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Hi Friends.............I am Balaji from siddharth Institute of Engineering and TechnologyI attended for CSC held at VIT , as we registered for VIT. CSC came on 28-01-2011.The placement started at 10am and they gave brief introduction about their company and benefits provided by 11am they started the written examThe procedure of CSC is as follows1. Aptitude (40 questions 40min)in half hour they will announce the shortlisted candidates for Technical written2. Technical (75 questions 40min) along with that we should write essay (10min) Aptitude paper is damn easy to attempt...because they will give basic questions anybody can attempt but some of the questions will very tough to attmept You people start the paper from 26-40 you can complete it in 10-15min In 1-25 questions max 10 questions can be easy and find the easy questions and attempt it first....and then you may have 4-5 minutes left....see the questions and make a guess on can easily score 30 marks...questions may be...1.3*3 sudoko (5 questins damn easy)2.if A(0,y)=y+1 A(x,0)=x A(x,y)=A(0,A(0,y)) A(0,0)=1 they find A(0,3), A(1,2) you will have 5 questions which can attended damn easy3.One geometry question they will one diagram and distance covered from A to Blike that questins will be given and find the distance like questions

you will get 2 questions some what touff to find4. total 75 students will be der, 25 know typing and 45 know short hand and 10 know neither typig and shorthand. find how many know both typing and shorthand5. synonym-1, 6. 4 options will be given and will be ask to arrange the sentence.7. one fill up with suitable word8. 1 question from probability and 1 question from permutation there will be two childs for a mother. select randomly and find probability that both are girls....not sure...some what change will be der In permutaion they will be 11 men and 3 women.. a comitte of should be formed such that there will be 2 men and 2 women....9. 1.6(10pow9) divide by 4.8(10pow3) Ans:30(10pow5)these are the questions i remember first 8 questions may be some what tough but can be answered start from the last you can easily answered the questions

coming to Technical written As you already come to know that previous questions will be is truth...definetly you will be given the same questions without changing the question number and options....Refer the previous questions posted in the Freshersworld and check the answer once searching in the can attempt morethan 65 questions.

there ends the xam they will announce the shortlisted candidates for the next round with in half or one hour

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Nearly 500 students attended among them 288 cleared the aptitude among 288 members 190 cleared the technical written

These numbers will rise your anxiety that how many people had selected finally

let me explain itIn the next day we prepared well and went to the VIT campus and the panel members came and announced the batches...per batch 10 members will be der....mine was 5th batch.....for each batch, they will give you a topic and should be talked for 1 minjust like Jam....sessionThe HR pepople will be cool....There will be two persons one men and one women.while the jam will liesten to your words and the other will correct your essay ....we are all in the seminar hall and the panel people came and announced the names of 9 we thought that they are promoted to the next round.....we all shock that she told them that you can leave for day......every body standed and can't understand what is going on....

finally we came to know that .... they need only few peoplein the preplacement talk they had given a number that, they will recruit in the 1:30 ratio that mean for 30 people only one will be selectedall the people attended the jam section they disqualified entire batches...and they selected few members...Here ends my journey....I also disqualified

from my college 2 members are shortlisted for the Technical Interview....I am happy to tell that, he is my batch mate in the project .... i came to know that from him....they will check our confidence level..... asked him to write the program for prime number while he is writing he asked him to come...just they will test our confidence...

then he said you are promoted to the next round take the break and come again and for the interview....If you complete the communication round( JAM) 75% you are selected...

mainly you shoudl be aware of the project if any done...HR round will be the cake walk, just it is for the formality...

Now total number of students attend is 500(approx)aptitude-288written-190finally selected - 10It will be shock to every body....

Below questions will definetly come for technical written….see once….

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This is a 40 minutes paper containing 75 questions. · There is no negative marking 1.------- is associated with webservices.

a) WSDL b) WML c) web sphere d) web logicans: a

2.any large single block of data stored in a database, such as a picture or sound file, which does not include record

fields, and cannot be directly searched by the database’s search engine.

a) TABLE b) BLOB c) VIEW d) SCHEMEans: b

3.Areserved area of the immediate access memeory used to increase the running speed of the computer program.

a) session memory b) bubble memory c) cache memory d) shared memoryans: c

4.a small subnet that sit between atrusted internal network and an untruster external network, such as the public internet.a) LAN b) MAN c) WAN d) DMZans: d

5.technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects,which is very similar to the barcode identification systems,seen in retail stores everyday.



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float fl = 10.5;

double dbl = 10.5

if(fl ==dbl)

printf(“UNITED WE STAND”);




what is the output?

a) compilation error b)UNITED WE STAND c)DIVIDE AND RULE d)linkage error.ans: b


static int ivar = 5;





what is the output?

a)1 2 3 4 5 b) 5 4 3 2 1 c)5 d)compiler error:main cannot be recursive function.ans: b

8. main()


extern int iExtern;

iExtern = 20;



what is the output?

a)2 b) 20 c)compile error d)linker error ans: d

9..#define clrscr() 100



printf(“%d\n\t”, clrscr());


what is the output?

a)100 b)10 c)compiler errord)linkage errorans: a



void vpointer;

char cHar = ‘g’, *cHarpointer = “GOOGLE”;

int j = 40;

vpointer = &cHar;


vpointer = &j;

printf(“%d”,*(int *)vpointer);

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vpointer = cHarpointer;

printf(“%s”,(char*)vpointer +3);


what is the output?

a)g40GLE b)g40GOOGLE c)g0GLE d)g4GOOans: a

11.#define FALSE -1

#define TRUE 1

#define NULL 0

main() {

if (NULL)

puts (“NULL”);

else if(FALSE)

puts (“TRUE”);


puts (“FALSE”);


what is the output?

a) NULL b) TRUE c) FALSE d)0 ans: a

12.main() {

int i =5,j= 6, z;



what is the output?

a)13 b)12 c)11 d) compiler errorans: c

13.main() {

int i ;

i = accumulator();




_AX =1000;


what is output?

a)1 b)10 c)100 d)1000ans: d

14.main() {

int i =0;

while(+(+i--)!= 0)

i- = i++;



what is the output?

a)-1 b)0 c)1 d)will go in an infinite loop ans: a


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int i =3;

for(; i++=0;)



what is the output?

a)1b)2c)1 2 3d)compiler error:L value required. ans: d

16.main(){int i = 10, j =20;j = i , j?(i,j)?i :j:j;printf(“%d%d”,i,j);}what is the output?a)20 20 b)20 10 c)10 20 d)10 10ans: 10 10


extern i;


int i =20;




what is output?a) “Extern valueof i “ 20 b)Externvalue of i”c)20d)linker Error:unresolved external symbol ians: d DIMension(int array[]){

return sizeof(array/sizeof(int);}


int arr[10];

printf(“Array dimension is %d”,DIMension(arr));


what is output?

a)array dimension is 10 b)array dimension is 1

c) array dimension is 2 d)array dimension is 5ans: a



void swap();

int x = 45, y = 15;


printf(“x = %d y=%d”x,y);


void swap(int *a, int *b){

*a^=*b, *b^=*a, *a^ = *b;

what is the output?a) x = 15, y =45 b)x =15, y =15 c)x =45 ,y =15 d)x =45 y = 45 ans: a


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int i =257;

int *iptr =&i;

printf (“%d%d”,*((char*)iptr),* ((char *)iptr+1));


what is output?

a)1, 257 b)257 1c)0 0d)1 1 ans: d


int i =300;

char *ptr = &i;




what is output?

a)556 b)300 c)2 d)302ans: a

22. #include


char *str =”yahoo”;

char *ptr =str;

char least =127;


least = (*ptr)

printf (“%d”,least);


what is the output?

a)0 b)127 c) yahoo d) yans: a

23.Declare an array of M pointers to functions returing pointers to functions returing pointers to characters.

a)(*ptr[M]()(char*(*)()); b)(char*(*)())(*ptr[M])()

c) (char*(*)(*ptr[M]())(*ptr[M] () d)(char*(*)(char*()))(*ptr[M]) (); ans: d(not sure)

24.void main(){

int i =10, j=2;

int *ip = &I ,*jp =&j;

int k = *ip/*jp;



what is the output?

a)2 b)5 c)10 d)compile error:unexpected end of file in comment started in line 4 ans: b


char a[4] =”GOOGLE”;



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what is the output?

a)2 b) GOOGLE c) compile error: too mant initializers d) linkage error. ans: c

26.For 1MB memory, the number of address lines requireda)12 b)16 c)20 d)32ans: b

27.There is a circuit using 3 nand gates with 2 inputes and 1 output,f ind the output.

a) AND b) OR c) XOR d) NAND ans: b

28.what is done for push operation

a) SP is incremented and then the value is stored.

b) PC is incremented and then the value is stored.

c) PC is decremented and then the value is stored.

d) SP is decremented and then the value is stored. ans: a

29.Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is ------

a) Allocated in RAM

b) Allocated in ROM

c) Allocated in stack

d) Assigned in registers. ans: c

30.What action is taken when the processer under execution is interrupted by TRAP in 8085MPU?

a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction.

b) processer serves the interrupt request after completing the current task.

c) processor serves the interrupt immediately.

d) processor serving the interrupt request depent deprnds upon the priority of the current task under execution. ans: a

31.purpose of PC (program counter)in a microprocessor is ----

a) To store address of TOS(top of stack)

b) To store address of next instructions to be executed

c) count the number of instructions

d) to store the base address of the stack. ans: b32.conditional results after execution of an instruction in a microprocess is stored in

a) register b) accumulator c) flag register d) flag register part of PSW (program status word) ans: d

33.The OR gate can be converted to the NAND function by adding----gate(s)to the input of the OR gate.

a) NOT b) AND c) NOR d) XOR ans: a

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34.In 8051microcontroller ,------has a dual function.

a) port 3 b) port 2 c) port 1 d) port 0 ans: b

35.An 8085 based microprocessor with 2MHz clock frequency,will execute the following chunk of code with how much delay?






JNC HAPPYa) 102.3 b)114.5 c)100.5 d)120

36.In 8085 MPU what will be the status of the flag after the execution of the following chunk of code.





a)S = 1, Z = 0, CY = 1 b)S = 0, Z = 1, CY = 0

c) S = 1, Z = 0, CY = 0 d)S = 1, Z = 1 ,CY = 1

37.A positive going pulse which is always generated when 8085 MPU begins the machine cycle.

a) RD b) ALE c) WR d) HOLD ans: b

38.when a ----- instruction of 8085 MPU is fetched , its second and third bytes are placed in the W and Z registers.

a) JMP b) STA c) CALL d) XCHG ans: a

39.what is defined as one subdivision of the operation performed in one clock period.

a) T- State b) Instruction Cycle c) Machine Cycle d) All of the above ans: a

40.At the end of the following code, what is the status of the flags.




