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Crystal methamphetamine (Ice)


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Important information

This workbook is to be completed as a component of the e-learning course on crystal methamphetamine (ice).

Use iLearn to access this presentation and the other quizzes associated with this course.

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About this workbook


This workbook is made up of three chapters:

1. Introduction to crystal methamphetamine (ice) activities2. Application to a case study – Intake3. Application to a case study – Investigation and assessment

Use the menu on the left hand side to navigate the chapters.

You are to explore the material in the accompanying crystal methamphetamine e-learning presentation and use this to inform your responses.

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Crystal methamphetamine (Ice) activities


Work through the following twelve (11) activities entering your responses.

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The material in the crystal methamphetamine (ice) presentation will assist you to complete the activities.

Activity 1 When considering how ice is used in the introduction of the presentation, access the Druginfo to research and record the time it takes for the drug ice to take effect from each of the following methods of use.

Method of use Smoked or injected

Snorted Swallowed

Time it takes to effect the user

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Crystal methamphetamine (Ice) activities cont.


Activity 2 Consider the module on children of parents/carers who use ice (CHILD): parenting, ice use and harm to children section of the presentation.

Complete the following table, outlining what makes each a risk factor and the potential resulting harm(s).

Children may be placed at risk of harm due to: Why is this a risk factor? Resulting


Exposure to the drugs and drug paraphernalia

Enter your response here:

Needle stick injury (in particular if the parent has a blood borne disease)

Enter your response here:

Lack of financial resources Enter your response here:

Exposure to parental violence and aggression

Enter your response here:

Exposure to the parent's friends and associates who use ice

Enter your response here:

Parental ‘come down’ or ‘crash’ phase

Enter your response here:

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Crystal methamphetamine (Ice) activities cont.


Activity 3 Grandmothers raising grandchildren – ABC news Watch the video clip (inside the presentation) and complete the reflection activity below.

What key messages did you take from this clip that you can apply to your work?

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Activity 4 Consider the module on children of parents/carers who use ice (CHILD): the impacts on children and risk of physical harm section of the presentation:

Identify other possible causes of physical harm if a parent is using ice?

Activity 5 What do you think may be some other risks of emotional harm if a parent is using ice?

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Activity 6 Consider the module on children of parents/carers who use ice (CHILD): effects on unborn child section of the presentation:

Access Mater Mothers page by clicking on the Mater logo.

Provide an overview of the recommendations provided to mothers breastfeeding whilst using ice.

Activity 7 Consider the module on environmental factors (ENVIRONMENT): signs of a clandestine laboratory section of the presentation.

Use the QPS resource ‘indicators of a drug lab’ to aid your response.

List three more signs which may indicate a clandestine laboratory inside a house.

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Activity 8Access the enHealth Position Statement: Clandestine Drug Laboratories and Public Health Risks to answer the following question:

What age group of children are considered to be at the highest risk of harm due to exposure to clandestine laboratories and why?

Consider the module on environmental factors (ENVIRONMENT): risks and harms of clandestine laboratories section of the presentation:.

If a parent is engaging in ice manufacturing in their home, what harm is their child exposed to?

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Activity 8 cont. Access the Department of Health Fact Sheet to answer the following question:

Outline three health issues that can be caused by long-term exposure to fumes and residues of a clandestine laboratory:

Activity 9Consider the module on engagement and worker safety (ENGAGEMENT): engaging with a person who uses ice section of the presentation.

Use the departmental resource Parental substance misuse and child protection: intervention strategies to aid your response.

What are some barriers you believe you would face when working with people who use ice? How could you overcome these?

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Activity 10 Consider the module on engagement and worker safety (ENGAGEMENT): Drug testing section of the presentation and use the Child Safety Practice Manual (CSPM) to inform your answers the following questions:

Are we able to request a parent to undergo drug testing and briefly outline the standards of substance testing of parents?

Outline the two steps of the substance testing process.

Under what circumstances are these test results able to be used in court?

What two types of consent can be obtained for parental substance testing?

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Activity 10 cont. Consider the module on engagement and worker safety (ENGAGEMENT): Drug testing section of the presentation.

Use the Child Safety Practice Manual (CSPM) practice paper: Parental substance misuse and child protection intervention strategies to inform your answers to the following question:

When working with parents through ongoing casework, what activities do you need to consider when intervening, assessing and monitoring parental substance misuse?

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Activity 11: Ice storm – 60 minutes Watch the video clip (inside the presentation).

You can use the information in the presentation as

well as the video to help you answer the following

four questions.

