the fpeci-

men from which our drawing was taken. Peduncles grow feveral

from the fame point, are nearly the length of the cer&lfas,

which are pendent, and of a bright carnation colour of very

much the fame form as thofe of Cucuifaria, but the fpurs are

fhorter and have their ends turned towards each other. Thefilaments adhere (lightly in two bundles, but are eaftlv feparabie

into fix, inferted below the germen, which is fpindle-fhaped

and contains feveral fmooth elliptical ovula with a large caruncle

attached to the bafe of each. A fmall, linear, coloured

kra.cte is inferted at the bafc of each peduncle.


Page 23: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

Our drawing was taken at Mr. Salisbury's Botanic

Garden in Brompton ; and we received very fine fpecimens

from Mr. Knight in the King's-Road, who has obferved

it to be an excellent detergent, the juice of it rubbed on the

hands getting out any ftains, much more expedkioufly than

foap ; but in a fingle trial with the ftain of the outer coat of

walnuts, we did not find it fucceed.

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JVd^EjvrarcLr 2,7. AiAfTdZStt* Ore CrsfotntJIfa I :eiO. Aifan/'omJu

Page 25: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

[ i33<5 ]

Claytonia perfoliata. Perfoliate


Clafs and Order.

Pentandria Monoxjynia.

Generic Character.

Cat. 2-valvis. Cor. 5-petaIa. Stigm. 3-fidum. Cap/. 3-vahis,

l-locularis, 3-fperma.

Specific Characler and Synonyms.

CLAYTONIA perfoliata i foiio caulino fuborbiculari per-


CLAYTONIA perfoliata. Donns CataL ed. 4. p. 50. Willi.

Sp. VI. 1. p. 1186.?

CLAYTONIA cubcnfis. Bonpland in Annates du Muf, d'HiJi.

Nat. v. 7. p 82. /. 6. Humb. et Bonpl. Plantes

EquinoxialeSy p. 91. /. 26.

Desc. Root annual, fibrous. Radical leaves on long foot-

ftalks rhomboid-ovate. Stems many, erect, fimple, fucculent,

naked, except the orbicular, perfoliate involucre or cauline

leaf. Common peduncle generally fimple, fometimes branched,

jointed, bearing fmall white nodding flowers, upon pedicles

varying in length, feveral from the fame point at the

upper part and fewer at the lower, chiefly looking oneway, without bracles, except a fmall ovate one at the bafe

of thofe pedicles which grow immediately above the in-

volucre ; thefe are ufually few. The finwers are white, very

fmall : petals (lightly emarginate. Capfule roundifh, three-

valved : valves burfting firft at the apex, afterwards their fides

fuddenly curl inwards with elaflicity, which difperfes the feed.

Seeds three, mining, lenticular, notched at the bafe, whichnotch is filled up with a white caruncle projecting beyond the

feed and terminating in a ftring, by which the feed is attached


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to the bafe of the capfule. This caruncle frequently falls off

in the dried feed. The whole plant is fucculent, mild, and

probably eatable, like purflane.

Profeffor Willdenow probably had the feeds of his plant

from England ; but his fpecimens muff have been very de-

fective. His inaccurate defcription has, of courfe, led Mr.Bon pl and into an error, inducing him to believe the plant,

which he calls cubcnfis, was a different fpecies. It is how-ever undoubtedly the fame ; and his figure and defcription

being taken from plants that came up fpontaneoufiy every

year in the Botanic Garden at Paris, leads to a fufpicion

that their origin was from the mould that came with ionie

plants from England, and not, as fuppofed, from feeds gathered

in Cuba, by Humbolt and Bon plan d. If not, it is rather

extraordinary that the fame fpecies fhould be native of Nootka-

Sound and the Ifland of Cuba : a plant too, whole very habit

declares it more likely to be an inhabitant of the ar&ic than

of the tropical regions.

The Clayton i a perforata was difcovered on the north-

weft coaft of America, by Mr. Archibald Menzies, and

introduced by him into the Kew Garden, in the year 1796,where it has maintained itfelf ever fince, and whence it has

been communicated to moft of the Botanic Gardens in the

kingdom.Flowers nearly all the fummer; and in a moift foil, not

too much expofed, will fow itfelf, and the young plants will

come up in the fpring, requiring no other care than to prevent

their being choked by more powerful weeds, or cut off by that

deftructive inftrument the hoe. Our drawing was taken at

Mr. Salisbury's Botanic Garden, Brompton, the latter endof the fummer, when the plants are lefs vigorous than in the

fpring; at which feafon the fcape is much longer, and appears,

as it were, jointed, the flowers growing in bunches at each

joint. The cauline leaves are then for the moft part moreperfectly connate, and form a nearly orbicular involucrurn,

through the centre of which the fcape paries.

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/wsv. Tui.hv7.

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C m7 3

Aloe rigid a. Stiff-leaved Aloe.

•jHfr +*-*-*# *• &-4hM*

C/j/Jr and Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Charafter.—Fid. No. 756.


Specific Characler and Synonyms.

ALOE rigida ,• (caudex fubnullus vel palmaris, imbricato-

foliatus ; fiorcs minores, erecli;) foliis axem multifariam

ambientibus, oblongo-acuminatis, carinato-cufpidatis,

brevibus, coriaceo-craffis, atrovirentibus, puiulatim

corrugatis, recurvato-divaricatis, fupra convoluto-

concavis, infra convexis ; caule fimplici, nudo ; ra-

cemo fparfo, rariufculo ; pedicellis corolla triplo.bre-

vioribu.^ bra£tea fubduplo longioribus ; corolla

bilabiato-tubulofa, fexftriata, tertiam ufque fexfida


laciniis tribus fuperioribus convergentibus, recurvato-

ereclis, planioribus, obtufatis ; inferioribus diver-

gentibus, revoluto-deflexis, canalici-latis ; ftaminibus

fubdeclinatis, alterne brevioribus, tubum asquantibus ;

ftylo illis fubduplo breviore ? ftigmate obtufulo, ob-

folete puberulo. G.

ALOE rigida. DecandolJetPL Gr. tab. 62.

ALOE expanfa. Haworth, Linn. Tranf. 7. 8. n. 8.

ALOE cyiindracea. (3. rigida. Lam. Dic7. 89. n. 19.

A greenhoufe plant. Native of the Cape of Good Hope


whence, according to Mr. Haworth, it was introduced into

our colledions by Mr. Malcolm. Blooms during thefummer

months. Why Mr. Haworth fhould doubt of its being the

fame with Decandolle's plant we cannot guefs, fince it

agrees in every point with the very detailed and minute de-

scription of that author, and fufficiently with the figure given

in the fame work. The fpecimen was kindly communicatedby Mr, Haworth, Q. •

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<.Mm£Jw*,&J>tZ. J^g_ iy r. C*r ?,.r S*a, « . Cref**n £ Z>Zs.i 1310- -£Vfc

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C 1338 ]

Aloe pentagona. Pentagonal Aloe.

$}£ ,35J"




9|r"5jS'"5[>" ^S"^»">jC' vy J£""5|£"ijs',5^' ,7{£-^r7|e'

Clafs and Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.—Vid. No. 756".

Specific CbaracJer and Synonyms.

ALOE pentagona g (caudex imbricato-foliatus ; flares e minori-

bustereHi 1) foliis axem ex deorfum pentagono-

decuflatim fuperne verfus fpiraliter fparfimque am-bientibus, ovato-acuminatis, pulvinato-craflis, brevibus,

rigidis, carinato-cufpidatis, atrovirentibus, glabris vel

minutiflime elevato-punQiculatis, margine carinaque

denticulatis, inferioribus divaricatis, fuperioribus,

convergentibus, fupremis minoribus pallidioribus

convolato concavis (nuncfiibtus tubertulis paucis albidis

param Jalientibus notatis) g caule ramofo ; racemis

multifloris, fparfis, laxis ; pedicellis corolla 3—4plo

brevioribus, bra&eas aEquantibus ; corolla columnari-

tubulofa, eaplicata, glabra, in lacinulas iex parabolicas

regulari-patulas tubo quadruplo breviorcs interiores

fubanguftiores fubere&iores foluta ; ftaminibus tubo

ifomctris, fubdeclinatis, alternis brevioribus j ftigmate

fimplici. G.

ALOE pentagona. Hawortb, Linn. Tranf. 7. 7. n. 6.

ALOE fpiralis. /3. pentagona. Hort. Kew. 1. 471. WMd. Sp,

PI. 2. 191 / (exclufa pajfim var. a.)

We have been induced to confider the prefent plant as

fpecifically diftincl; from fpiralis, not fo much by the difference

in the arrangement and expanfion of the leaves, as by the total

abfence of the tranfverfe wrinkles, fo remarkable in the corolla

of the latter, in which there are alfo other minuter diftinftions.

Eut ftill they may poffibly be mere varieties of each other.

MiLtER, in his Di&ionary, when fpeaking of fpiralist fays,

" there

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" there is a variety of this fort which has been raifed from

feeds, which is much larger, the leaves thicker, and the floweris

grow upon taller foot-ftalks ; but this is onlv a feminal variety."

But whether he had the prefent plant in view, or fome real

variety of fpiralis, we cannot now determine from fuch loofe


Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Cultivated in the KewGardens. We have to thank Mr. Haworth for the fpecimen.


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Jy-dr"£J*"*"*<-Z>'>Z- FJan/i/f. .-' Ai. Zs TOtKs SfC*+, CnSatn*. 2) -^ */J8>0

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t *339 3

Anthericum lonciscapum. Glaucous-

leaved Anthericum.

C/^/j <z»^ Order,

Hexandria Monocynia.

Generic Character.—Fid. No. 3 16*.

Specifc Character and Synonyms-

ANTHERICUM Iongifcaptm ; (rhizoma jlcpius mutliceps,

rarius vel modo brevijjime cuiidrfcens ; fila-

ment* lanato-barbata ;) foliis plunmis, lub-

radicalibus,fafciculatim ambiemibus. erefto-

divergentibus, femitereti-linearibus, cufpi-

datim attenuatis, craffis, fuccuientis, glau-

ciflimis, bafin verfns r.onvoluto equitamibus

membranaque angufta glabra integerrima

marginatis ; caule (f<epius pluribus atque

fuccejjivis) illis qtiadrupio altiore, ftricto,

angulofo ; racemo numcrofo, laxe fpicatrai

elongato ; bra&eis brevibus, cuipidatis,

lanato-ciliatis ; pcdicellis corolla duplo vel

ultra longioribus, defloratis hamato-rc-

curvis. G.

ANTHERICUM longifcapum. Jacq. Coll. Suppl. 84. 1c. Rar.

2. tab. 404. Willd. Sp. PI. 2. 145.

(ANTHERICUM qfphodehides. Hort. Kew. 1. 450 ,- (exclufis

fynonymis) ; nee vera Linn<ei, Milleri, Jac-

quini, aut fVilldenovii planta. Herb. Bank/,

quoad folum fpecimen primarium ex Ihrlo

regio Kewenji ; alterum enim in eodem folio

prout eadetn fpecies perptram adjunUum ad

verum afphodeloides pertinet, vemtque

Vienna a Jacqnino miffum.

ANTHERICUM altijfimum. Mill Dicl. ed. 8. n. 8.

ANTHERICUM acaule, foliis carnofis teretibus fpicis florum

longtffirais laxis. Mill. DicJ. ed. 7 n. B.

Icon. fol. 26. tab. 39 (in ipfa hone male


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That the present plant is the afphodeloides of the Hortus

Kewenfis, is proved by the Englilh name of " glaucous-leaved"

adopted in that work, as well as by the original fpecimen from

the Kew Gardens, preferved in the Bankfian Herbarium. That

the editors of that work have confounded it with the Linnean

afphodeloides^ is likewife proved by a fpecimen of that fpecies

tranimitted by Jacouin from Vienna, which they have ar-

ranged with the prefent fpecies in the above Herbarium under

the fame name. To Millf.r, by whom they had both been

cultivated, they were well known, and had been diftinguiibed

by him under different fpeciftc names, after he had determined

that they were not varieties for reafons which he details at

large in his I ones. The leaves of our. plant are exceedingly

glaucous, which is not the cafe in the other ; they are alfo

much longer, with the edges quite entire, and not toothletted,

as in that ; the flower-Hem in this is alio much longer ffome-

times three feet high) in proportion to the leaves than in ;he

Linnean afphodeloides ; the raceme is alfo far longer and morenumeroufly flowered; and the corolla fmaller and paler.

Throws up fuccefiive flower-items from April and May to

Auguit and September. The Linnean afphodeloides is figured

by Jacquin in the Hortus Vindobonenlis. Added to what

we have laid before, there is alfo a_great prima /dd^diffimilitude

between the two fpecies. The feeds of our plant were received

by Miller from the Cape of Good Hope, in 1751 ; probably

the real afphodeloides was loft to the Kew Gardens before the

publication of the Hortus Kewenfis.

Our fpecimen came from Mr. Haworth. G.