HLT a) S = 1, CY = 0, P = 0 , AC = 1 b) S =0 , CY = 1, P = 0,AC = 1 c) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 0 , AC = 1 d) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 1 , AC = 1

46.The repeated execution of a loop of code while waiting for an event to occur is called ---------.The cpu is not engaged in any real productive activity during this period,and the process doesn’t progress towards completion.a) dead lock b) busy waiting c) trap door d) none.ans: b

47. Transparent DBMS is defined as

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a) A DBMS in which there are no program or user access languages. b) A DBMS which has no cross file capabilities but is user friendly and provides user interface management. c) A DBMS which keeps its physical structure hidden from user d) none.ans: c

48.Either all actions are carried out or none are.users should not have to worry about the effect of incomplete transctions.DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of incomplete transctions.this property is known asa) Aggregation b) atomicity c) association d) data integrity.ans: b

49.------ algorithms determines where in available to load a program. common methods are first fit,next fit,best fit.--------- algorithm are used when memory is full , and one process (or part of a process) needs to be swaped out to accommodate a new program.The ------------- algorithm determines which are the partions to be swaped out.a) placement, placement, replacementb) replacement, placement, placementc) replacement, placement, replacementd) placement, replacement, replacementans: d

50.Trap door is a secret undocumented entry point into a program used to grant access without normal methods of access authentication.A trap is a software interrupt,usually the result of an error condition.a)true b)false.ans: a recursive implementations which of the following is true for saving the state of the steps

a) as full state on the stack

b) as reversible action on the stack

c) both a and b

d) none ans: a

56.which of the following involves context switch

a) previliged instruction

b) floating point exception

c) system calls

d) all

e) none ans: c

57.piggy backing is a technique for

a) acknowledge

b) sequence

c) flow control

d) retransmissionans: a

58. a functional dependency XY is ___________dependency if removal of any attribute A from X means that the dependency does not hold any more

a) full functional

b) multi valued

c) single valued

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d) noneans: a

59)a relation schema R is in BCNF if it is in ___________and satisfies an additional constraints that for every functional dependency XY,X must be a candidate keya)1 NF

b)2 NF

c)3 NF

d)5 NFans: b

60) a _________sub query can be easily identified if it contains any references to the parent sub query columns in the _________ clause

A) correlated ,WHERE

b) nested ,SELECT

c) correlated, SELECT

d) noneans: a

61) hybrid devise that combines the features of both bridge and router is known as a)router b)bridge c)hub d)brouter ans: d

62) which of the following is the most crucial phase of SDLC

a) testing b) code generation c) analysys and design d) implementation ans: c

63)to send a data packet using datagram ,connection will be established

a) no connection is required

b) connection is not established before data transmission

c) before data transmission

d) none ans: a

64)a software that allows a personal computer to pretend as as computer terminal is

a) terminal adapter

b) terminal emulation

c) modem

d) noneans: a

65) super key is a) same as primary key

b) primary key and attribute

c) same as foreign key

d) foreign key and attributeans: b

66.In binary search tree which traversal is used for ascending order values a) Inorder b)preorder c)post order d)none ans: a

67.You are creating an index on ROLLNO colume in the STUDENT table.which statement will you use?

a) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student, rollno;

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b) CREATE INDEX roll_idx FOR student, rollno;

c) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student( rollno);

d) CREATE INDEX roll_idx INDEX ON student (rollno); ans: c

68.A________class is a class that represents a data structure that stores a number of data objects a. container b.component c.base d.derived ans: a

69.Which one of the following phases belongs to the compiler Back-end.

a. Lexical Analysis b.Syntax Analysis c. Optimization d.Intermediate Representation. ans: c

70.Every context _sensitive language is context_free

a. true b.false ans: a

71.Input:A is non-empty list of numbers L


For each item in the list L,do

If the item>x,then

Xßthe item

Return X

X represents:-

a)largest number

b)smallest number

c)smallest negative number

d) none ans: a

72.Let A and B be nodes of a heap,such that B is a child of A. the heap must then satisfy the following conditions

a) key(A)>=key(B)

b) key(A)

c) key(A)=key(B)

d) none ans: a

73String ,List,Stack,queue are examples of___________

a) primitive data type

b) simple data type

c) Abstract data type

d) none ans: c

74.which of the following is not true for Linked Lists?

a) The simplest kind of linked list is a single linked list ,which has one link per node .this link points to the next node in the list,or to a null value or emptylist if it is the last node.

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b)a more sophisticated kind of linked list is a double linkedlist or two way linkedlist .Each node has two links ,one to the previous node and one to the next node.

c) in a circleLinkedList ,the first and last nodes are linked together.this can be done only for double linked list.

d) to traverse a circular linkedlist ,u begin at any node and follow the list in either direction until u return to the original node.ans: c

75.sentinel node at the beginning and /or at the end of the linkedlist is not used to store the data a) true

b) falseans:a

friends for technical test these questions are enough, but apptitude test some what tough,for this u must go through RS AGRWAL , this is enough to qualify these 2 tests ALL THE BEST ,dont be loose hope and courage ,

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Hello frnd csc visited BMSCE on 5/11/2008. it started wit ppt. criteria 60% agg in engg (B.E).Aptitude paper was different for circuit branches (ECE,CS,TE,EE) and non circuit branches. This is all about circuit branches apti paper. No negative markings in apti. It has one apti paper(40 ques in 40 min) one tech paper includes c, c++, dbms, microprocessor 8085,microcontrorller(75 ques in 45 min, all 75 ques repeated so plz learn tech ques frm previous year papers).Aptitude also most of them r repeated ques so learn from previous papers and learn following topics from rs agarwal.percentage.average.LR will be simple and try answering 20 out of 40 correctly. u wil surely get through.

Technical paper....1.------- is associated with webservices.  a) WSDL b) WML c) web sphere d) web logic  ans:a

2.any large single block of data stored in a database, such as a picture or sound

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file, which does not include record fields, and cannot be directly searched by the database’s search engine.a) TABLE b) BLOB c) VIEW d) SCHEME ans:b(not sure)

3.Areserved area of the immediate access memory used to increase the running speed of the computer program. 

a) session memory b) bubble memory c) cache memory d) shared memory  ans: c

4.a small subnet that sit between atrusted internal network and an untruster external network, such as the public internet.a) LAN b) MAN c) WAN d) DMZ  ans: c(not sure)

5.technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects,which is very similar to the barcode identification systems,seen in retail stores everyday.a)BLUETOOTH b) RADAR c)RSA SECURE ID d)RFID  ans: d

6.main(){float fl = 10.5;double dbl = 10.5if(fl ==dbl)printf(“UNITED WE STAND”);elseprintf(“DIVIDE AND RULE”)}what is the output?a)compilation error b)UNITED WE STAND c)DIVIDE AND RULE d)linkage error.ans: b

7.main(){static int ivar = 5;printf(“%d”,ivar--);if(ivar)main();}what is the output?a)1 2 3 4 5 b) 5 4 3 2 1 c)5 d)compiler error:main cannot be recursive function.ans b

8.main(){extern int iExtern;iExtern = 20;printf(“%d”,iExtern);}what is the output?a)2 b) 20 c)compile error  d)linker error       ans d

9..#define clrscr() 100main(){clrscr();printf(“%d\n\t”, clrscr());}what is the output?a)100 b)10 c)compiler errord)linkage errorans: a 

10.main(){void vpointer;char cHar = ‘g’, *cHarpointer = “GOOGLE”;int j = 40;vpointer = &cHar;printf(“%c”,*(char*)vpointer);vpointer = &j;printf(“%d”,*(int *)vpointer);vpointer = cHarpointer;printf(“%s”,(char*)vpointer +3);}what is the output?

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a)g40GLE  b)g40GOOGLE c)g0GLE d)g4GOOans: a

11.#define FALSE -1#define TRUE 1  #define NULL 0main() {if(NULL)puts(“NULL”);else if(FALSE)puts(“TRUE”);elseputs(“FALSE”);}what is the output?a)NULL b)TRUE c)FALSE d)0   ans: a

12.main() {int i =5,j= 6, z;printf(“%d”,i+++j);}what is the output?a)13 b)12 c)11 d)compiler errorans: c

13.main() {int  i ;i = accumulator();printf(“%d”,i);}accumulator(){_AX =1000}what is output?a)1 b)10 c)100 d)1000ans: d

14.main() {int i  =0;while(+(+i--)!= 0)i-                  = i++;printf(“%d”,i);}what is the output?

a)-1 b)0 c)1 d)will go in an infinite loopans: a

15.main(){int i =3;for(; i++=0;)printf((“%d”,i);}what is the output?a)1b)2c)1 2 3d)compiler error:L value required.ans: d

16.main(){int i = 10, j =20;j = i ,j?(i,j)?i :j:j;printf(“%d%d”,i,j);}what is the output?a)20 20 b)20 10 c)10 20 d)10 10ans: 10 10

17.main(){extern i;printf(“%d\t”,i);{int i =20;printf(“%d\t”,i);}}what is output?a)    “Extern valueof i “ 20 b)Externvalue of i”c)20d)linker Error:unresolved external symbol ians: d DIMension(int array[]){return sizeof(array/sizeof(int);}main(){int arr[10];printf(“Array dimension is %d”,DIMension(arr));}what is output?a)array dimension is 10 b)array dimension is 1  c) array dimension is 2 d)array dimension is 5ans: a

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19.main(){void swap();int x = 45, y = 15;swap(&x,&y);printf(“x = %d y=%d”x,y);}void swap(int *a, int *b){*a^=*b, *b^=*a, *a^ = *b;what is the output?a)    x = 15, y =45 b)x =15, y =15 c)x =45 ,y =15 d)x =45 y = 45ans: a

20.main(){int i =257;int *iptr =&i;printf(“%d%d”,*((char*)iptr),*((char *)iptr+1));}what is output?a)1, 257 b)257 1c)0 0d)1  1asn: d

21.main(){int i =300;char *ptr = &i;*++ptr=2;printf(“%d”,i);}what is output?a)556 b)300 c)2 d)302ans: a

22.#includemain(){char *str =”yahoo”;char *ptr =str;char least =127;while(*ptr++)least = (*ptrprintf(“%d”,least);}what is the output?a)0   b)127   c)yahoo   d)y


23.Declare an array of M pointers to functions returing pointers to functions returing pointers to characters.a)(*ptr[M]()(char*(*)());   b)(char*(*)())(*ptr[M])()   c)(char*(*)(*ptr[M]())(*ptr[M]()    d)(char*(*)(char*()))(*ptr[M])();

Ans:d(not sure)

24.void main(){int I =10, j=2;int *ip = &I ,*jp =&j;int k = *ip/*jp;printf(“%d”,k);}what is the output?a)2    b)5    c)10    d)compile error:unexpected end of file in comment started in line 4ans: b

25.main(){char a[4] =”GOOGLE”;printf(“%s”,a);}what is the output?a)2 b) GOOGLE c) compile error: yoo mant initializers d) linkage error.ans: c

26.For 1MB memory, the number of address lines requireda)12 b)16 c)20 d)32ans: 20

27.There is a circuit using 3 nand gates with 2 inputes and 1 output,f ind the output.a) AND b) OR c) XOR d) NANDans:b(not sure)

28.what is done for push operationa) SP is incremented and then the value

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is stored.b) PC is incremented and then the  value is stored.c) PC is decremented and then the value is stored.d) SP is decremented and then the value is stored.ans: a

29.Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is ------a) Allocated in RAMb) Allocated in ROMc) Allocated in stackd) Assigned in registers.ans: c

30.What action is taken when the processer under execution is interrupted by TRAP in 8085MPU?a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction.b) processer serves the interrupt request after completing the current task.c) processor serves the interrupt immediately.d) processor serving the interrupt request depent deprnds upon the priority of the current task under execution.ans: a

31.purpose of PC (program counter)in a microprocessor is ----a) To store address of TOS(top of stack)b) To store address of next instructions to be executedc) count the number of instructionsd) to store the base address  of the stack.ans: b

32.conditional  results after execution of an instruction in a microprocess is stored ina) register b) accumulator c) flag register d) flag register part of PSW (program

status word)ans: c

33.The OR gate can be converted to the  NAND function by adding----gate(s)to the input of the OR gate.a) NOT b) AND c) NOR d) XORans: a

34.In 8051microcontroller ,------has a dual function.a) port 3 b) port 2 c) port 1 d) port 0ans; b

