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ARTICLE ONE-Corporate Body ............................................................................................ 3

ARTICLE TWO-Objectives ................................................................................................... 3

ARTICLE THREE-Statement of Faith .................................................................................. 3

ARTICLE FOUR-Government of Church .............................................................................. 3

ARTICLE FIVE-Covenant of Members ................................................................................. 4

ARTICLE SIX-Membership ................................................................................................... 5

ARTICLE SEVEN-Officers ................................................................................................... 6

ARTICLE EIGHT-Church Staff ............................................................................................ 8

ARTICLE NINE-Deacons ...................................................................................................... 9

ARTICLE TEN-Voluntary Workers ....................................................................................... 9

ARTICLE ELEVEN-Ordinances ........................................................................................... 9

ARTICLE TWELVE-Services and Meetings ...................................................................... 10

ARTICLE THIRTEEN-Church Property ............................................................................ 10

ARTICLE FOURTEEN-Financial ....................................................................................... 11

ARTICLE FIFTEEN-Amendment ....................................................................................... 11

OPERATIONAL POLICY NUMBER ONE Ministry Placement Team .......................... 12

OPERATIONAL POLICY NUMBER Procedure For Making Recommendations To The Church ..................................................................................................................................... 13


GP-1.1 Standing Committees ................................................................................................ 14 GP-1.2 General Comments On Standing Committees ...................................................... 15 GP-1.3 Baptism Committee ............................................................................................... 16 GP-1.4 Benevolence Committee ....................................................................................... 17 GP-1.5 Church Council ..................................................................................................... 18 GP-1.6 Finance Committee ............................................................................................... 19

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GP-1.7 Furniture, Building And Grounds Committee ....................................................... 22 GP-1.8 Greeters, Ushers And Security Committee ........................................................... 24 GP-1.10 Lord’s Supper Committee .................................................................................... 26 GP-1.11 Media Relations Committee ................................................................................. 27 GP-1.12 Missions Committee ............................................................................................ 28 GP-1.14 Personnel Committee ........................................................................................... 29 GP-1.15 Recreation Committee .......................................................................................... 30 GP-1.16 Stewardship Development Committee ................................................................. 31 GP-1.17 Transportation Committee ................................................................................... 33 GP-1.18 Childhood Education Committee ......................................................................... 34 GP-1.19 Family Enrichment Committee ............................................................................ 35 GP-1.20 Scholarship Fund Committee ............................................................................... 36 GP-1.21 Youth Committee ................................................................................................. 37 GP 1.22 New Member Assimilation Committee ................................................................ 39 GP-1.23 Fine Arts Ministry Committee ............................................................................. 40 GP-3.0 Family Center Policies And Procedures ................................................................ 41 GP-4.0 Vehicle Use Policy ................................................................................................ 45

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Adopted in Business Meeting of October 2, 1991

WE, THE MEMBERS OF QUAIL SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH, (hereinafter, “Church”) located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, hereby declare and establish these by-laws to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to govern this body of believers in an orderly manner. All activities of the Quail Springs Baptist Church are subject to and under the control of the Holy Bible and the Articles of Incorporation. These by-laws will preserve the liberties of each Church Member and the freedom of action of this body in its relation to its members, other Churches and in its relation to the local, state and federal governments.

ARTICLE ONE Corporate Body

The Church is both a spiritual body of Christian believers and a legal entity having been incorporated under the laws of the State of Oklahoma as a non-profit corporation and designated as a charitable and religious organization under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. These by-laws will govern the operations of the body of believers as members of the Church as well as the officers of the corporation.

ARTICLE TWO Objectives

The objectives of the Church are as follows: 1) to come together for worship, prayer, fellowship and Bible study in loving fellowship; 2) to reach out to and evangelize people who do not have a personal, eternal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior, wherever our influence extends; 3) to follow the leadership of the Lord; and 4) to minister to the total needs of people in our community and around the world in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

ARTICLE THREE Statement of Faith

The Church is an organized body of baptized believers who, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and while recognizing diversity in methods, are united in purpose; to proclaim the truth of the Bible; to equip our membership for Christian service, spiritual growth and Christ-like living; and, to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19).

ARTICLE FOUR Government of Church

4.1 The government of the Church is vested in the body of believers who compose the membership of the Church. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes the mutual counsel and cooperation, which is common among Southern Baptist

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Churches. Insofar as is practical, this Church will cooperate with and support the Capital Baptist Association, the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the Southern Baptist Convention. 4.2 All affairs, business, conduct and activity of the Church body will be governed by and are subject to the Bible. The Articles of Incorporation and these by-laws are designed to specify that governance under the current legal system. The basic doctrines set forth in The Baptist Faith and Message, shall be used for guidance in the programs and teachings of the Church. These by-laws shall be subject to the teachings of the Bible and to the Articles of Incorporation, all other documents, resolutions, and actions of the Church shall be subject to these by-laws. 4.3 This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist Church under the lordship of Jesus Christ. The Church Membership retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this Church. The Church Membership reserves the right, exclusive of any other authority, to determine who shall be members of this Church and the conditions of such membership. 4.4 The Church may adopt as needed Operational Policies to govern the operational, ministerial and management needs of the Church. These Operational Policies shall have the same force and effect as the by-laws and may be adopted, amended or repealed in the same manner as the by-laws. The Operational Policies shall be appended to these by-laws and shall be maintained as a part of the corporate records. In the case an Operational Policy is in conflict with these by-laws or the Articles of Incorporation, then the Articles of Incorporation or the by-laws shall control.

ARTICLE FIVE Covenant of Members

In furtherance of the spirit of unity, oneness and commitment to the Word of God, the members of the Church adopt the following covenant of members: 5.1 Having each been individually led by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and, on the profession of our faith in Christ, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ. 5.2 We engage by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote the prosperity and spirituality of this Church and its members; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to be good stewards of our earthly possessions by tithing cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the gospel through the United States and all nations.

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5.3 We engage to maintain family and private devotions; to educate our children in our faith; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior and sustain Christian values in our society. We, moreover, engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other Church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.

ARTICLE SIX Membership

6.1 Any person may offer himself as a candidate for membership in this Church. All such candidates shall be presented to the Church at any regular Church service for membership. Absent any dissent from any member, the candidate for membership shall be admitted upon affirmation by the Church. Membership can be granted in any of the following ways: i. By profession of faith and for baptism according to the policies of this Church; or ii. By promise of letter of recommendation from another Church recognized and acknowledged as being of like faith and order; or

iii. By restoration, when no letter is obtainable, upon a statement of prior conversion experience and baptism in accordance with the scriptures.