• ERRATUM.No. 1176, I. 6. for *« 734" read " 108 1.*

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jydr£abfirv£s£>*2,. J\-i.$vT.(i+rti.s jyO-ee. Cre/h*n.t£*e.lj?10 J?St.r*/<mJ -"$>

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[ *34o ]

Tradescantia erecta. UprightSpiderwort.

4-£$ jjufHji $ t $ ^Jt-jft;MIM-^

C/tf/} and Orden

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Charafter.—Fid. No, 105.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

TRADESCANTIA ere8a ; foliis ovatis bafi anguftatis glabris,

pedunculoterminali nudo bihdoracemofo.mild. Sp. PL 2. 17.

TRADESCANTIA ere&a. Cavan. Ic. 1. 53. tab. 7. 4, Jacq.Coll. 4. 114. Ic. Rar. tab. 354, Ul. aRedout£t

tab. 239. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.

v, 2. 205.

T. undulata. Vahlt Acl. Soc. Hifi. Nat. Hafn. 2. P. 2. p* 3.

T. bifida. Roth, CataleR. Botan. 1. p. 42.

An annual plant. Native of Mexico. We are told bythe Nurferymen, that it fometimes fpring* up from the earth,

which has been fent to them about the roots of p'ams which

they have received from Jamaica. Requires to be kept in

the hot-houfe ; where it attains a variety of heights, and is

more or lefs branched according to the vigour with which it


The fpecies has been fo repeatedly and fo largely defcribed

by others, that it were needlefs for us to add any of our ownobfervations. Blooms in July and Au-ull. Introduced bythe Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, in 1794. G.

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-cirM'j Aa$-rrri,rfaKre(rW' r^rcc-ri^Dec-v;*/<. J?s<"

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[ J34i ]


Blunt-leaved Fothergilla.

Clafs and Order.


Generic Chara&er.

Col. truncatus, integerrimus, perfrftejns. Cor. o. Gcrmen2-fidum. Cspf. 2-locularis, 4-fariam dehifcens. Sent* folrtaria,


Specific Name and Synonyms,

FOTHERGILLA alnifolia. Linn. SuppL 267. IVilld. Sp. PL2. 1225. Ejufdem Arb. 113. Hort. Kew. 2.

241. Mart. Mill. Ditl.

FOTHERGILLA Garden* : foliis fubovalibus, fuperne

crenato-dentatis, fubtus fubcanefceutibus.

Michaux Flor. Bor, Am. 1. p. 313.a,, obtufa ; foliis obovatis fuperne crenulatis / juniofibus fubtus

fafciculatim puberulis.

p. acuta ; foliis angujlis acutis fubintegerrimisfubtus albidis.

FOTHERGILLA Gardeni. Jacq. Ic. Rar. 100. Colled. 1.

P' 97-y. major ; foliis fuperne ferratis obtufiffimis quandoque cum

acumine : junioribusfubtus tomentofis. (vide N ,n- 1342.)

$. ferotina ; foliis oblongis acutis fuperne crenato-dentatis fubtus


Fothergilla alnifolia is a native of Carolina, where it

was firft difcovcred by the late Dr. Garden of Ch^rleftown,

who named it in honour of John Fothercll, M. D, manyyears a celebrated Phyfician in London, and a great patron of

natural hiftory. He formed an extemive Boranic garden at

Upton in JEflex, where he accumulated plants from -very

quarter of the globe, and particularly from North-America, a


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country to which he was ever warmly attached. There appear

to be ieveral varieties, though perhaps none of them are fuffi-

ciently marked to form diftinct fpecies. The one here figured is

alow ihrubj the younger leaves, when minutely examined, have

afcattered pubelcence, collected in little bunches; in form they

frequently vary between obovate and wedge-ihaped, and with

ferratures at the upper part more or lefs deep.

Flowers in April and May, frequently, but not always, be-

fore the leaves appear. Quite hardy. Our drawing was madeat Meffrs. Whitley and Brame's, Old Brompton.

Variety |3 acuta, as figured by Jacquin, has ovate fpikes;

leaves a little undulated towards the point, but fcarcely

ferrate. The third variety is the next article. The fourth,

ferotina, was mown us feveral years ago, by Mr. Whitley,who obferved that it never produced its bloffoms till Auguft,long after the fhrub was clothed with leaves, which are

oblong, fmooth, and when frefh, green on both fides, thoughin drying the under furface grows much paler.

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t£4 Ai3rTO<rh;rJ-tC-e.o.tWfc*ntZ> e*.lJ$lC. JTXa,*/b>nJu't^

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[ 1342 ]

fothergilla alnifolia, vclt. y. major.

Broad-leaved Fothergilla.

» ift fr » $$$$#

Clafs and Order,


Generic Char-after.—Fid, Nm- 1341.

Specific Name,

FOTHERGILLA alnifolia. Vide Nm- 1341.

y. major; foliis fuperne fcrratis ^obtujijjimis quandaque cum

acumine: junioribus Jubtus tomcniqfis.

This is the handfomeft variety we have feen, being con-

fiderably larger in all its parts, as well as in its foliage. Theleaves, when older, are more or lefs white underneath ; the

younger ones are quite tomentofe and a little ferruginous;

fome of them have a broad obtufe terrnination v and in others

the terminal tooth projects far forward; the ferraturcs are fome-

times ver\ large. The fpike of flowers is" larger and longer

than in lhe other varieties.

Known in fome nurferies by the name o{fpeciofa. Flowers

in May and June, a month later than obtufa. Drawn at MefTrs,

Whitlky and Bramjs's, Old-Brompton;

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IU& t,yT 6,**&s J' t 6es>.Cre/'aznlDeulJ$10. JTAm/hmJvn^

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C *343 ]


Cfo/} <2#</ Order.

Syngenesia Superflua.

Generic Charatler.

Receptaculum nudum. Pappus o. Gj/>w hemifphaericus, im-bricatus : fquamis marginalibus membranaceis.

Specific Charatler.

ARCTOTIS glutinofa ; fruticofa, foliis cuneatis dentato-pin-

natifidis glutinofis feffilibus fubdecurrentibus,

floribus terminalibus folitariis.

We are not certain tbat this fhrub ought in reality to bereferred to Arctotis, but it certainly has a near affinity withfome of the fpecies, at prefent collected under that genus,which feems to have been ufed as a common receptacle for

many Cape (hrubs, of this family, that will not properly unite,

and muft at a future time undergo a new arrangement.It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, has an up-

nght fhrubby item, covered with a greyifh bark, but the

branches are herbaceous, green, and, as well as the leaves,

covered with a glutinous, mining fubftance. The leaves are

alternate, wider at the upper end, and narrowed downwards,feflile, and decurrent a fhort di dance along the branch, rather

deeply indented on the fides : each tooth, of which there are

about three pair, has an appendix or toothlet at its bafe, fo

much reflected, as not to be feen on the upper furface. Theblofl'oms are large and the colour of red lead.

Communicated by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, who raifcd

ft from Cape feeds about five years ago. Flowers in Apriland May. Requires the protection of a greenhoufe. Propa-gated by cuttings.

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jyd~£Jmntrl>m&. HAiy Z* G*rdxrJ?G*e:CT*/h~*&2>e*?*JBfO. JtJSS&m»Ju-!'J»

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[ 1344 ]

Phlox Carolina. Rough-stemmed


Clafs and Order.

Pentandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Cor. hypocrateriformis. Fihm. insequalia. Stigma trifidum.

Cal. prifmaticus. Cap/. 3-locularis, l-fperma.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

PHLOX Carolina; foliis lanceolatis laevibus, caule fcabro,

corymbis fubfaftfgiatis. Sp. PI. 216. Reich. 1. p.

432. Willd. 1. />- 841. Marl. Mill. DM. n, 6.

Hort. Kew. ed. nov. 1. 326.LYCHNIDEA caroliniana, floribus quafi umbellatine difpo-

fitis, foliis lucidis craflis acutis. Mart. Dec. 1. /. 10.

Desc. Stems ereft, between two and three feet high, roughwith ftiffj fhort, white hairs, producing a mealy appearance, but

otherwife nearly invifible to the naked eye. Leaves oppofite,

lanceolate, fmooth, flefhy, fubconnate, lower ones almoft

linear: upper pairs more diftant. Peduncles rough, bearing

feveral flowers crowded together, alternate, forming a rather

denfe corymb. Calyx fmooth, with a pentagonal bafe : teeth erecl,

lanceolate, generally reddifh. Corolla faucer-fhaped : tube

twice the length of the limb, curved, fmooth, ftriate : limb

divided into five roundifh quite entire fegments. The colourof the tube is* violet, of the limb bright purple, flarred in the

centre, fading violet. Anthers in part exfened.We know of no other fpecies that has rough Items and

peduncles and at the fame time fmooth leaves. According to

Martin, in his Hiftoria Plantarum Rariorum, it was firft

introduced by Mr. Cowell, a Nurferyman at Hoxton, beforethe year 1728. It has, however, been probably for fomeyears loft from our gardens. Our drawing and defcriptionwere taken from plants imported by Mr. Fraser, Sloane-square, the laft fpring, from South-Carolina.

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-Ht&. iy J*. Curfiw Wa/wrth.Jari.ij 811. -fSanfcr? .

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C *345 ]

Aloe Radula. Rasp-leaved Aloe.

C/rf/ir «#<:/ Order.

Hexandria Monogynia,

Generic Character.—Vid. No. 756.

Specific Characler and Synonyms.

ALOE Radula; (ecaudicata ; annofior defpitofim jlolonifera ;

fores e minoribus, erecli ;) foliis radicalibus, plurimoordine fafciculato-compa&is, divaricatim divergenti-

bus, incurvulis recurvulifve, lanceolato-fubulati?,

plano-convexis, coriaceo-craffis, faturate viridibus, per

tubercula cretaceo-albicantia, mutica, in prona parte

groflioralaxius, in fupina minutiora creberrime, radulae

more afperatis ; caule gracili flexili laxe racemofo ;

pedicellis corolla ter quater brevioribus, bracleas ae-

quantibus, corolla fextriato-tubulofa, bafi ttirgidula,

ufque circa medium fexfida, revoluto bilabiata, labio

infimo fubdepreffiore ; laciniis divergentibus, lineari-

oblongis, obtufulis, imarum duabus lateralibus convo-

luto-anguftatis ; ftaminibus tubum aequantibus, alter-

nantibus; ftylo germen sequame ; ftigmatibus tribus

minutis. G.ALOE Radula. Jacquin. Hort. Schcenb. 4. tab. 35.ALOE attenitata. Hatvorth in Linn. Tranf. 7. n. n. 18.

ALOE africana margaritifera minor, foliis multo longioribus.

Boerb. Index. Alt. 2. 130. n. 27.

This plant feems never to have been diftinSly recordedexcept in the books above quoted ; but has been mod pro-bably confounded among the varieties of margaritifera ; fromwhich it differs, by flenderer far attenuated /eaves, as well asin the flatnefs and roughening or toothing of their inner fur-ace, which refembles that of a file or rafp, and is of a yellowifh


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green colour ; by its corolla not being fubfeffile, as well in

being flenderer and parted nearly to the middle, with farther

divergent and fpirally revolute fegments ; the Jtcm is alfo flexile

and far flenderer, with fewer and more difant flowers. Leaves

from one and a half to near three inches long, about half an

inch acrofs at their bafe, gradually attenuated, elongated-

cufpidate ; the tubercles are fmaller and of a chalky white-

nefs, without the pearl-like hue of thofe on the leaves of

margaritifera. Mr, Haworth, to whom we are fo often and fo

much obliged for his kind communications, has a plant of

this fpecies, which by its numerous fuckers forms a compacthemifphaerical buffi of a foot or more in diameter.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope ; blooms in the green*

houfe during the latter months of fummer. G,

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C ]346 ]

Aloe saponaria (/3.) latifolia. Largestcommon Soap-Aloe.

-$-$ $•%4-« % • -*-*#-#WHh* *##

C/t z/J- OJrJ Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.—Fid. No. 756.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms.

ALOE faponaria ; (craffene e longe caudefcens ; fiorcs emajoribus^

penduti, cylindracei i) foliis caudicem fummum diver-

genter ambientibus, imbricaco-confertis, ovato vel

oblongato-lanceolatis, lamina maculis (qitam in pifta

triplo-grandioubus) a)bis verticaliter ellipticts in feries

imperfectas fubtranfverfnn directas compaclis utrinque

picla, margine fpinis brevibus fubirregulariter dentata


caule fimplici vel ramofo ; racemo umbellatim con-

tracto ; pedicellis afcendenter divergentibus, corollae

ifometris, bratiea fufce nervofa bis longioribus; co-

rolla pendulo-cernua, fubclavato-cylindrica, obfoiete

trigona, leviter curvata, bafi infra ftri&uram fubglobofe

extumefcente ; laciniis tres partes ufque inter fe con-

cretis, inde conniventibus, ore brevi patulis ; antheris

fubexclufis. G.ALOE faponaria. Haworth in Linn. Tranf. 7, 17. «. 35 •

(exclufa varictatc obfcura).