35.An 8085 based microprocessor with 2MHz clock frequency,will execute the following chunk of code with how much delay?MVI   B,38HHAPPY:           MVI   C, FFHSADDY:           DCR  CJNZ SADDYDCR  BJNC HAPPY    a)    102.3 b)114.5 c)100.5 d)120


36.In 8085 MPU what will be the status of the flag after the execution of the following chunk of code.MVI B,FFHMOV A,BCMAHLTa)S = 1, Z = 0, CY = 1  b)S = 0, Z = 1, CY = 0  c) S  = 1, Z = 0, CY = 0 d)S = 1, Z = 1 ,CY = 1

37.A positive going pulse  which is always generated when 8085 MPU begins the machine cycle.a) RD b) ALE c) WR  d) HOLDans: a(not sure)

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38.when a ----- instruction of 8085 MPU is fetched , its second and third bytes are placed in the W and Z registers.a) JMP b) STA c) CALL d) XCHGans: d(not sure)

39.what is defined as one subdivision of the operation performed in one clock period.a) T- State b) Instruction Cycle c) Machine Cycle d) All of the above  ans: a(not sure)

40.At the end of the following code, what is the status of the flags.LXI B, AEC4HMOV A,CADD HLT a) S = 1, CY = 0, P = 0 , AC = 1 b) S =0 , CY = 1, P = 0,AC = 1   c) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 0 , AC = 1 d) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 1 , AC = 1

 41.In 8051 micro controller what is the HEX number in the accumulator after the execution of the following code.MOV A,#0A5HCLR CRRC ARRC ARL ARL ASWAP Aa)A6       b)6A      c)95      d)A5.ans: a                

 42.The Pentium processor requires ------------ volts.a)9      b)12    c)5     d)24ans; c

43. The data bus on the Celeron processor is-------bits wide.a)64  b)32   c)16    d)128. ans: a

 44.K6 processor

a) Hitachi   b) toshiba   c) zilog   d) AMD. ans: d

45. What is the control word for 8255 PPI,in BSR mode to set bit       PC3.a)0EH    b)0FH     c)07H       d)06H. ans:c

46.The repeated execution of a loop of code while waiting for an event to occur is called ---------.The cpu is not engaged in any real productive activity during this period,and the process doesn’t progress towards completion.a) dead lock    b) busy waiting    c) trap door   d) none.ans: b

47. Transparent DBMS is defined asa) A DBMS in which there are no program or user access languages. b) A DBMS which has no cross file capabilities but is user friendly and provides user interface management.  c) A DBMS which keeps its physical structure hidden from user   d) none.ans: c

48.Either all actions are carried out or none are.users should not have to worry about the effect of incomplete transctions.DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of incomplete transctions.this property is known asa) Aggregation   b) atomicity    c) association   d) data integrity.ans:b

49.------ algorithms determines where in available to load a program. common methods are first fit,next fit,best fit.--------- algorithm are used when memory is full , and one process (or part of a process) needs to be swaped out to accommodate a new program.The ------------- algorithm determines which are the partions to be swaped out.

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a) placement, placement, replacementb) replacement, placement, placementc) replacement, placement, replacementd) placement, replacement, replacement


50.Trap door is a secret undocumented entry point into a program used to grant access without normal methods of access authentication. A trap is a software interrupt,usually the result of an error condition.a)true   b)false.ans: b

51. Given a binary search tree,print out the nodes of the tree according t5o post order traversal.  4/  \2             5/ \1       3a)3,2,1,5,4.   b)1,2,3,4,5.   c)1,3,2,5,4.   d)5,3,1,2,4.

52.which one of the following is the recursive travel technique.a)depth first search   b)preorder   c)breadth first search    d)none.

53.which of the following needs the requirement to be a binary search tree.a)   5 /  \2       7/1

b)   5/  \6    7

c)    5/  \

2     7/\1  6

d)  none. recursive implementations which of the following is true for saving the state of the stepsa) as  full state on the stackb) as reversible action  on the stackc) both a and bd) none

55.which of the following involves context switcha)previliged instructionb)floating point exceptionc)system callsd)alle)none


56.piggy backing is  a technique fora)acknowledgeb)sequencec)flow controld)retransmissionans: a

57. a functional dependency XY is  ___________dependency if removal of any attribute A from X means that the dependency does not hold any morea)full functionalb) multi valuedc)single valuedd)none

58)a relation schema R  is in BCNF if it is in ___________and satisfies an additional constraints that for every functional dependency XY,X must be a candidate keya)1 NF

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b)2 NFc)3 NFd)5 NF

59) a _________sub query can be easily identified if it contains any references to the parent sub query columns in the _________ clauseA) correlated ,WHEREb) nested ,SELECTc) correlated,SELECTd) none

60) hybrid devise that combines the features of both bridge and router is known asa)router b)bridge c)hub d)brouter

61) which of the following is the most crucial phase of  SDLCa)testing b)code generation  c) analysys and design d)implementationans: c

62)to send a data packet using datagram ,connection will be establisheda)no connection is requiredb) connection is not established before data transmissionc)before data transmissiond)none ans: c

63)a software that allows a personal computer to pretend as as computer terminal isa) terminal adapterb)terminal emulationc)modemd)none ans: c

64) super key isa) same as primary keyb) primary key and attributec) same as foreign key

d) foreign key and attributeans: d(NS)

65.In binary search tree which traversal is used for ascending order valuesa) Inorder    b)preorder  c)post order  d)none

66.You are creating  an index on ROLLNO colume in the STUDENT table.which statement will you use?a) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student, rollno; b) CREATE INDEX roll_idx FOR student, rollno;c) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student( rollno);d) CREATE INDEX roll_idx INDEX ON student (rollno);


67.A________class is a class that represents a data structure that stores a number of data objectsa. container  b.component c.base  d.derived


68.Which one of the following phases belongs to the compiler Back-end.a. Lexical Analysis  b.Syntax Analysis c. Optimization d.Intermediate Representation.ans: c

69.Every context _sensitive language is context_freea. true b.falseans: a

70.Input:A is non-empty list of numbers LXß-infinityFor each item in the list L,do

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If the item>x,thenXß the itemReturn XX represents:-a)largest numberb)smallest numberc)smallest negative numberd) none

71.Let A and B be nodes of a heap,such that B is  a child of A. the heap must then satisfy the following conditionsa)key(A)>=key(B)b)key(A)c)key(A)=key(B)d)none


72.String ,List,Stack,queue are examples of___________a)primitive data typeb)simple data typec)Abstract data typed)none  ans: c

73.which of the following is not true for LinkedLists?a)The simplest kind of linked list is a single linked list ,which has one link per node .this link points to the next node in the list,or to a null value or emptylist if it is the last node.b)a more sophisticated kind of linked list is a double linkedlist or two way linkedlist .Each node has two links ,one to the previous node  and one to the next node.c) in a circleLinkedList  ,the first and last nodes are linked together.this can be done only for  double linked list.d) to traverse a  circular linkedlist ,u begin at any node and follow the list in either direction until u return to the original node.

74.sentinel node at the beginning and /or at the end of the linkedlist is not used to store the dataa) trueb) false  ans:a

ans well apti and tech, u will get through apti. and then the rest of the process is easy. they just see your confidence level. In BMSCE 29 got through apti out of which 22 got selected in tech round. ALL 22 were selected. so HR is for just namesake.ALL THE BEST. KEEP FAITH IN GOD. U WILL BE SELECTED. those who don't get selected don't worry, there is always better job waiting for you.


 Paper Type     : Whole Testpaper  Test Date        : 14  July  2006   Test Location  : CSC, NOIDA  Posted By        : Mohan  CSC PAPER  ON 14th JULY 2006 AT  CSC NOIDA   friends , i m recently placed in CSC and i wana share questions wich i remember abt ppr, with u all   in written thy giv two tests:-1) quant/aptitude/logical ppr 40ques in 40minutes2) technical test 75question in 40min

apti/quant/logicalit was a very tough test i hav given test of 6-7 companies but csc test was toughestther vr linear equations questions wich vr not at all easyquestions on sets

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-permutaion combination-arrangement logical ques- distance speed ques- time question

APTITUDE/QUANT/LOGICAL TEST QUESTIONS -ques like 90% of 1 litree milk and 60% of 40 litre water result in 67% mixture so wht is compostion of milk in litres?

-ques like f has pririty over h and g has priortiy over i so now 4-5 ques based on this

-length is increased by 5 and breadth is decreased ny 10 thn total is 200m and whn length decreasd by 5 and breadth increasd by 15 thn total is 75 m, fing length

-a>b>c so wich is truab>ac or a/b>b/c or som more options

-6 girls and 6 boys, all boys and all girls will sit together so no of possible ways

- cow is tied with rope from two sides 40 40 cm and forming an angle 24degree size of rope is 15cm so how much area in wich cow can graze

-7 orange and 5 apples cost 16.90 rs and 5 oranges and 7 apples cost 2.60 so no of oranges

-ther is a place wher ppl r either no or yes. if ram sain 2and 2 makes four thn he is yes and similarly if mohan said 2 -1 is 2 thn he is no. so now ques based on this

- paragraph given and u hav to conlude or find contradicting line

and rest all questions vr very tough so i dont remember thm at all 

    technical ques-os-dbms-ds-n/w-microprocessor(806139...)-java-c c++ 

   TECHNICAL WRITTEN TEST QUESTIONS- wht is piggybanking used for (acknowledgement)

- wht combines router and bridge(hub/brouter)

- tcp/ip is wht conection oriented or conectionless

- X.25 protcol is at wich layer

- wht is superkey (primarykey+attribute)

- wich join will u use to hav null values (outer)

- query was given find join typeselect and and name from customer, orderwhere (natural join)

- wich follow binary tree property

- som code of java given find no of dangling pointers

- linked list a->b and b pt to itself so wht type of linked list (infinite)

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- which line is wrong abt linked list(circular list can be only implemented in doubly linked list)

- os question on context switch and sytem call

- microporcesor ques like result of 2 input , 1 o/p line and three annd gates is (nand)

- which gate need to combine with or gate to make nand gate

- transfer RO to local and local to RO and shift RO 3 timed thn local to RO so result is(RO=local)

- some instruction were given and u hav to find resultanf values of flags

- some instrcution was given find output shift 2 times right to 80008ff

- atomicity definiton was given and u hav to tell wich property it is(atomicity)

- questions vr given fill in the balnks three places (placemnt,replacemnt,replacment) order was correct

- wich normal from shld be saticsy to hav bcnf and one more condition was given

- som ques of physics given resistance and volts use so u hav to tell output (low voltage or high voltage or??)

- wich sort take o(n^2) timequicksort

- some prog given outer fro loop from 1 to n and inner frm 1 to k so time isO(nk)

-right output of preorder traversal som tree was given

- wht r abstract data types

- wht r steps of compiler (syntax, semantic,...) 


 Paper Type     : Aptitude - General  Test Date        : 25  March  2007   Posted By        : Usha 


Hai guys,,This is the paper on General aptitude. This paper is very very important as far as ones selection is concerned. U have to be very fast and accurate and U have to score at least above 80 to be selected for interview. The criteria for the test was 60% throughout in 10th,12th, grad and MCA upto iv sem.Here about 150 students sat for the test and 15 were short listed for the interviews. So U can see the degree of the competition.The company is good and work hard U can get through. Start practicing Mental ability from RS Agarwal Specially PUZZLES,NUMBER SERIES,MIRROR IMAGE,3D and FIGURE SERIES. Though I am sending U the technical paper also but that will be available to almost all of U and so that is not so important for selection.Just attempt about 60 questions out of 75 in that paper.

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 GENERAL ABILITY - REASONINGNO of ques : 100Time : 40 minutes

This paper was divided into 7(seven) sections:1. Sequence figures : 10 questionsIn this section U have to trace out the next figure in the given sequence OR find out the ODD figure from given four figures. This is very simple section and U can do it very easily.

