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  • 8/19/2019 CRISPR Transcript










    6 HARVARD COLLEGE Patents 8,697,359; 8,771,945;

      8,795,965; 8,865,406; 8,871,445; 8,889,356;

    7 8,895,308; 8,906,616; 8,932,814; 8,945,839;

      8,993,233; and 8,999,641


      Junior Party,






      Application 13/842,859,


      Senior Party.13



    15 Patent Interference No. 106,048(DK)




    18 Initial Teleconference Call

      March 10, 2016

    19 1:04 p.m.20 ______________________ 



     BEFORE: Deborah Katz, Administrative Patent Judge,

    23 Judge Lane and Judge Schafer


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    2 Counsel for Junior Party:

    3 Jenner & Block

      by Steven Trybus, Esquire

    4 by Paul Margolis, Esquire

      by Harold Roper, Esquire

    5 353 N. Clark Street

      Chicago, Illinois 60654-3456

    6 (312) 923-8307

      [email protected]

    7 [email protected]

      [email protected]


    - and -


    Sunstein, Kann, Murphy & Timbers, LLP

    10 by Lawrence M. Green, Esquire

      by Elizabeth N. Spar, Ph.D., Esquire

    11 by Timothy M. Murphy, Esquire

      125 Summer Street

    12 Boston , Massach usetts 02 110-1618

      (617) 443-9292

    13 [email protected]

      [email protected]

    14 [email protected] - and -

    16 Rothwell Figg

      by R. Danny Huntington, Esquire

    17 607 14th Street, N.W. Suite 800

      Washington, District of Columbia 20005

    18 (202) 783-6040

      [email protected]


    - and -


    Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.

    21 by Jill M. Browning, Esquire

      1950 Roland Clarke Place

    22 Reston, Virginia 20191-1411

      (703) 716-1191

    23 [email protected]

    24 (continued)

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    1 APPEARANCES (continued):

    2 Counsel for Senior Party:

    3 Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney, PC

      by Todd R. Walters, Esquire

    4 by Erin M. Dunston, Esquire

      by Travis W. Bliss, Esquire

    5 1737 King Street, Suite 500

      Alexandria, VA 22314-2727

    6 (703) 836-6620

      [email protected]

    7 [email protected]

      [email protected]

    - and -


    Goodwin Procter, LLP

    10 by Brian A. Fairchild, Ph.D., Esquire

      Exchange Place

    11 53 State Street

      Boston, Massachusetts 02109

    12 (617) 570-1000

      [email protected]













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    1 P R O C E E D I N G S

    2 1:04 p.m.


    4 (Conference call proceeded as follows:

    5 THE COURT: Hi, this is Deborah Katz, and

    6 I have Judge Schafer and Judge Lane with me.

    7 Who do I have on the call for Junior

    8 Party, for Broad?

    9 MR. TRYBUS: Good afternoon, your Honors.

    10 For the party Broad, you have lead counsel Steve

    11 Trybus from Jenner & Block. Also on the phone is

    12 back-up counsel Harry Roper, also from Jenner &

    13 Block; and with me here present is in addition from

    14 Jenner & Block, a partner Paul Margolis, and also

    15 present in the room with me is Danny Huntington from

    16 the Rothwell Figg firm; Jill Browning, from

    17 Greenblum & Bernstein; and from the Sunstein Law

    18 Firm, Elizabeth Spar, Timothy Murphy, and Lawrence

    19 Green.

    20 THE COURT: Okay. Let me get -- I think I

    21 lost you at Jill Browning. Elizabeth -- can you

    22 spell the last name.

    23 MR. TRYBUS: Elizabeth Spar, S-P-A-R.

    24 THE COURT: Okay. And --

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    1 MR. TRYBUS: And Timothy Murphy. And

    2 Lawrence Green.

    3 THE COURT: Okay. M-U-R-P-H-Y?

    4 MR. TRYBUS: Yes.

    5 THE COURT: And Lawrence Green you said?

    6 MR. TRYBUS: Yes. Correct.

    7 THE COURT: And then?

    8 MR. TRYBUS: And that's everyone on our

    9 side, and there is a court reporter also, your

    10 Honor.

    11 THE COURT: Right. Thank you. Green was

    12 spelled how?

    13 MR. TRYBUS: G-R-E-E-N.

    14 THE COURT: Okay. And Browning was spelled

    15 as it sounds, Browning?

    16 MR. TRYBUS: Yes.

    17 THE COURT: Okay. All right. And can

    18 you -- and for the Senior Party, who's on the line,

    19 please?

    20 MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, this is Todd

    21 Walters. I have on the phone my colleagues Erin

    22 Dunston and Travis Bliss from the Buchanan Ingersoll

    23 & Rooney firm, and we also have here with us Brian

    24 Fairchild from the Goodwin Procter firm.

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    1 THE COURT: Okay. Thank you.

    2 And is that all on the call? Is there

    3 anybody else on the call who wants to identify

    4 themselves?

    5 MR. TRYBUS: Not from our side.

    6 THE COURT: Okay. Thank you.

    7 All right. So in terms of -- I'll just

    8 because I always forget this at the end, the

    9 transcript of the call, could that be filed by

    10 Monday?

    11 MR. TRYBUS: Yes.

    12 THE COURT: Okay. Thank you very much.

    13 Hi. So we have read -- we're here for the

    14 initial conference call. We have received both

    15 parties' proposed motions list, and we have reviewed

    16 them, and we will take them under consideration.

    17 An order will go out with determinations

    18 of which motions are authorized and other issues. I

    19 think this is -- our time is best used by getting to

    20 some questions about the motions, which we will get

    21 to in a moment.

    22 I wanted to also put some things up front,

    23 so that we don't forget about them later. I would

    24 like to have the statement of material facts in the

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    1 brief; so that requirement is not waived. I find

    2 that helpful. They do count towards the page limit

    3 also.

    4 Claim charts, where they are appropriate,

    5 are also good if they don't count towards the page

    6 limits.