6.2 Should there be dissent as to any candidate, such dissent shall be referred to the Pastor and the Deacons for investigation and the making of a recommendation to the Church within thirty (30) days. If the Pastor and Deacons consent to the admission of the candidate, said candidate shall become a member. If either the Pastor or two-thirds of the Deacons do not affirmatively vote to admit such candidate, the membership shall be denied unless, at the next regular business meeting, two-thirds vote of those Church Members present and voting shall elect such candidates to membership. 6.3 New Church Members will be encouraged to participate in the orientation plan for new members. 6.4 Every member of the Church is entitled to vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the Church in conference, provided the member is present. 6.5 Membership shall be terminated in the following ways: 1) death, 2) dismissal to another Baptist Church, 3) voluntary withdrawal and 4) exclusion by action of this Church. All members of the Church agree that if they have individually participated in activity and conduct as to lead to disciplinary action potentially leading to their expulsion from the Church Membership, their voluntary withdrawal does not prevent the Church or its officers from making public to the members of the Church the reason for the withdrawal if such

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publication is deemed in the best interest of the Church. If a voluntary withdrawal occurs under circumstances for which the member might have been expelled, the Church has no obligation to forward a letter or statement of membership to any other Church and may explain the reason for such refusal to any Church requesting a membership letter or recommendation. All members waive and release the Church from any liability for any alleged or actual liability for such disclosure of facts. 6.6 All members of the Church are subject to the discipline of the Church under the following conditions: i. The Church shall emphasize to its members that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member. The Pastor, other members of the Church Staff, and Deacons are available for counsel and guidance. Assistance rather than punishment or judgement will be the guideline, which governs the attitude of one member toward another. ii. Should some serious condition exist which would cause a member to become a liability to the welfare, name, or service of the Church or to interfere with the pursuit of any of the purposes of the Church, every reasonable measure will be taken by the Pastor and by any person appointed by the Pastor to resolve the problem. Any member who notices such a condition should report the same to the Pastor. All proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance. iii. Upon a finding by the Pastor that the welfare of the Church will best be served by the exclusion of the member, the Pastor should counsel with the member to seek a voluntary withdrawal. If the member will not withdraw, the Pastor should call a special business meeting for this purpose or include the matter at the next regularly scheduled business meeting. At such meeting, if, after discussion and motion, two-thirds of the members present vote to declare the person to no longer be a member of the Church, said person’s name shall be stricken from the membership roll and shall immediately lose all rights of membership in the Church. Additional action may be taken, if necessary. iv. Any person whose membership has been terminated for any condition which has made it necessary for the Church to exclude him may be restored to membership upon his request, if approved by the Pastor and by a two-thirds vote of the Church.


7.1 All officers of the Church, as now incorporated under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, must be members of the Church and in good standing. The officers must believe in the fundamental truths of the Bible and personally agree to follow the objectives and practices of this Church, its Articles of Incorporation and these by-laws. 7.2 The officers of this Church shall consist of the Pastor or a person appointed by the Pastor (president of the corporation), Chairman of the Deacons (vice-president of the corporation) and the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall also serve as the secretary of the officers of the Church. All real property shall be held in the name of the Corporation. The officers shall hold Church property for the benefit of Church Members and others who have been properly invited to use Church property. The officers will hold the Church property, but they

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shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any property without a specific vote of the Church Membership authorizing each action. It shall be the function of the officers to affix their signatures to legal documents involving the sale, mortgage, purchase or rental of property or other legal documents where the signatures of officers are required. 7.3 The Pastor of the Church shall be called by God specifically to Quail Springs Baptist Church and shall lead the Church under the following guidelines: i. The Pastor is responsible for leading the Church to function as a New Testament Church. The Pastor will lead the congregation, the organizations and the Church Staff to perform their tasks. ii. The Pastor is the leader of Pastoral ministries in the Church. As such, he is to work with the Deacons, Church Staff and lay membership of the Church to lead the Church in the achievement of its mission, to proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers and to care for the Church’s Members and other persons in the community. iii. The Pastor shall be chosen and called by the Church through an election at a business meeting whenever a vacancy occurs. His election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, of which proper notice to the congregation has been given. iv. A Pastor selection committee shall be appointed by the Church to search for a Pastor. Its recommendations will be a nomination. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the Church only one name at a time. Election shall be by secret ballot at a business meeting specially called solely for the issue of voting on the acceptance or non-acceptance of the Pastor nominee. At the business meeting an affirmative vote of two-thirds of those members present shall be necessary for the selection of the Pastor. The Pastor, thus elected, shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his request or the Church’s request. v. The Pastor may resign upon giving reasonable notice to the Church. The Pastor may be removed for cause upon a two-thirds vote of the members of the Church present at a business meeting specifically called for the sole purpose of considering such removal. 7.4 The active Deacons shall elect a chairman from among the active Deacons. 7.5 The Church shall elect a Corporate Secretary. The Secretary shall be custodian of the corporate seal and affix the corporate seal to documents requiring attestation. 7.6 The Church shall elect a Church Clerk. The Clerk shall keep in a suitable book a record of all the actions of the Church, except as otherwise herein provided. The clerk is responsible for keeping a register of the names of members, with dates of admission, dismissal or death, together with a record of Baptisms. The Clerk shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the Church, preserve on file all communications and written official reports and give legal notice of all meetings, as indicated in these by-laws. The Church Clerk

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may delegate some of the clerical responsibilities to a Church Secretary. All Church records are the property of the Church and should be filed in the Church office. 7.7 The Church shall elect a Church Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive, to preserve and to authorize pay out, upon receipt of vouchers approved and signed by authorized personnel, all money or things of value paid or given to the Church, keeping an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to give to the Church at each regular business meeting an itemized report of the receipts and disbursements for the preceding months. The Treasurer’s report shall be audited by an auditing committee or public accountant as directed by the Church. 7.8 The moderator, who is to preside at business meetings, shall be the Pastor, unless the Pastor shall request that the Church elect a Moderator annually. In the absence of the Moderator, the Chairman of Deacons shall preside; or in the absence of both, the Clerk shall call the Church to order and an acting moderator shall be elected.


As approved by church action on July 19, 2006 8.1 The Church shall call Ministerial Staff members for current vacancies as needed by the Church. Exempt and non-exempt non-ministerial Church Staff can be offered employment subject to the pastor and ministerial Staff approval. These positions must be included in the Church budget and will not require the vote of approval by the Church body. A Staff person shall give two weeks notice at the time of resignation. A non-ministerial Staff person may be removed from his position after the Pastor has presented the facts to the personnel committee and they have voted to accept the Pastors recommendation. Notice of such action will be given to the Church during a regular business meeting. 8.2 Whenever the Church desires to call a Ministerial Staff person other than the Pastor, a search committee shall be elected by the Church to seek and to recommend a person for such Staff position. The search committee shall first recommend to the Church the job description for such position. The Search committee shall coordinate with the finance and personnel committees as to appropriate salary levels to be recommended to the Church. The ministerial search committees shall function in a manner similar to a Pastor selection committee in making recommendations to the Church. The Church Members will not be required to vote by secret ballot. A two-thirds majority of those members present and voting will be necessary to call any ministerial Staff member. Ministerial Staff may be removed from their position. The Church Staff shall make a recommendation to the personnel committee, which shall review the situation and investigate if necessary. The personnel committee may recommend termination of the employment relationship to the Church at a special business meeting called for that purpose. The Church may terminate the relationship upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those Church Members present and voting at the meeting, provided that notice has been given for the meeting as required herein.