2. Numerical Series : 15 questionsIn this section U have to find the odd no in given series OR find the next no in the given series OR what comes in place of ? in a series. Practice this type of question from R.S  Agarwal.I remember only few question which I am trying to give below:6 9 12 ? 66 ? 9 9 69 12 6 3 6this is just the type of ques.It may not be the exact one.U see that the sum of each row is 36. So ?=6.There were many ques of this type.3 6 18 ? 7 81 2 6 6 3 2This types if questions were there in which U have to find the no replacing ?....

3. Non verbal reasoning : 15 questionsHere U are given 4 squares figures (a,b,c,d) differing slightly in thickness of their sides Now U are given a few set of figures with some figures left out.These blanks are numbered 1 to 15.U have to fit one of the above given square figures in each blank.This is a very simple question and U can do it easily. 

4. Analytical Reasoning :15 QuestionsThis section contained questions as given in puzzle section of RS Agarwal.It contains 4 parts with 5,5,3,2 questions.Just do it with patience.Make tables and then U will easily answer the questions following it..   don't remember the exact question but I am sending approximately same question: 

(i).Four friends are given named Akansha,Anuska,Anisha, ... , ... .Each of them live in a separate home and sleep on one bed.Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds,two of the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs,One of the house has Airconditioner while the  est have fans.And so on.. Based on these informations five questions were asked likeWhat is the total no of beds in all houses?ans:14(not sure!!just check it)Who lives in the house with green lawn and with AC?These type of questions are very simple.Just make the table and U will get all the answers

(ii).Five students and five subjects and given along with few information.Five questions are asked following the questions.This is a bit tricky do it in the end.

(iii).In a given knockout series England defeated Pakistan,Pakistan was defeated by Newzealand, India defeated both England and Newzealand.Three very simple questions were asked like:Who won the series? ans: IndiaWho didn't win a single match? ans: PakistanHow many matches were played in

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(iv). This is also very simple question..U can answer it easily.

5. Spatial reasoning : 15 QuestionsThis question is similar to the MIRROR IMAGE part of RS Agarwal.A Figure is given and U have to identify the figure which "CANNOT BE" the mirror image of the given figure which can be rotated along any axis.

6. English aptitude : 15 QuestionsThis section contains two parts:(i). 5 questions asking synonym of given words. (one of the word is quiet ans:silent)(ii).10 questions aksing to identify words not similar in meaning to the given words. (one of the word is mutiny and the alternatives are a)uprising b)rebel c)revolt,d).... answer:b )

7. 3D reasoning : 15 QuestionsThis section contained questions in which a 3 dimentional figure is given and U have to judge how it would look from the side indicated in the question like from below,from back etc. Also there are questions in which a sheet is given with marks on it along which it can be folded.U have to judge from the given option the three dimentional structure which can be build by folding the sheet along the given lines .




 Paper Type     : General

- Interview  Test Date        : 18  September  2007   Test Location  : BIET,Jhansi  Posted By        : sruthiCSC PAPER AS ON 18TH SEPTEMBER,2007  Hi, it was 18 Sep when CSC visited our college i.e BIET Jhansi.......It has 5 people whole came....we have to go through 5 rounds given below: 1. Aptitude 2. Technical Written3. Communication round (including extempore)4. Technical Interview 5. HR NO NEGATIVE MARKING  Aptitude it involve 140 question which include some English part also ....... numeric part was not so tough but it was very difficult to break English questions...... time limit was 1 hour.. after giving the aptitude round we waited for result......out of 90.... 36 cleared the aptitude... Technical it involve 55 question has to be completed in 1 has all the subject question which we have studied in B.Tech Computer Science.... Data Structure, DBMS, comp Architecture, comp n/w, etc...... cut off was 23......I scored highest in CS and IT after giving technical round we waited for result 16 clears the technical round............ Communication After clearing the technical written we went for interview which first have .....communication round....main stress was given on fluency speak good one....

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it also have an extempore in which on topic was given and we have to speak on that immediately.............. i have cleared that round.... Technical My technical interview was very long........ it went for appox 50 min....... I: may i come in sir HR:yes sure.. I: Good evening sir HR: very Good evening Ashish...have a seat... I sat he congrats me for clearing my previous round.... HR: tell me about ur self I: i told HR: well...r u familiar with C... I: yes HR: WAP to print a pattern * ** *** **** I 1 min with no error HR: what is ur area of interest... I: sir data Structure Hr: ok............write a program to add a node to a link list? I wrote with output....he was impressed and ask me can u write for doubly link list.... I asked for paper he said let it be................. Hr: have done any project..... I: yes sir i have done a project in ASP. NET with C#..... I explained my project......... he asked me some coding i explained him......... HR: what it LAN?I: Answered... HR: what is MAC?I: sorry sir.... HR: what is Modem? I: Answered..... then he passed me to HR round.... HR he asked me about the environment i would like to work.... i satisfy the bond and family background... and very special my hobbies....

and my achievement i have written in my resume........... It was brilliant day for me as only 2 were finally selected ....... HR then called me and made an announcement that i was selected in CSC and asked me how will i celebrate the day..... It was the most pleasant moment of my life to be placed in CSC................ I was feeling great and top of the world... Ashish Kumar Shakya CS Final Year BIET Jhansi  

 Paper Type     : Candidate Experiences  Test Date        : 22  August  2006   Test Location  : CSC , Noida  Posted By        : Akshay GuptaCSC PAPER ON 22nd AUGUST 2006  AT CSC, NOIDA   Hello people...i took a test for CSC nd wud like to share my experience First there was an aptitude test,you were supposed 2 clear dat test before u cud go for further rounds In the Aptitude test there were 40 ques nd you were given 40 minutes 3 ques on time speed distance....there are 2 stataions A nd B....the distance between them is 150 km.... slow train covers dat distance in 2.5 hrs nd fast train in 1.5 slow train leaves station A half an hour befor fast train....after wat time wud dey meet....nd at wat distance from(language was different)  

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dere was 1 ques on profit....calculate d CP of 1 hen nd den SP of 1 hen after dat profit on 1 hen....den an amount of profit was given u hd 2 calculate d no. of hens dat give dat amount of profit   2 ques on jumbled up sentences u hd to form a meaningful paragraph out of dem   3 ques on a paragraph...dere r 4 ppl, 1 is a dancer 1 is a painter 1 is a writer nd 1 is a singer....u hd 2 indentify which is a dancer which a singer.....   2 ques on...dere r 3 frens nd dey hv sum marbles wid x gives to y nd z amount of marbles which dey already hv...nd den z gives 2 x nd y amount of marbles which dey already dey hv equal no. of marbles...also total no. of marbles was given...u hv 2 make equations nd solve dis ques   rest of d ques were simple u cud easily solve dem.....   second was the technical test....75 ques nd 40 min... 2 ques on binary search tree...which of d followin is d BST....nd wen u traverse a BST den which traversal arranges nodes in ascendin order...   which is d recursive traversal technique...breadth first search travesral...depth first search traversal...preorder...none of dese   ques on Transparent database ques on superkey ques on query related to creatin an Index ques on sentinel node in link list

context sensitive lang is always context free..true or false volt req. for a pentium processor data lines in celeron processor most imp. phase in s/w development 2 ques on use of extern storage class specifier ques on poitnters in C 2-3 ques on microprcessor 8085   After dis u hv an HR interview Last round is Tech interview.....u wud b askd ques on things u hv written in ur resume...  

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Test Paper :4

Paper Type : Technical - Electronics

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Posted By : Pradeep



· This is a 40 minutes paper containing 75 questions.

· There is no negative marking

1.------- is associated with webservices.

a) WSDL b) WML c) web sphere d) web logic

2.any large single block of data stored in a database, such as a picture or sound file, which does not include record fields, and cannot be directly searched by the database’s search engine.


3.Areserved area of the immediate access memeory used to increase the running speed of the computer program.

a) session memory b) bubble memory c) cache memory d) shared memory

4.a small subnet that sit between atrusted internal network and an untruster external network, such as the public internet.

a) LAN b) MAN c) WAN d) DMZ

5.technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects,which is very similar to the barcode identification systems,seen in retail stores everyday.



float fl = 10.5;

double dbl = 10.5

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if(fl ==dbl)

printf(“UNITED WE STAND”);




what is the output?

a)compilation error b)UNITED WE STAND c)DIVIDE AND RULE d)linkage error.


static int ivar = 5;





what is the output?

a)1 2 3 4 5 b) 5 4 3 2 1 c)5 d)compiler error:main cannot be recursive function.



extern int iExtern;

iExtern = 20;



what is the output?

a)2 b) 20 c)compile error d)linker error

9..#define clrscr() 100



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printf(“%d\n\t”, clrscr());


what is the output?

a)100 b)10 c)compiler errord)linkage error



void vpointer;

char cHar = ‘g’, *cHarpointer = “GOOGLE”;

int j = 40;

vpointer = &cHar;


vpointer = &j;

printf(“%d”,*(int *)vpointer);

vpointer = cHarpointer;

printf(“%s”,(char*)vpointer +3);


what is the output?

a)g40GLE b)g40GOOGLE c)g0GLE d)g4GOO

11.#define FALSE -1

#define TRUE 1

#define NULL 0

main() {



else if(FALSE)



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what is the output?


12.main() {

int i =5,j= 6, z;



what is the output?

a)13 b)12 c)11 d)compiler error

13.main() {

int i ;

i = accumulator();




_AX =1000;


what is output?

a)1 b)10 c)100 d)1000

14.main() {

int i =0;

while(+(+i--)!= 0)

i- = i++;



what is the output?

a)-1 b)0 c)1 d)will go in an infinite loop

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int i =3;

for(; i++=0;)



what is the output?

a)1b)2c)1 2 3d)compiler error:L value required.


int i = 10, j =20;

j = i ,j?(i,j)?i :j:j;


}what is the output?

a)20 b)20 c)10 d)10


extern i;


int i =20;




what is output?

a) “Extern valueof i “ 20 b)Externvalue of i”c)20d)linker Error:unresolved external symbol i DIMension(int array[]){

return sizeof(array/sizeof(int);}


int arr[10];

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printf(“Array dimension is %d”,DIMension(arr));


what is output?

a)array dimension is 10 b)array dimension is 1

c) array dimension is 2 d)array dimension is 5


void swap();

int x = 45, y = 15;


printf(“x = %d y=%d”x,y);


void swap(int *a, int *b){

*a^=*b, *b^=*a, *a^ = *b;

what is the output?

a) x = 15, y =45 b)x =15, y =15 c)x =45 ,y =15 d)x =45 y = 45


int i =257;

int *iptr =&i;

printf(“%d%d”,*((char*)iptr),*((char *)iptr+1));


what is output?

a)1, 257 b)257 1c)0 0d)1 1


int i =300;

char *ptr = &i;


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what is output?

a)556 b)300 c)2 d)302



char *str =”yahoo”;

char *ptr =str;

char least =127;


least = (*ptr



what is the output?

a)0 b)127 c)yahoo d)y

23.Declare an array of M pointers to functions returing pointers to functions returing pointers to characters.

a)(*ptr[M]()(char*(*)()); b)(char*(*)())(*ptr[M])()

c)(char*(*)(*ptr[M]())(*ptr[M]() d)(char*(*)(char*()))(*ptr[M])();

24.void main(){

int I =10, j=2;

int *ip = &I ,*jp =&j;

int k = *ip/*jp;



what is the output?

a)2 b)5 c)10 d)compile error:unexpected end of file in comment started in line 4

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char a[4] =”GOOGLE”;



what is the output?

a)2 b) GOOGLE c) compile error: yoo mant initializers d) linkage error.