    7 And then just to put up front, we are not

    8 going to generically extend the page limits this

    9 time. If you find when you are briefing that you

    10 are having trouble meeting the page limit for a

    11 specific reason, please feel free to come ask us for

    12 an extension at that time and be able to support why

    13 you need the extra pages.

    14 Okay. I may also to get through the

    15 schedule, we did receive the order -- we did receive

    16 your proposed schedule. A schedule will be put out

    17 in the order authorizing the motions and setting the

    18 times. To be honest, it looks like it will be

    19 shorter, so that we can stay within the two-year

    20 time. So I just wanted to ask if a hearing is held,

    21 if we do authorize a hearing, that may be in mid

    22 November, are there any times that counsel has

    23 trouble in mid November, wants to tell us up front

    24 before we block out some dates?

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    1 I guess, Junior Party, is there anything

    2 that you know of at this time?

    3 MR. TRYBUS: Let me look for one moment,

    4 your Honor.

    5 (Pause.)

    6 MR. TRYBUS: I have a commitment, your

    7 Honor, on the 11th of November; but other than that,

    8 it seems like I don't have any conflict for mid

    9 November.

    10 THE COURT: Okay. And for Senior Party,

    11 and this is only that you know of right now. You

    12 know, if something ...

    13 MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, this is Todd

    14 Walters. I don't know of an issue right at the

    15 moment, but certainly would want to talk with our

    16 client and make sure that there's no problem there.

    17 THE COURT: Okay. All right. Once the

    18 date and -- the call date, once those come out and

    19 as soon as anybody knows of any problem, that would

    20 be good.

    21 Okay. I also wanted to ask if there has

    22 been any attempt at settlement at this point? I

    23 guess, Mr. Trybus, is there ...

    24 MR. TRYBUS: There has not been, your

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    1 Honor. We're under the understanding that Senior

    2 Party would initiate such if they were interested in

    3 it, but we have not had that opportunity one way or

    4 the other to discuss settlement.

    5 THE COURT: Okay. And, Mr. Walters, is

    6 that ...

    7 MR. WALTERS: That's my understanding is

    8 there has not been any formal discussions between

    9 the parties.

    10 THE COURT: Okay. All right. And you

    11 know that that's on the schedule too, so.

    12 Okay. All right. So now if we turn to

    13 the proposed motions list, would the Junior Party

    14 first, the proposed Motion 47. So this is the

    15 authorization for motion to argue that there's lack

    16 of written description.

    17 Is this -- Mr. Trybus, is this a

    18 thresh -- you've characterized this as a threshold

    19 motion or.

    20 MR. TRYBUS: Yes, your Honor. We believe

    21 that this is a threshold motion. It goes to all

    22 of the claims that Senior Party has in the

    23 interference; and, therefore, we believe it qualifies

    24 on that basis.

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    1 THE COURT: Okay. Mr. Walters, do you

    2 agree that that would be a threshold issue?

    3 MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, I don't think it

    4 would resolve all of the issues because if there is

    5 something that the Junior Party would identify in

    6 terms of 112 issues, we certainly would request the

    7 filing of a responsive motion.

    8 THE COURT: Okay. And does that -- is

    9 that defining a threshold motion?

    10 MR. WALTERS: Pardon?

    11 THE COURT: If you file a responsive motion,

    12 does that mean whether it's threshold or not?

    13 MR. WALTERS: Well, in my mind, if a

    14 motion is filed that wouldn't ultimately resolve all

    15 of the issues in the interference, then it would not

    16 be a threshold motion. In here if we would file a

    17 responsive motion to an attack of patentability,

    18 then that attack of patentability wouldn't resolve

    19 all the issues, if, for example, we presented a

    20 claim that would address the patentability attack.

    21 THE COURT: But ultimately if that claim

    22 is found to not have any description support, then

    23 would that resolve all of the issues? I guess

    24 what's that to -- I mean, in that same proceeding,

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    1 the responsive motion's just part of the threshold

    2 issue?

    3 MR. WALTERS: I think the way that it

    4 would work would be that the motion was filed, and

    5 then a responsive motion would be filed in response

    6 to the motion. So the first motion that is filed on

    7 the patentability attack wouldn't be threshold,

    8 because it would not resolve all of the issues.

    9 But, I guess, your Honor, you could say if

    10 you dealt with all of the motions together, that all

    11 of the motions together could decide ultimately the

    12 outcome of the interference.

    13 THE COURT: Okay. All right. All right.

    14 I think that gives us some sense. We'll take that

    15 under consideration.

    16 All right. So, Mr. Trybus, for your

    17 proposed Motion 48, are the limitations that you are

    18 arguing a motion for lack of enablement, are those

    19 limitations in -- we didn't know which claims are

    20 they in? Are those in the independent claims,

    21 Senior Party's independent claims or just the

    22 dependent claims?

    23 MR. TRYBUS: They are in the independent

    24 claims, your Honor, and more specifically, I could

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    1 say that the limitations that we set forth in

    2 subparagraph A of 48 go to all of the involved

    3 claims.

    4 THE COURT: Okay. All right. Mr. Walters,

    5 do you agree with that?

    6 MR. WALTERS: Well, we don't agree with

    7 any of the suggestions that there was a lack of

    8 enablement.

    9 THE COURT: Right. Right. But do you

    10 agree that the limitations are in the independent

    11 claims?

    12 MR. WALTERS: I'm not exactly sure what

    13 exactly they're going to argue, your Honor; so I

    14 don't want to say anything in a blanket way, but

    15 some of these limitations are in independent claims.

    16 THE COURT: Okay. Okay. All right.

    17 Thank you for the assistance.

    18 All right. Moving on to proposed Motion 51

    19 and 56. This is Senior Party's designated --

    20 THE COURT REPORTER: Excuse me. I'm

    21 sorry. Your Honor, I'm having a hard time hearing

    22 you. This is the court reporter. I don't know if

    23 you can push your phone a little closer, if that's

    24 possible.

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    1 THE COURT: Okay. I'll try to move

    2 closer.

