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Eudora is an e-mail client used on the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating systems. It also supports several palmtop computing platforms, including Newton and the Palm OS.

Screenshot 01: Eudora

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Configuring Eudora on Gmail Account

To configure Eudora on gmail account at first we got a diolouge box to select user name , user email address and password . Then selected user name, user email address and password in the diolouge box and click continue . After that Eudora has found the setting of user email account and user can create an account. Creating a gmail account with eudora user can sent and recived email from others.

Screenshot 02: Gmail acount configaration Step 1

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Screenshot 03: Gmail acount configaration Step 2

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Screenshot 04: Gmail acount configaration Step 3

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Screenshot of Sent & Received Mail from Gmail with Eudora

At first type a mail and sent mail to other by using Gmail account with Eudora.

Screenshot 05: sending mail

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Receiving a mail from user Gmail account with Eudora

Screenshot 05: reciving mail

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