Download - Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Page 1: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Critical Legal Studies Conference

A bundle of sticks in my garden

Sue Farran

Page 2: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Gardening questions?

What is this bundle of sticks?Why is it in my garden?Where is the garden and who is gardening it?Is this bundle of sticks any use now?What to do with the sticks?

Page 3: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

‘Gardening is not a rational act’ (Margaret Atwood, Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, and environmental activist)

Evading definition: Property, land, gardening: see n. anything that is owned by a person or entity. Property is divided into two types: "real property" which is any interest in land, real estate, growing plants or the improvements on it, and "personal property" (sometimes called "personalty") which is everything else. "Common property" is ownership by more than one person of the same possession … (

Land: ‘[mass noun] the part of the earth’s surface that is not covered by water … ‘an area of ground, especially in terms of its ownership or use’… and ‘(the land) ground or soil used as a basis for agriculture’

Page 4: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

A bundle of rights approach to land/property

• Ownership

• Possession

• Use

• Management

Page 5: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

• ‘The "bundle of rights" concept of property denies any fixed meaning to the term property and deemphasizes the importance of the thing with regard to which the rights are claimed. In the bundle metaphor, each right, power, privilege, or duty is but one stick in an aggregate bundle that constitutes a property relationship (A. Bell and G. Parchomovsky, 90 Cornell L. Rev. 531 2004-2005, 545).

Page 6: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Undermining private property rights

• Planning laws and development of torts of nuisance

• Public Access• Environment/sustainability concerns• Global commons/public interest• Human rights• Localism/devolved government• New gardens and gardeners

Page 7: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

New gardens and gardeners

• Village and Town Greens• Allotments• Community

Gardens/Orchards/Farms/Woodlands• City and School Farms and Gardens• Farm Shares/food shares• Guerrilla Gardening

Page 8: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Why garden?"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves." (Mahatma Gandhi)

• Individuals/community/initiatives• Self-help/reactionary/revolutionary• Custodianship/stewardship/responsibility• Growing/digging/doing/enjoying• Reclaiming heritage/ space/place• Providing


Page 9: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Challenging the bundle

• Inclusive not exclusive• Non-commodification of land• Re-defining public interest • Challenging private rights• Transient/temporary control/use • Changing values

Page 10: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Does it matter?

• 59 registered city farms• 300 registered community orchards• 330,000 allotments• 100,000 + waiting for allotments• 82 school farms• 1,000 community gardens• 4,500 town and village greens in England and Wales• 25 community forests in England and over 200

community woodland groups in Scotland.

Page 11: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

New sticks/old sticks/no sticks? Is there a need to cultivate new legal forms?

Wild Garden, MontroseHam Photos


Formal Gardens: QTLuong

Page 12: Critical Legal Studies Conference A bundle of sticks in my garden Sue Farran.

Which sticks?