    3 THE COURT REPORTER: That's perfect.

    4 Thank you.

    5 THE COURT: Okay. Sorry. All right. So

    6 now we're moving on to proposed Motion 51 and 56,

    7 which is for a designation that some of the claims

    8 do not correspond to Count 1.

    9 Mr. Walters, are there any claims that you

    10 agree -- any of Broad's claims that you agree do not

    11 correspond to Count 1?

    12 MR. WALTERS: No, your Honor.

    13 THE COURT: Okay. Okay. All right. All

    14 right. I think -- are there any other questions on

    15 that?

    16 All right. Then if we move on to UC's

    17 proposed list, Mr. Walters, do you -- you

    18 characterized your proposed Motion 2 as a threshold

    19 defense. It looks like it's a motion for

    20 patentability over the prior art. Why is this a

    21 threshold motion?

    22 MR. WALTERS: So, your Honor, unlike the

    23 written description motion that we talked about

    24 earlier, the motion that we have proposed here is

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    1 based upon the way the interference is set up, and

    2 the interference was set up such that the Junior

    3 Party was not given benefit to an application prior

    4 to March 16 of 2013, and all of its claims are

    5 designated to correspond to the count in the

    6 interference.

    7 Senior Party's application was given the

    8 benefit of -- or there is an application filed prior

    9 to March 16 of 2013; so the way this interference is

    10 set up right now, there's a presumption that all of

    11 Junior Party's claims are unpatentable over Senior

    12 Party's application, and Senior Party should not be

    13 entitled to swear behind -- I'm sorry -- the Junior

    14 Party should not be entitled to swear behind the

    15 Senior Party's application, because in each of the

    16 patents, each of Junior Party's patents involved in

    17 this interference, they have a claim that was in

    18 their application; and many of the claims have ended

    19 up in the issued patents that do not have support to

    20 an application pre-March 16, 2013.

    21 Because they have these claims, and we've

    22 identified several dozen limitations throughout the

    23 12 patents, we believe that each of their claims are

    24 presumptively unpatentable because they would not be

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    1 able to swear behind our application.

    2 Each of their claims are designated to

    3 correspond to the count, and this is an issue that

    4 you cannot fix once you have presented that claim in

    5 your application.

    6 That's why we consider this a threshold

    7 issue. It's based on written description. It

    8 cannot be fixed by an amendment to the patent,

    9 because once you taint the application that results

    10 in the patent, you are stuck in AIA prior art world.

    11 THE COURT: So, well, first of all, the

    12 declaration of the interference is a beginning of

    13 the interference; so I'm not exactly sure why what

    14 you're saying is the presumption creates anything

    15 more than what would have to be proven during the

    16 interference.

    17 So the fact that there was or was not

    18 benefit afforded, how does that create a threshold

    19 motion? I'm -- I'm ...

    20 MR. WALTERS: I'm just pointing out, your

    21 Honor, that as of right now where the interference

    22 sits, they, Junior Party has not been afforded the

    23 benefit of anything prior to March 16 of 2013.

    24 We also believe that each of their

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    1 applications that resulted in those patents is

    2 subject to AIA prior art provisions, which means they

    3 cannot swear behind the Senior Party's application.

    4 THE COURT: Right. Okay. So but if in

    5 the end, this comes down to whether the claims are

    6 patentable over the prior art, is that a threshold

    7 issue?

    8 MR. WALTERS: In this particular case,

    9 yes, because all of their claims are unpatentable,

    10 and patentability is something that you should have

    11 in order to proceed with the interference. If they

    12 have no patentable claim, they shouldn't be allowed

    13 to proceed forward with the interference.

    14 THE COURT: But -- okay. Could there

    15 still be a question of priority even if the other

    16 party, whether the other party invented first,

    17 whether or not the first party has a patentable

    18 claim or the other -- the one party has patentable

    19 claims or not?

    20 MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, in order to move

    21 forward with the interference, we believe that they

    22 need to have a patentable claim. Patentability is a

    23 prerequisite to get into the interference in the

    24 first place, but we don't believe that they should

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    1 have been allowed to indicate to the Patent Office

    2 that they were a pre-AIA application when, in fact,

    3 when they filed the majority of their ADS sheets

    4 with the Patent Office, they specifically indicated

    5 that they were a transitional application subject to

    6 AIA provisions.

    7 For this reason, it would be really unfair

    8 to not allow us to file that particular motion when

    9 it was Junior Party who indicated to the Patent

    10 Office that initially they were a post-AIA

    11 application, meaning subject to AIA provisions, but

    12 then subsequently changed their position on that

    13 before they then did a swear-behind declaration to

    14 get in front of our filing date. This seems like a

    15 clear interference issue dealing with patentability,

    16 no different than written description.

    17 THE COURT: Okay. I guess, Mr. Trybus, do

    18 you want to ...

    19 MR. TRYBUS: Yes, your Honor. We do not

    20 believe that this is a threshold issue. We believe

    21 that this is patentability over prior art motion

    22 pure and simple and does not need to be taken up

    23 now. Say, obviously we disagree with the Senior

    24 Party with regard to the underlying facts, but we'll

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    1 not argue those; but we do believe that the statute

    2 would provide as, I think one of your Honor's

    3 questions got to, that even if -- and we don't

    4 believe our claims are unpatentable, but even if the

    5 claims were unpatentable as set forth here, that

    6 there would still be, under the statutory provisions,

    7 the ability for the interference or even the

    8 requirement that the interference go forward with

    9 our ability to show priority.

    10 THE COURT: Okay. All right. I think we

    11 see what the issues are in authorizing or not the

    12 motion.

    13 All right. I think the third -- all

    14 right. I think those were the questions that we had

    15 about the proposed motions list.

    16 I guess I'd ask Junior Party if there's

    17 anything other than the specific, you know, what

    18 you've written in the proposed motions list -- we

    19 don't want to go through each one -- but are there

    20 other things that you want to bring up at this

    21 initial conference?

    22 MR. TRYBUS: Yes, your Honor, I do have

    23 one thing that I do want to bring up, and it concerns

    24 Senior Party's motion with regard -- Motion 11 with

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    1 regard to inequitable conduct.