Identify the potential impacts on each of the children if Britt had used ice during each of her pregnancies?

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Activity 11 cont. The grandmother outlined that Britt’s son was responsible for caring for the girls and making them breakfast. What may be the impact on him?

What impact has Britt’s ice use had on her extended family?

What barriers would you face when working with Britt?

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Application to case study Intake

Read the case-study provided.

Apply the information you have covered on crystal methamphetamine (ice) so far across this workbook, the presentation and links to online resources to the five (5) questions.

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Intake Notified concerns Family Details: • John 3 years, Ella 5 years and Tara 7 years are the biological children of Natalie

Jones and Michael Hill.• Ms Jones and Mr Hill are separated.• Ms Jones is in a de-facto relationship with Mr Ben Marks and they reside together

with the children at 5 Brisbane St, Warilda, QLD.• Mr Hill's current whereabouts are unknown.

On 2 April 2013 the Brisbane Regional Intake Service received the following information: • Mr Marks is cooking ‘ice’ in the home, he has told other people about this and has

said that “Natalie helps him cook the drugs”. Mr Marks said the other day that theyare doing “another cook soon”.

• Notifier claimed to have seen the ‘stuff’ he cooks about two months ago in theback room of the family’s home, in the storage room. To get into this room,“people need to go into the back yard to get into it”.

• Notifier stated that Mr Marks keeps the “cooked stuff” in the fridge in the kitchen tokeep it cold. The notifier saw a substance which had an 'orangey/crystalappearance' in a tub and said that these were ‘speed/meth’.

• Notifier stated that the ingredients for cooking drugs are kept under the sink in thekitchen and Mr Marks has told people ‘don’t touch, it could burn you’. The childrenare able to reach these chemicals.

• Ms Jones was heard saying that she doesn’t like the smell when the drugs arebeing cooked and the notifier is worried about the children being in the homebecause of the fumes.

• Mr Marks has shown the child John how to 'bag up the drugs' and Mr Marks hastaken John with him when he does their 'drug runs' .

• The children are never clean, the family do not have a washing machine and theywash at a family member's home (the mother-in-law, unsure if maternal orpaternal side of family).

• There is human urine and faeces on the wall and on the ceiling in the loungeroom. The house smells. This information is based on the direct observationsmade by the notifier two months ago. The present state of the home is unknown.

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Intake cont. Notified concerns cont. • Notifier advised that used needles and straps (used for blood tests) are in the

bathroom cabinet and these are for IV drug use. This cabinet is often left openand the child Tara could access this area.

• There is an axe handle with nails sticking out of it in the lounge room in theirhouse, “in case someone busts into the house and starts a fight”.

• Recently the front door of the home got kicked in and was smashed with bricks.The children were not present in the home at that time, they may have been withtheir biological father.

• The family have been in the house over a year now.

Pre-notification check • Pre-notification check undertaken with Queensland Police Service on 4 April 2013:• Ms Natalie Jones has no criminal history.• Mr Ben Marks has criminal history recorded from 2002 to 2005 in relation to drugs

and also other criminal history in relation to possession and use of dangerousweapons, stealing, wilful damage and domestic violence.

• Both Ms Jones and Mr Marks are confirmed as residing at 5 Brisbane St, Warilda.

Child protection history check 11/6/2011 Child Concern Report: John was taken to hospital by his paternal grandmother with an injury/cut on his forehead. Paternal grandfather reported that father (name unknown) is not very observant and may not have even noticed the cut. Its unknown how the injury occurred whilst John was in care of his father. John had two stitches, he also has obvious developmental delays.

Jump back to IA Question 3

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Intake activity


Question 1 Based on the information gathered at intake, what are the child protection concerns for John (3 years) , Ella (5 years) and Tara (7 years)?

List them from the most concerning to least concerning) and provide a rationale for your answer.

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Intake activity cont.


Question 2 You may find the practice paper: Parental Substance misuse and child protection: Overview, indicators, impacts, risk and protective factors useful in answering this question.

Identify the types of harm, John (3 years), Ella (5 years) and Tara (7 years) may be exposed to if their mother, Ms Jones and/or her de-facto, Mr Marks are using ice. Provide a rationale for your answer.

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Intake activity cont.


Question 3 Information received suggests that the mother and her de-facto are operating a clandestine laboratory in the family home and that the children may have access to the chemicals used in producing ice.

a) What risks does this pose to John (3 years) , Ella (5 years) and Tara (7years)?

Identify any other potential risk factors for John, Ella and Tara if there is a clandestine laboratory in the family home.

