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Criteria A: Inquiring and Analyzing Introduction to the problem In today’s exponentially progressing world, one of the biggest problems that workers face is exhaustion. 75% of employees stated that they feel tired at work and it affects the quality of their work greatly due to reduced focus. Lack of sleep increases the risk of many health concerns, it also results in loss of concentration, increased distractions and decreased memory. Lack of sleep often occurs as a result of working overtime and long working hours, both of which have been proven to reduce morale and productivity. However, power naps have been proposed as an effective solution, it makes employees more alert and focused, and therefore they will work faster. Numerous research papers and books1 have found that the impacts of power naps can last up to 4 hours. Power naps increase short term alertness and concentration significantly; it also boosts creativity by around 40%. The idea of making environments more productive is known as the study of ‘ergonomics’, which is defined as the study of how efficient people are in different environments and how productivity can be maximized, in simple terms, it’s the study of work. It observes how the designing of workplaces, products, systems and processes can be created to suit the people/audience it’s made for. It’s a relatively new branch of science that focuses on the disciplines of anthropometry, biomechanics, environmental physics, applied psychology and social psychology. The use of power naps to combat the lack of sleep many workers suffer from would be considered an ergonomically sound solution as it effectively offers a solution and makes the work environment more productive. In order to produce a solution, I will be creating a model of a sleeping pod using a 3D designing software such as TinkerCad or Autodesk. A sleeping pod is basically a structure designed for people to take naps in a working environment. The sleeping pod is used by companies like Google, Nestle, etc. and is also used in some airports, however, the technology is not very developed. A sleeping pod is needed because lack of sleep results in loss of productivity, a negative atmosphere and many health concerns, hence justifying the need for the solution. This product is targeted towards employees working in offices because it would be most beneficial to them considering that power naps are more effective in respect to increasing brain power in comparison to an increase in physical energy, hence making the product ineffective for manual labour jobs. The product will be designed to be used in an office and will contain features and functions that provide an effective solution to employees who are tired in an office environment. Demographically, I will be targeting people aged 20-49 years as 81% of the office worker population is within that age group; this means that I will need to include features that can adapt to varying ages. I am not targeting a specific location, gender or income level, however, this means that my product should be able to adjust to changes or varying levels of these factors. My product will allow this technology to advance and add more features and functions to it, while also combatting the issue of fatigue in the workplace. Global Context The global context for this project is Scientific and Technical Innovation because it helps society learn about the world we live in, specifically in respect to how our work environment affects us and how it can be improved. It also observes the interactions between humans and 1 Power Sleep, James B. Maas, Ph. D and “To Nap or Not to Nap: That is The Question”, Reena Mehra, MD, MS; Sanjay R. Patel, MD, M

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their work environment which is evident because the project revolves around adding sleep pods to a workplace in order to make the interaction more productive. It also looks at the impact environments have on society, particularly how an ergonomic work environment can maximize productivity. The project ensures that humans are adapting their environment to their needs because the addition of sleeping pods means that societies are altering their work environments in order to meet their need for more sleep. The project specifically addresses the first two strands which are focused on concepts like systems, models, products, solutions, adaptation and progress; all of which are ideas that my project is heavily based on. It address the first strand2 because the project will produce a model of a product that was created as a solution. The product itself has many systems and once installed in the workplace will be involved in the workplace system and process. It addresses the second strand3 because sleeping pods are means of society adapting to their environment. It’s also a relatively underdeveloped solution with only a few models in the market, which aren’t even widely used, this also means that ingenuity and progress is being made. Research Plan

Task How will it be conducted? Why is it important? Primary or Secondary? Research into the impact of lack of sleep in the work environment

The internet will be used; I will use facts, studies, etc. as evidence. I will also ensure that I use reliable and accurate websites by considering the date of publishing, whether the source was funded and by who and if the new information fits in contextually with what’s already known.

This research will justify the need for the solution. It’ll help me understand the problem further and therefore I will understand what features and functions are needed and how to create an effective product according to the impacts lack of sleep has.

This research is secondary. It’ll be conducted using websites that interpret primary sources and talk about the issue as a whole and they don’t produce their own data or discuss from a personal experience basis.

Conduct a survey in the local community to inquire if workers experience lack of sleep

A short survey of 5 questions4 will be asked to 30 people in my local community about their work environment and how the amount of sleep they receive affects their performance and the existing solution. All questions will be answered in numerical forms. The form will be distributed electronically. I will majorly focus on adults from both genders. I also will include different ethnicities and backgrounds to ensure the product suits a wide audience.