    2 We strenuously deny all of the underlying

    3 allegations; but more than that, your Honors, we

    4 believe that the allegations made, they're unfounded

    5 and that they also do not provide adequate basis for

    6 the motion. We believe that this allegation does

    7 not comply with paragraph 208.7 of the standing

    8 order, and we believe and request that the Board

    9 strike that from the record, and/or require the

    10 Senior Party to file a proper list that does not

    11 include these allegations. These allegations have

    12 been picked up in the press to the harm of Junior

    13 Party, and because these allegations not only have

    14 no basis, but we believe are contrary to the Board's

    15 rules and standing order, we would ask for that

    16 relief.

    17 THE COURT: Okay. All right. We will

    18 look at that.

    19 MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, may I respond?

    20 THE COURT: Very briefly.

    21 MR. WALTERS: I just -- first of all, the

    22 motion that we're referring to is a motion addressing

    23 inequitable conduct, and I want to let your Honors

    24 know that we're certainly loath to put this on our

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    1 motions list.

    2 We recognize that your Honors may defer

    3 such an issue to later in the interference. This is

    4 an issue that I personally don't believe I've ever

    5 put on a motions list before. However, after

    6 reviewing the evidence in this particular case and

    7 consulting with the clients in this particular case,

    8 we felt it necessary to put it in the motions list,

    9 so that we could preserve our ability to file that

    10 motion and preserve the record.

    11 We believe that the standing order indicates

    12 that you have to put your proofs in with your motion,

    13 not your motions list; and it's unfortunate that

    14 this is an issue that is in a motions list, but we

    15 felt we had to -- we had to preserve our rights

    16 here.

    17 THE COURT: Okay.

    18 MR. TRYBUS: And, your Honor, if I could

    19 briefly just make one last comment.

    20 THE COURT: Go ahead.

    21 MR. TRYBUS: We believe that, at least in

    22 part, one of the things that is wrong with the list,

    23 as filed, is that there's no even proper allegation

    24 with regard to intent, and there's also not an

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    1 allegation on but-for materiality as well.

    2 Thank you.

    3 THE COURT: Okay.

    4 MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, I feel like I

    5 have to respond again.

    6 THE COURT: Go ahead.

    7 MR. WALTERS: As Therasense indicates, the

    8 En Banc decision, intent can come from circumstantial

    9 evidence, and in situations where a party has

    10 misrepresented facts to the Patent Office, the

    11 but-for-materiality test is accepted in those

    12 situations, as we understand the reading of

    13 Therasense.

    14 Your Honor, we also had a couple of

    15 miscellaneous issues in our motions list that we'd

    16 like to touch upon briefly.

    17 THE COURT: All right. Well, Junior --

    18 Mr. Trybus, are you -- is that the only thing that

    19 you wanted to bring up?

    20 MR. TRYBUS: Yes, your Honor. I don't

    21 think we have anything else.

    22 THE COURT: Okay. Mr. Walters, go ahead.

    23 MR. WALTERS: Your Honor, as you know,

    24 Junior Party has had a number of patents issue

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    1 already. Many of those patents are in this

    2 interference.

    3 Junior Party is continuing to prosecute

    4 additional applications, some of which we requested

    5 to be part of the interference but ultimately were

    6 not pulled into the interference.

    7 We are assuming that those additional

    8 applications were not put into the interference

    9 because the subject matter of the claims had not

    10 been yet indicated as allowable but for the

    11 interference.

    12 More recently, one of Junior Party's

    13 applications, which is mentioned in Senior Party's

    14 motions list is -- has been indicated to have

    15 allowable subject matter, and a notice of allowance

    16 was issued in that case.

    17 We're trying to get some guidance from you

    18 on how we deal with any additional applications like

    19 this particular application that has been allowed

    20 because we would treat that application like we

    21 would treat all of the other patents that are

    22 currently in the interference itself.

    23 THE COURT: Let me ask one thing. Are the

    24 issues of the -- there are already 12 patents in the

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    1 interference. Are there other issues that this

    2 particular application is bringing up?

    3 MR. WALTERS: Well, our concern, your

    4 Honor, is that if additional cases are being allowed,

    5 and they'll go to issue, and we don't treat them in

    6 this interference, then that could ultimately be

    7 problematic, and then we have to bring about

    8 separate proceedings on any newly issued cases;

    9 and we want to just make sure -- we understand that

    10 there's already 12 patents. We don't like that

    11 either, but we want to make sure that we're not

    12 foreclosing any opportunity of addressing those

    13 cases as if and when they issue, and we honestly

    14 don't think they should have issued -- any of them

    15 should issue in the first place.

    16 THE COURT: Right. All right. We will

    17 take a look at the circumstances of where the

    18 application is, and we will put out some guidance in

    19 the orders.

    20 MR. WALTERS: All right. I have another

    21 issue, your Honor, and that is dealing with

    22 responsive motions. And maybe this is not the

    23 appropriate call for dealing with responsive motions

    24 because we don't know what motions you're going to

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    1 allow the respective parties to file.

    2 THE COURT: Right.

    3 MR. WALTERS: But I want to make sure that

    4 we reserve at least some point in time for us to

    5 address responsive motions because the Senior Party

    6 certainly would want an opportunity to address a no

    7 interference in fact motion, any unpatentability

    8 attack, or any assertion that claims should be

    9 undesignated because any of the categories of

    10 undesignation we certainly have support for

    11 interfering claims, should the Junior Party convince

    12 you that any of that subject matter is separately

    13 patentable.

    14 We just want to make sure we can address

    15 all of the issues with the parties.

    16 THE COURT: All right. Well, I think

    17 there is a time for filing of responsive motions, but

    18 I believe you would have to request authorization

    19 before that time period. Right?

    20 MR. WALTERS: That is correct, your Honor.

    21 I just want to make sure that we put that on your

    22 radar.

    23 THE COURT: Okay. All right. Okay. Is

    24 there anything else from either of the parties?