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9.1 The number of Deacons shall be in proportion to the number of Church families, which proportion shall be recommended by the active Deacons and approved by the Church before the annual election of Deacons. Deacons shall be elected at regular business meetings of the Church by secret ballot. The Deacons shall serve on a rotation basis. Each year the term of one-third of Deacons shall expire and election shall be held to fill the vacancies. In case of death or removal or incapacity to serve, the Church may elect a Deacon to fill the unexpired term. After serving a term of three years, a Deacon shall be eligible for reelection only after the lapse of at least one year. The Church has no obligation to elect as an active Deacon a person who has served before as a Deacon or who comes to the Church from another Church where he has served as Deacon. 9.2 According to The New Testament, Deacons are to be servants of the members of the Church. The task of the Deacon is to serve with the Pastor and Staff in performing Pastoral ministry tasks; to proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers; to care for Church Members and other persons in the community; and to lead the Church to achieve its mission.

ARTICLE TEN Voluntary Workers

10.1 All organizations and committees of the Church shall be under Church control. All organizational officers and committee members will be elected by the Church unless the Church shall have delegated the election of officers to the respective organization. All organizations and committees shall report regularly to the Church. 10.2 Nominations shall be submitted to the Church by organizations and, after opportunity is given for nomination from the floor, the Church shall elect voluntary workers for all organizations, not delegated to the organization, as are needed for fulfilling the purpose, functions, and jobs of the Church. The Church may remove any worker it thinks appropriate.

(Article 10.2 was modified by action of the Church in a Special Business Meeting on Wednesday, January 31, 1996.)

10.3 The Ministry Placement Team, as specified in the Operational Policy, shall nominate and, after opportunity is given for nominations from the floor, the Church shall elect all members of Church committees, unless otherwise indicated in committee descriptions incorporated herein. The composition, description and assignment of each standing committee is attached as an Operational Policy.


The Church shall observe two ordinances, Baptism and The Lord’s Supper, following the teaching of the Bible.

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ARTICLE TWELVE Services and Meetings

12.1 The Church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening and at such other times as the Pastor and Church Leaders shall determine, for preaching, instruction, evangelism, fellowship and worship of Almighty God. These meetings will be open to the entire membership of the Church and to all people and shall be conducted under the direction of the Pastor or others approved by the Church. 12.2 Revival services and any other Church meetings which are essential in the promotion of the objectives of the Church shall be scheduled through the Church calendar. 12.3 Regular business meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of the months of January, April, July, and October, unless alternate dates are announced. The meeting time can be changed by placing a notice of such changes in the Church bulletin for the Sunday before the revised business meeting date. When only routine business is to be transacted, no notice other than publication in the Church bulletin and/or announcement from the pulpit during the Sunday morning and Sunday evening services before the meeting are necessary.

(Article 12.3 was modified in the Special Business Meeting of May 29, 1996)

12.4 Upon the initiative of the Pastor, Moderator, Chairman of the Deacons, Church Clerk or at least 20 Church Members, a specially called business meeting may be held to consider special matters of significant nature. Notice of the subject, date, time and location must be given for the specially called business meeting by: i. publication in the Church bulletin the Sunday before the meeting, ii. publication in the Church newsletter the week before the meeting and/or iii. announcement from the pulpit during the Sunday services before the meeting. 12.5 A quorum consists of those members who attend the business meeting, provided it is a regular or special business meeting and notice has been properly given. 12.6 The authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the Church shall be Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.


13.1 Church property shall be used regularly only for furthering the objectives of the Church as described herein. Other uses, such as school baccalaureate or other similar activities, may be approved from time to time by the Church Staff based on the policy adopted by the Church.

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13.2 General use of the Church properties is ruled by a simple majority of the members present at a business meeting affecting the same. If major events such as selling or buying Church property, negotiating financing, building an addition to the Church building or other major transactions in excess of $100,000 are involved, authority to obligate the Church on the same shall not be granted on approval of less than two-thirds of those present and voting at a business meeting where proper notice has been given.


14.1 The budget committee, in consultation with the Church Council, Financial Planning Committee, Deacons and other Church organizations, shall prepare and submit to the Church for approval a comprehensive budget indicating by items, the amount needed and sought for all local and worldwide expenses. A Church-wide promotion to obtain pledges from the members to underwrite the budget shall be conducted on a regular basis. 14.2 Membership in this Church includes a financial obligation to support the Church and its causes with regular, proportionate gifts. This Christian stewardship includes tithing of time, money and energy. 14.3 All funds for any purpose shall pass through the hands of the Church Treasurer, Financial Secretary or other authorized person and be properly recorded on the books of the Church. The Church may require the Treasurer to be bonded. 14.4 The fiscal year of the Church shall begin on March 1, and end on the last day of February, unless an alternate fiscal year shall be approved by the Church. 14.5 Neither the budget committee, nor any other committee, the Pastor or any other officer shall have the authority to begin any expansion project, major expenditure of funds, creation of any debt, or make any significant change in the usual operations unless the project or change was included in the budget or was approved at a business meeting for which proper notice was given.


15.1 Changes to the Articles of Incorporation and to these by-laws may be made at any business meeting of the Church, provided each proposed amendment shall have been presented in writing at a previous regular or special business meeting. Copies of the proposed amendment shall be furnished or made available at both meetings. Notice to the entire Church Membership must be given according to the by-laws. 15.2 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation shall require approval of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a regular business meeting. Amendments to the by-laws shall be made upon approval of a majority of the members present and voting at a regular business meeting.

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OP-1.1 The Corporate Officers will, by their positions as officers, serve as members of the Ministry Placement Team. OP-1.2 The Corporate Officers shall select, enlist and recommend to the Church six other members to serve on the Team. OP-1.3 The corporate officers shall not be the leaders of the team but shall be members of equal standing with all other members. The Church elects them as members of the team as it elects them as Corporate Officers. OP-1.4 The full Ministry Placement Team shall elect one member to serve as its Chair. No Corporate Officer is eligible to serve as the Chair. OP-1.5 The Ministry Placement Team shall recommend to the Church and the Church, after the opportunity for nominations from the floor, shall elect members of all standing committees. The Team shall also recommend and the Church shall also elect a Committee Chair. OP-1.6 The Ministry Placement Team shall make recommendations to the Church for additional committee members as the need arises to make sure that each committee has its full membership throughout the year. OP-1.7 The Ministry Placement Team shall review the work of each committee during the year to make sure that each committee is functioning and performing the ministry assigned.

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Op-2.1 When Church Committees or organizations have recommendations which will be presented to the Church for adoption, each committee or organization is advised to present its recommendation, prior to presentation to the Church, to the Deacons for advice and counsel. OP-2.2 All members of the Church continue to have the authority and power to bring a recommendation to the Church at a business meeting without the counsel of the Deacons. OP-2.3 The Deacons, as an organization, have the privilege of requesting and receiving reports on any matter from the Staff, committees or organizations at any time pertaining to the work, ministry or life of the Church. Such information will also be available to all members of the Church, upon request.