This survey will give me a precise idea of the impacts of less sleep on my community, these results can be used as indicators for what features should be added. It also quantifies my results allowing me to make decisions based on objective information. Moreover, surveys can easily be used for large audiences and can give me reliable data and ensures my project will suit majority of people.

This is a primary source as I will be conducting the research myself, meaning that the results will be based off the experiences of the subjects. I will also personally witness all the results at the time they were created.

Conduct interviews of workers on their opinions on lack of

6 questions will be asked to 5 workers in an interview format5, which will be recorded. It’ll be structured and all subjects will receive the same questions so that answers can be compared. The

These interviews will give me a detailed understanding of the existing system and hence what features to add to the new system. Moreover, qualitative research will let

This is a primary source because I will be conducting the interviews myself. The results will be unused data from the first hand experiences of the

2 systems, models, methods; products, processes and solutions 3 adaptation, ingenuity and progress 4 Available in Appendix ---- 5 Available in Appendix ----

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sleep and its impacts

questions will be on how lack of sleep affects them, the solutions they have, the current solution and what’s needed in the new product. I will use a diverse set of adult subjects from both genders. The subjects won’t know the questions beforehand because the answers shouldn’t be influenced from external factors.

me gain access to more opinions and different solutions. These interviews will help me understand the impact of lack of sleep on human behavior as well, which the solution addresses majorly.

subjects. I will be present at the time the results were created so I can make sure that the subject’s opinions are not influenced by outside factors.

Research any papers, books or documentaries on the effect of power naps and the impacts of lack of sleep

This will be done by watching documentaries from reliable sources such as “Sleepless in America” created by the National Geographic Channel. Books can include “Power Sleep” by James B. Maas, Ph. D And papers such as ‘To Nap or Not to Nap: That is the Question’, Reena Mehra, MD, MS; Sanjay R. Patel, MD, M can also be used; these papers can be found on scientific journals such as PubMed6. The professionalism of the sources will be checked by observing whether it’s a government source or not, if it’s funded and by who, what date it was published on and if the information fits in with what’s already known.

This research will help me understand the problem more accurately because the information is from reliable and professional authors/sources. It will also give me facts and statistics which indicate what features must be added to suit a large audience. The information will also be tested on large subject groups giving more reliability to my research. I will also learn about different opinions through these sources. They will provide scientific explanations as well; this can provide me with definite answers on which to base the features of my product on.

This research is secondary because I will be interpretation and judging all the information myself; I won’t be conducting any new research. For example, the research papers would’ve conducted their own research hence making it a primary source because the authors were witness to the results, however, I will interpret and judge the information making it secondary research.

Conduct research into existing sleeping pods and analyze them

The internet will be used majorly to conduct this research. I will use professional websites to research what technology is used and what problems are experienced in the current solution. I will use reliable and accurate websites by considering the date of publishing, whether the source was funded and by who and if the new information fits in contextually with what’s already known. Moreover, I will also consider the price, structure, aesthetic appeal, safety and general features of the existing solution.

Understanding the current system will help me understand what features must be added to the product; it’ll also give me inspiration for what features to keep or enhance on. Also, understanding the current system will help me understand the problem in more depth therefore allowing me to make a more objective and effective product.

This will be secondary research because I will be using websites from the internet that offer an interpretation of the problem, however the information won’t be written as first-hand evidence.

Create a SWOT

I will analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats of the current system using

This allows me to understand the advantages/disadvantages of the current system, hence

This is secondary research because I won’t be using direct evidence, rather

6 A US government scientific journal for the field of bio medics

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analysis of the old system

the SWOT analysis layout. Research from prior tasks will be used and extra research will be conducted using the internet using reliable websites by considering date of publishing, funding of the source and if the new information fits in contextually. The analysis will be done in brief precise points to ensure clarity.

giving me a clear idea of what features need to be added, taken away or enhanced on. This analysis will recognize the areas that have potential while also identifying the risks and therefore helping me understand the most effective features to add.

information from a source who is simply discussing the issue from an external view point; not someone who has directly witnessed or been subject to the problem.