(«.) minor ; foliis anguftioribus, lateribus re&ioribus, fub dio

hepatico-fufcefcentibus; caule fimplici.

A. faponaria. minor. Haworth. I. c.

A. umbellaia. Deeandolle. PL Gr. tab. 98 ; (excl. fynon. jam

fupra No. 1323 ad pi61am citatis.)

A. pifta, j3. minor; (quoadfolumfynonymon Hort. Kew. ; eaenim

Linncei et Dillcnii pi&am in No. 1323 fpetlant.)

A. perfoliate t. faponaria. Hort. Kew. 1. 467.A. perfoliata. 0. x. Linn. Spec. PL ed. 2. 1. 458.A. difiicha. Mill. Die?, ed. 8. n. 5.

A. mtuulofa :

Page 51: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

A. maculofa : (moucheth) Lam. Encyc. i. 87. n. g.

A. caulefcens, foliis caulem ampleclentibus, floribus auranti-

acis. Braal. Hijl. PI. Succ. Dec. 4. 1 1. cum Icon.

A. africana maculata fpinola major. Dillen. Hort. Eltham. 17.

tab. 14, fifr 15.

A. caulefcens, foiiis Ipinofis maculis ab utraque parte albi-

Cantibus notatis. Comm. Hort. dmft. 2. p. g. tab. 5,

(fine flore.) Beerb. hid. Alt. 2. 230. n. 19.

(j3.) latifolia ; foliis latioribus ovato-lanceolaiis faturate viri-

dibus ; caule ramofo.

A. faponaria. latifolia. Haw. 1. c. p. 18.

The caudex feldom rifes above two feet high; Millerfays, that " the leaves are of a dark green colour fpotted with

white, refembling foft-foap ;" which muft account for the

whimfical fpeciftc name. The bloom appears in Auguft and

September. Corolla nearly two inches long, of a beautiful

red-lead colour. Native of the Cape of Good Hope ; although

it has been carelefsly called by Bradley, " Common fpotted

American Aloe;" and by others, according to Miller,*' Carolina Aloe/' An old inhabitant of our greenhoufes.

We have to thank Mr. Haworth for the prefent fpecimen. G.

Page 52: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

-Ji*£ if i/" Otr-Aj~. Wal-vor&t.y/an 1.1811

Page 53: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

[ *347 ]

Tamus elephantipes. FvEmina. Female CapeBryony, or The Elephant's Foot.

Clafs and Order.

Dicecia Hexandria.

Generic Character.

Masc. Cal. fexpartitus. Cor. o.

F^m. Cal. fexpartitus. Cor. o. Stylus trifidus. Baccatriloc. infera. Sem. 2.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

TAMUS elephantipes ; rhizomate ab humo extante, amplo,


hemifphaerico, folido-carnofo (covfiflnitia fere Napij,

corticefuberofeincraflata,areolatim rimofd; caulefub-

lignefcente, volubili, axillariter implexeque ramofo;

foliis alternis, cordatis, fubfucculentis (cucumcrinis),


immerfe fubfeptemnerviis, tranfverle venulofis ; pe-

tiolis lamina brevioribus, bafi ftrumofis ; racem is ad

petiolorum bafin extraaxillaribus, paucifloris, divari-

catis, pedicellis unifloris fuperne verfus apprefle

uni-tribra6teolatis ; genuine nudo, fufiformi-pyra-

midato, coftato-trigono, faciebus interangularibus

leviter puftulatis; calyce (corolla miht) infundibuli-

formi-rotato, quam id bis breviore, firmula, mar-

cefcente, laciniis linearibus, asqualibus, canaliculars,

obtufulis, apice inflexulis ; flaminibus (in Fam. ef-

fetis) imo calyci adnatis ; ftylo laciniis parum bre-

viore, rotundato-triquetro, triftriato, Iobulis trinis

ftigmatofis recurvatim divergentibus. G.

TAMUS elephantipes. L'Heritier. Serf. Angl. 29 ; (tabula licet

in lihris citata hucufque inedita). Hort. Kew. 3. 401.

Gmel. Syfl. Nat. 2. 570. Willd. Sp. PI. 4. 772.Pes elephantis. Vulgo.

From the uncouth maflive appearance as well as colour of the

root/lock, our plant has acquired at the Cape of Good Hopethe

Page 54: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

the appellation of " The Elephant's Foot ;" in other refpe&s,

it very much refembles the common black Bryony (Tamuscommunis) of our hedges. The ftem, winch is about the

thick nets of the little finger at the bafe and twining, re-

quires fupport, by the help of which we have feen it reach the

height of about eight feet. Found in the neighbourhood of

Cape Town by Mr. Masson, by whom it was introduced into

the KeA' Gardens in 1774, where a male plant bloon.ed in

1783. to which L'Heritier owed his engraving; an engraving

that has been repeatedly cited, but as yet never publifhed.

We do not know that the female plant has ever before flowered

in this country. Both L'Heritier and the editors of the

Hortus Kewenfis profefs merely to guefs between Tamusand Smilax for its genus, not being able to ascertain the

pofition of the germen from the male flower, the only one

they had feen. The rootftock in our fpecirnen was a foot in

diameter ; the older or lower leaves were obtufely or rounded-

cordate, the new ones acutely fot all entire and fmooth, of a

pa[er green beneath ; corolla of a pale rufty yellow colour,

fcentlel's, and fhorrer than the petioles. The foliage fh rinks to

half us fize in crying.

Our drawing wa i made from a plant that flowered late this

fummer, m Mr. Knight's greenhoufe, King's-Road, which

had been imported iome years back for Mr. George Hibbert'sCollection at Clapham. G.

Page 55: Curtis's Botanical Magazine


lUb.lyf. Gtr&j-. Walv/orTA, 7cmJ.J82l. J^fanfo'

Page 56: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

[ 1348 ]

Hermannia tenuifolia. Fine-leaved


Clafs and Order.


Generic Character.

Cal. campanulatus, 5-fidus. Petala 5, fpiraliter cucullata.

Filamentii lanceolata. Styli 5, in unum approximate Cap/.

5-locularis polyfperma.

Specific Characler and Synonyms.

HERMANNIA tenuifolia; foliis pinnatifido-linearibus.

We know of no fpecies of Hermannia with leaves

fo finely divided as the one of which we now prefent a figure,

drawn feveral years ago from a plant, at that time we believe

in poffeffion of the late Mr. Curtis; but which we have never

met with in any of the collections that we have examined.

There is a defective fpecimen in the Bankfian Herbarium,under the name of decompofitat which appears like it.

Native of the Cape, requiring a greenhoufe and the fame

treatment as the reft of the genus.

Page 57: Curtis's Botanical Magazine


J'vdT'FJvnrd.rZltl. Al.iyj:CwJv WaZwrtA Jan.l.ieiJ.£fanfom Jo

Page 58: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

[ 1349 ]

Hermannia flammea. Night-smelling


4fr jfi » ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft

CAt/j* tfjfctf Order.


Generic Character.

CaL carnpanulatus, 5-fidus. Petala 5, fpiraliter cucullata.

Filam. lanceolata. <57j// 5, in unum approximate Caff. 5-locularis, polyfperma.

Specific CharatJer and Synonyms.

HERMANNIA flatnmea ,• foliis cuneiformibus apice truncato-

dentatis glabris, racemis terminalibus fecundis,

pedunculis geminatis : altero bifloro.

HERMANNIA flammea ; foliis cuneiformibus apice truncato r

denticulatis planis, calycibus patentiffimis.

Jacq. Hart. Schoenb. 129.

HERMANNIA flammea. mild. Sp. PI. 3. p. 595. Per/. Syn.

2. 1. 217. Bot. Rep of. 550.

Desc. A low fhrub : tranches weak, rough, reddifh brown.Leaves wedge-fhaped, truncated and ufually three-toothed ;

Sometimes, the outer teeth being truncated, the leaf becomesobfoletely five-toothed, naked. Stipules two, linear-lanceolate,

nearly half the length of the leaf. Flowers grow in terminal

racemes looking one way. Peduncles nodding, two together,

°ne of which is two-flowered, the other fingle-flowered. Brakesthree, at the bafe of the peduncles, like the ftipules, and fromtwo to four fmaller ones near the flower. Calyx campanulate,very patent, fcariofe. Corolla of five petals very much twifted,

externally of a deep orange or flame-colour, internally a very

Pale yellow : petals remain long firmly twifted together, andare fcldom completely expanded. Stamens five ; filaments united.


Page 59: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

Anthers oblong, incumbent. Gertnen five-angled. Styles five,

united, longer tban the ftamens.

The flowers are very odoriferous after funfet, but appeared

to us to be fcemlefs during the day. Jacquin fays they

fmell like new hay, but does not mention whether by night or

in the daytime.

This fhrub flowers in the greenhoufe, during moll of the

fummer ; was introduced from the Cape by Georgei Hib-bert, Efq. at whofe garden at Clapham our drawing was taken

feveral years ago ; but our description laft fummer at Mr.Knight's, Nurferyman, in the King's-Road, Little Chelfea,

the prefent pofleflbr of Mr. Hibbert's collection. Native of

the Cape of Good Hope and eafily propagated by cuttings.

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JytZ^E<2wardsZ3~l, ±> S. Curtur WmS**rtk fan*.l*L'

Page 61: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

C *35° ]

Astragalus sinicus. UmbellatedAstragalus,

C/t7/} dW Order.


Generic Charafter.

Carina obtufa. Legum. biloculare aut fubbilocularc futurainfcriore introflexa.

Specific Character and Synonyms,

ASTRAGALUS finicus s caulefcens proftratus, umbellis pc-

dunculatis, legurainibusprifmaticis triquetris

ereclis apice tubulatis. Linn. Mant. 103.Reich. 3. p. 534. Mill. Philof. Tranf. 1764.

p. 138. n. 2059. Willd. 3. p. 1292. Thunb.

Jap. 290. iVr/^ Syn. 2. p. 335. Decand.

Ajlrag. 97.ASTRAGALUS loioides ,* caulefcens glaber ramofus, foliolis

fubtrijugis ovalibus, pedunculis axillaribus

folio longioribus capitatis, leguminibus reclis

triquetris acuminatis. Pa//. Ajlrag. n. 106".

£#///. £«r. 316.

Desc. Root annual. Stems decumbent. Leaves on long

footftalks, odd-pinnate : leaflets four pair, obovate, dillant,

minutely ciliated and hairy underneath. Stipules two, ovate-

acuminate, erecl, inferted below the petiole. Peduncles axillary,

jolitary, nearly equaling the leaf in length. Plozvers in a

nemifpherical umbel on very fhort nodding pedicles. Calyx

«ve-toothed : teeth nearly equal, the two upper ones morediftant. Corolla papilionaceous: vexilhtm obcordate, reflected

at the fides, pale purple, ftreaked in the middle : wings white,

obliquely truncate : keel longer than the wings, broad and of a


Page 62: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

deep purple colour at the extremity, two-petaled : petals ad-

hering at the under edge. Filaments diadelphous, one and

nine, diftin£l at the upper part. Germen very (lender, nar-

rowed at both ends : Jiyie Tubulate : fligma rounded. Theleaves have a grateful (cent, fomewhat refembling that of fome.

freih apples.

This is the only krown ipecies of Aftragalus with flowers

growing in an umbel, in the manner of a Coronilla. It is a

pretty, delicate plant, propagated by feeds only, which fhould

be raifed on a hot-bed in the fpring and planted in the openborder the latter end of May or beginning of June. Being a

native of China and Japan, where, according to Thunberc,it abounds by the wayhde, it is probably not very tender.

It is however with us very rare, occurring neither in Aiton'sHortus Kewenfis, nor Donx's Hortus Cantabrigienfis, thoughwe have, in our pofleffion, a fpecimen gathered in the latter

garden, about forty years ago, by Mr. Lyo.vs.

Communicated feveral years fince by Mr. Loddiges, fromhis garden, at Hackney.

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.JT-Ea'-wonir D-i'. JUih rtfi JenJJMS

Page 64: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

C i35i ]

TropvEolum peregrinum. Ciliated

Trop/eolum, or Indian-Cress.

Oafs and Order.


Generic Character.

Cal. i-phyllus, calcaratus. Petala 4, inzequalia. Bacc<e 3,ficcgE, i-fpermEe. x

Specific Charctfler and Synonyms.

TROPyEOLUM peregrinum ; foliis fubpeltatis fubreniformi-

bus 5— 7-lobis, petalis minoribus ciliato-


TROP/EOLUM peregrinum ; foliis fubpeltatis quinque-lobis

dentatis, petalis ciliato-laceris-. Syjl. Vcg.

357. Reich. 2. 145. 2. 299. Matt. Mill.


TROP/EOLUM peregrinum. Willi. 2. 299. Hort. Schsenb*

98. Bot. Repof 597.CARDAMINDUM quinquefolii folio, vulgo Malla. fituilt.

Peruv. 2. p. 756. /. 42. ?

