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Cotnp. Biochem. Physiot. Vol. 82A, No. 1. pp. 247-248, 1985 Printed in Great Britain


Comparative ~ochemisrry and ~ysiolo~y of enzymatic digestion-by H. J. V~NK and J. R. H. WESTERN. 501 pp. 1984. Academic Press, Orlando, FA. $80. f55.

The digestion of food to readily absorbed non-antigenic material is a major probtem for animals since an efficient system can have great survival value in times of good shortage.

The present volume surveys the history of the subject, the types of foods eaten by animals ranging from simple invertebrates (phyla by phlya) through the vertebrates to the mammals; the structure of the digestive systems and the enqmes that are present in each group. The enzymes range from pepsin, chymo~in. trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, coiiagenase, carboxypeptidase A and B, leucine- aminopeptidase, amj~otripeptida~, aminopeptidase A and B, glycylgtycine dipeptidase, glycyl-t_-ieucine dipeptidase, prolinase, prolidase, amylase, cellulase C 1. Cx (endo-B- l,rl-glucans), cellobiase, chitinase, maltase, isomaltase, sucrase, lactase, trehalase, Iipase. colipase. If you want to know if there is any experimental evidence that a given group of animals can, say, digest laminaran or carrageenan in seaweed, then this book will teil you the answer. Those working on a specific enzyme can discover a possible new animal source of it from this book.

Biologicat regulation aud development. Volume 3B. Hormone action-edited by R. F. GOLD~ERGER and K, R. YAM~MO~. 312 pp. 1984. Plenum Press, New York. S42.50.

This on-going series of volumes on biological regulation and development has so far published three volumes. Volume I is on gene expression, Vol. 2 on molecular organization and cell function, while Vol. 3 on hormone action is in two parts, 3A and 38.

The present volume deals with: The evolutionary aspects of growth and developmental hormones; Receptors for polypeptide hormones; rntracellular receptors; activation of transcription by CAMP receptor protein; Effect of steroid hormones on gene transcription; Insect hormones; Steroid regulation of sexual reproduction in Achyla (water moulds); Circadian rhythms.

The accent is on the mechanism of hormone action at the r~eptor-b~ochemi~l trigger stage.

Each review is well written with a good bibliography with full titles of the papers. The reader will find this volume a very useful and readable summary of the state of each topic survryed.

Current topics in celhdar ~gulation. Vol. 23-edited by 8. L. HORECKER and E. R. STADTMAN. 258~~. 1984. Academic Press, Orlando, FA. $41. E32.

The topics reviewed in the present volume are: Pyruvate carboxylase; Role of F2,6-P2 in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism; Plasma membrane ATPase in fungi and plants as a novel proton pump; Adrenergic control of PFK and glycolysis in rat heart; Regulation of ATP-Mg dependent protein phosphatase; Transport and regulation of poly- peptide precursors of mature mitochondrial proteins.

The high standard of the previous volumes in this series is maintained and the book will be useful to research workers and students writing essays on the above topics.

a3~~.9629~85 Zi3.00 + 0.00 8 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd

~eta~iic probes of central nervous system activity in experi- mental animals and matiby L. SOKOLOFF. Magnes Lecture Series. Volume 1. 97 pp. 1984. Sinauer Associates, Sun- derland, MA. $17.95 (paperback).

Z-Deoxyglucose (DG), though it can be converted to 2DG-&phosphate, cannot be metabolized further. It is thus trapped within the tissue and if the tissue is studied within the hour, then the location of 14-C DG will indicate the amount of glucose that has been phosphorylated during the period of administration.

The technique was developed by Sokoioff and his cof- leagues to ahow quantitative analysis of the rates of gIucose utilization in the conscious brain, the effect of anaesthetics, stimulatiofl of specific pathways, ablation of pathways, drugs, hormones and epilepsy on glucose metabolism in specific regions of the brain.

The results are usually shown as autoradiographs of brain sections and graphs indicating the changes in C-14 DC but more recently. Hand has used digital computer graphics to change the black and white density pictures to colour images showing the high uptake areas as bright colours. The images (shown in the book) of the effect of stimulating a single vibrissae in the rat, on the uptake of 2DG into a single whisker barrel in the rat sensory cortex, are very strikmg and show the potential power of the method in studying what goes on at many sites in the CNS following a discrete stimuiation.

Targets for the design of antiviral agents-edited by E. DE CLERCQ and R. T. WALKER. NATO ASI Series A: Life Sciences Vol. 73. 278 pp. 1984. Plenum Press, New York. $57.

The development of antivirai agents such as amantad~ne~ ~rnantidiR~, idoxyuridinc, ara-A, Aacyclovir, 2 (alpha- hydroxybenzyl)-benz~midazole (HBB) and the increasing incidence of viral disease such as Hernes, AIDS, varicella (chicken pox), cytomegalovirus (congen‘itai CNS infections), and Epstein Barr virus (Burkitt’s Lymphoma, infectious mononucleosis) have been a powerful stimulus to research into antiviral agents. This volume presents the review lec- tures given at a meeting in France in 1983.

Vaccines have been developed against foot and mouth disease caused by the piconavirus in cattle, swine. sheep and goats. But since there are many strains of this virus it may be necessary to have about 1.5 different proteins eventually included to make a comprehensive vaccine. A synthetic peptide corresponding to 20 amino acids of one of the paptides of the fool and mouth virus was used to produce neutralizing antibodies which protected guinea-pigs against this virus.

The volume reviews the structure of viruses in terms of possible target sites for the development of antiviral agents and/or vaccines, and finishes with a very interesting chapter on the prospects for the development of future antivirals. Aaatishoo!

The retieu~oe~o~elia~ system. A eom~rebensive treatise. Volume 6. ~mmunalo~~dited by J. A. BELLANTI and H. B. Hn~scowt~z. 347 pp. 1984. Plenum Press, New York. $55.

The mononuclear macrophage plays a leading role in immu- nology and this volume is concerned with the various aspects of the macrophage: immunobiology, nonspecific