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GP-1.1 The standing committees of the Church are Baptism; Benevolence; Childhood Education; Family Enrichment; Finance; Fine Arts Ministry; Furniture, Building and Grounds; Greeters, Ushers and Security; Lord’s Supper; Media Relations; Missions; New Member Assimilation; Personnel; Recreation; Scholarship Fund; Stewardship Development; Transportation; and Youth.

(General Policy 1.1 was modified during Special Business Meeting January 31, 1996) (In a Special Business Meeting of May 29, 1996, the “Family Life Committee” was renamed the “Family Enrichment Committee.”)

(In a Special Business Meeting on April 30, 1997, the “Fine Arts Ministry Committee” was added)

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GP-1.2 GENERAL COMMENTS ON STANDING COMMITTEES 1. All committee members will be nominated from among the Church Membership by the Ministry Placement Team and elected by the Church. Membership on committees shall be representative of the Church Membership. 2. Committees will consist of up to nine members unless the Ministry Placement Team determines that another number is better suited to a particular function. The initial committee shall be divided into three groups, the initial term to be one, two or three years. Each year, one-third of each committee shall rotate off and not be eligible for re-election for a 12-month period. 3. The Chairpersons shall be nominated and elected annually from among the Committee membership by the Church upon nomination by the Ministry Placement Team. 4. Nominations for members and chairpersons can also be made from the floor at the business meeting in which the membership is to be elected. 5. The Pastor shall serve as the ex-officio member of all committees. 6. The Pastor will assign Staff members to each committee to serve as resource persons based on the interest and abilities of the Staff member and the responsibility of the committee. 7. Any time limit in a charge to a committee is designed as a goal. Failure to meet any goal does not invalidate the actions of the committee thereafter. 8. To encourage broader participation of the Church Membership, it is preferred that no person will serve on more than two committees. 9. All committee meetings and Deacon meetings are open meetings and all Church Members are encouraged to attend and participate. 10. Minutes of committee meetings shall be maintained.

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GP-1.3 BAPTISM COMMITTEE 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE: To assist in observance of the ordinance of


A. Arrange a schedule for baptisms after consulting with the Pastor and making arrangements with custodial Staff to prepare the baptistery, etc.

B. Request assistance from the Church Clerk in contacting baptismal candidates

about meeting times, etc.

3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Accompany candidates to the dressing rooms and assist with their preparation.

B. Maintain equipment and supplies (hair dryers, towels, etc.) for each dressing room and recommend additions, in writing, at budget preparation time to the Budget Committee.

C. Arrange and prepare the baptismal dressing rooms for use before the baptismal


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To provide assistance in the Church’s effort to minister to families and individuals who have special financial needs.

2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Oversee the work undertaken, conducted and supported by the Church, which pertains to individual and family assistance ministries. B. Work closely with the Pastor and Staff Representative in analyzing and

dealing with the situations that are being considered. C. Review the needs of the Church Membership periodically to determine if there

are situations that need special attention including the effect of loss of employment or major financial problems of other origin.

D. Recommend needs of this ministry to the Budget Committee during budget

preparation time. E. Receive and investigate requests for assistance (pertaining to food, clothing,

utility bills, medical needs, etc.) which would come from the benevolence fund in the Church budget. Determine the priority of the request and take the appropriate actions.

F. Develop, review and recommend revisions of written Policies and Procedures

for the Policy and Procedures Manual as pertains to the Benevolence Committee.

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GP-1.5 CHURCH COUNCIL 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To study the total program of the Church, to coordinate the work of committees and

to prepare and maintain details of the Church calendar. 2. MEMBERSHIP

The Pastor shall be the Chairman of the Church Council. Its members shall include the Chairman of the Deacons, the Sunday School Director, the WMU Director, the Church Training Director, the Finance Committee Chairman, the Stewardship Development Committee Chairman, the New Member Director, the Missions Committee Chairman, a Music Representative, a Men’s Representative, the Media Library Director, a Staff Representative, and three Members-at-large, elected by the Church.


A. To serve as a channel to coordinate the work of Church Committees in administration of the Church.

B. To assist the Church Membership to understand its mission and to define its

priorities. C. To coordinate studies of Church and community needs. D. To recommend coordinated plans to the Church. E. To coordinate the Church’s schedule of events. F. To evaluate progress toward goals and to recommend action to better achieve

goals. G. To make recommendations to the Church concerning the total Church program as

a coordination of committee activities and Church programs.

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To have general responsibility for overseeing the financial affairs and insurance needs of the Church. When the Church has approved an operating budget, the responsibility for administering the budget becomes the responsibility of this committee.

2. RESPONSITILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Review the monthly report of receipts and disbursements.

B. Review and approve expenditures for unbudgeted goods, services or functions in advance of expenditure.

C. Declare emergency moratoria on expenditures or initiate appropriate

recommendations or actions to insure that obligations are not incurred beyond the ability of the Church to pay

D. After conferring with the Pastor, other Staff and lay leaders, recommend

adjustments of, additions to, or deletions from the Church Budget.

E. Recommend to the Church modifications in budgeted items and amounts.

F. Establish a policy to insure that no one shall incur a financial obligation on behalf of the Church for any goods or services which are not included in the budget, unless provided by designated or special funds, without authorization by the Church, except in emergency situations. In such emergencies, as much advice as possible should be obtained from the Pastor Staff Representatives and Lay Leaders.

G. Establish procedures for accounting and protection for all funds received by the

Church, including persons authorized to sign checks.

H. Determine when an audit is needed and supervise the audit of all Church financial records and books.

I. Develop, review and recommend all Policies and Procedures which are in the area

and concern of this committee in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

J. Coordinate with the Budget and Stewardship Development committees.

K. Receive the recommendations of the Insurance Group and present to appropriate committee or body.

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L. Supervise efforts of Counting Group and develop a procedure for counting and depositing all money.

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A. Study annually all insurance needs of the Church properties and buildings and inspect the properties to determine their condition as related to insurance needs.

B. Recommend to Finance Committee insurance protection to provide and maintain adequate coverage of all Church buildings and properties at all times. C. Provide leadership involving individual claims, questions, injuries and damages. D. Recommend insurance protection for all Church vehicles to Finance Committee. E. Recommend trip insurance to Finance Committee, as needed, on all Church vehicle usage for out-of-town trips. F. Determine that employed personnel of the Church are properly covered with Workman’s Compensation Insurance. G. Determine that the Church is protected with comprehensive public liability, burglary insurance, bonds on employees and any and all forms of insurance that may be deemed necessary at all times. H. Coordinate the group insurance and annuity plan with the Personnel Committee. I. Prepare annual property insurance budget and recommend it for the Budget Committee’s consideration through the Finance Committee. J. Develop, review and recommend revisions on written policies and procedures in the Policies and Procedures Manual regarding insurance.

4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNTING GROUP A. Count gifts and offerings to the Church. B. Provide totals to Finance Secretary. C. Deposit money. D. Develop, review and recommend revisions of written policies and procedures of concern to this Committee in the Policy and Procedures Manual.