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    1 MR. WALTERS: One last issue, your Honor,

    2 and that is on the schedule. The parties have

    3 discussed the schedule and the complexities of this

    4 particular interference, and we do want to be mindful

    5 of your desire to complete the interference in a

    6 timely fashion, but at least Senior Party and I

    7 think Junior Party would agree, that this is a

    8 complex case, and it would be, I think, helpful to

    9 the parties and the Board if the parties had

    10 sufficient time to prepare and file their papers, to

    11 the extent that you can give us extra time in the

    12 schedule.

    13 THE COURT: Okay. Well, we will take that

    14 into account.

    15 Okay. I think -- is there anything else?

    16 From Judge Lane?

    17 All right. Thank you all very much. We

    18 will have an order out shortly, and we will address

    19 all the issues that you've mentioned.

    20 MR. TRYBUS: Thank you, your Honors.

    21 THE COURT: Thank you.

    22 MR. WALTERS: Thank you, your Honors.

    23 MR. ROPER: Thank you.

    24 (Conference call concluded at 1:34 p.m.)

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    1 C E R T I F I C A T E


    3 I, Julie Thomson Riley, RDR, CRR, do

    4 hereby certify that the foregoing transcript,

    5 consisting of 26 pages inclusive, is a true and

    6 accurate transcription of my stenographic notes in

    7 the initial conference call regarding Patent

    8 Interference No. 106,048 (DK), The Broad Institute,

    9 Inc., et al. versus The Regents of the University of

    10 California, et al., before Judge Deborah Katz, Judge

    11 Schafer and Judge Lane, on March 10, 2016, to the

    12 best of my skill, knowledge, and ability.