Research different features, functions and potential problems that could be included in the sleeping pod

This requires extensive research into features and existing/potential technology. I’ll research features based on the results of the prior tasks and potential issues. This research will be done using reliable websites, books, papers or documentaries. Reliability of these sources will be ensured by the author/writer, considering the funding, when/who it was made by, and if the information makes sense according to pre-established theories.

This research will help me understand what resources are required for each function therefore allowing me to make informed decisions on what functions should be in the product according to the requirement of the target audience. Moreover, researching the solutions to common problems will help me create a more effective and high quality solution.

This is secondary research because it’ll be conducted using information that isn’t based off direct experience but is only an interpretation of first-hand experience.

Task Priority Justification

Research into the impact of lack of sleep in the work environment

1 This research provides information on the impacts that will indicate what features/functions must be included in the product. Without this research I wouldn’t be able to understand the problem and therefore wouldn’t know how to create a product that is suitable. It’ll provide clarity and allow questions to arise. It’s the most important research because without understanding the problem, an effective solution can’t be created. Without this research, the rest of process can’t occur.

Conduct surveys in the community to observe the impacts of lack of sleep

6 This research will provide me with numerical data which means that I have my own statistics to base my product off of. However, task 1 and 5 will already give me access to statistics hence making this research less of a priority. Although it’s extremely good to have unused data as its recent, this information can be found through many other sources, just as long as the credibility of the source is considered. Moreover, unlike an interview, a survey doesn’t offer any solutions of different opinions, only numbers.

Conduct interviews of workers on their opinions on lack of sleeps and its impacts

3 Creation of fresh data is important to help define what features are the most important. It’s of priority because it’s a reliable source and and that I’ll gain knowledge specific to my audience and specific research issues that couldn’t be addressed in the secondary research. Qualitative data allows more room for the exchange of opinions and the offering of solutions unlike surveys, hence making it more important. However, it’s not as important as researching the problem and features because those provide a basic foundation of knowledge needed for the rest of the process to work.

Research papers, books or documentaries on the topic

5 This research acts as a reinforcement of the research done in the first task. Through the first task, I already have a foundation of information on the problem. However, this task is still important because it provides me with access to numerous credible sources. Also, it offers a wider variety of sources, which will provide different opinions and solutions

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hence allowing me to make a product suitable for a wide audience. It’s 5th most important because I already have a base from the first task.

Conduct research and analyze existing sleeping pods

4 Researching the existing solutions will provide information on the problem, it’ll identify shortcomings which I can address in my product to make it more effective. This is still important because it’ll help me make an effective solution but it doesn’t contribute to the foundation research as much because understanding the problem has already been addressed in the first task, this acts as more detailed and specific research.

Create a SWOT analysis of the old system

7 Lastly, creating a SWOT analysis is the least important research task because it can be addressed in task 5 where I analyzed the existing solutions. Creating a SWOT analysis makes it easier and clearer to identify, however, it’s the least important task because it’s not essential for the actual creation of the product.

Research features and functions that could be included in the product

2 This is crucial as it defines what technology, features and limitation will be involved. It’ll help me understand how the product will be made and provide specialized information making the product more specific to my audience. This is the 2nd most important task because research into the product is essential to create a credible high-quality and functioning product and also to ensure that the process runs smoothly. Without this, I won’t be able to create the actual product or I would come across many challenges.

Analysis of Existing Products

To the left is an image of an average staff room, which is currently the existing solution if workers are tired and need a break. Staff rooms like these significantly reduce productivity by not having an effective solution for workers to relax. Firstly, the staff room isn’t comfortable which is evident by plastic and movement restricting chairs, meaning they’re ineffective methods of relaxation. In fact, standard office chairs are actually known for causing back and neck strains. Moreover, staying in a sitting down position all day can also cause negative moods leading to a demotivating environment and the arising of more conflicts. Moreover, the design of the room doesn’t encourage relaxation. For