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GP-1.7 FURNITURE, BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE (In business meeting May 20, 1992 this committee was combined with the Grounds Committee.

The new designation is Furniture, Building and Grounds Committee.) 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To oversee the use and maintenance of the building, its furnishings, and all real property of the Church, including the parsonage. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Inspect all properties regularly, including the parsonage, and maintain an inventory of the property. Arrange for keeping the Church and parsonage

grounds clean and in good repair and the trees, shrubs and grass in a healthy, nourished and neat condition. Inspect at frequent intervals when conditions affecting the property change materially, as in the case of storm damage. Inform Insurance Group of changes, which might necessitate a change in insurance coverage or potential claims.

B. Maintain a plan of all building space with inventory of equipment and furnishings in each area. C. Assist program leaders, as requested, in evaluation of space needs to determine areas needing adjustment or enlargement. Assist in determining and acquiring needed additional parking space and arrange for maintenance of driveways and parking areas. D. Assist in arranging for needs required by special events that involve the use of the grounds, such as Fourth of July observation. E. In conjunction with studies and/or requests from program leadership, recommend space rearrangement to provide best use of space for education, special activity and worship. Assist in helping various Church groups in utilizing undeveloped Church grounds areas, such as developing plans to utilize some of the unpaved areas for athletics. F. Evaluate needs for new temporary, permanent or rental space to allow continued growth. G. Recommend to the Personnel Committee the employment, training needs and supervisory needs for maintenance personnel, as well as review and comment on job descriptions involved in this area. H. Develop, review and recommend revisions of written maintenance policies and procedures for use of space and properties for the Church Policy and Procedures Manual. Develop, review and recommend revisions of written maintenance policies related to the maintenance of the grounds for the Church Policies and

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Procedures Manual. I. Prepare budget request for consideration of the Budget Committee as to costs of operation, maintenance repairs or new equipment or furniture. Recommend insurance needs to Insurance Group. J. Be aware of the budgeted funds for properties and give spending requests to the Finance Committee for their approval. K. Review and recommend to the Church any needs for maintaining adequate worship space. L. Assist in selecting and acquiring appropriate and adequate furnishings for the Church buildings and offices for the program and activities of the Church. M. Recommend needs for security personnel and equipment to the Greeters, Ushers and Security Committee. N. Promote conservation of energy used in operating the Church facilities and review costs. Review the electrical savings report. O. Receive and respond to suggestions or complaints from members about equipment, building repair or other building needs or needed maintenance on the grounds.

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To assist Church Members and guests by greeting the people as they arrive and, as needed, giving directions for parking and access to the proper reception area in the Church. To assist in the worship service by greeting and seating the people as they arrive and aid in receiving offerings, guest information, and emergency situations. To discover, develop and implement measures for the safety of the persons and property of the Church on the Church grounds or in the buildings.

2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. All greeters should be in place by 9:00 a.m., each Sunday. B. Greeters should be present in all parking areas, including the reserved guest parking area, to assist with parking problems, escort guests to the door and introduce them to the Greeters at the door. C. Greeters should be present at all entrances to the Church building, welcome the people arriving and help with children or packages. D. Greeters should be present inside each entrance to receive guests and escort them to the central greeting area. E. Greeters at the central greeting area shall secure guest information, locate the proper Sunday School Department, escort guests to the department and introduce guests to the person in charge.

• Children’s Day in Church • Day Camps • Music Camp, etc. • Back to School Carnival • Special Outreach Emphasis

F. Ushers should be present at all entrances to the sanctuary and within the sanctuary by 10:45 a.m., to greet and seat people and provide them an order of worship. G. Ushers should receive the offering during the worship services. H. Ushers should be attentive during the worship services to any emergency or special needs of persons. I. At the close of the services, ushers should be at the exits to greet the people, particularly those identified as “Guests,” and escort them to the Pastor’s Reception.

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J. Survey the facility and grounds on a regular basis (at least two times a year) to determine if any apparent hazards exist. K. Review and coordinate the safety policies established by the Transportation, Furniture and Buildings, Grounds Maintenance and Recreation Committees. L. Assist in selecting and acquiring appropriate and adequate security equipment for all buildings. M. Develop, review and recommend written policies which involve fire, safety and security needs of the members, property or grounds for the Church Policies and Procedures Manual. N. Patrol the grounds and buildings Sunday (mornings and evenings) and on Wednesday (evening) and at other times as requested. O. Develop a plan for the security of the people, property and buildings and be responsible for implementing and maintaining that plan. P. Prepare budget request annually for consideration by the Budget Committee. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHAIRPERSON A. Maintain adequate supplies of Guest Cards and New Member Registration Cards. B. Enlist and assign usher, greeters and courtesy patrol to their places of service throughout the Church. C. Train the Committee to do their work and for emergency situations. D. Instruct ushers in proper method for receiving offering. E. Periodically arrange for a “Count of the House” on Sunday morning during the worship service, including the sanctuary and extended service, and report the total to the Church Clerk. F. Make arrangements for ushers for all special events where large numbers are expected and where, in some instances, offerings will be taken.

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GP-1.10 LORD’S SUPPER COMMITTEE 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To assist the congregation in the observance of the Lord’s Supper through the preparing of the elements and serving as an advisory group to the Pastor in the planning of Lord’s Supper observances. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Maintain an adequate inventory of materials and supplies. B. Determine equipment needs and make recommendations to the Church

concerning those needs. C. See that all equipment and materials are available and in place prior to each observance of the Lord’s Supper. D. Enlist Deacons to serve the elements in the observation of the Lord’s Supper. E. See that all equipment is gathered, cleaned and stored after each observance of the Lord’s Supper. F. Work with the Pastor in developing dates when the ordinance will be observed throughout the year and decide whether the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated in the morning or evening worship periods. G. Assist the Pastor in evaluating the observance of the ordinance and in planning special approaches to observe the ordinance which will bring out the full meaning of the Lord’s Supper.

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GP-1.11 MEDIA RELATIONS COMMITTEE 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To develop a public information program designed to inform the community about

the Church’s ministry and location and to inform the Church Membership about events and activities in other areas of Southern Baptist denominational life or secular matters of particular interest to Baptists.

2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Design a public information program concerning the Church and its program. B. The program will tell people: Who we are. Where we are. What we believe. When and how we worship. What fellowship opportunities we offer. How we try to serve the Lord specifically in our community and beyond it in carrying the Gospel to the world. Of our concern for them. C. The program may include . . . direct mail communication to the community and Church Members . . . the local media (including newspapers, radio, television spots or programs) . . . The Baptist Messenger . . . or other avenues of dissemination. D. The program may seek opportunities for our Church’s exposure to the public by arranging for direct news coverage of newsworthy events and provide program material of sufficient quality and content to be attractive for use by the news outlets. (Possibilities include newspaper articles, regular column, radio, television coverage or information for special interest programs dealing with moral principles). E. Inform the Church Membership of events occurring outside our Church areas,

such as events involving the Southern Baptist Convention, the State and Association Events and Home, Foreign and State Missions.