    15 /s/ Julie Thomson Riley March 10, 2016

    16 Julie Thomson Riley, RDR, CRR Date









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    & 2:3,9,20 3:3 4:11

    4:12,14,17 5:23


    02109 3:11

    02110-1618 2:12


    1 13:8,11

    10 1:18 26:11,15

    106,048 1:15 26:8

    11 18:24

    112 10:6

    11th 8:7

    12 14:23 22:24

    23:10125 2:11

    13/842,859 1:11

    14th 2:17

    16 14:4,9,20 15:23

    1737 3:5

    1950 2:21

    1:04 1:19 4:2

    1:34 25:24


    2 13:1820005 2:17

    2013 14:4,9,20


    2016 1:18 26:11,15

    20191-1411 2:22

    202 2:18

    208.7 19:7

    22314-2727 3:5

    26 26:5


    312 2:6

    353 2:5


    443-9292 2:12

    47 9:14

    48 11:17 12:2


    500 3:5

    51 12:18 13:6

    53 3:11

    56 12:19 13:6570-1000 3:12


    60654-3456 2:5

    607 2:17

    617 2:12 3:12


    703 2:22 3:6

    716-1191 2:22

    783-6040 2:18


    8,697,359 1:6

    8,771,945 1:6

    8,795,965 1:6

    8,865,406 1:6

    8,871,445 1:6

    8,889,356 1:6

    8,895,308 1:7

    8,906,616 1:7

    8,932,814 1:7

    8,945,839 1:78,993,233 1:7

    8,999,641 1:7

    800 2:17

    836-6620 3:6


    923-8307 2:6


    ability 18:7,9 20:9


    able 7:12 15:1accepted 21:11

    account 25:14

    accurate 26:6

    addition 4:13

    additional 22:4,7,18


    address 10:20 24:5

    24:6,14 25:18

    addressing 19:22


    adequate 19:5

    administrative 1:22

    ads 17:3

    afforded 15:18,22

    afternoon 4:9

    agree 10:2 12:5,6,10

    13:10,10 25:7

    ahead 20:20 21:6,22

    aia 15:10 16:2 17:2


    al 26:9,10

    alexandria 3:5allegation 19:6

    20:23 21:1

    allegations 19:3,4


    allow 17:8 24:1

    allowable 22:10,15

    allowance 22:15

    allowed 16:12 17:1

    22:19 23:4

    amendment 15:8

    anybody 6:3 8:19appeal 1:2

    appearances 2:1 3:1

    application 1:11


    15:1,5,9 16:3 17:2,5

    17:11 22:19,20 23:2


    applications 16:1


    appropriate 7:423:23

    argue 9:15 12:13


    arguing 11:18

    art 13:20 15:10 16:2

    16:6 17:21

    assertion 24:8

    assistance 12:17

    assuming 22:7

    attack 10:17,18,20

    11:7 24:8

    attempt 8:22

    authorization 9:15


    authorize 7:21

    authorized 6:18

    authorizing 7:17



    back 4:12

    banc 21:8

    based 14:1 15:7

    basis 9:24 19:5,14

    beginning 15:12

    believe 9:20,23

    14:23 15:24 16:21

    16:24 17:20,20 18:1

    18:4 19:4,6,8,14

    20:4,11,21 24:18

    benefit 14:3,8 15:18


    bernstein 2:20 4:17

    best 6:19 26:12bfairchild 3:12 3:6,7,7

    blanket 12:14

    bliss 3:4 5:22

    block 2:3 4:11,13,14


    board 1:2 19:8 25:9

    board's 19:14

    boston 2:12 3:11

    brian 3:10 5:23

    brief  7:1briefing 7:9

    briefly 19:20 20:19


    bring 18:20,23

    21:19 23:7

    bringing 23:2

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    broad 1:5 4:8,10


    broad's 13:10

    browning 2:21 4:16

    4:21 5:14,15

    buchanan 3:3 5:22


    c 4:1 26:1,1

    california 1:10


    call 1:18 4:4,7 6:2,3

    6:9,14 8:18 23:23

    25:24 26:7

    case 16:8 20:6,7

    22:16 25:8

    cases 23:4,8,13

    categories 24:9

    certainly 8:15 10:6

    19:24 24:6,10

    certify 26:4

    changed 17:12

    characterized 9:18


    charpentier 1:11

    charts 7:4

    chicago 2:5circumstances


    circumstantial 21:8

    claim 7:4 10:20,21

    14:17 15:4 16:12,18


    claims 9:22 11:19,20

    11:21,22,24 12:3,11

    12:15 13:7,9,10


    15:2 16:5,9,19 18:418:5 22:9 24:8,11

    clark 2:5

    clarke 2:21

    clear 17:15

    client 8:16

    clients 20:7

    closer 12:23 13:2

    colleagues 5:21

    college 1:6

    columbia 2:17

    come 7:11 8:18 21:8

    comes 16:5

    comment 20:19

    commitment 8:6

    complete 25:5

    complex 25:8

    complexities 25:3

    comply 19:7

    concern 23:3

    concerns 18:23

    concluded 25:24

    conduct 19:1,23conference 4:4 6:14

    18:21 25:24 26:7

    conflict 8:8

    consider 15:6

    consideration 6:16


    consisting 26:5

    consulting 20:7

    continued 2:24 3:1

    continuing 22:3

    contrary 19:14convince 24:11

    correct 5:6 24:20

    correspond 13:8,11

    14:5 15:3

    counsel 2:2 3:2 4:10

    4:12 7:22

    count 7:2,5 13:8,11

    14:5 15:3

    couple 21:14

    court 4:5,20,24 5:35:5,7,9,11,14,17 6:1

    6:6,12 8:10,17 9:5

    9:10 10:1,8,11,21

    11:13 12:4,9,16,20

    12:22 13:1,3,5,13

    15:11 16:4,14 17:17

    18:10 19:17,20

    20:17,20 21:3,6,17

    21:22 22:23 23:16

    24:2,16,23 25:13,21

    create 15:18

    creates 15:14

    crr 26:3,16

    currently 22:22


    d 4:1

    danny 2:16 4:15

    date 8:18,18 17:14


    dates 7:24

    deal 22:18

    dealing 17:15 23:21


    dealt 11:10

    deborah 1:22 4:5


    decide 11:11

    decision 21:8

    declaration 15:12


    defense 13:19

    defer 20:2

    defining 10:9

    deny 19:2dependent 11:22

    description 9:16

    10:22 13:23 15:7


    designated 12:19

    14:5 15:2

    designation 13:7

    desire 25:5

    determinations 6:17

    dhuntington 2:18

    different 17:16disagree 17:23

    discuss 9:4

    discussed 25:3

    discussions 9:8

    district 2:17

    dk 1:15 26:8

    dozen 14:22

    dunston 3:4 5:22


    e 4:1,1 5:13,13 26:1

    26:1earlier 13:24

    either 23:11 24:24

    elizabeth 2:10 4:18


    emmanuelle 1:11

    en 21:8

    enablement 11:18


    ended 14:18

    entitled 14:13,14

    erin 3:4 5:21

    erin.dunston 3:7

    espar 2:13

    esquire 2:3,4,4,10

    2:10,11,16,21 3:3,4


    et 26:9,10

    evidence 20:6 21:9

    exactly 12:12,13


    example 10:19exchange 3:10