26.For 1MB memory, the number of address lines required

a)12 b)16 c)20 d)32

27.There is a circuit using 3 nand gates with 2 inputes and 1 output,f ind the output.

a) AND b) OR c) XOR d) NAND

28.what is done for push operation

a) SP is incremented and then the value is stored.

b) PC is incremented and then the value is stored.

c) PC is decremented and then the value is stored.

d) SP is decremented and then the value is stored.

29.Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is ------

a) Allocated in RAM

b) Allocated in ROM

c) Allocated in stack

d) Assigned in registers.

30.What action is taken when the processer under execution is interrupted by TRAP in 8085MPU?

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a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction.

b) processer serves the interrupt request after completing the current task.

c) processor serves the interrupt immediately.

d) processor serving the interrupt request depent deprnds upon the priority of the current task under execution.

31.purpose of PC (program counter)in a microprocessor is ----

a) To store address of TOS(top of stack)

b) To store address of next instructions to be executed

c) count the number of instructions

d) to store the base address of the stack.

32.conditional results after execution of an instruction in a microprocess is stored in

a) register b) accumulator c) flag register d) flag register part of PSW (program status word)

33.The OR gate can be converted to the NAND function by adding----gate(s)to the input of the OR gate.

a) NOT b) AND c) NOR d) XOR

34.In 8051microcontroller ,------has a dual function.

a) port 3 b) port 2 c) port 1 d) port 0

35.An 8085 based microprocessor with 2MHz clock frequency,will execute the following chunk of code with how much delay?





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a) 102.3 b)114.5 c)100.5 d)120

36.In 8085 MPU what will be the status of the flag after the execution of the following chunk of code.





a)S = 1, Z = 0, CY = 1 b)S = 0, Z = 1, CY = 0

c) S = 1, Z = 0, CY = 0 d)S = 1, Z = 1 ,CY = 1

37.A positive going pulse which is always generated when 8085 MPU begins the machine cycle.

a) RD b) ALE c) WR d) HOLD

38.when a ----- instruction of 8085 MPU is fetched , its second and third bytes are placed in the W and Z registers.

a) JMP b) STA c) CALL d) XCHG

39.what is defined as one subdivision of the operation performed in one clock period.

a) T- State b) Instruction Cycle c) Machine Cycle d) All of the above

40.At the end of the following code, what is the status of the flags.





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a) S = 1, CY = 0, P = 0 , AC = 1 b) S =0 , CY = 1, P = 0,AC = 1

c) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 0 , AC = 1 d) S = 0, CY = 1, P = 1 , AC = 1

41.In 8051 micro controller what is the HEX number in the accumulator after the execution of the following code.








a)A6 b)6A c)95 d)A5.

42.The Pentium processor requires ------------ volts.

a)9 b)12 c)5 d)24.

43. The data bus on the Celeron processor is-------bits wide.

a)64 b)32 c)16 d)128.

44.K6 processor

a) Hitachi b) toshiba c) zilog d) AMD.

45. What is the control word for 8255 PPI,in BSR mode to set bit PC3.

a)0EH b)0FH c)07H d)06H.

46.The repeated execution of a loop of code while waiting for an event to occur is called ---------.The cpu is not engaged in any real productive activity during this period,and the process doesn’t progress towards completion.

a) dead lock b) busy waiting c) trap door d) none.

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47. Transparent DBMS is defined as

a) A DBMS in which there are no program or user access languages. b) A DBMS which has no cross file capabilities but is user friendly and provides user interface management. c) A DBMS which keeps its physical structure hidden from user d) none.

48.Either all actions are carried out or none are.users should not have to worry about the effect of incomplete transctions.DBMS ensures this by undoing the actions of incomplete transctions.this property is known as

a) Aggregation b) atomicity c) association d) data integrity.

49.------ algorithms determines where in available to load a program. common methods are first fit,next fit,best fit.--------- algorithm are used when memory is full , and one process (or part of a process) needs to be swaped out to accommodate a new program.The ------------- algorithm determines which are the partions to be swaped out.

a) placement, placement, replacement

b) replacement, placement, placement

c) replacement, placement, replacement

d) placement, replacement, replacement

50.Trap door is a secret undocumented entry point into a program used to grant access without normal methods of access authentication.A trap is a software interrupt,usually the result of an error condition.

a)true b)false.

51. Given a binary search tree,print out the nodes of the tree according t5o post order traversal.


/ \

2 5

/ \

1 3

a)3,2,1,5,4. b)1,2,3,4,5. c)1,3,2,5,4. d)5,3,1,2,4.

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52.which one of the following is the recursive travel technique.

a)depth first search b)preorder c)breadth first search d)none.


54.which of the following needs the requirement to be a binary search tree.

a) 5

/ \

2 7



b) 5

/ \

6 7

c) 5

/ \

2 7


1 6

d) none. recursive implementations which of the following is true for saving the state of the steps

a)as full state on the stack

b) as reversible action on the stack

c)both a and b


56.which of the following involves context switch

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a)previliged instruction

b)floating point exception

c)system calls



57.piggy backing is a technique for



c)flow control


58. a functional dependency XY is ___________dependency if removal of any attribute A from X means that the dependency does not hold any more

a)full functional

b) multi valued

c)single valued


59)a relation schema R is in BCNF if it is in ___________and satisfies an additional constraints that for every functional dependency XY,X must be a candidate key

a)1 NF

b)2 NF

c)3 NF

d)5 NF

60) a _________sub query can be easily identified if it contains any references to the parent sub query columns in the _________ clause

A) correlated ,WHERE

b) nested ,SELECT

c) correlated,SELECT

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d) none

61) hybrid devise that combines the features of both bridge and router is known as

a)router b)bridge c)hub d)brouter

62) which of the following is the most crucial phase of SDLC

a)testing b)code generation c) analysys and design d)implementation

63)to send a data packet using datagram ,connection will be established

a)no connection is required

b) connection is not established before data transmission

c)before data transmission


64)a software that allows a personal computer to pretend as as computer terminal is

a) terminal adapter

b)terminal emulation



65) super key is

a) same as primary key

b) primary key and attribute

c) same as foreign key

d) foreign key and attribute

66.In binary search tree which traversal is used for ascending order values

Page 43: csc

a) Inorder b)preorder c)post order d)none

67.You are creating an index on ROLLNO colume in the STUDENT table.which statement will you use?

a) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student, rollno;

b) CREATE INDEX roll_idx FOR student, rollno;

c) CREATE INDEX roll_idx ON student( rollno);

d) CREATE INDEX roll_idx INDEX ON student (rollno);

68.A________class is a class that represents a data structure that stores a number of data objects

a. container b.component c.base d.derived

69.Which one of the following phases belongs to the compiler Back-end.

a. Lexical Analysis b.Syntax Analysis c. Optimization d.Intermediate Representation.

70.Every context _sensitive language is context_free

a. true b.false

71.Input:A is non-empty list of numbers L


For each item in the list L,do

If the item>x,then

Xßthe item

Return X

X represents:-

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a)largest number

b)smallest number

c)smallest negative number

d) none

72.Let A and B be nodes of a heap,such that B is a child of A. the heap must then satisfy the following conditions





73.String ,List,Stack,queue are examples of___________

a)primitive data type

b)simple data type

c)Abstract data type


74.which of the following is not true for LinkedLists?

a)The simplest kind of linked list is a single linked list ,which has one link per node .this link points to the next node in the list,or to a null value or emptylist if it is the last node.

b)a more sophisticated kind of linked list is a double linkedlist or two way linkedlist .Each node has two links ,one to the previous node and one to the next node.

c) in a circleLinkedList ,the first and last nodes are linked together.this can be done only for double linked list.

d) to traverse a circular linkedlist ,u begin at any node and follow the list in either direction until u return to the original node.

75.sentinel node at the beginning and /or at the end of the linkedlist is not used to store the data

Page 45: csc

a) true

b) false


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Test Paper :5

 Paper Type     : Candidates Experiences  Test Date        : 15  August  2008   Test Location  : PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore  Posted By        : Govind RajasekarThe Whole process of selection

involved 5 stages 1. General Aptitude2. Technical Aptitude3. GD4. Technical Interview5. HR Interview I. General Aptitude (40 Qs, 40 mins) This Section involved aptitude questions such as the following  1. Sudoku. you need to fill-up the table using the hint(addition of row, column, diagonal =15) and available cell values. its easy. if you figure it out, you can answerfive questions correctly.2.If y=MAX((3x+y),(11x-y)) then what's the value of y?3.1 Que. on book arrangement. if u find out the series you can ans five ques. correctly.4.2 Ques. on Probability, ages5. Ages6. Venn diagram --> Out of 100 students, 45 do not know typing, 60 know shorthand. 25 know both 6 do not know anything then find out haw many know both?7. if  f(y,0)=y+1, f(o,x)=x; f(y,x)=f(f(y,0),f(2*y-1))  then find f(1,1),f(2,3),f(3,0); 3 question based on this. Its very very simple...8. 1 Ques on Percentage : Price of a book increases 15% successively (2times) what is the new price of the book more compared to that of the old price:   a)32.25%    b)23.34%    c)36%   d)39%9. 2 Questions based on Time and speed.10. Passage and questions... II. Technical Aptitude: 

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This section consisted of questions from C (Pointers, files, strings, arrays),Micro Processors ( most of the ques) ,RDBMS, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Networks etc...some of the questions are

1. main(){ float fl = 10.5; double dbl = 10.5 if(fl ==dbl)     printf(“UNITED WE STAND”); else    printf(“DIVIDE AND RULE”) } what is the output? a)compilation error b)UNITED WE STAND c)DIVIDE AND RULE d)linkage error.   Ans : b 2. main() { void vpointer; char cHar = ‘g’, *cHarpointer = “GOOGLE”; int j = 40; vpointer = &cHar; printf(“%c”,*(char*)vpointer); vpointer = &j; printf(“%d”,*(int *)vpointer); vpointer = cHarpointer; printf(“%s”,(char*)vpointer +3); } what is the output? a)g40GLE  b)g40GOOGLE c)g0GLE d)g4GOO    Ans: a

 3. .#define FALSE -1 #define TRUE 1 #define NULL 0 main() { if(NULL)     puts(“NULL”); else if(FALSE)     puts(“TRUE”);

else     puts(“FALSE”); } what is the output? a)NULL b)TRUE c)FALSE d)0      Ans: a

 4.what is done for push operation?? Ans: Stack Pointer in incremented and value is stored 


5.The OR gate can be converted to the  NAND function by adding----gate(s)to the input of the OR gate.  

6.combination of LOGIC GATEs   7.voltage requirment for pentium preocessor  ??

 8.K6 processor is from which company????


 9.more questions on microprocessors, Data structures, Prepored, postorder, Networks(piggypagging), SQL, Superkey..etc i could not remember...

III GD: GD was conducted mainly to check our comm. skills. they allotted time to everyone to give a short talk on a topic was nice.. IV Technical Interview: Questions on Pointers, OOPS concepts, Deff b/w DBMS and RDBMS, Projects you

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have done (UG&PG), OS (UNIX,WIN), etc.. V HR Interview 1. Tell me about yourself???2.How did u write your written test??? -i said "i did well mam" and i asked for the marks..3.Why CSC??4.Family background??5.R u ready to work anywhere inside/outside india?? i gave a big "Yes mam"   [ in b/w tea came and i was offered a cake]6.why didnt u go to previous companies??7.when i  asked for time of result "Result will be announced around 6:30 p.m". she said..8. Thank you mam.... since i was the first person interview stsrted around 3:30 pm. finally around 9:00 pm results were announced. 24 were got selected. I'm one among them...i was so happy.. thanked god...see you at CSC Expericnce. Results.   