F. Integrate the public information program and the Church’s outreach program where possible through coordination with the Outreach Director. G. Handle normal press or news releases. H. Present budget request to the Budget Committee annually. I. Develop, review and recommend revisions of written policies and procedures of concern to this Committee for the Church Policies and Procedures Manual.

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To encourage Churchwide involvement in missions on a local, associational, state national and worldwide basis.

2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Discover possibilities for local mission projects. B. Share findings of opportunity with Church program organizations. C. Recommend, establish and conduct Church mission projects. D. Assist in summer mission trip. E. Recommend needs of this ministry to the Budget Committee during budget

preparation time. F. Educate the Church Membership in the mission program of the Church.

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GP-1.14 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To assist the Church in matters related to employment of personnel and personnel administration. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Study wages, salaries and benefits for all personnel and make recommendations to the Budget Committee on such matters. Compensation of employees shall be

reviewed periodically during the year, especially if a material change in economic conditions occur.

B. In consultation with any affected committees and Staff members, recommend to the Pastor employment or discharge of non-ministerial personnel. C. Assist Special Search Committees in developing wage and benefits package. D. Review new and existing laws related to employment and employee administration and develop, review and recommend appropriate written policies and procedures for inclusion in the Church Policies and Procedures Manual. E. Review at least annually the job descriptions for all employees; modify the job

descriptions, as necessary, in consultation with the affected parties, the supervisor and the Pastor.

F. Assist in the evaluation of work performance or conduct of all personnel. In cases

where performance appears to warrant correction, this committee will discuss the matter with the Pastor.

G. Bring to the attention of the Pastor significant concerns of the congregation

concerning the performance or conduct of the ministerial Staff and assist the Pastor in resolving the concern.

H. Consider concerns and needs of each Staff Member.

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GP-1.15 RECREATION COMMITTEE 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To lead in planning and implementing a correlated recreation program for the Church including enlisting and direction volunteer leadership. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Plan, recommend and oversee a program of activities and recreation to meet the

needs of Church Members and others. B. Develop and maintain a list of potential leaders for recreational activities and

coordinate with the Nominating Committee as they nominate those leaders. C. Develop, review and recommend written policies and procedures for recreational

purposes, equipment and space as part of the Church Policies and Procedures Manual.

D. Lead in promotion of Church recreational activities as a means of outreach. E. Make recommendations for securing and maintaining equipment and operational

budget to the Budget Committee. F. Assist appropriate organizational leaders in coordinating all recreational activities. G. Assist in planning and implementing “all Church fellowships.” H. Plan and implement “Family Night” fellowships.

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GP-1.16 STEWARDSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To help Church Members grow in the principles of biblical stewardship and dedication of their lives and possessions to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, including leading Church Members to develop a better understanding of and commitment to biblical concepts of individual stewardship. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Develop and/or recommend methods for using all of the activities of the Church

to develop the Church’s ministry of stewardship including worship, witness, missions, education, recreation, music, individual ministry and special events or emphases.

B. Plan an annual stewardship calendar in consultation with the Church Council. C. Emphasize stewardship of all gifts including time, talents, love and abilities as

well as money. D. Assist the Budget Committee in publicizing, promoting and pledging the budget

after final approval by the Church. E. Provide opportunities for Church Members to practice their understanding of

Christian stewardship through individual commitment to growth. F. Assist the Missions Committee and the WMU in seeking to increase mission

understanding and the part each individual and the Church plans in mission efforts at home, in the United States and worldwide.

G. Assist the WMU in promoting and meeting the Church goals for special mission

offerings and in educating the Church about the nature and mission of the Cooperative Program.

H. Cooperate with and use the services of the Media Relations Committee in

carrying out the program of promoting biblical Christian stewardship. I. Prepare budget request annually for consideration by the Budget Committee. J. Develop a program for special giving for specific elements of the budget. K. Encourage inclusion of the Church in estate planning. Develop and promote

various ways the Church Members may elect to provide additional funds and gifts directly to the Church by means of trusts, endowments, wills, and gifts, and work with The Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma to establish guidelines and procedures

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in order to educate the members about the advantages to the individual member and to the Church through planned giving.

L. Coordinate activities with the Finance and Budget committees to help develop

regular giving of material wealth by the Church Members.

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GP-1.17 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To maintain all Church vehicles and coordinate the use of the vehicles. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Be responsible for the care and maintenance of all Church-owned automotive

equipment. B. Develop, review and recommend written policies pertaining to the operation of

the equipment, safety considerations or other matters of concern to this committee for the Church Policies and Procedures Manual.

C. Enlist and train drivers and backup drivers for the bus and vans. D. Maintain maintenance records on all vehicles. E. Review insurance for all usage of the equipment and recommend annual needs to

the Insurance Group. F. Evaluate needs for expansion of the outreach ministry using the bus or vans. G. Prepare annual budget request for equipment or supplies and present to the

Budget Committee.

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GP-1.18 CHILDHOOD EDUCATION COMMITTEE (This General Policy added at the Special Business Meeting January 31, 1996)

1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE Develop and recommend policies for preschool and children’s work, (for children age birth through sixth grade), which carry out the ministry goals of the Church. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Formulate policies and present to the Church for approval. Distribute to all

parents and Church Members. B. Coordinate space assigned to preschool and children for all organizations. C. Develop a budget for preschool and children to be presented to the Budget

Committee. D. Coordinate yearlong plans for all preschool and children’s organizations. E. Coordinate year long plans for all preschool and children’s organizations, such as:

• Children’s Day in Church • Day Camps • Music Camp, etc. • Back to School Carnival • Special Outreach Emphasis

F. Determine policy for socials. At what times will preschool rooms be available

and at what times do they close? Coordinate with adult departments to schedule socials to coincide with children’s activities.

G. Coordinate all equipment that is placed in rooms so that it will be

developmentally sound for the age groups. H. Develop a “security system” approach for bringing and picking up children at all

times. I. Keep total Church informed of the work of the Childhood Education Committee

to insure good relationships. J. Work with the Personnel Committee to select, train and supervise employed

teachers. K. Work with appropriate committees to enlist and train workers for all


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GP-1.19 FAMILY ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE (This General Policy added at the Special Business Meeting May 29, 1996)

1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To respond to the needs and desires of families in regard to development of

additional ministries; to promote evangelism and to minister to their needs. 2. RESPONSIBILITES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Increase the Church’s awareness and understanding of the needs and concerns of

families. B. Survey the needs and concerns of family members. C. Develop a comprehensive plan for meeting the needs. D. Plan and conduct family life projects or programs through which needs are

appropriately met. E. Encourage and assist Church program organizations in meeting ministry goals of

the Church. F. Lead the Church to develop Church program organizations in meeting ministry

goals of the Church. G. Coordinate plans and activities.