example, the chairs and desk imply that the employees must work, even during their break, this further contributes to a negative work environment. Also, the height of the chair isn’t ergonomic and is too low for the height of the table. Ideally, wrists should be straight on the desk to make typing easier. Furthermore, there are no separate compartments for workers to relax alone. Constant noise is proven to result in 1 hour of productive work for every 10 working hours. A quiet area for worker to relax in solitude can increase concentration and productivity7. Noise in a staff room can mostly be traced to traffic outside, co-workers and the sounds from electrical devices; these sounds act as distractions. Noise also increases stress hormones and can result in workers having chronically high cortisol, meaning their body and mind is always in ‘fight or flight’ mode. Moreover, the room is aesthetically unappealing, meaning workers feel less valued and a productive atmosphere is not created. Also, florescent lighting causes strain to the eyes and disrupts sleeping patterns. The current product offers no solution for employees to relax, except snacks and chairs. There is no way that workers can actually sleep which greatly reduces efficiency in the workplace. Overall, the current solution, being staff rooms, offers no means for employees to sleep and therefore is an ergonomically unsound product. However, some aspects which could increase ergonomic value is the fact that snacks are available, which can boost energy. Moreover, the idea of using only 7 ‘Power of Lonely’, Leon Neyfakh, The Boston Globe

Figure 1

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furniture/objects that are required creates a minimalistic environment which can help employees act more organized. The idea of minimalism is what I mainly extracted from the current solution and it inspires my product.

Another solution is the sleeping pod seen to the left (Figure 2). While this is a step up from the staff room analysed previously, there’re still many faults. Firstly, there are no extra features like sound, lighting or temperature systems. This means that the inside of the pod can be highly influenced by the environment outside the pod. For example, cold/hot air can seep through and hence result in a lower quality sleep. This reduces motivation and increases negative moods resulting in lowered productivity. Moreover, the pod isn’t effective

at blocking noise, these noises can make it harder for the employees to sleep and also act as distractions meaning that the problem of lack of sleep isn’t met to a full extent. Also,

there is no way to time the naps meaning that users could oversleep easily hence resulting in reduced work productivity. However, the seating arrangement in this design is relatively ergonomic and helps relieve body pain. This is the aspect which I will use as inspiration for my own product.

Another existing solution to this problem is the sleeping pod displayed to the left (Figure 3). Again, while this is also better than having no sleeping pods at all, the design still lacking of many essential features. Like the previous solution analysed, this design also doesn’t include many features that would help increase quality of sleep. For example, there is no consideration of temperature or sound systems, meaning the outside environment

could affect the users experience inside the pod. Also, there is no function for timing the taps, which again can result in users oversleeping and hence reducing productivity. Moreover, noise blocking methods aren’t considered and hence the user could be distracted when trying to relax resulting in higher stress levels and a negative mood. Furthermore, the sleeping arrangement isn’t ergonomic as it’s flat hence doesn’t help relieve pain. Also, the pod is harder to access especially for older people who will have to crouch/bend to reach. The same issue applies for when lying down in the bed, the user will have to crawl into the pod which isn’t the most time effective way to enter it. Also, some of the pods are somewhat transparent which can reduce privacy. However, this pod does consider lighting by having coloured plastic doors which create a glow inside the pod, this can help relaxation and result in higher quality sleep hence increase productivity. Moreover, there is a TV in the pod which has inspired me to think about different methods of relaxation besides napping as well. (There is also a SWOT analysis of the old solution available in Appendix A.)

Figure 2

Figure 3

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Primary Research The conduction of the survey can be found in Appendix B. The conduction of the interviews can be found in Appendix C. Secondary Research Impact of Lack of Sleep: Employees often have to work in inefficient environments due to the increasing needs of advancing society; which often results in the prioritization of the growing economy, budget cuts and monetary profit over the general well-being of employees, however, what many employers don’t understand is that effectively designed workplaces can actually increase productivity significantly. People of many professions are required to work overtime, are given unrealistic deadlines and work in unproductive environments, and therefore are exposed to extremely stressful work lives proven by the fact that 80% of American employees feel extreme stress during their jobs. All of this is due to heavily demanding jobs in today’s industries; in fact, the average office worker in America works up to a full extra day in overtime every week. Inefficient work circumstances, whether it be a negative workspace or inadequate facilities, can have a detrimental impact on the productivity and efficiency of a workplace, which employers don’t often realize hence resulting in employees wasting up to 50% of the work day preforming unproductive tasks8. Other than the wastage of time, inefficient workspaces have severe impacts on the health of employees, stressed workers have almost double the chance of developing heart disease and high work stress has been repeatedly links to increased risk of depression, emotional exhaustion and anxiety. It also reduces quality of sleep, as per 42% of Americans who said their sleep is worse when they’re tired, this leads to the creation of a viscous cycle. Furthermore, an unproductive workplace leads to reduced sales, which further adds more pressure on the employees. It also results is more more distractions and conflicts, also, many employees can’t meet deadlines due to their unproductive environment. As evident, an ineffective workplace has huge negative impacts on the employees mental and physical health as well as on the performance of the firm. Functions: Timer: A timer is an essential function that must be used to time naps. The timers will already be pre-set to the ideal time of 20 minutes; however, this time can be adjusted. The pre-set time makes the product more user friendly. The timer will be located directly on the inside of the armrest, making it easy to reach and therefore ergonomically sound. Moreover, the alarm used to wake the employee will use the massage function to slowly vibrate the chair, the internal LED lighting to to shine red, purple and pink light and the internal sound system to play peaceful music. This makes this function relaxing, a main feature of the pod. There are 3 main types of timers mechanical, electromechanical and electronic timers. A mechanical timer would be one that uses clockwork and a dial to run, an electromechanical timer would use both electrical and mechanical parts to work and usually uses an electric motor that causes the gears to move. Lastly, an electrical timer is basically a quarts clock9 along with some extra electrical features. Display can be digital or analog. Electrical timers are also installed in software, and therefore can be programmed in the controller box using PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), which is how the timer will be pre-set to 20 minutes and also connect to the internal sound and LED systems. Overall, electrical timers are best suited for my product because they allow the timer to be pre-set and also means that the timer can connect to other