Desc. Root annual. Stem rounded, fmootb, climbing.

leaves on long petioles, which a£t as tendrils, fabpelrate, the

lootftalk being inferted near the edge, not in the centre as in

viajus, hollowed at the bafe, five-lobed, lobes rounded, ter-

minated with a fmall macro : tjie lower leaves are cut into

•even 'obes, which are again divided. Peduncles folitary,

a*: tary, one-flowered, equal to the leaf. Calyx pufhed in at

the bafe, five-cleft; fegments nearly equal, bilabiately ar-

ranged : upper lip terminated in a funnel-lhaped fpur orSectary, fubulate, and hooked at the end- Corolla pale yellow,ringent, five-petaled, inferted into the calyx ; two upper petals


Page 65: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

large, cut into five laciniae, obtufe with a mucro, inferted by

claws into the middle fegment of the upper lip of the calyx:

three inferior, fpathular-fhaped, lacerate -ciiiate. Filaments

eight, inferted into the bafe of the calyx. Anthers four-

grooved. Gcrmen 3-lobed, three-cornered. Style fhorter than

filaments. Stigmas tripartite, acute.

Tafte of the flower more bitter and biting than that of

Trop/eolum majus.

In the above defcription we have, with Jacquin, called the

large petals fuperior, fome authors fpeak of them as the

inferior, in which cafe the flower muft be confidered as reverfed

or refupinate.

As Feu 1 l lee makes no mention of the fmall petals being

fringed, and they appear entire in his figure, we much doubt

whether the fpecies defcribed by him be the fame as ours.

It is a tender annual and a great climber ; has not, that weknow of, hitherto fucceeded in the open air, but will probably,

like the Marvel of Peru, become accuftomed to the climate

after a few generations, if ripe foeds (hall be produced here.

Mr. Lambert cultivated it in a melon-frame, where it (lowered

freely, but did not ripen its feeds. Our drawing was taken at

Mr. Vere's garden.

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C 135* D

Aloe foliolosa. Small-leaved Aloe,

#»»»Oafs and Order,

{Iexandria Monogynia.

Generic Qjaracler.

Inflorefc. feorfim bra&eata. Cal. o. Cor. infera, tubulofo-iexfida vel hexapetaloideo-partita in tubum connivens, orefummo regulari patula vel recurvatim bilabiata, carnofulanrma, direfta flexave, erefta pendulove-cernua ; laciniis ligu-

Jatis, exterioribus interiores altcnas ifometras bifve longiores

imbricantibus. Statn. immediate hypogyna, deflexo -a/Tur-

gentia, Iongitudine alternantia, tubo sequalia vel exferta.til. tereti -gracilefcentia (in quibufdam Jlatim pofl anth.Jin

fiexitofe detenfa velutque art'uulofa). Anth. ereQae, oblungae.

Stylus exfertus vel fubnullus trifulcus. Stigm. {implex,vfl 3 minuta replicata. Cap/. ere£ta, membranacea, fcariofa,

aiveiTimode oblongata, rotunde acuteve trigona, venofa


tnloc., trivalv., valvis medio feptigeris. Seta, numerofa, bi-

ferialia, fubronindo-complanata alata, angulofave angulis mem-branacee extenuatis. G.

Obs. Plantae perennes fempervirentes flolonifira alterne indivife at

epetiolate crafiifolia ; rhizoma nunc exititer fujiforme neque ex humoemergens, nunc in caudicem pahnotdee arboreum ac Jlolonizanter ramofumaJ[urgens ; fotia fuccofa, convolute amplexicauh'a, plurifariam difpoftta,

fnodo bifaria a piano obverfa yrarhts decujfata \ imbricatlm amb entia, modo

'quitantia, raro dijlantia ; radicatia, vel inferiorum cafu excelfe terminalia,

nunc axim afummo ad imum compaEle loricantia ; fquamiformia vel fupra*res pedes longa ; pulvlnatim laxata vel hinc glbbofa velpiano-convexe deprejfa ;°l> mfra latioribus cufpidatim attenuata, nunc linguiformia rotundn fine ter-

minala ; lavia, vel tuberibus vcrmculis papillifve cartdagineis in parte vel

totaliterfcabrata aut tantum marginata ; nuda, vel fpinis mollibus innocuis

Vel durijjimis pungentibus quadantenus aut per tolum muricata, duntaxatve

aliata; caul is in/erfoliaceusftmplex vel ramofus, foliolis bracleaformibusVag's perpetuus vel multis fquamatus ; racemus [ut et partiaies) umbellatimcr>ntruclus, velfpicatim pyramidatus, vel diffuft ehngaius ; pcdiccWlfubnuUic ollamve a:quantes

y umfori, eretli refraBeve collapfi, bradea ipfts longiore

bfoe breviore except:'. A confermina TritOMA dignfeatur capfula ne-

Ifaquam cartilaginea nee o-vata, femitiibus marginatis, corolla carnofiore neque

(fquatis imbricationis rugisj expticata, Jlaminibus declinato-'wflexiSy foliorum

"yuper habitu haudquaq'uam Jcirpoidee gramineo. G.Specific

Page 68: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

Specific Character and Synonyms.

ALOE foliolofa ,• (caudex totaliter imbricato -foliatus ; flora

e minoribusi

erefli, regulares ;) foliis plurifariam am-

bientibus, fquamiformibus, ovato-acuminatis, tranf-

verfim latioribus, parum (pro genere) craflis, rigidis,

glabris (junioribus pcrobjcure denticulatis), fupra patulis,

caudicem a fummo ad imum fquarrofo-loricantibus


caule fimplici, filiformi^ flexili ; racemo laxo ;pedi-

cellis corolla duplo brevioribus ; corolla re£ta, cylin-

dracea rotundatis angulis, ore breviffimo regulari

patula; ftaminibus inclufis. (7.

ALOE Joliolofa. tiaworth. Linn, Tranf. 7. 7. n. 3. Hort. Kezv.

ed. 2. v. 2. 298.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope, from whence it has

been introduced into our gardens, by Mr. Masson, fince the

publication of the Hortus Kewenfis. The leaves are the

fmalleft and thinneft of any fpecies known to us, of a dark

green colour. Nearly allied to fpiralis. Is propagated with

more difficulty, but blooms more freely than that. May be

kept in the common greenhoufe. Had never been diftin&ly

recorded by any author preceding Mr. Haworth, to which

gentleman we are indebted for the fpecimen. G.

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Page 70: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

C 1353 ]

Aloe recurva. Recurved Aloe.

jfo.jtt. >'*.AA-A »''.. A.jit. >'*.jfe. iicJ^L tk. alt «ls. A »!* >'i. \'»*j. jfPTfrTjrTp •,» •>,» v,» <j» *,» «i» VjT *,tv,» *ji sjt" v,v v,«r »j&"Vj«"

C7<z/i #;/;/ Order.

Hexandria MonoGYNIA.

Generic Character.—Fid. No. 1352.

Specific Characler and Synonyms.

ALOE recurva ; (ecaudicata ; fiores a minorthus%

erecli, bi-

labiati ;) foliis paucis, radicalibus, plurifariam am-bientibus, recurve divaricatis, brevibus, pulvinato-

craflis, oblongo - attenuatis, piano convexis, rore

canis, a fupino glabratis lineifque paucis fatura-

tioribus infcriptis, a prono denfe papillofis, margine

cartilagineo-ferrulatis ; caule tenui flexili ; racemolaxo ; corolla ab imo gibberula attenuato-tubulofa ;

riclurevolutim difpanfo; ftaminibus tuboaequalibus. G.

ALOE recurva. Havoorth. Linn. Tratif. 7. 10. n. 17. Hart.

Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. 300.ALOE tricolor. Id. foe. cit. App. 25. n. 2.

ALOE venofa. Lam. Encyc. 1. 89. n. 16.

ALOE americana Hyacinth? flore. V/einm. Phyt. t. 71. «.

ALOE africana humilis foiio nonnihil reflexo, floribus ex

albo et rubro variegatis. Commeb Pralud. 80. fig. 29.

A native of the Cape of Good Hope ; from whence it was

introduced into the Dutch gardens by Governor VanderSt el, in 1701 ; into the Englifh, more recently, by Mr.Masson. The leaves are very apt to turn red, if long ex-

pofed in the open air. Mr. Haworth, from whom we hadthe fpecimen, tells us that it is very apt to rot ; and that

rnon ihan ufual care is required to preferve it.

Our fpecimen is fomewhat Imaller than thofe figured byWeinman and Commelin ; thefe were probably older, orbad been better cultivated. Seems to us to be intermediate

between rigida and arachnoides. G.

Page 71: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

Pui.Sy S-G+r&r

Page 72: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

C *354 ]

Aloe mirabilis. Rough-leavedCushion Aloe.

# $ $» $$$ $ 4t $ fr fr $.$

Oafs and Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Characlcr.—Fid. No. 1352.

. Specific CbaracJer and Synonyms.

ALOE mirabilis ; (ecaitdicata • fores e minorthus% erefli, bi-

lahiati ;) foliis radicalibus, compa&e ambientibus,

brevibus, pulvinato -incraffatis, tcneris, femi-rhombeo-

oblongatis ; introrfum, ventricofis declive truncatis

laevibus lineis faturatioribus verticaiiter infcriptis ; dorfo

fubcarinato convexis papillofe fcabratis acumine con-

tinue) ; margine atque carina demiculatis ; caule

fimplici gracili flexili ; racemo remotius paucifloro ;

corolla tubulofa angulis rofundatis, ad terdam ufque

revoluto-bilabiata; laciniis utriufque labii ab invicem

difcedentibus ; flaminibus tubum asquantibus. G.

ALOE mirabilis. Haworth. Linn. Tranf. 7. 9. n. 13. Hort.

Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. 300.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope ; from whence it was

brought into our gardens by Mr. Masson in 1790. Seems to

be intermediate between arachnoides and retufa ; by fome it maybe fufpefted to be a mere variety of the latter, or a mule of

the two fpecies. We are indebted to Mr. Haworth for

the fpecimen. Should be kept in the common greenhoufe ;

requires no particular care. The foliage is of a darker green

than that of retufa. G.

ERRATANo. 1346, 1. 8. pro * crajjene e longe" lege " crajfe neclonge"No. 1347, pag. alt. 1. 19. for u corolla of a pale rufty yellow colour," rea4

** corolla from a reddifh white fading to a pale rufty yellow colour."

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C *355 1

Aloe virens. Apple-green-leaved


4 »»»»»» $ » » »»» » & »$


C/o/ir #;/^ Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.—/^/. iV5?. 1352.

Specific Charafter and Synonyms.

ALOE virens ; (fubcaudefcens ; fiores e majori&us, cylindrid%

rec7t\ cernui ;) caudice fubnullo vel brevi ; foliisfafci-

culatim ambientibus, recurvato divaricantibus, ligu-

lato-attenuatis, plano-convexis, ab acie curvatis,

tenerioribus, a prona parte albo rariter a fupina

parciffime ac prominule guttatis, ad oram molliter

diftanter ac direfte fpinofis ; racemo diftanti, diffufe

fpicato ; pedicellis afcendentibus, corolla bis brevioribus

braclea duplo longioribus ; corolla pendula, clavato-

tubulofa, rotundate trigona, ab ima anguftiore ven-

tricofo-dilatata, conniventer patula, laciniis ad mediumfere ufque conferventibus ; ftylo exferto. G.

ALOE virens. Haworth. Linn. Tranf. 7. 17. n. 34.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Nearly allied to

humilis. The caitdex is fometimes fcarcely above the level ofthe ground, at others half a foot high, throws out abundance°f fuckers, fo as to become bufhy ; leaves of a bright apple-

green colour 5 about an inch broad at their bafe ; flowers of a

yellowifh red tint, about an inch and half long. Blooms in

the autumn. Of eafy culture.

We never faw this plant in any other collection than that ofMr. Haworth, where our drawing was taken. Moft probablyintroduced fince the publication of the Hortus Kewenfis. Wecan find no traces of it in any book known to us. Can hardlyhave been confounded with the varieties of humilis ? G.

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WniwcrtA J^e-i. 1.2811.

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C 1356 ]

Hibiscus surattensis. Prickly-stalked


C7^/> ii«i Order,


Generic Charafter,

CaJ, duplex : exterior polyphyllus. Stigmata 5. Cap/. 5-locularis, polyfperraa.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms.

HIBISCUS furattenfis ; recurvato-aculeatus, foliis quinque-

lobis, calycibus exterioribus appendiculeatis fti-

pulis femicordatis, floribus pedunculatis. Sp. PL

979 $yft' Vegtt* 630. Burnt, Ind. 152. Reich 3.

p. 363." Wiltd. 3. 824. Mart. Mid. Di&. n. 27.

Loureiro Cochin. 420 ? hjort. Keiv 2. />. 457.HIBISCUS aculeis recurvis, foliis digitals, Calycibus appen-

diculatis. Cav. Dtff 3. p. 149. /. 53. /. 1.