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GP-1.20 SCHOLARSHIP FUND COMMITTEE (This General Policy added at the Special Business Meeting January 31, 1996)

1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE The Charles D. Graves Scholarship Fund has been set up by Quail Springs Baptist Church to honor our Pastor. An amount of one thousand dollars shall be designated each year to fund these scholarships. This Committee will evaluate requests submitted and award $500.00 in scholarships twice a year, based upon need. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Give proper notice in March (for the semester that will begin in September) and in

August (for the semester that will begin in January) to the congregation that applications are being accepted for the Charles D. Graves Scholarship. Applications must be submitted on forms, which will be available in the Church office.

B. See that an appropriate “application form” is available in the Church Office. C. Screen applicants and make an award for this scholarship according to the

guidelines approved by the congregation. Those guidelines are: 1. Applicants will be limited to active Church Members who are entering or attending Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU). 2. Preference will be given to ministerial students. 3. Applicants may apply more than one time. 4. The award will be paid directly to OBU.

5. Winners of the awards will make a quarterly report to the Committee as long as they are receiving a scholarship.

6. If there are no successful applications submitted for a semester, the funds will

be accumulated in a restricted account and multiple scholarships can be awarded on a need basis in the future.

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GP-1.21 YOUTH COMMITTEE (This General Policy added at the Special Business Meeting, January 31, 1996) (This General Policy amended at Regular Business Meeting, October 20, 1999)


The purpose of this Committee will be to work with the Minister of Youth to develop and recommend policies which carry out the ministry goals of the Church for students in Grades 7 through 12.

2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Serve as an intermediary between the Youth Departments and Quail Springs Baptist Church. B. Assist the Minister of Youth, when called upon, in the mission of the Youth

Departments. C. Be “sounding boards” and provide feedback to the Minister of Youth. D. Clarify the Committee’s mission as that of providing assistance to the Youth

Department and its activities as they relate to QSBC activities. E. Assist the Minister of Youth: 1. In evaluating programs and activities, obtaining feedback from youth and parents as regard to the ministry programs.

2. In discussing and developing new ideas, methods and programs pertaining to the Youth Ministry.

3. In presenting new policies to the Church for approval and then distributing to

all parents and Church Members.

4. In developing a budget for youth ministries to be presented to the Budget Planning Committee.

5. In developing and coordinating yearlong plans for Youth activities and


6. In coordinating space assigned for all Youth activities, equipment used and material required.

7. In working with appropriate committees to enlist and train workers for all


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8. In keeping the Church family informed of the work of the Youth Committee and the Youth activities to ensure good communication throughout the Church.

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GP 1.22 NEW MEMBER ASSIMILATION COMMITTEE (This General Policy added at the Special Business Meeting, July 31, 1996)

1. PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE To help new members develop relationships with other members, to know and

commit to the church’s vision and its ministries, to know and use their spiritual gifts, and to develop a plan for continued growth in discipleship and involvement in the life and work of our church.

2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Assist in planning and conducting a New Member’s Class.

B. Develop and implement plans to follow-up on all new members to ensure that they have established relationship with several of our members. This may involve the Committee, Sunday School, Deacons, Staff and Congregation.

C. Build Church awareness that the responsibility for assimilating new Church

Members belongs to the whole congregation.

D. Design, review, update a New Church Member packet and delivery system, including Talent Search information.

E. Track new members to discover their involvement in the program ministries of

our church.

F. Plan and prepare for a Pastor and Staff reception for guests to our worship services. This will include scheduling hosts and hostesses for each Sunday’s reception.

G. Plan and prepare for a dinner to honor new members of the Church. This dinner

can be as frequent as deemed necessary. H. Recruit and assign counselors for worship services.

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GP-3.0 FAMILY CENTER POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (General Policy Number 3 approved in a regular business meeting July 22, 1998)

MISSION STATEMENT The Family Center is a dual function building. It is to be used for Sunday School

during normal Sunday School hours. All other hours it will be subject to the schedule set by the Quail Springs Baptist Church for the purpose stated below.

3.1 PURPOSE The purpose of the Family Center is to:

A. Undergird, supplement, strengthen and compliment the organizations of the church.

B. Seek to lead the lost to Christ. C. Reach and develop people both physically and spiritually for the glory of God. D. Provide quality leisure time activities in a Christian environment. 3.2 PARTICIPATION

A. Participation in the Family Center (FC) is open to Quail Springs Baptist Church (QSBC) members, their guests and anyone enrolled in a ministry at QSBC.

B. Eligibility to participate will depend on an individual’s willingness to abide by all

policies and procedures.

C. Underage children (11 years or younger) must be accompanied by a responsible adult. A responsible adult will be considered an individual 16 years or older.

D. The term “FC Staff” refers to members of QSBC Staff and Volunteers on duty.

The term “Professional Staff” refers to an appropriate QSBC Staff member. E. Guest groups must set up appointments with the church office. 3.3 GUESTS A. FC Members are encouraged to bring guests.

B. Guests are individuals who are not enrolled in the FC but are hosted by a FC member.


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A. Visitors are individuals who are with outside groups such as teams from other churches, spectators with other teams, etc., or guests of QSBC members.

B. Visitors are the responsibility of the church or group with which they come. C. Visitors are limited to the area where their group is participating. 3.5 DRESS

A. One of the purposes of the FC is to glorify God and to minister to the community. Proverbs 3:6 tells us to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and He will guide us on the right paths.

B. The FC is a ministry of Quail Springs Baptist Church. In the interest of

influencing others for Christ, the speech, dress and conduct of all FC members, guests and visitors must be in accordance with the highest Christian standards.

C. Shirts and shoes, along with other appropriate apparel, must be worn at all times.

T-shirts are to be free of offensive slogans or advertisements, i.e., drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or any other material which is interpreted to advocate an un-Christlike attitude or lifestyle. Shoes must be non-marking court shoes to be allowed on the uncovered basketball floor.

D. Shorts must be mid-thigh in length and loose fitting. Tight shorts, such as bike

shorts, must be covered with loose shorts or long shirt. Bare midriffs and halter-tops are expressly prohibited.

E. All decisions made by the FC Staff concerning appropriateness of clothing will be

final. 3.6 DISCIPLINE

A. Willful violation of any policies, rules or regulations could lead to loss of eligibility to participate for a time established by the staff.

B. The FC Staff has the right to say “no” or “stop” or other relevant instructions

when danger or inappropriate behavior is present. Participants are expected to follow these instructions.

C. Infractions will be handled as follows: 1. First infraction: warning, explanation of rules and/or suspension.

2. Second infraction: reminder, notification of parents (if High School or below), and /or suspension.

3. Third infraction: parent conference (if High School or below) and/or suspension. Until conference the individual will be suspended. A third adult infraction will result in suspension.

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D. Major infractions and discipline problems will be dealt with by the appropriate QSBC Staff Member.

E. The FC Staff will be responsible for interpretation and enforcement of all rules.

Any situations not specifically covered in this list of policies will be acted upon if and when the need arises, at the discretion of the FC Professional Staff.

3.7 RULES OF CONDUCT A. The general rule of conduct is to behave in a Christ-like manner.

B. The following are specifically prohibited: chewing gum, tobacco in any form, alcohol in any form, illegal controlled substances or narcotics, weapons of any kind, pets, in-line skating equipment and skateboards.