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Intake activity cont.


Question 4 It is alleged that John (3 years), has been shown how to ‘bag up the drugs’ and Mr Marks takes John with him when he does the ‘drug runs’.

a) Explain the potential harms John may be exposed to:

• when being shown how to ‘bag up the drugs’; and

• when he is taken for ‘drug runs’.

b) If the concerns related to the drug cannabis rather than ice, what harmswould be different in relation to the above question (a)?

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Intake activity cont.


Question 5 Based on the information received regarding the environmental conditions of the household, what are the potential impact on the children residing in the home?

Based on the information recorded as part of the child protection history, outline how this information relates to the current notification.

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Application to case study Investigation and assessment

Read the case-study provided.

Apply the information you have covered on crystal methamphetamine (ice) so far across this workbook, the presentation and links to online resources to the nine (9) questions.

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I & A Planning


Question 1 Outline your own investigation and assessment plan prior to the commencement of the investigation using the collaborative assessment and planning framework (CAP) below.

Use the headings to sort the information you already have and to identify gaps in information you need to seek out. You may also use the resources on CAP framework to prompt your responses.


HARM: Protection & belonging:

Complicating factors: Strengths & resources:

Purpose of the consultation (initial IA visit)?

Circles of safety and support: Who is in the family and network?

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I & A Planning cont.


Question 1 cont.

List three people/agencies you would contact before conducting the investigation and assessment.

Safety and wellbeing scale: On a scale of 0-10, where 10 means the children are safe enough for Child Safety to close the case and 0 means there is not enough safety for the children to live at the home at the moment, where do you rate the situation with the information you currently have?

0 10 Enter your scale here:

Cultural considerations: Which family members/community members/agencies need to beinvolved in the assessment and decision making?

Identify your specific planning with regards to the allegation of weapons in the home.

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I & A Planning cont.


Question 2 When commencing this investigation and assessment, list the signs you would be looking for which indicate a clandestine laboratory is in the home:

Record your response here

List the five risk factors a clandestine laboratory may pose to you as a worker:

1) Record your response here





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I & A Planning cont.


Question 3 If you were to sight what appears to be clandestine laboratory equipment in the home, list three (3) steps you would take in order of most important to least important, taking into consideration your own personal safety.

Review the information within the Personal Safety Risk Assessment Tool and Personal Safety Planning Tool and the case scenario’s pre-notification check and reflect on your investigation and assessment plan. Identify any changes you would make to your plan:




Most important

Least important

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I & A Planning cont.


Question 4 This picture is of a home-made weapon found during an investigation and assessment.

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If you were to see this weapon in the family home during your investigation and assessment what would you do?

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I & A Planning cont.


Question 5 On arrival to the family home what would you observe, hear or notice that may indicate Ms Jones and Mr Marks are under the influence of ice?

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Record your response here

What indicator would be present if they were withdrawing from ice?

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I & A Planning cont.


Question 6 Briefly describe how you would approach Ms Jones and Mr Marks about the notified concerns when they do not appear to be effected by the influence of ice and they are presenting coherently.

Use the appreciative inquiry questions to assist you to list five questions you would ask Ms Jones and Mr Marks regarding the notified concerns.






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I & A Planning cont.


Question 7 When responding to this question give consideration to both the notified concerns and the age of the children.

Identify where it would be best to conduct each interview / interaction and provide a rationale for each location.

John (3 years)

Ella (5 years)

Tara (7 years)

Ideal location of the interview

Rationale for location preference

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I & A Planning cont.


Question 8 You can access the Child Safety Practice Manual – Chapter 2 Investigation and Assessment, to help you answer these questions.

If on your arrival to the home Ms Jones advised that she was pregnant:

a) What would you have to consider during your interactions with her?

b) How would you use solution-focused inquiry questions to engage with MsJones and speak to her about the impact of her ice use on her unbornchild?

c) How would you respond if she was under the influence of ice?

Record your response to a) and b) here

Record your response to c) and d) here

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I & A Planning cont.


Activity 9 You can access the Child Safety Practice Manual (CSPM) Chapter 2 Investigation and Assessment, “What-Ifs” to help you answer the following question:

During the IA you assessed Ella (5 years) was in need of medical attention due to having an observable wound to her hand and forearm. Her mother, Ms Jones, has not sought any medical attention and will not give consent for this examination to occur. During Ella’s interview she did not disclose any information about how the injury occurred. During Tara’s interview she stated that Ella was “burnt yesterday in the back room”. What action would you take based on this information?

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