Download - Creating Successful Proposals for Educational Technology Projects


Creating Successful Proposals for Educational Technology Projects

Educational Technology Integration

Heather HurleyJeff Sun [email protected] 978-453-3070

Goals for this Session

What does it take to create a successful educational technology grant proposal?

What are some general rules for grant and proposal writing?

Where can one find proposal-writing resources and funding information?


Key Items for a Successful Grant Proposal

A technology plan with clear curriculum-based goals and objectives is the #1 key to a successful funding request.

The plan ties your funding request into the big picture of what technology means in your school or district.

What do you know about your school’s educational technology plan??

Technology Grants

There are no easy answers to finding funds for technology... The majority funding is for curriculum and staff

development Most funders expect you to have your

infrastructure in place “Computers” are routine whereas good use of

that hardware is innovative Funders support innovation

What is Innovative?

Curriculum mappingsStaff development modelsInnovative technologiesCombinations of all of the above

Hallmarks of a Well-Written Technology Proposal

Clear and documented links to a strategic technology plan

Clearly defined teaching and learning goals which build upon proven practiceproven practice

The project involves more than one teacher and/or classroom (although focus on one is fine)

The project has matching funds and support from other sources

A strong evaluation component

Bottom Line?

Over the long run, the best source for funding is the local initiative Your community must come to believe in the

value of technology tools No amount of grant funds will continually

and constantly support the use and integration of technology tools

Tips for Proposal-Writers

10 Tips for Proposal-Writers

Read the Request for Proposals!! It’s surprising how many people miss this

basic point The RFP should serve as your proposal’s

blueprint and virtually the table of contents Organize the proposal in the same order

as the sections of the RFP

Follow the rules, regulations, and/or guidelines Adhere to page limits, budget limitations, IRS

rules, deadlines, etc..

Be concise, but don’t leave out important points Obviously, this is the key to “good writing”

Working a Sample Proposal

In groups, read the sample RFPDiscuss and outline

What are they asking for? What are the criteria for funding?

Read the sample proposalsDiscuss and Score

Report Out

What are the proposal’s strong points?What are the proposal’s weak points?Should this be funded?

Why or why not

Frame your responses along the line of Frame your responses along the line of the review questions and the RFPthe review questions and the RFP

Things to Think About...

Involve other people in your search for funders and in the proposal-writing process

Don’t overlook local funding sourcesThink broadly! Do not limit yourself to

seeking a particular type of grant or to a particular funding source

Ground your proposal in relevant literature

Does Your Proposal Answer These Questions?

How will this project positively impact student learning?

How will the funds we are requesting create a ultimately self-sustaining project?

How does this request fit into our local educational technology plan?

How does this proposal address particular funding priorities? e.g.., areas of poverty, empowerment zones,

gender equity, etc.

Common Proposal Mistakes

Proposals not written to the guidelines too long, requests for non-allowed expenses, etc.

Proposals that attempt to do too much No singular grant will cover all your technology

needs. Proposals that are written by only one person

A good proposal needs the ideas and contributions of several people. Proposal writing is a collaborative effort!

Proposals that do not directly address student outcomes Funders want to fund technology for children,

not teachers (as hard as this may be to understand...)

Funders want to know that that their funds have had some impact.

How will your project demonstrate this impact?


All proposals should have an evaluation component…even if the RFP does not mandate one!

Formative vs. Summative Allocating sufficient resources for


Developing evaluation questions

Evaluation questions must tie back to project goals and objectives

Ideally, your actual proposal will define… Evaluation questions Data collection and analysis methodologies

Stonger proposals will detail this information even if an outside evaluator will conduct the actual evaluation

Internet Resources for Funding Information

The US Department of Education’s on-line grant information resource The Foundation Center. An excellent source for

information on foundation and private grants

eSchool News is an electronic newsletter with information on a wide variety of funding opportunities

and a few more... Tips for proposal-writers, example proposals,


For more information...

Heather Hurley [email protected] 978-453-3070