8 According to ‘Business News Daily’ 9 A quartz clock makes use of of an electrical oscillator and the consistent vibrations of quartz crystal

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internal systems easily. Moreover, electrical timers are more accurate, which is extremely important in a time efficient workplace. Noise blocker: The product will use semi noise blocking materials, noise cannot be blocked completely due to health and safety issues especially in relation to external alarms. However, to ensure privacy and relaxation, my product will use noise deadening/absorbing materials instead of noise blacking ones. The most suitable method would be the use of curtains, which act as both noise blockers and absorbers. These curtains can be made from a variety of materials, commonly, velvet and wools are used. However, more heavy duty noise blocking curtains would use a centre made of mass loaded vinyl which is between two layers of rock wool. Although, for my product curtains made from velvet or wool would be better as the second option could result in safety threats. Also, a certain amount of white noise is proven to help induce sleep. The curtains will be attached on the outside of the pod at the top and can pulled around before entering the pod. Massager: The product will use a massage chair as the base to achieve the feature of relaxation. It can also be used to combat health concerns caused by sitting for too long, hence making its addition an ergonomically sound choice. The massage controls will automatically be pre-set to a 5-minute massage to help induce sleep, although this setting can be adjusted. Also, the speed and intensity can be changed. However, to increase time efficiency, the controls will be set to a medium speed and intensity. The massager will be the quadratus lumborum and the gluteus medius, which are muscles that are strained when sitting for long. Having the massager focus on strained areas makes the design ergonomic because it ensures the physical well-being of employees while also helping them sleep. In order to achieve an ergonomic design, the massage controls will be located on the inside of the armrest, like the timer, because it’ll be easy for the employee to use it. Also, the settings would be signs and they would light up to make it easier to read in the dark making the product more user friendly. On top of the upholstery there will be a layer of memory foam to ensure that the mechanical parts of the massager don’t make the user uncomfortable. The massager will use the roller technique, which basically is created using small devices that are made using wheels and gears. When the electric motor causes the wheel to move, a vibration is caused. The rollers move according to the structure of the frame, usually along a track that they’re attached to inside the frame. However, a track means that the rollers can only move up and down, in order to move left and right a mechanical arm must be installed; this can also be used to move in circles. All the mechanics in the massager will be powered using an electric motor and the patterns will be pre-determined using a microprocessor. The massage techniques used by the rollers will be: kneading, rolling, tapping and shiatsu (when the rollers intensify force on pressure points). Sound system: The product will have an internal sound system to achieve relaxation and an ergonomic design. The system will be used for the alarm as it will start to play soothing classical music once the timer has rung, this means that the sound system and the timing system must be linked. It can also be used at the beginning of the power nap to help induce sleep through the use of calming sounds such as rain, birds, etc. The sound system used would be that of a car, this is essential to ensure that the sound system is space efficient. The system will use the concept of ‘surround sound’, which is basically a technique used to enhance sound production. In order to achieve this, speakers will be placed at all 4 corners of the pod; this will result in the creation of an effective soundscape that can immerse the user. The noises/songs and the volume can be adjusted, and the controls for these would also be located on the inside of an armrest in order to make it easier for the employee to use. The control will light up in the dark, making it user friendly for employees.