KETMIA indica fpinulofa profunde laciniata, Acetofse fapore*

Burm. Zeyl 135.Herba crinalium vulgaris 1. fylveftris. Rumph, Ami. 4.^.41.

t, 16.

The variety j3 of Linn^us, Narinam-pouilli of the Hortus

Malabaricus, is probably a diftinct fpecies. Perhaps Lou-Re iro's plant, which differs from ours in being a fhrub ofthe growth of fix feet or more, and in having flowers faffron-

coloured within and very red without, alfo belongs to that, orJ s different from both.

Rumf alfo aefcribes two fpecies or varieties of his Hsrbacrinalium

t the domejhca and fylveftris. To the former heafcribes a perennial root, and fpeaks of it as forming a large

wide-fpreading fhrub, with extremely tough braqches, but

green and not ligneous. The latter he fays is herbaceous,


Page 77: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

with weak trailing flems, unable to fupport themfelves without

the affiftauce of feme neighbouring bufh. The flowers ofboth are fimilar to thofe of our plant, which exaftly corre-

fponds with his defcription of the latter. Some of the leaves

are three-lobed, others five-lobed. The leaves of all thefe

plants are gratefully acid, and, on that account, are ufed as

culinary herbs.

Native of the Eaft-Indies, cultivated by Philip Miller,in 1768. It is a tender annual, and muft be raifed in a hot-

bed or Hove. Flowers in July ; rarely ripens its feeds with

us. Is very beautiful, though without fcent, and its flowers

are expanded but a few hours, and that in fine weather only.

Communicated by MefTrs. Loddiges and Sons.

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-fLi.iv if. Cur&s Wal*rcrfr<FeZ IJSll-

Page 79: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

C ^57 ]


DlOSMA.»**»Clafs and Order.

Pentandria Monogynia.

Generic Cbaracler.

Cor. 5-petaIa. Neclaria 5 fupra germen. Cap/. 3 f. 5, coalitae.

Semina calyptrata.

Specific Cbaracler and Synonyms.

DlOSMA pulchella ,- foliis ovatis obtufis glandulofo-crenatis,

floribus geminis axillaribus. Sx/1. Veg. 239.DlOSMA pulchella; foliis ovatis glandulofo-crenatis glabris,

floribus axillaribus geminis. Tbunb. Prod. 43.Willi. 1. 1140.

HARTOGIA pulchella. Berg. Cap. 69. Sxft. Nat. p. 625.SPIRAEA capenfis fpicata ferpyiii folio margine quafi per-

forato. Raj. App. 249. n. 67.

Linnius, in the twelfth edition of the vegetable kingdomin his Syftema Naturae, had adopted the divifion of the genus

Diofma, propofed dvBergius; feparating fuch as had the

male and female flowers diftinft and only three capfules, underthe name of Hartogia : and this fpecies, though it agreed in

the latter refpecT: only, was united with the new genus. But

Li n n.£ u s foon found that in this polymorphous genus, there

were no characters thendifcovered, fufficiently ftable to grounda diftin&ion upon ; and in the thirteenth edition of the

Syftema Vegetabilium he again reduced the whole under


Diosma pulchella is a very beautiful little fhrub, producing

its lively flowers in great profufion throughout moft of the

fummer. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, requiring onlyto be protected from froft. Introduced into the Kew GardenDy Mr. Francis Masson, in 1787. Our drawing was madeat the moft extenfive collection of Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy,Hammerfmith.

Page 80: Curtis's Botanical Magazine


H&.&o-J Curtur Whl:wr?

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C 1358 ]



Cla/s and Order.


Generic Character.

Cal, (implex vel duplex. Cor. irregularis vel fubregularis.

Cap/. 2-valvis, 2-locularis : diffepimentum valvis contrarium :

retinaculis feminum uncinulatis.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms,

JUSTICIA nervo/a ; (calyce duplicit antheris parallelis) fpicis

axillaribus terminalibufque imbricatis, brafteis ob-longis venofis foliifque ovatis acuminatis. VahLEnum. 1. p. 164. Hort. Kew. fed. 2.) 1. p. 42.

JUSTICIA pulchella; (calyce duplice) corollis fubaequalibus


laciniis oblongo-femiorbiculatis planis, foliis el-

liptico-ovatis acutis glabris rugofis obfolete den-

tatis, filamentis compreffis bafi tortis. (Ker)

Recen/. Plant. Repof. p. 41.

JUSTICIA pulchella. Roxb. Corom. 2. p. 41. /. 177.ERANTHEMUM pulchellum. Bot. Repof, 88. Donn Hort,

Cant. ed. 4. p. 4.

RUELLIA varians. Ventenat Celf. 46.

The late Profeflbr Vahl, in his Enumeratio Plantarum,

in which he has recorded no fewer than one hundred and fixty-

feven fpecies of Jufticia, has arranged this under his 5th feftion,

containing thofe that have a fingle calyx, and a nearly equal

corolla. It feems however more properly to belong to his

firft feftion, thofe with a double calyx and parallel anthers.

*VVe have uniformly found, within the large brafte, a glume-

like two-valved outer calyx, clofely embracing the tube of


Page 82: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

the inner or true calyx, as mentioned by Mr. Ker, in the

fynonym above quoted. In other refpects, Vahl's description

agrees with oui own obfervations.

Perhaps the outer calyx in this and in every other Justicia,

where it occurs, may be more properly considered as two

{mailer biattes. 1 he ftruclure is exactly the fame in Cros-sandra unduUfolia of Salisbury, except that m the latter

the two inferior bra£tes are equal in length to the exterior.

Indeed thefe two plants appear to us to have fo near an affinity,

as to throw great difficulty in the way of eftablifhing Cros-sandra as a diftinft genus; for the mere circumltance of

two or four anthers does not feem fufficient to form a generic

diftin&ion, and on this account Ruellia is not eafily feparable

from Jufticia.

As the fpecific name of pukhcUa was applied not only by the

author of lhe Botamft's Repository, but by his reviewer, whoreduced it to the genus Jusncr\, prior to Vahl's publica-

tion, and had been fiuce adopted by Dr. Roxburgh, wethink it mould have been retained by the author of the

Hortus Kewenfis. But as the latter work will probablv beconfidered as the ftandard for names of plants cultivated in

this country, we give up our own opinion, rather than run the

rifk of adding to the confufion of the nomenclature.Native of marfhy places on the coaft of Coromandel.

Requires a bark ftove, where it flowers very nearly the wholeof the year. Introduced into Kew Gardens, by Mr. Petes^Good, in the year 1796. Propagated by cuttings.

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l*mraLrZ)*l .TUbby-d: <W^- WaJvrprff, Te.}. 1.2811. J^ifan/trmi-fc-

Page 84: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

[ 1359 ]

Nymph^ea nitida. Cup-flowered


Clafs and Order.


Generic Charafter,

Cat, 4—5-phyllus. Petala plurima germini fub ftaminibus

inferta. Stigma radiatum, feffile, medio neclariferum. Baccafupera, multilocularis, polyfperma. Smith.

Specific Characler.

NYMPH^EA nitida; foliis fuborbiculatis integerrimis ; lobis

obtufiflimis: venisutrinqae exaratis, rhizomate

perpendicular!, petalis obtufis calycem tetra-

phyllum aequamibus.

That this fpecies, which is very nearly related to Nym-ph^a odorata (vid. No. 819) is really diftinct, we are per-

fuaded by the obfervations of Mr. Anderson, Gardener to

James Vere, Efq. of Kenfington Gore. This intelligent

cultivator finds that the roots afford the moft difcriminative

characters in this genus, and at once point out a real difference

between thefe two nearly allied fpecies. In nitida the root-

ftock is perpendicular and does not feem ever to acquire any

confiderable length, whereas in odorata, this part extends ho-

rizontally along the mud, in the fame manner as in alba.

Nymph/ea nitida feems to require the conftant heat of a ftove

or hot-bed to preferve it alive, whilil odorata is now found to

be quite hardy. We have not been able to learn of what

country nitida is a native, but from the above circumftance

it probably belongs to a tropical clime. The flowers are

without fcent. We are not yet fatisfied whether the finking

of the veins below the furface of the leaf, which in this inftance

was the cafe on both fides, be a conftant and permanent cha-

racter, or variable according to the age of the leaf or from

other accidental circumftances. Is propagated by offsets.

Bloiioms in Auguft. Drawn at Mr. Vere's garden in Auguft,

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JyJ^rfwardrDet f^i $y SOtrfis* WatrorHi^ifarJ.lS/J



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[ 136° ]


* jtM » J* f ijiit

C/<t/} <7«i Order.

Hexandria Monocynia.

Generic Charatier.—Vid. No. 1352.

Specific CbaracJer and Synonyms.

ALOE margaritifera ; (ecaudicata ; flores e minoribust erecli,

bilabiati ;) foliis plurimis, radicalibus, aggregatim

ambientibus, varie patentibus, rigidis, pulvinato-

craffis, fubulato-lanceolatis, gibbis, bullulis cartila-

gineis margaritaceo - candicantibus undique afperfis,

carinato-cufpidatis ; caule firmulo, ramofo ; racemoerefto laxius multifloro ; bra&eis ovato-acutis, fub-

undulatis, brevibus ; pedicellis corolla quinquies brc-

vioribus fubnullifve ; corolla ereclo - divergente, e

deorfum ventricofiore tubulofe coarclata, fexftriata,

ad quartam circiter bilabiato-foluta ; laciniis fuperi-

oribus ereclioribus explicatioribus imbricato-conver-

gentibus media lat'orc, infimarum lateralibus convoluto-

anguftatis recurvato-varicatis ; ftaminibus tubo inclufis;

ftylo craflo brevi, apiculo ftigmatofo trilobulato-

depreflo. G.ALOE margaritifera. Hort. Kew. 1. 468. Gartn.Sem. 1.67.

/. 1 7. f. 5. Mart. Mill. Dicl. Hazvor/b Linn. Tranf.

7.11/n. 19. Decand PL Willd. Sp. PL

2. 188. Supra No. 815. Hort. Ktw. ed. 2. v. 2. 301.

ALOE pumila. Tbunb. Dig. n. 8. Prod. 61.

ALOE pumila. margaritifera. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2. t. 460.A. foliis ovato-fubulatis acuminatis tuberculis cartiiagineis,

undique alperfis. Mill. Dicl. ed. 7. n. 14.

(«.) major.

A. africana folio in fummitate triangulari margaritifera flore

funvir^di.. Comm. Hort. Amji. 2. 19. tab. 10.

A. africana marg \ntifera foliis uadique verrucis numerofiffirn.s.

Bradl. Sitcc. 3. p. l. /. 21.

(j3.) minor.

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(j3.) minor. Supra No. 815. Decand. I. c. cum tab.

A. africana margaritifera minor. Comm. Hort. 2. 21. t. 11.

DHL Hort. Elth. 19. /. 16. /. 17.

(y.) minima. Supra No. 1360.

A. africana margaritifera minima. DHL Hort. Elth. 20. t. 16.

/. 18. Com. Pr<el. p. 43.

We refer to No. 815 for a general account of the fpecies.

To this we have nothing to add, but that for media, minor fhould

be fubftituted as the fubfpecific diftinQion, and in the laft

line but one of the fecond page for " fmalleft" K fecond" is to

be read. We had theprefent fpecimen from Mr. Ha worth'scollection. G.

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C 13G1 3

Aloe Arachnoides (/3.) pumila. Dark-leaved Spider-Aloe.

$ jjHjt sM» # sNhJi JhJhMe fr>

£/«//> and Order.

Hexandria Monouyma.

Generic Character,— Vid. No. 1352.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

ALOE arachnoides. Vid.fupra No. 1314.

(«.) major communis s foiiis margine dorfo atque cufpide mem-branaceo cchinatis. G. Vide Jupra No. j^6t

ubi fymnymaipfuis varieLitis propria ; quibus addas. Hort. Kew* ed. 2. 2.

((3.) pumila; ctefpitofim ftolonifera, minor; foiiis atrovirend-

bus, herbaceo-fpinulofe dentads, dorfo papilhilofis. G.

A. arachnoides ; pumila. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 301. IVilld.Sp.

PL 2. 188.

A. pumila. Haworth. Linn. Tranf. 7. 10.

A. atrovirens. Decand. PL Gr. tab. 51.

A. pumila. 1. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 2. 1. 460.

A. herbacea. Mill. Dtft. ed. 8. n. 18.

A. africana minima atroviridis, fpinis herbaceis numerofis

ornata. Boerh. tni. Alt. 2. 131. Mill. Diet. ed. 7. a. 18.

(y.) reticulata j foiiis obefioribus, obtufiufculis, paiiidis, venis

tranflucentibus reticulatim infignitis, glabris, margine a?que

carina rotundatis obfoleteque denticulatis. G. Vid.fupra

No. 1314.A. reticulata. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 229.

{$.) travjheens : foiiis dilutiffime virentibus pellucidis, margine

atquc carina dentads, cufpide non echinata; fcapo fquamis

crebrioribus. G.

