Download - Cristen Farrell Photography Family Session Guide


Family Session Guide


That said, I always remind clients not to dismiss your own home. I love capturing slices of real life mixed with some beautiful portraits. Not to mention it is the best place for a session with really young children (3 and under) because they feel safe, happy and comfortable there.

YYour home doesn’t have to be Architectural Digest ready to host a family session. And there is no location better suited to capture your family’s unique story.

Read all about my Every Day Stories at-home sessions a little further on.

While every session is different, this document will answer some common questions and let you know what to expect. All adults participating in the session should read this information, as it will absolutely help our session to go more smoothly.

AboveAbove all, I want you to be relaxed and have fun. I am a true believe in the idea that “every-one has a story” and I take seriously the respon-siblity of telling yours. I want to get to know you a little bit before I pick up the camera. I wel-come suggestions or requests, and please ask any questions you like. I am easy going and like to laugh and chat, so I hope you’ll feel at ease!

The first thing we need to decide is where to do your ses-sion. Often the location doesn’t play a huge role, unless there is an activity involved. However it can set a mood and influence the feeling conveyed in the images we capture together.

Some clients come to me with a location in mind, or an idea of the kind of location they’d like -- the beach, a garden setting, a special playground, a rustic farm, or the city. Think about your style and what might suit you, but if you aren’t sure, we’ll chat -- I have lots of ideas.

A Little Bit About Location

Above all do not make yourself crazy over wardrobe. It is simply not worth it. Be yourself, have fun, be comfortable and all of that will come through. As I said before, this shoot is about you and your family, not what you are wearing and it is VERY hard to go wrong! I promise!

• Layers and textures are good. Adding a jacket or sweater makes things more interesting.

• Watch skirt lengths on little girls or have them wear leggings or tights. If we’re outside, I may have you sit on the ground, and short skirts can be tricky.

•• Patterns like checks, flowers, stripes, are fine. As long the patterns aren’t overwhelming or multiple people aren’t wearing lots of patterns, you’re good!

• If your three year old is obsessed with superhe-roes and never wants to take off his superman t-shirt -- go for it! It’s him a three! or bring it for him to change into for some of the photos.

• Check out my Pinterest Board on Wardrobe for lots of great inspiration:

Just about every client asks… “What do we wear!?” Honestly, I’d like to say, “it doesn’t matter!”.  To me, it is the least im-portant aspect of our session because I really just want your family to be real. Just remember the focus is you, not the clothes.

That said, because everyone asks, I’ve pulled together some tips (not rules!) to help:

• Think coordinating NOT matching. I can’t stress enough, how important it is for you to be “you”, and not dressed in a “uniform”.

• Plain white shirts without something over them (like a sweater or jacket) can wash you out. That said,  little girls in white dresses can be adorable, and I love white for an overcast day at the beach.

You may want to chat with your kids ahead of time to let them know what to expect, but don’t put a lot of pressure on them. Let them know that I try to make things fun for them and not to worry about saying “cheese” or giving me the perfect smile. We’ll work that out in a natural way!

Please don’t feel rushed. My sessions generally run about an hour, but I will absolutely spend longer if we need to (though I definitely find most kids are “done” after 45 minutes!)

I’mI’m patient with kids, and you should feel confident that we will have fun and come away with photographs you will love, even if it seems like they are bouncing off the walls a bit.

Don’t get upset with your kids if they aren’t listening to my every word. Before you intervene, let me try to draw them back in. If I’m not rattled, then you shouldn’t be rattled! If I’m having a really hard time, I’ll let you know, otherwise assume I am getting what I need.

II only shoot a few formal portraits where everyone is looking at the camera, and for those, mom and dad should keep their eyes on me unless I tell you otherwise. I’ll work on getting the kids’ attention, and once I do, if you are already looking at me, we’ve got it! Though truthfully my favorite family photos are those where no one is looking at the camera!

SometimesSometimes kids will need a break in the middle of a session. If I’m seeing a lot of forced smiles or looking off in other directions I might make that suggestion. Feel free to give them a drink or a snack (nothing chocolately, messy, or colored with anything that will stain their teeth!) and we can start up again once they’ve had a few minutes to be “off camera.”

Once we’ve done some photos of the whole family, I might suggest that the adults take a little walk while I work with the kids (assuming everyone is comfortable with that). Sometimes I get more natural smiles when they feel less pressure to please parents.

TheThere might also be times I ask you to act silly behind my shoulder to get their attention. Some-times no one can get them to laugh better than you so practice those goofy faces!

That said (and this is an important one!) it’s most helpful to me if you stand back and only intervene if I ask for help, goofy faces, or suggestions. If a parent is making requests of the kids or giving direction and so am I, then they don’t know who to listen to.

Always feel free to ask questions or make suggestions. I’m here to make sure you get photos you love!