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Test Paper :6

Paper Type : Whole Testpaper Test Date : 11 August 2008 Test Location : ROURKELA Posted By : Nisha


The Entire Procedure took 5 roundsa) The Aptitude Test(Time:40 mins,40 ques)(Difficulty level:easy)b) The Technical Round(Time:40 mins,75 ques)(--do---:Difficult)c) Group Discussion Roundd) Technical Rounde) HR Round It all Started with PPT around 9 am in the morning.

The Aptitude Test1)There are 3 piles of books on the table you need to arrange them in the self such that 1st book of each pile gets placed on the self,what is the possible no of arrangements:a)12! b)12C3 * 9C4 c)12^12 d)none

2)Price of a book increases 15% successively (2times) what is the new price of the book more compared to that of the old price:a)32.25% b)23.34% c)36% d)39%

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3)There are 3 mixtures when mixed in the ratio of 3:4:5 price was 240.When mixed with 6:4:9 price was 340.what's the price when mixed in 5:6:8 ration price is_________

4)One question based on Venn Diagram.75 total no of students.25 don't know typing,50 know shorthand.then question were based on find no of students dont knwing both etc.

5)One person has 2 child.At least one of them was a girl.Then the Probability that 2 of the are girl is_____a)1/2 b)1/4 c)0.36 d)1

6)Swati when get married to jayanta her age was 3/4 th of her husband's age.After 12 years her age became 5/6 th of her husband's age.Then what's the age of swati when she got married??

7)y=MAX((3x+y),(11x-y))then what's the value of y???

8)some passages were there based on illegal drugs smuggling and based on this some questions.

9)Some Analogy Questions: some i do remeber like SYCOPHANTIC: FLATTER SILENT: QUIET others i dont remember.

10)Some questions based onif f(x,0)=x+1f(o,y)=yf(x,y)=f(f(x,0),f(2*x-1))

then find f(1,1),f(2,3),f(3,0) etc and some relations based on this very easy

11)One question based on the average speed

12)one question based on Sudoku type very easy,u can do it in one attempt.

The Technical Round (Written Tech.)

It involved mainly questions from Pointers,Arrays,Networking,RDBMS,MICROPORCESSORS,MICROCONTROLLERS try to solve the previous question papres on Technical on C & C++.This section is tough and time taking,major elemination takes place in this round.

GD roundwe were around 55 in numbers ,divided into 9 groups approx in each 6 people.Our topic was "LOVE MARRIAGE AND ARRANGE MARRIAGE".We made the GD topic so hoarsing that the HR person was compelled to interrupt.From our group 3 were dropped.They see your way of talking mainly and your patience to stand i a queue to give your views and ideas.

After GD we were around 45 got shortlisted.

The Technical RoundHe asked me about my CGPA,was a very decent man ,an alumnus of our college.Which parts of programming are u strong at?Then asked me about the Logic of Prime no,Bubble sorting,linked list,merge sort etc.(Basics),One logic based on the odd no i don't remember exactly.

The HR RoundTell me something about yourself??Family Back Ground?What's your strengths and weakness?Who keeps you motivating towards your goal?

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Do you hv any other offers with you right now?Why CSC?Which Platform Do u want to work on?Are you flexible about locations in India and outside India?Thank you.Just wait out side for the results. Results:The result was declared around 2:30 AM in the midnight and around 22 of us got selected and 3 of my branch including me.Most of them were form Comps.Engg.

Hope this post of entire process helps u in ur campus recruitment drive in your college when CSC visits your campus


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                       Test Paper :8

 Paper Type     : Whole Testpaper  Test Date        : 11  August  2008   Test Location  : N.I.T,Rourkela  Posted By        : D.K.Dash


The Entire Procedure took 5 roundsa) The Aptitude Test(Time:40 mins,40 ques)(Difficulty level:easy)b) The Technical Round(Time:40 mins,75 ques)(--do---:Difficult)c) Group Discussion Roundd) Technical Rounde) HR Round It all Started with PPT around 9 am in the morning.

The Aptitude Test1)There are 3 piles of books on the table you need to arrange them in the self such that 1st book of each pile gets placed on the self,what is the possible no of arrangements:a)12!    b)12C3 * 9C4 c)12^12 d)none

2)Price of a book increases 15% successively (2times) what is the new price of the book more compared to that of the old price:a)32.25%    b)23.34%    c)36%   d)39%

3)There are 3 mixtures when mixed in the ratio of 3:4:5 price was 240.When mixed with 6:4:9 price was 340.what's the price when mixed in 5:6:8 ration price is_________

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4)One question based on Venn Diagram.75 total no of students.25 don't know typing,50 know shorthand.then question were based on find no of students dont knwing both etc.

5)One person has 2 child.At least one of them was a girl.Then the Probability that 2 of the are girl is_____a)1/2    b)1/4    c)0.36    d)1

6)Swati when get married to jayanta her age was 3/4 th of her husband's age.After 12 years her age became 5/6 th of her husband's age.Then what's the age of swati when she got married??

7)y=MAX((3x+y),(11x-y))then what's the value of y???

8)some passages were there based on illegal drugs smuggling and based on this some questions.

9)Some Analogy Questions: some i do remeber like SYCOPHANTIC: FLATTER SILENT: QUIET others i dont remember.

10)Some questions based onif  f(x,0)=x+1f(o,y)=yf(x,y)=f(f(x,0),f(2*x-1))

then find f(1,1),f(2,3),f(3,0) etc and some relations based on this very easy

11)One question based on the average speed

12)one question based on Sudoku type very easy,u can do it in one attempt.

The Technical Round (Written Tech.)

It involved mainly questions from Pointers,Arrays,Networking,RDBMS,MICROPORCESSORS,MICROCONTROLLERS try to solve the previous question papres on Technical on C & C++.This section is tough and time taking,major elemination takes place in this round.

GD roundwe were around 55 in numbers ,divided into 9 groups approx in each 6 people.Our topic was "LOVE MARRIAGE AND ARRANGE MARRIAGE".We made the GD topic so hoarsing that the HR person was compelled to interrupt.From our group 3 were dropped.They see your way of talking mainly and your patience to stand i a queue to give your views and ideas.

After GD we were around 45 got shortlisted.

The Technical RoundHe asked me about my CGPA,was a very decent man ,an alumnus of our college.Which parts of programming are u strong at?Then asked me about the Logic of Prime no,Bubble sorting,linked list,merge sort etc.(Basics),One logic based on the odd no i don't remember exactly.

The HR RoundTell me something about yourself??Family Back Ground?What's your strengths and weakness?Who keeps you motivating towards your goal?Do you hv any other offers with you right now?Why CSC?Which Platform Do u want to work on?

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Are you flexible about locations in India and outside India?Thank you.Just wait out side for the results.

Results:The result was declared around 2:30 AM in the midnight and around 22 of us got selected and 3 of my branch including me.Most of them were form Comps.Engg.

Hope this post of entire process helps u in ur campus recruitment drive in your college when CSC visits your campus



NETWORKS1) whn u open web browser, thn wht will happen wht do u do first thing?2) wht u write first thing, i said DNS or webaddress concept thtn he asked complete web adress like i toldhttp//:www.orkut.comthn he asked meaning of each word-http,www,com etc3) wht is URL4) tel complete procedure how a site open after opening explorer5) other layers understand DNS or not if not thn wht will happen (concept of mapping to ip adress comes here) thy asked how mapping takes place and at wich layer6) dns procedure use wht tcp/ip or osi7) how many layers in tcp/ip and wich layers are extra in osi model8) tcp/ip conection oriented or conectionless9) wht is DNs he was trying to ask in detail but as i havnot read so i said tht

10) wht is arp11) wht is rarp12) wht is ATM(asynchronous mode transfer) 

 DBMS1) wht is primary key2) if ther is no primary key how will u uniquely identify each tuple (i said composite key or super key)3) diff between tuple and attribute4) wht r anomalies explain each in detail (like insertion anomaly deletion and modification anomaly)5) wht is foreign key constraint6) if i want to delete a tuple from a table having reference in so other table thn wht will happen (concept of cascade comes else error)7) wht r triggers explain8) if i want to hav som tuples havind null value wht to do (outer join)9) wht if i join two tables and no primary key (spurious tuples generate redundant data)10) he asked me wht will u do if need to retrieve this so basically queryand select first four tuplesselect *from employeewhere salarythn apply rownum<=4 to select first four tuples11) diff betweenoracle 9i and oracle 812) diff between dbms, rdbms, ordbms 

    OS1) wht is os2) wht is a process3) diff between process and thread4) if threads share data section wht will happen(concept of semaphore and crtitcal

Page 52: csc

section comes so )5) wht is semaphore6) wht other thing semaphore do except synchronisation7) wht else happen in threads and process so deadlock concept comes8) deadlocks, and i told abt 4 conditons of deadlocks also9) in os wher do u use stacks and queues(like stacks for saving process satate , on system call context switch etc and queue in scheduling so he asked do we hav only fifo scheduling)10) so types of scheduling 

    Data Structure1) u hav fifteen boxes in kitchen and ur mom asked u to make foos for 1 month, wht will u do to make food fast (thn concept of sorting came)i said i will put name tag on boxes and thn sort thm in ascending order or i can put thm in order of color shade firstly lightest and thn little darker and soon but tht can create confusion so first is better way2)u hav 1000 names in unorder manner and i asked u to pick any name of my choice randomly and thn giv me complete info of tht person so wht ds will u usei said firstly i will sort thm thn i will use hashing/btrees as thy r faster in decreasing search domain,thy asked wich sort will u usei said radix as good for strings , he asked if one more name increase or decrease i said radix sort take linear time so doesnot affect much on timehe said if names r vary in length like one is venkateshraman other is raj i said sort from 3rd last letter or

use padding.3) wht is heapsort, concept . wher u can apply it4) wht all ds u knowi said heaps binomial fiboncaai, liked list stacks queues trees arrays etc5) advantage and disadvantage of linked list and array over each other in temrs of memory allocation6) insert and delete a node in a linked list write a code(not from me)

basically thy asked asll application based question on data structure 

java/c/c++1) he write a java code of swapping to name via calling object as parameter and asked whther result will reflect in main or not(as object passed as a reference so reuslt will be reflected)2) in java we use call by reference or call by value3) wht r interfaces4) diff between interfaces and abstraction

NOTE- before going for interview i hav heard tht thy ask ur fav subject note tht and thn asked ques accordingly but today thy start taking interview without asking any fav subjects from all of us- so be prpeared for DBMS, os, ds, java, networks and c/c++(little bit)- n/w questions vr all concept based no theory thy just want to see how things happen-either u'll go offcampus or oncampus thy take 35 minutes to 1 hr interview of each person). mine was 35 minutes so u can see no of ques asked think abt my frnd

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whose interview was of complete 1 hr even whn we vr oncampus 


                           friends , i m recently placed in CSC and i wana share questions wich i remember abt ppr, with u all   in written thy giv two tests:-1) quant/aptitude/logical ppr 40ques in 40minutes2) technical test 75question in 40min

apti/quant/logicalit was a very tough test i hav given test of 6-7 companies but csc test was toughestther vr linear equations questions wich vr not at all easyquestions on sets-permutaion combination-arrangement logical ques- distance speed ques- time question

APTITUDE/QUANT/LOGICAL TEST QUESTIONS -ques like 90% of 1 litree milk and 60% of 40 litre water result in 67% mixture so wht is compostion of milk in litres?