A. tranjlucens. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 300. Hazvor/h. Limn. Trauf.

7. 10. 8.15.A. pumilio. Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. v. 4. tab. 34.

We have here enumerated four plants, by many confidered

aw diftinft fpecies, for varieties of" each other. We do not


Page 90: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

mean to be pofitive of their being fo, finee we do not knowfor certain that they have fprung from the feed of one ftock ;

but merely to (hew that they feem to us to differ, only by fuch

modes as are analogous to the modes, by which we have ob-ferved indifputable varieties to differ the one from the other

elfewhere. For thofe who think differently from us, we haveattached, by way of fubfpecific diftinclions, the fpecific namesgiven to them by others, to be retained at difcretion. The prefent

plant has been recorded as a variety of a, in both editions ofthe Hortus Kewenfis ; although «?, Mill lefs diftinft, has beenfpecifically fepaiated as well as y ; which laft however differs the

molt of the two. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Weare obliged to Mr. Haworth for the prefent fpecimen. G.

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[ i362 ]

Aloe mitr^.formis(/3.) brevifolia. LeastMitre-Aloe.

Clafs and Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Charatier.—Fid. No. 1352.

Specific Charabler and Synonyms.

ALOE mitraformis ; (caudcx annofior fuborgyatist defuperne

humotcnus defoliates ; fores e majoribus, pendulo-eernui,

reb~li ;) foliis fparfe ambientibus, fucculento-fragilibus,

ovato-acuminatis concaviufculis, fubtus fubcarinato-

convexis furfum incurvulis (forma fere depreffo-navi-

cularij dentibus cartilagineis brevibus diftantius mar-ginatis, a prono fsepius acumina nonnulla vaga exferen-

tibus, fummis confertioribus fubcapitato-conniventibus,

inferioribus fentim difiantioribus ; fcapo fimpiici vel

corymbofo ramofo ; racemo crebro multifloro oblato-

cylindrico vel umbellato-contrafto retrorfum imbri-

cato ; pedicellis divaricantibus corolla fubifometris

braftea bis terve longioribus ; corolla re&o-tubulofa,

fexpartito-foluta, rotundato-trigona, ore brevi regulari

patula; antberis akernis fubemicantibus. G.

ALOE mitr<eformis. a. Fid. fiipra No. 1270, ubi fynonyma

videnda ei propria.

ALOE mitraformis. (3. brevifolia ; foliis ovatis brevibus dif-

tantibus fubtus tuberculatis. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 2.

294 ; (ad u. reduela figura ex Decandolleo ibi minus

rctte ad j3. allegata.)

A. brevifolia. Haworlb. Linn. Tranf. 7. 23. «. 51.

A. mitrteformis ; angultior. ( Le petit mitre.) Lamarck. Eneye,

1. 87.A. prrfoliata. ?r. brevifolia. Hort. Kew. 467.

Obs. Aloe brevifolia. Decand. PI. Gr. 81, omrtinc alia ac diver-

fflinia fpecits. G.


Page 93: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

We do not find the prefent plant diftinctly noticed in any

work prior to the firft edition of the Hortus Kewenfis. Wecannot agree with Mr. Haworth in confidering it as a different

fpeciesfrom the larger plant already given in No. 1 270. Native

of the Cape of Good Hope. We have feen it with a ftem

more than three feet high. Our drawing was taken from a

plant that flowered at Mr. Loddiges's Nurfery, Hackney. G.


No« *353» !• »8. for f Id" read " Hanuorth"

Page 94: Curtis's Botanical Magazine


-J)e2. ASJyS.eUrX* WaJmrZZ.i4tvrJ.ttU.

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C 1363 ]

Strumaria crispa. Glittering-flowered


C/<z/j a»<i Order,

Hexandria Monogykia.

Generic Charatler.

Spatha conduplicato-bivalvis, generalis. CaL o. Cor, fupcra,

erefta nutanfve, regularis, fubaequalis, hexapetalo partita vcl

raro bafi in tubulum breviffimum connexa, turbinato-campa-

nulata vel rotata laciniis elliptico lanceoiatis. Slaw, incraflato

corollae fundulo defixa, breviora vel exferta, credo divergentia,

alterna parum muhumve longioia. til. tereti gracilefcentia,

libera vel deorfum monadelphice vel nunc akerne et cumftylo gynandrice connata. Anth. fubovato-oblongae, erectse,

extrorfae, fiiamentis aliquoties breviores. Stylus fufiformi-aci-

cularis, ftri&iflime direftus, fulcato-alatove triqueter, fupra

bafin varie protuberans, ftaminibus aequalis duplove brevior.

Stig. 3, lobuliformia attenuata, replicata aut in cufpidem con-junct. Capf. membranacea, rotundo-turbinata, tritorofa, 3-

loc, 3-valv., valvis medio feptigeris. Sem. biferialia, globofa,

in loculamento pauca vel modo unicum bulbiliofo-laxatum

albumine herbaceo-emollito. G.

Obs. Bulbus tunicafus, membranaao-ve/litus ; folia e vagina radical*)

duo-plura, fliformia lorato-obhnga, crajjiufcula, a plan? bifariam

oppc/ita, nunc/capo tardiora ; umbella a parca laxa ad congejle mulfira-

diatam, fpatham tranfeuns, bra£tearum ramentisfwpe intcrjUncla. Modoaccedunt ffrumae 3 interJlylum et ftamina cum eo non cancreta tnatce. In

bulbifpermis pericarpium tenuius ac a nimio pramaturoque foetus increment*?

irregulariter rumpendum. A LeucojO dignofcatur fpjtha neutiquam fol-

liculofa a latere dehifcente, antherifque filament aliquoties breviiribus

apice nee demijfo neque hiante. In hoc genere definiendoy Jiyli Jlrumofo

auclu duntaxat nifus, Jlriclam ejujdem naturam inconfuliius negkxit Jac-quinus ; ac inde perperam ftellarem et crifpam Amaryllidi bus per-

mijeuit. Difcrepat HjEMAitTHofpatha haudquaquam pa rivalvi capjula-

que baud baccata, G.

Specific Charatler and Synonyms.

STRUMARIA crifpa ,• foliis binis, angufte linearibus, cana-

liculars, divaricantibus, utrifque (vel tantum

altera) fcapum poftvenientibus tandemque fu-

perantibus; umbeila laxe pauciflora ; pedi-

cellis craffiufculis, ftri&is, fpatbam duplo

tranfeuntibus,giandulofepun£Hculatis; corolla

iis bis terve breviore quam germen vero toties


Page 96: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

Jongiore, nutantc, gemmulofo-micante, tur-

binato-rotata, recurvula ; laciniis fubungui-.

culato-lanceolatis utrinque inflexo crifpatis;

iilamentis fubaequalibus liberis, corolia duplo

brevioribus ; antheris ovatis; itylo ftaminibus

bis breviore, prifmatico-fufiformi, trifuico


ftigmatibus attenuato-linearibus, replicatim vel

necquicquam difcedentibus. G.

AMARYLLIS crifpa. Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. 1. 37. tab. 72.

IVtlld. Sp. PL 2.61. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. 229.

Bulb about the fize of a walnut, outward membrane brown


leaves attaining at leaft fix inches in length, one fome-

times preceding the other and appearing nearly at the fame

time with the/cape, which is about four inches high ; pedicles

dark green, rounded triquetral, about an inch and half long;

corolla about nine lines in diameter, white fuffufed with role-

colour, tranfparent when viewed againft the light; is a very

beautiful objecl through a magnifying glafs ; germen fhining,

brownifh ; anthers brown, pollen yellow. Native of the Cape

of Good Hope, from whence it was imported by Mr. Masson,in 1790. Requires to be kept in a greenhoufe ; blooms in

November ; has no fcent that we could perceive. We have to

thank Mr. Cuff, of Curzon-Street, for the very liberal com-munication of the fpecimen, as well as for much kind afiiftance

to the prefent work. G.

Specierum Enumeratio.fpiralis. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 213. Carpolyza. Parad. Lond.

t. 63. Crinum. Bot.Rcpof. t. 92. HiEMANTHUs. Hort.

Kew. 1. 405. Thunb. Prod. 58. IVtlld. Sp. PI. 2. 28.

Crinum tenellum. Jacq. Coll. Sitppl. 43. ic. rar. 2. /. 363.rubella. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 212. Jacq. I. c. 46. /. 358. Willd.

Sp. PL 2.31.ftellaris. nobis. Amaryllis. Hort. Kezv. ed. 2. 2. 229. Jacq.

Hort. Schoenb. 1. /. 71. IVilld. L c. 61.

crifpa. nobis fupra No. 1363. Amaryllis. Hort. Kezv. ed. 2.

/. c. Jacq. L c. 72. Willd. I. c.

undulata. Jacq. Coll. SnppL 50. ic. rar. i. 360. Willd. L c. 32.

linguaefolia. Jacq. I. c. 45. t. 356. Willd. I. c.

truncata. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 212. Jacq. I. c. 47. /• 357.Willd. I. c.

anguftifolia. Hort. Kezv. ed. 2. /. c. Jacq. I. c. 48. /. 359-Willd. I. c.

filifolia. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 213. Jacq. ic. rar. 2. p. 14*

Willd. Sp. PL 2. 213. Leucoj um y?rHj«<3/«w. Hort.

Kew. 1. 407. /. 5. Jac. Coll. 3. 222. Ic. rar. 2. 361,

in ipfa icone nee vera in textus fagina. Thunb. Prod.

5 8 -

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[ 1364 ]

NYMPHiEA RUBRA (,6) ROSEA, ROSE-colocred Water-Lily.

C/tf/} <w/ Order.


Generic Characler*

Cal. 4—5-phylIus. /W<z/tf plurima germini fub ftaminibusinferta. Bacca iupera, multilocularis, poly/perma.

Specific Characler and Synonyms.

NYMPHIEA rubra; foliis peltatis dentatis fubtus pubefcenti-

bus immaculatifque. Videfapra No. 1280.m. fioribus fatur atijjhne rubris, foliis obfuris.

0. (rofea) fioribus rofeisy foliisfuperne virentibus maculatis.

While we record this beautiful plant as a variety of Nym-ph*a rubra, we have to obferve that it may perhaps be a

diftinct. fpecies. Mr. Anderson, under whofe care this was

flowered laft fummer at Mr. Vere's, of Kenfington-Gore,

where our drawing was made, has preferved ripe feeds, which

he means to fow, and hopes to be able to determine whether the

apparent differences be permanent or not. In N. rofea the

footftalks are longer than in rubra ; the leaves larger, of a

bright yellowifh green with dark fpots on the upper furface.

Thefe fpots in rubra are fcarcely vifible, on account of the

darknefs of the whole. On the exterior or enveloping leaflet

of the calyx, in the flower bud, there is generally a little in-

dentation towards the point, which Mr. Anderson has not

obferved in rubra ; but, as this nearly difappears in weakly-

flowers, it does not feem to afford any characler. The habit

of both is exafclly fimilar, and the roots of both bear a tuber,

much refembling that of the Jerufalem artichoke (Helianthus


Native of the Eaft-Indies. Requires the heat of a ftove.

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C 1365 ]

Lotus australis. New-Holland Lotus.

Ai*>y ..*if ^A "if 'if 'if 'If rif.jjf Sk-ifr.. ife y'f JtAA Jt"jp. v,Vjf^r^>' ^ «jv <^^^v^v ^ ^ «p' *?• ijr^'^Jr Tjr

C/4/jr and Order.


Generic Charatler.

Legumen cylindricum ftri&um. Ala furfum longitudinaliter

conniventes. Calyx tubulofus.

Specific Character and Synonym.

LOTUS aujlralis ; capitulis paucifloris bra&eatis, foliolis

ftipulifque obovato-cuneatis aequalibus, leguminibuscylindricis glaberrimis.

LOTUS auftralis. Bot. Repof. No. 624.

Desc. Stem fomewhat woody, reddifh, branched, difFufe,

flexuofe. Leaves trifoliate, petiolated : leaflets obovate, wedge-

fhaped, fometimes quite obtufe with a minute mucro, fome-

times pointed, fmooth above and filky underneath. Stipules

attached to the bafe of the petiole, fimilar and nearly equal in

fize to the leaflets, fo as to give the leaves the appearance of

being quinate. Peduncles axillary, folitary, three times the

length of the leaf, roughifh, ftraight. Flowers bright rofe-

coloured, few, 3—5, growing in a half umbel or capitulum,

nodding, with an ere&, feffile, trifoliate leaf or brafte on one

fide. Calyx fubcampanulate, pubefcent ; teeth 5, bilabiately

arranged, nearly equal, awl-fhaped, longer than the tube.

Corolla papilionaceous : Standard orbicular, emarginate, re-

flexed, whitifh and ftriped at the bafe. Wings fomewhat

lefs, connivent at the upper fides, embracing the keel. Keel

narrow, mucronate. Stamens diadelphous, 1—9. Germen

cylindrical : Jlyle filiform, naked. Stigma fimple. Legume

cylindrical, quite fmooth, twice the length of the calyx. Seeds

many, globular?We

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We believe that this plant was firft raifed in this countryfrom feed, from New South- Wales, at the Nurfery of MeflW.Chandler and Buckingham, (then Napier and Chand.les) Vauxhall-Road, from whence we received a flowering

fpecimen in Auguft 1807.