    excuse 12:20

    extend 7:8

    extension 7:12

    extent 25:11

    extra 7:13 25:11

    f  26:1

    fact 15:17 17:2 24:7

    facts 6:24 17:24


    fairchild 3:10 5:24

    fashion 25:6

    feel 7:11 21:4

    fellows 1:5

    felt 20:8,15

    figg 2:16 4:16

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    file 10:11,16 17:8

    19:10 20:9 24:1


    filed 6:9 10:14 11:4

    11:5,6 14:8 17:3


    filing 10:7 17:14


    find 7:1,9

    firm 4:16,18 5:23,24

    first 9:14 11:6 15:11

    16:16,17,24 19:21


    fix 15:4

    fixed 15:8

    follows 4:4foreclosing 23:12

    foregoing 26:4

    forget 6:8,23

    formal 9:8

    forth 12:1 18:5

    forward 16:13,21


    found 10:22

    free 7:11

    front 6:22 7:7,23



    g 4:1 5:13 2:23

    generically 7:8

    getting 6:19

    give 25:11

    given 14:3,7

    gives 11:14

    go 6:17 12:2 18:8,19

    20:20 21:6,22 23:5goes 9:21

    going 7:8 12:13


    good 4:9 7:5 8:20

    goodwin 3:9 5:24



    green 2:10 4:19 5:2


    greenblum 2:20


    guess 8:1,23 10:23

    11:9 17:17 18:16

    guidance 22:17



    h 5:3

    hard 12:21

    harm 19:12

    harold 2:4

    harry 4:12

    harvard 1:6

    hearing 7:20,21


    held 7:20

    helpful 7:2 25:8

    hi 4:5 6:13

    honest 7:18

    honestly 23:13

    honor 5:10,20 8:4,7

    8:13 9:1,20 10:3

    11:9,24 12:13,21

    13:12,22 15:2116:20 17:19 18:22

    19:19 20:18 21:4,14

    21:20,23 23:4,21

    24:20 25:1

    honor's 18:2

    honors 4:9 19:3,23

    20:2 25:20,22

    hroper 2:7

    huntington 2:16



    identified 14:22

    identify 6:3 10:5

    illinois 2:5

    include 19:11

    inclusive 26:5

    independent 11:20

    11:21,23 12:10,15

    indicate 17:1

    indicated 17:4,9


    indicates 20:11 21:7

    inequitable 19:1,23

    ingersoll 3:3 5:22

    initial 1:18 6:14

    18:21 26:7

    initially 17:10

    initiate 9:2

    institute 1:5,5 26:8

    intent 20:24 21:8

    interested 9:2

    interference 1:15

    9:23 10:15 11:12

    14:1,2,6,9,17 15:1215:13,16,21 16:11

    16:13,21,23 17:15

    18:7,8 20:3 22:2,5,6

    22:8,11,22 23:1,6

    24:7 25:4,5 26:8

    interfering 24:11

    invented 16:16

    involved 12:2 14:16

    issue 8:14 10:2 11:2

    15:3,7 16:7 17:15

    17:20 20:3,4,1421:24 23:5,13,15,21


    issued 14:19 22:16


    issues 6:18 10:4,6,15

    10:19,23 11:8 18:11

    21:15 22:24 23:1

    24:15 25:19


     jbrowning 2:23 jenner 2:3 4:11,12

    4:14 2:6,7,7

     jill 2:21 4:16,21

     judge 1:22,23,23 4:6

    4:6 25:16 26:10,10


     julie 26:3,15,16

     junior 1:8 2:2 4:7

    8:1 9:13 10:5 14:2

    14:11,13,16 15:22

    17:9 18:16 19:12

    21:17,24 22:3,12

    24:11 25:7


    kann 2:9

    katz 1:22 4:5 26:10

    king 3:5

    know 8:2,11,12,14

    9:11 11:19 12:22

    18:17 19:24 21:23


    knowledge 26:12

    knows 8:19


    lack 9:15 11:18 12:7

    lane 1:23 4:6 25:16


    law 4:17

    lawrence 2:10 4:18


    lead 4:10

    lgreen 2:13limit 7:2,10

    limitations 11:17,19

    12:1,10,15 14:22

    limits 7:6,8

    line 5:18

    list 6:15 9:13 13:17

    18:15,18 19:10 20:1


    21:15 22:14

    little 12:23

    llp 2:9 3:9

    loath 19:24

    look 8:3 19:18 23:17

    looks 7:18 13:19

    lost 4:21

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    m 2:10,11,21 3:4 5:3

    majority 17:3

    march 1:18 14:4,9

    14:20 15:23 26:1126:15

    margolis 2:4 4:14

    massachusetts 1:5

    2:12 3:11

    material 6:24

    materiality 21:1,11

    matter 22:9,15


    mean 10:12,24

    meaning 17:11

    means 16:2meeting 7:10

    mentioned 22:13


    mid 7:21,23 8:8

    mind 10:13

    mindful 25:4

    miscellaneous 21:15



    moment 6:21 8:3,15monday 6:10

    motion 9:14,15,19

    9:21 10:7,9,11,14

    10:16,17 11:4,5,6,6

    11:17,18 12:18 13:6


    15:19 17:8,21 18:12

    18:24,24 19:6,22,22

    20:10,12 24:7

    motion's 11:1

    motions 6:15,18,207:17 9:13 11:10,11

    18:15,18 20:1,5,8

    20:13,14 21:15

    22:14 23:22,23,24


    move 13:1,16 16:20

    moving 12:18 13:6

    murphy 2:9,11 4:18



    n 2:5,10 4:1 5:13n.w. 2:17

    name 4:22

    necessary 20:8

    need 7:13 16:22


    newly 23:8

    notes 26:6

    notice 22:15

    november 7:22,23


    number 21:24


    o 4:1

    obviously 17:23

    office 1:1 17:1,4,10


    okay 4:20,24 5:3,14

    5:17 6:1,6,12 7:14

    8:10,17,21 9:5,10

    9:12 10:1,8 11:13

    12:4,16,16 13:1,513:13,13 16:4,14

    17:17 18:10 19:17

    20:17 21:3,22 24:23

    24:23 25:13,15

    once 8:17,18 15:4,9

    opportunity 9:3

    23:12 24:6

    order 6:17 7:15,17

    16:11,20 19:8,15

    20:11 25:18

    orders 23:19

    outcome 11:12


    p 4:1,23 5:3

    p.l.c. 2:20

    p.m. 1:19 4:2 25:24

    page 7:2,5,8,10

    pages 7:13 26:5

    papers 25:10

    paragraph 19:7

    pardon 10:10

    part 11:1 20:22 22:5

    particular 16:8 17:8

    20:6,7 22:19 23:2


    parties 6:15 9:9 24:1

    24:15,24 25:2,9,9

    partner 4:14

    party 1:8,12 2:2 3:2

    4:8,10 5:18 8:1,10

    9:2,13,22 10:5 14:3

    14:12,14 15:2216:16,16,17,18 17:9

    17:24 18:16 19:10

    19:13 21:9,24 22:3

    24:5,11 25:6,7

    party's 11:21 12:19


    16:3 18:24 22:12,13

    patent 1:1,2,15,22

    15:8,10 17:1,4,9

    21:10 26:7

    patentability 10:1710:18,20 11:7 13:20

    16:10,22 17:15,21

    patentable 16:6,12

    16:17,18,22 24:13

    patents 1:6 14:16,16

    14:19,23 16:1 21:24

    22:1,21,24 23:10

    paul 2:4 4:14

    pause 8:5

    pc 3:3perfect 13:3

    period 24:19

    personally 20:4

    ph.d. 2:10 3:10

    phone 4:11 5:21


    picked 19:12

    place 2:21 3:10

