Download - Cristiano Betta (Betta Works) - Lightweight Libraries with Rollup, Riot and Redux

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LIGHTWEIGHT JSwith Rollup, Riot and Redux

Cristiano Betta

| @cbetta

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2x @ Techsylvania!


Ruby/JS Developer

Director @ Work Betta

Founder @

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PUNCH <script src="punch.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<div id='registration'></div>

<script type="text/javascript"> punch.setup({ id: "19acb1ab...53fd459280d", type: 'popover', element: '#registration' }); </script>

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PROBLEMS1. I am not a hardcore JS Dev2. How to make a browser library?3. How to maintain state?4. How to update the UI?5. How to not go crazy while doing it?

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THIS TALK1. Learn some JS!2. Bundling3. State Management Libraries4. UI Management Libraries5. Occasional Cat Pictures

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BUNDLINGNodeJS dependencies in the bowser

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BROWSERIFYBrowserify lets you require('modules') in

the browser by bundling up all of yourdependencies.

Browserify.orgbrowserify main.js -o bundle.js


JS Only

No ES6 import/export

Not the smallest result

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WEBPACKA bundler for javascript and friends.

webpack.github.iowebpack input.js output.js


Handles many assets

No ES6 import/export

Not always smallest result

Not the simplest

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ROLLUPThe next-generation JavaScript module


rollupjs.orgrollup input.js --output output.js


JS Only

No ES6 import/export

Tree shaking

Simple to use

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ROLLUPThe next-generation JavaScript module


Write ES6 (aka ES2015)

Bundle into single file

Smaller than Browserify and Webpack

Export to AMD, CommonJS, ES2015, Globals, UMD

Tree shaking!

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ES6import fs from 'fs';

class AwesomeSauce { constructor() { // some code }

makeIt() { // some code } }

export default AwesomeSauce;

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ES6import AwesomeSauce from 'awesome-sauce';

let sauce = new AwesomeSauce(); sauce.makeIt();

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ES6class AwesomeSauce { // 100 lines of code }

class EnterpriseSauce { // 2000 lines of code }

export EnterpriseSauce; export default AwesomeSauce;

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ES6//import 2000 lines of code! import { EnterpriseSauce } from 'awesome-sauce';

let sauce = new EnterpriseSauce(); sauce.makeItSecureButSlow();

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ROLLUP TREE SHAKING// main.js import { cube } from './maths.js'; console.log( cube( 5 ) );

// maths.js

// unused function export function square ( x ) { return x * x; }

// included function export function cube ( x ) { return x * x * x; }

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ROLLUP TREE SHAKINGfunction cube ( x ) { return x * x * x; }

console.log( cube( 5 ) );

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ROLLUP UMD(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (factory()); }(this, function () { 'use strict'; function cube ( x ) { return x * x * x; }

console.log( cube( 5 ) ); }));

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NPM// package.json { ... "scripts": { "dist:js": "rollup -c rollup/dist.js", ... } }

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NPM// rollup/dist.js

export default { entry: 'js/index.js', dest: 'dist/punch.js', format: 'umd', moduleName: 'punch', plugins: [ riot(), npm({ browser: true }), commonjs(), babel(), uglify() ] };

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NPM// js/index.js

import Dropin from './dropin/main.js';

let dropin = new Dropin();

export var setup = dropin.setup; // punch.setup() from earlier! export var destroyAll = dropin.destroyAll; export var instances = dropin.instances;

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PUNCH <script src="punch.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<div id='registration'></div>

<script type="text/javascript"> punch.setup({ id: "19acb1ab...53fd459280d", type: 'popover', element: '#registration' }); </script>

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UI MANAGEMENTNothing can be said to be certain

except death and taxes

and JS frameworks

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ANGULAR JSHTML enhanced for web apps!

~50kb (compressed)

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REACT JSA Javascript Library for building user


~146kb (compressed)

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RIOTA React-like user interface micro-library

~9.18kb (compressed)

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RIOTA React-like user interface micro-library

Custom Tags

Virtual Dom

Enjoyable Syntax

No IE8 support

Tiny Size!

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RIOT<!-- index.html --> <div id='element'></div>

// dropin.js import './tags/punch-dropin.tag';

import riot from 'riot';

riot.mount('#element', "punch-dropin");

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RIOT<!-- punch-dropin.tag --> <punch-dropin> <h1>Hello World</h1> </punch-dropin>

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RIOT<!-- punch-dropin.tag --> <punch-dropin> <punch-loader></punch-loader> <punch-form></punch-form> </punch-dropin>

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STATE MANAGEMENTThere are two hard things in computer science: cache

invalidation and naming things.

There are two hard things in computer science: cacheinvalidation and naming things and state management

There are three hard things in computer science: cacheinvalidation and naming things and state management

There are two hard things in computer science: cacheinvalidation, naming things and state management

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REDUXRedux is a predictable state container for

JavaScript apps.


Including dependencies!

Before uglifying/compression!!

Riot compatible!!!

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REDUXnpm install redux

// dropin.js import './tags/punch-dropin.tag';

import riot from 'riot'; import { createStore } from 'redux'; import StoreMixin from 'riot-redux-mixin';

let state = ... let store = createStore(state); riot.mixin('redux', new StoreMixin(store));

riot.mount('#element', "punch-dropin");

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REDUX<!-- punch-dropin.tag --> <punch-dropin> <h1>Counter: { state.count }</h1>

<script type="text/javascript"> this.mixin('redux');

this.subscribe(function(state){ this.state = state; }.bind(this)) </script> </punch-dropin>

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REDUX// dropin.js

let state = function counter(count = 0, action) { switch (action) { case 'increment': return count + 1 case 'decrement': return count - 1 default: return count }

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REDUX<!-- punch-dropin.tag --> <punch-dropin> <h1 onClick={ increment }>Counter: { state.count }</h1>

<script type="text/javascript"> this.mixin('redux');

this.increment = function() {'increment'); }

this.subscribe(function(state){ this.state = state; }.bind(this)) </script> </punch-dropin>

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COMPARISONAll results in bytes, Gzipped

babel + browserify + uglify => 3915

webpack@2 + babel + uglify => 3632

babel + rollup + uglify => 3440

typescript + webpack => 3245

closure => 2890

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COMPARISONMore results

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MY RESULTSsource - 37,304 bytes

bundled => 180,345 bytes (100%)

uglified => 57,171 bytes (31%)

gzipped => 18,561 bytes (10%)

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CONCLUSIONSMost of these are personal opinion

ES6 is lovely

RiotJS is easy and really small

Riot+Redux makes apps easy to comprehend

Rollup + NPM scripts beats Gulp and Grunt

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NOTESSome stuff isn't there yet

Rollup+Riot breaks sourcemaps

Riot Routes needs to be added

Hard to scientifically compare sizes

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QUESTIONS?Cristiano Betta | | @cbetta