Our drawing was taken from a plant communicated byMeflrs. Loddiges and Sons, the latter-end of July i8og. It

is now not uncommon in feveral nurferies about town.

Among the drawings of New-Holland plants in Sir JosephBanks's library, there is one of a Lotus with red flowers, andleahVs and ftipules very narrow and hairy. This was found in

Thirftv Sound, juft within the tropics, between 22 and 23fouth lati.ude, and, though nearly allied, is undoubtedly adiftin6l fpecies from the one here figured.

Propagated by feeds and by cuttings, and requires onlyprotection from froft.

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CCurfa Wa/we>r>A

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C 1366 ]

Cnicus spinosissimus. Feathery-headed


>V V!* '&&&-&•'& *V & *iV, ffr, ifr. &. SS*,! >V .*k

C/^/> #»</ Order.

Syngenesia ^Equalis.

Generic Character.

Calyx ventricofus imbricatus, fquamis fpinofis, obvallatus

bra&eis. Corollula aequales.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

CNICUS fpinqjijjimus ; foliis amplexicaulibus finuato-pinnatis

fpinofis, caule fimplici, floribus feffilibus. Sp. PL1157. Mart. Mill. Dtcl. n. 6.

CNICUS Jpinofijfimus. mild. Sp. PI. 3. p. 1684.CARDUUS fptnnfijfimus. Lam. Encyclop. Wood in Cyclopad.

Perfoon Syn. 2, 390. Villars Dauph. 3. p. tuCIRSIUM Jpinofijftmum. Scop. Cam. 2. n. 1006.

CIRSIUM foliis caulinis femipinnatis, pinnis angulofis fpino-

fiffimis, terminantibus mollibus, ciliatis, umbellamfloralem comprehendentibus. Hall. Helv. n. 172.t. S .

CIRSIUM acanthoides, foliorura coma flavefcente, montis

Carthufiani. VailI. n. 1718.CNICUM alpinum humile fpinofum j flore pallente. Ponted.

Epijl. ad Sherardum.

CARDUUS alpinus, fpinofiffimus, polycephalus ; foliis in

fummitate albicantibus, albo flore. Ant. Tita It.

CARXJNA polycephalos alba. Bauh. Pin. 380.

Moft botanifts continue to quote Gmelin's plant (v. 2.

P« 64. t. 25. J as a fynonym of this, although Haller haddenied that it was the fame. We have the additional authorityof our friend, Dr. Smith, who poffeues Gmelin's ownSpecimen, and affures us that it is totally different.


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The genus Cnicus appearing to Lamarck to be founded

upon too flight characters, he has united it to Carduus, in

which he has been followed by Per soon in his Synopfis,

Wood in the New Cyclopaedia; and by Villars. But in fo

large a genus as Carduus, there is a great convenience in

the feparation, even though not founded upon the founded

principles. We therefore retain the i.innean name of Chic us,

without meaning however to uphold Willdenow in his ac-

cumulation of heterogeneous fpecies under this name.Cultivation, as is ufual in fuch cafes, makes fome change in

the habit ; inHead of the flowers being crowded together at

the extremity of a fimple ftem, thev Hand nearly fingie on fhort

branches, but are each furrounded with beautiful feathery

yellow iflr-white bracle*. Haller dei'cribes not only the

florets but the anthers as yellow-white Vfiofculi cum vagina

ocbrtieui ij

; in our garden fpecimen the latter were blueifh-

purple, the former as defcribed by Haller.Though a native of the herbaceous regions of the Alps of

fouthern Europe, the plant flourifhes extremely in KewGarden, from whence we were favoured, by Mr. Aiton, with

the fpecimen from which our drawing was made, in July laft.

Dr. bMiiH gathered it on little Mount Cenis, in an expedi-

tion recorded in the third volume of his Tour on the Con-tinent, on the 14th of Auguft. " As I look on the fpecimen,"(he fays in his letter on the fubjecr.) " alljhc charming fcene

recurs to my memory." Every one muft have occasionally

witneffed a fimilar feeling. The author has elegantly expa-

tiated on the fame idea in the fecond volume of his Tour,where he remarks that " a plant gathered in a celebrated or

delightful fpot, is like the hair of a friend, more dear to

memory than even a portrait ; becaufe it excites the imagina-

tion, without prefuming to fill it."

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To the Readers of the Botanical Magazine,

S the Botanical Magazine certainly owes its repu-

tation, in great meafure, to the excellence of the figures, all

of which, except feventy-five, have been drawn by Mr.Sydenham Edwards, it affords us pleafure in compliance

with his requeft to publifh the following ftatement, in order to

rectify feveral errors of the letter-engraver, that occur in the

early volumes.

Twenty-four plates have Mr. Sowerby's name affixed, but

of thefe the following twelve were in reality drawn by Mr.Sydenham Edwards, viz. No. 18, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31,

34. 35> 36» 3 8>and 43-

Of thofe which bear no draughtfman's name, the fifty-five

following were drawn by Mr. Sowerby (the reft by Mr.Edwards) viz. No. i, 4, 10, 11, 17, 28, 42, 44, 47, 49, 50,

5 1* 5 2

> 54. 55>, 5 6 > 5 8 >6l

» 67, 7°' 7 2> 7 6 » 79. 8o


from 87 to 109 inclufive, 111, 113, 115, 116, 118, 121.

The laft-mentioned number which occurs in vol iv. andWas publilheci in June 1790, is the laft figure drawn bv Mr.Sowerby. All pofterior to this (except eight bv7 Mr. San-sum, in the fixth volume, to which his name is affixedy wereexecuted by Mr. Sydenham Edwards.

We are induced to republifh the above ftatement, not only

to point out with accuracy, by whom each figure has been

drawn, but likewife becaufe we wifh that the former hand-bill

upon this fubjecl:, which accompanied No. 1232, in vol. xxx.

fhould be cancelled altogether.



That hand-bill was published in hafte, without reflecting

that fome expreffions contained in it might be hurtful to the

feelings of a friend for whom we have ever entertained the

higheft refpecl and efteem. And Mr. Edwards is himlelf

convinced that the mifreprefentations there complained of,

and which are effectually rectified by the above ftatement, did

not originate in any enmity towards him, but were occafioned

by an inference, natural enough though contrary to the faft,

that not only all thofe figures which had Mr. S >werby'sname affixed to them, were executed by him, but alfo all fuch

as had no name whatever.

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Jfd^gdwmr&nZ/vl. IhyStitf&r Wal+er#u4b>r11911.

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C 13^7 ]

Anacampseros filamentosa. ThreadyAnacampseros.

i(f1 1 iHr$fif#% >C/tf/i #»</ Order.


Generic Character.

Cat. 2-phyllus. Cor. 5-petaIa, fugaciflima. Gz#£ conica,

i-locularis, 3, feu 6-valvis. &w. alata.

O b s . Suffrutlces fucculent<z> foliis carnojis gibbis,Jilpulis lanatis, braftcls


Specific Characler and Synonyms,

ANACAMPSEROS filamentqfa ; foliis globofo-ovatrs utrin-

que gibbis araneofis, ftipulis ramentaceis

folio longioribus.

PORTULACA filamentofa ,• foliis imbricatis expanfis atro-

viridibus arachnoideis, fuperne rugofis ;

filamentis axillaribus folio longioribus.

Haworth Mifceh Nat. p. 142.

PORTULACA Jlipularis ; foliis ovatis utrinque gibbis ob-

tufis lana indutis, ftipulis ramentaceis,

pedunculo paucifloro. Dryand. MSS.apud Banks.

Mr. Haworth, by whom we were favoured with the plants

from which the prefent and the following article were drawn,

has given the moft complete account of the genus Portulaca,as constituted by Linnaeus, that we have feen any where. It

is from one of his fections that we have, agreeably to his fug-

geftion, framed the genus Anacampseros, a name by whichLinnjeus originally diftinguifhed one of the fpecies, thoughhe afterwards united it with Portulaca. This he probably wouldnot have done had he known that there were feveral other


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clofely allied fpecies, all natives of the fouthern promontory

of Africa. Loe fling has likewife infilled upon the propriety

of keeping Anacampferos di Hi net from Portulaca; but he pro-

bably had in view the American flat-leaved fpecies, which, as

fuggefted by Haworth, we would retain under Adanson'sgenus Talinum, adopted byJussiEU and Willdenow,The Cape fpecies appear to us to be as diftinft from thefe as

Talinum is from Portulaca. According to Mr. Haworth,all the fpecies of Anacampferos have a (lender conical feed-

veffel of five or fix valves, which would afford a fufficient

diftinction from the three-valved fpecies of Talinum ; but

the capfule of the very fpecies on which we are now treating,

is defcribed by Drvander as three-valved; as is that of

P. Anacampferos Linn, by other authors. Probably the valves

in decaying may fplit in the middle, a circumltance not very

unufual, and which may have impofed upon Mr. Haworth.Wc hope hereafter to take an opportunity of examining the

fru6tification of this genus more carefully.

This plant was found by the late Mr. Mass on at Carro,

beyond Hartequas Kloof. Flowers in Auguft and September.Requires the fame treatment as the Cape fpecies of Aloe andMefembryanthemurn.

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C 13M 1

Anacampseros. arachnoides. White-flowered Anacampseros.

## $ $ $ %%$$

C/4/lr and Order.


Generic CharaBcr.—Fid, Nm- 1367.

Specific Characlcr and Synonym.

ANACAMPSEROS arachnoides ; foliis ovatis acuminatisfubtus gibbis fupra planiufculis araneofis,

ftipulis filamentofis folio brevionbus,pedunculis elongatis.

PORTULACA arachnoides; foliis ovatis acuminatis difformi-

bus viridibus lucidis arachnoideis, ra-

cemo (implici, pedunculis teretibus

elongatis. Hawortb Mifc, Nat. p. 142.

This fpecies has the neareft affinity with Portulaca Ana-

campferos Linn, but is a much fmaller plant; the leaves,

efpecially about the lower part, are covered with a kind of

web, and the woolly ftipules, common to the whole genus, are

mixed with longer and more robuft threads than in that,

though fhorter and finer than thofe of A, jilamentofat in which

they refemble in degree fine (havings of horn, and are more

than twice the length of the leaves. The flowers are white

with a delicate tinge of purple. Mr. Haworth obferves

too that the feeds are much lels winged than thofe of P.


This author enumerates five fpecies under the fame fe&ion,

all of which will be included under the genus Anacampseros;

but as we have not yet had an opportunity of examining the

whole, we mail not undertake to determine whether they mayall be fufficienily diftina, but of the two fpecies here figured

we think there can be no doubt.

Flowers at the fame time and requires the fame treatment as

the preceding fpecies.

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jyd^djsardsJJeL Jhi.iy J!Cu-r?u- ItfaJworZA- ^4pr.l.l81J.*/ 9" JTJh

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C 1369 ]

Aristolochia tomentosa. Downy-leaved Birth-wort.

C/4/j #«</ Order.

Gynandria Hexandria.

Generic Charatler.

Cal o. Cor. l-petala, ligulata, bafi ventricofa. Cap/. 6-

locularis, polyfperma, infera.

Specific Charatler.

ARISTOLOCHIA tomentofa s caule volubili frutefcente,

foliis petiolatis cordatis fubtus tomen-tofis, pedunculis folitariis ebra&eatis,

corollae tubo retorto : limbo fubaequalirer

trifido : ore hiante.

We do not know that this very handfome fpecies of Aris-tolochia has ever been noticed by any botanical author.

Perhaps it may have been confounded with A. Sipbo (Bot. Mag.No. 534) which it entirely refembles in habit ; this fufpicion is

ftrengthened by the circumftance of Mich a ux's having omitted

in his character of A. Sipbo the very remarkable oval bra&es.

For although thefe, being deciduous, may be fomctimes want-

ing, yet the mark from whence they have fallen is always vifible

on the peduncle. In our plant there is no trace of thefe

bra&es ; the limb of the corolla is more deeply divided than

in Sipbo ; the form too is different as well as the colour; andthe mouth quite open, inftead of being contracted as in that.

Native of North-America. A hardy climbing fhrub. Hasflourifhed for feveral years on the front of Mefirs. Lee and

Kennedy's (hop, at the Hammerfmith Nurfery, where ourdrawing was taken.

Flowers in June.

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C 137° ]

Erica monadelpha. MonadelphousHeath.

jfc A, A A A A A A A A. A . A. A A A At^STTjrs^^jsnij'nfn^r'^fr'jpi /^ jy /^r if ^y jft jpr

C/j/> <2#^ Order.


Generic Characler.

Cal 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-fida. Filamenta receptaculo inferta.

Anthera bifidae. Cap/. 4-locularis : difiepimenta e valvularummarginibus.

Specific Character and Synonym.