    16:24 23:15

    please 5:19 7:11

    pmargolis 2:7

    point 8:22 24:4

    pointing 15:20

    position 17:12

    possible 12:24

    post 17:10

    pre 14:20 17:2

    prepare 25:10

    prerequisite 16:23

    present 4:13,15

    presented 10:19


    preserve 20:9,10,15president 1:5

    press 19:12

    presumption 14:10




    prior 13:20 14:3,8

    15:10,23 16:2,6


    priority 16:15 18:9

    problem 8:16,19problematic 23:7

    proceed 16:11,13

    proceeded 4:4

    proceeding 10:24

    proceedings 23:8

    procter 3:9 5:24

    proofs 20:12

    proper 19:10 20:23

    proposed 6:15 7:16

    9:13,14 11:17 12:1813:6,17,18,24 18:15


    prosecute 22:3

    proven 15:15

    provide 18:2 19:5

    provisions 16:2 17:6

    17:11 18:6

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    pulled 22:6

    pure 17:22

    push 12:23

    put 6:22 7:7,16

    19:24 20:5,8,12

    22:8 23:18 24:21


    qualifies 9:23

    question 16:15

    questions 6:20

    13:14 18:3,14


    r 2:16 3:3 4:1,23 5:3

    5:13 26:1

    radar 24:22rdr 26:3,16

    read 6:13

    reading 21:12

    really 17:7

    reason 7:11 17:7

    receive 7:15,15

    received 6:14

    recognize 20:2

    record 19:9 20:10

    referring 19:22

    regard 17:24 18:2419:1 20:24

    regarding 26:7

    regents 1:10 26:9

    relief  19:16

    reporter 5:9 12:20

    12:22 13:3

    request 10:6 19:8


    requested 22:4

    require 19:9

    requirement 7:1


    reserve 24:4

    resolve 10:4,14,18

    10:23 11:8

    respective 24:1

    respond 19:19 21:5

    response 11:5

    responsive 10:7,11

    10:17 11:1,5 23:22

    23:23 24:5,17

    reston 2:22

    resulted 16:1

    results 15:9

    reviewed 6:15

    reviewing 20:6 2:18

    right 5:11,17 6:7

    8:11,14,17 9:10,12

    11:13,13,16 12:4,9

    12:9,16,18 13:5,13

    13:14,16 14:10

    15:21 16:4 18:10,1318:14 19:17 21:17

    23:16,16,20 24:2,16

    24:19,23 25:17

    rights 20:15

    riley 26:3,15,16

    roland 2:21

    room 4:15

    rooney 3:3 5:23

    roper 2:4 4:12 25:23

    rothwell 2:16 4:16

    rules 19:15


    s 4:1,23 26:15

    saying 15:14

    schafer 1:23 4:6


    schedule 7:15,16,16

    9:11 25:2,3,12

    see 18:11

    senior 1:12 3:2 5:18

    8:10 9:1,22 11:2112:19 14:7,11,12,15

    16:3 17:23 18:24

    19:10 22:13 24:5


    sense 11:14

    separate 23:8

    separately 24:12

    set 12:1 14:1,2,10


    setting 7:17

    settlement 8:22 9:4

    sheets 17:3

    shorter 7:19

    shortly 25:18

    show 18:9

    side 5:9 6:5

    simple 17:22

    sits 15:22

    situations 21:9,12

    skill 26:12

    soon 8:19

    sorry 12:21 13:514:13

    sounds 5:15

    spar 2:10 4:18,23

    specific 7:11 18:17

    specifically 11:24


    spell 4:22

    spelled 5:12,14

    standing 19:7,15


    state 3:11statement 6:24

    states 1:1

    statute 18:1

    statutory 18:6

    stay 7:19

    stenographic 26:6

    steve 4:10

    steven 2:3

    street 2:5,11,17 3:5

    3:11strenuously 19:2

    strike 19:9

    strybus 2:6

    stuck 15:10

    subject 16:2 17:5,11

    22:9,15 24:12

    subparagraph 12:2

    subsequently 17:12

    sufficient 25:10

    suggestions 12:7

    suite 2:17 3:5

    summer 2:11

    sunstein 2:9 4:17


    support 7:12 10:22

    14:19 24:10

    sure 8:16 12:12

    15:13 23:9,11 24:3


    swear 14:13,14 15:1

    16:3 17:13


    t 26:1,1

    taint 15:9

    take 6:16 11:14

    23:17 25:13

    taken 17:22

    talk 8:15

    talked 13:23

    technology 1:5

    teleconference 1:18

    tell 7:23terms 6:7 10:6

    test 21:11

    thank 5:11 6:1,6,12

    12:17 13:4 21:2


    therasense 21:7,13

    thing 18:23 21:18


    things 6:22 18:20


    think 4:20 6:19 10:311:3,14 13:14 18:2

    18:10,13,14 21:21

    23:14 24:16 25:7,8


    third 18:13

    thomson 26:3,15,16

    [pulled - thomson] Page 5

    Madison Deposition Services – A Veritext Company 312-379-0702

  • 8/19/2019 CRISPR Transcript


    thresh 9:18

    threshold 9:18,21

    10:2,9,12,16 11:1,7

    13:18,21 15:6,18

    16:6 17:20

    timbers 2:9

    time 6:19 7:9,12,20

    8:2 12:21 24:4,17

    24:19 25:10,11

    timely 25:6

    times 7:18,22

    timothy 2:11 4:18


    tmurphy 2:14

    todd 3:3 5:20 8:13

    todd.walters 3:6touch 21:16

    trademark 1:1

    transcript 6:9 26:4

    transcription 26:6

    transitional 17:5

    travis 3:4 5:22

    travis.bliss 3:7

    treat 22:20,21 23:5

    trial 1:2

    trouble 7:10,23

    true 26:5try 13:1

    trybus 2:3 4:9,11,23

    5:1,4,6,8,13,16 6:5

    6:11 8:3,6,23,24

    9:17,20 11:16,23

    17:17,19 18:22

    20:18,21 21:18,20


    trying 22:17

    turn 9:12two 7:19


    u 5:3

    uc's 13:16

    ultimately 10:14,21

    11:11 22:5 23:6

    underlying 17:24


    understand 21:12


    understanding 9:1,7

    undesignated 24:9



    unfair 17:7

    unfortunate 20:13

    unfounded 19:4

    united 1:1

    university 1:10,11



    24:7unpatentable 14:11

    14:24 16:9 18:4,5


    v 1:9

    va 3:5

    versus 26:9

    vienna 1:11

    virginia 2:22


    w 3:4waived 7:1

    walters 3:3 5:20,21

    8:13,14 9:5,7 10:1,3

    10:10,13 11:3 12:4

    12:6,12 13:9,12,17

    13:22 15:20 16:8,20

    19:19,21 21:4,7,22

    21:23 23:3,20 24:3

    24:20 25:1,22

    want 8:15 12:14

    17:18 18:19,20,23

    19:23 23:9,11 24:3

    24:6,14,21 25:4

    wanted 6:22 7:20

    8:21 21:19

    wants 6:3 7:23

    washington 2:17

    way 9:3 11:3 12:14


    we've 14:21

    work 11:4

    world 15:10

    written 9:16 13:23

    15:7 17:16 18:18

    wrong 20:22


    y 5:3

    year 7:19

    [thresh - year] Page 6