Please remember to fill out your session questionnaire. This information is really helpful to me! The password is “clients”.

If you are having an EveryDay Stories at-home ses-sion, think about the things you love to do as a family, or the everyday rituals you want to remem-ber.

It could be as simple as reading a book, or doing a craft. Do you make pancakes and bacon every Sunday morning? Do you want to remember bath times and bedtime rituals? Or I can just capture you in your home together and we’ll go with the flow.

UsuallyUsually by the time I leave one of these sessions, we’ve chatted about all kinds of things, and I feel like I’ve made new friends. It’s informal and super relaxed, so just be yourselves and have fun with your family!

Preparing the Kids

From a practical perspective, these sessions are great for very young children. At home, they are at ease and everything they need and that is familiar to them is right there.

IfIf kids need a break, they can go to the kitchen for a snack. Or if they need a cuddle in the rocker, it’s right there. Their lovies and special toys are right there too. So is the family pet, or whatever it might be that soothes them and makes them feel safe and happy. And the best part is, those things are part of your story, so we can document all of it.

Getting the House Ready

We may use the Living/Family Room, the kids rooms, or possibly the Master Bedroom during our session. Or if there is another space that gets great natural light, we will take advantage of it!

PleasePlease turn off all overhead lights and table lamps to avoid color casts, and open up blinds and cur-tains. I may suggest we move furniture like coffee tables out of the way or turn furniture to take advantage of good light but I’ll let you know once I have a look around.

Don’t worry about the house being perfect, but please try to clear clutter or anything that might be distracting in the background of images.

Q: What if my child is sick on the day of the session?:

A: Just give me a call and we can reschedule. 24 Hours notice is appreciated but not mandatory. I’m a

Q: What if the weather doesn’t cooperate?

A: If we’re scheduled to shoot a family session outdoors and it’s really rainy and miserable we can reschedule. If you are scheduled for a weekend session, please keep in mind that our rain date may have to be a weekday due to very limited weekend openings.

TheThere is also a chance I may suggest rescheduling even if its not raining but the clouds are very thick. While light clouds can filter harsh sunlight, thick clouds don’t do anything for anyone. If it’s one of those days, I’ll let you know my thoughts and let you make the final call. Some clients don’t want to cancel unless it is pouring rain because they must do the ses-sion that day, and I understand that. I just want you to under-stand how important light is to your final images.

If it’s chilly out, please make sure your kids are warmly dressed. Chattering teeth do not make for pretty pictures and most kids will get cranky fast if they are too cold! Consider bringing a warm blanket to cozy up in too!

Q: Do you bring props?

A:A: Something that is meaningful to you is better than a “prop” I supply, so if there is something special you’d like to include, feel free to have it at hand. Some ideas: favorite stuffed toy or snuggly, wagon or tricycle, kite, balls, etc. Or does your little boy have an obsession with superheros? Have him bring his cape! Anything that is a “time stamp” to your child at this age is perfect.

Q: Do You Post Sneak Peeks?

A:A: Usually within 24 hours, I will post a “sneak peek” on the Cristen Farrell Photography Face-book page. Be sure to “like” my page so that you don’t miss it! You are always welcome to tag yourself and share if you like. Just please don’t crop out my watermark. Also, I may post images from your session on my website portfolio and blog within a few months. Because of the visual nature of my work, it’s important for me to be able to share images. However, I never use last names or give away any personal information. I do understand that everyone has a different comfort level with online sharing, so please let me know if you have any questions.

Q: How are my images backed up and protected and how long do you keep them?

A: As soon as I get home from our session, I immediately upload my memory cards and create backups on two seperate hard drives. Both of those hard drives are then automatically backed up into the “cloud” through my Crashplan account. (As an aside -- you don’t have Crashplan or a similar service for your own hard drives I highly recommend it. You don’t want to learn the hard way!)

OnceOnce your images are finalized, I upload the JPG files to my online proofing host. This also serves as an additional back up for the final images (which are also saved to the two original hard drives and cloud back up.) I guarantee images will be available for one year from your session. Once they are archived by me to create more space in my system, there may be a fee to de-archive the files.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 617.285.9429. I’m really looking forward to meeting you and your family!

Q: When will my gallery be ready and how do I order?

A:A: Within three weeks, I will send you a link to your password protected gallery and provide details on ordering your prints or wall art. Digital files as well as many common print sizes can be ordered right through your online gallery.

IfIf you would like help in deciding on sizes or wall arrangements, I’m happy to meet with you in your home to go over your options. I have software that will show you how a wall arrangement will look on your particular wall. Just let me know if this would be helpful to you.

InIn addition, I have samples of canvases, albums, frames, etc., and would be more than happy to bring them by or have you stop by my office to have a look!

In order to maintain a sustainable workflow and provide the best service to all clients, galler-ies are live for 30 days from the release date.