ERICA monadelpha (Filamenta corolla longiora : antherae

muticae) corollae limbi laciniis reflexis coloratis,

antheris patentibus.

ERICA Bankfia var. purpurea. Andrews Heaths, vol. 3.

This beautiful and lingular Heath has a very near affinity

with Erica Bank/ii, and has not been taken up by Mr.Dryander in the new edition of the Hortus Kewenfis. It

appears to us however to be very fufficiently diftinft from that

fpecies, from which it differs in having the limb of the corolla

purple, inftead of white ; filaments not the colour of the an-

thers and more perfectly united into a cylindrical tube ; but

more efpecially in that its anthers diverge fo as to make a

radiated termination to the flower, inftead of conniving at the

points as in E. Bank/ii, This circumftance will make it ne-

ceflary to add to the fpecific character of the latter antheris

conniventibus. Unluckily thefe peculiarities militate againft

the general character of the fubdivifion under which EricaBank/ii is, and of courfe E. monadelpha mufl be, arranged.

This is not the Erica monadelphia of Andrews and Will-denow, which is Erica furfuro/a of Salisbury and the newedition of the Hortus Kewenfis. The appellation is however


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much more applicable to this fpecies, and Salisbury's namehaving the right of priority and being adopted in the HortusKewenfis, where by far the moft complete account of this

genus will be found, that of monadelpha became vacant.

Our drawing was taken laft September at the Nurfery of

Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, by whom it was

introduced from the Cape of Good Hope.

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an/cm- ifoIJ81I.

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C 1371 3

Rhapis Flabelliformis (,<3.) mas. MaleDWARF GROUND-RATAN.

CAz/Jr rt»i Order.


Generic Character.

Hermaph. Cz/. 3-fidus. Cor. 3-fida. Stam. 6. Piji. 1.

Masc. Cal. Cor. Stam. ut in Hermaphrodite.

Specific Characlcr and Synonyms.

RHAPIS flalelliformis, frondibus palmatis plicatis : plicis

marginibufque aculeato denticulatis. Hort. Kew. 3.

473. Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. 3. tab. 316. Willi .Sp.

PI. 4. 1093.

CHAM^ROPS excel/a. Syji. Veg. Murr. ed. 14. 984. Tbunb.

Jap. 130.

(«.) excelfior. Tbunb. 1. c.*

RHAPIS flabelliformis. Gifeke in Linn. Prcclecl. Ord. Nat. 96 f

SJURO & SODIO, vulgo et Iiteratis. Palrnae montanasmalabaricae folio magno complicato acuto GoddaPanna. Hort. Mai. 3. 1. di&ae affinis ; folio minori

tTrrxSaxTvXoiie ; hoc ccelo (Japonia nempe) fterilis et

ob ornatum culta. Kampf. Amcen. Exot. fafc. v.


(|3.) humilior. Tbunb. Hort. Kew. Jacq. in he. cit.

SOO TSIKU, vulgo SJURO TSIKU. Prions fpecies minor,

foliis in fcaporum extremitate pinnatis arundinaceis.

Kampf. I. c.

Obs. Ex incurla aliqua Jijlltur inflarefcentia in tabula nojlra ftatu

nondum plene maturato, unde corolla formam dart aliquantulum contratliorem

coloremque impt^berem viridem pro adulto luteo videmus. G.

Desc. Stem about a foot and a half high, of the thicknefs

of the thumb, fheathed by the fphacelate reticulate perfiftent


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bafes of the leaves; leaves about 8, petioled, palmate; petioles

round ancipital, naked, very obfcurely denticulate, lamina

5—7-parted, figments fubplicate, ciliate-fpinulous along the

edges and keel of the plaits, indented-erofe at the end; fpadix

fparfe, paniculate-branched, 4—5 inches long, /pikelets thickfet

with feffile yellowifh flowers ; calyx of one piece, urceolate,

flefhy, green, fmooth, fcarcely a line in length, trifid, fegments

roundifh-pointed, upright, with a membranous border ; corolla

yellow, monopetalous, coriaceo-flefhy, obovate-oblong, tube

clavate, triquetral, twice the length of the calyx, limb trifid,

three times fhorter than the tube, fegments ovate acute fub-

connivent ; filaments 6, filiform-triquetral, fhorter than the

corolla, adnate to the tube, alternately fomewhat thicker andmore detached. Native of China and Japan. Introduced into

our gardens by Mr. Gordon, of Mile-End, in 1774. Bloomsin Auguft, if kept in the hot-houfe.

The drawing of the inflorefcence of our fpecimen was taken

in rather too early a ftage of its growth, fo that the corolla

appears fomewhat more contracted than in its adult ftate, andof a green inltead of the yellow colour it then acquires : (*.) is

added as a variety, on the bare authority of Thunberg : wedo not believe this has yet found its way to England ; the Ja-panefe are faid to make brooms or brumes from the bark. Bybark, we mould fufpeft, is meant the bafes of the leaves

which furround the ftem.

In the Hortus Kewenfis* a figure from L/Heritier's" Stirpes Nov<e" is quoted ; but as that part of his work ftill

remains unpublifhed, we have omitted the fynonym. Wehad no opportunity of feeing the plant ourfelves, but haveborrowed our defcription chiefly from the very valuable MS.notes of Dr. Solan der, preferved in the library of Sir

Joseph Banks. We fufpeQ. that the hermaphrodite plant is

ftill a Ilranger to the European collections. G.

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vardrDel J"cu.lp

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[ *37* ]

Lachenalia lucida. Glossy-leaved


Clafs and Order,

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.—Vid. N's- 745, 854, 993.

Specific CharaHer and Synonyms.

LACHENALIA lucida ; foliis binis divaricatis, fcapo bre-

vioribus, gla'oris, a fupino lucidis, altero

fereduplo latiore eliiptico-obiongo ; racemocylindraceo, confertiufculo ; pedicellis flore

4p]o brevioribus, bra&eas ovato-acuminatas

fubaequantibus ; corolla ere&o-divergente,

re^ulari, curtim tubulofo-campanulata, ore

recurvo-patula, laciniis fubasqualibus; fta-

mmibus corolla fubextantibus. G.LACHENALIA fragrans. Bot. Rep. tab. 302 f Nee Jacquini.

Desc. Bulb ovate-globofe, whitifh ; leaves gloffy on their

upper fide, 3—4 inches long, broadeft nearly an inch over ;

Jlevi 4—5 inches high ; corolla about 4 lines long, whitifh, with

a cinnamon-red oblong ftreak on each furface of the upper part

of all the fegments. Differs from pallida in having the feg-

ments of the corolla nearly equal in length, from contominata

(to which if comes the neareft) in the number and form of the

leaves. The laft-mentioned fpecies was firft taken up in the

Hortus Kewenfis, the original fpecimen of which is ftill

preferved in the Bankfian Herbarium ; whence we have

afcertained it to be the fame with the hyacinthoides of Jacquinand Wjlldenow ; its defcription in the Hortus Kewenfis is

incorreel: in feveral points, and has mifled both the laft-

mentroned authors, in fo far as they have not recognifed the


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identity of the two plants ; by the Iaft orthopetala has been

adduced as a fynonym to contamtnata, although a very diftiucl:

fpecies with a cyathiform corolla nearly three times longer,

and is the fame with the fpecimen preferved in the Bankiian

Herbarium, under the name of nftulata. We have little or

no doubt, but that the anguJlifoltat No. 735 of the prefent

work, is a mere variety of contaminata differing only in fize,

and that it mould along with hyacinthoides be arranged underthat fpecies.

Our plant is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, fromwhence it was imported by Meffrs. Chandler and Bucking-ham, Vauxhall-Road. Blooms in May. We fufpecl it to bethe fame with thzfragrans of the Botanift's Repofitory ; whichis at all events a diftinft fpecies from thefragrans of Jacquinand Willdenow. G,

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W*l«orif^ ESan/am J~cutp-

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C *373 3

Lachenalia unicolor (0.) Plain-leaved


Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.—Fid. Niu745, 854, 993.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

LACHENALIA unicolor; foliis binis lanceolato - ligulatis,

carinatis, fcapum fubaequantibus, deorfumconvoluto-conduplicatis ereftiufculis, furfura

divaricatis ; racemo mukifloro laxo oblon-

gato ; pedicellis ere&iufculis flore parum* brevioribus, braftea longioribus ; corolla

curto - cylindracea, fubnutanti - horizontal^

fundo rotundato - piano ; laciniis extimis

ultra tertiam partem brevioribus, intimisfupra

patulis ; ftaminibus porrefto-aflurgentibus,

fubfafciculatim convergentibus, corolla fub-

duplo longioribus. G.

(«.) foliis a fupino puftulis paucis vagis partim notatis. G.

LACHENALIA unicolor, Jacq. Ic Rar. 2. /. 389. Coll.

Suppl. 61.

L. purpureo-c<erulea. /3. Willd. Sp. PL 2. 177. (excl.var.x.)

(0.) foliis abfque omni puftulatione uniformiter viridibus. G.

L. unicolor. |3. fupra No. 1373.

(y.) foliis variegatis ; corolla alba. G.

Li fragrans. Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. 1. 43. /. 82. Willd. Sp. PI.

2. 176.

The prefent plant was imported very lately from the Cape

of Good Hope, by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, in whofe


Page 124: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

magnificent collection it flowered laft Auguft. Differs from

purpureo-carulea in having the fegments of the corolla far moreunequal, ftamens proportionately longer, as well as in other


We do not know that it has ever before been introduced

into our Gardens. G.


No. 745, 1. 2, pro " Purpvro-c^rvlka " lege •' Purpureo-c/erulea,'

•It 14 et 21, pro ** furpuro.carulea" lege M furpureo caruka.'

Page 125: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

In which the

1 EX. on wnicn tne i>atin Names cf^the Plants contained in the *Thirty -Third Volume are alpha- $betically arranged. a

PI. *329 Albuca vittata. v330 Allium flavum. ^361 Aloe arachnoides (jS) pumila.

33 1

33 2

35 2


irinata (a),— depreffa.— foliolofa.

—- mirabilis.

margaritifera (y) minima.

^62 —— mitr2eformis(/3) brevifolia,

538 pentagona.

345 Radula.



i- recurva.

- rigida.

- faponaria (j3) latifolia.

- virens.

368 Anacampferos arachnoides.

067 filamentofa.

339 Anthericum longifcapum.

343 Arftotis glutinofa.

369 Ariftolochia tomentofa.

350 Aftragalus finicus.

336 Claytonia perfbliata.

366 Cnicus fpinofiflimus.

357 Diofma pulchella.

370 Erica monadelpha.

341 Fothergilla alnifolia (a) obtufa. ty

342 (7) majo

335 Fumaria formofa.

349 Hermannia flammea.

348 tenuifolia.

356 Hibifcus furattenfis.

358 Jufticia nervofa.

372 Lachenalia lucida.

272 , unicolor (jS).

365 Lotus auftralis.

359 Nymphaea nitida.

364 rubra {$) rofea.

334 Panax pufilla {a),

233 - quinquefolia.

344 Phlox Carolina.

371 Rhapis fiabelliformis, mas,

363 Strumaria crifpa.

347 Tamus elephantipes.

340 Tradefcantia erecia.

351 Tropasolum peregrinum.







INDEX.In which the Englifh Names of

the Plants contained in theThirty -Third Volume are alpha-betically arranged.

PL [

329 Albuca, Riband.

355 Aloe, apple-green-leaved.

361 dark-leaved fpider.

331 . keel-leaved.

3 j 6 largeft common Soap.362 leaft Mitre.

360 leaft Pearl.

338 pentagonal.

345 rafp-leaved.

353 —— recurved.

354 —— rough-leaved Cufhion.

332 fhort-leaved perfoliate.

352 fmall-leaved.

337 ftifF-leaved.

368 Anacampferos, white-flowered,

367 thready.

339 Anthericum, glaucous-leaved.

343 Arftotis, clammy.

350 Aftragalus, umbellated.

369 Birthwort, downy-leaved.

347 Bryony, female Cape, or Ele-


336 Claytonia, perfoliate.

366 Cnicus, feathery-headed.

357 Diofma, blunt-leaved.

341 Fothergilla, blunt-leaved.

342 broad-leaved.

335 Fumitory, blufti.

330 Garlic, yellow.

371 Ground-Ratan, dwarf, male.

370 Heath, monadelphous.

348 Hermannia, fine-leaved.

349 night-fmelling.

356 Hibifcus, prickly-ftalked.

358 Jufticia, blue-flowered.

3-2 Lachenalia, glofly-leaved.

373 plain-leaved, felf-


365 Lotus, New-Holland.

344 Lychnidea, rough-ftemmed.

333 Panax, five-leaved, or Ginfeng.

334 LeiTer.

340 Sp:der-wort, upright.

363 Strumaria, glittering-flowered,

351 Tropjeolum ciliated, or Indian-



359 Water-Lily, cup-flowered.

364 Rofe-coloured.

Printed by S. Couchman, Tbrogmorten-Street, iondojj.