-ques like f has pririty over h and g has priortiy over i so now 4-5 ques based on this

-length is increased by 5 and breadth is decreased ny 10 thn total is 200m and whn length decreasd by 5 and breadth increasd by 15 thn total is 75 m, fing length

-a>b>c so wich is truab>ac or a/b>b/c or som more options

-6 girls and 6 boys, all boys and all girls will sit together so no of possible ways

- cow is tied with rope from two sides 40 40 cm and forming an angle 24degree size of rope is 15cm so how much area in wich cow can graze

-7 orange and 5 apples cost 16.90 rs and 5 oranges and 7 apples cost 2.60 so no of oranges

-ther is a place wher ppl r either no or yes. if ram sain 2and 2 makes four thn he is yes and similarly if mohan said 2 -1 is 2 thn he is no. so now ques based on this

- paragraph given and u hav to conlude or find contradicting line

and rest all questions vr very tough so i dont remember thm at all 

    technical ques-os-dbms-ds-n/w-microprocessor(806139...)-java-c c++ 

   TECHNICAL WRITTEN TEST QUESTIONS- wht is piggybanking used for (acknowledgement)

- wht combines router and bridge(hub/brouter)

- tcp/ip is wht conection oriented or conectionless

- X.25 protcol is at wich layer

Page 54: csc

- wht is superkey (primarykey+attribute)

- wich join will u use to hav null values (outer)

- query was given find join typeselect and and name from customer, orderwhere (natural join)

- wich follow binary tree property

- som code of java given find no of dangling pointers

- linked list a->b and b pt to itself so wht type of linked list (infinite)

- which line is wrong abt linked list(circular list can be only implemented in doubly linked list)

- os question on context switch and sytem call

- microporcesor ques like result of 2 input , 1 o/p line and three annd gates is (nand)

- which gate need to combine with or gate to make nand gate

- transfer RO to local and local to RO and shift RO 3 timed thn local to RO so result is(RO=local)

- some instruction were given and u hav to find resultanf values of flags

- some instrcution was given find output shift 2 times right to 80008ff

- atomicity definiton was given and u hav to tell wich property it is(atomicity)

- questions vr given fill in the balnks three places (placemnt,replacemnt,replacment) order was correct

- wich normal from shld be saticsy to hav bcnf and one more condition was given

- som ques of physics given resistance and volts use so u hav to tell output (low voltage or high voltage or??)

- wich sort take o(n^2) timequicksort

- some prog given outer fro loop from 1 to n and inner frm 1 to k so time isO(nk)

-right output of preorder traversal som tree was given

- wht r abstract data types

- wht r steps of compiler (syntax, semantic,...) 



Hi,  it was 18 Sep when CSC visted our college i.e BIET Jhansi.......It has 5 people whole came....we have to go through 5 rounds given below:1. Aptitude 2. Technical Written3. Communication round(including extempo) 4. Technical Interview

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Aptitude it involve 140 question which include some english part also .......numeric part was not so tough but it was very difficult to break english questions......time limit was 1 hour.. after giving the apptitude round we waited for result......out of 90.... 36 cleared the apptitude... 

Technical Writtenit involve 55 question has to be completed in 1 has all the subject question which we have studied in B.Tech Computer Science....Data Structure,DBMS,comp Architecture,comp n/w,etc...... cut off was 23......I scored highest in CS and IT after giving technical round we waited for result 16 cleares the technical round............ 

Communication After clearing the technical written we went for interview which first have .....communication round....main stress was given on fluency speak good one.... it also have an extempo in which on topic was given and we have to speak on that immediatly..............i have cleared that round.... 

Technical InterviewMy technical interview was very went for appox 50 min.......I: may i come in sir HR:yes sure.. I: Good evening sir

HR: very Good evening Ashish...have a seat...I sat he congrats me for clearing my previous round.... HR: tell me about ur self I: i toldHR: well...r u  familiar with C... I: yes HR: WAP to print a pattern

 **********  I 1 min with no error HR: what is ur area of intrest... I: sir data Stucture Hr: ok............write aprogram to add a node to a link list? I wrote with output....he was impressed and ask me can u write for doubly link list.I asked for paper he said let it be................. Hr:  have done any project..... I: yes sir i have done a project in ASP.NET with C#..... I explained  my project.........he asked me some coding i explained him.........HR: what it LAN? I:Answered..HR:what is MAC? I:sorry sir.... HR:what is Modem? I:Answered..... then he passed me to HR round....

HRhe  asked me about the enviorment i would like to work....i satisfy the bond and condition.... my family background... and very specialmy hobbies....and my achivement i have written in my was brilliant day for me as only 2 were finally selected .......HR then called me and made an announcment that i was selected in CSC and asked me how will i celebrate the day.....I was the most pleasant moment of my life to be placed in CSC................I was feeling great and top of the world...

Ashish Kumar ShakyaCS Final YearBIET Jhansi.           

Hai guys,,This is the paper on General aptitude.

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This paper is very very important as far as ones selection is concerned. U have to be very fast and accurate and U have to score at least above 80 to be selected for interview. The criteria for the test was 60% throughout in 10th,12th, grad and MCA upto iv sem.Here about 150 students sat for the test and 15 were short listed for the interviews. So U can see the degree of the competition.The company is good and work hard U can get through. Start practicing Mental ability from RS Agarwal Specially PUZZLES,NUMBER SERIES,MIRROR IMAGE,3D and FIGURE SERIES. Though I am sending U the technical paper also but that will be available to almost all of U and so that is not so important for selection.Just attempt about 60 questions out of 75 in that paper. GENERAL ABILITY - REASONINGNO of ques : 100Time : 40 minutes

This paper was divided into 7(seven) sections:1. Sequence figures : 10 questionsIn this section U have to trace out the next figure in the given sequence OR find out the ODD figure from given four figures. This is very simple section and U can do it very easily.

2. Numerical Series : 15 questionsIn this section U have to find the odd no in given series OR find the next no in the given series OR what comes in place of ? in a series. Practice this type of question from R.S  Agarwal.I remember only few question which I am trying to give below:6 9 12 ? 66 ? 9 9 69 12 6 3 6

this is just the type of ques.It may not be the exact one.U see that the sum of each row is 36. So ?=6.There were many ques of this type.3 6 18 ? 7 81 2 6 6 3 2This types if questions were there in which U have to find the no replacing ?....

3. Non verbal reasoning : 15 questionsHere U are given 4 squares figures (a,b,c,d) differing slightly in thickness of their sides Now U are given a few set of figures with some figures left out.These blanks are numbered 1 to 15.U have to fit one of the above given square figures in each blank.This is a very simple question and U can do it easily. 

4. Analytical Reasoning :15 QuestionsThis section contained questions as given in puzzle section of RS Agarwal.It contains 4 parts with 5,5,3,2 questions.Just do it with patience.Make tables and then U will easily answer the questions following it..   don't remember the exact question but I am sending approximately same question: 

(i).Four friends are given named Akansha,Anuska,Anisha, ... , ... .Each of them live in a separate home and sleep on one bed.Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds,two of the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs,One of the house has Airconditioner while the  est have fans.And so on.. Based on these informations five questions were asked likeWhat is the total no of beds in all houses?ans:14(not sure!!just check it)Who lives in the house with green lawn

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and with AC?These type of questions are very simple.Just make the table and U will get all the answers

(ii).Five students and five subjects and given along with few information.Five questions are asked following the questions.This is a bit tricky do it in the end.

(iii).In a given knockout series England defeated Pakistan,Pakistan was defeated by Newzealand, India defeated both England and Newzealand.Three very simple questions were asked like:Who won the series? ans: IndiaWho didn't win a single match? ans: PakistanHow many matches were played in total?

(iv). This is also very simple question..U can answer it easily.

5. Spatial reasoning : 15 QuestionsThis question is similar to the MIRROR IMAGE part of RS Agarwal.A Figure is given and U have to identify the figure which "CANNOT BE" the mirror image of the given figure which can be rotated along any axis.

6. English aptitude : 15 QuestionsThis section contains two parts:(i). 5 questions asking synonym of given words. (one of the word is quiet ans:silent)(ii).10 questions aksing to identify words not similar in meaning to the given words. (one of the word is mutiny and the alternatives are a)uprising b)rebel c)revolt,d).... answer:b )

7. 3D reasoning : 15 QuestionsThis section contained questions in which a 3 dimentional figure is given and U have to judge how it would look from the side indicated in the question like from below,from back etc. Also there are questions in which a sheet is given with marks on it along which it can be folded.U have to judge from the given option the three dimentional structure which can be build by folding the sheet along the given lines .



1.C# is a native language of:A.Java        B. .Net         C.Visual Basic

2.What is IMP in Objective CA.Implementation pointer         B.Important Pointer     C.Intended Pointer

3.The width in bits of double primitive type in Java is --. Select the one correct answer.1. The width of double is platform dependent    2. 64     3. 128   4. 8    5. 4

4.What would happen when the following is compiled and executed. Select the one correct answer.   1.     2. class example {   3.   int x;   4.   int y;   5.   String name;   6.   public static void main(String args[]) {   7.          example pnt = new example();   8.          System.out.println("pnt is " + +   9.                  " " + pnt.x + " " +

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pnt.y);            10.   }  11. }  12.           1. The program does not compile because x, y and name are not initialized.         2. The program throws a runtime exception as x, y, and name are used before initialization.         3. The program prints pnt is 0 0.         4. The program prints pnt is null 0 0.         5. The program prints pnt is NULL false

5.Which of these lines will compile? Select all correct answers.         1. short s = 20;         2. byte b = 128;         3. char c = 32;         4. double d = 1.4;;         5. float f = 1.4;         6. byte e = 0;

6.What is contained in the directory /proc?:a. System information        b. Administrative procedures        c. Boot procedures           d. Documentation on your sytem

8.    Transactions per rollback segment is derived from[DBA]a. Db_Block_Buffer         b. Processes,          c. Shared_Pool_Size,  d. None of the above

9. These following parameters are optional in init.ora parameter file DB_BLOCK_SIZE, PROCESSESa True, b False Ans : False

10.What is the purpose of different record methods 1) Record 2) Pass up 3) As Object 4) Ignore.

11.While running DOS on a PC,

which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette:              

Here I got 1 CSC placement paper and i'm posting it for you all. this year they have changed their pattern entirely, emphasis has shifted to java and programming. I do not remember all questions and these are based on memory of my friens and myself .

1.C# is a native language of:A.Java        B. .Net         C.Visual Basic

2.What is IMP in Objective CA.Implementation pointer         B.Important Pointer     C.Intended Pointer

3.The width in bits of double primitive type in Java is --. Select the one correct answer.1. The width of double is platform dependent    2. 64     3. 128   4. 8    5. 4

4.What would happen when the following is compiled and executed. Select the one correct answer.   1.     2. class example {   3.   int x;   4.   int y;   5.   String name;   6.   public static void main(String args[]) {   7.          example pnt = new example();   8.          System.out.println("pnt is " + +   9.                  " " + pnt.x + " " + pnt.y);            10.   }  11. }  12.           1. The program does not compile because x, y and name are not

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initialized.         2. The program throws a runtime exception as x, y, and name are used before initialization.         3. The program prints pnt is 0 0.         4. The program prints pnt is null 0 0.         5. The program prints pnt is NULL false

5.Which of these lines will compile? Select all correct answers.         1. short s = 20;         2. byte b = 128;         3. char c = 32;         4. double d = 1.4;;         5. float f = 1.4;         6. byte e = 0;

6.What is contained in the directory /proc?:a. System information        b. Administrative procedures        c. Boot procedures           d. Documentation on your sytem

8.    Transactions per rollback segment is derived from[DBA]a. Db_Block_Buffer         b. Processes,          c. Shared_Pool_Size,  d. None of the above

9. These following parameters are optional in init.ora parameter file DB_BLOCK_SIZE, PROCESSESa True, b False Ans : False

10.What is the purpose of different record methods 1) Record 2) Pass up 3) As Object 4) Ignore.