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Adjusting memory foam pillow and mattress: The type of mattress/pillow greatly impacts the quality of sleep; according to many doctor’s memory foam is the best material for increasing sleep quality as it adjusts to its shape to the body of the user which increases the support as well increases the amount of heat retained. However, the material is still airy because it’s made of breathable material. Memory foam also increases the comfort of the pod, which is essential especially because the mechanics of the massager have to be properly covered in a comfortable material. Memory foam is scientifically proven to be better for body structure due to its special feature of moulding to the shape of the user’s body. This moulding results in increased support of bones and muscles because it reduces the force put on the pressure points throughout the body. It also betters posture and results in optimal blood flow. The head pillow will also be made of memory foam. Moreover, memory foam is the most durable material. Temperature adjustments: It has been scientifically proven that 18 degrees Celsius is the optimum temperature for sleep. Therefore, this temperature must be achieved by the product because its’ aim is to provide an optimum environment for sleep. Since the pod will have holes in the design to allow air ventilation, the temperature of air from outside can disturb the users sleep. Ideal temperature can be achieved by having an internal temperature controller. There are two main types of temperature controllers, manual temperature control and automatic temperature control system. Manual temperature control requires the user to manually adjust the settings to attain the desired value, however, an automatic temperature control system has a sensor such as a thermocouple10, which converts the current temperature to a signal that can be interpreted by the controller. The controller compares the temperature reading it received to the initial set point and then causes the final control device to activate which then alters the temperature by adding/taking away heat. In size, both systems are quite small, although the automatic is still smaller. The automatic temperature control system will be used in my product because it’s more accurate than the manual one and it’s also more efficient because the user wouldn’t have to manually change the settings, which would be time inefficient. Moreover, if the temperature isn’t ideal while the user is asleep they can’t change it, this problem is solved by the thermocouple. The mechanics of if will be based on the AC systems used in cars to ensure effective use of space. Lighting system: Red lights have been proven to help induce sleep therefore my product should have red lights switch on when the pod is opened; these lights will be located all around the pod to create a surrounding effect. These lights will automatically turn on once the pod is opened using the same mechanism found in the lights in fridges. The opening of the pod door will result in the mechanical pushing of a small button which will cause the lights to switch on. There will be a pre-set timing of 3 minutes before the lights switch off automatically, however, through using a parallel circuit, this setting can be changed by adding another switch on the inside of the armrest that users can use to switch the lights back on. This feature is extremely important as it’s relaxing and also increases quality of sleep. The lights will be LED because they’re up to 80% more effective, 4 times as durable, robust and cheaper in the long term. Seating: Sleeping on the back results in the less pressure on the body, this is then followed by sleeping on your side and the sleeping on your stomach is the least ergonomic method as it creates stress in your body puts pressure on muscle and bones. Since sleeping on your back is the most beneficial method, the pod will be designed to encourage that. When sleeping 10 a sensor to read temperature, it has 2 wires of different metals that create a junction, which is where the the temperature is read