C. Intentional acts of violence and offensive, provocative or profane language will

not be tolerated.

D. Out of respect for others participating in FC activities, personal radios and tape or CD players may be used only with headphones unless prior permission has been granted by the staff.


A. This area may be reserved for various church organizational events and for birthday parties of children whose parents are church members.

B. No food or drink may be taken out of the snack area to other restricted areas of the

FC such as the basketball court or to the adjacent church buildings. 3.9 HOURS OF OPERATION

A. The FC hours of operation will be posted at doors of entry. Because of the many seasonal activities and the wide variety of events these hours may vary.

B. The FC will close 30 minutes prior to regularly scheduled churchwide meetings

and will remain closed during such activities. Because the FC is a support ministry of Quail Springs Baptist Church, its hours of operation must not conflict with the church’s schedule.

C. Scheduled activity has priority over free play. 3.10 CRAFT ROOMS

A. The craft rooms are available only for scheduled classes or with prior permission by the FC Staff.

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B. All tools, tables, materials, supplies, etc., will be cleaned and put in their proper

places after use. 3.11 EQUIPMENT

A. Equipment must be checked out of the Snack Bar area. All equipment must be used only for its intended purpose.

B. Individuals or groups who check out FC equipment or property will be financially

responsible for equipment that is damaged, lost, destroyed or stolen.

C. Equipment may be checked out for activities away from the FC only with approval from the FC Staff and upon submitting the proper forms. Forms will be available in the FC office.

D. Equipment must be returned to the same place from which it was checked out. E. All equipment is subject to time limits for its use. 3.12 LIABILITY

A. Guests will be required to sign a one-time waiver to be kept on file by the FC Staff.

B. QSBC and its staff will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. 3.13 FEES

A. There are fees for some activities. A complete fee and rental schedule, as established by the FC Staff, is available at the Snack Bar.

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GP-4.0 VEHICLE USE POLICY (General Policy Number 4 approved in a regular business meeting April 24, 2002)

4.1 Purpose A. The primary purpose for church owned vans is for transportation to and from the

routine services of the church. At times, our church vans may also be used by groups and organizations of the church for special trips, outings and retreats. Out of town, or out of state trips, shall not exceed a maximum of 700 round trip miles. Cooperation by all is required for the proper scheduling and use of church vans.

4.2 Passenger Guidelines A. When children under the age of 12 years old are passengers, at least 2 adults

(Driver + 1 other adult) are to be in each van. In the event infants or children less than 6 years of age are to be passengers in the church van, two provisions shall apply: (1) infant and or child will be secured in an approved age appropriate restraint seat, provided by the child’s parent and, (2) parent or guardian is on board with their child if under 6 years old.

4.3 Scheduling/Reservation Request A. Authorization and or reservations for use of church van(s) are to be made through

the person in charge of business administration or designated secretary. Reservations are on a first come, first serve basis and therefore request should be made at earliest time possible or at least 72 hours prior to the desired event.

B. The person in charge of business administration or designated secretary shall be

provided with the following information to be placed on the van request calendar in church office. Information shall include drivers’ name, specific time & date requested, where van is to be taken, church purpose, and choice of vehicle desired. If there is a change or cancellation of event, please advise the person in charge of business administration or designated secretary so the van may be available to other interested groups and or events if they arise.

C. The official scheduler for church vans is the Financial Secretary or designated

secretary, and is also in charge of the checking out and in of the keys to the vehicles. In the event multiple group requests overlap, or technical questions should arise, issues will be addressed to the person in charge of business administration or pastor for resolution.

4.4 Approved Driver List/Requirements A. Only drivers who have attended an approved Van Drivers Safety Workshop held

at QSBC will be permitted to drive church vans. This training consists of a review of general van use safety features, including the unique handling, space

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requirements, stopping distances, sight distance and mirror use, in addition to overall passenger concerns with groups.

B. All drivers of the church vans must be at least 21 years of age and drivers 70

years of age and older, shall have an approval form signed by his/her physician and on file with the church office.

C. All drivers shall provide a copy of his/her personal drivers license to remain on

file with the church office. Copies will be made when driver attends a Van Safety Workshop at QSBC.

D. Each driver shall have a motor vehicle record, which reflects clean safe driving

habits. As per church & insurance requirements, a driver with greater than 5 points on his/her driving record shall not be allowed to drive church owned vehicles.

E. Each driver shall complete a driver information data sheet and shall be responsible

for providing the church with any information which would affect his/her ability to meet minimum driving requirements.

F. All rules & regulations regarding the use of church owned vehicles shall be strictly

adhered to, and a statement of responsibility signed by each driver will be on file with the person in charge of business administration or designated secretary.

Note: After April 30, 2002, no staff member, church member or any driver who is

not on the approved drivers list will be allowed to drive church owned vans unless all the above mentioned requirements have been met. This includes attending a Van Drivers Safety Workshop held several times per year at the church at no cost to drivers.

4.5 Pre-Trip Inspections A. Prior to beginning any trip, a pre-trip inspection using a general checklist will be

performed on each vehicle prior to departure from the church. This inspection should include checking tires to assure they are properly inflated, lights & horn operation, windshield wiper operation, seatbelt operation and condition and other items listed on the vehicle self-inspection checklist in each vehicle.

4.6 Preventative Maintenance A. Periodic preventative maintenance shall be performed at least 4 times per year,

and recorded in each vehicle maintenance log. The responsible party to assure all vehicles are serviced and maintained is the building superintendent or his assistant.

Page 48: Current Bylaws


5.0 General Rules for Use A. Drivers shall be responsible to log beginning and ending mileage, reason for trip

or destination, number of passengers and the date each time van is driven. This information will be recorded in the van's logbook, which is provided in each vehicle. Any safety issues or problems found are to be noted in the “problems to report” column of the log sheet, and also report problem to the building superintendent or person in charge business administration immediately.

B. All passengers and drivers in church vans are to wear seat belts per Oklahoma

laws. C. All groups using church vans must remove all trash, papers and other waste and

personal belongings from the van upon returning to the church after use. Fuel tank or tank(s) shall be at least 1/2 full of fuel when vehicle is returned back to church. In the event fuel must be purchased by driver, receipt may be taken to the church office for reimbursement.

D. In the event van breaks down or is involved in an accident, the person in charge of

business administration should be contacted immediately prior to contracting for towing or repairs. If person in charge of business administration cannot be reached, the Pastor should be contacted to make the decision on repairs and or towing. Insurance verification, registration and contact information are to be kept in each vehicle.

E. All accidents, however minor, shall be reported immediately to the person in

charge of business administration or to the Pastor. F. To live up to what our Church is all about, which is- “Sharing Him (JESUS CHRIST) with Them (A Lost & Dying World)” G. We must drive defensively and courteously at all times, displaying the Christian

example, always. Quail Springs Baptist Church vehicles project a witness and testimony for the love we have for our Lord and for our neighbors.