11.While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette:


Hi, it was 18 Sep when CSC visited our college i.e BIET Jhansi.......It has 5 people whole came....we have to go through 5 rounds given below: 1. Aptitude 2. Technical Written3. Communication round (including extempore)4. Technical Interview 5. HR NO NEGATIVE MARKING  Aptitude it involve 140 question which include some English part also ....... numeric part was not so tough but it was very difficult to break English questions...... time limit was 1 hour.. after giving the aptitude round we waited for result......out of 90.... 36 cleared the aptitude... Technical it involve 55 question has to be completed in 1 has all the subject question which we have studied in B.Tech Computer Science.... Data Structure, DBMS, comp Architecture, comp n/w, etc...... cut off was 23......I scored highest in CS and IT after giving technical round we waited for result 16 clears the technical round............ Communication After clearing the technical written we went for interview which first have .....communication round....main stress was given on fluency speak good one.... it also have an extempore in which on topic was given and we have to speak on that immediately.............. i have cleared that round.... Technical My technical interview was very long........ it went for appox 50 min....... I: may i come in sir HR:yes sure..

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I: Good evening sir HR: very Good evening Ashish...have a seat... I sat he congrats me for clearing my previous round.... HR: tell me about ur self I: i told HR: well...r u familiar with C... I: yes HR: WAP to print a pattern * ** *** **** I 1 min with no error HR: what is ur area of interest... I: sir data Structure Hr: ok............write a program to add a node to a link list? I wrote with output....he was impressed and ask me can u write for doubly link list.... I asked for paper he said let it be................. Hr: have done any project..... I: yes sir i have done a project in ASP. NET with C#..... I explained my project......... he asked me some coding i explained him......... HR: what it LAN?I: Answered... HR: what is MAC?I: sorry sir.... HR: what is Modem? I: Answered..... then he passed me to HR round.... HR he asked me about the environment i would like to work.... i satisfy the bond and family background... and very special my hobbies.... and my achievement i have written in my resume........... It was brilliant day for me as only 2 were finally selected ....... HR then called me and made an announcement that i was selected in CSC and asked me how will i celebrate the day..... It was the

most pleasant moment of my life to be placed in CSC................ I was feeling great and top of the world... Ashish Kumar Shakya CS Final Year BIET Jhansi

                                This is Madhuri I attended CSC in vit on 31st Aug 2007. There are 5 rounds in csc:they are: 1 Aptitude  2 Technical (written) 3 Communications round 4 Hr 5 Technical interview            The compensation in csc in Rs.3.00lacs per annum for mca/ nd rs.3.14lacs for as per the ppt till datend 2 yrs bond. Aptitude round:(40 quesrions --40 mins)       It consited of hights nd distances,ages,anology,fill in the blanks with appropriate words,derive conclusions,nd problems on distance and speeds nd puzzles,etcsome questions are!!      1.  A 3*3 blck is given and should be filled frm 1...9 they gave 3 numbers nd when coundted horizontally,vertically and diagnally they should sum 15. they gave nearly 7 questions on this blk really easy if u practice sudoku.      2. If x,y are 2 positive integers and they are derived as follows:        f(0,y)=y+1.        f(x,0)=x        f(x,y)=f(x-1,f(0,y-1))        f(0,0)=1          then wats the value of f(3,0),f(1,2) etc nd hw f(1,2) can be derived in terms f(0,0),f(0,2),f(3,0)               there 5 questions relating to this.

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     3. 1question on ages i dont properly remember the questions     4.7 questions on anlogy,fill in the blanks     5.deriving conclusions 10 questionsTechnical written:      (55 questions 60 min)    There were 2 sets for cse and non cse     Iam frm IT so these are topics asked in my set:    1 Engineering mathematics--->2 questions    2 Theory of computations  ---->1 question    3 Computer organizations and architecture---->20 questions    4 Digital logic-->2 or 3 questions    5 Data structures-->8 qustions    6 Compilers-7 ques   7 Mind test on personality--5 questions                            The test also includes operating systems,software engineering,general questions on sound cards some raidit was toughCommunications test:     This is just cool bold they just ask hw do u make tea,wht u done if u suddenly get 2 crores,wht u do when u come 2 know u r going to die 2morrow,etc       I cant xplain much becoz i lost in this round.      Isuffered a lot here because i didnt get correct pattern any where so i wanted to help others.     all d best...    Hello people...i took a test for CSC nd wud like to share my experience First there was an aptitude test,you were supposed 2 clear dat test before u cud go for further rounds In the Aptitude test there were 40 ques nd you were given 40 minutes

3 ques on time speed distance....there are 2 stataions A nd B....the distance between them is 150 km.... slow train covers dat distance in 2.5 hrs nd fast train in 1.5 slow train leaves station A half an hour befor fast train....after wat time wud dey meet....nd at wat distance from(language was different)   dere was 1 ques on profit....calculate d CP of 1 hen nd den SP of 1 hen after dat profit on 1 hen....den an amount of profit was given u hd 2 calculate d no. of hens dat give dat amount of profit   2 ques on jumbled up sentences u hd to form a meaningful paragraph out of dem   3 ques on a paragraph...dere r 4 ppl, 1 is a dancer 1 is a painter 1 is a writer nd 1 is a singer....u hd 2 indentify which is a dancer which a singer.....   2 ques on...dere r 3 frens nd dey hv sum marbles wid x gives to y nd z amount of marbles which dey already hv...nd den z gives 2 x nd y amount of marbles which dey already dey hv equal no. of marbles...also total no. of marbles was given...u hv 2 make equations nd solve dis ques   rest of d ques were simple u cud easily solve dem.....   second was the technical test....75 ques nd 40 min... 2 ques on binary search tree...which of d followin is d BST....nd wen u traverse a BST den which traversal arranges nodes in ascendin order...  

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which is d recursive traversal technique...breadth first search travesral...depth first search traversal...preorder...none of dese   ques on Transparent database ques on superkey ques on query related to creatin an Index ques on sentinel node in link list context sensitive lang is always context free..true or false volt req. for a pentium processor data lines in celeron processor most imp. phase in s/w development 2 ques on use of extern storage class specifier ques on poitnters in C 2-3 ques on microprcessor 8085   After dis u hv an HR interview Last round is Tech interview.....u wud b askd ques on things u hv written in ur resume...                      By... Akshay Gupta.

The Entire Procedure took 5 roundsa) The Aptitude Test(Time:40 mins,40 ques)(Difficulty level:easy)b) The Technical Round(Time:40 mins,75 ques)(--do---:Difficult)c) Group Discussion Roundd) Technical Rounde) HR Round It all Started with PPT around 9 am in the morning.

The Aptitude Test1)There are 3 piles of books on the table you need to arrange them in the self such that 1st book of each pile gets placed on the self,what is the possible no of arrangements:a)12!    b)12C3 * 9C4 c)12^12 d)none

2)Price of a book increases 15% successively (2times) what is the new price

of the book more compared to that of the old price:a)32.25%    b)23.34%    c)36%    d)39%

3)There are 3 mixtures when mixed in the ratio of 3:4:5 price was 240.When mixed with 6:4:9 price was 340.what's the price when mixed in 5:6:8 ration price is_________

4)One question based on Venn Diagram.75 total no of students.25 don't know typing,50 know shorthand.then question were based on find no of students dont knwing both etc.

5)One person has 2 child.At least one of them was a girl.Then the Probability that 2 of the are girl is_____a)1/2    b)1/4    c)0.36    d)1

6)Swati when get married to jayanta her age was 3/4 th of her husband's age.After 12 years her age became 5/6 th of her husband's age.Then what's the age of swati when she got married??

7)y=MAX((3x+y),(11x-y))then what's the value of y???

8)some passages were there based on illegal drugs smuggling and based on this some questions.

9)Some Analogy Questions: some i do remeber like SYCOPHANTIC: FLATTER SILENT: QUIET others i dont remember.

10)Some questions based onif  f(x,0)=x+1f(o,y)=yf(x,y)=f(f(x,0),f(2*x-1))

then find f(1,1),f(2,3),f(3,0) etc and some relations based on this very easy

11)One question based on the average speed

12)one question based on Sudoku type very easy,u can do it in one attempt.

The Technical Round (Written Tech.)

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It involved mainly questions from Pointers,Arrays,Networking,RDBMS,MICROPORCESSORS,MICROCONTROLLERS try to solve the previous question papres on Technical on C & C++.This section is tough and time taking,major elemination takes place in this round.

GD roundwe were around 55 in numbers ,divided into 9 groups approx in each 6 people.Our topic was "LOVE MARRIAGE AND ARRANGE MARRIAGE".We made the GD topic so hoarsing that the HR person was compelled to interrupt.From our group 3 were dropped.They see your way of talking mainly and your patience to stand i a queue to give your views and ideas.

After GD we were around 45 got shortlisted.

The Technical RoundHe asked me about my CGPA,was  a very decent man ,an alumnus of our college.Which parts of programming are u strong at?Then asked me about the Logic of Prime no,Bubble sorting,linked list,merge sort etc.(Basics),One logic based on the odd no i don't remember exactly.

The HR RoundTell me something about yourself??Family Back Ground?What's your strengths and weakness?Who keeps you motivating towards your goal?Do you hv any other offers with you right now?Why CSC?Which Platform Do u want to work on?Are you flexible about locations in India and outside India?Thank you.Just wait out side for the results.

Results:The result was declared around 2:30 AM in the midnight and around 22 of us got selected and 3 of my branch including me.Most of them were form Comps.Engg.

Hope this post of entire process helps u in ur campus recruitment drive in your college when CSC visits your campus



The Entire Procedure took 5 roundsa) The Aptitude Test(Time:40 mins,40 ques)(Difficulty level:easy)b) The Technical Round(Time:40 mins,75 ques)(--do---:Difficult)c) Group Discussion Roundd) Technical Rounde) HR Round It all Started with PPT around 9 am in the morning.

The Aptitude Test1)There are 3 piles of books on the table you need to arrange them in the self such that 1st book of each pile gets placed on the self,what is the possible no of arrangements:a)12!    b)12C3 * 9C4 c)12^12 d)none

2)Price of a book increases 15% successively (2times) what is the new price of the book more compared to that of the old price:a)32.25%    b)23.34%    c)36%   d)39%

3)There are 3 mixtures when mixed in the ratio of 3:4:5 price was 240.When mixed with 6:4:9 price was 340.what's the price when mixed in 5:6:8 ration price is_________

4)One question based on Venn Diagram.75 total no of students.25

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don't know typing,50 know shorthand.then question were based on find no of students dont knwing both etc.

5)One person has 2 child.At least one of them was a girl.Then the Probability that 2 of the are girl is_____a)1/2    b)1/4    c)0.36    d)1

6)Swati when get married to jayanta her age was 3/4 th of her husband's age.After 12 years her age became 5/6 th of her husband's age.Then what's the age of swati when she got married??

7)y=MAX((3x+y),(11x-y))then what's the value of y???

8)some passages were there based on illegal drugs smuggling and based on this some questions.

9)Some Analogy Questions: some i do remeber like SYCOPHANTIC: FLATTER SILENT: QUIET others i dont remember.

10)Some questions based onif  f(x,0)=x+1f(o,y)=yf(x,y)=f(f(x,0),f(2*x-1))

then find f(1,1),f(2,3),f(3,0) etc and some relations based on this very easy

11)One question based on the average speed

12)one question based on Sudoku type very easy,u can do it in one attempt.