Figure 4

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on your back, you neck and knees should be elevated, which can be done by adding an angle of elevation of around 45 degrees at the neck and the knees; illustrated in the image above. Extra features: These features include plug points for the charging of devices. The pod will use standard receptacle sockets which can produce 120 volts of electricity and are the normal sockets found around houses. Another feature would include a reading light and table that function using the same mechanisms as they do in an airplane. The reading light will be located in the left hand corner and the table will be in a slot on the left wall. Lastly, there will be a compartment under the seating are for the legs where users can store their shoes, coats and laptops so their experience is more comfortable. Materials: Exterior of the pod: The exterior of the pod will be made using a plastic, although it’s detrimental to the environment, it’s the most effective material for the pod in respect to withholding shape, pricing and aesthetics. There are 2 plastics that could be used: thermoset or thermoplastics. Thermoset plastics are more resistant to high temperatures, which could be caused in the pods due to all the electrical usage. They also have structural integrity and are often used for sealed products as they can’t be reshaped; it’s also cost effective. However, it can’t be recycled and can’t be reshaped. Thermoplastics also offer dimensional stability and are easily bendable. Moreover, they are recyclable, have relatively eco-friendly manufacturing processes and have reshaping abilities in case of damage. Also, they can have rubbery finishes and are aesthetically appealing. But, they’re costlier than thermoset. Overall, I will use thermoplastics in my product because, even though they’re more expensive, they’re also better for the environment and have a better aesthetic finish. Also, velvet curtains will be installed outside along the top of the pod to reduce noise. Interior of the pod: The interior of the pod will be made of many different materials. The seating will be a customized massage chair set in a reclined position where the neck and knees are at an elevation of 45 degrees as this is the most ergonomic sleeping position. On top of the upholstery of the massage chair, there will be a layer of memory foam measuring 6cm in thickness, then there will be normal sheets and a blanket. The arm rests will be made of the same material of the massage chair, which is plastic. All the controls and switches will also be made of thermoplastic. Both the interior and exterior of the pod must be aesthetically appealing in order to maximise customer outreach. Moreover, it’s also essential in order to provide an overall more pleasurable experience for the user. Also, as proven by a study done by Hitachi Design Centre, customers found aesthetic products easier to use and responded more to them. Also, since the product is meant to be relaxing and sleep inducing, having a positive and clear environment is crucial. Design Brief (Summary of Research) The aim of the product is to create a sleeping pod that can ergonomically combat the issue of lack of sleep in a work environment in order to increase workplace productivity and general employee well-being. I am trying to communicate the importance of power naps and the detrimental impact lack of sleep has on productivity, hence why more employers should install sleeping pods. The existing solution, being mostly staff rooms, has no place for workers to relax, is aesthetically unappealing and exposes employees to even more stress through noise and reduced privacy, hence making my product better.

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My target audience are employees in offices aged 29-49, my product aims to include both genders, all geographical locations and incomes. The sleeping pod’s size will be limited to 150 by 80 cm and will be used in office environments. The overall style of the product will be focused on aesthetic appeal, features designed to be time efficient and relaxing and an overall ergonomic design to achieve maximum productivity. The scope of the product requires the creation of a realistic 3D model, so the technicalities of the project will not be looked at extensively; the product is solely a model. The required materials would include thermoplastic for the exterior, internal LED and sound systems, automatic timer system, velvet curtains, an automatic temperature control system, a massage chair, AC vents and memory foam. Also, extra thermoplastic is needed for features like the reading table and to create all the buttons on the inside of the arm rest. The product must be ergonomically sound and effectively increase productivity, therefore relaxation, privacy, ergonomics, user friendliness, time efficiency and multi functionality must be achieved as well. The first research task required me researching the impacts of lack of sleep on employees and work environments. My main source of information was the internet and I made sure to use credible sources like research papers, surveys and professionally produced videos. I found that lack of sleep results in damage to productivity. It also harms the physical and mental well-being of employees and makes the work environment more negative. The main point of view identified was that lack of sleep has many negative impacts on employees and productivity and that ‘power naps’ are an effective solution that isn’t being enforced as it should be. This is evident also in the primary research conducted which is seen in appendix B and C. I then researched numerous studies, books and documentaries on the effect of power naps and the impacts of lack of sleep. My main source of information were research papers, where I found most of my statistics. The main concepts I interpreted were that power naps are extremely effective and that lack of sleep has serious health concerns. The main point of view is that napping should become a more accepted practice in work environments and that the impacts of lack of sleep on employees are highly negative, especially in respect to their health. I then moved to analysing the existing solution which is a staff room in most instances. My main source of information was general research on the internet. The main idea I identified is that the staff rooms are not ergonomically designed. Moreover, they’re not designed to be relaxing and there is no place for employees to take naps. Also, the pods available aren’t designed to suit office environments and aren’t ergonomic enough. The main point of view I observed was that the current solution doesn’t offer an effective enough solution to combat lack of sleep. I also created a SWOT analysis, this was to clearly organise the main aspects of the existing solution. The main source of information was from the analysis and some extra research had to be conducted. The main idea I identified is that the current solutions have many weaknesses, however, it does also have some strengths which I can use, like the use of extra storage. I then moved on to researching all the features and functions that the product would include. This research was very specific to the product and really narrowed the topic because I researched exact functions in detail. My main source of information was the internet; I ensured I was using credible sources like major companies. The main idea that I observed is that my product will be a really big mix of technology from different products. For example, I will be using technology used in a massage chair as well as technology used in a car.